ABSTRAKPenelitian ini menyelidiki pengaruh kinerja dan risiko bank terhadap perubahan
jumlah pinjaman antar bank, tingkat suku bunga pinjaman antar bank, serta imbal
hasil saham bank.Sampel penelitian meliputi 6 bank anggota indeks LQ45 pada
periode per-kuartal 2010-2014.Metode regresi memakai regresi panel dengan
random effect dan pooled least squares. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa
kinerja dan risiko bank mempengaruhi tingkat suku bunga pinjaman antar bank,
dan faktor biaya mempengaruhi tingkat imbal hasil saham bank.
ABSTRACTThis research aims to investigate the impact of bank risk and performance on the
rate of change in interbank borrowing, interbank borrowing interest rate, and
stock return. Research sample includes 6 banksfrom LQ45 indexfor the quarterly
period of 2010-2014. This paper employes panel regression techniquewith
random effect modeland pooled least squares model. Research?s finding suggests
thatbank risk and performance influenced interbank borrowing interest rate and
overhead cost affects bank?s stock return.;This research aims to investigate the impact of bank risk and performance on the
rate of change in interbank borrowing, interbank borrowing interest rate, and
stock return. Research sample includes 6 banksfrom LQ45 indexfor the quarterly
period of 2010-2014. This paper employes panel regression techniquewith
random effect modeland pooled least squares model. Research?s finding suggests
thatbank risk and performance influenced interbank borrowing interest rate and
overhead cost affects bank?s stock return.;This research aims to investigate the impact of bank risk and performance on the
rate of change in interbank borrowing, interbank borrowing interest rate, and
stock return. Research sample includes 6 banksfrom LQ45 indexfor the quarterly
period of 2010-2014. This paper employes panel regression techniquewith
random effect modeland pooled least squares model. Research?s finding suggests
thatbank risk and performance influenced interbank borrowing interest rate and
overhead cost affects bank?s stock return.;This research aims to investigate the impact of bank risk and performance on the
rate of change in interbank borrowing, interbank borrowing interest rate, and
stock return. Research sample includes 6 banksfrom LQ45 indexfor the quarterly
period of 2010-2014. This paper employes panel regression techniquewith
random effect modeland pooled least squares model. Research?s finding suggests
thatbank risk and performance influenced interbank borrowing interest rate and
overhead cost affects bank?s stock return.;This research aims to investigate the impact of bank risk and performance on the
rate of change in interbank borrowing, interbank borrowing interest rate, and
stock return. Research sample includes 6 banksfrom LQ45 indexfor the quarterly
period of 2010-2014. This paper employes panel regression techniquewith
random effect modeland pooled least squares model. Research?s finding suggests
thatbank risk and performance influenced interbank borrowing interest rate and
overhead cost affects bank?s stock return., This research aims to investigate the impact of bank risk and performance on the
rate of change in interbank borrowing, interbank borrowing interest rate, and
stock return. Research sample includes 6 banksfrom LQ45 indexfor the quarterly
period of 2010-2014. This paper employes panel regression techniquewith
random effect modeland pooled least squares model. Research’s finding suggests
thatbank risk and performance influenced interbank borrowing interest rate and
overhead cost affects bank’s stock return.]"
Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2016