Pada industri pemurnian gas alam, umumnya CO2 hasil pemisahan dari gas alam di lepas ke atmosfer. Pelepasan CO2 secara langsung ke atmosfer dapat menimbulkan permasalahan lingkungan salah satunya adalah pemanasan global. Ada beberapa alternatif usaha mitigasi pengurangan emisi CO2 salah satunya adalah dengan pemanfaatan CO2 untuk EOR. Injeksi CO2 ke dalam reservoir minyak dapat meningkatkan kinerja pemulihan minyak dan dapat menyimpan CO2 secara permanen ke dalam tanah untuk mengurangi efek gas rumah kaca. Proses penangkapan CO2, transportasi ke sumur injeksi dikenal dengan teknologi Carbon Capture, Utilization and Storage (CCUS). Penelitian ini membahas tekno-ekonomi dari pemanfaatan CO2 dengan pembangunan fasilitas CCUS pada industri pemurnian gas alam di lapangan X. Emisi yang di lepas sebesar 3,56 Mt CO2e/tahun akan ditangkap dan di transportasikan ke sumur di lapangan Y dengan jarak 44 km. Penelitian ini membandingkan fasa superkritis dan fasa gas pada transportasi pipa CO2 point-to-point. Penelitian ini juga menghitung jumlah emisi yang dapat dikurangi oleh penerapan CCUS. Dari hasil perhitungan diperoleh bahwa pada jarak 44 km, transportasi pipa CO2 dalam fasa gas lebih ekonomis dibanding fasa superkritis dengan investasi sebesar US$ 252.974.905. Dari analisa kelayakan proyek diperoleh IRR 54% dengan dua tahun masa pengembalian. Penerapan teknologi CCUS di lapangan X juga dapat mengurangi emisi sebesar 3 Mt CO2e/ tahun.
In the natural gas sweetening industry, CO2 from natural gas separation generally released into the atmosphere. The direct release of CO2 into the atmosphere can cause environmental problems, such as global warming. There are several alternative mitigation efforts to reduce CO2 emissions, one of which is the utilization of CO2 for EOR. Injection of CO2 into oil reservoirs can improve oil recovery performance and can permanently store CO2 into the geological storage to reduce the effects of greenhouse gases. The process of CO2 capture, transportation to injection wells is known as Carbon Capture, Utilization and Storage (CCUS) technology. This study discusses the techno-economics of CO2 utilization with the development of CCUS facilities in field X. Emissions released at 3.56 Mt CO2e / year will be captured and transported to wells in the Y field at 44 km distance. This study compares the supercritical phase and gas phase in the CO2 pipeline point-to-point transportation. This study also calculates the amount of emissions that can be reduced by the application of CCUS. The results obtained that at a distance of 44 km, CO2 pipeline transport in the gas phase is more economical than the supercritical phase with an investment of US$ 252,974,905. From the project feasibility analysis give an IRR of 54% with a two year return period. The application of CCUS technology in field X can also reduce emissions by 3 Mt CO2e / year.
The gas is an energy transition that can reduce carbon emissions cause its climate change. Implementation of energy transition by plan of gas field development (POFD). The Natuna D Alpha Field with 71% of CO2 content and 28% of CH4 content. It is necessary to study upgrading natural gas specification in accordance with the sales gas specifications. Natuna D Alpha development study using Techno-Economics method. For technical aspect, we design polymer membrane technology with Polysulfone into Python then input to unisim. Membrane technology is to separate CO2 from natural gas. Furthermore, CO2 captured will re inject to subsurface as the implementation of carbon capture storage & utilization through estimating CO2 storage capacity for sequestration and enhanced gas recovery . Meanwhile, the economic aspect is to determine project feasibility using a production sharing contract cost recovery scheme, whose are the Government and the Contractor. The result is 95,02% of CH4 content with 4,89% of CO2 content. It needs investment cost of 5.451.869 MUSD. Based on the economic aspect Natuna D Alpha gas field development can proceed to the execution stage that determined net present value (NPV) of USD 24,960 million then IRR is about 13,84%, Payback Period (PBP) in 7,05 year.