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Tyas Kurniasih
"Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengestimasi Ad Valorem Equivalent (AVE) dari 20 negara partner dagang terbesar Indonesia sebagai dampak adanya penerapan kebijakan Non Tariff, khususnya Sanitary Phytosanitary (SPS) dan Technical Barrier to Trade (TBT) dalam kurun waktu tahun 2007-2016. AVE dapat diartikan sebagai tarif implisit yang dikeluarkan oleh produsen dalam rangka memenuhi persyaratan kebijakan SPS dan TBT. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini melalui pendekatan quantity impact approach kemudian hasil estimasi pada HS level 2 digit ditransformasi menjadi AVE untuk dibandingkan terhadap tarif impor. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan sebanyak 9 negara memiliki AVE SPS dan TBT negatif dan 11 negara memiliki AVE positif. Hal tersebut menunjukkan adanya perbedaan dampak penerapan kebijakan SPS dan TBT yang dapat bersifat trade impeding effect dan demand enhancing effect. Apabila dikaitkan pendapatan perkapita negara, secara umum terdapat hubungan negatif antara pendapatan perkapita dengan AVE. Adanya motif proteksionisme dari Pemerintah dapat terlihat dari tingginya nilai AVE dibandingkan tarif MFN pada sektor-sektor tertentu.

This study aims to estimate the Ad Valorem Equivalent (AVEs) of the 20 largest trading partner countries of Indonesia as a result of the implementation of the Non-Tariff Measures, especially Technical Barrier to Trade (TBT) and Sanitary Phytosanitary (SPS) in the period 2007-2016. AVE can be interpreted as an implicit tax issued by producers in order to meet the SPS and TBT policy requirements. The method used in this research is the quantity impact approach and then the estimation results at the 2 digit HS level are transformed into AVE to be compared to import tariffs. The results showed as many as 9 countries had AVE SPS and TBT negative and 11 countries had AVE positive. This shows that there are differences in the impact of implementing SPS and TBT policies that can be trade impeding effects and demand enhancing effects. As related to income per capita, in general there is a negative relationship between income per capita with AVE. The existence of protectionist motives from the Government can be seen from the high value of AVE compared to MFN rates in certain sectors."
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2019
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ilman Hakim
"Kebijakan SPS dan TBT tidak hanya mendorong trade-reducing effect dengan meningkatnya biaya perdagangan bagi eksportir namun dapat juga mendorong demand-enhancing effect melalui peningkatan kualitas produk dan keselamatan konsumen. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengestimasi dampak kebijakan non-tarif Indonesia khususnya Sanitary and Phytosanitary dan Technical Barriers to Trade terhadap impor pada periode 2006-2015. Analisa dilakukan dengan menggunakan metode yang dikembangkan Kee et al. 2009 dan hasil estimasi kemudian dikonversi menjadi ad-valorem equivalent AVE untuk melihat dampaknya terhadap harga. Inventory measures menunjukkan bahwa Indonesia memiliki coverage ratio yang cukup tinggi pada sektor produk hewan, produk tumbuhan, makanan dan tekstil. Studi ini menemukan bahwa secara umum kebijakan SPS dan TBT berpengaruh terhadap penuruan impor. Namun, dampaknya dapat berbeda-beda pada level sub-sektor HS 2 digit baik yang bersifat trade-reducing maupun demand-enhancing.

Technical regulations such as SPS dan TBT measures do not only induce trade reducing effect by rising the exporters trade cost but could be able to induce demand enhancing effect by certifying quality and safety to consumer. The purpose of this study is to estimate the impact of Indonesia non tariff measures, especially Sanitary and Phytosanitary and Technical Barriers to Trade on import for the period 2006 2015. This study employs the method which is developed by Kee et al. 2009 and the estimated results are converted into ad valorem equivalent AVE to identify the price effect. The inventory measures suggest that Indonesia has a substantial coverage ratio on animal product, vegetable product, foodstuff and textile. This study found that SPS and TBT are significantly reduce Indonesian import on agregat level. However, the impact on disagragated level HS 2 digit can be different either trade reducing or demand enhancing."
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2018
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Gita Putri Pertiwi
"Penelitian bertujuan untuk menganalisis pengaruh TBT dan SPS yang diimplementasikan oleh negara RCEP terhadap ekspor Indonesia. Supaya dampaknya terukur secara efektif, digunakan modifikasi model gravitasi dan metode the Poisson Pseudo Maximum Likelihood (PPML). Studi ini menghitung frequency index dan coverage ratio untuk kuantifikasi NTM. Penelitian tidak hanya mencakup total ekspor tetapi juga agrikultur dan manufaktur. Estimasi menunjukkan bahwa pengaruh TBT dan SPS berbeda berdasarkan sektor dengan menggunakan data ekspor bilateral dengan periode 2015 hingga 2021 pada HS 2-digit. Hasil utama dari penelitian menunjukkan bahwa TBT memiliki dampak negatif terhadap total ekspor, agrikultur dan manufaktur. Namun SPS secara positif mempengaruhi ekspor agrikultur tetapi tidak secara signifikan mempengaruhi total ekspor dan manufaktur. Temuan ini memberikan perspektif lain tentang berbagai dampak TBT dan SPS terhadap perdagangan, khususnya dengan ruang lingkup RCEP.

This research explores the effect of implementation of TBT and SPS from RCEP countries on Indonesian exports. In order to effectively measure their impact, we utilize a modified version of the gravity model and the Poisson Pseudo Maximum Likelihood (PPML). The study calculates frequency index and coverage ratio for NTM quantification. The analysis also covers not only total exports but also agriculture and manufacture. Using exports data from 2015 to 2021 at the HS two-digit level, our results show that the effects vary by sector. The key results from our study showed that TBT have negative impacts for total exports, agriculture and manufacture. However, SPS enhances trade in agriculture but not significantly affect total exports and manufacture. The findings provide another perspective on the varying impacts of TBT and SPS on trade, specifically from RCEP countries."
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan BIsnis Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Elisabeth Ardiastuti
"World Trade Organization (WTO) merupakan organisasi internasional yang berperan penting dalam memastikan arus perdagangan global dapat berjalan dengan sesedikit mungkin hambatan. Akan tetapi, berdasarkan Pasal XX (b) GATT, anggota WTO dapat melakukan suatu tindakan perdagangan yang perlu dilakukan untuk melindungi kehidupan atau kesehatan manusia, hewan atau tumbuh-tumbuhan. Persetujuan Penerapan Tindakan-Tindakan Sanitari dan Fitosanitari (Persetujuan SPS) merupakan penjabaran dari ketentuan Pasal XX (b) GATT tersebut. Berdasarkan Persetujuan SPS, anggota WTO berhak menerapkan ketentuan-ketentuan yang diperlukan untuk melindungi kesehatan atau kehidupan manusia, hewan atau tumbuhan, dengan didasarkan pada prinsip-prinsip ilmiah dan bukti ilmiah yang cukup, serta tidak menciptakan diskriminasi sewenang-wenang atau pembatasan terselubung bagi perdagangan internasional. Untuk memenuhi kebutuhan ilmiah dan teknis dalam penerapan Persetujuan SPS, Persetujuan SPS merujuk International Plant Protection Convention (IPPC) sebagai organisasi internasional relevan untuk mendorong harmonisasi tindakan fitosanitari dengan didasarkan pada standar internasional yang diadopsi oleh IPPC. Penelitian ini menganalisa penerapan Persetujuan SPS dan IPPC pada tiga kasus di WTO, yakni Japan - Agricultural Products II (2001), Japan - Apples (2005) dan Australia – Apples (2011).

World Trade Organization (WTO) is an international organization who plays an important role in ensuring that the global trade can works with a little barriers. However, pursuant to Article XX (b) GATT, WTO Members can perform an action trade necessary to protect human, animals or plants health or life. Agreement on the Application of Sanitary and Phytosanitary Measures (SPS Agreement) is derived from the provision of Article XX (b) GATT. Based on the SPS Agreement, WTO Member have a right to take sanitary and phytosanitary measures necessary for the protection of human, animal, health or plant life or health, which is based on scientific principle and is not maintained without sufficient scientific evidence; and not unjustifiably discriminate or be applied in a manner which would constitute a disguised restriction on international trade. For the fulfilment of scientific and technical need within the application of SPS Agreement, SPS Agreement refers International Plant Protection Convention (IPPC) as an international organization relevant, to encourage harmonisation of phytosanitary measures, based on international standards which adopted by IPPC. This thesis analyzes the application of the SPS Agreement and the IPPC in three cases at WTO: Japan- Agricultural Products II (2001), Japan - Apples (2005) and Australia - Apples (2011)."
Depok: Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ghea Lestarina
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mempelajari efek perubahan nilai tukar yang
mencakup efek depresiasi dan volatilitas nilai tukar terhadap ekspor Indonesia
dengan enam negara mitra dagang utama. Penulis juga akan membandingkan efek
depresiasi dan volatilitas secara relatif terhadap peningkatan ekspor. Studi ini
menggunakan data bilateral Indonesia dengan enam negara mitra dagang utama
yang terdiri dari Amerika Serikat, China, Singapura, Malaysia, Jepang, dan Korea
Selatan dari tahun 1998 sampai 2015. Data panel diestimasi dengan menggunakan
metode efek acak (random effect model). Untuk membandingkan pengaruh
depresiasi dan volatilitas secara relatif, dilakukan estimasi koefisien
terstandardisasi. Hasil estimasi menunjukkan bahwa depresiasi nilai tukar dan
volatilitas mempengaruhi ekspor secara signifikan. Kenaikan depresiasi dapat
meningkatkan ekspor, namun volatilitas nilai tukar yang berlebihan dapat
menurunkan ekspor. Depresiasi secara relatif lebih besar pengaruhnya terhadap
ekspor dibandingkan volatilitas. Pendapatan negara mitra dagang merupakan
faktor yang paling mempengaruhi ekspor. Studi ini mendukung argumen bahwa
depresiasi dapat meningkatkan ekspor

This study aims to analyze the effect of exchange rate changes which consist of
the effect of depreciation and exchange rate volatility on Indonesia?s export to six
of its main trading partners. The writer will also compare the relative effect of
depreciation and exchange rate volatility on the increase of export. This study will
use bilateral data between Indonesia and six of its main trading partners which
are United States of America, China, Singapore, Malaysia, Japan, and South
Korea from the year of 1998 to 2015. The panel data will be estimated using
random effect model. To compare the relative effects of depreciation and
exchange rate volatility, this study will be using estimation on standardized
coefficients. The result shows that depreciation and volatility both have
significant effect on export. The increase of depreciation will increase export, but
excessive volatility of exchange rate will harm export. Depreciation has a bigger
relative effect in comparison to volatility. The income of trading partners is the
biggest factor in determining export. This study supports the argument that
depreciation can promote export."
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Fitria Rachmawati
"Semakin terbukanya perdagangan membuat perubahan dalam kebijakan perdagangan. Salah satunya adalah peningkatan penggunaan Technical Barriers to Trade (TBT). Dengan asumsi penerapan kebijakan harmonisasi TBT membuat pasar ASEAN lebih terintegrasi, penelitian ini bertujuan mengestimasi dampak harmonisasi standar (TBT) ASEAN terhadap pertumbuhan produktivitas perusahaan di sektor industri elektronik Indonesia. Dengan menggunakan data yang berasal data level perusahaan industri elektronika pada survei Industri Besar Menengah BPS periode 2005-2014 serta metode Generalized Least Square (GLS), didapatkan bukti empiris yang menunjukkan bahwa kebijakan harmonisasi standar ASEAN meningkatkan produktivitas perusahaan yaitu ketika harmonisasi standar ASEAN bertambah 1 unit meningkatkan pertumbuhan produktivitas perusahaan di sektor elektronika sebesar 13, 8%.

Increased openness in trade or Free Trade era makes a change in policy of international trade. Along with the tariff reduction, the using of Technical Barriers to Trade (TBT) is increase and considered a trade barrier. Assuming that the implementation of TBT harmonization policy has made ASEAN market more integrated, this research is aimed to estimate the impact of ASEAN standard harmonization on the firms’s growth productivity in electronics industry. By using data firms of electronics industry during 2005-2014 from BPS “Large Medium Industry survey” and the Generalized Least Square (GLS) method, we have empirical evidence showing that when ASEAN standard harmonization increases 1 unit it will increases firms’ growth productivity in the electronics sector 13, 8%."
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Moogy Frianto Hartomo
Jakarta: Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia, 2009
UI - Tesis Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Moogy Frianto Hartomo
Jakarta: Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia, 2009
UI - Tesis Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Diannovi Nugraha Sahid
Perdagangan internasional tidak akan dapat terjadi tanpa adanya akses ke
pasar domestik dari negara lain. Terbukanya akses pasar ini selain memberikan
keuntungan, juga menjadi ancaman baik secara ekonomis maupun secara agamis
terutama bagi negara-negara dengan penduduk beragama Islam, salah satunya
Indonesia. Sebagaimana diketahui, Indonesia merupakan negara dengan penduduk
beragama Islam terbesar di dunia, 87% penduduk Indonesia beragama Islam.
Secara ekonomis, kehadiran produk-produk tersebut menjadi saingan
produk-produk lokal, sedangkan secara agamis kehadiran produk-produk tersebut
semakin menambah daftar makanan yang disangsikan kehalalannya oleh umat
Islam. Sebab, produk-produk tersebut dibuat oleh negara-negara Barat yang sudah
terbiasa menggunakan babi dan alkohol dalam proses produksinya.
Demi memberikan perlindungan kepada konsumen-konsumen beragama
Islam dari produk-produk yang diragukan kehalalannya, terutama produkdaging
sapi impor, maka pemerintah Indonesia membuat seperangkat kebijakan yang
bertujuan agar produk-produk daging sapi impor disertifikasi dan dilabelisasi
halal sebelum masuk ke pasar Indonesia. Menurut Hukum World Trade
Organization, negara-negara anggota dibebaskan untuk membuat kebijakan
domestik demi melindungi konsumen maupun pasar dalam negerinya. Perangkat
kebijakan ini dapat diberlakukan selama tidak menimbulkan hambatan yang tidak
perlu dalam perdagangan internasional.
Penelitian ini membahas mengenai kebijakan-kebijakan sertifikasi dan
labelisasi halal yang diberlakukan Indonesia sebagai Technical Barrier to Trade
atas daging sapi dan produk daging sapi yang diimpor ke Indonesia, penerapannya
dan keselarasannya dengan Agreement on Technical Barrier to Trade atau TBT
Agreement World Trade Organization. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa
sejauh ini, permasalahan sengketa atas produk daging sapi masih minim
jumlahnya dan masih bisa diselesaikan.

International trade can not occur without access to domestic markets of
other countries. In addition to providing benefits,the opening of this market access
also becomes a threat both economically and religiously, especially for countries
with a Muslim population, such as Indonesia. As is known, Indonesia is the
country with the largest Muslim population in the world, 87 % of Indonesia's
population is Muslim.
Economically, the presence of such products is rival with local products,
while religiously presence of these products adds to the list of sanctioned halal
food by Muslims. Especially since these products are made by Western countries
who are already accustomed to using pork and alcohol in the production process.
In order to provide protection to Muslim consumers, especially imported
beef products, the Indonesian government established a set of policies that aim
products imported beef to be halalcertified before entering into the Indonesian
market. According to the Law of the World Trade Organization, member states
are free to make domestic policies to protect consumers as well as its domestic
market. This policy can be applied as long as not to cause unnecessary obstacles
to international trade.
This study discusses the policies of halal certification and labeling
imposed by Indonesia as Technical Barrier to Trade on beef and beef products
imported to Indonesia, its application and its alignment with the Agreement on
Technical Barrier to Trad , or TBT Agreement of the World Trade Organization.
The results showed that so far, the problem of a dispute over beef products is still
minimal in number and still be resolved.;International trade can not occur without access to domestic markets of
other countries. In addition to providing benefits,the opening of this market access
also becomes a threat both economically and religiously, especially for countries
with a Muslim population, such as Indonesia. As is known, Indonesia is the
country with the largest Muslim population in the world, 87 % of Indonesia's
population is Muslim.
Economically, the presence of such products is rival with local products,
while religiously presence of these products adds to the list of sanctioned halal
food by Muslims. Especially since these products are made by Western countries
who are already accustomed to using pork and alcohol in the production process.
In order to provide protection to Muslim consumers, especially imported
beef products, the Indonesian government established a set of policies that aim
products imported beef to be halalcertified before entering into the Indonesian
market. According to the Law of the World Trade Organization, member states
are free to make domestic policies to protect consumers as well as its domestic
market. This policy can be applied as long as not to cause unnecessary obstacles
to international trade.
This study discusses the policies of halal certification and labeling
imposed by Indonesia as Technical Barrier to Trade on beef and beef products
imported to Indonesia, its application and its alignment with the Agreement on
Technical Barrier to Trad , or TBT Agreement of the World Trade Organization.
The results showed that so far, the problem of a dispute over beef products is still
minimal in number and still be resolved.;International trade can not occur without access to domestic markets of
other countries. In addition to providing benefits,the opening of this market access
also becomes a threat both economically and religiously, especially for countries
with a Muslim population, such as Indonesia. As is known, Indonesia is the
country with the largest Muslim population in the world, 87 % of Indonesia's
population is Muslim.
Economically, the presence of such products is rival with local products,
while religiously presence of these products adds to the list of sanctioned halal
food by Muslims. Especially since these products are made by Western countries
who are already accustomed to using pork and alcohol in the production process.
In order to provide protection to Muslim consumers, especially imported
beef products, the Indonesian government established a set of policies that aim
products imported beef to be halalcertified before entering into the Indonesian
market. According to the Law of the World Trade Organization, member states
are free to make domestic policies to protect consumers as well as its domestic
market. This policy can be applied as long as not to cause unnecessary obstacles
to international trade.
This study discusses the policies of halal certification and labeling
imposed by Indonesia as Technical Barrier to Trade on beef and beef products
imported to Indonesia, its application and its alignment with the Agreement on
Technical Barrier to Trad , or TBT Agreement of the World Trade Organization.
The results showed that so far, the problem of a dispute over beef products is still
minimal in number and still be resolved., International trade can not occur without access to domestic markets of
other countries. In addition to providing benefits,the opening of this market access
also becomes a threat both economically and religiously, especially for countries
with a Muslim population, such as Indonesia. As is known, Indonesia is the
country with the largest Muslim population in the world, 87 % of Indonesia's
population is Muslim.
Economically, the presence of such products is rival with local products,
while religiously presence of these products adds to the list of sanctioned halal
food by Muslims. Especially since these products are made by Western countries
who are already accustomed to using pork and alcohol in the production process.
In order to provide protection to Muslim consumers, especially imported
beef products, the Indonesian government established a set of policies that aim
products imported beef to be halalcertified before entering into the Indonesian
market. According to the Law of the World Trade Organization, member states
are free to make domestic policies to protect consumers as well as its domestic
market. This policy can be applied as long as not to cause unnecessary obstacles
to international trade.
This study discusses the policies of halal certification and labeling
imposed by Indonesia as Technical Barrier to Trade on beef and beef products
imported to Indonesia, its application and its alignment with the Agreement on
Technical Barrier to Trad , or TBT Agreement of the World Trade Organization.
The results showed that so far, the problem of a dispute over beef products is still
minimal in number and still be resolved.]"
Jakarta: Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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