"Struktur dinding penahan tanah yang umumnya dijumpai hanya menahan satu muka atau sisi luar timbunan saja. Namun di samping itu juga terdapat struktur dinding yang
menahan kedua muka atau sisi timbunan yang saling bertolak belakang, seperti dijumpai pada abutment flyover atau jembatan. Material struktural dinding penahan dapat
menggunakan bahan beton, baja, atau geosintetik (geotekstil atau geogrid). Penggunaan geosintetik sebagai elemen struktural bangunan infrastruktur semakin
populer di seluruh dunia karena terbukti memiliki ketahanan yang baik bahkan terhadap gempa dan terutama benefit ekonomisnya, termasuk aplikasinya sebagai dinding
penahan tanah. Akhir-akhir ini, konsiderasi terhadap resiko kejadian gempa terhadap bangunan semakin tinggi, seiring dengan dampaknya terhadap kehidupan manusia,
terutama mengingat semakin seringnya kejadian gempa.
Penelitian ini merupakan studi parametrik melalui pemodelan metode elemen hingga menggunakan program Plaxis terhadap struktur dinding penahan tanah dua muka meliputi dinding perkuatan geogrid dan kantilever beton di bawah pembebanan gempa dengan variasi akselerasi dan frekuensi gempa serta geometri timbunan. Hasil-hasil analisis yang akan dievaluasi adalah tekanan lateral seismik, gaya dorong lateral seismik, koefisien lateral seismik, dan perbedaan fase. Dilakukan juga perbandingan antara output pemodelan dengan hasil metode-metode desain pseudostatik untuk mengevaluasi kinerjanya.
The structure of the retaining wall which is generally found only retains one outside facing of the soil embankment. But besides that there is also a wall structure that retains the two outside facings of the embankment or back to back, as can be found in the
flyover or bridge abutment structures. Retaining wall structural materials can use concrete, steel or geosynthetic materials (geotextiles or geogrids).
The use of geosynthetics as a structural element of infrastructure buildings is increasingly popular throughout the world since the satisfying prove of good resistance even to the great earthquakes and especially its economic benefits, including its application as a retaining wall. Eventually, the consideration of the risk of earthquake events in buildings has been higher, along with its impact on human life, especially the
rapid occurence of earthquake events. This study is a parametric analysis through modeling the finite element method using the Plaxis program on the two-face retaining wall structures including the geogrid MSE wall and concrete cantilever wall under earthquake loading with variations of earthquake acceleration, earthquake frequency and geometry aspect of embankment. The analysis results that will be evaluated are lateral seismic pressure, lateral seismic force, lateral seismic coefficient, and phase difference. There is also a comparison between output modeling and the results of pseudostatic design methods to evaluate its performance."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2019