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Tasya Nafasya Putri
Di tengah perubahan berbagai tuntutan sekolah yang semakin tinggi, subjective well-being siswa Sekolah Menengah Atas (SMA) cenderung mengalami penurunan. Dari gambaran subjective well-being secara global tersebut, diperlukan pengukuran subjective well-being pada konteks yang lebih spesifik untuk melihat lebih akurat mengenai keadaan siswa SMA khususnya pada konteks sekolah. Subjective well-being in school merupakan konstruk yang dapat mengukur kepuasan sekolah, pengalaman emosi positif dan pengalaman emosi negatif di sekolah. Di antara berbagai aspek yang dapat berhubungan dengan subjective well-being in school, achievement goal orientation merupakan salah satu konstruk yang perlu ditelusuri lebih lanjut. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melihat setiap pengaruh tipe achievement goal orientation dengan menggunakan kerangka 2 x 2 yang dikemukakan oleh Elliot & McGregor. Berdasarkan hasil analisis regresi linear, mastery-approach goal, performace-approach goal dan performance-avoidace goal memiliki pengaruh yang signifikan terhadap subjective well-being in school di sampel siswa SMA. Mastery-avoidance menunjukan tidak adanya pengaruh yang signifikan terhadap school well-being in school. Hasil dari penelitian tersebut dapat mendukung hasil penelitian sebelumnya dan juga memberikan gambaran mengenai tipe achievement goal orientation dengan kerangka 2 x 2 yang sebelumnya masih belum banyak ditelusuri

In the midst of increasing academic pressure that high school students face, their subjective well-being tends to be declining as they go through school years. Furthermore, we have to measure more context-spesific subjective well-being to ensure more thorough and accurate information that better depict their situation. Therefore, we use subjective well-being in school which consists of school satisfaction, positive affect, and negative affect in school. Between several variables that correlates to subjective well-being in school, achievement goal orientation needs to gain more attention. This research is intended to see the effect of each type of goal orientation to subjective well-being in school by using 2 x 2 framework that has been stated by Elliot and McGregor. Based on single regression analysis, mastery-approach goal, performace-approach goal and performance-avoidace goal has significant effect to subjective well-being in school in 11th Grade high school students. However, mastery-avoidance shows no significant effect to subjective well-being in school. Results of this research support earlier research and it gives us broader information about achievement-goal orientation with 2 x2 framework."
Depok: Fakultas Psikologi Universitas Indonesia, 2019
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Kesejahteraan subjektif siswa di sekolah merupakan hal yang penting untuk diperhatikan, karena memiliki banyak manfaat positif untuk perkembangan siswa di sekolah maupun kesejahteraannya secara umum. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menguji pengaruh dari dimensi keberfungsian keluarga, yakni family cohesion, family flexibility, dan family communication terhadap kesejahteraan subjektif siswa di sekolah. Partisipan pada penelitian ini merupakan 475 siswa SMA yang berasal dari lima sekolah di Jabodetabek. Kesejahteraan di sekolah diukur menggunakan brief adolescent subjective well-being in school scale (BASWBSS), dan family functioning diukur menggunakan family adaptability and cohesion evaluation scale (FACES III) serta family communication scale (FCS). Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa family flexibility dan family communication memiliki pengaruh yang positif dan signifikan terhadap kesejahteraan siswa di sekolah.

Subjective well-being in school is one of the important thing to noticed because it has plenty positive benefits for students development in school and their overall well-being. The aims of this research is to examine the effect of family functioning dimensions, namely family cohesion, family flexibility, and family communication towards subjective well-being in school. Participants of this research are 475 students from five high schools in Jabodetabek. Subjective well-being in school is measured by Brief Adolescent Subjective Well-Being in School Scale (BASWBSS), while family functioning is measured by Family Adaptability and Cohesion Evaluation Scale (FACES III) and Family Communication Scale (FCS). The Result show that family flexibility and family communication has a positive and significant effect to subjective well-being in school.
Depok: Fakultas Psikologi Universitas Indonesia, 2019
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Lita Damayanti
"Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk melihat peran grit sebagai prediktor opini subjektif kesejahteraan di sekolah untuk siswa sekolah menengah di Jakarta dan Depok. Kesejahteraan subjektif sekolah adalah keadaan siswa yang menilai pengalaman secara subjektif dan emosional kehidupan sekolah mereka (Tian, ​​2008). Sedangkan grit adalah ketekunan dan semangat untuk tujuan jangka panjang (Duckworth, Peterson, Matthews, & Kelly, 2007). Sebanyak 459 siswa SMA mengikuti studi ini dengan mengisi Alat ukur kuisioner Penjelasan Singkat Kesejahteraan Subyektif Remaja dalam Skala Sekolah (BASWBSS)(Tian, ​​2008) dan Short Grit Scale (Duckworth, Peterson, Matthews, & Kelly, 2007). Hasil Penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa grit memiliki peran yang positif dan signifikan sebagai prediktor kesejahteraan subjektif di sekolah, dan sebaliknya. Berdasarkan hasil Dikatakan bahwa, dapat dikatakan siswa dengan grit yang lebih tinggi akan memiliki juga kesejahteraan subjektif yang lebih tinggi di sekolah, dan sebaliknya.

This research was conducted to see the role of grit as a predictor of welfare opinion in schools for high school students in Jakarta and Depok. Subjective welfare of the school is the condition of students who assess experiences subjectively and emotionally
their school life (Tian, ​​2008). Whereas grit is persistence and passion for long-term goals (Duckworth, Peterson, Matthews, & Kelly, 2007). A total of 459 high school students participated in this study by filling out a questionnaire measuring tool Brief Explanation of Youth Subjective Welfare on a School Scale (BASWBSS) (Tian, ​​2008) and Short Grit Scale (Duckworth, Peterson, Matthews, & Kelly, 2007). The results of this study indicate that grit has a positive and significant role as a predictor of subjective welfare in schools, and vice versa. Based on the results, it is said that, it can be said that students with higher grit will also have higher subjective welfare in school, and vice versa.
Depok: Fakultas Psikologi Universitas Indonesia, 2019
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Haniva Az Zahra
"Prestasi akademik sebagai salah satu prediktor kesuksesan siswa di sekolah dipengaruhi oleh faktor internal dan eksternal. Konstruk yang menjelaskan faktor internal dan eksternal yang memengaruhi prestasi akademik ini adalah school well being, dikembangkan oleh Konu & Rimpelä (2002). Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk melihat hubungan antara school well-being dengan prestasi akademik bagi siswa berbakat akademik. Penelitian dilakukan pada siswa kelas XI SMA program akselerasi di Jakarta. Sebanyak 52 siswa menjadi sampel penelitian ini. Penelitian dilakukan menggunakan kuisioner untuk mengukur school well-being siswa dan tes prestasi akademik yang menggunakan soal Ujian Akhir Nasional pada mata pelajaran Matematika dan Bahasa Indonesia.
Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa school well-being memiliki hubungan positif yang signifikan dengan prestasi akademik pada siswa berbakat akademik. Hasil analisis tambahan, menunjukkan bahwa dimensi having memiliki hubungan positif yang signifikan dengan prestasi akademik pada siswa berbakat akademik. Selain itu, dalam penelitian ini ditemukan perbedaan yang signifikan pada prestasi akademik siswa berdasarkan latar belakang pendidikan ibu. Ditemukan pula perbedaan yang tidak signifikan antara school well-being dengan jenis kelamin, school well-being dengan latar belakang pendidikan orang tua, prestasi akademik berdasarkan jenis kelamin, dan prestasi akademik berdasarkan latar belakang pendidikan ayah.

Academic achievement is predictor of student success in school, affected by internal and external factor. One construct that describes internal and external factor that affects academic achievement is a school well being by Konu & Rimpelä (2002). This research was conducted to examine the relationship between school well-being of academic achievement for students with academic gifted. The research was conducted on the students of class XI Acceleration Program in high school. Total sample comprised 52 students.
Result indicated that school well-being has a significant positive correlation with academic achievement in academic gifted students. In comparison, it was found thas just only having dimension of school well-being that has a significant positive correlation with academic achievement in academic gifted students. In addition, there was a significant difference in the academic achievement of students based on maternal education. Moreover, there are no significant differences between the school wellbeing by gender, school well-being based on parental education, academic achievement by gender, and academic achievement based on father's education.
Depok: Fakultas Psikologi Universitas Indonesia, 2013
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Bagus Widodo Cahyo Putro
"Subjective well-being guru merupakan hal yang penting untuk dimiliki dan dipengaruhi oleh hubungan guru-siswa, juga oleh dukungan sosial eksternal berupa tunjangan sertifikasi guru. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui kontribusi dari hubungan guru-siswa dan sertifikasi terhadap subjective well-being guru baik secara parsial maupun simultan. Hubungan guru-siswa diukur dengan menggunakan Student-Teacher Relationship Scale (STRS) milik Aldrup et al. (2018), sedangkan subjective well-being guru diukur dengan alat ukur Teacher Subjective Well-Being Questionnaire (TSWQ) milik Renshaw et al. (2015). Status sertifikasi diukur dengan pertanyaan tertutup. Responden dalam penelitian ini berjumlah 289 orang yang merupakan guru pada jenjang sekolah menengah (SMP dan SMA/Sederajat). Berdasarkan multiple regression analysis, hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa secara parsial persepsi guru mengenai hubungan guru-siswa dapat memprediksi subjective well-being guru jenjang sekolah menengah. Namun, status sertifikasi tidak dapat memprediksi subjective well-being guru jenjang sekolah menengah. Sedangkan persepsi guru mengenai hubungan guru-siswa dan status sertifikasi secara bersama-sama (simultan) dapat memprediksi subjective well-being guru.

Teacher subjective well-being is an important thing to have and is influenced by the teacher-student relationship, by external social support in the form of teacher certification allowances. This study aims to determine the contribution of the teacher-student relationship and teacher certification either partially or simultaneously. Teacher-student relationships were measured using the Student-Teacher Relationship Scale (STRS) belonging to Aldrup et al. (2018), while the subjective well-being of teachers is measured by the Teacher Subjective Well-Being Questionnaire (TSWQ) by Renshaw et al. (2015). Certification is measured by closed questions. Respondents in this study are 289 people who are teachers at the middle school level (SMP and SMA/equivalent). Based on multiple regression analysis, the results showed that partially teacher-student relationships could predict the subjective well-being of secondary school teachers. However, certification cannot predict the subjective well-being of secondary school teachers. Meanwhile, teacher-student relationships and certification status can predict teachers' subjective well-being simultaneously."
Depok: Fakultas Psikologi Universitas Indonesia, 2021
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Azka Amalina
"Sejak adanya pandemi, Indonesia menerapkan sistem Belajar Dari Rumah (BDR) yang juga tidak terlepas dari isu kecurangan akademik. Penelitian bertujuan untuk melihat peran dari tipe achievement goal orientation dan norma subjektif dalam memprediksi kecurangan akademik selama BDR. Partisipan penelitian adalah peserta didik jenjang pendidikan menengah atas yang melaksanakan BDR (n=183). Hasil menunjukkan bahwa tipe achievement goal orientation dan norma subjektif secara bersamaan memprediksi kecurangan akademik (R2 = 0,31, F(5,18) = 15,76, p < 0,05). Meskpun demikian, jika dilihat masing-masing, hanya norma subjektif yang berperan signifikan dalam memprediksi kecurangan akademik (β=0,50, p<0,05). Implikasi dari penelitian akan didiskusikan.

Due to pandemic, Indonesian students are instructed to do Study From Home (SFH), which leads to academic dishonesty issue. This study investigated the role of achievement goal orientation and subjective norms to predict academic dishonesty. Participants of this study were high school students (n=183) who do SFH. The result showed that both if the type of achievement goal orientations and subjective norms altogether significantly predict academic dishonest (R2 = 0,31, F(5,18) = 15,76, p < 0,05). However, only subjective norms that have significant role to predict academic dishonesty (β=0,50, p<0,05). The implication of the result will be discussed."
Depok: Fakultas Psikologi Universitas Indonesia, 2021
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Khairun Nisa
"Self regulated learning merupakan aspek yang penting dalam kesuksesan akademik siswa. Pada sisi personal, goal orientation diketahui mempengaruhi komitmen seseorang dalam meregulasi dirinya pada proses belajar. Pada sisi kontekstual, classroom goal structure diketahui juga dapat mempengaruhi tinggi rendahnya self regulated learning siswa. Pada masyarakat Indonesia yang cenderung embedded, classroom goal structure sebagai faktor kontekstual diasumsikan memiliki peran yang lebih besar dibandingkan dengan goal orientation. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk menguji kontribusi peran goal orientation dan classroom goal structure sebagai terhadap self regulated learning.
Analisis hasil penelitian dilakukan dengan menggunakan partial correlation. Sebanyak 301 siswa sekolah menengah atas menjadi partisipan dalam penelitian ini. Goal orientation dan classroom goal structure diukur menggunakan adaptasi dari sub tes personal goal orientarion dan perception about classroom goal structure pada alat ukur Pattern of Adaptive Learning Scale. Self regulated learning diukur dengan alat ukur yang dikonstruksi berdasarkan dimensi self regulated learning yang dikemukakan oleh Lindner dan Harris 2002. Ketiga jenis classroom goal structure ditemukan memiliki kontribusi yang signifikan terhadap self regulated learning. Adapun kontribusi goal orientation terhadap self regulated learning hanya didapatkan dari mastery goal orientation saja. Akan tetapi, secara keseluruhan, kontribusi goal orientation ditemukan lebih besar dibandingkan classroom goal structure terhadap self regulated learning.

Self Regulated Learning SRL is an important aspect in determining students 39 success in academic. At the personal side, goal orientation is known to be able to influence how much one puts a commitment in regulating oneself in studying process. At contextual side, classroom goal structure is also known to be affecting the degree of SRL in students. In Indonesia 39 s context which is prone to be more towards embedded culture, classroom goal structure as a contextual factor is assumed to have a bigger role in influencing SRL compared to goal orientation. This research is intended to test how significant is the role of goal orientation and classroom goal structure to SRL.
Research analysis was conducted using partial correlation. 301 high school students in Depok city became the participants in this research. Classroom goal structure and goal orientation were measured by adaptation from sub test perception on classroom goal structure and personal goal orientation using Pattern of Adaptive Learning Scale instrument. Meanwhile SRL was measured using an instrument that was constructed using a theory by Lindner and Harris 2002 . The 3 types of classroom goal structure was found to have a significant contribution to SRL. While contribution of goal orientation to SRL was only significantly found in mastery goal orientation. Nevertheless, overall, the contribution to SRL by goal orientation was found to be higher compared to classroom goal structure."
Depok: Fakultas Psikologi Universitas Indonesia, 2017
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Tsalitsa Haura Syarifah
"Banyaknya permasalahan perilaku pada siswa jenjang menengah memicu munculnya program pendidikan karakter di berbagai negara, termasuk Indonesia. Pembentukan karakter dapat dilakukan melalui keterlibatan siswa di dalam kelas, sehingga persepsi siswa terhadap iklim kelasnya menjadi penting untuk dilihat pada penelitian ini. Sebagai upaya menjelaskan perilaku siswa jenjang menengah yang terkait dengan pendidikan karakter, penelitian ini hadir untuk melihat hubungan antara classroom climate sebagai faktor lingkungan dan performance goal orientation sebagai faktor diri pada siswa Sekolah Menengah Atas (SMA). Classroom climate diukur menggunakan Individualized Classroom Environment Questionnaire (ICEQ) short version (Fisher & Fraser, 1985), sedangkan performance goal orientation diukur menggunakan Goal Orientation And Learning Strategies Survey (GOALS-S) (Dowson & McInerney, 1997). Teknik analisis yang digunakan adalah multiple correlation dengan R menunjukkan besaran koefisien korelasi yang didapatkan. Hasil penelitian terhadap 149 siswa kelas XI yang berasal dari jurusan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Sosial menunjukkan bahwa terdapat hubungan yang signifikan antara classroom climate dan performance goal orientation (R = 0,332, p<0,01). Selanjutnya ditemukan pula hubungan yang signifikan antara classroom climate dan mastery goal orientation, namun tidak terbuktikan adanya hubungan antara classroom climate dan work avoidance goal orientation, serta social goal orientations.

Many behavioral problems at secondary level students cause the character education program in many countries, including Indonesia. Character building can be done by involving students in the classroom. Therefore, students perception of classroom climate becomes essential to be analyzed in this study. As an attempt to explain secondary level students behavior which is related to character education, this study presents to investigate the correlation between classroom climate as environmental factor and performance goal orientation as person factor among senior high school students. Classroom climate variable is measured using the Individualized Classroom Environment Questionnaire (ICEQ) short version (Fisher & Fraser, 1985), while the performance goal orientation is measured using Goal Orientation And Learning Strategies Survey (GOALS-S) (Dowson & McInerney, 1997). Multiple correlation is used for the analysis technique with R shows the amount of correlation coefficient earned. The results from 149 students class of XI majoring in science and social science indicates that there is a significant correlation between classroom climate and performance goal orientation (R = 0.332, p<0.01). Furthermore, research also found a significant correlation between classroom climate and mastery goal orientation, but it does not prove the existence of the correlations between classroom climate and work avoidance goal orientation, as well as the social goal orientations."
Depok: Fakultas Psikologi Universitas Indonesia, 2015
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Fatin Rohmah Nur Wahidah
"Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui hubungan growth mindset, school well-being, dan kegigihan. Partisipan yang terlibat adalah siswa kelas 12 sekolah menangah atas dari sekolah negeri dan sekolah swasta di daerah Purbalingga, Jawa Tengah (n=418). Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode kuantitatif dengan pengumpulan data melalui tiga kuesioner, yaitu skala School Well-Being (32 aitem, α=0,853); skala Mindset (20 aitem, α=0,804); and Grit Scale for Children and Adult (12 aitem, α=0,774). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan adanya pengaruh positif growth mindset terhadap school well-being, dan kegigihan terkonfirmasi sebagai mediator. Growth mindset pada siswa memprediksi school well-being, melalui pengembangan kegigihan. Oleh karena itu, pemberian intervensi dengan menyasar growth mindset dan kegigihan disarankan dapat dilakukan sekolah untuk meningkatkan school well-being siswa.

This study investigates the relationship between school well-being, growth mindset, and grit. The subjects involved in this study are students from grade 12 in high public and private schools in Purbalingga, Central Java (n=418). The research method used is quantitative method with data collection through three questionnaires, i.e., School Well-Being Scale (32 items, α=0,853); Mindset Scale (20 items, α=0,804); and Grit Scale for Children and Adult (12 items, α=0,774). Results indicated a positive affact growth mindset on school well-being and confirmed the mediating role of grit. Growth mindset in students predicts higher school well-being through the enhancement of grit. Thus, giving intervention of growth mindset and grit can be carried out by school to improve students’s school well-being."
Depok: Fakultas Psikologi Universitas Indonesia, 2018
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Adelia Dwi Syafina
"Tujuan penelitian ini ingin melihat hubungan antara school belonging dan subjective well-being in school pada remaja awal di pesantren. Banyaknya peraturan dan tuntutan di pesantren bukanlah hal mudah untuk dijalani oleh para remaja awal. Mereka sangat rentan melakukan berbagai pelanggaran di sekolah yang merupakan indikator rendahnya subjective well-being in school. Padahal subjective well-being in school yang tinggi akan meningkatkan keberhasilan akademik dan membuat mereka memiliki kesehatan mental serta fisik yang baik. Salah satu faktor penting yang memengaruhi subjective well-being in school adalah school belonging. Di pesantren, para siswa diharuskan tinggal bersama dan lebih banyak berinteraksi dengan teman-teman dan para guru dibandingkan sekolah lainnya, sehingga seharusnya school belonging yang mereka miliki tinggi. School belonging juga merupakan kebutuhan penting bagi para remaja awal. Dengan demikian, remaja awal di pesantren seharusnya memiliki school belonging yang tinggi yang akan berhubungan dengan subjective well-being in school mereka. Responden penelitian ini terdiri dari 167 siswa remaja awal dari 4 pesantren di wilayah Depok dan Bogor. School belonging diukur menggunakan Psychological Sense of School Membership Among Adolescents dan subjective well-being in school diukur menggunakan Brief Adolescents rsquo; Subjective Well-Being in School Scale. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan adanya hubungan positif yang signifikan antara school belonging dan subjective well-being in school pada remaja awal di pesantren.

The purpose of this study is to know the relationship between school belonging and subjective well being in school among early adolescents in pesantren. The number of rules and demands in pesantren is not easy for early adolescents. They are very vulnerable to violations in school that are indicators of low level subjective well being in school. In fact, high level of subjective well being in school can improve their academic success and have good mental and physical health. One important factor that affecting subjective well being in school is school belonging. In pesantren, students are required to live together and interact more with friends and teachers than any other school. That situation should make their school belonging higher. School belonging is an important needs for early adolescents. Thus, early adolescents in pesantren should have high level school belonging that will relate to their subjective well being in school. The respondents consisted of 167 early adolescents from 4 pesantren in Depok and Bogor. School belonging was measured using Psychological Sense of School Membership Among Adolescents and subjective well being in school were measured using the Brief Adolescents 39 Subjective Well Being in School Scale. The results showed a significant positive correlation between school belonging and subjective well being in school among early adolescents in pesantren."
Depok: Fakultas Psikologi Universitas Indonesia, 2018
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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