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Samita Noonpakdee
"Human trafficking merupakan isu kejahatan transnasional yang mulai diperhatikan pada pertengahan abad 20 dan dipermasalahkan secara global pada akhir abad tersebut. Dengan adanya dukungan serta tekanan dari dunia internasional, mekanisme-mekanisme respon terhadap human trafficking diciptakan di Asia Tenggara dalam waktu relatif sama, yaitu pada tahun 1997. Namun, inisiatif-inisiatif yang diciptakan pada awal pembahasan bersifat kurang konkret dan tidak sesuai dengan kondisi human trafficking yang unik di ASEAN. Walaupun demikian, selama lebih dari dua dekade ini, terdapat beberapa perkembangan dan perubahan perspektif di kawasan, terutama dalam inisiatif terbaru, yaitu ASEAN Convention Against Trafficking in Persons, Especially Women and Children (ACTIP), yang baru diciptakan pada tahun 2015. Oleh karena itu, tulisan ini akan membahas mekanisme-mekanisme respon ASEAN sebagai bahasan utama dengan ada sejarah human trafficking dan respon global yang diterapkan di ASEAN sebagai pembahasan pendukung untuk menimbulkan pemahaman secara keseluruhan. Argumen utama dalam tulisan ini adalah mekanisme-mekanisme respon regional terhadap human trafficking oleh ASEAN mengalami perkembangan dan perubahan perspektif dari pandangan keamanan negara ke pandangan HAM. Walaupun demikian, ASEAN masih memiliki berbagai tantangan dalam pembahasan terhadap isu human trafficking. Tantangan-tantangan tersebut mencakup masalah dari kondisi negara-negara anggota ASEAN sendiri, sifat ASEAN sebagai institusi regional, serta kondisi isu human trafficking di kawasan yang tidak hanya berakar lama dalam sejarah, tetapi juga berkaitan dengan isu sosial dan ekonomi. Dengan demikian, meskipun ACTIP telah berjalan ke arah yang benar, ASEAN sebagai organisasi regional masih terdapat beberapa hal yang harus diperbaiki serta beberapa langkah yang harus dijalankan untuk mengembangkan respon regional terhadap human trafficking di kawasan ini menjadi lebih efektif daripada sekarang."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2019
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Human trafficking is widely considered to be the fastest growing branch of trafficking, having moved rapidly up the agenda of states and international organisations since the early 1990s, as its implications for security and human rights have become clearer. Provides original research findings on human trafficking, with particular reference to Europe, South East Asia and Australia, and advocates radical new approaches"
Northampton: Edward Elgar, 2010
364.15 TRA
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
"By analysing the complex issues surrounding internal and cross-border human trafficking in Asia, and asserting critical perspectives and methodologies, this book extends the range of sites for discussion and sectors in which human trafficking takes place. The book re-centres human trafficking as an area of legitimate academic inquiry in a region that is often considered as an epicentre for human trafficking: East and Southeast Asia. It thus offers an in-depth analysis and up-to-date knowledge on research methodologies and engagements, patterns and forms of human trafficking, constructively critiquing anti-trafficking campaigns and discourses, and offering examples of good practice within the region that help us move beyond the impasse that currently hampers human trafficking as a field of inquiry in the social sciences. Providing constructive avenues for human trafficking research to proceed methodologically, theoretically and ethically, this book is of interest to students and scholars of Politics, International Relations and Southeast Asian Studies"
London: Routledge, 2014
306.362 HUM (!)
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Valeska Liviani Priadi
"Adanya dominasi ideologi patriarki telah melahirkan diskriminasi, eksploitasi, dan kekerasan terhadap perempuan. Salah satu bentuk kekerasan terhadap perempuan yang meluas dan tengah menjadi isu global adalah perdagangan perempuan. Perdagangan perempuan merupakan isu yang sangat kompleks, karena aspek di dalamnya mencakup ketenagakerjaan, migrasi, kemiskinan, serta kejahatan. Kawasan Asia Tenggara, yang mayoritas negaranya merupakan negara berkembang, merupakan kawasan dengan perdagangan perempuan paling marak di dunia. PBB, melalui UNODC dan UNIAP, telah melakukan upaya-upaya untuk memberantas perdagangan perempuan di kawasan Asia Tenggara. Namun, upaya pemberantasan perdagangan perempuan di kawasan Asia Tenggara tidak cukup hanya diselesaikan oleh PBB, selaku organisasi internasional global, saja. ASEAN, selaku organisasi internasional regional di kawasan Asia Tenggara, juga melakukan upaya-upaya untuk memberantas perdagangan perempuan di kawasan Asia Tenggara. Dalam mengkaji peranan ASEAN tersebut, penting untuk mengetahui ketentuan hukum internasional mengenai pelarangan perdagangan perempuan, bentuk-bentuk usaha ASEAN dalam memberantas perdagangan perempuan, serta penerapan ketentuan hukum internasional mengenai pelarangan perdagangan perempuan, yang mengacu pada Protocol to Prevent, Suppress, and Punish Trafficking in Persons, Especially Women and Children, dalam peraturan perundang-undangan nasional masing-masing negara anggota ASEAN. Permasalahan-permasalahan tersebut akan dijawab melalui penelitian yuridisnormatif sehingga diperoleh kesimpulan bahwa ASEAN harus mendorong penerapan standar prinsip hak asasi manusia internasional di kawasan Asia Tenggara guna memberantas perdagangan perempuan.

The domination of patriarchy has resulted in discrimination, exploitation, and violence against women. One of the form of a wide-spread violence against women that has become a global issue is women trafficking. Women trafficking is a very complex issue, because its aspects involve labor, migration, poverty, and crime. Southeast Asia, which is populated by developing countries, is the region where women trafficking is most-spread. United Nations, with its UNODC and UNIAP projects, has been making efforts to suppress the women trafficking in Southeast Asia. However, the effort to suppress the women trafficking in Southeast Asia are not relayed solely upon United Nations. ASEAN, as the regional international organization, also makes efforts to suppress the women trafficking in Southeast Asia. In studying the role of ASEAN in suppressing the women trafficking in Southeast Asia, it is important to know the rule of international law regarding the suppression of women trafficking, ASEANs efforts in suppressing the women trafficking in Southeast Asia, and the application of the rule of international law regarding the suppression of women trafficking, based on Protocol to Prevent, Suppress, and Punish Trafficking in Persons, Especially Women and Children, in each ASEAN member states legislation. These problems will be answered through a juridical-normative research, thus it can be concluded that ASEAN must support the implementation of international human rights principles in Southeast Asia that will suppress the women trafficking."
Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 2013
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Migration, trafficking and smuggling are different issues but
inter-related. Migration may take place through regular or irregular
channels and could be freely chosen or forced upon the migrant as a means
of survival. international migration is one of the responses to the changes
of socio-economic conditions between countries as people attempt to
improve their standard of living. Social conflicts arising front the collapse
of political systems are mostly behind the movement of people, economic
tensions originating front rebuilding global capitalism are also
contributing forced labor mobility in world scale. Transnational mobility in
Southeast Asia has been made used by syndicates involved in drag
trafficking and also hunan trafficking especially women and children. This
paper attempts to elaborate interlinks between migration, the phenomena of
undocumented labor, trafficking and politics in Southeast Asia.
Journal of Population, 10 (1) 2004 : 13-30, 2004
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Trafficking in women and children for forced prostitution is one
of the fastest growing transnational criminal activities in the world today.
This illegal activity is considered the third largest source of profit for
transnational organized crime, after drugs and weapons, generating
billions of dollars annually. Although many countries are concerned about
the problem, we know that not one of them has made much progress in
stopping this trafficking in women and children. This paper presents the
preliminary results obtained from on empirical study of the problem in
Malaysia. Specifically, the study .seeks to reveal the magnitude of tire
problem in Malaysia. and to determine the major sources anti destinations
of the women and children who are being trafficked. In additions, the efforts
of the Malaysian government to curb the problem are being studied. The
paper suggests that we should fool at the problem from the perspective of
the " human security " concept, which puts the security and well being of the
individuals of a country as a top priority, and thereby strengthens the
country as a whole, including its security as a stare.
Journal of Population, 10 (1) 2004 : 31-52, 2004
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
"With a range of experts from different disciplines and professions, this text comprehensively explains human trafficking as it exists and is being addressed in the twenty-first century. The first section gives an overview of the issue and contextualizes it within a human rights and historical framework. The second section provides the reader with more detailed, interdisciplinary information about trafficking. The third section, which contains a chapter written by a former FBI agent, focuses on the anti-trafficking movement and addresses international responses to the problem, as well as considerations for working with victims. Human Trafficking closes with a chapter about how trafficking is being addressed and how individuals, larger social groups, and organizations can get involved in putting an end to the crime and to helping survivors. Human Trafficking is essential reading for professionals in law enforcement, human services, and health care, and for concerned citizens interested in human rights and making a difference in their communities. This book is also intended for use in undergraduate and graduate interdisciplinary courses in human trafficking."
New York: Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group, 2018
364.15 HUM
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Shelomita Savitri
Kawasan Asia Tenggara memiliki tingkat kejadian perdagangan manusia yang tinggi
dengan latar belakang dan penyebab yang beragam; baik dari aspek ketenagakerjaan,
migrasi, kemiskinan, kejahatan maupun konflik negara. Hal ini menyebabkan
pendekatan untuk pemberantasan perdagangan manusia menjadi beragam pula; baik
dari tahapan pencegahan, penegakan hukum, maupun dukungan untuk korban. Tesis
ini membahas pemberantasan perdagangan manusia di kawasan Asia Tenggara
sebagai tindak pidana pelanggaran hak asasi manusia dan hukum pidana
internasional; baik secara internasional maupun regional antar negara-negara anggota
ASEAN. Pendekatan yang digunakan adalah kerja sama internasional melalui
bantuan hukum timbal balik atau mutual legal assistance (MLA). Instrumen bantuan
hukum timbal balik yang digunakan dan dianggap sesuai untuk kawasan Asia
Tenggara adalah perjanjian yang dihasilkan oleh Association of South East Asia
Nations (ASEAN) yaitu ASEAN Mutual Legal Assistance Treaty in Criminal Matters
(ASEAN MLAT). Bantuan hukum timbal balik merupakan instrumen kerjasama
formal yang sesuai untuk pemberantasan kejahatan formal maka mampu mengikat
komitmen negara secara penuh. Penelitian dilakukan dengan studi kasus perdagangan
manusia yang terjadi di kawasan ZAMBASULTA (Zamboanga, Basilan, Sulu, Tawi-
Tawi) di Filipina. Sebagai daerah di Filipina dengan kasus perdagangan manusia
yang secara dominan lintas batas Negara antara Filipina dengan Malaysia.
ZAMBASULTA dapat menggambarkan penerapan ASEAN MLAT di kawasan Asia
Tenggara sebagai instrument regional pemberantasan manusia.

South East Asia region has a high level of human trafficking case with various
backgrounds and causes; whether from aspects of labor, migration, poverty, crime or
homeland conflict. Hence the approach for human trafficking suppression varies;
whether from the phase of prevention, law enforcement, or victim support. This thesis
addresses human trafficking suppression in South East Asia region as a crime against
human rights. Writer describes the law for human rights protection and international
crime against human trafficking; internationally and amongst ASEAN member
countries. The approach being taken is international cooperation through mutual legal
assistance (MLA). The instrument considered appropriate is ASEAN Mutual Legal
Assistance Treaty in Criminal Matters (ASEAN MLAT). Mutual legal assistance is a
compatible formal cooperation instrument for suppressing human trafficking because
of its ability to handle transnational crimes and provides binding commitment
amongst countries. Research is conducted with case study of ZAMBASULTA
(Zamboanga, Basilan, Sulu, Tawi-Tawi) in Philippine. Being a Philippine region with
cross border human trafficking cases between Philippine and Malaysia,
ZAMBASULTA can represent the implementation of ASEAN MLAT in South East
Asia region as a regional instrument of human trafficking suppression."
Salemba: Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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