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Coryelisabety Dianovita

Ketersediaan jasa ekosistem lamun sangat bergantung pada kondisi biofisik dan dinamika ekosistem terutama dari faktor antropogenik. Ekosistem lamun saat ini sedang mengalami krisis karena semakin terpengaruh oleh perubahan yang diakibatkan oleh aktivitas manusia di zona pesisir. Ini menghambat kelangsungan ekosistem lamun. Riset ini mengevaluasi indeks kesehatan ekosistem lamun dan menentukan potensi keberlanjutan pemanfaatan jasa ekosistem lamun di pesisir Pulau Panjang, Serang, Banten dengan menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif serta metode campuran. Studi ini menemukan bahwa Pulau Panjang memiliki keragaman spesies lamun yang cukup tinggi dengan ditemukan 7 spesies lamun termasuk Enhalus acoroides yang cukup mendominasi pesisir pulau. Indeks kesehatan lamun juga cukup tinggi yang berkisar di antara 60 – 70%. Hasil riset juga membuktikan bahwa perilaku masyarakat yang konsumtif memicu pemanfataan jasa ekosistem yang tinggi. Pemanfaatan jasa ekosistem lamun yang tinggi dapat mengecilkan potensi pemanfaatan secara berkelanjutan. Ini dikarenakan tingkat pendidikan masyarakat yang tergolong rendah. Oleh karena itu, sosiasliasi dan pengelolaan atas ekosistem lamun perlu segera diimplementasikan.


The existence of seagrass ecosystem services is dependent on biophysical conditions and the dynamics of the ecosystem, especially from anthropogenic factors. Seagrass ecosystems are currently in crisis because they are increasingly affected by changes caused by human activities in the coastal zone. This inhibits the sustainability of the seagrass ecosystem. This research evaluates the health index of seagrass ecosystems and determines the potential for sustainable utilization of seagrass ecosystem services on the coast of Pulau Panjang, Serang, Banten using quantitative approaches and mixed methods. The study found that Panjang Island have a high diversity of seagrass species with 7 seagrass species found, including Enhalus acoroides which dominated the coast. Habitat structure index represents seagrass health that was obtained is quite high which ranges between 60 - 70%. Another result of this research also proves that high consumptive behavior triggers the high utilization of ecosystem services. The utilization of seagrass ecosystems can reduce the potential for sustainable utilization of seagrass ecosystems. This is due to the communities’ low education. Therefore, management of seagrass ecosystems needs to be implemented immediately so that sustainable utilization of seagrass ecosystem services can be actualized.


UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Via Apriyani
"Penelitian mengenai potensi stok dan serapan karbon ekosistem mangrove di Pulau Tunda telah dilakukan pada bulan April--Juni 2016. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis potensi stok dan serapan karbon ekosistem mangrove, mengetahui spesies mangrove yang memiliki stok dan serapan karbon potensial, dan memperoleh estimasi harga karbon ekosistem mangrove di Pulau Tunda. Penentuan lokasi pengambilan sampel dilakukan secara purposive sampling pada enam stasiun bagian selatan dan timur Pulau Tunda.
Berdasarkan hasil analisis kandungan karbon ekosistem mangrove Pulau Tunda, diperoleh nilai biomassa 196,76 ton/ ha, stok karbon 91,48 ton/ ha, dan serapan karbon 335,06 ton/ ha. Proporsi stok dan serapan karbon terbesar tingkat pohon dan pancang mangrove di Pulau Tunda berasal dari spesies Excoecaria agallocha yaitu 107,47 ton/ ha dan 392,23 ton/ ha. Ekosistem mangrove Pulau Tunda memiliki estimasi harga karbon sebesar Rp 88.690.382--Rp 221.725.955 ton/ ha.

Research on the carbon uptake and stock potency of mangrove ecosystem in Tunda Island was conducted on April--June, 2016. The aim of the study was to analyze the mangrove ecosystem potency of carbon stock and its uptake, to know the mangrove species that has potential carbon stock and its uptake, and to estimate the potency of carbon price mangroveecosystem in Tunda Island. The location of sampling was determined by purposive sampling at six stations of south and east part Tunda Island.
The analysis result of carbon content at Tunda Island mangrove ecosystem showed that, biomass 196.76 ton/ ha, carbon stock 91.48 ton/ ha, and carbon uptake 335.06 ton/ ha. The largest proportion of the stock and carbon uptake at the level of mangrove tree and sapling in Tunda Island derived from Excoecaria agallocha, that is 107.47 ton/ ha and 392.23 ton/ ha. Tunda Island mangrove ecosystem have an estimated total carbon price of Rp 88.690.382--Rp 221.725.955 ton/ ha.
Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Rio Arfando
"Mangrove memiliki peranan yang sangat besar, terutama bagi pulau kecil seperti Pulau Panjang yang rentan akan pengaruh arus dan gelombang. Penelitian mengenai perubahan mangrove di Pulau Panjang dilakukan untuk mengetahui perubahan distribusi area dan kerapatan tajuk mangrove selama kurun waktu 17 tahun (1991-2008) melalui interpretasi citra Landsat yang dikaitkan dengan variabel perkembangan jumlah penduduk, perubahan penutup lahan dan kondisi fisik perairan Pulau Panjang. Dengan menggunakan metode analisis deskriptif kualitatif secara keruangan, terungkap bahwa mangrove di Pulau Panjang terus mengalami degradasi, baik dari segi luas area maupun kerapatan tajuknya, akibat dari peningkatan abrasi pantai, pertambahan jumlah penduduk dan konversi area mangrove, yang terutama terjadi di bagian luar area mangrove yang berbatasan dengan lahan terbangun maupun lahan terbuka.

Mangroves has very important function, especially for isle like Panjang Island which susceptable from wave and current influence. The research about mangroves change at Panjang Island is done to detect distribution change area and coronet closeness mangrove during range of time 17 year (1991-2008) pass image landsat interpretation relating with citizen total development variable, land cover change and waters physical condition in Panjang Island. By using qualitative descriptive analysis method according to spatial, revealed that is mangrove at long island then experiences degradation, either from vast aspect area also the coronet closeness, effect of enhanced abrasi coast, citizen total increase and conversion area mangrove, most off all happen at exterior area mangrove that abut on tune awaken also opened tune.
Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 2008
UI - Skripsi Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Farha Widya Asrofani
"Pesisir Kabupaten Tangerang mempunyai ekosistem alam yang luas namun pemanfaatannya belum optimal. Ekosistem tersebut memberikan jasa dan nilai yang berhubungan dengan kesejahteraan masyarakat. Nilai setiap jasa ekosistem dapat dijadikan sebagai acuan dampak pembangunan agar tidak merugikan kesejahteraan masyarakat sekitar.
Masalah dalam penelitian ini yaitu belum dilakukannya pengelolaan pesisir berbasis nilai jasa ekosistem, padahal mengetahui nilai jasa ekosistem pesisir dibutuhkan sebagai pertimbangan pengambilan keputusan pengelola untuk mencapai pembangunan yang berkelanjutan.
Tujuan penelitian adalah menganalisis jasa ekosistem pesisir yang tersedia berdasarkan tipologinya, menganalisis karakteristik jasa ekosistem pesisir berdasarkan hak kepemilikan, pengelolaan, dan penerima manfaatnya, menganalisis nilai ekonomi jasa ekositem pesisir, dan merumuskan pengelolaan pesisir untuk peningkatan nilai jasa ekosistem.
Metode yang digunakan adalah analisis penggunaan lahan, statistik deskriptif dan valuasi ekonomi berupa surplus produsen dan replacement cost.
Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa jasa ekosistem utama adalah jasa penyedia pangan dari ekosistem laut dan jasa ekosistem rekreasi. Desa yang potensial dikembangkan dengan membuka investasi pembangunan adalah Desa Tanjung Anom dan Desa Surya Bahari.
Kesimpulan penelitian ini adalah pembangunan di kawasan pesisir harus memperhatikan nilai manfaat yang masyarakat terima selama ini dari jasa ekosistem yang tersedia.

Coastal Tangerang Regency has a wide natural ecosystem, but its utilization is not optimal. The ecosystem provides services and values ​​related to community welfare. The value of each ecosystem service can be used as a reference for development impacts so as not to harm the welfare of the surrounding community.
The problem in this study is that the management of coastal ecosystems based on ecosystem service values ​​has not yet been carried out, whereas knowing the value of coastal ecosystem services is needed as consideration for management decisions to achieve sustainable development.
The research objective is to analyze the available coastal ecosystem services based on their typology, analyze the characteristics of coastal ecosystem services based on ownership rights, management, and beneficiaries, analyze the economic value of coastal ecosystem services, and formulate coastal management to increase the value of ecosystem services.
The method used is land use analysis, descriptive statistics, and economic valuations in the form of producer surpluses and replacement costs.
The results showed that the main ecosystem services are food service providers from the marine ecosystem and recreational ecosystem services. The villages that have the potential to be developed by opening investment in development are Tanjung Anom Village and Surya Bahari Village.
This study concludes that development in coastal areas must pay attention to the value of the benefits that people have received so far from the available ecosystem services.
Depok: Sekolah Ilmu Lingkungan Universitas Indonesia, 2020
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ibadurrahman Ramadhan
Pulau Tunda yang terletak di Kabupaten Serang, Provinsi Banten yang terdiri dari 2000 penduduk saat ini tidak mendapat pasokan listrik dari PLN (Perusahaan Listrik Nasional). Kebutuhan listrik sehari-hari diperoleh dari generator diesel 100 kW yang dioperasikan selama 10 jam per hari dikarenakan biaya operasional yang tinggi pada bahan bakar, itupun dengan harga solar bersubsidi. melihat potensi dari energi matahari yang begitu besar dan kemajuan di bidang panel surya saat ini serta banyaknya lahan yang tersedia, Pulau Tunda memiliki potensi yang besar akan pemanfaatan pembangkit listrik energi baru dan terbarukan. Dengan menggunakan perangkat lunak Pvsyst terlihat bahwa penerapan sistem PLTS di Pulau Tunda sangat cocok untuk diterapkan. Dengan total beban sebesar 735 kWh perhari dibutuhkan sistem dengan total 240 kWp panel surya dengan luas total 1441 m2. Biaya yang dibutuhkan untuk penerapan sistem sejumlah Rp 4.858.915.000 yang jika dibandingkan dengan sistem sebelumnya, net present cost dengan jangka waktu proyek selama 10 tahun maka akan jauh lebih murah..

Tunda Island, which is located in Serang Regency, Banten Province, which consists of 2000 residents currently does not get electricity from the National Electric Company (PLN). Daily electricity needs are obtained from a 100 kW diesel generator that is operated for 10 hours per day due to high operational costs on fuel, and even then with the price of subsidized diesel. Seeing the enormous potential of solar energy and the progress in the field of solar panels today and the large amount of land available, Tunda Island has a large potential for the utilization of new and renewable energy power plants. By using Pvsyst software, it is seen that the application of the PV-VP system on Tunda Island is very suitable to be implemented. With a total load of 735 kWh per day a system with a total of 240 kWp of solar panels with a total area of 1441 m2 is needed. The cost needed to implement the system is Rp 4.858.915.000 which, compared to the previous system, the net present cost with a project period of 10 years, will be much cheaper."
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2019
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Hanindi Fajrina Trihardi
Saat ini belum diketahui dampak perubahan habitat bagi biota laut akibat adanya aktivitas pengerukan pasir yang terjadi di Perairan Pulau Tunda sejak tahun 2013. Oleh karena itu penelitian yang dilakukan pada bulan Oktober 2016 hingga April 2017 bertujuan untuk mengetahui Struktur Komunitas dan Pola Sebaran Asteroidea di perairan Pulau Tunda. Lokasi penelitian ditetapkan dengan metode purposive sampling, kemudian dibagi menjadi 4 stasiun dan setiap stasiun terdiri atas 3 line transect yang masing-masing transek terdiri atas 15 plot pengamatan. Data yang diperoleh diolah dan dianalisis secara deskriptif kuantitatif. Hasil penelitian menunjukan dari keempat lokasi penelitian ditemukan sejumlah 8 spesies dari 5 suku Asteroidea. Indeks keanekaragaman Asteroidea di Pulau Tunda berada dalam kategori yang rendah H rsquo; le; 1,0 , yang berarti produktivitas sangat rendah sebagai indikasi adanya tekanan yang berat dan ekosistem yang tidak stabil. Indeks kemerataan pada stasiun 1 dan stasiun 2 tergolong rendah, sedangkan stasiun 3 dan stasiun 4 tergolong tinggi. Hal tersebut didukung dengan adanya spesies yang mendominasi yaitu Archaster typicus 33,3 , sedangkan kelimpahan Asteroidea di stasiun 4 lebih tinggi jika dibandingkan dengan 3 stasiun lainnya. Kecenderungan Asteroidea melimpah disebabkan adanya substrat pasir dan batu karang pada habitat tersebut. Secara umum pola sebaran Asteroidea di Perairan Pulau Tunda tergolong seragam.

The sand dredging activity in Tunda Island since 2013 result in the habitat changes for marine biota that have not been studied. Therefore, research conducted in October 2016 April 2017 aims to discover the structure community and distribution patterns of Asteroidea in Tunda Island. By using purposive sampling method, the research location divided into 4 stations with 3 transect lines and 15 observation plots per each. The analisys of data obtained by quantitative descriptive. The result showed 8 types of 5 tribes Asteroidea from 4 stations. The Asteroidea diversity index is in the low category H rsquo le 0,5 which signify low productivity as in indication of severe stress and unstable ecosystems. The evenness index values at stasion 1 and station 2 are low while, station 3 and station 4 are high. Those supported by the dominant species of Archaster typicus 33,3 , the abundane of Asteroidea at station 4 is highest compare to others. The abundance of Asteroidea due to the existence of sand substrate and reef corals. In general, the distribution pattern of Asteroidea in Tunda Island is evenly distributed.
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Eka Hesdianti
Luas padang lamun di Pulau Panjang Teluk Banten terus menurun akibat aktivitas industri di sekitar Teluk Banten Hilangnya padang lamun merugikan dikarenakan kapasitas lamun dalam menyerap dan menyimpan karbon dalam jumlah besar dan waktu yang lama Penelitian bertujuan mengetahui struktur komunitas lamun estimasi laju penyerapan karbon pada lamun Enhalus acoroides dan Cymodocea serrulata beserta nutrien di Pulau Panjang Teluk Banten Komunitas lamun diukur menggunakan metode analisis vegetasi di 3 stasiun pengamatan Penyerapan karbon diukur menggunakan metode penandaan daun Zieman pada 30 tegakan lamun selama 21 hari Kandungan karbon pada lamun dan sedimen di analisis menggunakan metode Wakley Black sedangkan nutrien N P menggunakan metode Kjedahl untuk nitrogen dan metode Bray Kurts untuk fosfat Lamun yang ditemukan di Pulau Panjang yaitu Enhalus acoroides Cymodocea serrulata Syringodium isoetifolium Halophila ovalis dan Halodule uninervis Padang lamun didominansi oleh S isoetifolium dengan nilai kepentingan IV 119 90 Estimasi karbon yang diserap E acoroides dan C serrulata adalah 1 58 gC m2 hari dan 0 31 gC m2 hari dan karbon tersimpan yaitu 142 88 gC m2 untuk E acoroides dan 18 91 gC m2 untuk C serrulata Lamun mengandung 42 91 44 08 karbon dan

Seagrass bed in Panjang Island Banten Bay has been decreased due to industry activities Seagrass loss was demetrial because seagrass has capacity in uptake and store carbon in greater scale The aims of research were to gain the seagrass community structure and to estimate carbon uptake and store by seagrass Enhalus acoroides and Cymodocea serrulata also it rsquo s nutrient content in Panjang Island Banten Bay Seagrass community was measured using vegetation analysis method Carbon uptake using Zieman leaf marking method The method was examined at 30 seagrass shoots for 21 days Carbon storage in seagrass also in sediment was analyzed using Wakley Black method There were 5 species seagrass found in Panjang Island Enhalus acoroides Cymodocea serrulata Syringodium isoetifolium Halophila ovalis and Halodule uninervis Seagrass was dominated by S isoetifolium with Importance Value IV 119 90 Seagrass condition on Panjang Island was medium high desity 235 03 ind m2 and good coverage 60 16 Estimation of carbon uptake by E acoroides and C serrulata in Panjang Island were 1 58 gC m2 d and 0 31 gC m2 d while carbon storage were 142 88 gC m2 and 18 91 gC m2 respectively Nutrient in seagrass contained of 42 91 44 08 carbon less than 0 91 nitrogent and phospate under 0 23 ppm Conversely nutrient on the sediment has much greater phosphate average 104 54 116 76 ppm and less than 1 carbon and nitrogent "
Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Widi Wijaya
"Telah dilakukan penelitian mengenai kepadatan populasi, pola persebaran, morfometrik, kecenderungan waktu makan, dan rekonstuksi lubang pada spesies kepiting Metopograpsus latifrons (White, 1987) di Pulau Panjang, Serang, Banten. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui kepadatan populasi, pola distribusi, morfometri, pola makan serta rekonstruksi lubang kepiting M. latifrons. Kepadatan kepiting M. latifrons rata-rata di pulau panjang 26 individu per m2, dengan pola persebaran mengelompok.
Hasil penghitungan morfometrik pada masing-masing jenis kelamin allometrik (b≠3), dan tidak terdapat perbedaan signifikan pada jantan dan betina (P<0, 01). Hasil pengamatan pola makan menunjukkan jam makan tertentu pada jenis kepiting tersebut. Hasil rekonstruksi lubang kepiting M. latifrons memperlihatkan bentuk yang bercabang-cabang, namun hanya memiliki satu pintu masuk dan keluar.

Population density, dispersion pattern, morphometric, feeding time, and crab burrow reconstruction was studied for mangrove leave feeder crab Metopograpsus latifrons (White, 1987) in Pulau Panjang, Serang, Banten. This study aims to determine the population density, distribution pattern, morphometric differences between male and female, feeding pattern and burrow reconstruction of mangrove crab M. latifrons. Indirect technique by counting burrow opening have been employed to measure crab population density, average population density of M. latifrons in Pulau Panjang is 26 individual per m2, with clumped dispersion pattern.
Morphometric analysis result shows allometric pattern (b≠3), and shows no significant differences between male and female (P<0, 01). Feeding activities of M. latifrons is time independent. Burrow reconstruction by making resin cast shows branching burrow shape, and only have one opening. However, the importance of burrow morphology is not yet confirmed."
Depok: Unversitas Indonesia. Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam, 2014
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Selvianti Asmara Putri
Penelitian mengenai peran siput Terebralia dalam mengurai serasah mangrove dan menyimpan karbon telah dilakukan pada bulan November hingga Desember 2013. Hasil penelitian kepadatan, Terebralia palustris memiliki nilai kepadatan yang paling tinggi yaitu 25 individu/m2. Sedangkan Terebralia sulcata memiliki nilai kepadatan yang lebih rendah yaitu 15 individu/m2. Kandungan karbon yang tersimpan dalam tubuh T. palustris berkisar antara 16,27?18,89% dengan rata-rata sebesar 17,45%. Sedangkan karbon yang tersimpan dalam tubuh T. sulcata berkisar antara 15,98?17,62% dengan rata-rata 16,87%. Potensi penyimpanan karbon oleh T.palustris sebesar 4374 gr C/m2 dan T. sulcata, berpotensi menyimpan karbon sebesar 2609 gr C/m2. Berdasarkan analisis statistik, terdapat korelasi antara panjang maupun berat T. palustris terhadap total karbon dengan masing-masing P= 0,001 dan P= 0,002. Sebaliknya, pada T.sulcata tidak terdapat korelasi antara panjang maupun berat cangkangnya terhadap total karbon yang dikandungnya dengan masing-masing P= 0,071 dan P= 0,289. Penelitian mengenai penguraian seresah dilakukan hanya menggunakan Terebralia dewasa yaitu, Terebralia palustris lebih dari 5 cm dan Terebralia sulcata lebih dari 3 cm. Dalam pengambilan data selanjutnya, dibuat 30 titik kuadran dengan ukuran 0,25 x 0,25 m yang ditentukan secara acak. Rata-rata persentase penguraian serasah oleh T. palustris adalah sebesar 3,48% ± 0,18 /hari untuk R. apiculata dan 8,28% ± 0,13 /hari untuk R. stylosa. Sedangkan T. sulcata mengurai serasah rata-rata sebesar 4,07% ± 0,12 /hari untuk R. apiculata dan 4,93 % ± 0,15 /hari untuk R. stylosa. Hasil penelitian juga menunjukkan bahwa tidak ditemukan korelasi antara panjang dan berat T.palustris dengan persentase penguraiannya. Begitu pula dengan T.sulcata, tidak ditemukan korelasi antara berat dengan laju penguraiannya. Sebaliknya, terdapat korelasi antara panjang T. sulcata dengan persentase penguraiannya.

Research on the role of Terebralia snails in mangrove leaf litter removal and store carbon was held in November and December 2013. Density of research results, Terebralia palustris has the highest density value of 400 individu/m2 . While Terebralia sulcata has a lower density value is 240 individu/m2. Carbon content stored in the body T. palustris ranged from 16.27 to 18.89 % with an average of 17.45 % . While the carbon stored in the body of T. sulcata ranged from 15.98 to 17.62 % with an average of 16.87 %. Potential carbon storage by T. palustris is 4374 g C/m2, whereas T. sulcata potentially storing carbon at 2609 g C/m2. Measurement of litter removal activity was carried out in mangrove dominated by Rhizophora sp. The research location was located in the intertidal mangrove affected part tide. Research conducted using only adult Terebralia such as, Terebralia palustris more than 5 cm and Terebralia sulcata more than 3 cm. In subsequent data collection, we made 30 points quadrant with 0.25 x 0.25 m size was determined at random. The average percentage of leaf litter removal by T. palustris is equal to 3,48% ± 0,18 / day for R. apiculata and 8,28% ± 0,13/ day for R. stylosa . While T. sulcata litter parse an average of 4,07% ± 0,12 / day for R. apiculata and 4,93 % ± 0,15 / day for R. stylosa . The results also show that there were no correlation was found between the length and weight percentage T.palustris with decay. Similar with T.sulcata, no correlation was found between the weight of the rate of decay. Instead, there is a correlation between the length of T. sulcata with the percentage of decay.;Research on the role of Terebralia snails in mangrove leaf litter removal and store carbon was held in November and December 2013. Density of research results, Terebralia palustris has the highest density value of 400 individu/m2 . While Terebralia sulcata has a lower density value is 240 individu/m2. Carbon content stored in the body T. palustris ranged from 16.27 to 18.89 % with an average of 17.45 % . While the carbon stored in the body of T. sulcata ranged from 15.98 to 17.62 % with an average of 16.87 %. Potential carbon storage by T. palustris is 4374 g C/m2, whereas T. sulcata potentially storing carbon at 2609 g C/m2. Measurement of litter removal activity was carried out in mangrove dominated by Rhizophora sp. The research location was located in the intertidal mangrove affected part tide. Research conducted using only adult Terebralia such as, Terebralia palustris more than 5 cm and Terebralia sulcata more than 3 cm. In subsequent data collection, we made 30 points quadrant with 0.25 x 0.25 m size was determined at random. The average percentage of leaf litter removal by T. palustris is equal to 3,48% ± 0,18 / day for R. apiculata and 8,28% ± 0,13/ day for R. stylosa . While T. sulcata litter parse an average of 4,07% ± 0,12 / day for R. apiculata and 4,93 % ± 0,15 / day for R. stylosa . The results also show that there were no correlation was found between the length and weight percentage T.palustris with decay. Similar with T.sulcata, no correlation was found between the weight of the rate of decay. Instead, there is a correlation between the length of T. sulcata with the percentage of decay.;Research on the role of Terebralia snails in mangrove leaf litter removal and store carbon was held in November and December 2013. Density of research results, Terebralia palustris has the highest density value of 400 individu/m2 . While Terebralia sulcata has a lower density value is 240 individu/m2. Carbon content stored in the body T. palustris ranged from 16.27 to 18.89 % with an average of 17.45 % . While the carbon stored in the body of T. sulcata ranged from 15.98 to 17.62 % with an average of 16.87 %. Potential carbon storage by T. palustris is 4374 g C/m2, whereas T. sulcata potentially storing carbon at 2609 g C/m2. Measurement of litter removal activity was carried out in mangrove dominated by Rhizophora sp. The research location was located in the intertidal mangrove affected part tide. Research conducted using only adult Terebralia such as, Terebralia palustris more than 5 cm and Terebralia sulcata more than 3 cm. In subsequent data collection, we made 30 points quadrant with 0.25 x 0.25 m size was determined at random. The average percentage of leaf litter removal by T. palustris is equal to 3,48% ± 0,18 / day for R. apiculata and 8,28% ± 0,13/ day for R. stylosa . While T. sulcata litter parse an average of 4,07% ± 0,12 / day for R. apiculata and 4,93 % ± 0,15 / day for R. stylosa . The results also show that there were no correlation was found between the length and weight percentage T.palustris with decay. Similar with T.sulcata, no correlation was found between the weight of the rate of decay. Instead, there is a correlation between the length of T. sulcata with the percentage of decay., Research on the role of Terebralia snails in mangrove leaf litter removal and store carbon was held in November and December 2013. Density of research results, Terebralia palustris has the highest density value of 400 individu/m2 . While Terebralia sulcata has a lower density value is 240 individu/m2. Carbon content stored in the body T. palustris ranged from 16.27 to 18.89 % with an average of 17.45 % . While the carbon stored in the body of T. sulcata ranged from 15.98 to 17.62 % with an average of 16.87 %. Potential carbon storage by T. palustris is 4374 g C/m2, whereas T. sulcata potentially storing carbon at 2609 g C/m2. Measurement of litter removal activity was carried out in mangrove dominated by Rhizophora sp. The research location was located in the intertidal mangrove affected part tide. Research conducted using only adult Terebralia such as, Terebralia palustris more than 5 cm and Terebralia sulcata more than 3 cm. In subsequent data collection, we made 30 points quadrant with 0.25 x 0.25 m size was determined at random. The average percentage of leaf litter removal by T. palustris is equal to 3,48% ± 0,18 / day for R. apiculata and 8,28% ± 0,13/ day for R. stylosa . While T. sulcata litter parse an average of 4,07% ± 0,12 / day for R. apiculata and 4,93 % ± 0,15 / day for R. stylosa . The results also show that there were no correlation was found between the length and weight percentage T.palustris with decay. Similar with T.sulcata, no correlation was found between the weight of the rate of decay. Instead, there is a correlation between the length of T. sulcata with the percentage of decay.]"
Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Hedia Susiani
"Pengelolaan perikanan tangkap rajungan seharusnya mempertimbangkan kondisi aspek lingkungan, sosial dan ekonomi. Namun tren hasil tangkapan per satuan upaya di Teluk Banten mengalami penurunan pada tahun 2007-2012. Tujuan riset ini adalah 1 menganalisis kondisi pengelolaan perikanan tangkap rajungan pada aspek lingkungan domain sumber daya dan domain habitat dan ekosistem , aspek sosial domain sosial dan domain kelembagaan, aspek ekonomi domain ekonomi dan domain teknik penangkapan 2 menyusun strategi pengelolaan perikanan rajungan berkelanjutan dengan pendekatan ekosistem EAFM di Teluk Banten. Riset ini menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif dengan metode kuantitatif dan kualitatif, melalui observasi, wawancara, kuesioner. Kondisi pengelolaan dengan status buruk ada pada domain ekonomi 6,81 , domain sosial 15,14 , domain sumber daya rajungan 16,23 , serta domain habitat dan ekosistem 17,10 . Status pengelolaan dengan status kurang pengelolaan ada pada domain teknik penangkapan 36,96 dan status pengelolaan dengan status sedang ada pada domain kelembagaan 43,26 . Nilai agregat seluruh domain adalah 22,58 yang berarti kondisi pengelolaan perikanan tangkap di Teluk Banten kurang pengelolaan. Prioritas langkah perbaikan dilakukan pada domain ekonomi dengan nilai indeks komposit ekonomi terendah dalam jangka waktu 5 tahun pertama sebagai strategi langkah perbaikan.

Fishery Management of Blue Swimming Crab BSC has to include environment, social and economy aspect into consideration. However, tren CPUE of BSC in Banten Bay are tending to decline year 2007 2012. The objectives of this research are 1 analysis the status of BSC fishery management with environment aspect BSC resources domain and habitat and ecosystem domain , social aspect social domain and institution domain , economic aspect economy domain and fishing technology domain 2 develop improvement strategy of fishery management in Banten Bay. This research employed quantitative approach with quantitative and qualitative methods, through observation, interviews, and questionnaires. Poor management conditions exist in economic domains 6.81 , social domains 15.14 , domain crab resources 16.23 , as well as habitat and ecosystem domains 17.10 . Management status with less management status exists in the capture technique domain 36.96 and management status with moderate management status exist in the institutional domain 43,26 . The aggregate value of the entire domain is 22.58, which means that the condition of capture fishery for BSC in Banten Bay is poor of management. Priority improvement steps is recommended to be performed on the economic domain with the lowest composite index value within the first 5 years as a corrective action strategy."
Jakarta: Sekolah Ilmu Lingkungan Universitas Indonesia, 2018
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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