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Tambunan, Anton Sujarwo

Penggunaan media sosial tidak dapat dihindari lagi sebagai bagian dari strategi persuasi modern. Cerita yang menarik disampaikan melalui digital storytelling  adalah hal yang ampuh dalam persuasi. Tesis ini membahas topik persuasi kebijakan publik yang dibangun Kementerian ESDM melalui digital storytelling dikanal Youtube nya dan mengidentifikasi sumber semiotik yang digunakan sebagai elemen pembentukan makna persuasi dalam youtube Kementerian ESDM. Penelitian   ini adalah penelitian kualitatif dengan menggunakan analisis multimodal dengan pendekatan Sistemik Fungsional (Systemic Functional Multimodal Analysis). Penelitian ini menemukan bahwa Kementerian ESDM telah membangun persuasi kebijakan publiknya melalui digital storytelling dikanal Youtube nya hal ini dapat dilihat dari plot, setting dan karakter. Penyusunan plot dalam ketiga video menghadirkan cerita bergerak menuju akhir yang bahagia (happy-ending story). Setting / latar cerita tiga video tersebut berada didaerah tertinggal dan terpencil untuk menguatkan persuasi dan makna naratif bahwa kebijakan publik dari Kementerian ESDM telah tepat karena menjangkau rakyat yang belum tersentuh ketersediaan air dan listrik. Karakter melalui narator dalam video mempunyai fungsi menyampaikan pandanganya terhadap kebijakan publik yang telah dirasakan kehadiranya. Temuan lainnya adalah dalam membangun persuasi kebijakan publiknya, Kementerian ESDM telah menggunakan sejumlah sumber semiotik sebagai elemen pembentuk makna seperti partisipan, kinesics action, locative circumstance, visual collocation maupun speech.

The focus of this study is the The used of social media is inevitable as part of a modern persuasion strategy. Interesting stories delivered through digital storytelling are powerful things in persuasion. This thesis discussed about the topic of public policy persuasion that was built by the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (MEMR) through its digital storytelling canalical and identifies semiotic sources that are used as formation elements of persuasion meaning in the MEMR youtube. This research was a qualitative research using multimodal analysis with a Systemic Functional Multimodal Analysis. This study discovered  the MEMR has built its public policy persuasion through its digital storytelling on Youtube, which can be seen from plots, settings and characters. Arranging plots in all three videos presents stories moving towards  (happy-ending story). The story setting of the three video stories located in small and isolated area that affirmed the persuasion and narrative meaning that the public policy of the MEMR was appropriate because it reaches people who had not been touched by the availability of water and electricity. The character in the video has the function of conveying his views on the public policies that he has been feeling. Another discovered was develop public policy persuasion, Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources has used a number of semiotic sources as elements that form meaning such as participants, kinesics action, locative circumstances, visual collocation and speech.

UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Hurt, Karin B.
"A good story is often just the right method to effectively convey a message that supports an overall leadership communication plan. This issue explains how leaders can develop and use the art of storytelling to establish rapport, to enhance teamwork, and to send a message people will remember. It covers a step-by-step process to help incorporate storytelling in organizations. Also included is a case study based on the use of storytelling at Bell Atlantic and a job aid on story capturing and storytelling feedback."
Alexandria, VA: [American Society for Training & Development Press;American Society for Training & Development Press;American Society for Training & Development Press, American Society for Training & Development Press], 2003
eBooks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Dian Amintapratiwi Purwandini
"Tesis ini merupakan studi evaluasi terhadap upaya kampanye komunikasi publik pemerintah melalui digital storytellingyang ditujukan kepada generasi milenial. Digital storytelling merupakan sala satu media persuasi yang sesuai dengan karakteristik generasi milenial. Perubahan perilaku dan pemahaman dapat terjadi jika generasi milenial sebagai sasaran kampanye mengalami proses transportasi naratif dimana audiens terlibat penuh dengan narasi. Transportasi naratif dikaji dari sisi kualitas narasi dengan penilaian standar koherensi dan elemen dalam cerita, serta telaah persepsi dan pengalaman individu sebagai audiens. Unsur emosional merupakan elemen penting yang harus ada dan kuat dalam suatu narasi agar transportasi naratif dapat terjadi.

This thesis is an evaluation study of the government's public communication campaign efforts through digital storytelling aimed at the millennial generation. Digital storytelling is one medium of persuasion that fits the characteristics of the millennial generation. Behavior change and understanding can occur if the millennial generation as the target of the campaign experiences a narrative transportation process where the audience is involved fully with narration. Narrative transportation is assessed in terms of narrative quality with a standard assessment of coherence and elements in the story, as well as reviewing the perceptions and experiences of individuals as audiences. Emotional elements are important elements that must exist and are strong in a narrative so that narrative transportation can occur."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2019
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Lambert, Joe
"Listen deeply. Tell stories. This is the mantra of the Center for Digital Storytelling (CDS) in Berkeley California, which, since 1998 has worked with nearly 1,000 organizations around the world and trained more than 15,000 people in the art of digital storytelling. In this revised and updated edition of the CDS's popular guide to digital storytelling, co-founder Joe Lambert details the history and methods of digital storytelling practices. Using a "7 Steps" approach, Lambert helps storytellers identify the fundamentals of dynamic digital storytelling--from seeing the story, assembling it, and sharing it. As in the last edition, readers of the fourth edition will also find new explorations of the applications of digital storytelling and updated appendices that provide resources for budding digital storytellers, including information about past and present CDS-affiliated projects and place-based storytelling, a narrative-based approach to understanding experience and landscape. A companion website further brings the entire storytelling process to life."
New York : Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group, 2018
372.677 LAM d
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Kezia Olivia Angelina
"Perkembangan pasar modern dancers di Indonesia dan beralihnya persepsi masyarakat tentang modern dance memicu Nike, sebuah perusahaan perlengkapan olahraga, untuk menarik segmen pasar tersebut. Pada tahun 2021, Nike meluncurkan kampanye “Own the Floor”, sebuah kampanye pemasaran digital yang menggunakan teknik pendekatan storytelling dan menargetkan segmen pasar modern dancers. Penelitian ini merupakan studi replikasi yang bertujuan untuk melihat dampak storytelling dalam pemasaran digital terhadap minat beli segmen pasar modern dancers di Jakarta. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan menyebarkan kuesioner kepada 150 modern dancers semi-profesional dan profesional berusia 18–34 tahun yang berdomisili di Jakarta. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa storytelling dalam kampanye digital “Own the Floor” Nike berpengaruh terhadap minat beli segmen pasar modern dancers di Jakarta.

The growth of the modern dancer market segment in Indonesia and the shift in public perception toward modern dance have triggered Nike, a sports equipment company, to attract the said market segment. In the year 2021, Nike launched the “Own the Floor” campaign, a digital marketing campaign that employed a storytelling approach and was targeted at the modern dancer market segment. This research is a replication study that aims to observe the impact of storytelling in digital marketing on the purchase intention of the modern dancer market segment in Jakarta. This research was conducted by distributing questionnaires to 150 semi-professional and professional modern dancers aged 18–34 years living in Jakarta. The results of this study show that storytelling in Nike's "Own the Floor" digital campaign impacts the purchase intention of the modern dancer market segment in Jakarta."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Sri Haryanti
Dengan dilatarbelakangi oleh massifnya penggunaan media sosial sebagai media komunikasi eksternal Humas sektor publik di era digital government. Penelitian ini berupaya mengkaji unsur-unsur yang menjadi daya tarik media sosial dan mengikat sektor publik untuk terus menggunakannya sebagai salah satu media komunikasi resmi, bahkan ketika diakui bahwa adopsi media sosial memiliki risiko tersendiri. Oleh karena itu, penelitian ini mengacu pada teori yang berfokus pada aspek-aspek penarik yang dimiliki oleh media sosial, salah satunya adalah teori logika media sosial Van Dijck dan Thomas Poell. Permasalahan penelitian yang diajukan adalah bagaimana determinisme elemen logika media sosial, yaitu abilitas program, popularitas, konektivitas, dan datafikasi melekat pada mediatisasi sektor publik melalui media sosial oleh Humas Kementerian Pendidikan dan kebudayaan. Dengan menggunakan pendekatan deskriptif kualitatif melalui observasi terhadap aktivitas komunikasi dan interaksi dalam akun media sosial, serta wawancara mendalam terhadap para admin pengelola akun tersebut, ditemukan bahwa elemen logika media sosial Van Dijck dan Thomas Poell telah menjadi elemen online sebagai unsur penarik dalam adopsi media sosial sektor publik. Temuan menunjukkan bahwa elemen abilitas program dan konektivitas merupakan dua elemen yang paling penting dan paling banyak terlibat dalam komunikasi publik di era digital government. Peneliti mengajukan tiga argumen terkait dengan adanya elemen offline yang ditemuan dari penelitian ini. Pertama, pengguna media sosial sektor publik terperangkap dalam trend masyarakat akan platform dan kecenderungan selera massa terhadap konten, atau dengan kata lain sektor publik menyesuaikan diri dengan perkembangan masyarakat. Kedua, kecenderungan pola komunikasi dan interaksi dalam media sosial secara langsung didorong oleh trend masyarakat dan secara tidak langsung didorong oleh popularitas platform. Argumen yang ketiga terkait dengan elemen popularitas, elemen yang paling penting dalam popularitas bagi pemilik platform sebenarnya adalah popularitas platform itu sendiri.

With the background of its massive use of social media as a public sector public relations external communication medium in the era of digital government. This research seeks to examine the elements of the allure of social media and bind the public sector to continue using it as one of the official communication media, even when it is recognized that the adoption of social media has its own risks. Therefore, this study refers to a theory that focuses on aspects of attraction possessed by social media, one of which is the theory of social media logic of Van Dijck and Thomas Poell. The research question posed is how determinism of social media logic element, ie program abilities, popularity, connectivity, and datafication are attached to public sector mediatization through social media by Public Relations of Ministry of Education and culture. Using a qualitative descriptive approach through observation of communication activities and interactions in social media accounts, and also conduct in-depth interviews with these account administrators, it was found that the elements of social media logic Van Dijck and Thomas Poell have become an online element as a puller element in the social media adoption as the public-sector official communication medium. The findings show that the elements of program abilities and connectivity are the two most important and most involved elements of public communication in the digital government era. The researcher proposed three arguments related to the offline element found in this study. First, public-sector social media users are caught in the community's trend of platforms and the trend of mass taste toward content, in the other word the public sector adjusts to the development of society. Second, the tendency of communication patterns and interactions in social media is directly driven by community trends and indirectly driven by the popularity of the platform. The third argument is concerning with the popularity element, the most important element in popularity for the owner of the platform is actually the popularity of the platform itself."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2018
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Devina Soraya
"Penelitian ini membahas implementasi kebijakan kompensasi PNS pada Kementerian Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral. Paradigma yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah post positivism. Mengacu pada perspektif teoritis dan paradigma penelitian yang digunakan, maka sifat penelitian ini adalah penelitian desktiptif. Analis penelitian dengan menggunakan analisis kualitatif. Dalam penelitian ini melihat kesesuaian kebijakan kompensasi PNS yang seharusnya dengan kebijakan yang diterapkan pada Kementerian Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral. Hasil penelitian ini bahwa implementasi kebijakan kompensasi PNS pada Kementerian Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral belum mendasarkan pada pemberian gaji yang adil dan layak. Faktor yang paling berpengaruh terhadap implemntasi kebijakan kompensasi PNS tersebut yaitu pihak yang kepentingannya dipengaruhi, jenis manfaat yang diterima target grup, derajat perubahan yang diharapkan, sumber daya yang dikerahkan, serta kekuasaan, kepentingan, dan strategi aktor yang terlibat. Penelitian ini merekomendasikan bahwa Pemerintah perlu segera menetapkan peraturan teknis terkait kompensasi yang memenuhi unsur keadilan dan kelayakan, serta bagi Kementerian Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral dalam melaksanakan kebijakan kompensasi PNS harus berdasarkan pada capaian kinerja, bobot pekerjaan, dan tanggung jawab pegawai sebagai dasar pemberian kompensasi di lingkungan Kementerian Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral dan perlu meningkatkan koordinasi yang lebih intensif dan menumbuhkan komitmen dengan pihak-pihak terkait guna pencapaian tujuan dan sasaran kebijakan kompensasi PNS Kementerian Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral yaitu menjamin kesejahteraan pegawai agar dapat berjalan efektif. Kata kunci:Kompensai, pegawai negeri sipil, keadilan, kelayakan.

This Research analyze about the implementation of civil service policy compensation at Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources. Paradigm used in this research can be classified in the post positivism. Referring to the theoretical perspevtives and research paradigms are used, the nature of this research is descriptive research. Analysis of studies using qualitative analysis. In this study look for the suitability civil service policy compensation with the policy applied to the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources. The result of this research are that the implementation of civil servant compensation policy in the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources has not been based on equity and feasibility salary. The most influential factors for the implementation of the civil servant 39 s compensation policy are those whose interests are affected, the type of benefits the group received, the expected degree of change, the resources mobilized, and the powers, interests and strategies of the actors involved. This research recommend the Government define the technical policy immediately to meet of equity and feasibility, and for The Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources have to implement the compensation policy based on employee performance, job load and responsibility. Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources also should improve coordination intensively and increase the commitment with all parties to ensure the achievement of compensation goals which is the welfare of employees in order that the policy can run effectively. Keywords Compensation, civil service, fairness, feasibility."
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Guruh Arina Putra
"Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk melihat apakah terdapat pengaruh dari Leader Member Exchange (LMX) dan Role Stressor (Role Conflict, Role Ambiguity dan Role Overload) terhadap Organizational Citizenship Behavior (OCB) pegawai di lingkungan Kementerian Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral (KESDM). Penelitian ini adalah penelitian kuantitatif dengan desain survei menggunakan instrumen kuesioner kepada seluruh pegawai (jabatan administrasi dan jabatan fungsional) di seluruh unit di lingkungan KESDM. Teknis analisis data yang digunakan adalah analisis deskriptif dan General Linear Model - Multivariate (GLM-Multivariate) terhadap 177 orang responden.
Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa Leader Member Exchange (LMX) berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap 2 dimensi Organizational Citizenship Behavior (OCB) yaitu Organizational Citizenship Behavior - Individual (OCBI) dan Organizational Citizenship Behavior - Organizational (OCBO), sedangkan 3 dimensi dari Role Stressor (Role Conflict, Role Ambiguity, dan Role Overload) berpengaruh negatif dan signifikan terhadap OCBI dan hanya 1 dimensi dari Role Stressor (Role Ambiguity) yang berpengaruh negatif dan signifikan terhadap OCBO pegawai di lingkungan KESDM. Oleh karena itu, untuk dapat meningkatkan tingkat OCB di lingkungan KESDM harus diikuti dengan peningkatan dari tingkat LMX dan mengurangi tingkat role stressor pegawai.

This study was conducted to analyze the effect of leader member exchange and role stressor (role conflict, role ambiguity dan role overload) on organizational citizenship behavior at Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (MEMR).This research is quantitative research design using questionnaire survey approach towards all employees (administration and functional official) at all units in MEMR. The technical analysis methods used in this study are descriptive analysis and General Linear Model ? Multivariate (GLM-Multivariate) towards 177 respondents.
The study found that Leader Member Exchange (LMX) may significant and positively affect 2 dimensions of Organizational Citizenship Behavior (OCB) that is Organizational Citizenship Behavior - Individual (OCBI) and Organizational Citienship Behavior - Organizational (OCBO). And 3 dimensions of Role Stressor (Role Conflict, Role Ambiguity, and Role Overload) may significant and negatively affect servant OCBI and only 1 dimension of Role Stressor (Role Ambiguity) may significant and negatively affect servant OCBO at MEMR.In consequence, to increase the level of servant OCB at MEMR must be followed by an increase of the level of LMX and reduce the level of role stressors servant.
Jakarta: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Pradiati Adiningrum
"Pembayaran Pajak Kendaraan Bermotor melalui aplikasi SIGNAL didasari oleh Peraturan Presiden Nomor 5 Tahun 2015 tentang Sistem Administrasi Manunggal Satu Atap. Tujuan utama dibuatnya aplikasi SIGNAL adalah untuk meningkatkan kualitas pelayanan kepada masyarakat dengan menyeadiakan layanan pembayaran dan administrasi pembayaran PKB secara online atau elektronik. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis bagaimana implementasi pembayaran PKB melalui aplikasi SIGNAL di DKI Jakarta apabila ditinjau dari asas ease of administration. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa dari dimensi certainty, implementasi pembayaran PKB melalui aplikasi SIGNAL belum dapat terpenuhi kepastian. Ditinjau dari dimensi convenience of payment, pembayaran PKB melalui aplikasi SIGNAL sudah dikatakan dapat terpenuhi. Pembayaran PKB melalui aplikasi SIGNAL juga sudah memenuhi dimensi efficiency dari sisi fiskus maupun Wajib Pajak. Dari dimensi simplicity, terlihat bahwa implementasi Pembayaran PKB melalui aplikasi SIGNAL sudah memenuhi dimensi ini. Faktor penghambat implementasi pembayaran PKB melalui SIGNAL antara lain Wajib Pajak masih mengalami server down, masa transisi Wajib Pajak dan masyarakat pada umumnya dalam penggunaan dokumen elektronik sehingga muncul keraguan akan penggumaan dokumen elektronik sebagai bukti pelunasan kewajiban perpajakan, dan sosialisasi mengenai aplikasi SIGNAL yang kurang efektif.

Payment of Motor Vehicle Tax through the SIGNAL application is based on Presidential Regulation Number 5 of 2015 concerning the One-Stop Single Administration System. The main purpose of the SIGNAL application is to improve the quality of service to the citizens by providing payment and administration services for motor vehicle tax payment through electronic system. This study aims to analyze how the implementation of motor vehicle tax payments through the SIGNAL application in DKI Jakarta based on of ease of administration principles. The results of this study indicate that from the certainty dimension, the implementation of PKB payments through the SIGNAL application has not been able to fulfill certainty. In terms of the convenience of payment dimension, PKB payments through the SIGNAL application have been fulfilled. PKB payments through the SIGNAL application have also fulfilled the efficiency dimension from the side of the tax authorities and taxpayers. From the simplicity dimension, it can be seen that the implementation of PKB payment through the SIGNAL application has fulfilled this dimension. Factors inhibiting the implementation of PKB payments through SIGNAL include taxpayers still experiencing server downs, the transition period of taxpayers and the public in general in the use of electronic documents so that doubts arise about the use of electronic documents as proof of payment of tax obligations, and ineffective socialization of the SIGNAL application."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Administrasi Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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