"Kecenderungan konsumen mencari informasi dan referensi melalui internet membuat pembelian produk bergeser ke era
digital. Pengembangan bisnis Ryzn Embroidery dengan menggunakan strategi
digital marketing perlu dilakukan dikarenakan 100% penjualan saat ini berasal dari
customer yang menemukan Ryzn Embroidery melalui
websitenya sehingga dibutuhkan strategi
digital marketing melalui
search engine optimization (SEO) dan penggunaan
pay per click advertising (Google Ads). Sebelum menerapkan Google Ads, dibutuhkan penyusunan anggaran dan analisis kelayakan investasi untuk memberikan gambaran berapa biaya yang dibutuhkan dan bagaimana kelayakan dari investasi tersebut dengan metode
capital budgeting pada tiga skenario, yaitu optimis, moderat dan pesimis, serta mengetahui berapa biaya yang dibutuhkan untuk mengakuisisi
customer baru untuk pencapaian target jangka panjang Ryzn Embroidery melalui analisis
customer lifetime value.
The tendency of seeking information and references through the internet in consumers makes the purchasing decision shift into digitalization. The development of the Ryzn Embroidery business by using a digital marketing strategy needs to be done because 100% of the current sales are from customers who found Ryzn Embroidery through their website, therefore it needs digital marketing strategy to optimize the website by using search engine optimization (SEO) and pay per click advertising (Google Ads). Before implementing digital marketing by Google Ads, it needs to construct the budgeting plan and investment feasibility analysis in order to give an overview about how much it costs to run digital marketing activities, find out the feasibility of the investment with capital budgeting method in three scenarios; optimistic, moderate, and pesimistic, and find out how much it will cost to acquire new customers to achieve Ryzn Embroidery's long-term target through customer lifetime value analysis.
Jakarta: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2018