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Neli Haryanti
"Badan Perencanaan Pembangunan Daerah adalah salah satu perangkat daerah mempunyai fungsi pokok sebagai badan perencanaan pembangunan daerah. Wewenang Bappeda induk sebagai koordinator dalam penyusunan Rencana Kerja Pemerintah Daerah sangat berpengaruh terhadap perkembangan kesejahteraan masyarakat. Koordinasi merupakan upaya yang sangat penting yang dilakukan oleh Bappeda dan jajarannya daerah dalam penyusunan dan pelaksanaan rencana kerja pembangunan daerah. Dengan Adanya permasalahan pembangunan daerah menggambarkan kendala internal Pelaksanaan koordinasi, koordinasi di internal Bappeda terlihat kurang baik dari kerjasama, komunikasi dan disiplin anggotanya, oleh karena itu penelitian ini bertujuan menganalisis pelaksanaan koordinasi serta faktor-faktor mempengaruhinya. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan menggunakan pendekatan postpositivist. Data yang dibutuhkan dalam penelitian ini berasal dari wawancara studi pustaka dan mendalam. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa implementasi koordinasi penyusunan Rencana Kerja Pemerintah Daerah oleh Badan Perencanaan Pembangunan Daerah cukup efektif. Hasil ini diketahui melalui Proses analisis empat dimensi yaitu dimensi koordinasi harus terpusat, koordinasi harus terintegrasi, koordinasi harus berkesinambungan, dan koordinasi harus ada
menggunakan pendekatan multi-kelembagaan. Dimensi yang terpenuhi adalah dimensiK oordinasi harus terintegrasi dan koordinasi harus berkesinambungan, sedangkan dua Dimensi lain yaitu dimensi koordinasi harus terpusat dan koordinasi harus menggunakan pendekatan multi-kelembagaan tidak terpenuhi. Faktor-faktor itu Pengaruh ini dianalisis dengan menggunakan teori Hasibuan (2006) tentang faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi keberhasilan pelaksanaan koordinasi yaitu faktor kesatuan tindakan, komunikasi, pembagian kerja, dan disiplin. Dari segi faktor kesatuan tindakan, pelaksanaan koordinasi belum terlaksana dengan baik karena adanya perintah tidak ada satupun isu yang dikeluarkan dalam proses penyusunan Rencana Kerja Pemerintah Daerah Kota kedua departemen di Bappeda kepada instansi di bawahnya. Faktor
komunikasi, pelaksanaan koordinasi sudah dikomunikasikan dengan baik kepada semua pemangku kepentingan dalam penyusunan Rencana Kerja Pemerintah Daerah. Faktor ketiga, pembagian kerja juga telah dilaksanakan dengan baik sesuai dengan ketentuan yang berlaku Peraturan Menteri Dalam Negeri dan Walikota tertuang dalam Susunan Organisasi Tata kerja masing-masing perangkat daerah. Faktor keempat, yaitu disiplin, menunjukkan Badan-badan dalam proses tersebut belum terpapar pada kemauan dan kecenderungan yang tinggi dari badan-badan tersebut dalam prosesnya penyusunan Rencana Kerja Pemerintah Daerah.

The Regional Development Planning Agency is one of the regional apparatuses having the main function as a regional development planning agency. The authority of the main Bappeda as coordinator in the preparation of Regional Government Work Plans greatly influences the development of community welfare. Coordination is a very important effort made by Bappeda and its regional staff in the preparation and implementation of regional development work plans. The existence of regional development problems illustrates internal constraints. The implementation of coordination, coordination within Bappeda looks less good than the cooperation, communication and discipline of its members, therefore this study aims to analyze the implementation of coordination and its factors.
influence it. This research was conducted using a postpositivist approach. The data needed in this study comes from literature and in-depth interviews. The results showed that the coordination implementation of the Regional Government Work Plans by the Regional Development Planning Agency was quite effective. These results are known through a four-dimensional analysis process, namely the dimensions of coordination must be centralized, coordination must be integrated, coordination must be sustainable, and coordination must exist. using a multi-institutional approach. The dimensions that are fulfilled are that the coordination dimension must be integrated and the coordination must be sustainable, while the other two dimensions, namely the coordination dimension must be centralized and the coordination must use a multi-institutional approach is not fulfilled. These factors. This influence is analyzed using the theory of Hasibuan (2006) about the factors that affect the success of the implementation of coordination, namely factors unity of action, communication, division of labor, and discipline. In terms of the unity of action factor, the implementation of coordination has not been carried out properly because there was no single issue issued in the process of drafting the Regional Government Work Plan. said the two departments at Bappeda to the agencies under it. Factor communication, the implementation of coordination has been well communicated to all stakeholders in the preparation of the Regional Government Work Plan. The third factor, the division of labor has also been implemented properly in accordance with applicable regulations The regulations of the Minister of Home Affairs and the Mayor are contained in the Organizational Structure of the work procedures of each regional apparatus. The fourth factor, namely discipline, shows that the Agencies in the process have not been exposed to the high willingness and inclination of these agencies in the process of preparing Local Government Work Plans.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Administrasi Universitas Indonesia, 2019
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Sitti Avania Rizki
Musyawarah Perencanaan Pembangunan Musrenbang adalah forum antarpelaku untuk menyusun rencana pembangunan di tingkat nasional maupun daerah. Pelaksanaan musrenbang juga dimaksudkan untuk menampung aspirasi masyarakat terkait dengan pembangunan di wilayahnya. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melihat efektivitas pelaksanaan musrenbang dalam penyusunan dokumen Rencana Kerja Pemerintah Daerah RKPD Kota Bekasi, Provinsi Jawa Barat. Untuk melihat efektivitas pelaksanaan musrenbangnya, penelitian ini menggunakan teori perencanaan yang baik dari Nugroho dan Wrihatnolo 2011 yang terbagi atas sistematis, terpadu, transparan, dan akuntabel. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan post positivist dengan teknik pengumpulan data berupa wawancara mendalam dan studi literatur. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa pelaksanaan musrenbang RKPD di Kota Bekasi tahun 2018 sudah cukup efektif, dapat dilihat dari terpenuhinya sebagian besar indikator pada keempat dimensi yang ada walaupun terdapat beberapa hambatan. Indikator pada dimensi transparan belum terpenuhi dengan baik yaitu terkait menampung setiap usulan yang masuk tanpa ada yang disembunyikan. Hal ini disebabkan karena adanya keterbatasan dalam hal sistem yang dipakai yaitu sistem e-planning. Hambatan pelaksanaan musrenbang lainnya adalah terkait dengan keterbatasan keuangan daerah yang membuat tidak semua usulan dapat diakomodir.

Development Planning Discussion Musrenbang is an inter government forum to develop national and regional development plans. The implementation of musrenbang is also intended to accommodate community aspirations related to development in the region. This study aims to see the effectiveness of the implementation of musrenbang in the preparation of Local Government Work Plan Document RKPD in Bekasi City, West Java Province. To see the effectiveness, this research used theory of a good planning from Nugroho and Wrihatnolo 2011 which is divided into systematic, integrated, transparent and accountable. This research uses post positivist approach with in depth interview and literature study for data collection techniques. The results of this study indicate that the implementation of musrenbang for RKPD document 2018 in Bekasi is quite effective, can be seen from the fulfillment of most indicators on the four dimensions that exist although there are some obstacles. Indicators on transparent dimensions have not met well that is related to accommodate every proposal that comes in without any hidden. This is due to the limitations in the system used is the e planning system. The other obstacles on the implementation of this musrenbang are related to the regional financial constraints that make not all proposals accommodable."
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Intan Maharani
Perencanaan pembangunan menjadi hal penting dalam suatu proses pembangunan di suatu wilayah karena akan menentukan bagaimana arah pembangunan ke depannya. Dalam melakukan perencanaan pembangunan, pendekatan partisipatif menjadi salah satu pendekatan yang penting untuk dilakukan karena dapat mengakomodir kebutuhan masyarakat yang menjadi pihak yang paling merasakan dampak pembangunan itu sendiri. Penelitian ini membahas mengenai pelaksanaan perencanaan pembangunan partisipatif di wilayah Kecamatan Bekasi Barat untuk penyusunan rencana pembangunan daerah, dalam hal ini adalah RKPD Kota Bekasi Tahun 2018. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian kualitatif dengan desain deskriptif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pelaksanaan perencanaan pembangunan partisipatif dalam penyusunan RKPD di wilayah Kecamatan Bekasi Barat Kota Bekasi dapat dikatakan sudah cukup baik dan sudah dapat mengakomodir keterlibatan masyarakat. Perencanaan pembangunan partisipatif dalam penyusunan RKPD di wilayah Kecamatan Bekasi Barat Kota Bekasi dimulai dari tahapan pengumpulan usulan-usulan rencana kegiatan pembangunan yang berasal dari masyarakat di lingkup RT hingga pembahasan dalam Musrenbang Kecamatan untuk menentukan usulan prioritas yang akan diajukan ke level Kota Bekasi. Dalam pelaksanaan perencanaan pembangunan partisipatif, terdapat beberapa faktor yang turut mempengaruhi, baik mendukung maupun menghambat. Faktor-faktor yang mendukung dalam pelaksanaan perencanaan pembangunan partisipatif adalah adanya dukungan dari masyarakat, kesinergian antar lembaga yang terkait, kelengkapan unsur-unsur kelembagaan kemasyarakatan, pendanaan yang cukup, serta sistem dan teknologi. Sedangkan, faktor yang menghambat dalam pelaksanaan perencanaan pembangunan partisipatif berkaitan dengan kurang jelasnya usulan yang diusulkan oleh masyarakat, keterbatasan waktu, dan adanya miskomunikasi antara pihak-pihak terkait.

Development planning becomes important in a development process in a region because it will determine how the direction of development in the future. Participatory approach becomes one of the important approaches in development planning because it can accommodate the needs of the people who are most affected by the development itself. This study discusses participatory development planning in West Bekasi District in the making of local government development plan, in this case, is RKPD Kota Bekasi Year 2018. The method of this study is qualitative research with a descriptive design. The results show that participatory development planning in the making of RKPD in West Bekasi District is good enough and already able to accommodate community involvement. Participatory development planning in the making of RKPD in West Bekasi District starts from the stages of collecting proposals of development from the community within RT until discussed in Musrenbang Kecamatan to determine the priority which continued to Bekasi Municipality level. In the participatory development planning, there are several factors that influence, either support or inhibit. Factors that support are the support of the community, the inter related institutional, the completeness of the institutional elements of society, adequate funding, and systems and technology. Meanwhile, the factors that hinder the participatory development planning related to the lack of proposals clarity proposed by the community, time constraints, and miscommunication between the stakeholders."
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ayu Sartika
"Laporan magang ini dibentuk untuk menjelaskan penyusunan laporan keuangan Bappeda Provinsi DKI Jakarta Tahun 2022. Bappeda Provinsi DKI Jakarta merupakan salah satu Satuan Kerja Perangkat Daerah (SKPD) yang berfungsi sebagai badan perencanaan pembantu pelaksana tugas pemerintah daerah DKI Jakarta. Adapun laporan keuangan SKPD akan berpedoman dengan peraturan terkait basis akuntansi yang digunakan. Didorong oleh Instruksi Gubernur Provinsi DKI Jakarta Nomor 1 Tahun 2022 Tentang Penyusunan Laporan Keuangan Pemerintah Daerah Provinsi DKI Jakarta Tahun Anggaran 2022 dan Rencana Aksi Dalam Rangka Mempertahankan Predikat Wajar Tanpa Pengecualian. Instruksi Gubernur Provinsi DKI Jakarta Nomor 1 Tahun 2022 menjelaskan langkah dalam menginput laporan keuangan SKPD dilakukan dengan Sistem Informasi Pemerintah Daerah (SIPD-LPJ) dan dievaluasi oleh beberapa pihak seperti Inspektorat dan BPK. Bappeda Provinsi DKI Jakarta sendiri telah melakukan penginputan melalui sistem ini sejak tahun 2022. Pertauran terkait lainnya yaitu Peraturan Pemerintah No. 71 Tahun 2010 Tentang Standar atau prinsip dalam menyusun laporan keuangan pemerintah, dimana didalamnya juga dilampirkan Peraturan Standar Akuntansi Pemerintahan (PSAP) 04 Tentang Catatan atas Laporan Keuangan (CaLK). Maka hasilnya, penyusunan laporan keuangan menggunakan basis akuntansi akrual dan sesuai dengan kerangka CaLK. Bappeda Provinsi DKI Jakarta perlu melalui beberapa proses sehingga menghasilkan laporan keuangan yang siap terbit. Yaitu melalui pemeriksaan BPKD, BPK, serta Inspektorat.

This internship report was created to explain the preparation of the DKI Jakarta Provincial Bappeda financial report for 2022. The DKI Jakarta Provincial Bappeda is one of the Regional Work Units (SKPD) that functions as an auxiliary planning agency for implementing DKI Jakarta regional government tasks. The SKPD financial reports will be guided by regulations related to the accounting basis used. Driven by the Instruction of the Governor of the Province of DKI Jakarta Number 1 of 2022 concerning the Preparation of Regional Government Financial Statements of the DKI Jakarta Province for the 2022 Fiscal Year and Action Plans in the Context of Maintaining the Unqualified Predicate. Instruction of the Governor of DKI Jakarta Province Number 1 of 2022 explains the steps for inputting SKPD financial reports are carried out with the Local Government Information System (SIPD-LPJ) and evaluated by several parties such as the Inspectorate and BPK. DKI Jakarta Provincial Bappeda itself has been inputting through this system since 2022. Other related regulations, namely Government Regulation No. 71 of 2010 concerning Standards or principles in compiling government financial reports, in which the Government Accounting Standards Regulation (PSAP) 04 concerning Notes to Financial Statements (CaLK) is also attached. As a result, the preparation of financial statements uses an accrual basis of accounting and is in accordance with the CaLK framework. Bappeda DKI Jakarta Province needs to go through several processes so as to produce financial reports that are ready to be published. Namely through BPKD, BPK, and the Inspectorate."
Depok: 2023
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Tami Januarti
"Dana Insentif Daerah merupakah salah satu bentuk Intergovernmental Fiscal Transfer atau Transfer Pusat ke Daerah yang dialokasikan kepada daerah tertentu dengan mempertimbangkan kriteria tertentu untuk penyelenggaraan fungsi pendidikan. Dalam pelaksanaan Dana Insentif Daerah terdapat berbagai persoalan yang terkait dengan mekanisme pengalokasian Dana Insentif Daerah. Dengan menggunaan metode penelitian kualitatif dengan teknik pengumpulan data wawancara mendalam dan studi dokumen, skripsi ini menganalisis mekanisme pengalokasian Dana Insentif Daerah dengan mengkaji salah satu daerah penerima yaitu Kota Depok.
Pengalokasian Dana Insentif Daerah kepada Kota Depok ditemui berbagai permasalahan mulai dari tidak terpenuhinya kriteria, kekeliruan perhitungan, hingga praktek penyalahgunaan Dana Insentif Daerah oleh Kota Depok. Tidak adanya keterbukaan informasi, formula/perhitungan yang tidak baku, pengawasan yang rendah, serta tidak adanya dasar hukum yang kuat menyebabkan mekanisme pengalokasian Dana Insentif Daerah sarat akan tindakan percaloan anggaran dan korupsi.

Regional Incentive Fund are one form of the Intergovernmental Fiscal Transfer or Transfer to Central Region is allocated to a particular area by considering the specific criteria for the implementation of educational functions. In the implementation of the Regional Incentive Fund there are various problems associated with the Regional Incentive Fund allocation mechanism. By using qualitative research methods with techniques of data collection in-depth interviews and document studies, this thesis analyzes the Regional Incentive Fund allocation mechanisms by studying one of the recipients of Depok City.
Allocation of Regional Incentive Funds to the City of Depok encountered various problems ranging from non-fulfillment of the criteria, calculation errors, to abuse the practice of Regional Incentive Funds by the City of Depok. The absence of disclosure of information, formulas / calculations that are not standard, low supervision, the absence of a strong legal basis led Regional Incentive Fund allocation mechanism will be full of action brokering budgets and corruption.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2012
UI - Skripsi Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Jiwa Muhamad Satria Nusantara

Pengawasan dalam bentuk evaluasi dari Gubernur sebagai wakil pemerintah pusat kepada kabupaten/kota di bawahnya menjadi salah satu faktor dalam konsistensi perencanaan pembangunan dan penganggaran di daerah, Sugiarto (2015). Sebagai kabupaten dengan laju pertumbuhan tertinggi di Jawa Barat, Kabupaten Bekasi harus memperhatikan perencanaan pembangunan daerahnya. Faktanya, peran gubernur untuk pengawasan ke Kabupaten Bekasi terdapat kendala. Pisau analisis dalam penelitian ini yaitu, model implementasi kebijakan Meter dan Horn (1975), proses pengawasan Griffin (2004) dan faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi pengawasan Tugiman (1996). Melalui pendekatan penelitian kualitatif deskriptif, penelitian menganalisis implementasi serta faktor yang mempengaruhi dari implementasi kebijakan pengawasan perencanaan pembangunan daerah Kabupaten Bekasi oleh Provinsi Jawa Barat. Hasil penelitian menunjukan, implementasi kebijakan belum optimal. Hal dilihat mulai dari penetapan standar pengawasan. Gubernur yang mengemban 2 (dua) fungsi tidak disertai struktur organisasi dan mekanisme penganggaran yang mendukung. Peran pimpinan belum cukup menjamin keberhasilan pengawasan, karena adanya bias politik dalam tatanan implementasi pengawasan. Rekomendasi dari penelitian ini, agar dilakukan kajian ulang terkait dengan peraturan peran gubernur sebagai wakil pemerintah pusat. Pola kerja yang per output juga menjadi solusi dari di Bappeda Provinsi Jawa Barat. Sistem informasi yang mempermudah pengawasan dengan didukung SOP untuk proses pengawasan di internal Bappeda maupun komunikasi antar pelaksana perlu segera disusun.


Supervision in the form of evaluation from the Governor as the representative of the central government to the districts / cities below becomes one of the factors in the consistency of development planning and budgeting in the region, Sugiarto (2015). As a district with the highest growth rate in West Java, Bekasi Regency must pay attention to its regional development planning. In fact, the role of the governor for supervision of Bekasi Regency has obstacles. The knife of analysis in this research is the policy implementation model of Meter and Horn (1975), the supervision process of Griffin (2004) and the factors that influence the supervision of Tugiman (1996). Through a descriptive qualitative research approach, research analyzes the implementation and the influencing factors of the implementation of the regional development planning supervision policy of Bekasi Regency by West Java Province. The results of the study show that policy implementation is not optimal. Things are seen starting from the standard setting of supervision. The governor who carries 2 (two) functions is not accompanied by an organizational structure and supporting budgeting mechanism. The leadership role is not enough to guarantee the success of supervision, because of the political bias in the order of implementation of supervision. Recommendations from this study, so that a review is carried out related to the regulation of the role of the governor as a representative of the central government. The work pattern per output is also a solution in the West Java Province Bappeda. An information system that facilitates oversight with the support of SOPs for Bappeda`s internal monitoring process and communication between implementers needs to be prepared immediately.


UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
"This research aim to know and to analyse how much the influence of coordination in constructing Tax Object Sales Value forward effectiveness of services to tax community. This pointed out that for increasing coordination with implementation in relationship with tax objact sales value consist of objective integration, activity integration and achievement purpose efficiently would be promote a services tax object sales value to the object sales value to the tax community. The research population were tax payers and others institutional relationship with tax object sales value at DKI Jakarta. Sampling technique was proportional stratified random sampling . This technique is used if the population dishomogen and stratified proportional. Data technique collecting which is used in this research was observation, interview, documentation and questioner. Questioner which constitute measure equipment in this research should be tested and reliable. The mainstay point out precision, stability of measure equipment which be used. Data collecting of the research result be analysed with using quantitative metode approach while linear regression analysis has been performed in the quantitative approach. The result of hypothesis test indicate that objective integration, activity integration and achieve a purpose efficiently influenced significantly a services tax object sales value to the tax community, and the achievement of this research also need to know and to analyse for increasing dimension of objective integration, activity integration and achievement purpose integrated in order to find out satisfication to tax community services which to expected. based on this research The Head of Kanwil Pajak or The Head of KTP in carry out coordination must be receptance input from others instutions interrelated for constructing Tax Object sales value at each their regions."
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Cambridge, UK: MIT Press, 1965
338.9 REG
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
"The interest in regional development planning in Indonesia as well as in many other third world countries is growing rapidly since the early 1970s. However the subject matter of regional development planning is still in process of taking shape. As a consequence, considerable differences exist regarding the interpretation of this field of enquiry and action. The present article aims at addressing three basic questions 1) What is the rationale for the introduction of planning for development on a regional basis? 2) What types of regional development planning do exist and what are their respective characteristics? 3) What are the various implications of the spatial dimension of regional development planning for professional practice? As the understanding of the dynamic situation in an are in a holistic way is a sine qua non condition for the planning of effective development intervention, the input of geography in the regional planning process is indispensable."
GEOUGM 16:52 (1986)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ray Septianis Kartika
"Regional autonomy demands a creative and innovative local government. This paper sees the creativity of local government in preparing the roadmap. Basically, the readiness of local government in preparing SIDa roadmap is the overall condition of local government to understand the potential of the area in determining thematic roadmap. Some things that should be prepared by the local government is to prepare the regulation and mapping of SIDa personnel. Through this study, it comprehensively describes the stages that must be taken into account by the stakeholders in the region. The method used the explorative descriptive method. The results of the study are identified (1) Local Government readiness in preparing the SIDa roadmap by preparing the legal basis, coordinating with R & D institutions, integrating provincial and district/city programs, and preparing SIDa documents, (2) Elements prepared by the Provincial Government: Establishing TEAM Coordination Province, Identification of potency of local superior commodity, human resource identification, feasibility test, and identification of innovation of regency / city, (3) obstacles encountered in preparing SIDa roadmap are: still strong sectoral ego coordination team of province especially university and low commitment of local government Districts/municipalities in the implementation of innovation, the absence of SIDa actors in the implementation level of private sector/business world, budget allocation for innovation at various SKPD, and implementation of coordination team not yet run properly."
Jakarta: Kementerian Dalam Negeri RI, 2017
351 JBP 9:1 (2017)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
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