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Muhammad Anshory
Background WHO ILAR COPCORD Program is a program that aimed to obtain data on joints pain and musculoskeletal diseases in developing countries, one aspect which has not been studied is the ability of COPCORD questionnaire as a screening tool which standardized for screening joint pain and musculoskeletal diseases. Objective of this study is to assess the validity of modified COPCORD questionnaire Indonesian version in screening joint pain and musculoskeletal disease compared to examination by rheumatologists.Methods The initial phase of the research is determining essential points, translation to Indonesian, and back translation. The second stage is testing questionnaires in communities which 100 respondents involved. Dependent variable is the diagnosis of rheumatic diseases and independent variables are pain in less and more than 7 days, high degree pain in less and more than 7 days, history of NSAIDs/Steroids/DMARDs use, and disabilities. Validation test was assessed by calculating the sensitivity, specificity, PPV, NPV, LR, and ROC curve. Bivariate analysis using Chi Square analysis, and multivariate analysis using logistic regression.Results The sensitivity test results is best obtained on the question history of NSAIDs/steroids/DMARDs use 100 percent and specificity is best obtained on the question about disability 98 percent . ROC curve analysis which the results >85 percent obtained on the question of pain >7 days 90 percent , high degree pain >7 days 93 percent , and history of NSAIDs/steroids/DMARDs use 92 percent . LR to diagnose rheumatic diseases found in all questions. Chi square analysis showed that all questions were significant with p <0.05 and odds ratio obtained most on high degree pain more than 7 days OR 180.167, 95 percent CI 38.196 until 849.834 .Conclusion The modified COPCORD questionnaire Indonesian version has been adapted and can be a good tool in the screening of joint pain and musculoskeletal diseases compared to examination by rheumatologists."
Jakarta: University of Indonesia School of Medicine, 2018
616 IJR 10:1 (2018)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Hikmat Permana
"Background: quality of life has been identified as the goal of therapy especially in patient with chronic disease such as type 2 diabetes mellitus. Quality of life measurement requires an instrument that was specifically developed in accordance with socio-cultural background of the measured population. The aim of this study was to adapt Asian Diabetes Quality of Life Questionnaire so it can be used in Indonesia as valid and reliable tool. Methods: Asian Diabetes Quality of Life Questionnaire was translated and adapted by group of experts, then validity and reliability tests were conducted on type 2 diabetes mellitus patients at Dr. Hasan Sadikin General Hospital, Bandung. Construct validity was analyzed using correlation test between score of each item and total score. Reliability was measured using test-retest method and internal consistency represented in Cronbach’s alpha score. Results: validity test showed significant correlation (p-value ≤0.05) between score of each item and total score across all domains with moderate to very strong correlation (r: 0.496-0.956). Reliability test using test-retest method showed no significant difference between Test I and II results (p-value >0.05) with very strong correlation (r: 0.830-0.975) and internal consistency yielded Cronbach’s alpha scores of ≥ 0.07 for all domains. Conclusion: Indonesian version of Asian DQOL is a valid and reliable tool to measure quality of life of type 2 diabetes mellitus patients."
Jakarta: University of Indonesia. Faculty of Medicine, 2021
610 UI-IJIM 53:2 (2021)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Tiana Sari Santoso
"Pekerja bagian produksi merupakan aset utama bagi suatu perusahaan di bidang media elektronik sehingga kesehatan pekerja baik secaara fisik dan mental harus diutamakan. Untuk dapat mengetahui kesebatan mental pekerja dapat menggunakan Self Reporting Questionnaire 20 (SRQ-20) dati WHO yang dapat mendeteksi adanya gejala gangguan kesehatan mental.
Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mendapatkan validitas SRQ-20 versi Bahasa Indonesia dalam penapisan gangguan kesehatan mental pekerja di Indonesia.
Penelidan ini dilakukan di perusahaan media elektronik yaitu di daerah Kebon Sirih, Jakarta Pusat. Desain penelitian menggunakan metode teknik korelasi. Populasi adalah pekerja di bagian produksi yang berjumlah 157 orang. Besar sampel adalah 30 orang. Prosedur Translate-Back translate dilakukan sebanyak 4 kali untuk mendapatkan kuesioner SRQ-20 versi terjemahan Bahasa Indonesia yang identik dengan SRQ-20 asli. Pengumpulan data diambil dengan cara wawaneara, pengisian data umum, pengisian SRQ-20 sebanyak dua kali dengan jarak 15 hari.
Pada hasil pemeriksaan pertama SRQ-20 dari 30 responden terdapat 26,6% mengalami gejala gangguan kesehatan mental dan hasil pemeriksaan kedua dengan responden yang sama sebesar 3,3%. Hasil perhitungan dengan tehnik korelasi prOdUct moment terhadap setiap butir pertanyaan SRQ-20 hasil pengisian didapatkan 3 butir pertanyaan yang harus direvisi kalimat yaitu pertanyaan nomor 2, 10 dan 17; 5 bultir pertanyaan yang harus direvisi kata yaitu pertanyaan nomor 4, 13, 15, 16 dan 19; serta 12 pertanyaan sudah reliabel bisa langsung dipergunakan dalam kuesioner. Perbedaan hasil penelitian ini dengan penelitian yang sudah ada sebelumnya adalah karena kondisi demografi dan keadaan sosial penduduk yang berbeda di setiap negara Dengan metode transkultural diperoleh SRQ-20 versi awal dalam Bahasa Indonesia. Uji validitas menghasiikan 12 pertanyaan dari SRQ-20 yang siap dipergunakan, sementara itu terdapat 5 pertanyaan yang direvisi kata dan 3 pertanyaan yang akan direvisi kalimat. Modifikasi dan revisi untuk butir pertanyaan yang tidak valid, dilakukan dengan konsultasi ahli sebagai bagian dari upaya meningkatkan validitas konstruksi dan diperolehnya SRQ-20 versi Indonesia yang diusulkan.

Workers' share of production is a major asset for a company in the field of electronic media so that the health of workers both physically and mentally should take precedence. To be able to find mental bealth, workers can use the Self Reporting Questionnaire 20 (SRQ-20) from the WHO that can detect the symptoms of mental health disorders.
The purpose of this study is to obtain the validity of SRQ-20 version of the Indonesian Language in mental health disorders screning workers in Indonesia.
This research was conducted in an electronic media company that is in Keban Sirih, Central Jakarta. Research design using correlation techniques. The population is workers in the production of which amounts to 157 people. The sample size is 30 people. Translate-Back Translate procedure done as much as four times for SRQ-20 questionnaire Indonesian subtitles version of SRQ-20 is identical to the original. The collection of data was collected with interview, filling in general, the SRQ-20 charging twice the distance of 15 days. At the first examination SRQ-20 from the 30 respondents 26.6% have experienced symptoms of mental health disorders and the results of the second examination with the same respondents at 3.3%.
The results computed by the product moment correlation techniques against every number of questions SRQ-20 results of number filling was found three questions that must be revised sentence is que~..t ion number ~ 10 and 17; five numbers of questions that must be revised to say that is question number 4, 13, 15, 16 and 19, and 12 number of questions are reliable can be directly used in the questionnaire. Difference in the results of this study with pre-existing research is that the demographic conditions and social circumstances of different population in each state where the research was held. With transkultural method obtained an early version of SRQ-20 in the Indonesian language. Validity test produced 12 questions of the SRQ-20 is ready for use, while there are five questions that need to revised words and three questions that will be revised sentence. Modifications and revisions to the questions that are not valid, performed by an expert consultation as part of efforts to improve the validity of the construction and obtaining the Indonesian version of SRQ-20 are proposed."
Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 2010
UI - Tesis Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Dessy Priyanto Hamidjojo
"Latar belakang: Di tempat kerja, untuk menapis kesehatan mental pada pekerja merupakan salah satu tantangan baik bagi tenaga kesehatan maupun staf dan juga pekerja itu sendiri. Penapisannya memerlukan kuesioner yang dapat mengenali masalah kesehatan mental yang banyak terjadi seperti distres psikologis, depresi, kecemasan dan somatisasi dalam suatu waktu seperti kuesioner Four-Dimensional Symptoms Questionnaire (4DSQ). Namun, kuesioner ini memerlukan adaptasi dengan budaya Indonesia dan penilaian psikometrinya.
Tujuan: Melakukan adaptasi bahasa dan budaya dan penilaian psikometri berupa reliabilitas konsistensi internal pada kuesioner 4 Dimensional Symptoms Questionnaire (4DSQ).
Metode: Proses validasi bahasa dan budaya sesuai dengan prosedur standar dari organisasi resmi Mapi Research Trust yang menaungi kuesioner 4DSQ. Pengujian reliabilitas konsistensi internal dengan metode Chronbach’s Alpha pada data primer dari 252 sampel pekerja pabrik botol plastik.
Hasil: Penyesuaian bahasa dan budaya telah dilakukan pada proses adaptasi kuesioner. Semua atribut distres psikologis didapatkan pada kuesioner ini. Beberapa konsep utama dari gangguan somatisasi, kecemasan dan depresi didapatkan dalam kuesioner ini. Nilai reliabilitas konsistensi internal secara keseluruhan untuk kuesioner 4DSQ versi Bahasa Indonesia yaitu 0,94.
Kesimpulan: Kuesioner 4DSQ telah dilakukan adaptasi bahasa dan budaya ke versi Bahasa Indonesia dan menunjukkan konsistensi internal yang baik sebagai kuesioner penapis 4 dimensi kesehatan mental pada pekerja berbahasa Indonesia.

Background: Screening a worker’s mental health state in the workplace can be difficult for medical personnel, who may be concerned for both staff and the worker. The screening requires a comprehensive questionnaire such as Four-Dimensional Symptoms Questionnaire (4DSQ) that may identify common mental health issue such as psychological distress, depression, anxiety and somatization in a single assessment. The questionnaire, on the other hand, requires further customization and psychometric testing for Indonesian culture.
Objectives: This study aims to cross-culturally adapt the questionnaire and its psychometric qualities within the Indonesian cultural environment
Methods: The original questionnaire was cross-culturally adapted according to the recommendations of Mapi Research Trust. The psychometric test of internal consistency, counted with Cronbach's Alpha methods from primary data filled by 252 worker of a plastic bottle factory.
Results: During the cross-cultural adaptation process, some alterations were made to accommodate Indonesian culture. This questionnaire contains all of the psychological characteristic of psychological distress as well as several key concepts of depression, anxiety, and somatization. The Indonesian version of the 4DSQ has an internal consistency of 0.94.
Conclusion: The 4DSQ has been cross-culturally adapted into Indonesian version and from the psychometric test provides a good reliability as a screening questionnaire for four dimension of mental health issues upon Indonesian-speaking worker.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ratna Widiyanti Kusumaningati
Latar Belakang: Pengukuran kualitas manajemen nyeri perlu untuk dilakukan untuk mengeksplorasi strategi pengobatan nyeri pascabedah yang efektif serta untuk meningkatkan kualitas pelayanan nyeri pascabedah. American Pain Society Patient Outcome Questionnaire Revised APS-POQ-R merupakan instrumen yang paling sering digunakan untuk menilai kualitas manajemen nyeri di berbagai Negara namun kesahihan serta keandalan kuesioner ini belum pernah dilakukan di Indonesia pada pasien pascabedah. Metode: Penelitian ini uji psikometrik menggunakan rancangan deskriptif potong lintang. Kuesioner diterjemahkan ke Bahasa Indonesia menggunakan pedoman Internasional.Hasil terjemahan akan diujikan pada 102 pasien yang menjalani bedah elektif di RSUPN Cipto Mangunkusumo. Uji kesahihan isi menggunakan koefisien Aiken v, uji kesahihan konstruksi menggunakan analisis faktor dan uji korelasi corrected item total correlation. Uji keandalan menggunakan konsitensi internal Chronbach ? .Hasil: Uji kesahihan isi formula Aiken V didapatkan bahwa APS-POQ-R versi Indonesia sahih dengan nilai 0,8-1 angka V ge; 0,5 . Analisis faktor menghasilkan 5 faktor utama dari 18 pertanyaan instrumen: aktivitas dan gangguan tidur, pengaruh nyeri terhadap emosi, efek samping, persepsi tatalaksana nyeri, dan derajat nyeri. Uji kesahihan konstruksi dengan corrected item total correlation menunjukan semua pertanyaan memiliki korelasi yang baik yakni berkisar 0,244-0,799 korelasi ge; 0,3 . Nilai korelasi antara tiap-tiap faktor dalam instrumen APS-POQ-R versi Indonesia baik yakni berkisar 0,319-0,407. Uji konsistensi internal instrumen APS-POQ-R versi Indonesia memiliki nilai yang baik yakni sebesar 0,663 ? >0,5 .Simpulan: APS-POQ-R versi Indonesia menunjukkan nilai kesahihan dan keandalan yang memuaskan. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian ini APS-POQ-R versi Indonesia dapat digunakan untuk menilai kualitas manajemen nyeri pascabedah dan sebagai alat bantu untuk meningkatkan mutu pelayanan kesehatan di RSUPN Cipto Mangunkusumo. Namun masih dibutuhkan penelitian uji kesahihan dan keandalan instrumen APS-POQ-R versi Indonesia lanjutan dengan jumlah sampel yang lebih besar dengan berbagai latar belakang pada daerah berbeda di Indonesia untuk bisa menggambarkan karakteristik masyarakat Indonesia yang beragamKata Kunci: Kualitas manajemen nyeri, pascabedah, APS-POQ-R Indonesia, kesahihan, keandalan.

Background Measurement of pain management quality need to be done to explore the effective strategies for postoperative pain management and to improve the quality of postoperative pain services. The American Pain Society Patient Outcome Questionnaire Revised APS POQ R is the most commonly used instrument to assess the quality of pain management in many countries but the validity and reliability of this instrument has not been verified in Indonesia for postoperative patients.Methods The study was a descriptive, cross sectional psychometric study. The revised questionnaire was translated into Bahasa Indonesia according to international guidelines. The translation results will be tested in 102 patients who underwent elective surgery at Cipto Mangunkusumo General Hospital. The content validity test using coefficient Aiken v formula and then construction validity test using factor analysis and corrected item total correlation. For realibility using Internal Consistency Chronbach .Results The validity test of Aiken V formula showed the Indonesian version of APS POQ R instrument was valid with score of 0.8 1 scale V was ge 0.5 . Factor analysis generated five main factors out of 18 questions activity and sleep disturbances, impact of pain to emotion, side effects, pain management perception, and pain scale. Constructed validity test with corrected item total correlation showed all questions had good correlation, which ranged between 0.244 to 0.799 correlation ge 0.3 . Correlation between each factors of the Indonesian version of APS POQ R instrument ranged 0.319 0.407. Internal consistency test of the Indonesian version of APS POQ R instrument was 0.663 0.5 .Conclusion The Indonesian version of APS POQ R instrument was valid and showed satisfying result. Based on the present study, the Indonesian version of APS POQ R instrument was able to measure the quality of postoperative pain management hence, this was able to improve the quality of health services in Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital. However, further research with larger sample size is required to define various characteristics of Indonesian people.Keywords Pain management quality, APS POQ R Indonesian version, validity, reliability."
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Imam Ciptadi Putra
"Pendahuluan dan tujuan: Inkontinensia urin merupakan masalah umum pada anak-anak, dengan prevalensi berkisar antara 6-20%. Pediatric Incontinence Questionnaire (PINQ) telah dikembangkan untuk menilai kualitas hidup anak-anak dengan inkontinensia urin dan telah diadaptasi dan divalidasi ke dalam 20 bahasa. Namun, belum diadaptasi ke dalam Bahasa Indonesia. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menilai realibilitas dan validitas PINQ.
Metode: PINQ diadaptasi dan diterjemahkan ke dalam Bahasa Indonesia oleh 2 orang dokter (1 ahli urologi anak dan 1 ahli urologi fungsional) dan 1 penerjemah tersertifikasi. 110 subjek berusia 6 hingga 18 tahun mengisi PINQ-ID dua kali, pada kunjungan awal dan dua minggu setelahnya. Reliabilitas konsistensi internal dinilai dengan menghitung Cronbach. Reliabilitas tes-tes ulang diukur dengan menggunakan koefisien Intra Class Correlation (ICC) untuk ukuran tunggal. Validitas kuesioner dihitung dengan mengukur koefisien korelasi Pearson terhadap total skor PINQ-ID. Variabel sosiodemografi (jenis kelamin, tingkat pendidikan, dan jenis inkontinensia) dan skor PINQ-ID dievaluasi korelasinya menggunakan ANOVA univariat, uji t independen, dan koefisien korelasi Spearman. Semua tes dilakukan dengan nilai p standar 2-tailed 0,05.
Hasil: Kuesioner PINQ terdiri dari 20 pertanyaan, masing-masing meminta subjek untuk memilih skor dari 1 hingga 5 sesuai dengan keluhannya. Skor minimal yang dapat dilaporkan adalah 20, sedangkan skor maksimum adalah 100. Pada subjek kami, skor total rata-rata untuk PINQ-ID masing-masing adalah 33,78 dan 32,32 di T0 dan T1. Perbedaan antara rata-rata ini tidak signifikan secara statistik (Tabel 1). Tidak ada perbedaan skor rata-rata antara subjek pria dan wanita pada kedua titik waktu (nilai p > 0,05). Tingkat pendidikan memiliki hubungan yang signifikan dengan skor PINQ-ID (p 0,014). Koefisien korelasi Pearson antara 0,284 dan 0,778 dengan korelasi yang signifikan.
Kesimpulan: Studi kami mengungkapkan kelayakan, validitas, dan reliabilitas PINQ-ID yang sangat baik secara keseluruhan. Namun, beberapa item pada PINQ-ID, terutama yang berkaitan dengan relevansi klinisnya dengan budaya Indonesia, dapat memerlukan studi yang lebih lanjut.

Introduction and Objectives: Urinary incontinence is a common problem in children, with prevalences range between 6-20%. Pediatric incontinence questionnaire (PINQ) has been developed to assess quality of life children with urinary incontinence and has been adapted and validated into 20 languages. However, it has not been adapted into Bahasa Indonesia. This study aims to asses realibility and validity of PINQ.
Method: PINQ was adapted and translated into Bahasa Indonesia by 2 physicians (1 paediatric urologist and 1 functional urologist) and 1 sworn translator. 110 subjects aged 6 to 18 years old filled PINQ-ID twice, at initial visit and two weeks after. Internal consistency reliability was assessed by calculating Cronbach’s 𝛼. Test-retest reliability was measured using intra class correlation coefficient (ICC) for single measure. Validity of questionnaire was calculated by measuring Pearson correlation coefficient to total PINQ-ID score. Sociodemographic variables (gender, level of education, and type of incontinence) and PINQ-ID score were evaluated for correlation using univariate ANOVA, independent t-test, and Spearman correlation coefficient. All tests were performed with 2-tailed predefined p-value 0.05.
Results: The PINQ questionnnaire consists of 20 questions, each requiring the subject to choose a score from 1 to 5 according to their complaints. The minimal score that could be reported is 20, whilst the maximum score was 100. In our subjects, the mean total score for PINQ-ID were 33,78 and 32,32 at T0 and T1 respectively. The difference between these means was not statistically significant. There was no difference in the mean score between male and female subjects at both time points (p value > 0.05). Level of education had significant correlation with PINQ-ID score (p 0.014). Pearson correlation coefficient was between 0,284 and 0,778 with significant correlation.
Conclusion: Our study revealed overall excellent PINQ-ID feasibility, validity, and reliability. However, several items on the PINQ-ID, especially in relation to their clinical relevance to the Indonesian culture and setting, may require further exploration.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2021
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Kasih Rahardjo Djarot
"Pasien dengan sumbing bibir dan/atau lelangit mungkin menghadapi tantangan berupa
perubahan secara fisik dan perkembangan pascaoperasi yang akan mempengaruhi
kualitas hidup mereka. Evaluasi pascaoperasi perlu dilakukan untuk menilai keluaran
fisik, bicara, dan fungsi psikososial. Praktisi klinis perlu memahami perspektif pasien
dengan menggunakan instrumen patient-reported yang didesain secara khusus dan teliti
untuk meningkatkan pelayanan dan perawatan di masa depan. CLEFT- Q© didesain
secara spesifik untuk pasien sumbing bibir dan/atau lelangit untuk mendapatkan umpan
balik dari pasien terkait kesehatan fisik dan psikologis, namun belum tersedia dalam
bahasa Indonesia. Studi ini bertujuan untuk menerjemahkan CLEFT- Q© ke dalam
bahasa Indonesia guna mengembangkan instrumen yang terstandarisasi untuk
mengevaluasi perubahan kualitas hidup pasien sumbing dengan cara yang mudah
dimengerti dan dikerjakan, serta meningkatkan pelayanan di masa depan. Proses
penerjemahan dilakukan sesuai protokol penerjemahan CLEFT- Q© dan panduan
validasi dari ISPOR. Pasien dibagi menjadi 3 kelompok usia berdasarkan perkembangan
psikososialnya agar dapat menilai sejauh mana pemahaman pasien terhadap instruksi,
pertanyaan, dan respon pada kuesioner. Setelah diterjemahkan, dilakukan cognitive
debriefing pada peserta dari berbagai kelompok usia. Hasil debriefing digunakan untuk
membuat modifikasi serta adaptasi budaya pada kuesioner agar dapat dibuat terjemahan
yang mudah dimengerti target pasien. Dari uji kelayakan CLEFT- Q©, didapatkan nilai
Cronbach's α tertinggi 0. 959, dan terendah 0.266; dari 13 skala, hanya 4 yang masih
dipertanyakan reliabilitasnya sehingga versi terjemahan CLEFT- Q© dapat digunakan
sehari-hari di institusi pusat sumbing. Versi akhir terjemahan kemudian didistribusikan
pada 30 peserta usia 8-29 tahun dengan jenis sumbing yang berbeda-beda. Hasil skor
terendah pada kelompok usia yang lebih tua (>10 tahun) menunjukkan ketidakpuasan
terhadap tampilan fisik (khususnya wajah, lubang hidung, dan bekas luka bibir
sumbing) dibandingkan usia muda (<10 tahun). Fungsi psikologis, sosial, dan bicara
kurang dipermasalahkan. Data yang ada menunjukkan bahwa CLEFT- Q© versi
Indonesia pantas digunakan sebagai instrumen untuk membantu evaluasi kualitas hidup
pasien sumbing bibir dan/atau lelangit, dan memfasilitasi pusat sumbing di Indonesia
mengevaluasi dan menyesuaikan rencana tatalaksana pada pasien, serta diharapkan
dapat digunakan secara luas oleh pusat sumbing di seluruh Indonesia

Patients with cleft lip and/or palate may experience physical and developmental
changes, pre and postoperatively − which will affect their quality of life. Postoperative
evaluation must be done to assess physical outcomes, speech outcomes, and
psychosocial function. Clinicians can understand the patients' perspectives by using
carefully-designed patient-reported instruments to provide better clinical practice and
future treatments. CLEFT- Q© is tailored specifically for cleft lip and/or palate patients
to obtain feedbacks from patients, concerning their physical health and psychological
well-being. When we get to identify and understand the problems found in CLEFT-Q©
filled by the patients, we will be able to sort out which problem is the priority in
different age groups, and create customized program needed by cleft lip and/or palate
patients. CLEFT-Q© is not yet available in Indonesian language. By translating
CLEFT-Q© into Indonesian language, we aim not only to develop an effective and
standardized tool to evaluate improvement in our patients' quality of life in a simplest
and easiest way to be understood by the patients; but also to improve our service in cleft
care in the future. Translation protocol set by the CLEFT-Q© team and validation
guideline set by International Society for Pharmacoeconomics and Outcomes Research
were followed. Based on reliability test, the scales the lowest Cronbach's α value was
0.266, and the highest was 0.959; only 4 out of 13 scales were questionable for its
reliability. Therefore, the translated CLEFT-Q© is valid and applicable for use in daily
clinical setting. The approved final translated version was distributed to 30 participants
aged 8−29 years old with various cleft types. The lowest scores in older participants (>
10 years old) showed that they are bothered by their physical appearance (particularly
face, nostrils, and cleft lip scar), compared to the younger ones. Psychological, social,
and speech function were not as much of a concern. In conclusion, the scales in
Indonesian CLEFT-Q© is helpful to determine cleft lip and/or palate patients' quality of
life and may facilitate the cleft center to design suitable treatment plans based on the
patients' feedback, and provide better cleft care service in the future
Depok: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2020
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Syarly Melani


Latar belakang: Penilaian kualitas hidup pasien multipel sclerosis (MS) belum rutin digunakan di Indonesia karena belum terdapatnya kuesioner spesifik berbahasa indonesia yang valid. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk adaptasi lintas budaya dan validasi kuesioner kuesioner MSQOL-54 versi Indonesia (MSQOL-54 INA).

Metode:  Adaptasi lintas budaya dilakukan sesuai dengan metode forward-backward terstandar. Uji psikometri dilakukan dengan menilai reliabilitas (α Cronbach), validitas interna (item internal consistency,  item discriminant validity dan analisis fakorial) dan validitas eksterna dengan menilai korelasi dengan faktor klinis EDSS dan faktor demografis lainnya.

Hasil: Uji reliabilitas α Cronbach menunjukkan konsistensi internal yang baik (>0,7) di setiap domain kecuali domain persepsi kesehatan (0,665) dan fungsi sosial (0,433). Validitas bentuk dengan komputasi koefisien korelasi menunjukkan konsistensi konsistensi internal yang sesuai dengan dimensi MSQOL-54 asli. Berdasarkan analisis faktorial domain energi,  keterbatasan peran akibat masalah emosional, fungsi sosial dan persepsi kesehatan tidak sesuai dengan dimensi asli. Validitas eksternal dengan EDSS menunjukkan korelasi negatif pada semua domain kecuali fungsi seksual, kemaknaan yang signifikan secara statistik ditemukan pada kedua skor komposit.

Kesimpulan: Kuesioner MSQOL-54 INA memilki reliabilitas yang baik dan terbukti valid serta dapat diterima dengan baik oleh pasien MS di Indonesia. Selanjutnya kuesioner ini dapat digunakan oleh klinisi indonesia untuk tata laksana MS yang lebih komprehensif.



Background: Quality of life assessment of patients with multiple sclerosis (MS) is not routinely performed in Indonesia due to the unavailability of the validated Indonesian version of a specific instrument. The objective of this study was to transculturally adapt and validate the Indonesian version of the MSQOL-54 (MSQOL-54 INA) questionnaire.

Methods: The transcultural adaptation was conducted by performing a standardized forward-backward method. Psychometric analysis was performed by assessing the reliability (Cronbach α), internal validation (item internal consistency, item discriminant validity and factorial analysis) and external validation by measuring the correlation with a clinical factor such as EDSS and other demographic factors.

Results: Reliability test with Cronbach α showed good internal consistency (>0.7) at each domain, except for health perception (0.665) and social function (0.433). Construct validity using computation of correlation coefficient showed internal consistency in accordance with the original MSQOL-54 standard dimension. Factorial analysis showed that energy, role limitation due to emotional problems, social function and health perception is not in accordance with the original version. External validation with EDSS showed negative correlation on almost all components, except for sexual function, but both composite scores were statistically significant.

Conclusion: MSQOL-54 INA questionnaire has good internal reliability and is proven to be valid and well-accepted by Indonesian MS patients. Therefore, it can be used by Indonesian clinicians for more comprehensive MS management.


Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2020
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Karolina Margareta Margono
"Pendahuluan: Nyeri kronik merupakan fenomena biopsikososial yang kompleks yang berlangsung lebih dari 3 hingga 6 bulan dengan intensitas nyeri yang persisten. Merupakan salah satu masalah kesehatan terbesar di dunia.. Hasil penelitian multisenter 14 Rumah Sakit pendidikan yang dilakukan Pokdi Nyeri PERDOSSI tahun 2002 didapatkan 4.456 kasus nyeri dimana 9,5% diantaranya adalah nyeri neuropatik. Nyeri neuropatik dikenal sebagai salah satu kumpulan gejala yang sulit diidentifikasi dengan tatalaksana yang suboptimal.
Tujuan: Didapatkannya instrumen kuesioner painDETECT versi Indonesia yang valid dan reliabel.
Metode: Penelitian dengan menggunakan studi validasi transkultural ISPOR disertai analisis validasi kriteria dan uji reliabilitas konsistensi internal dan tes retes secara guided interview menggunakan kuesioner painDETECT.
Hasil: Didapatkan 150 sampel dengan nyeri kronik berdasarkan skor kuesioner painDETECT versi Indonesia, 75 pasien dengan nyeri nosiseptif, 42 pasein dengan nyeri campuran dan 33 pasien dengan nyeri neuropatik. Pada analisis validasi kriteria didapatkan korelasi tinggi dengan instrumen standar emas LANSS (r= 0,082,p<0,001), AUC 85,5%, sensitivitas 78,3% dan spesifisitas 78,7% dengan titik potong optimal ≥17. Pada uji reliabilitas konsistensi internal didapatkan nilai Alpha Cronbach 0,710 dan nilai reliabilitas tes retes 0,96.
Simpulan: Didapatkannya kuesioner painDETECT versi Indonesia yang valid dan reliabel dengan nilai sensitivitas dan spesifisitas yang baik dalam menapis komponen nyeri neuropatik.

Background: Chronic pain is a complex biospsychosocial phenomena. Pain that lasting more than 3 to 6 months with persistence intensity. Representing one of the biggest health problem in the world. Based on the results of a multicentre study in 14 Education Hospital, PERDOSSI Pain Study Group conducted in 2002 found 4,456 pain cases in which 9.5% were neuropathic pain. Whereas neuropathic pain is known as one of the hardest to overcome which are often missed identified and causing a suboptimal treatment.
Objective: To develop an Indonesian version of PainDETECT Questionnaire (PDQ-Ina) and assess its validity and reliability.
Methode: Using ISPOR transcultural validation study and criteria validation analysis followed with reliability internal consistency test and test retest based on PDQ guided interview.
Result: There were 150 subjects with chronic pain. Divided in to 3 types of group based on Indonesian version PDQ scoring, 75 patients having nociceptive pain, 42 were mixed pain and 33 patients having neuropathic pain. Within validation criteria analysis there were high correlation between PDQ-Ina with LANSS instrument as gold standard (r= 0,082,p<0,001), AUC 85,5%, sensitivity 78,3% and specificity 78,7% with the optimal cut off point ≥17. The reliability of internal consistency Cronbach’s Alpha value were 0,710 and the test retest realibility were 0,96.
Conclusion: The Indonesian version of the PDQ is a valid and reliable scale and have a good sensitivity and specificity to be used to determine neuropathic component of chronic pain.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Siti Fauziyah
"Obat berpotensi tidak tepat (potentially inappropriate medications / PIMs) umumnya terjadi pada usia lanjut dengan multi morbiditas dan polifarmasi. PIMs menjadi salah faktor penyebab kejadian tidak diinginkan (KTD). Penelitian ini mengembangkan instrumen identifikator PIMs versi Bahasa Indonesia melalui adaptasi dari kriteria STOPP version 2, mengidentifikasi PIMs menggunakan instrumen STOPP versi Bahasa Indonesia, dan menilai hubungan PIMs dengan KTD. Adaptasi instrumen meliputi terjemahan kedepan, terjemahan balik, tinjauan pemegang otoritas, tinjauan tim ahli, dan pra uji. Tahap ini melibatkan penerjemah, pemegang otoritasi STOPP version 2, tim ahli, dan 34 apoteker rumah sakit umum (RSU). Tahap validasi diikuti 230 apoteker RSU di Indonesia dengan desain survei melalui post sampling. Tahap identifikasi PIMs dan menilai hubungan dengan KTD, melibatkan 63 pasien usia ≥ 60 tahun, multi morbiditas, dan menjalani hospitalisasi di RSUPN Cipto Mangunkusumo. Data kategorikal dan dikotom dalam dalam jumlah (%), diskrit dalam mean ± SD. Analisis menggunakan Content validity ratio (CVR), content validity index (CVI), Pearson correlation, explanatory factor analysis (EFA) dan Cronbach alpha untuk validitas dan reliabilitas. Mann Whitney U Test untuk menilai perbedaan rata-rata (means) antara kelompok pasien dengan obat teridentifikasi PIMs dan tanpa PIMs. Analisis chi-square dan Kappa untuk menilai hubungan antara PIMs dengan KTD, pada α = 0,05. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan adaptasi instrumen STOPP version 2 ke Bahasa Indonesia dapat diterima. Setiap kriteria memberikan CVR > 0,75, r Pearson > 0,45 (p < 0,001), dan faktor loading > 0,4. Reliabilitas instrumen sebesar 0,978. Subyek penelitian pada tahap identifikasi PIMs melibatkan pasien usia 70 ± 7,7 tahun, komorbiditas 6,6 ± 2 CCI, terapi obat 9,9 ± 3,1 obat, dan lama hari rawat 16,3 ± 10,3 hari. Ada perbedaan rata-rata bermakna untuk variabel polifarmasi dan lama rawat antara dua kelompok subyek (p <0,001). Hubungan antara PIMs dengan KTD menunjukkan nilai kemaknaan, p < 0,001 dan nilai Kappa sebesar 0,72 (p < 0,001). Obat yang teridentifikasi PIMs dan menyebabkan KTD adalah golongan antihipertensi, obat dengan efek kolinergik, antikoagulan, dan OAINS. Mayoritas KTD yang diderita pasien, seperti hipotensi orthostatik (sesuai kriteria K3), hiponatremi (sesuai krietria A3 dan D4), perdarahan (sesuai kriteria C3 dan C5), dan penurunan LFG (sesuai kriteria E4). Penelitian menghasilkan instrumen STOPP versi Bahasa Indonesia yang valid dan reliabel dan hasil identifikasi PIMs memberikan pengukuran kesepakatan yang baik.

Potentially inappropriate medications (PIMs) commonly occur in the elderly with multiple morbidity and polypharmacy. PIMs are one of the factors causing adverse events (AEs). This study developed an Indonesian version of the PIMs identifier instrument through adaptation of the STOPP version 2 criteria, identifying PIMs using the Indonesian version of the STOPP instrument, and assessing the relationship between PIMs and AEs. Adaptations of the instrument include forward translation, reverse translation, authority review, expert team review, and pre-test. This stage involved the translator, the holder of STOPP version 2 authorization, a team of experts, and 34 general hospitals (GH) pharmacists. The validation phase was followed by 230 pharmacists at the RSU in Indonesia with a survey design through post sampling. The identification phase of PIMs and assessing the relationship with AEs involved 63 patients aged ≥ 60 years, multimorbidity, and underwent hospitalization at Cipto Mangunkusumo National Hospital. Data were categorical and dichotomous in numbers (%), discrete in mean ± SD. Data were analyzed with content validity ratio (CVR), content validity index (CVI), Pearson correlation, explanatory factor analysis (EFA) and Cronbach alpha for validity and reliability. Mann Whitney U test to assess the mean difference (means) between groups of patients with PIMs and without PIMs. Chi-square and Kappa analysis to assess the association between PIMs and AEs, at α = 0.05. The results showed that the adaptation of the STOPP version 2 instrument to Indonesian was acceptable. Each criterion gives a CVR> 0.75, Pearson's r> 0.45 (p <0.001), and a loading factor> 0.4. The reliability of the instrument was 0.978. Research subjects at the PIMs identification stage involved patients aged 70 ± 7.7 years, comorbidity 6.6 ± 2 CCI points, drug therapy 9.9 ± 3.1 drugs, and length of stay 16.3 ± 10.3 days. There was a significant mean difference for polypharmacy variables and length of stay between the two groups of subjects (p <0.001). The correlation between PIMs and AEs showed a chi-square value of p <0.001 and a Kappa value of 0.72 (p <0.001). Drugs identified as PIMs and causing AEs are antihypertensive, drugs with cholinergic effects, anticoagulants, and NSAIDs. The majority of adverse events suffered by patients, such as orthostatic hypotension (according to K3 criteria), hyponatremia (according to A3 and D4 criteria), bleeding (according to criteria C3 and C5), and decreased eGFR (according to criteria E4). The study produced a valid and reliable Indonesian version of the STOPP instrument and the results of the identification of PIMs provided a good measure of agreement to AEs."
Depok: Fakultas Farmasi Universitas Indonesia, 2021
UI - Disertasi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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