Penyakit Hirschsprung, atau congenital agangclionic megacolon, merupakan penyakit yang terdapat di usus besar karena tidak terdapatnya sel parasimpatik ganglion di dinding segmen rectum dan kolon. Penyakit ini memiliki angka insiden berkisar 1 di antara 5000 kelahiran. Penatalaksanaan definitif atau tindakan pembedahan perlu dilakukan untuk mengatasi dampak dan komplikasi dari penyakit Hirschprung. Salah satu dampak post operasi dari prosedur definitif pada anak dengan Hirschprung adalah munculnya keluhan mual dan muntah atau yang biasa disebut dengan post operative nausea and vomiting (PONV). Berdasarkan analisis masalah pada pasien kelolaan, terdapat masalah keperawatan yang terjadi pada Anak A diantaranya nyeri akut, mual (nausea), dan risiko infeksi yang muncul pada masa post operasi penutupan stoma dan prosedur definitif. Setelah dilakukan asuhan keperawatan dengan penggunaan aromaterapi dan teknik relaksasi napas dalam selama 3 hari penerapan implementasi keperawatan, didapatkan hasil penurunan stimulus mual dan dorongan untuk muntah yang dibuktikan dengan penurunan skor NRS, INVR, dan KIN setelah diberi intervensi. Anak dapat memperagakan teknik napas dalam untuk mengurangi sensasi mual, tidak ada tanda-tanda kekurangan cairan akibat dari mual dan anak tampak lebih tenang dalam beristirahat. Pelayanan keperawatan diharapkan dapat menerapkan implementasi pemberian aromaterapi dan relaksasi napas dalam menangani masalah mual dan muntah sebagai inovasi dalam lingkup pelayanan kesehatan.
Hirschsprungs disease, or congenital agangclionic megacolon, is a disease found in the large intestine because there is no ganglion parasympathetic cell in the segment wall of the rectum and colon. This disease has incidents ranging from 1 in 5000 births. Definitive management or surgical action needs to be done to overcome the effects and complications of Hirschprungs disease. One of the postoperative effects of the definitive procedure in children with Hirschprung is the appearance of complaints of nausea and vomiting or commonly referred to as postoperative nausea and vomiting (PONV). Based on the problem analysis in managed patients, there are nursing problems that occur in Child A including acute pain, nausea (nausea), and the risk of infection that occurs during postoperative stoma closure and definitive procedures. After nursing care with the use of aromatherapy and deep breathing relaxation techniques for 3 days of nursing implementation, we found a decrease in stimulus nausea and an urge to vomit as evidenced by a decrease in NRS, INVR, and KIN scores after being given an intervention. Children can demonstrate deep breath techniques to reduce the sensation of nausea, there are no signs of lack of fluids due to nausea and the child appears more calm in resting. Nursing services are expected to be able to implement the implementation of aromatherapy and relaxation of breath in dealing with the problem of nausea and vomiting as innovation in the scope of health services.
"Pain after Open Reduction Internal Fictation (ORIF) or open surgery is always a problem for fracture patients. This Paper presents the results of the analysis of nursing care in a male patient who has multiple fractures after a traffic accident, which is then performed a facial ORIF. The method used was a case study and the application of EBN, namely deep breath intervention to reduce acute pain during five days of postoperative care. The patients pain scale at the start of the post-ORIF treatment ranged from moderate to severe. Meanwhile, the pain scale on the fifth day after surgery and giving deep breath intervention, decreased in the mild to moderate range. One thing that becomes a problem when doing deep breath interventions in patients after facial ORIF is the difficulty of the patient in exhaling with clenching. Other interventions recommended based on evidence-based practice studies include the application of the Guided Imagery method intervention in post-ORIF patients to reduce pain levels. Combining the application of deep breath relaxation techniques with the Guided Imagery method and pharmacological therapy is expected to be applied by nurses in providing nursing care, especially for patients experiencing acute pain after ORIF procedure"
Cholelithiasis is one of the major health problems of gastrointestinal system at the global level. This is due to changes in peoples lifestyles including decreased physical activity and inappropriate dietary patterns. One of the surgical treatments performed on cholelithiasis patients is laparoscopic cholecystectomy. The aims of this study is to analyse the nursing care of pre-laparoscopic cholecystectomy patients by applying deep breathing relaxation intervention to overcome the preoperative anxiety problem. Besides that, another intervention that is recommended based on evidence-based practice studies is the use of intervention of music therapy to reduce anxiety in pre-laparoscopic cholecystectomy patients. Combining the application of deep breathing relaxation and music therapy is expected to be applied by nurses, especially for patients who will undergo laparoscopic cholecystectomy to overcome the problem of preoperative anxiety."