ABSTRAKBBLR merupakan indikator multidimensi yang penting untuk mengukur masalah kesehatan di masyarakat. Di Indonesia, prevalensi BBLR mengalami penurunan yang lambat padahal BBLR memberi beban ekonomi yang tinggi bagi negara. Komplikasi kehamilan dianggap sebagai determinan penting terjadinya BBLR di negara berkembang. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh komplikasi kehamilan terhadap kejadian BBLR pada anak terakhir yang lahir hidup di Indonesia tahun 2007 setelah dikontrol seluruh confounding. Penelitian ini menggunakan desain cross sectional seperti desain sumber data SDKI 2007. Populasi sumber penelitian ini diambil dari 33 provinsi yang diambil dengan metode stratified two stage cluster sampling, sehingga peneliti melakukan analisis Complex sampling. Study participants dalam penelitian ini sebanyak 9.339 responden (11.839 responden sebelum dilakukan pembobotan).
Hasil analisis
diketahui prevalensi BBLR sebesar 5,3%, prevalensi komplikasi kehamilan 11,5% (1,3% mules sebelum 9 bulan, 2,2% perdarahan, 0,6% demam tinggi, 0,1% kejang dan pingsan, 5,8% komplikasi lainnya, dan 1,2% mengalami lebih dari 1 komplikasi kehamilan), dan prevalensi BBLR pada ibu yang mengalami komplikasi kehamilan sebesar 11,5%. Analisis multivariat Logistic regression didapatkan adanya peningkatan PR komplikasi kehamilan terhadap BBLR sebesar 3,184 (CI 95% 1,058 - 4,112) setelah dikontrol variabel confounder umur ibu saat melahirkan, jarak kelahiran, status paritas, riwayat BBLR, pendidikan ibu, tempat tinggal, lahir kembar dan jumlah kunjungan ANC serta mempertimbangkan interaksi antara komplikasi kehamilan dengan status paritas. Jenis komplikasi kehamilan yang paling mempengaruhi terjadinya BBLR adalah demam yang tinggi (POR 6,098 CI 95% 0,4206 ? 7,3606), mules sebelum 9 bulan (POR 5,113 CI 95% 0,22984 ? 6,05784).
ABSTRACTLow birth weight is an important indicator to measure multidimensional health problems in the community. In Indonesia, the prevalence of low birth weight decreased slowly while LBW become a high economic burden for the country. Complications of pregnancy considered as an important determinant of the LBW in developing countries. This study aimed to determine the effect of pregnancy complications to LBW in Indonesia on 2007 after controlling all confounders. This study use cross-sectional design as the data source IDHS 2007. The source population of this study were taken from 33 provinces which drawn with a two-stage stratified cluster sampling, so the researchers conducted an analysis Complex sampling to prevent bias. Study participants in this study were 9.339 respondents (11.839 respondents prior to weighting).
Results of analysis
show LBW prevalence was 5.6%, 11.5% prevalence of pregnancy complications (1.3% abdominal contraction before 9 months, 2.2% bleeding, 0.6% of high fever, 0.1% seizures and fainting, 5,8% other complications, and 1.2% had more than one pregnancy complication), and 11.5% LBW in women with pregnancy complications. Pregnancy complications were associated with low birth weight. Multivariate logistic regression analysis showed that pregnancy complications women were 34 times more likely to delivered LBW (POR 2,507, 95% CI 1,982-3,173). LBW also associated with maternal age, birth interval, previous abortion, maternal education, wealth index, twins and antenatal visit. Types of pregnancy complications that mostly affecting the LBW are high fever (POR 6,098 CI 95% 0,4206 ? 7,3606), abdominal contraction before 9 months (POR 5,113 CI 95% 0,22984 ? 6,05784)."