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Halberto Sidiq
Belakangan ini transportasi barang perkotaan (Urban Freight Transport) memiliki berbagai macam masalah, termasuk kemacetan yang diakibatkannya. Sistem transportasi barang dituntut untuk menghasilkan biaya yang rendah. Pada dasarnya untuk mencapai tujuan tersebut, konsep Green Urban Freight adalah jawabannya. Konsep ini didesain bukan hanya untuk ramah lingkungan, tetapi juga berfungsi ekonomis. Paper ini bertujuan untuk menganalisa tingkat pengetahuan dan kesadaran pemangku kepentingan terhadap Green Urban Freight Transport(GUFT). Metode yang digunakan adalah melalui survey wawancara untuk berbagai tema terkait GUFT kepada pemangku kepentingan seperti residents di wilayah Pulo Gadung, Tanjung Priok dan Kelapa Gading. Pemangku kepentingan lainnya adalah freight carriers di Indonesia. Hasil dari paper ini adalah secara umum tingkat kesadaran dari residents lebih tinggi dibandingkan tingkat pengetahuannya, tetapi pada pemangku kepentingan freight carriers tingkat pengetahuannya lebih tinggi dibandingkan tingkat kesadarannya. Terdapat korelasi yang cukup signifikan antar berbagai tema GUFT dalam hal tingkat pengetahuan dan kesadaran. Hal ini memberikan makna bahwa tema-tema dalam GUFT sudah cukup diketahui dan disadari keterhubungannya.

These days, there are various problems regarding urban freight transportation, one of which is traffic congestion. The transportation system is expected to have a small cost. The solution to these problems is the Green Urban Freight Concept. This Concept is designed not only to be environmentally friendly, but also economical. This paper analyzes the level of knowledge and awareness of certain stakeholders regarding Green Urban Freight Transport, or GUFT. The method that is used to collect information is a survey that involves topics related to GUFT. The survey is spreaded to certain stake holders such as residents residing in Pulo Gadung, Tanjung Priok, and Kelapa Gading. Freight carrier companies are also accounted as stake holders that affect the urban freight transportation. The result of this paper is that, in general, the level of awareness of residents, residing in said locations, is higher than their level of knowledge regarding GUFT, Whereas in freight carrier companies, their level of knowledge is higher that their level of awareness regarding GUFT. There is significant correlation about the level of awareness and knowledge in various GUFT topics. This reveals that the topics in GUFT are well known and are correlated.
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Freight Transport Modelling is a unique new reference book that provides insight into the state-of-the-art of freight modelling. Focusing on models used to support public transport policy analysis, Freight Transport Modelling systematically introduces the latest freight transport modelling approaches and describes the main methods and techniques used to arrive at operational models.
As freight transport has grown exponentially in recent decades, policymakers now need to include freight flows in quantitative evaluations of transport systems. Whereas early freight modelling practice was inspired by passenger transport models, by now it has developed its separate stream of methods and techniques inspired by disciplines such as economic geography and supply chain management.
Besides summarizing the latest achievements in fundamental research, this book describes the state of practice and advises practitioners on how to cope with typical challenges such as limitations in data availability."
London: Elsevier, 2014
eBooks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Muhammad Hafiz Risat Julian

Provinsi DKI Jakarta memiliki permasalahan utama terkait transportasi logistik diantaranya kemacetan, dampak polusi lingkungan, dan dampak negatif operasional truk dengan muatan berlebih. Hal tersebut merupakan eksternalitas yang signifikan terkhususnya di wilayah perkotaan. Untuk mengatasi eksternalitas tersebut, maka diperlukan sistem transportasi logistik kota dan siklus perencanaannya yang mempertimbangkan konsep berkelanjutan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengusulkan suatu susunan indikator evaluasi sistem transportasi logistik kota berdasarkan studi literatur, kriteria seleksi, dan pertimbangan para ahli, sebagai alat bantu dalam melaksanakan evaluasi sistem logistik kota yang merupakan bagian dari siklus perencanaan. Penelitian dilaksanakan dengan mengidentifikasi indikator draf awal (long list) beserta kriteria seleksi berdasarkan studi kepustakaan yang dilanjutkan dengan seleksi secara mandiri oleh penulis untuk mendapatkan draf short list indikator yang kemudian dijadikan objek penilaian oleh para ahli berdasarkan kriteria seleksi menggunakan kuesioner penilaian. Analisis data penilaian menggunakan metode VIKOR untuk mendapatkan pemeringkatan dari indikator yang telah dinilai sehingga dapat diseleksi kembali. Validasi perangkat indikator akhir dilakukan dengan pengisian kuesioner validasi oleh para ahli dengan dasar penilaian berupa kriteria seleksi. Dihasilkan perangkat indikator akhir yaitu sejumlah 10 butir indikator evaluasi keberlanjutan sistem transportasi logistik kota yang mencakup aspek ekonomi, sosial, dan lingkungan, yang telah melalui berbagai tahapan seleksi berdasarkan 6 butir kriteria seleksi. Penelitian ini bermanfaat sebagai masukan dalam menyusun perangkat indikator untuk evaluasi sistem transportasi logistik di wilayah kota, terkhususnya di wilayah Provinsi DKI Jakarta.

Jakarta has major problems related to logistics transportation including traffic jams, the impact of environmental pollution, and the negative impact of overload truck operations. This is a significant externality, especially in urban areas. To overcome these externalities, it is necessary to have a city logistics transportation system and planning cycle that considers a sustainable concept. This study aims to propose an arrangement of urban logistics transportation system evaluation indicators based on literature studies, selection criteria, and expert considerations, as a tool in carrying out urban logistics system evaluation which is part of the planning cycle. The research was carried out by identifying indicators along with selection criteria based on literature studies followed by independent selection by the authors to obtain a short list of indicators which were then used as the subject of assessment by experts based on selection criteria using an assessment questionnaire. Assessment data analysis uses the VIKOR method to obtain a rating of the indicators that have been assessed so that they can be re-selected. Validation of the final indicator set was carried out by filling out a validation questionnaire by experts with the selection criteria as the basis of the assessment. A final set of indicators was produced, a total of 10 indicators for evaluating the sustainability of the city's logistics transportation system covering economic, social, and environmental aspects, which had gone through various stages of selection based on 6 selection criteria points. This research contributes as an input in developing a set of indicators for evaluating the logistics transportation system in urban areas, especially in the Capital Jakarta Province area.

Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Larasari Tisno Suryawati
"Sistem multimoda di Indonesia membutuhkan pengembangan untuk menciptakan angkutan barang yang lebih efisien dan andal serta mengurangi dominasi angkutan jalan raya, yaitu truk. Pemanfaatan lebih dari satu moda dalam sistem multimoda, dimana terdapat elemen door-to-door, memerlukan konsep pengembangan jaringan yang mengacu pada penggunaan generalised cost, bukan biaya yang dikeluarkan untuk menggunakan sistem tersebut (out of pocket). Generalised cost adalah konsep monetisasi variabel waktu, jarak dan biaya ke dalam satuan nilai tertentu (waktu atau biaya). Tujuan dari penelitian yaitu menentukkan faktor-faktor yang memiliki peran penting dalam pemilihan moda serta menganalisis model generalised cost angkutan barang di Jawa berdasarkan moda utama dan moda-pelaku usaha. Pada penelitian ini, variabel generalised cost yang digunakan didasarkan pada sudut pandang dari freight forwarder dan shipper yang diperoleh melalui survei primer menggunakan metode Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP). Monetisasi variabel kemungkinan keterlambatan dan lead time terhadap biaya didasarkan pada survei stated preference yang hasilnya menunjukkan bahwa moda truk memiliki nilai kemungkinan keterlambatan, yaitu Value of Delay Rp 1.181.771 dan nilai waktu, yaitu Value of Time Rp 174.079 (per pengiriman per jam). Nilai tersebut merupakan yang terbesar dibandingkan moda lainnya mengingat kemacetan dan belum tersedianya infrastruktur yang memadai menjadi faktor penyebab keterlambatan. Bentuk generalised cost disusun atas komponen biaya perjalanan, perkalian value of time terhadap lead time dan perkalian value of delay terhadap kemungkinan keterlambatan. Hasil generalised cost menunjukkan bahwa moda truk untuk freight forwarder memiliki nilai generalised cost 1,28 kali lebih mahal dibandingkan moda truk untuk shipper. Kondisi tersebut menunjukkan bahwa shipper bersedia membayar lebih untuk mengurangi lead time dan meminimalkan keterlambatan sehingga barang cepat sampai dan meningkatkan kredibilitas perusahaan. Hasil yang didapatkan dari penelitian ini sebaiknya dapat dimanfaatkan oleh pemerintah sebagai landasan dalam menentukan kebijakan pengembangan transportasi multimoda yang memungkinkan sistem tersebut dapat bersaing di sektor logistik.

The multimodal system in Indonesia requires development in order to create more efficient and reliable freight transport and diminish the domination of road transport, i.e trucks.Utilization of more than one mode in a multimodal system, where there is a door-to-door element, requires a network development concept that refers to the use of generalised costs, instead of costs incurred to use the system (out of pocket). Generalised cost is the concept of monetization of time, distance and cost variables into a certain unit value (time or cost). The aim of this study is to analyze the generalised cost model of freight transport in Java based on main modes and modes-business actors. In this study, the generalised cost variable used is based on the viewpoint from freight forwarders and shippers obtained through primary surveys and the Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) method. Monetization of delay and lead time variables on costs is taken from a stated preference survey, the results of which show that the truck mode has a Value of Delay Rp 1,181,771 and Value of Time Rp 174,079 (per delivery per hour). These values are the largest compared to the other modes considering that congestion and the unavailability of adequate infrastructure are the factors that cause delays. Generalised cost model is composed of components of travel costs, multiplication of value of time of lead time and multiplication of value of delay of delays. The result of generalised cost show that the truck mode for freight forwarders has the largest generalised cost value, is 1.28 times more expensive than the truck mode for shippers. These conditions indicate shippers are willing to pay higher to reduce lead time and minimize delays in order to deliver quickly and increase company’s credibility. The findings of this study may be used by government entities as a reference in determining multimodal transport development policies which will enable the system to compete in the logistics sector."
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2021
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Subsektor perindustrian dan perdagangan merupakan salah satu ujung tombak perekonomian yang telah banyak memberikan kesejahteraan kota Depok. Untuk menunjang perekonomian, efisiensi sistem logistik kota perlu ditingkatkan. Maksud dan tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah menganalisis karakteristik perjalanan angkutan barang, menentukan dan menganalisis faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi jumlah perjalananan yang dibangkitkan, serta membuat model matematis hubungan antara jumlah perjalananan yang dibangkitkan dengan faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhinya. Penelitian ini difokuskan pada distributor dari kelompok Industri Logam, Mesin, Elektronika Dan Aneka (ILMEA) khususnya komoditas logam dan bahan bangunan yang berlokasi di Depok. Data diperoleh melalui wawancara, Manual Counting selama jam operasi pada 7 distributor yang tersebar di Depok, penyebaran angket Travel Diary Survey yang diberikan kepada pengemudi truk angkutan barang dari distributor yang merupakan objek penelitian. Data dianalisis dengan menggunakan metode regresi linear OLS (Ordinary Least Square). Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa produksi dan tarikan perjalanan truk angkutan barang distributor logam dan bahan bangunan dipengaruhi oleh jumlah kepemilikan kendaraan dengan nilai determinansi berturut-turut, 0.959 dan 0.987. Tipe pengiriman barang lebih dari satu tujuan dalam satu rit (multi drop) terjadi sebanyak 62% dan sisanya (38%) merupakan pengiriman dengan satu tujuan per rit (single drop), rata-rata waktu bergerak kendaraan angkutan barang untuk pengiriman (Movement in Delivery) adalah 67.47 menit, untuk proses drop barang (Stay for Unloading) 19.72 menit dan untuk kembali ke lokasi awal (Movement in Backhaul) sebesar 50.04 menit.

Industry and trade sector is one of the main economical proponents that made a lot of welfare improvement especially in Depok, Indonesia. Therefore, to increase the economic level of Depok, efficiency of city logistic system needs to be improved. This research is aimed to analyze trip characteristics and factors that influence the amount of trips made by industrial sector, as well as creating a mathematical model of the relationship between the number of trips and it?s factors. This research is focused on distributors of a group of commodity of metals, machinery, electronics and Multifarious goods (ILMEA) (which classification is made by ministry of Industrial and Trade of Indonesia), especially for metals and building materials commodity located in Depok. Data was obtained through interview, Manual Counting during operation hours at 7 distributors located in Depok and questionnaire about Travel Diary Survey were also carried out to freight drivers from distributors which are the object of this research. The data were analyzed using linear regression method of OLS (Ordinary Least Square). The results show that the trip attraction and trip production of metal and building material distributors are affected by the distributors vehicle ownership with values of determination are 0.959 and 0.987, respectively. The percentage of multi drop is 62% of all recorded trips, and the reminder (38%) is single drop trips. The average time of freight vehicle movement for delivery purposes (Movement in Delivery) is 69.99 minutes, time for stay at the destination to drop off the goods (Stay for Unloading) is 19.72 minutes and time to move back to the initial location (Movement in Backhaul) is 50.04 minutes."
Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 2015
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Prahara Yanottama
"Last mile delivery merupakan segmen transportasi logistik yang paling banyak menuai dampak negatif akibat fragmentasi yang terjadi serta diperumit dengan fakta bahwa sebagian besar segmen itu terjadi di kawasan urban, kawasan padat penduduk yang juga tinggi akan mobilitas. Dampak negatif hasil transportasi logistik; berupa polusi (suara, udara, dan getar), kemacetan, intrusi visual, dsb; tidak hanya dirasakan oleh para pelaku logistik, melainkan masyarakat luas yang tidak terlibat langsung pada kegiatan tersebut. Dalam hal ini, pemerintah sebagai administrator kota berkewajiban untuk menjamin kualitas hidup rakyatnya. Di sisi lain, operator logistik selaku penggerak sektor ini juga memiliki keterbatasan dalam pengubahan sistem operasinya akibat memerlukan modal yang tidak sedikit, terbatasnya margin, serta tuntutan konsumennya akan pelayanan yang baik dengan harga yang murah. Kedua pemangku kepentingan tersebut, pemerintah dan operator logistik, merupakan pihak yang memiliki pengaruh besar akan implementasi perbaikan sistem transportasi logistik dalam kota. Kolaborasi antar keduanya diperlukan, meski masing-masing pihak memiliki kepentingannya sendiri. Tujuan dari penelitian ini ialah mengidentifikasi gap kepentingan masing-masing pemangku kepentingan dalam mewujudkan suatu solusi permasalahan logistik. Solusi yang dibahas pada penelitian ini adalah Urban Consolidation Center, Bahan bakar B20, Limited Traffic Zone, serta Pembaruan Armada. Metode survey melalui kuisioner dan wawancara kepada operator logistik dan administrator kota pemerintah dilakukan untuk mendapatkan pandangan dari masing masing pihak terhadap masing-masing isu dari solusi tersebut. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan kedua belah pihak masih memiliki pengetahuan yang kurang dalam implementasi kebijakan baru sebagai solusi permasalahan logistik, terutama pihak pemerintah. Walaupun pengetahuannya masih kurang, operator logistik menunjukkan bahwa pihaknya responsif dan terbuka terhadap isu-isu terbaru. Di sisi lain, pemerintah juga menunjukkan bahwa pihaknya turut memperhatikan pandangan operator logistik dalam mencanangkan kebijakan. Dari kedua hal tersebut dapat disimpulkan bahwa seluruh fasilitas yang dibahas pada penelitian ini mungkin untuk diimplementasikan.

Last mile delivery is the logistics transportation segment that is most likely to produce the negative impacts due to the occuring fragmentation and is complicated by the fact that most of these segments occur in urban areas-densely populated areas that are also high in mobility. Negative impact from the logistics transportation such as pollution (sound, air, and vibration pollution), congestion, visual intrusion, etc. are not only felt by who are involved, but also the wider community who are not directly took a part in these activities. In this case, the government as the administrator of the city is obliged to guarantee the quality of life of its people. On the other hand, logistics operators as the drivers of this sector, also have limitations in changing the operating system due to the need for a capital which the amount of it is not small, limited margins, as well as consumers demands for good service at low prices. The two stakeholders the government and the logistics operator are the parties who have a major influence on the implementation of improvements to the logistics transportation system in the city. Collaboration between the two is needed, although each party has its own interests. The purpose of this study is to identify the gap of the interests of each stakeholder in realizing a solution to logistics problems. The solutions that will be discussed in this study are, Urban Consolidation Center, B20 Fuel, Limited Traffic Zone, and Fleet Renewal. The survey method are conducted through questionnaires and interviews with the logictics operators and the city administrator government in order to get the insights from each party on each of the issues of the solution. The results of this study shows that both of the parties have lack of knowledge of the implementation of the new policy as the solution for the logistics problem, especially the government. Eventhough the knowledge is still lacking, the logistics operator shows they are still responsive and open with the recent issues. In the other hand, the government also shows that they pay attention to the logistics operators viewpoint regarding to the decalaration of the policy. From those two aspects, we can conclude that the whole amenities which are discussed in this study could be implemented."
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2020
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Tiffany Ruth Nauli
"Manajemen risiko adalah aktivitias mengetahui, menganalisis, serta mengendalikan risiko dalam seluruh kegiatan perusahaan dengan tujuan memperoleh efektivitas dan efisiensi yang lebih tinggi. Metode yang digunakan adalah House of Risk (HOR). HOR diadopsi dari metode perhitungan Failure Mode and Effect Analysis (FMEA) dan model korelasi Quality Function Deployment (QFD). Pada penelitian ini, manajemen risiko dilakukan pada aktivitas logistik freight forwarding oleh PT Angkasa Pura Logistik untuk proyek WSBK Mandalika di Lombok, NTB. Analisis risiko pada HOR 1 diawali dengan identifikasi risiko melalui diskusi dengan expert dan studi literatur, kemudian dilakukan penilaian terhadap nilai severity dari risk events dan nilai risk agents dari risk agents. Hasil dari HOR 1 menunjukkan 22 risk events dan 44 risk agents. Berdasarkan perhitungan Pareto, didapatkan 20 risk agents prioritas. Risk agent dengan nilai terbesar adalah pekerja kurang kompeten (unskilled) dengan nilai ARP sebesar 2.268. HOR 2 mengidentifikasi 14 langkah preventif untuk mitigasi risiko prioritas. Berdasarkan pengolahan data HOR 2, didapatkan bahwa langkah preventif yang paling efektif untuk dilakukan adalah mengadakan sosialisasi dan training pada pekerja terkait SOP yang berlaku secara rutin sebelum dan selama proyek dengan nilai ETDk sebesar 11.993.

Risk management is the activity of knowing, analyzing, and controlling risk throughout all company activities with the aim of obtaining higher effectiveness and efficiency. The method used is the House of Risk (HOR). HOR is adopted from the Failure Mode and Effect Analysis (FMEA) calculation method and the Quality Function Deployment (QFD) correlation model. In this study, risk management was carried out in freight forwarding logistics activities by PT Angkasa Pura Logistik for the WSBK Mandalika project in Lombok, NTB. Risk analysis in HOR 1 begins with risk identification through discussions with experts and literature studies, then an assessment is made of the severity of the risk events and the value of risk agents from risk agents. The results of HOR 1 show 22 risk events and 44 risk agents. Based on Pareto calculations, there are 20 priority risk agents. The risk agent with the highest score is a less competent worker (unskilled) with an ARP value of 2.268. HOR 2 identifies 14 preventive steps for mitigating the priority risk. Based on HOR 2 data processing, it was found that the most effective preventive measure to take was to conduct socialization and training to workers regarding SOPs routinely before and during the project with an ETDk value of 11.993. "
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Hamonangan, Jason Fajar
Metode House of Risk (HOR) adalah sebuah pendekatan yang mengintegrasikan dua model penelitian, yaitu metode Failure Mode and Effect Analysis (FMEA) dan House of Quality (HOQ), yang fokus pada langkah-langkah pencegahan terhadap sumber risiko yang telah dieliminasi. HOR banyak digunakan dalam berbagai industri untuk mengatasi masalah yang terjadi. Penanganan risiko melibatkan beberapa tahapan, yaitu identifikasi kejadian yang mungkin terjadi, analisis kejadian tersebut untuk menilai potensi risiko yang muncul, dan akhirnya menentukan tindakan pencegahan yang sesuai untuk mengelola risiko tersebut. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis dan mengidentifikasi risiko-risiko yang terkait dengan rencana penggunaan armada angkutan udara baru dalam operasional Air Freight PT Angkasa Pura Logistik (APLOG) serta mengembangkan strategi penanganan risiko yang efektif dengan menggunakan metode House Of Risk (HOR). Proses identifikasi dan analisis dibantu para ahli berpengalaman pada bidangnya. Pada Pengolahan data di House of Risk (HOR) tahap 1, diperoleh 22 kejadian risiko dan 61 agen risiko lalu berdasarkan hasil perhitungan pareto, terdapat 22 agen risiko yang dipilih menjadi prioritas karena dapat mencakup 80% dari total Aggregate Risk Potential (ARP).  Agen risiko yang memiliki nilai Aggregate Risk Potential (ARP) terbesar adalah Tidak Mengikuti SOP pemindahan barang dengan nilai 1439,685. Selanjutnya pada House of Risk (HOR) tahap 2 diperoleh nilai efektivitas tertinggi yaitu sebesar 8373 yaitu Menyediakan supervisor untuk melakukan toolbox meeting dan monitor pekerja.

The House of Risk (HOR) method is an approach that integrates two research models, namely Failure Mode and Effect Analysis (FMEA) and House of Quality (HOQ), which focus on preventive measures against eliminated sources of risk. HOR is widely used in various industries to address occurring issues. Risk management involves several stages, including identifying possible events, analyzing these events to assess potential risks, and ultimately determining appropriate preventive actions to manage those risks. This study aims to analyze and identify risks associated with the new air freight fleet utilization plan in the operations of PT Angkasa Pura Logistik (APLOG) and develop effective risk management strategies using the House of Risk (HOR) method. The identification and analysis process is supported by experienced experts in their respective fields. In the data processing of House of Risk (HOR) stage 1, 22 risk events and 61 risk agents are identified. Based on the Pareto calculation results, 22 risk agents are prioritized as they cover 80% of the total Aggregate Risk Potential (ARP). The risk agent with the highest Aggregate Risk Potential (ARP) value is "Non-compliance with SOP for goods handling" with a value of 1439.685. Furthermore, in House of Risk (HOR) stage 2, the highest effectiveness score of 8373 is obtained for "Providing supervisors to conduct toolbox meetings and monitor workers."
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Imam Sonny
Merancang jaringan infrastruktur transportasi sangat penting terutama untuk daerah dan negara di mana kurangnya perhatian diberikan pada perencanaan sistem transportasi berbasis kepulauan. Penelitian ini mengusulkan sebuah model yang akan digunakan sebagai alat untuk perencanaan tingkat strategis transportasi multimodal, khususnya dalam perencanaan pembangunan jaringan terminal angkutan barang. Model ini menentukan rencana evaluasi jaringan angkutan barang yang optimal, yang memilih set optimal tindakan dari sejumlah tindakan yang mungkinkan. Model ini dikembangkan dalam kerangka masalah rute kapal menggunakan masalah pemrograman dua tingkat, di mana menggunakan teknik multimodal yang tergabung dalam masalah tingkat yang lebih rendah yang secara eksplisit memperhitungkan arus barang, dan kegiatan di dalam terminal penangan di pelabuhan . Masalah tingkat atas mengoptimalkan kombinasi tindakan tersebut bahwa barang disampaikan dalam terminal dilayani secaramaksimal. Opsi tindakan yang layak meliputi perbaikan infrastruktur yang ada, hubungan jaringan transportasi laut dan pemilihan lokasi terminal angkutan. Jenis masalah dapat dianggap sebagai masalah optimasi kombinatorial, di mana teknik perhitungan evolusi berdasarkan algoritma genetika digunakan sebagai prosedur solusi. Model ini diuji pada jaringan angkutan barang di Propinsi Maluku Utara, Indonesia, di mana pengembangan angkutan jaringan transportasi yang diinginkan untuk meningkatkan pemanfaatan moda laut daripada kendaraan berbasis jalan. Hasil mengungkapkan bahwa prosedur berdasarkan Genetik Lokal bisa memberikan kinerja yang lebih baik dan memadai bisa menemukan kombinasi terbaik dari tindakan di antara alternatif yang tersedia.

Designing a multimodal freight transport infrastructures network is essential especially for regions and countries where lack of attention is given on the planning of multimodal transport systems. This research proposes a model that will be used as a tool for strategic level of multimodal transport planning, particularly in freight terminal network development planning. The model determines an optimal freight transport evaluation plan, which selects an optimal set of actions from a number of possible actions. The model is developed within the framework of vehicle routing problem using bi level programming problem, where a multimodal multi user assignment technique is incorporated within lower level problem that explicitly takes into account freight flows, and activities within terminals. the upper level problem optimizes the combination of actions such that the freight delivered within terminal served frequently is maximized. The feasible actions include improving the existing infrastructures, sea link and freight terminals. This type of problem can be considered as a combinatorial optimization problem, where evolutionary computation techniques based on genetic algorithms applied as solution procedures. The model is tested on the freight transport network in North Maluku Island, Indonesia, where freight transport network development is desired to increase the utilization of other modes rather than road based vehicles. Result revealed that the procedure based on Genetic Local Search could provide better performance and could adequately find the best combination of action among available alternatives."
UI - Disertasi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Yuki Piti Tola
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menyusun program pencapaian transportasi barang
kota yang berkelanjutan untuk kota Depok. Penyusunan program menggunakan
optimasi pendekatan subjektif dengan analisis AHP yang dibantu piranti lunak
Expert Choice 11 serta optimasi pendekatan kombinatorial. Penyusunan dilakukan
program dihitung dengan mempertimbangkan dua aspek yaitu: aspek operasional
dan sustainable serta mempertimbangkan dua pendapat pemangku kepentingan
yaitu: Pemerintah Kota dan Swasta, yang disusun dalam hirarki AHP. Hasil
penelitian menunjukan urutan program prioritas I yaitu kendaraan ramah
lingkungan, pembatasan akses/zona dan terminal barang, program prioritas II
yaitu, konsolidasi pengiriman dan pengiriman malam hari dan program prioritas
III yaitu, Distribution Center dan pengaturan parkir.

This research to compile programs achievement of sustainable urban freight
transport of Depok. The preparation of program using optimization subjective
approach with the AHP analysis assisted software Expert Choice 11 and
optimization combinatorial approach. Preparation of programs be calculated by
considering two aspects: operational aspects and sustainable as well as consider
two opinions of stakeholders: Local Government and Company/Private, which are
arranged in a hierarchy AHP. The sequence results showed that the first priority
programs is green vehicle, restriction zone and goods terminal, the second priority
programs is consolidation and night delivery and the third priority programs is
Distribution Center and parking regulation, This research to compile programs achievement of sustainable urban freight
transport of Depok. The preparation of program using optimization subjective
approach with the AHP analysis assisted software Expert Choice 11 and
optimization combinatorial approach. Preparation of programs be calculated by
considering two aspects: operational aspects and sustainable as well as consider
two opinions of stakeholders: Local Government and Company/Private, which are
arranged in a hierarchy AHP. The sequence results showed that the first priority
programs is green vehicle, restriction zone and goods terminal, the second priority
programs is consolidation and night delivery and the third priority programs is
Distribution Center and parking regulation]"
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