ABSTRAKPenelitian ini membahas komunikasi yang terjadi dalam persidangan di
Mahkamah Konstitusi Republik Indonesia (MKRI) sebagai ruang publik.
Penelitian kualitatif dilakukan melalui metode studi kasus dengan desain studi
multikasus. Dari hasil observasi yang dilakukan dapat diungkapkan bahwa proses
komunikasi persidangan MKRI memenuhi kategori ruang publik. Dalam proses
persidangan memang terjadi adanya intimidasi dalam persidangan di antara para
pihak maupun perlakuan tidak setara yang dilakukan oleh Hakim Konstitusi.
Namun secara keseluruhan proses komunikasi dalam persidangan MKRI termasuk
sebagai ruang publik.
ABSTRACTThis study discusses the communication that occurs in the trial in the
Constitutional Court of the Republic of Indonesia (MKRI) as a public space.
Qualitative research conducted through the case study method to multi-case study
design. From the observations made can be disclosed that the communication
process hearing MKRI meet public space category. In the process of the trial does
take place for intimidation in the trial between the parties or unequal treatment is
carried out by the Constitutional Court. But overall communication process in the
trial MKRI including a public space, This study discusses the communication that occurs in the trial in the
Constitutional Court of the Republic of Indonesia (MKRI) as a public space.
Qualitative research conducted through the case study method to multi-case study
design. From the observations made can be disclosed that the communication
process hearing MKRI meet public space category. In the process of the trial does
take place for intimidation in the trial between the parties or unequal treatment is
carried out by the Constitutional Court. But overall communication process in the
trial MKRI including a public space]"