This research was conducted to measure supply chain performance in medical device companies in Indonesia. The method used in this research is Supply Chain Operations Reference (SCOR) as a performance measurement framework and Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) method to determine the weight of each performance indicator. The objective of this research is to measure the supply chain performance of the company in 2021 and obtain improvement strategies to improve the overall supply chain performance of the company. 29 performance indicators are measured and divided into the SCOR model’s perspectives for each level. The result of the measurement indicates that the performance of the supply chain in 2021 is 63,35% which shows the company's performance is in an average category. Then, each KPI will be mapped to the Importance Performance Analysis (IPA) quadrant to get which indicators that need to be improved. The proposed strategy is analyzed by conducting focus group discussion with the company's representative. There are six proposed action plan strategies chosen to improve five KPIs based on the Importance Performance Analysis (IPA) which is expected to give a good impact on the company’s overall supply chain performance improvement.