ABSTRAKPenelitian tentang pencitraan elektromagnetik terutama untuk gelombang microwave
sebenarnya telah lama dilakukan tetapi terhambat dikarenakan kekurangan
daya komputasi, dan tahun akhir-akhir ini mulai banyak peneliti yang melakukan
penelitian sebanding berkembang teknologi dan kecepatan komputasi. Permasalahan
utama dalam pencitraan microwave adalah mencari solusi invers dan mengimplementasikan
dalam komputasi.
Pada penelitian telah digunakan pendekatan Born dalam mencari solusi invers
dan diimplementasikan dalam bentuk komputasi mengunakan MATLAB.
Secara keseluruhan rekontruksi citra mengunakan metoda pendekatan Born
telah berhasil menentukan keberadaan dan posisi objek sederhana dalam suatu
bidang untuk mendapatkan pola rekonstruksi objek yang rumit diperlukan metoda
pendekatan Born dari dataset COMSOL diperlukan minimal sensor 36 x 36 untuk
dapat mengidentifikasi objek.
ABSTRACTResearch on electromagnetic imaging, especially for microwave has long donebut is hampered due to lack of computing power, and the late start to many researcherswho conduct research developing comparable technology and computingspeed. The main problem in microwave imaging is seeking and implementing solutionsin computing the inverse .In the studies have used the Born approximation in finding solutions to the inverseand implemented in the form of computing using MATLAB .Overall reconstruction of images using the method of Born approximation hasbeen able to determine the presence and position of a simple object in a field toget the pattern reconstruction of objects elaborate the necessary methods of Bornapproximation from dataset COMSOL required minimum sensor 36 x 36 to be ableto identify the object .;Research on electromagnetic imaging, especially for microwave has long donebut is hampered due to lack of computing power, and the late start to many researcherswho conduct research developing comparable technology and computingspeed. The main problem in microwave imaging is seeking and implementing solutionsin computing the inverse .In the studies have used the Born approximation in finding solutions to the inverseand implemented in the form of computing using MATLAB .Overall reconstruction of images using the method of Born approximation hasbeen able to determine the presence and position of a simple object in a field toget the pattern reconstruction of objects elaborate the necessary methods of Bornapproximation from dataset COMSOL required minimum sensor 36 x 36 to be ableto identify the object ., Research on electromagnetic imaging, especially for microwave has long donebut is hampered due to lack of computing power, and the late start to many researcherswho conduct research developing comparable technology and computingspeed. The main problem in microwave imaging is seeking and implementing solutionsin computing the inverse .In the studies have used the Born approximation in finding solutions to the inverseand implemented in the form of computing using MATLAB .Overall reconstruction of images using the method of Born approximation hasbeen able to determine the presence and position of a simple object in a field toget the pattern reconstruction of objects elaborate the necessary methods of Bornapproximation from dataset COMSOL required minimum sensor 36 x 36 to be ableto identify the object .]"