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"Program Bantuan Operasional Kesehatan atau BOK melalui mekanisme DAK Non Fisik merupakan upaya penyalurkan dana operasional untuk kegiatan Puskesmas. Dana tersebut merupakan yang digunakan untuk kegiatan UKM di Puskesmas. Namun masih banyak kendala yang yang menyebabkan efektifitas dana ini menjadi belum maksimal. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk melihat efektifitas implementasi dana BOK melalui mekanisme DAK Non fisik untuk menunjang kegiatan UKM di Puskesmas dilihat dari waktu pencairan, anggaran, sumber daya manusia, sarana, beban kerja serta proses pengelolaan dana tersebut. Penelitian dilakukan dengan metode kualitatif dan
dilakukan di antara bulan Januari sampai Mei 2019. Dana BOK ini sangat membantu kegiatan operasional puskesmas, namun cakupan SPM di kabupaten Bogor belum begitu
signifikan. Hal ini dikarenakan masih banyak faktor yang membuat jalannya dana tersebut belum efektif dan efisien.

The Health Operational Assistance Program or BOK through the Non-Physical DAK mechanism is an effort to channel operational funds to Public Health Centre activities.
The fund is used for the activities of UKM in the Public Health Centre. But there are still many obstacles that have caused the effectiveness of these funds to be not optimal. The purpose of this study was to see the effectiveness of the implementation of BOK funds
through the non-physical DAK mechanism to support UKM activities in Public Health Centre viewed from the time of disbursement, budget, human resources, facilities,
workload and the process of managing the funds. The research was conducted with qualitative methods and was carried out between January and May 2019. This BOK fund
greatly helped the operational activities of the Public Health Centre, but the SPM coverage in Bogor district was not so significant. This is because there are still many
factors that make the way the funds have not been effective and efficient.
Depok: Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, 2019
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Nama : FitriProgram Studi : Ilmu Kesehatan MasyarakatJudul : Analisis Implementasi Bantuan Operasional Kesehatan melaluiDana Alokasi Khusus Non Fisik di Kabupaten Serang Tahun 2016Pembimbing : Prastuti Soewondo, SE, MPH, PhDMulai tahun 2016, mekanisme penyaluran Biaya Operasional Kesehatan BOK dialihkanpenyaluran dananya dari Tugas Pembantuan yang alokasinya pada anggaran KementerianKesehatan menjadi DAK non-fisik yang di transfer langsung dari Kementerian Keuangandan dicatat sebagai bagian dari pendapatan daerah. BOK merupakan dana yang digunakanuntuk menunjang kegiatan promotif-preventif di luar gedung Puskesmas. Penelitiankualitatif ini bertujuan untuk mendapatkan gambaran implementasi BOK melaluimekanime DAK non-fisik serta diketahui hambatan yang dihadapi di Kabupaten Serang.Capaian realisasi dana BOK di Kabupaten Serang mengalami penurunan menjadi 85,87 di tahun 2016. dibanding tahun 2015 yang menggunakan mekanisme TP yaitu 96,49 .Hasil penelitian mengungkapkan adanya keterlambatan penerbitan juknis, keterbatasanfasilitas berupa komputer, printer dan gudang, keterbatasan staf sehingga merangkapbeberapa tugas, keterlambatan pencairan dana, kesulitan dalam penyesuaian kode rekeningdengan kegiatan BOK, banyaknya syarat dokumen pertanggungjawaban yang harusdilengkapi untuk pencairan dana serta masih lemahnya perencanaan kegiatan, komitmen,dan koordinasi antara para pengelola BOK.Kata kunci : Bantuan Operasional Kesehatan; Puskesmas; DAK non-fisik

Name FitriStudy Program Ilmu Kesehatan MasyarakatTitle Analysis of the Implementation of Operational Budget for Health BOK through Special Allocation Fund DAK NonPhysic in Serang Regency in 2016Counsellor Prastuti Soewondo, SE, MPH, PhDStarting in 2016, fund channeling mechanism of Operational Budget for Health BOK hasshifted from Tugas Perbantuan in which allocated through the Ministry of Health to SpecialAllocation Fund DAK non physic that is directly transferred from Ministry of Financeand recorded as part of the local government revenues. BOK is for funds allocated tosupport preventif and promotive activities outside the building of Puskesmas. Thisqualitative approach aims to obtain an overview on the implementation of BOK usingmechanism of DAK non physic and identify obstacles faced by Kabupaten Serang. Thebudget realization has reduced from its previous achievement, from 96.49 in 2015 usingTP mechanism to 85.87 in 2016. The study result demonstrates that there are severalmain issues that need to be tackled in the future, including delays on issuing technicalguidelines, limited supporting infrastructure and technology such as computers, printersand warehouses , limitations in human resources that are forced to multitask different jobdescriptions, continued delay on disbursement of funds, difficulties in adjusting code ofaccount under BOK activities, the excessive amount of documentation required as prerequestedfor fund disbursement, and ineffective planning activities, commitment, andcoordination among BOK managers.Key words Operational Budget for Health BOK , Community Health Center Health toSpecial Allocation Fund DAK non physic"
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Dudung Abdul Malik
Program BOK di Kabupaten Kuningan meningkatan dana operasional Puskesmas
tahun 2011 dan 2012 menjadi 2 kali lipat, tetapi hal tersebut tidak berbanding
positif dengan pencapaian cakupan indikator SPM bidang kesehatan. Ini
mengindikasikan bahwa implementasi program BOK di Puskesmas Kabupaten
Kuningan belum berjalan sesuai harapan. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk
menganalisis faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi implementasi kebijakan BOK di
Puskesmas Kabupaten Kuningan berdasarkan variabel kondisi lingkungan,
hubungan antar organisasi, sumber daya organisasi, serta karakteristik dan
kapabilitas instansi pelaksana. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif dan
dilakukan antara Bulan Maret?April 2013 berlokasi di 4 Puskesmas dan Dinas
Kesehatan dengan jumlah informan 23 orang. Pelaksanaan BOK di Kabupaten
Kuningan tahun 2011?2012 memberikan banyak manfaat kepada Puskesmas
khususnya operasional kegiatan preventif dan promotif. Tetapi ini tidak
berpengaruh positif terhadap pencapaian SPM bidang kesehatan. SPM cenderung
menurun dan item tidak mencapai target cenderung meningkat.

BOK programs in Kuningan District to improve operational funds of public
health centers in 2011 and 2012 to 2-fold, but it is not comparable positive with
the achievement coverage of health SPM indicators. This indicates that the
implementation of BOK programs in public health centers of Kuningan District
has not run as expected. The purpose of this study to analyze the factors that
influence implementation of the BOK policy in public health centers of Kuningan
District, based on variable environmental conditions, inter-organizational
relationships, organizational resources, as well as the characteristics and
capabilities of executing agencies. This study uses a qualitative method and
conducted between March-April 2013 and is located at 4 public health centers
with the Health Department informant number 23. Implementation of BOK
programs in Kuningan district in 2011-2012 provides many benefits to the public
health center especially operational to preventive and to promotive activities. But
this is not a positive influence on the achievement in health SPM. SPM tends to
decrease and the item does not reach the target is likely to increase.;BOK programs in Kuningan District to improve operational funds of public
health centers in 2011 and 2012 to 2-fold, but it is not comparable positive with
the achievement coverage of health SPM indicators. This indicates that the
implementation of BOK programs in public health centers of Kuningan District
has not run as expected. The purpose of this study to analyze the factors that
influence implementation of the BOK policy in public health centers of Kuningan
District, based on variable environmental conditions, inter-organizational
relationships, organizational resources, as well as the characteristics and
capabilities of executing agencies. This study uses a qualitative method and
conducted between March-April 2013 and is located at 4 public health centers
with the Health Department informant number 23. Implementation of BOK
programs in Kuningan district in 2011-2012 provides many benefits to the public
health center especially operational to preventive and to promotive activities. But
this is not a positive influence on the achievement in health SPM. SPM tends to
decrease and the item does not reach the target is likely to increase., BOK programs in Kuningan District to improve operational funds of public
health centers in 2011 and 2012 to 2-fold, but it is not comparable positive with
the achievement coverage of health SPM indicators. This indicates that the
implementation of BOK programs in public health centers of Kuningan District
has not run as expected. The purpose of this study to analyze the factors that
influence implementation of the BOK policy in public health centers of Kuningan
District, based on variable environmental conditions, inter-organizational
relationships, organizational resources, as well as the characteristics and
capabilities of executing agencies. This study uses a qualitative method and
conducted between March-April 2013 and is located at 4 public health centers
with the Health Department informant number 23. Implementation of BOK
programs in Kuningan district in 2011-2012 provides many benefits to the public
health center especially operational to preventive and to promotive activities. But
this is not a positive influence on the achievement in health SPM. SPM tends to
decrease and the item does not reach the target is likely to increase.]"
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Farida Naftalin
"Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui (1) implementasi program bantuan operasional kesehatan (BOK) di Puskesmas Kota Bekasi, (2) ukuran dan tujuan kebijakan, (3) pelaksanaan program cakupan penanganan komplikasi kebidanan, (4) ketersediaan SDM, (5) disposisi pelaksana dan (6) lingkungan sosial, ekonomi dan politik yang mempengaruhi implementasi bantuan operasional kesehatan (BOK) dengan cakupan penanganan komplikasi kebidanan di puskesmas kota bekasi tahun 2019. Variabel penelitian meliputi sumber daya manusia, anggaran, pedoman, fasilitas, perencanaan, pelaksanaan, monitoring dan evaluasi. Sampel yang terlibat dalam pelaksanaan program bantuan operasional kesehatan di Puskesmas Kota Bekasi terdiri dari 9 responden. Hasil penelitian mengungkapkan bahwa perencanaan anggaran sudah sesuai dengan juknis, kebijakan sumber daya manusia belum memadai, jumlah dana sudah mencukupi dan proses akuntabilitasnya memerlukan pengawasan dan penyederhanaan pelaporan. Pada tingkat capaian program penanganan komplikasi kebidanan, cakupan layanan ada yang telah meningkat, tetapi ada beberapa layanan yang tidak memenuhi target Standar Pelayanan Minimal (SPM).

The aims of the research are to find out (1) the implementation of health operational assistance (BOK) at Bekasi City Health Center, (2) the size and objectives of the policy, (3) implementation of coverage programs for obstetric complications management, (4) the availability of human resources, (5) implementation disposition and (6) social, economic and political environment that affect the implementation of health operational assistance (BOK) with coverage of obstetric complications management in the Bekasi City Health Center in 2019. Research variables include human resources, budget, guidelines, facilities, planning, implementation, monitoring and evaluation. The sample involved in implemention of health operational assistance (BOK) with coverage of obstetric complications management in the Bekasi City Health Center consisted of 9 respondents. The results of the research revealed that budget planning was in accordance with technical guidelines, human resource policies were inadequate, the amount of funds was sufficient and the accountability process needed supervision and simplification of reporting. At the level of achievement of the obstetric complications management program, service coverage has increased, but there are some services that do not meet the Minimum Service Standards (MSS) targets."
Depok: Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, 2020
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Siti Nurul Laeliyah
Realisasi dana Bantuan Operasional Kesehatan BOK di Puskesmas Kota Serangdari tahun 2014-2016 selalu mencapai 100 setiap tahun dan 30 digunakanuntuk kegiatan KIA. Namun, capaian cakupan pelayanan kesehatan ibu dan anakkhususnya kunjungan antenatal K4 menunjukkan penurunan dan belum mencapaitarget 75 . Penelitian kualitatif ini dilakukan di Dinas Kesehatan, 2 dua Puskesmas dengan cakupan K4 tinggi dan 2 dua Puskesmas dengan cakupan K4rendah. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa Puskesmas kekurangan sumber dayamanusia dan sarana prasarana untuk program KIA, dana operasional untukkegiatan preventif dan promotif hanya mengandalkan dana BOK, pengawasanpencatatan pelaporan bidan masih lemah, serta frekuensi pergantian kader yangrelatif tinggi.Kata Kunci:Bantuan Operasional Kesehatan, Puskesmas, Kunjungan Antenatal K4 mbahas

The Health Operational Aid Fund BOK has been 100 absorped during 2014 2016 in health centers in Serang city. Out of the total fund, 30 has been used forKIA program activities. However, coverage of maternal and child health servicesespecially K4 antenatal visit tend to decrease and has not reached the target 75 . This qualitative research was conducted in District Health Office, 2 two health centers with high K4 coverage and 2 two Puskesmas with low K4coverage. The result showed that Puskesmas has shortage in human resources andinfrastructure facilities for KIA program, while funding to support preventive andpromotive activities was only rely on BOK funds. In addition, midwife reportingwas found insufficient, and high turn over of cadres has lead to poor performance.Key words community health centre, health operational fund, K4 antenatalvisit."
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Kembaren, Keny Indah Gloria
"Peer to peer lending (P2PL) menghubungkan peminjam dan pemberi dana tanpa lembaga keuangan bank sebagai perantara. Bentuk pengumpulan dana ini memberikan pemberi dana untuk memperoleh kesempatan yang lebih banyak untuk berinvestasi, kendati demikian hal ini juga menimbulkan pendanaan macet dan fraud. Tesis ini membahas mengenai perlindungan pemberi dana dalam P2PL khususnya terkait risiko pendanaan macet dan fraud oleh Penyelenggara LPBBTI berdasarkan POJK Nomor 10/POJK.05/2022 tentang Layanan Pendanaan Bersama Berbasis Teknologi Informasi (LPBBTI) serta penerapannya dalam perjanjian pendanaan. Penulis juga melakukan perbandingan hukum di Amerika Serikat dan China. Adapun perbandingan dengan memilih negara Amerika Serikat dan China karena kedua negara tersebut merupakan pangsa pasar P2PL terbesar di dunia. Berdasarkan hal tersebut, penulis mengajukan rumusan masalah, yaitu: Analisis penyelenggara layanan P2PL menerapkan perlindungan pemberi dana terkait risiko pendanaan macet dan fraud pasca berlakunya POJK Nomor 10/POJK.05/2022 tentang Layanan Pendanaan Bersama Berbasis Teknologi Informasi; Perbandingan pengaturan perlindungan pemberi dana dalam penyelenggaraan peer to peer lending di Amerika Serikat, China, dan Indonesia. Bentuk penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah penelitian yuridis normatif. Pada akhirnya, penulis memperoleh kesimpulan bahwa Peraturan OJK No. 10/POJK.05/2022 telah cukup komprehensif mengakomodir penyelenggaraan layanan P2PL di Indonesia khususnya terkait dengan perlindungan pemberi dana dari risiko pendanaan macet dan risiko fraud oleh penyelenggara P2PL. Peraturan P2PL yang utama digunakan di Amerika Serikat adalah Securities Exchange Act dan Peraturan P2PL yang utama digunakan di China adalah Interim Measures for the Administration of the Business Activities of Online Lending Information Intermediary Institution.

Peer to peer lending (P2PL) connects borrowers and lenders without bank financial institutions as intermediaries. This form of crowdfunding brings lenders more investment opportunities, however it can also lead to bad funding and fraud. This thesis discusses the protection of lenders in P2PL, especially related to the risk of bad funding and fraud by P2PL Providers based on POJK Number 10/POJK.05/2022 concerning Information Technology-Based Co-Funding Services and its application in lenders agreements. The author also makes a comparison of laws in the United States and China. The comparison by selecting the United States and China because these two countries are the largest P2PL market share in the world. Based on that problems, the writer tried to describe the main issues, which are: Analysis of P2PL service providers implementing protection for funders regarding the risk of bad funding and fraud after the enactment of POJK Number 10/POJK.05/2022 concerning Information Technology-Based Co-Funding Services; Comparison of lender protection implementing peer to peer lending in the United States, China and Indonesia. The form of research used in this research is normative juridical research. In the end, the writer come to the conclusion that POJK Regulation No. 10/POJK.05/2022 is comprehensive enough to accommodate the implementation of P2PL services in Indonesia, especially related to the protection of lender from the risk of bad funding and the risk of fraud by P2PL providers. The main P2PL regulation used in the United States is the Securities Exchange Act and the main P2PL regulation used in China is Interim Measures for the Administration of the Business Activities of Online Lending Information Intermediary Institution."
Jakarta: Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Realisasi dana Bantuan Operasional Kesehatan (BOK) untuk Puskesmas di Kota
Depok dari tahun 2012 sampai dengan tahun 2013 meningkat sebesar 25,56%.
Tingginya serapan dana tersebut seharusnya diimbangi dengan peningkatan
cakupan kunjungan neonatal pertama (KN1). Hasil capaian KN1 di tahun 2013
mengalami penurunan sebesar 6,11%, sehingga perlu dievaluasi. Penelitian
dilakukan di Dinas Kesehatan dan 4 Puskesmas, yaitu Puskesmas Cipayung,
Puskesmas Cinere, Puskesmas Cilodong dan Puskesmas Tapos dengan metoda
kualitatif dan mempertimbangkan variabel dana serta cakupan. Hasil penelitian
menunjukkan bahwa tidak semua Puskesmas kekurangan sumber daya manusia
dan sarana prasarana dalam mengelola BOK dan program kesehatan anak. Namun,
ketersediaan dana operasional rutin (BOP) untuk melakukan kunjungan luar
gedung relatif terbatas, sehingga Puskesmas mengutamakan dana BOK. Sebelum
pelaksanaan kegiatan, tiap Puskesmas menetapkan rencana pelaksanaan
berdasarkan capaian program tahun sebelumnya dengan melibatkan lintas program
di Puskesmas. Dana BOK dimanfaatkan untuk kunjungan neonatus resiko tinggi,
penyuluhan dan pendataan sasaran oleh kader kesehatan

The Health Operational Fund (BOK) to support programs in 2013 in Depok has
increased 25,56% as compared to 2012. This should be followed by an increase in
coverage of the first neonatal visit (KN1). Performance of KN1 in the year 2013
decreased by 6,11%, so it is needed to evaluate the use of BOK. The study was
conducted at the District Health Office level and covering 4 health centers, namely
Cipayung, Cinere, Cilodong and Tapos using qualitative approach and considered
cost and coverage variables. The results showed that there was no shortage on
human resources and facility to manage the Puskesmas Operational funds (BOK)
and neonatal health programs. The availability of routine operational funds (BOP)
is limited so that the health center has been relying on BOK fund to support
outreach programs. Each health center set up Plan of Action based on previous
programs achievement involving various relevant programs. The fund was used for
high risk neonatal visit, counseling and mapping the target by cadres."
Depok: Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Nia Priyatiningsih
"Penelitian ini membahas tentang hubungan pemanfaatan dana bantuan operasional kesehatan (BOK) terhadap utilisasi pelayanan kesehatan balita di posyandu di Indonesia. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah agar dapat diketahuinya distribusi frekuensi faktor pelayanan kesehatan balita dengan utilisasi pelayanan kesehatan balita di osyandu di Indonesia, berdasarkan data Indonesia Family Life Survey (IFLS) tahun 2014. Diketahuinya hubungan kesesuaian pemanfaatan dana BOK dengan utilisasi pelayanan kesehatan balita di posyandu di Indonesia setelah dikontrol dengan variabel lain, berdasarkan data Indonesia Family Life Survey (IFLS) tahun 2014. Unit analisis penelitian ini adalah wilayah kerja kecamatan, dengan jumlah sampel yang memenuhi kriteria inklusi sebanyak 168 kecamatan. Analisis Multivariat dilakukan dengan pendekatan model Ordinary Least Square (OLS) dengan metode Backward
Berdasarkan hasil penelitian ini didapatkan bahwa proporsi Puskesmas penerima BOK sebesar 76,48%, proporsi kesesuaian pemanfaatan BOK sebesar 68,56%, dan rata-rata BOK perkapita adalah sebesar 4.226 rupiah yang berasal dari 15 propinsi, 115 kab/kota dan 168 kecamatan. Faktor-faktor yang berhubungan signifikan dengan utilisasi pelayanan kesehatan balita meliputi alokasi dana BOK perkapita, Manajerial Kepala Puskesmas, Jumlah Bidan,
Jumlah Perawat, dan Sumbangan dana dari Puskesmas. Dari hasil penelitian ini juga didapatkan bahwa Puskesmas yang menerima BOK dan kesesuaian pemanfaatan Dana BOK tidak
mempengaruhi utilisasi pelayanan kesehatan balita di posyandu di Indonesia sedangkan alokasi dana BOK perkapita meningkatkan utilisasi pelayanan kesehatan balita di posyandu di Indonesia.

This study discusses associaton between the use of Health Operational Assistance and Utilization Under Five Childs Health Services in Posyandu in Indonesia. The purpose of this study is to know the frequency distribution of under five childs health service facilities with the utilization of under five childs health services in posyandu in Indonesia based on the 2014 Indonesian Family Life Survey (IFLS) data, knowing the relationship between the suitability of BOK funds utilization and the utilization of under five health services at posyandu in Indonesia is based on the Indonesian Family Life Survey (IFLS) data in 2014, and it is known that the influence of BOK funds with the utilization of under-five health services after being controlled by other variables is based on the 2014 Indonesian Family Life Survey (IFLS) data. with the number of samples meeting the inclusion criteria as many as 168 sub-districts. Multivariate
analysis was carried out using the Ordinary Least Square (OLS) model approach with the backward method. Based on the results of this study it was found that the proportion of Puskesmas receiving BOK was 76.48%, the proportion of the suitability of BOK utilization was 68.56%, and the average BAP per capita was 4,226 rupiah from 15 provinces, 115 districts/cities and 168 sub-districts. The factors that significantly correlated with the utilization of under five childs health services included the allocation of BOK per capita funds, Managerial Head of Puskesmas, Number of Midwives, Number of Nurses, and Donations from Puskesmas. From the results of this study it was also found that the Puskesmas that received BOK and the suitability of the use of the BOK Fund did not affect the utilization of under-five health services at the posyandu in Indonesia while the allocation of the BOK per capita increased the utilization of under five health services in posyandu in Indonesia.
Depok: Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, 2019
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Wisnu Hendrianto
After four years of implementation of the Village Fund Program, although there were concrete results from the implementation of programs such as the establishment of various basic infrastructures in many villages, the number of cases of misuse of village funds by village heads showed that there were still serious problems in the governance of program implementation and accountability. In many cases, this is due to the ineffective participation of the village community in implementing the program. There is no community participation at all, or even if the community participate, their inability to support the weak village governments in managing village funds properly has resulted in the ineffective implementation of programs and uncontrolled corruption. In this regard, there is a strong correlation of the level of competence and public education with the effectiveness of community participation. A better level of community knowledge will not only increase the level of community participation in the process of policymaking and the implementation of the program but also the quality of the policies made and the results of programs that affect the community. To implement the Village Fund Program effectively and to derive better results through more effective community participation, the Indonesian Government must focus its efforts on increasing communitys capacity to participate in program implementation both through formal and informal education or enhance the role of Non Governmental Organizations in community empowerment. "
Jakarta: Kementerian PPN/Bappenas, 2019
330 BAP 2:2 (2019)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Hafid Ismail
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui perilaku donasi dan potensi filantropi
warga Nahdhatul Ulama dalam menyalurkan donasi zakat, infak, dan sedekah serta
persepsi mereka tentang keputusan memilih untuk mendonasikan dana ZIS di
Lembaga Amil Zakat Infak dan Shadaqah (Lazisnu). Penelitian ini menggunakan
pendekatan kuantitatif, yang berlokasikan di 15 kota dan kabupaten di Indonesia.
Teknik pengambilan sampel pada penelitian ini menggunakan non-probability
sampling, dengan salah satu metode yang digunakan adalah convenience sampling.
Data yang diperoleh kemudian dianalisis dengan Structural Equation Modeling
(SEM) menggunakan aplikasi AMOS versi 23. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa
warga Nahdhatul Ulama memiliki perilaku donasi dan potensi filantropi yang baik,
hal tersebut tergambar dari nilai signfikansi setiap variabel eksogen yaitu pelayanan
dengan nilai p = 0,003, promosi dengan nilai p= 0,040, lokasi dengan nilai p = 0,012,
religiusitas dengan nilai p = 0,024, preferensi dengan nilai p = 0,021, dan lingkungan
dengan nilai p = 0,29. Keseluruhan variabel memiliki pengaruh positif terhadap
variabel endogen yaitu keputusan memilih warga Nahdhatul Ulama pada lazisnu
sebagai tempat penyaluran donasi zakat, infak, dan sedekah.

This study aims to determine the behavior of donations and philanthropic potential of
Nahdhatul Ulama residents in channeling donations of zakah, infaq and shadaqa as
well as their perceptions about choosing a decision to donate ZIS funds in Lazisnu.
This study uses a quantitative approach, which is located in 15 cities and districts in
Indonesia. The sampling technique in this study used non-probability sampling, with
one method used was convenience sampling. The data obtained were then analyzed
by Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) using the AMOS application version 23. The
results showed that Nahdhatul Ulama residents had good donation behavior and
philanthropic potential, this was illustrated by the significance value of each
exogenous variable namely service with a value of p = 0.003, promotion with a value
of p = 0.040, location with a value of p = 0.012, religiosity with a value of p = 0.024,
preference with a value of p = 0.021, and an environment with a value of p = 0.29.
The entire variable has a positive influence on endogenous variables, namely the
intention of the Nahdhatul Ulama residents to choose Lazisnu as a place to channel
charity donations, infaq, and shadaqa.

UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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