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Muhammad Fauzan
"Tujuan utama dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengobsevasi dan membandingkan perilaku dari bermacam tipe sambungan antara papan penutup dan rangka kayu yang merepresentasikan bagian dari shear wall kayu. Setiap sampel kemudian dibandinkan berdasarkan beberapa parameter antara lain: strength limit state, yield limit state, energi terdisipasi, dan ductility ratio. Eksperiment ini dilaksanakan mengacu pada ASTM E2126 dan ISO 16670 Loading Protocol dan tes kuat tarik terstandar. Terdapat 5 macam koneksi yang di amati: 1) paku dengan jarak interval 50 mm, 2) paku dengan jarak interval 100 mm, 3) staple dengan jarak interval 25 mm, 4) staple dengan jarak interval 50 mm, dan 5) menggunakan perekat kayu standar. Hasil dari test tersebut kemudian dibandingkan menggunakan metode statistik meliputi descriptive statistics¸F-Test, dan T-Test. Hasil dari perbandingan tersebut mengungkapkan bahwa semakin besar jarak interval antar sambungan akan menurunkan performa dari struktur sambungan antara papan penutup dan rangka kayu. Hal ini didukung dengan nilai P yang dihasilkan saat membandingkan setiap sample yang bernilai lebih rendah dari 0.01. Selain itu, hasil perbandingan antara sambungan paku dan staple menggunakan F-Test dan T-Test menemukan bahwa ada kemungkinan untuk mensubstitusikan paku dengan staple dikarenakan nilai P yang di hasilkan sangat dekat dengan 0.1. Akan tetapi, penelitian lebih lanjut sebaiknya dilakukan untuk membuktikan konsistensi hasil ini. Temuan lainnya adalah performa dari sambungan antara papan penutup dan rangka kayu berkurang sebanyak 32% pada cyclic loading test dibandingkan dengan hasil pada tes kuat tarik. Sayangnya, hasil eksperimen terhadap sambungan perekat kimia tidak dapat di analisis karena sampel yang bergeser selama pengujian

The objective of this research is to observe and compare the behaviour of the different types of connection between the sheathings and timber section that reassemble the part of timber shear wall of the sheathing-to-framing connection. The comparison of each type of sample is based on few performance parameters such as strength limit state, yield limit state, failure limit state, energy dissipated, and the ductility ratio. The test is conducted in accordance with ASTM E2126 and ISO 16670 loading protocol and a standard monotonic test. On the test, one sample will be tested on the monotonic loading test while the rest (4 samples) are tested on cyclic loading test. There are 5 variations of the sheathing-to-framing connection that being tested: 1) nails on 50 mm interval, 2) nail on 100 mm interval, 3) staple on 25 mm interval, 4) staple on 50 mm interval, and 5) glue connection. The result of the test then compared using statistics method including descriptive statistics, F-Test, and T-test. The result of the comparison shows that the increment of the connection interval will significantly reduce the performance of the sheathing-to-framing connection. It is supported by the fact the P value produced while comparing each sample with different interval is less than 0.01. It was found that there might be a possibility to change nail connection with staple, this is supported by the fact the P value on comparison between nail on 50 mm interval and staple on 25 mm interval is close to 0.1. However, further study should be conducted to prove its consistency. This study also found that the hysteretic performance of sheathing-to-framing in cyclic loading test is reduced by 32% in contrast to the monotonic result. Unfortunately, the result from the glue connection on cyclic testing could not be analysed due to damaged data caused by slipping sample."
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2019
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ign. Benny Puspantoro
Yogyakarta: ANDI, 2005
694.6 IGN k
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Nusa Setiani Triastuti
"For the last two decades, national development has been growing rapidly by 6-8% per annum. Nevertheless, gaps between regions and between sectors are still found which need to be taken care of for the future sustainable development, especially in construction industry. The average national growth of 8% has not been followed by the contribution increase to GDP, which is about 4-6% for the same period. Endeavor in support of raising contribution value to GDP through the development of wood technology application in strategically sector, in housing sub sector, in particular of construction industry would have important meaning for the development in general.
This research is directed to evaluate the potential of the application of wood technology using metal connector on housing roofs in large scale so that it can be used to provide value added by those sectors that can take benefit of the techno economic value of wood to the optimum. To this end the research will also be carried out to the upstream through downstream, especially those related to and influencing the supply and demand sides of the potential of the application of wood technology.
A survey in literature shows Indonesia as having about 4000 kinds of wood of which 268 kinds are recorded as spreader and only 62 kinds or 179 botanical species are traded with economic value is needed in the development. In addition, this research will take stock of and evaluate the outcome of applying wood construction technology that has been developed and well tested in other countries, such as Australia. Research is also carried out on the potential of mass production by fabrication system or manufacturing and on the value added of the technology and various controls needed to achieve the intended objective. Various quantitative methods, including mathematical and statistical ones, have been used with regression for house supply analysis and wood contribution for roof frame, comparison of wood use against the metal connector and hypothetical try out needed.
The result of the analysis is evaluated on statistical standard level regarding its validity, trustworthiness and forecasting. The data have been used in representing and describing the current conditioning of construction industry, especially in Indonesia.
The research result hopefully:
1. Can provide additional information to increase the value added of wood material for the development of construction industry at its downstream sector and specially in agricultural sector to provide indication of the kinds of wood in the upstream sector needed in the upstream sector needed in the future.
2. Provides the picture of natural resource of Indonesia in the frame of its maximum utilization and development.
3. Gives indication of how much of wood economizing scale is needed for the increase in construction value added that can be achieved by the application of wood technology know how, especially in housing sector.
4. Increases the awareness of those related parties to the objective of construction industry development in general and housing sector in particular so that it can :
i. Support the government program in developing wood resource potential from the development program of. Industrial Forest Plantation.
ii. Drive construction industry to achieve more profitable value added for development through the use of wood material efficiently.
iii. Provide required training and information for the application of wood technological know-how of highly beneficial usage to those related sectors, construction industry in particular."
Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 1996
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Dewi Mulyani
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 1998
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Januar Diniarto
"Penelitian kekuatan material laminasi untuk lambung kapal pinisi adalah sebuah pembahasan ilmiah yang menarik untuk mendapatkan material alternatif yang baru yang dapat diaplikasikan untuk lambung kapal pinisi. Dengan metode laminasi ini sangat memungkinkan sebagai pengganti kayu, karena dengan laminasi, selain memiliki kekuatan yang lebih baik dan mudah didapat juga harga yang lebih murah dibandingkan kayu. Dengan pertimbangan material laminasi ini masih jarang digunakan pada kapal, maka diperlukan pengujian terhadapat material tersebut. Penelitian kali ini dilakukan untuk melihat karakteristik mekanik dan mengevaluasi penggunaan material laminasi.
Adapun uji yang dilakukan meliputi uji tarik dan uji lentur yang di uji di laboratorium untuk melihat kekuatan tarik, modulus tarik, kekuatan lentur dan modulus lenturnya. Hasil Pengujian dari pengujian tarik didapat nilai tensile strength kayu laminasi 7,316 MPa, fiber laminasi 93,9167 MPa dan bambu laminasi 56,583 MPa. Hasil pengujian menunjukkan bahwa material laminasi yang memiliki nilai terdekat dengan nilai yang ada pada peraturan BKI dan Germanisher Lloyd adalah fiber laminasi.

The research strength of laminated material for hull pinisi is an interesting scientific discussion to get a new alternative materials that can be applied to the hull pinisi. With lamination method is very possible as a substitute for wood, due to the lamination, in addition to having a better strength and easy to obtain also the prices are cheaper than wood. With consideration of these laminate materials are rarely used on ships, the required testing terhadapat material. Research time was carried out to see the mechanical characteristics and evaluate the use of laminated materials.
The test was conducted on the tensile and bending tests in the laboratory test to see tensile strength, tensile modulus, flexural strength and bending modulus. The test results obtained from tensile testing tensile strength values of wood laminate is 7.316 MPa, fiber laminate is 93.9167 MPa and bamboo laminate 56.583 MPa. The test results showed that the laminate material that has a value closest to the existing value in the BKI regulations and Germanisher Lloyd is fiber laminate.
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2011
UI - Skripsi Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Hendra Irawan
"Perkembangan teknologi pembangunan kapal dari masa ke masa terus mengalami kemajuan seiring dengan adanya penemuan metode konstruksi baru yang modern dan canggih untuk mendapatkan hasil yang lebih efisien dari segi waktu dan harga. Keadaan ini berlawanan dengan pembangunan kapal berbasis kerakyatan, dimana proses pengerjaanya masih bersifat tradisional serta membutuhkan waktu yang relatif cukup lama khususnya pada kapal pinisi.
Kapal pinisi menggunakan bahan dasar kayu,dimana keberadaanya semakin terbatas dan mahal. Maka dari itu,dengan misi untuk menyelamatkan pelayaran rakyat khususnya kapal pinisi. Mulai saat ini sudah perlu dipikirkan dan dicari bahan baku alternatif untuk mengganti kayu sebagai bahan baku pembuatan kapal dengan bahan baku lain. Salah satu cara yang digunakan ialah dengan memakai teknologi laminasi yaitu dengan menggabungkan satu atau lebih jenis material yang direkatkan menjadi satu kesatuan.
Dalam skripsi ini, metode yang dipakai adalah analisis dari sampel kapal pinisi yang telah dibangun. Batasan analisis yang penulis ambil hanya pada konstruksi saja khususnya pada bagian lambung kapal. Oleh karena itu, melalui teknologi laminasi ini diharapkan mendapat material yang memiliki karakteristik mekanik yang lebih baik, bobot yang lebih ringan serta harga yang relatif murah serta mempermudah pengerjaan dalam proses pembangunan kapal baru.

The development of shipbuilding technology from time to time continue to progress along with the discovery of new, modern construction methods and technology to get more efficient results in terms of time and price. This situation is contrary to populist-based ship building, where the working process still traditional in nature and require a relatively long time, especially on pinisi ship.
Pinisi ship using basic materials of wood, where its presence is increasingly limited and expensive. Therefore, with a mission to rescue the people, especially cruise ship pinisi. Start now to think about and look for alternative materials to replace wood as raw material for the manufacture of ships with other raw materials. One method used is by using lamination technology by combining one or more types of material bonded into a single unit.
In this paper, the method used is the analysis of samples pinisi ship that has been built. Restriction analysis that the authors take only on construction alone, especially on the hull. Therefore, through lamination technology is expected to have material that has better mechanical characteristics, the lighter weight and a relatively cheap price and makes for progress in the development process of new vessel.
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2011
UI - Skripsi Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
B. Rasmoro P.
"Dewasa ini, penggunaan material komposit sebagai elemen dalam struktur bangunan berkembang dengan pesat. Pada kesempatan ini kami meneliti penggabungan antara kayu dengan baja menjadi komposit kayu-baja yang diimplementasikan sebagai elemen balok. Balok kayu yang digunakan berpenampang rectangular, sedangkan profil bajanya dari siku yang diletakkan terbuka pada sisi atas dan bawah balok kayu. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui seberapa jauh manfaat dari pemberian tambahan material baja ternadap kekuatan kayu. Kesulitan yang timbul selama penelitian adalah mendapatkan data yang cukup lengkap tentang sifat fisik dari jenis kayu yang digunakan dalam studi eksperimen, oleh sebab itu dilakukan serangkaian uji awal temadap sampel yang akan digunakan dalam eksperimen untuk mendapatkan data sifat fisiknya, dan melakukan beberapa asumsi untuk melengkapi kebutuhan data.
Metode numerik yang digunakan untuk melakukan perhitungan kekuatan penampang adalah dengan membagi penampang menjadi serat-serat dengan ketebalan yang tipis, atau disebut fiber model. Dari serat-serat ini kemudian dihitung tegangannya berdasarkan hubungan tegangan-regangan material. Hubungan tegangan-regangan kayu dan baja diasumsikan sebagai kurva bilinier dengan adanya penambahan kekuatan setelah kayu melewati titik lelehnya. Pendistribusian regangan diambil asumsi bahwa regangan akan terdistribusi secara linier dan sifat non-linearitas penampang diabaikan. Dari hasil perhitungan ini, kemudian didapatkan hubungan antara momen kapasitas penampang dengan kurvatur. Selanjutnya dilakukan interpolasi untuk mendapatkan hubungan antara momen gaya dalam dengan kurvatur. Setelah mendapatkan hubungan ini, maka dapat dihitung berapa rotasi dan defleksi yang terjadi pada balok.
Hasil dari perhitungan numerik ini adalah kurva beban-lendutan untuk balok kayu non-komposit dan komposit. Dari hasil analisis numerik, maka kemudian dilakukan perbandingan dengan hasil eksperimen. Berdasarkan hasil eksperimen, pada tiap sampel yang diuji, ternyata terdapat bentuk keruntuhan yang berbeda dari asumsi awal, yaitu adanya kegagalan geser pada kayu, local buckling pada profil baja atas, serta slip pada shear connector. Oleh karenanya, dilakukanlah perhitungan reduksi kekuatan pada baja agar lendutan dari perhitungan numerik yang didapatkan lebih sesuai dengan hasil eksperimen. Hasil akhir dari analisis tersebut adalah kurva beban-lendutan yang sudah tereduksi yang dibandingkan dengan hasil eksperimen serta kesimpulan terhadap hasil penelitian balok komposit kayu-baja ini.

Nowadays, the use of composite material is growing rapidly. In this opportunity, we study the combination of wood and steel to become the wood - steel composite which implemented as a beam element, the wood beam that is used in this study is a rectangular profile, and for the steel is an L type profile. This studies objective is to know the advantage that can be obtain by using additional steel material to the strength of wood beam. There are some difficulties that happened in this research; some of those are that we don't have enough literate material that we need to know about the physical characteristic of wood, and the lack of data about wood - steel composite. Because of that, we have to make some assumptions based from the experimental studies.
The numerical methods that is used to count the strength of the profile is by dividing the profile into a thin fiber, this method is known as the FIBER MODEL. From this fiber, we then calculate the strain using the strain - stress relation of the material. From this calculation we now have the profile's axial force and moment capacity. And then, we make an interpolation between the moment capacity, curvature, and moment form loading. After we have the relation of moment and curvature, then we can calculate the rotation and deflection which happened in the beam.
The result of this numerical calculation is the load - displacement curve, where we can compare it to the result from the experimental studies. Using this comparison, then we can make analysis of the composite material. Composite beam structure is approved to be the reason of the increasing number of strength, stiffness, and ductility.
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2000
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
"The Timber Construction Manual has become the definitive design and construction industry source for building with structural glued laminated timber. Revised to cover the 2011 National Design Specification for Wood from the National Forest Products Association, IBC 2009 ASCE 7-10, and AITC 117-2004, this new edition contains the latest design procedures for glulam construction and an expanded collection of real-world design examples supported with detailed schematic drawings. Information and recommendations are based on the most reliable technical data available and reflect commercial purposes found to be the most practica"
New Jersey: John Wiley & Sons, 2012
694 AME t
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
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