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Geraldine D. Villaluz
This paper is aimed at presenting an implemented community engagement of the University of San Carlos School of Education with the communities of Agusan del Sur, Philipines, in close partnership with the Justice Peace and Integrity of Creation IDC, (JPIC-IDC) Incorporated of Agusan del Sur as a response to a felt need in the early childhood education program of the province. In 2004, JPIC pooled together concerted resources from provincial and local government units, non-government organization and academe to create and develop a cul ture based curriculum guide for early childhood education that is appropriate and responsive to the needs of indigenous groups in Agusan del Sur, Southern Philippines. To address these needs, an ethnographic commu-nity engagement framework was utilized and initiated by JPIC IDC team and the University Of San Carlos School Of Education. The community engagement framework facilitated the partnership of Agusan del Sur government leaders, a non government organization in Germany, community cultural masters, Day Care Teachers and the University of San Carlos School of Education to create a developmentally appropriate and culture-based cur-riculum for Day Care with a supporting handbook for mother teachers in early childhood education. As a result of this framework, children drop out decreased from 80% to 10% while parent community involvement in creased from 30% to 90% in 2009 (JPIC-IDC, 2007). Ongoing teacher trainings and community orientations on the culture-based curriculum have been extended to 42 additional communities in 2012-2018 from 35 com-munities in 2007 upon request from the provincial governor. Two editions of a culture-based handbook have been published and a third edition is currently prepared for District 2 communities with guided participation by Day Care teachers as co-authors. This community engagement framework, initiated by the Justice Peace and Integrity of Creation of Agusan del Sur Philippines involving all stakeholders from the provincial leaders to the recipients of early childhood education, serves as a model to community extension service programs (CES) of schools and universities as well as to curriculum practitioners and administrators. Three principles involved in this particular community engagement concretely demonstrate that program sustainability is a product of partnership, sensitivity to culture and context and relevance to
community need"
Depok: Directorate of research and community engagement Universitas Indonesia, 2017
300 AJCE 1:1 (2017)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
New York: McGraw-Hill, 2012
372.21 EAR
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Jannete H. Malata Silva
Using Community Organizing Participatory Action Research (COPAR) as the main framework for the multiple data-gathering methods utilizedin the study, the researcher addressed the following objectives: (1) to assessthe educational needs of the Lumad and peasant communities in light of theimplementation of Republic Act 10533, and (2) to developa curriculum that addresses the needs of the Lumad and peasant communitiesconsidering the learning competencies stipulated by RA 10533. Freires methodof education was maximized as participants in the research included men, women,and children who learned toassess their role in their community as agents of change with the goal ofachieving social transformation through education. Still adhering to Freires method of education, the intended curriculum that was designed is simple andeasy to understand, integrative, and perceptive of the social realitiessurrounding the Lumads and other peasant learners. From the state approvedcurriculum, the new alternative curriculum ensured the presence of lessons andactivities with a positive influence on all the aspects of a childs development: physical, emotional, social, linguistic, aesthetic, and cognitivethrough the application of the outcomes-based education (OBE) framework. Curriculumdesign also utilized the Makabayan (nationalist), Makamasa (mass-oriented), andSiyentipiko (scientific) (MMS) orientation, which is based on rooted assessmentof the needs of the community learners. The integration of OBE with MMSframework is expected to result in transformative education that can producelifelong learners who will aspire to be part of national development whilepromoting their identity and the good of their communities. The researchprocess undertaken proved that community immersion provides an opportunity forself reflexivity that can result in a more inclusive curriculum design. Lastly it can be concluded that community organizing in education is a painstaking andendless process of collaborations, which, if purposeful and sustained, canpositively impact the communities."
Depok: Directorate of research and community engagement Universitas Indonesia, 2017
300 AJCE 1:1 (2017)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Dickins, Mary
New York: MGraw Hill, Open University Press, 2014
371.904 6 DIC a
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Geoff Loane
Education has received increased attention within the humanitarian sector. In conflict-affected contexts, access to education may be hampered by attacks against and the military use of educational facilities as well as attacks and threats of attacks against students, teachers and other education-related persons. Affected populations may also find themselves unable to access education, for example due to displacement. This article looks into the different sets of humanitarian responses aimed at (1) ensuring the protection of educational facilities and related persons, mostly through advocacy efforts centred on weapons bearers, and (2) (re-)establishing education services where they are not present or are no longer functioning, mostly through programmes directed at affected populations. It then argues that, in contrast with dominant practices, the protection of education can also be ensured through programmatic responses with meaningful participation of affected communities, and examines the example of the Safer Schools programme in Ukraine."
Cambridge University Press , 2017
340 IRRC 99:905 (2017)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Holida Lafrisyah
"Perkembangan pendidikan dalam era globalisasi diharapkan seiring dengan perkembangan jaman sehingga harus terus diupayakan peningkatan kualitasnya yang salah satunya melalui penggunaan teknologi informasi dan komunikasi. Untuk mendorong SMK berbasis Teknologi Informasi dan Komunikasi (TIK) maka salah satu kebijakan Direktorat Pembinaan SMK adalah dengan mengembangkan SMK sebagai Pusat Layanan TIK SMK, yaitu SMK yang dijadikan sebagai pusat data dan informasi serta memberikan layanan pembelajaran TIK bagi SMK lain disekitarnya. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengevaluasi program pemberdayaan Pusat Layanan TIK SMK dalam mendukung pembelajaran. Penelitian ini menggunakan tipe deskriptif kualitatif dengan menggunakan analisa program Logic Model, yang mencakup 4 aspek input, activities, output, outcome. Setiap aspek terdiri atas komponen dan indikator kinerja. Mengacu pada hasil penelitian diatas maka ada beberapa saran yang perlu dipertimbangkan untuk Direktorat Pembinaan SMK perlu memberikan bantuan dana yang lebih besar khususnya penulisan pembelajaran berbasis TIK sehingga tenaga pendidik lebih termotivasi untuk aktif dan kreatif dalam penulisan materi atau modul pembelajaran on line untuk Dinas Pendidikan Menengah Kota Jakarta Selatan perlu membantu lebih banyak program pelatihan-pelatihan TIK dan peralatan pendukung lainnya dalam pengembangan proses pembelajaran berbasis TIK. Untuk Pusat Layanan TIK SMK Jakarta Selatan perlu ditambah lagi tenaga pendidik Sarjana komputer khususnya bidang multimedia, peningkatan kecepatan pemeliharaan dan perawatan peralatan, perlu diciptakan suasana ruang multimedia yang lebih menarik bagi peserta didik. Perlu memotivasi tenaga pendidik lebih aktif menulis modul pembelajaran sehingga dapat mengisi konten modul pembelajaran (e-learning) untuk seluruh kompetensi keahlian, perlu lebih diperkaya/ditambahkan materi pembelajaran tentang multimedia.

Educat ion development in global iz at ion era is expected to be in l ine wi th the development era, thus i ts qual i ty must be cont inuously improved, and one of them is through the use of informat ion and communicat ion technologies ( ICT). To encourage ICT?based SMK, then one of pol icies of Di rect orate of Technical and Vocat ional Educat ion is by developing SMK as a Informat ion and Communicat ion Technology ( ICT) Service Center of SMK, namely SMK is made as a center for data and informat ion and provides ICT e-learning for SMK in sur rounding areas. Ob ject ive of this research is to evaluate empowerment program on ICT Service Center of SMK in support ing learning. This research uses qual i tat ive descript ive type by applying Logic Model program analysis, including 4 aspects; input , act ivi t ies , output , and outcome. Each aspect consists of component and work indicator . Referring to the above research resul ts then there are several suggest ions necessary to consider the Di rectorate of Technical and Vocat ional Educat ion needs to provide greater fund aid, especial ly Informat ion and communicat ion Technology ( ITC) -based wr i t ing of learning so that the teachers are more mot ivated to become act ive and creat ive in wri t ing onl ine learning materials or modules. For the Department of Secondary Level Educat ion of South Jaka rta Ci ty needs to help more ICT trainings program and other suppor t ing equipments in developing ICT-based learning process.For ICT Service Center of SMK of South Jakarta needs to add the teachers holding Bachelor of Computer Informat ion System, par t icularl y in the field ofmul t imedia, accelerat ion of equipments maintenance and care, needs to create more at tract ive atmosphere of mul t imedia rooms for the students. It is necessary to mot ivate the teachers to be more act ive in wri t ing learning modules so that i t can fi l l e-learning module contents for al l expert ise competencies, needs to be enriched/ added wi th learning mater ial on mul t imedia. (*)"
Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 2012
UI - Tesis Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Paciorek, Karen Menke
Boston: McGraw-Hill, Higher Education, 2008
372.21 PAC t
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
London: McGraw-Hill, 2002
372.21 EAR
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
New York: McGraw-Hill, 2014
372.21 EAR
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
"This book considers and interrogates a range of new and critical issues in contemporary early childhood education. It discusses both fundamental and emerging topics in the field, and presents them in the context of reflective and contemporary frameworks."
Maidenhead: Open University Press, 2010
372.21 CON
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
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