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Kevin Febriano Bukit

Riset-riset politik yang selama ini telah dilakukan menemukan adanya hubungan antara religiusitas dengan ideologi politik, di mana terdapat kecenderungan religiusitas berkorelasi tinggi dengan konservatisme. Salah satu pengaruh dari religiusitas yang sejak awal dianggap paling efektif digunakan untuk mengarahkan sikap dan tingkah laku manusia adalah narasi keagamaan. Penelitian ini ingin melihat apakah narasi keagamaan dapat memengaruhi sikap ideologi politik. Di sisi lain, kelompok pertemanan juga memiliki peran dalam menjelaskan sikap terhadap isu-isu politik, dimana salah satu mekanisme psikologis yang dapat menjelaskan pengaruh kelompok pertemanan terhadap ideologi politik ini adalah konsep realitas terbagikan. Kelompok konservatif dianggap lebih memiliki keinginan tinggi untuk membagi realitas mereka dibandingkan dengan kelompok liberal, sehingga realitas terbagikan diduga semakin meningkatkan kecenderungan konservatif pada individu yang terpapar narasi keagamaan. Penelitian ini dapat digolongkan sebagai penelitian eksplanatori, kuantitatif dan eksperimental. Terdapat total 165 partisipan (66 laki-laki dan 99 perempuan) yang dikelompokkan secara acak ke dalam dua kelompok manipulasi penelitian (between-subject design). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa paparan terhadap narasi keagamaan memengaruhi sikap ideologi politik kearah yang cenderung konservatif dan fundamentalis. Sementara, uji moderasi tidak menemukan adanya pengaruh dari realitas terbagikan terhadap kekuatan hubungan antara narasi keagamaan dengan sikap ideologi politik. Berdasarkan temuan ini, terbukti bahwa narasi keagamaan memengaruhi sikap ideologi politik individu, namun pengaruh ini tidak diperkuat oleh adanya realitas terbagikan pada diri individu.

Previous researches in politics found a relationship between religiosity and political ideology, in which there is a tendency of religiosity to highly correlated with conservatism. One main effect of religiosity that considered most effective to direct human's attitude and behavior is religious narrative. Current research would inspect if religious narrative could affect political ideology. On the other hand, peer groups also have roles on explaining attitudes towards political issues, which could be explained by a psychological mechanism called shared reality. Conservatives considered have higher motivation to share realities with liberals, so that shared reality increase the tendency of political conservatism on individual exposed to religious narrative. This study classified as explanatory, quantitative, and experimental research. A total of 165 participants (66 male and 99 female) randomly assigned to one of two manipulation groups (between-subject design). Results show that exposure of religious narrative affect political ideology attitudes toward conservatism and fundamentalism. Whilst, moderation test did not find any effect of shared reality towards the relationship between religious narrative and political ideology. These findings conclude that political ideology attitudes could be affected by religious narrative, but this effect did not enhanced by shared reality within individuals.

Depok: Fakultas Psikologi Universitas Indonesia , 2019
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Muhammad Abdan Shadiqi
Beberapa waktu belakangan banyak terjadi aksi-aksi demonstrasi dan protes. Muncul pertanyaan mengapa ada orang yang berpartisipasi pada aksi kolektif dan ada yang tidak? Beberapa hasil temuan sebelumnya sudah jelas menemukan faktor motivasional aksi kolektif. Penelitian ini berusaha menggunakan perspektif yang berbeda, menggunakan pendekatan kognisi sosial, yaitu realitas terbagi (shared reality) untuk menjelaskan aksi kolektif melalui model integratif. Penelitian ini bertujuan menjelaskan pengaruh realitas terbagi pada keputusan seseorang mengikuti aksi kolektif. Penelitian ini juga menguji peranan faktor lain, yaitu keterlibatan politik secara daring dan identitas terpolitisasi. Penelitian ini dirancang melalui 4 studi pada isu politik dan lingkungan hidup. Studi 1 adalah studi kualitatif untuk menganalisis konten isi status twitter pada isu #2019gantipresiden. Hasil dari analisis tematik 250 isi status twitter selama bulan April-Agustus 2018 menemukan bahwa proses keterlibatan aksi bergantung pada proses yang terjadi di media sosial (twitter). Penulis menemukan proses ini berkaitan dengan pembentukan pandangan yang sama (realitas terbagi) dan keterlibatan pada isu-isu politik. Studi 2A adalah studi survei korelasional yang dilakukan pra-kampanye pilpres 2019 pada 473 partisipan. Hasilnya, penulis menemukan realitas terbagi dapat memprediksi aksi kolektif secara langsung. Selain itu, studi 2A menemukan bahwa keterlibatan politik secara daring dapat memprediksi aksi kolektif secara langsung atau dimediasi oleh realitas terbagi. Studi 2B, studi survei korelasional yang dilakukan pasca-kampanye pilpres 2019 pada 212 partisipan. Penulis menemukan realitas terbagi tidak dapat memprediksi aksi kolektif secara langsung, tetapi harus melewati (full mediation) identitas terpolitisasi dan keterlibatan politik secara daring. Studi 3, pendekatan eksperimental, pada 377 partisipan yang diacak pada desain 3 (tanpa realitas terbagi vs. realitas terbagi individu tunggal vs. realitas terbagi kelompok) x 2 (kasus lingkungan/satwa: Paus Hiu Berau vs. kasus politis: pengelolaan terminal kontainer/pelabuhan di Jakarta oleh asing), between subject. Hasil studi 3 menunjukkan bahwa ada perbedaan signifikan aksi kolektif pada masing-masing kondisi. Realitas terbagi terbukti secara kausalitas menyebabkan peningkatan aksi kolektif. Aksi kolektif pada kasus lingkungan/satwa lebih tinggi secara signifikan daripada kasus politis. Berdasarkan 4 studi yang dilakukan, dapat disimpulkan bahwa realitas terbagi dapat mempengaruhi partisipasi pada aksi kolektif. Realitas terbagi dapat berperan secara langsung atau turut dipengaruhi oleh identitas terpolitisasi dan keterlibatan politik secara daring.

Several demonstrations and protests were conducted a few time ago. The question arises why do some people participate in collective action and others don't? Some previous findings have clearly found motivational factors as predictors of collective action. This study uses a different perspective from previous studies, namely a social cognition approach. I examine the role of shared reality on collective action through an integrative model. This research aims to explain the effect of shared reality on a decision to participate in collective action. This research also examines the role of other factors: online political engagement and politicized identity. This research was designed through 4 studies on political and environmental issues. Study 1, qualitative study to analyze the content of Twitter status on the #2019gantipresiden issue. The results of a thematic analysis of 250 contents of the status of Twitter during April-August 2018 found that the process of collective action involvement depends on the online process on social media (Twitter). I found this process related to the shaping of the same view, opinions, or feeling (shared reality) and engagement on the political issue. Study 2A, the correlational study collected 473 participants on the pre-campaign period of the 2019 presidential election. As the result, I found that the shared reality and the online political engagement directly predicted collective action. I also found that shared reality partially mediated the association of online political engagement and collective action. Study 2B, the correlational study collected 212 participants on the post-campaign period of the 2019 presidential election. I found that shared reality had no significant direct effect on collective action. Shared reality had an indirect effect (full mediation) via politicized identity and online political engagement. Study 3, 377 undergraduate students completed the experimental study with 3 (non-shared reality vs individual shared reality vs group shared reality) x 2 (environmental/ wildlife vs political cases), between subject design. Study 3 found a significant difference of collective action in each condition. Shared reality had a causality effect to increase collection action intention. The mean score of the action in the environmental/ wildlife case was significantly higher than the political case. In summary, it can be concluded that shared reality activated participation in collective action. Shared reality increased the collective action intention via political identity and online political involvement.


UI - Disertasi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Muhammad Ihsan
Belakangan ini fenomena intoleransi politik yang melibatkan identitas agama kembali menjadi marak di Indonesia. Beberapa penelitian sebelumnya mengonfirmasi kecenderungan hubungan fundamentalisme agama dan intoleransi, juga hubungannya dengan need for closure. Tujuan dari penelitian ini ialah membuktikan hubungan prediksi fundamentalisme terhadap intoleransi dengan menambahkan need for closure, spesifiknya fudamentalisme intratekstual, sebagai moderator. Penelitian dilakukan pada 723 mahasiswa Indonesia yang beragama Islam. Dengan menggunakan analisis linear regression, peneliti mendapatkan hasil signifikan fundamentalisme agama memprediksi intoleransi politik. Sedangkan analisis moderator menunjukkan fundamentalisme intratekstual tidak signifikan berpengaruh pada prediksi sebelumnya. Meski demikian, perlu penelitian lanjutan yang membahas hubungan ini lebih lanjut.

Recently, political intolerance phenomenon involving religious identity became popular in Indonesia. Many previous research confirmed that there is a relationship between religious fundamentalism and intolerance, also its relation with need for closure. The purpose of this research is to prove religious fundamentalism as predictor to intolerance with adding need for closure, specifically intratextual fundamentalism, as moderator. This research was conducted in 723 students in Indonesia that have Islam affiliation. With linear regression analysis, we saw significance of religious fundamentalism predicting intolerance. Whereas, moderator analysis showed no significant impact of intratextual fundamentalism toward previous prediction. Nevertheless, further research is needed to examine more about this relation."
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Tulus Winarsunu
Penelitian ini dimaksudkan untuk menjawab pertanyaan tentang 1 pembingkaian informasi seperti apakah yang paling mempengaruhi sikap terhadap program perubahan organisasi dan 2 bagaimanakah gaya kognisi memoderasi pengaruh pembingkaian informasi pada sikap terhadap program perubahan organisasi. Perspektif yang digunakan untuk menguji dua pertanyaan tersebut adalah expectancy value model of attitude dan cognitive-experiential self theory. Dengan menggunakan desain quasi eksperimental, dalam penelitian ini dilakukan manipulasi terhadap empat strategi pembingkaian informasi yaitu pembingkaian aksi positif, aksi negatif, atribut positif, dan atribut negatif. Data dikumpulkan dari 358 middle manager PT Pos Indonesia melalui case scenarios-questionnaires dan dianalisis melalui ANCOVA untuk pertanyaan pertama dan moderated multiple regression untuk pertanyaan kedua. Temuan penelitian menunjukan; 1 pembingkaian aksi positif paling mempengaruhi sikap terhadap program perubahan organisasi. 2 Gaya intuitif memiliki fungsi ganda; tidak hanya meningkatkan efek positif pembingkaian aksi negatif dan atribut positif, tetapi juga memperlemah pengaruh pembingkaian atribut negatif pada sikap terhadap program perubahan organisasi. 3 Gaya analitik memperlemah efek positif pembingkaian aksi positif pada sikap terhadap program perubahan organisasi. Penelitian ini memberikan kontribusi bagi pengembangan teori informasi, framing effect, dan memperkaya teori Gaya Kognisi dalam pembentukan sikap.

This research aims to find out the answer of 1 strategy in information framing as what is the most dominant influence of attitude towards organizational change program and 2 how is analytic style and intuitive to moderate the influence of information framing on attitude towards organizational change program. Perspective used to examine those two question are expectancy value model of attitude and cognitive experiential self theory. This research using quasi experimental design and does manipulation towards four strategies of information framing that are positive action framing, negative action, positive attribute, and negative attribute. Data is collected from 358 middle managers of PT Pos Indonesia through case scenarios questionnaires and processed through ANCOVA to answer first question and moderated multiple regression for second question. The finding shows 1 positive action framing influences most dominant on attitude towards organizational change program. 2 Intuitive style has double role, not only increasing positive effect of negative action framing and positive attribute framing, but also weakening the influence of negative attribute framing on attitude towards organizational change program. 3 Analytic style weakening positive effect of positive action framing on attitude towards organizational change program. This current study contributes to the development of theories of information, framing effects, and to the enrichment of the cognition theory in the formation of attitudes."
UI - Disertasi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Eka Hadyan Prasetya
Tesis ini menganalisis mengenai bagaimana trustworthiness dan perceived quality dari pendengar atau jamaah Aa Gym, setelah kebangkitan Aa Gym dari kasus yang dihadapinya pada tahun 2006, terhadap personal brand credibility dari Aa Gym. Begitu juga dengan pengaruh dari personal brand credibility Aa Gym terhadap customer loyalty dari para pendengar jamaahnya, serta peran dari religious orientation. Model dalam penelitian ini direplikasi dari jurnal ?Brand Credibility, Customer Loyalty, and The Role of Religious Orientation? yang diterbitkan Emerald Group Publishing tahun 2012. Terdapat 9 hipotesis yang diuji. Berdasarkan 200 responden dengan populasi usia minimal 18 tahun, peneliti menemukan bahwa trustworthiness berpengaruh positif terhadap personal brand credibility dan customer loyalty, begitu juga dengan personal brand credibility terhadap customer loyalty. Di sisi lain perceived quality tidak memiliki pengaruh positif baik terhadap personal brand credibility maupun customer loyalty. Religious orientation juga berperan terhadap hubungan trustworthiness-personal brand credibility dan personal brand credibility-customer loyalty, namun tidak memiliki peran positif terhadap hubungan perceived quality-personal brand credibility.

This thesis studied on how trustworthiness and perceived quality the audience of Aa Gym, after his resurrection from his downturn in 2006,to the personal brand credibility of Aa Gym. As well as the influence of Aa Gym?s personal brand credibility to the customer loyalty from his audience, then the role of religious orientation. Models in this study is replicated from the journal ?Personal brand credibility, Customer Loyalty, and The Role of Religious Orientation" which published by Emerald Group Publishing in 2012. There are 9 hypotheses were tested. Based on 200 respondents with a population of at least 18 years of age, the researchers found that the trustworthiness of a positive effect on personal brand credibility and customer loyalty, as well as the personal brand credibility on customer loyalty. On the other hand perceived quality does not have a positive impact either to personal brand credibility or customer loyalty. Religious orientation also has positive impacts to the relationship of trustworthiness-personal brand credibility and personal brand credibility-customer loyalty . But it doesn?t have a positive impact to the relationship of perceived quality-personal brand credibility.
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2013
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Inesya Zeahira
Kemajuan teknologi keuangan telah melahirkan konsep peer-peer lending (P2P Online lending yang membuka akses pinjaman tanpa peran lembaga keuangan seperti bank. Namun, perannya sebagai perantara membawa beberapa ancaman bagi pemberi pinjaman, yang mana mereka tidak selalu bisa mengharapkan jaminan keamanan seperti layanan bank konvensional, sehingga kredibilitas platform itu sendiri menjadi faktor penentu dan membuat pelapor memilih platform berdasarkan reputasi dan kepercayaannya. Penelitian ini mencoba untuk memahami persepsi investor terhadap platform P2P lending dan bagaimana reputasi tersebut. mempengaruhi kepercayaan pemberi pinjaman, dan apakah kepercayaan dapat menilai hubungan tersebut.Menggunakan 160 pemberi pinjaman Sebagai responden, penelitian ini dilakukan dengan menggunakan metode Moderated Regression Analysis (Linear Regression) dengan bantuan SPSS 23 untuk pengujian model yang diusulkan.Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa keamanan dan perlindungan memiliki pengaruh terbesar pada reputasi platform. Reputasi itu sendiri ditemukan memiliki efek positif pada kesediaan untuk memberikan pinjaman. Sedangkan kepercayaan ternyata tidak memiliki efek moderasi, melainkan pengaruh positif terhadap keputusan investasi pemberi pinjaman sebagai variabel independen.

The advancement of financial technology has given birth to the concept of peer-peer lending (P2P Online lending that opens access to loans without the role of an institution finance like a bank. However, its role as intermediary carries some threats to lenders, which they cannot always expect security guarantees like conventional bank services. So that credibility the platform itself becomes a determining factor and makes the informer choose a platform based on their reputation and trustworthiness. This research trying to understand investors' perceptions of P2P lending platforms and how that reputation affects lenders' confidence, and whether trust can judge the relationship. Using 160 lenders As respondents, this research was conducted using the Moderated Regression method Analysis (Linear Regression) with the help of SPSS 23 for model testing The proposed. The results show that security and protection have the biggest influence on a platform's reputation. Reputation itself was found to have a positive effect on willingness to provide loans. While trust It was found to have no moderating effect, but rather a positive influence on lenders' investment decisions as an independent variable."
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Afina Raida Vinci
Selama ini pengaruh ideologi terhadap pemberian suara belum banyak diteliti pada konteks Indonesia. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui apakah terdapat pengaruh dari ideologi konservatisme, anti-sekularisme, tradisionalisme, dan sikap terhadap penegakan khilafah-syariah, terhadap pemberian suara pada Pemilu Presiden 2014. Ideologi konservatisme dan anti-sekularisme masing-masing diukur menggunakan skala konservatisme dan anti-sekularisme yang disusun oleh peneliti. Ideologi tradisionalisme diukur menggunakan item-item skala tradisionalisme yang digunakan Asian Barometer Survey Gelombang 3. Sikap terhadap penegakan khilafah syariah diukur menggunakan skala dari Chusniyah (2012). Responden penelitian merupakan 268 mahasiswa UI muslim yang telah memberikan suara pada Pemilu Presiden 2014. Analisis dilakukan dengan menggunakan model persamaan struktural. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa terdapat pengaruh signifikan dari ideologi konservatisme (t = 1,96, p < 0,05) dan sikap terhadap penegakan khilafah-syariah (t = 1,99, p < 0,05), terhadap pemberian suara. Sementara itu tidak ditemukan pengaruh yang signifikan dari ideologi anti-sekularisme dan tradisionalisme.
;The effect of ideology towards voting choice had not been studied widely in Indonesia context. This research was conducted to see the effect of conservatism, anti-secularism, traditionalism, and attitude towards caliphate-sharia to voting choice in Presidential Election 2014. Conservatism and anti- secularism ideology was measured using respectively conservatism scale and anti-secularism scale developed by the researcher. Traditionalism ideology was measured using traditionalism items from Asian Barometer Survey Wave 3. Attitude towards the establishment of caliphate-sharia was measured using scale developed by Chusniyah (2012). There were 268 muslim students of Universitas Indonesia who had given their vote in Presidential Election 2014 as respondents involved in this research. The data was analysed using structural equation modeling. The result showed that there are significant effect from conservatism (t = 1,96, p < 0,05) and attitude towards the establishment of caliphate-sharia (t = 1,99, p < 0,05) to vote choice. Meanwhile, there was no significant effect found from anti-secularism and traditionalism ideology.
;The effect of ideology towards voting choice had not been studied widely in Indonesia context. This research was conducted to see the effect of conservatism, anti-secularism, traditionalism, and attitude towards caliphate-sharia to voting choice in Presidential Election 2014. Conservatism and anti- secularism ideology was measured using respectively conservatism scale and anti-secularism scale developed by the researcher. Traditionalism ideology was measured using traditionalism items from Asian Barometer Survey Wave 3. Attitude towards the establishment of caliphate-sharia was measured using scale developed by Chusniyah (2012). There were 268 muslim students of Universitas Indonesia who had given their vote in Presidential Election 2014 as respondents involved in this research. The data was analysed using structural equation modeling. The result showed that there are significant effect from conservatism (t = 1,96, p < 0,05) and attitude towards the establishment of caliphate-sharia (t = 1,99, p < 0,05) to vote choice. Meanwhile, there was no significant effect found from anti-secularism and traditionalism ideology.
, The effect of ideology towards voting choice had not been studied widely in Indonesia context. This research was conducted to see the effect of conservatism, anti-secularism, traditionalism, and attitude towards caliphate-sharia to voting choice in Presidential Election 2014. Conservatism and anti- secularism ideology was measured using respectively conservatism scale and anti-secularism scale developed by the researcher. Traditionalism ideology was measured using traditionalism items from Asian Barometer Survey Wave 3. Attitude towards the establishment of caliphate-sharia was measured using scale developed by Chusniyah (2012). There were 268 muslim students of Universitas Indonesia who had given their vote in Presidential Election 2014 as respondents involved in this research. The data was analysed using structural equation modeling. The result showed that there are significant effect from conservatism (t = 1,96, p < 0,05) and attitude towards the establishment of caliphate-sharia (t = 1,99, p < 0,05) to vote choice. Meanwhile, there was no significant effect found from anti-secularism and traditionalism ideology.
Fakultas Psikologi Universitas Indonesia, 2015
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Nanda Tiara
"Performa akademik siswa dipengaruhi oleh faktor eksternal dan internal. Penelitian eksperimen dilakukan untuk mengetahui apakah ada pengaruh antara jenis pemberian umpan balik sebagai faktor eksternal dan academic self-efficacy sebagai faktor internal terhadap performa akademik siswa. Penelitian eksperimen terhadap 101 siswa SMA kelas X dalam setting alamiah di kelas. Siswa diminta untuk mengerjakan soal ulangan harian pelajaran Kewarganegaraan. Selanjutnya, hasil ulangan harian akan dikoreksi dan diberikan umpan balik.
Siswa dibagi menjadi dua kelompok secara acak yaitu sebagian mendapat umpan balik deskriptif berisi tentang informasi spesifik mengenai apa yang sudah benar dan kurang dari hasil ulangan harian yang dikerjakan dan siswa lainnya akan mendapat umpan balik evaluatif berisi tentang ringkasan mengenai seberapa baik siswa dalam mengerjakan ulangan, diberikan dalam bentuk poin nilai dan komentar singkat. Selanjutnya siswa diminta untuk merevisi hasil ulangan berdasarkan umpan balik yang diberikan. Setelah melakukan revisi, siswa diminta untuk mengisi kuesioner yang mengukur academic self-efficacy dari skala Academic Self-Efficacy Subscale from Self-Efficacy Questionnaire for Children (SEQ-C) dengan koefisien Cronbach?s Alpha sebesar α = 0.725.
Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa jenis umpan balik signifikan mempengaruhi performa akademik siswa F (101)= 45.28, p < .05. Sedangkan, tidak ditemukan pengaruh yang signifikan dari academic self-efficacy terhadap performa akademik siswa F (101)= 0.01, p > .05, begitu juga interaksi antara jenis umpan balik dan academic self-efficacy terhadap performa akademik F (101)=0.146, p>.05. Hasil analisis tambahan menunjukkan jenis kelamin, durasi belajar, nilai UAS semester lalu, dan kesukaan terhadap pelajaran kewarganegaraan berkorelasi dengan performa akademik.

Student's academic performance is influenced by external and internal factors. Experimental research was conducted to determine whether there is influence between the type of feedback as external factors and academic self-efficacy as an internal factor of the student's academic performance. The participants of this experiment are 101 high school students of class X conducted in a natural setting. Students were asked to do an essay test of Citizenship lessons. Furthermore, the results of tests will be corrected and given feedback.
Students were divided into two groups randomly, students who get descriptive feedback contains specific information about how to improve the answer and the others receive evaluative feedback contains a brief comment and point on each answers. Furthermore, students were asked to revise the test based on the feedback given. Once revised, students were asked to fill out questionnaires that measure academic self-efficacy on a scale of Academic Self-Efficacy subscale from Self-Efficacy Questionnaire for Children (SEQ-C) with Cronbach's Alpha coefficient of α = 0.725.
The results showed that the type of feedback significantly effect a student's academic performance F (101) = 45.28, p <.05. Meanwhile, there was no significant effect on academic self-efficacy on student's academic performance F (101) = 0.01, p> .05. Also, there is no significant effect interaction between the type of feedback and academic self-efficacy on academic performance F (101) = 0146, p> .05. Results of additional analyzes indicate gender, duration of study, score final exam in last semester, and interest in Citizenship lessons correlated with academic performance.
Depok: Fakultas Psikologi Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Azmi Nisrina Umayah
"Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui apakah terdapat pengaruh empati emosional terhadap perilaku prososial yang dimoderasi oleh jenis kelamin pada mahasiswa. Empati emosional diartikan sebagai dorongan secara otomatis dan tanpa disadari untuk merespon keadaan emosi orang lain Rogers, Dziobek, Hassenstab, Wolf, Convit, 2007 dan perilaku prososial diartikan sebagai tindakan yang dilakukan individu untuk membantu orang lain Baron, Branscombe, Byrne, 2008 . Instrumen yang digunakan untuk mengukur empati emosional dengan menggunakan Positive Affect and Negative Affect Scale PANAS yang dikembangkan oleh Watson, Clark, Tellegen 1988 dan dilakukan induksi empati menggunakan tayangan video. Pengukuran perilaku prososial dilakukan dari jumlah donasi yang diberikan oleh partisipan. Responden penelitian ini merupakan 126 individu laki-laki dan perempuan yang berusia 18-25 tahun. Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa terdapat pengaruh yang signifikan antara empati emosional terhadap perilaku prososial, namun pengaruh jenis kelamin terhadap perilaku prososial memiliki hasil yang tidak signifikan.

This study was conducted to examine whether emotional empathy could predict prosocial behavior if it rsquo s moderated by gender among college students. Emotional empathy defined as automatically and unconsciously impulse that responds to the emotions of others Rogers, Dziobek, Hassenstab, Wolf, Convit, 2007 . Prosocial behavior defined as an action that individuals do to help others Baron, Branscombe, Byrne, 2008 . Emotional empathy measured by Positive Affect and Negative Affect Scale PANAS which was developed by Watson, Clark, and Tellegen 1988 and empathy induction was conducted by showing a video to participants. Measurement of prosocial behavior is based on the amount of donation given by each participant. Participants of this study consist of 126 college students and aged 18 ndash 25 years old. The result of this study pointed out that emotional empathy could predict prosocial behavior. However, there is no gender effect on prosocial behavior.
Depok: Fakultas Psikologi Universitas Indonesia, 2017
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Palti Karina Amorita
"Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis pengaruh asimetri informasi pada mekanisme kepemilikan piramida terhadap biaya utang. Pada penelitian ini juga dianalisis efek moderasi dari penerapan konservatisme akuntansi pada mekanisme kepemilikan piramida terhadap pengaruh asimetri informasi pada biaya utang. Sampel yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah 61 perusahaan manufaktur yang terdaftar pada Bursa Efek Indonesia pada tahun 2012-2013. Hasil penelitian ini membuktikan bahwa biaya utang perusahaan di Indonesia dipengaruhi oleh asimetri informasi akibat penggunaan mekanisme kepemilikan piramida pada perusahaan. Hasil penelitian ini juga membuktikan bahwa penerapan konservatisme akuntansi pada mekanisme kepemilikan piramida memiliki pengaruh dalam mengurangi biaya utang perusahaan.

This research aimed to analyze the effect of information asymmetry on corporate pyramid structures towards company's cost of debt. This research also analyzes the moderating effect of the implementation of accounting conservatism on pyramid structures towards the effect of information asymmetry on company's cost of debt. Samples used in this research are 61 manufacturing companies listed in Indonesia Stock Exchange during 2012-2013. The result of this research gives evidence that company's cost of debt in Indonesia is affected by information asymmetry due to the usage of pyramid structures in companies. This research also shows that the implementation of accounting conservatism on pyramid structures has the effect of reducing company's cost of debt."
Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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