"Derasnya arus informasi di media sosial berdampak pada kemunculan berita palsu dan menyebabkan konflik di masyarakat. Oleh karena itu, beberapa negara mengeluarkan regulasi untuk mengatur berita palsu, termasuk Singapura dengan kebijakan POFMA (Protection of Falsehood and Manipulation Act). POFMA diberlakukan kepada oposisi hingga masyarakat umum. POFMA juga diberlakukan pada masa Pemilihan Umum 2020 yang dimenangkan oleh partai berkuasa People’s Action Party (PAP) dalam kondisi Pandemi Covid-19. Penelitian ini berargumen bahwa POFMA dimanfaatkan oleh PAP sebagai salah satu cara untuk mempertahankan kekuasaannya. Sebelum POFMA dibentuk, PAP telah melakukan kontrol politik terhadap oposisi dalam struktur negara dan media massa serta masyarakat umum dengan pembentukan lembaga, skema pemilu, dan kebijakan yang membatasi kebebasan. Penelitian ini dianalisis menggunakan teori three pillars of stability milik Gerschewski yang membahas tiga pilar penting yang saling berkaitan untuk mempertahankan stabilitas rezim, yaitu pilar legitimasi, kooptasi, dan represi. Penelitian menggunakan metode kualitatif dengan pengumpulan data yang bersumber dari studi pustaka berupa buku, jurnal, dokumen resmi, dan website. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pilar legitimasi didapatkan melalui survei persepsi masyarakat terhadap berita palsu, green paper, public hearing, dan dukungan masyarakat setelah POFMA disahkan. Masyarakat mendukung POFMA karena berperan dalam mengatasi berita palsu terutama dalam isu kepentingan publik. Pilar kooptasi dapat dilihat melalui kooptasi perusahaan media sosial, POFMA Office, dan civil servants. Pilar represi diperlihatkan melalui topik kasus yang diberlakukan POFMA, jenis koreksi yang dikeluarkan, dan pihak-pihak yang mendapat pemberlakuan POFMA. Kata kunci: POFMA, Mempertahankan Kekuasaan PAP, Pemilihan Umum 2020.
The rapid flow of information on social media has an impact on the emergence of fake news and causes conflict in society. Therefore, several countries have issued regulations to regulate fake news, including Singapore with the POFMA (Protection of Falsehood and Manipulation Act) policy. POFMA applies to the opposition until the general public. POFMA was also implemented during the 2020 General Election which was won by the ruling People's Action Party (PAP) during the Covid-19 pandemic. This study argues that POFMA is used by PAP as a way to maintain its power. Before POFMA was formed, the PAP had exercised political control over the opposition in the state structure and the mass media as well as the general public by establishing institutions, electoral schemes, and policies that limited freedom. This study was analyzed using Gerschewski's theory of three pillars of stability which discusses three important interrelated pillars to maintain regime stability, namely the pillars of legitimacy, co-optation, and repression. The research uses qualitative methods with data collection sourced from literature studies in the form of books, journals, official documents, and websites. The results showed that the pillars of legitimacy were obtained through a survey of public perceptions of fake news, green papers, public hearings, and community support after POFMA was ratified. The community supports POFMA because it plays a role in overcoming fake news, especially in issues of public interest. The pillar of co-optation can be seen through the co-optation of social media companies, POFMA Office, and civil servants. The pillars of repression are shown through the topics of the cases imposed by POFMA, the types of corrections issued, and the parties to whom POFMA is enforced. Keywords: POFMA, Maintaining PAP's Power, General Election 2020."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2022