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Hally Hanafiah
Kolaborasi rantai pasok telah banyak dilakukan namun tingkat ketidakstabilan dan kegagalan masih tinggi. Salah satu faktornya adalah pemilihan mitra, di mana penelitian tentang hal ini masih sangat terbatas. Kurangnya literatur tentang pemilihan mitra merupakan dorongan untuk menguji pengaruh kriteria pemilihan mitra terhadap keberhasilan kolaborasi. Studi sebelumnya sebagian besar masih terbatas pada dua kelompok kriteria: the notion of task related motivation dan partner-related consideration. Karena penelitian ini berfokus pada kolaborasi rantai pasok di mana terjadi proses berbagi informasi dan risiko, maka penelitian ini akan mempergunakan kriteria partner technology competence dan partner supply chain risk. Tujuan dari studi ini adalah menguji dan menentukan kriteria mitra dominan dalam pemilihan mitra guna menjamin kinerja perusahaan melalui kolaborasi rantai pasok serta keunggulan kolaboratif. Studi empiris ini merupakan penelitian kuantitatif melalui Structural Equation Model (SEM) dengan 151 sampel. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kinerja perusahaan (firm performance) penyedia layanan logistik yang terlibat dalam kolaborasi yang dinilai dari kepuasan pelanggan sangat dipengaruhi oleh terbentuknya keunggulan kolaboratif (collaborative advantage) dalam bentuk fleksibilitas penawaran layanan logistik. Keuntungan kolaboratif tersebut sangat dipengaruhi oleh kegiatan kolaborasi rantai pasok (supply chain collaboration) dalam bentuk sinkronisasi keputusan yang terjadi selama kolaborasi. Sinkronisasi keputusan diantara mitra kolaborasi ini sangat ditentukan oleh dua kriteria primer berupa kesesuaian organisasional (partner compatability) dalam bentuk pengalaman kolaborasi sebelumnya serta serta sumber daya yang saling melengkapi (partner complementary) dalam bentuk kemampuan operasional logistik yang dimiliki oleh mitra kolaborasi. Komitmen waktu dari anggota rantai pasok (partner commitment) yang memperkuat kesesuaian organisasional di antara mitra serta kompetensi pemanfaatan teknologi informasi (partner technology competence) yang dapat meningkatkan kapabilitas operasional logistik merupakan dua kriteria sekunder yang dipilih dalam proses pemilihan mitra kolaborasi. Sedangkan kriteria risiko rantai pasok mitra (partner supply chain risk) terbukti tidak memiliki pengaruh atau tidak dipertimbangkan dalam pemilihan mitra.

Supply chain collaboration has been widely practiced but the level of instability and failure was still high. One of the factors is the selection of partners, where research on this subject is still very limited. The lack of literature on the selection of partners is an impetus to examine the effect of partner selection criteria on the success of collaboration. The previous study of selection partner is largely limited to two sets of major criteria: the notion of task related motivation and partner-related consideration. Because this research focuses on supply chain collaboration where information sharing and risk processes occur, this study will use the criteria of partner technology competence and partner supply chain risk have become a determining factor for successful collaboration. The objective of this is study will examine the criteria of partners that are the dominant factors in the selection of partners to improve the firm performance through supply chain collaboration. This research will also examine the contribution of supply chain collaboration to firm performance through collaborative advantages. This is quantitative research through descriptive analysis, measurement models, structural models using Structural Equation Model (SEM) with using 6-likert scale. The samples were 151 service provider's logistics company in export and import activities in Indonesia. The results showed that the firm performance of logistics service provider that involved in collaboration assessed from customer satisfaction was strongly influenced by the formation of collaborative advantages in the form of offering flexibility. Collaborative advantage is strongly influenced by the decisions synchronization that occur in supply chain collaboration activities. Decisions synchronization is largely determined by the primary criteria in the form of organizational fit in the form of collaboration experiences and reputation obtained from complementary resources in the form of logistical operational capabilities that are owned by potential collaborative partners. Time commitment from the members of the supply chain that strengthens organizational fit among partners and the competency of information technology utilization that can enlarge logistical operational capabilities is the second criterion that logistical service providers receive in the selection of collaborative partners. However, the partner supply chain risk criteria proved to have no influence or were not considered by logistics service companies in selecting partners."
UI - Disertasi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Markus Hartono
"In the period of 2004 to 2014 there was a significant growth of employment in the logistics sector in Indonesia. This reflects a rapid rise in the need for logistics activities to support outsourcing. Because there is strong competition in the sector, logistics services should be able to deliver both cognitive and affective customer satisfaction. Studies in logistic services have been mainly focused on service gaps, an aspect related to cognitive satisfaction in customers. Many studies have been conducted to evaluate logistics service quality using SERVQUAL and the Kano model. However, these are insufficient in addressing all aspects of logistics provision. Hence, a deep understanding of customer affective need (known in Japanese as Kansei) is required, to provide competitive advantage by modeling more comprehensive customer experiences based on perceived logistics services. This paper proposes a combined model of Kansei Engineering, Kano, and quality function deployment (QFD), which it is hoped will generate more innovative ideas for improvements related to customer emotional satisfaction and customer delight. A case study in supporting logistics services has been chosen to validate the proposed model, and a survey through face-to-face questionnaires involving 157 customers was carried out. The model was then validated, and through the House of Quality (HoQ) concept, some innovative improvement ideas are proposed. They include the use of apps for order confirmation and cancellation, the integration of Google Maps into the ordering system, pre-order booking, and a bilingual feature in the transaction menu. Thus, from a practical implication point of view, it is hoped that this study will provide guidelines to the managers of logistics services companies in capturing, measuring and analyzing customer emotional needs (Kansei), with respect to the service attributes which are highly significant to Kansei aspects."
Depok: Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Indonesia, 2017
UI-IJTECH 8:6 (2017)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
DePorter, Bobbi
Bandung: Kaifa, 2001
371.102 DEP q
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
M. Ngalim Purwanto
Bandung: Remaja Rosdakarya, 1991
371.102 NGA p
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Arif Budiman
"Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis pengaruh gaya belajar mahasiswa dan metode pengajaran dosen terhadap kinerja mata kuliah akuntansi keuangan. Kinerja yang dimaksud adalah nilai akhir mata kuliah akuntansi keuangan lanjutan 1 dan akuntansi keuangan 1. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan menggunakan survei kepada 179 mahasiswa Departemen Akuntansi Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia pada periode 2016/2017 angkatan 2014 dan 2015. Data diolah dengan metode regresi linier berganda. Penelitian ini menemukan bahwa gaya belajar tidak mempengaruhi nilai mata kuliah mahasiswa di FEBUI karena mayoritas mahasiswa memiliki adaptabilitas tinggi terhadap gaya belajar jenis apapun. Dalam penelitian ini, metode pengajaran dosen berpengaruh positif terhadap nilai akhir.

The purpose of this study is to investigate the effect of students learning styles on financial accounting courses performance. Performance means the final grade of financial accounting 1 and advanced financial accounting 1. This study was conducted by using a survey to 179 accounting students on Faculty of Economics and Business University of Indonesia in the period 2016 2017 for both batch 2014 and 2015. Data processed by using multiple linear regression method. This research finds that learning style does not affect student's accounting courses performance in FEBUI, because they has high adaptability to any kind of learning style. However, teaching methods has a positive influence on student's accounting courses performance."
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2017
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Radhi Prasetiya
"Dalam beberapa tahun terakhir, keberlangsungan lingkungan sudah menjadi sebuah isu yang sering diperbincangkan. Isu mengenai keberlangsungan lingkungan menjadi perhatian penting bagi banyak perusahaan akhir-akhir ini, terutama bagi perusahaan yang memiliki efek pencemaran lingkungan yang tinggi. Oleh karena itu, untuk mempercepat transformasi dan peningkatan nilai yang dimiliki perusahaan dengan pencemaran tinggi, dapat dilakukannya aksi korporasi dalam bentuk green merger dan akuisisi (GMA). Pada penelitian ini dilakukan pengujian mengenai pengaruh green merger dan akuisisi terhadap kinerja perusahaan (Return on Asset) dan pengujian apakah efek green memiliki peran yang signifikan terhadap perubahan ROA setelah green merger dan akuisisi (GMA). Pengujian sampel merger dan akuisisi dilakukan dengan metode regresi OLS dan uji komparatif t-statistik. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa faktor green memiliki dampak yang positif dan signifikan secara statistik dalam perubahan ROA setelah tiga tahun merger dan akuisisi. Pada kedua sub-sampel green dan nongreen, rata-rata ROA menunjukkan nilai minus dalam kurun waktu tiga tahun setelah merger dan akuisisi. Namun, pada hasil penelitian, sampel hijau memiliki nilai rata-rata ROA yang lebih baik yang mendekati nol dibandingkan rata-rata ROA non-green sampel dan memiliki tren yang meningkat pada rata-rata ROA sampel green pasca merger dan akuisisi. Hasil ini menunjukkan bahwa kesepakatan hijau diharapkan dapat meningkatkan kinerja keuangan perusahaan bidder di masa yang akan datang, meskipun green merger dan akuisisi dalam praktiknya membutuhkan biaya yang tinggi (green premium). Selain itu, tujuan dilakukannya penelitian ini untuk melihat peluang yang besar bagi perusahaan dalam memulai transisi menuju ekonomi hijau yang ramah lingkungan dengan meningkatkan efisiensi energi dan penggunaan energi terbarukan.

In recent years, environmental sustainability has become an issue that is widely discussed. Environmental sustainability has become an essential concern for many companies these days, especially heavy pollution companies. Therefore, to accelerate the transformation and improvement of pollution companies' value, many companies have taken corporate actions in the form of green mergers and acquisitions (GMA). This study examines the impact on the company's performance (Return on Asset) and whether the green effect has a significant role on change in ROA post-green merger and acquisitions (GMA). Sample of mergers and acquisitions firms are tested using OLS Regression and a comparative test with tstatistics. The green factor had a statistically positive and significant with ROA changes after three years of mergers and acquisitions. In both green and non-green sub-samples, the average ROA has a minus value in three years after mergers and acquisitions, respectively. However, the green sample has an average ROA value that is better close to zero and has an increasing trend in average ROA post-mergers and acquisitions. These results indicate that green deals, albeit the higher cost of green mergers and acquisitions (green premium), are expected to improve bidder companies' financial performance in the future. This research investigated the opportunities for an environmentally friendly transition to a green economy by increasing energy efficiency and renewable energy."
Jakarta: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2021
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Barkley, Elizabeth F.
San Fransisco: Jossey-Bass, 2005
378.12 BAR c
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Savier Aldyan
"Teaching is an effort to organize the environment to create learning conditions.
The difficulty of studying for student, is usually to learn the concept that is so abstract
and complex. Props for learning believed to assist student in learning material. This
research aims to produce a teaching prop for Strength of Material Class in order to
improve students understanding on the mentioned subject. Strain gauge and Arduino
based circuit are chosen to be the main part so that the cost of the teaching prop could
be lower than most of laboratory equipment. Teaching prop will measure the stress and
moment of cantilever beam, which are part of learned knowledge in Strength of
Material class. Implementation of this research were conducted, which include virtual
experiment and accuracy test. It can be concluded that this teaching prop succeeded to
answer the aim of the research with lower cost material. On the other hand, accuracy
test shows this teaching prop isn’t suitable for industrial measuring equipment for its
far inferiority on error rate when compared to marketed product

Mengajar merupakan upaya menata lingkungan untuk menciptakan kondisi
belajar. Kesulitan belajar bagi siswa biasanya adalah mempelajari konsep yang begitu
abstrak dan kompleks. Alat peraga untuk pembelajaran dipercaya dapat membantu
siswa dalam materi pembelajaran. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menghasilkan alat
peraga pada kelas Mekanika Kekuatan Material dalam rangka meningkatkan
pemahaman siswa terhadap materi tersebut. Strain gauge dan rangkaian berbasis
Arduino dipilih menjadi bagian utama sehingga biaya alat peraga pengajaran bisa
lebih rendah dari kebanyakan peralatan laboratorium. Alat Bantu Ajar akan mengukur
tegangan dan momen balok kantilever, yang merupakan bagian dari pengetahuan
yang dipelajari di kelas Mekanika Kekuatan Material. Implementasi penelitian yang dilakukan meliputi eksperimen virtual dan uji akurasi. Dapat disimpulkan bahwa alat peraga ini berhasil menjawab tujuan penelitian dengan biaya material yang lebih rendah. Di sisi lain, uji akurasi menunjukkan alat peraga ini tidak cocok untuk peralatan ukur industri karena jauh lebih rendah dalam tingkat kesalahan jika dibandingkan dengan produk yang dipasarkan
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2020
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Muhammad Prima Madika Putra
"Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengukur kinerja rantai pasok pada perusahaan alat kesehatan di Indonesia. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah Supply Chain Operations Reference (SCOR) sebagai kerangka pengukuran kinerja dan metode Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) untuk menentukan bobot masing-masing indikator kinerja. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengukur kinerja rantai pasokan perusahaan pada tahun 2021 dan mendapatkan strategi perbaikan untuk meningkatkan kinerja rantai pasokan perusahaan secara keseluruhan. 29 indikator kinerja diukur dan dibagi ke dalam perspektif model SCOR untuk setiap level. Hasil pengukuran menunjukkan kinerja rantai pasok pada tahun 2021 sebesar 63,35% yang menunjukkan kinerja perusahaan berada pada kategori average. Kemudian, setiap KPI akan dipetakan ke kuadran Importance Performance Analysis (IPA) untuk mendapatkan indikator mana yang perlu ditingkatkan. Strategi yang diusulkan dianalisis dengan melakukan focus group discussion dengan perwakilan perusahaan. Terdapat enam usulan strategi yang dipilih untuk meningkatkan lima KPI berdasarkan Importance Performance Analysis (IPA) yang diharapkan dapat memberikan dampak yang baik terhadap peningkatan kinerja rantai pasok perusahaan secara keseluruhan.

This research was conducted to measure supply chain performance in medical device companies in Indonesia. The method used in this research is Supply Chain Operations Reference (SCOR) as a performance measurement framework and Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) method to determine the weight of each performance indicator. The objective of this research is to measure the supply chain performance of the company in 2021 and obtain improvement strategies to improve the overall supply chain performance of the company. 29 performance indicators are measured and divided into the SCOR model’s perspectives for each level. The result of the measurement indicates that the performance of the supply chain in 2021 is 63,35% which shows the company's performance is in an average category. Then, each KPI will be mapped to the Importance Performance Analysis (IPA) quadrant to get which indicators that need to be improved. The proposed strategy is analyzed by conducting focus group discussion with the company's representative. There are six proposed action plan strategies chosen to improve five KPIs based on the Importance Performance Analysis (IPA) which is expected to give a good impact on the company’s overall supply chain performance improvement.

Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Muhammad Farhan Aziz
"Literasi keuangan merupakan suatu kemampuan seseorang dalam mengetahui aspek-aspek dalam bidang keuangan termasuk dengan mengelola keuangan dan investasi yang dapat dilakukan. Kemampuan yang dimiliki individu terhadap keuangan dapat mempengaruhi perilaku mereka dalam mengelola keuangan mereka dan dapat mempengaruhi mereka dari terhindarnya bias yang bisa terjadi terhadap pengambilan keputusan mereka. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisa pengaruh dari financial literacy dan behavioral biases terhadap portfolio diversification yang dilakukan oleh investor pasar saham. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif dengan metode survey menggunakan purposive sampling. Jumlah responden pada penelitian ini yaitu terdapat 189 orang yang didapat melalalui kuesioner online. Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa behavioral biases memiliki pengaruh signifikan terhadap portfolio diversification dengan pengaruh signifikan terbesar terdapat pada familiarity biases sedangkan untuk financial literacy tidak memiliki pengaruh signifikan terhadap portfolio diversification. Untuk variabel kontrol yaitu sosio demografis dan ukuran portofolio memiliki pengaruh yang signifikan lebih besar saat dimasukan dalam uji kepada portfolio diversification investor pasar saham di Bursa Efek Indonesia. Untuk penelitian selanjutnya, diharapkan dapat mengumpulkan data responden secara proporsional sesuai kategori yang diuji seperti jenis kelamin

Financial literacy is the ability that a person has in knowing aspects in the financial sector including managing finances and investing that can be done. The abilities that individuals have towards finances can influence their behavior in managing their finances and can influence them from avoiding the bias that can occur in their decision making. The purpose of this study is to analyze the effect of financial literacy and behavioral biases on the portfolio diversification of stock market investors. This study uses a quantitative approach with a survey method using purposive sampling. The number of respondents in this study was 189 people who were obtained through online questionnaires. The results of this study indicate that behavioral biases have a significant influence on portfolio diversification with the greatest significant effect on familiarity biases, while financial literacy does not have a significant effect on portfolio diversification. For control variables, socio-demographics and portfolio size have a significantly greater effect when included in the test on the portfolio diversification of stock market investors on the Indonesia Stock Exchange. For further research, it's expected that can collect data respondents proportionally according to the categories tested such as gender"
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Adminstrasi Universitas Indonesia , 2020
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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