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Adhitya Saputra

Dalam kegiatan operasional pengeboran gas lepas pantai  yang merupakan kegiatan industri hulu migas dimana diawali dengan kegiatan Survei Pendahuluan untuk menentukan tempat atau kegiatan pengeboran gas tersebut. Dalam hal  ini banyak ditemukan potensi bahaya yang dapat mengakibatkan kegagalan dilakukan survei pendahuluan Pada penelitian ini, analisa risiko dilakukan pada kegiatan survei pendahuluan proses pengeboran gas di lepas pantai dengan metode analisa semi kuantitatif yang mana menjadi early warning system untuk memperoleh working permit (izin melakukan pekerjaan) Dalam penelitian ini, scenario effect yang memiliki kemungkinan lebih tinggi untuk menyebabkan terjadinya top event (pada model bow-tie) lalu dianalisis dengan metode event tree analysis.  Metode pengambilan data tersebut dilakukan dengan cara pengamatan manual dan digitalisasi. Tinggi gelombang tertinggi terjadi pada bulan Desember 2017 dan November 2018 dengan tinggi maksimal 3,4 m (Desember 2017) dan 3,9 m (November 2018), curah hujan maksimal dan rata – rata tertinggi pada bulan Januari 2018 (137,7 mm/hari – Sangat Lebat) dan September 2018 (117,8 mm/hari – Sangat Lebat), nilai rata – rata kecepatan angin tertinggi terjadi pada bulan November 2018 (9 knot) dan disusul pada bulan Januari 2018 (8 knot), skenario effect yang akan menyebabkan top event tersebut, lalu dilanjutkan dengan analisis event tree berdasarkan hasil survei yang didapat dari literature, tinggi gelombang di Laut Natuna Utara tertinggi pada 3,9 meter (Minggu ke-2 November 2018) termasuk kategori gelombang air laut cukup tinggi (2 – 4 meter) dan kecepatan angin tertinggi pada 15 knot (Minggu ke-1 November 2018) termasuk kategori kecepatan angin medium (11 – 30 knot) sehingga menghasilkan potensi dampak level 2. Sebagai upaya pencegahan dampak tersebut adalah dengan malakukan pemasangan peralatan inovasi yang berupa AWS Maritime (Authomatic Weather Station) sebagai early warning signal di perairan maupun lepas pantai dan Alat Pengaman Diri pada pekerja sehingga mampu meminimalisasi resiko kegiatan survei pendahuluan yang diakibatkan oleh pembangkitan ketinggian gelombang karena pengaruh kecepatan angin.

Activities Operations upstream oil and gas in offshore gas drilling is Preliminary Survey activity to determine the location or activity of gas drilling. In this case, there are many potential hazards that may result in the failure of the preliminary survey. In this research, risk analysis is carried out on preliminary survey of gas drilling process offshore by semi-quantitative analysis method which becomes an early warning system to obtain working permit  in the implementation of the preliminary survey. in this study, scenario effects that have a higher probability of causing a top event (in the bow-tie model) are analyzed by the event tree analysis method. The method of retrieving all three data is done by manual observation and digitalization. The highest wave height occur in December 2017 and November 2018 with a maximum height of 3.4 m (December 2017) and 3.9 m (November 2018), maximum rainfall and the highest average in January 2018 (137.7 mm /day- very heavy) and September 2018 (117.8 mm / day - very heavy), the highest average wind speed occurred in November 2018 (9 knots) and followed in January 2018 (8 knots), the effect scenario will cause the top event, then proceed with an analysis of event tree based on the survey results obtained from the literature, the wave height in the North Natuna Sea was highest at 3.9 meters (Second Weeks of November 2018) including a fairly high sea water wave category (2 - 4 meters) and the highest wind speed at 15 knots (1st week of November 2018) including medium wind speed categories (11 - 30 knots) resulting in a level 2 potential impact. As an effort to prevent these impacts is to install innovative equipment in the form of AWS Maritime (Authomatic Weather Station) as an early warning signal in the sea water and platform offshore and Self Safety Equipment for workers so as to minimize the risk of preliminary survey activities caused by the generation of wave heights due to influence wind velocity.
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Adam Sriadi
"Pengembangan lapangan minyak dan gas dilakukan oleh PT X yang berada di dalam Blok Offshore North West Java, berlokasi di area Laut Utara Jawa Barat. Sumur Y adalah salah satu sumur pengembangan yang dibor oleh PT X dengan tujuan untuk memproduksikan gas guna meningkatkan perolehan produksi perusahaan. Pada Tahun 2019 dilakuan kegiatan rektivasi sumur tersebut yaitu kegiatan perforasi. Pada saat kegiatan re-perforasi muncul gelembung gas di anjungan lepas pantai dan Rig Z. Untuk mengatasi masalah blowout maka dibuatlah Relief Well. Metodologi Penelitian dalam Tesis ini dilakukan dengan cara mengidentifikasi bahaya dalam proses perencanaan dan eksekusi Relief Well dan menjabarkankannya dalam kemungkinan dan konsekeuensi serta melakukan penyusunan strategi yang dapat dilakukan untuk mengurangi risiko yang mungkin terjadi. Tujuan penelitian adalah mengetahui gambaran risiko yang mungkin terjadi dalam pengeboran relief well, mitigasi risiko, dan mengetahu penilaian risiko sebelum dan sesudah mitigasi. Analisis risiko dalam tesis ini menggunakan Risk Scoring Index menggunakan perangkat lunak Crystal Ball untuk mensimulasikan nilai risiko. Pada model Risk Scoring Index, nilai probabilitas tertinggi terdiri dari: subsurface condition, NPT (Non Productive Time) dari peralatan pengeboran, munculnya blowout dan dikombinasikan dengan nilai konsekuensi yang terdiri dari: keselamatan, lingkungan, dampak finansial yang mungkin timbul, dan reputasi perusahaan. Berdasarkan hasil analisis dan perhitungan dengan simulasi didapatkan nilai risiko sebesar 12,3 dan dengan dilakukannya evaluasi serta mitigasi tindakan pencegahan maka nilai risiko dapat diturunkan menjadi 7,3 yang berada pada tingkat medium. Dari hasil analisis sensitivitas didapatkan nilai yang paling berpengaruh pada tingkat risiko adalah faktor ketidakpastian kondisi subsurface dimana bobot penilaian untuk kemungkinan faktor risiko tersebut adalah tinggi.

The oil and gas field development was carried out by PT X which is located in the Offshore North West Java Block, located in the North Sea area of West Java. Y Well is one of the development wells drilled by PT X with the aim of producing gas to increase the company's production. In 2019 the well reactivation activity was carried out using perforation method. During the reactivation activity, gas bubbles appear in the surface of offshore platform and Rig Z, which is located in the sea operating area. To overcome the problem of blowout, Relief Well was drilled. Research Methodology in this Thesis is carried out by identifying hazards in the process planning and executing of Relief Well and describing them in possibilities and consequences also developing strategies and mitigations that can be carried out to reduce the risks that might occur at the level with a high risk assessment. The purpose of this research is to know the description of the risks that may occur in relief well drilling, risk mitigation, and to know the risk assessment before and after mitigation. Risk analysis in this thesis uses Risk Scoring Index using Crystal Ball simulation software to simulate the risk value. In the Risk Scoring Index model, the significant probability risk value consists of: subsurface risk, NPT (Non Productive Time) of drilling equipment, blowout and combined with the consequences consisting of: safety, the environment, financial impacts that may arise, and the company's reputation. Based on calculation results simulation, the average risk value of 12,3 at the high level is obtained and by evaluating and mitigating preventive measures, the risk value can be reduced to average of 7,3 at the medium level. From the results of sensitivity analysis, it is found that the most influential value on the level of risk is the uncertainty factor in the subsurface condition, where the weight of the assessment for the possibility of risk factors is considered high."
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2021
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Putri Farah Dita Gunawan
"Dalam beberapa tahun terakhir, menjamurnya SPBU mini, yang biasa dikenal dengan nama “Pertamini”, telah menjadi tren usaha kecil yang menonjol di seluruh Indonesia. Meskipun kehadiran dan popularitasnya tersebar luas, banyak dari pompa bensin mini ini tidak memenuhi standar keselamatan kebakaran yang ditetapkan. Sebaliknya, SPBU yang terorganisir dengan baik atau SPBU (Stasiun Pengisian Bahan Bakar Umum), yang merupakan stasiun pengisian bahan bakar standar di Indonesia, mematuhi peraturan keselamatan kebakaran yang ketat. Analisis terfokus mengenai penilaian risiko kebakaran pada SPBU dan SPBU mini akan dibahas dalam tulisan ini dengan menggunakan metode FLAME, beserta simulasinya menggunakan software ALOHA. Metode Penilaian Risiko Kebakaran untuk Perusahaan (FLAME) adalah metode penilaian risiko kebakaran semi-kuantitatif yang dirancang sederhana, efisien, dan dapat disesuaikan untuk berbagai perusahaan. Metode FLAME menggunakan pendekatan penilaian untuk menetapkan tingkat risiko pada berbagai faktor, dan kemudian menggabungkan skor tersebut untuk menghitung skor risiko keseluruhan untuk area, bangunan, atau fasilitas yang menjadi fokus. ALOHA adalah program perangkat lunak pemodelan bahaya dari rangkaian perangkat lunak CAMEO yang biasa digunakan untuk merencanakan dan merespons keadaan darurat bahan kimia/bahan berbahaya. Rincian pelepasan bahan kimia/zat berbahaya yang aktual atau potensial dapat dimasukkan ke dalam ALOHA dan perkiraan zona ancaman akan dihasilkan untuk berbagai jenis bahaya. Pool fire adalah nyala api difusi yang dipicu oleh genangan cairan yang mudah terbakar secara horizontal, seperti tumpahan bahan bakar atau tangki penyimpanan. Api di kolam biasanya menyala secara turbulen, dengan nyala api yang membumbung ke atas permukaan kolam karena daya apung dan pelepasan panas. Faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi karakteristik pembakaran api kolam antara lain jenis bahan bakar, diameter kolam, suhu awal bahan bakar, tekanan, konsentrasi oksigen, dan radiasi. Faktor-faktor ini secara signifikan mempengaruhi parameter seperti geometri api (tinggi), laju pelepasan panas, dan denyut api. Selain faktor-faktor yang telah disebutkan sebelumnya, kondisi lingkungan juga dapat memberikan dampak yang besar terhadap perilaku kebakaran.

In recent years, the proliferation of mini gas stations, commonly known as "Pertamini," has become a notable small business trend across Indonesia. Despite their widespread presence and popularity, many of these mini gas stations do not meet established fire safety standards. In stark contrast, well-organized gas stations or SPBU (Stasiun Pengisian Bahan Bakar Umum), which are the standard fuel stations in Indonesia, adhere to stringent fire safety regulations. The focused analysis about fire risk assessment in a gas station and mini gas stations will be discussed in this paper using the FLAME method, along with the simulation using ALOHA software. The Fire Risk Assessment Method for Enterprises (FLAME) method is a semi-quantitative fire risk assessment method that is designed to be simple, efficient, and adaptable to a wide range of enterprises. The FLAME method uses a scoring approach to assign risk levels to different factors, and it then combines these scores to calculate an overall risk score for the focused area, building, or facility. ALOHA is a hazard modeling software program from the CAMEO software suite that is commonly used to plan and respond to chemical/hazardous materials emergencies. Details of actual or potential releases of chemicals/hazardous substances can be entered into ALOHA and threat zone estimates will be generated for different types of hazards. Pool fire is a diffusion flame fueled by horizontal pools of flammable liquids, like fuel spills or storage tanks. Pool fire characteristically burns in a turbulent manner, with flames rising above the pool surface due to buoyancy and heat release. The factors that affect the burning characteristics of pool fire include fuel type, pool diameter, initial fuel temperature, pressure, oxygen concentration, and radiation. These factors significantly influence parameters like flame geometry (height), heat release rate, and pulsation of fire. Other than the mentioned factors before, environmental conditions can also heavily give impact to the fire behavior."
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2024
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Mochamad Albareno
"Potensi bahaya yang terjadi selama fase FEED (Front End Engineering Design) mengakibatkan kegagalan proyek pipa bawah laut yang diderita dari berbagai aspek baik dari kerugian dana, lingkungan dan bencana alam. Perlu ditentukan metode yang tepat dalam menentukan tingkat risiko dan mitigasi pada integritas pipa sehingga meningkatkan keamanan dan mengurangi potensi risiko.
Penerapan analisa risiko metode Risk FMEA yang memperhatikan faktor deteksi dan analisa biaya dengan Monte Carlo, dapat meningkatkan ketepatan mengambil kebijakan risiko, optimalisasi dalam penerapan strategi inspeksi, monitor dan evaluasi risiko.
Hasil analisa risiko didapatkan 13 tindakan rekomendasi penanggulangan potensi bahaya yang berasal dari 56 potensi risiko yang ada. Nilai perbandingan antara biaya pemeliharaan dan penanggulangan risiko dibandingkan dengan dampak risiko adalah 0,0986. Analisa yang dilakukan menyatakan bahwa penerapan rekomendasi risiko tersebut dapat menghilangkan potensi bahaya pada proyek pipa bawah laut.

Potential hazards that occured during phase FEED (Front End Engineering Design) were resulted in the failure of subsea pipeline project and reviewed from various aspects both from financial lost, environmental and natural disasters. The exact method had to be determined the level of risks and mitigate the integrity of pipeline in order to increase security and reduce potential risks.
The approach of the Risk FMEA method which consider the value of detection and analyze pusing Monte Carlo method can improve the accuracy of risk policies, implementation of the strategies, inspection, monitoring and evaluation of risks.
This risk analysis results obtained 13 actions of hazard mitigation which were initally 56 potential risks. The value comparison between the cost of maintenance and control of risk were compared and its value was 0.0986. The implementation of risk analysis? result can be conducted in order to eliminate the potential hazards of subsea pipeline projec.
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Rahmadani Arnur
Risiko kebakaran dan ledakan mengakibatkan kerugian terhadap
keselamatan pekerja, pencemaran lingkungan, kerusakan perangkat kerja dan
kredibilitas perusahaan. Fasilitas gas memiliki risiko kebakaran dan ledakan
karena natural gas merupakan highly flammable dari campuran metana (utama :
70-90%), etana dan sedikit senyawa lain. Oleh karena itu, sebagai dasar upaya
pencegahan dan pengendalian terhadap konsekuensi yang ditimbulkan dari risiko
kebakaran dan ledakan dengan menurunkan dampak/konsekuensi ketingkat yang
bisa diterima (aceptable level) pada fasilitas pengolahan gas (separation system,
gas processing system dan fuel gas system), diperlukan analisis semi-kuantitatif
risiko kebakaran dan ledakan.
Teknik yang digunakan adalah melakukan analisis data sekunder (studi
HAZID, studi HAZOP, Bow-tie Analysis dan simulasi PHAST). Hasil penelitian
ini sebagai dasar upaya mengetahui faktor-faktor dominan yang menyebabkan
kejadian kebakaran dan ledakan pada fasilitas pengolahan gas. Dari hasil simulasi
crystal ball didapat total forecast memiliki angka 4.30 dimana jika dilihat di
matriks resiko maka berada dilevel medium risk yang berati bahwa fasilitas
pengolahan gas termasuk katagori risiko masih dapat diterima. Untuk sensitivity,
perubahan tekanan (16.0%), perubahan suhu (15.9%) dan kelebihan tekanan
(15.8%) merupakan faktor yang paling sensitif terhadap perubahan dibandingkan
faktor-faktor lainnya. Selain itu, dapat membantu dalam menentukan rekomendasi
yang tepat untuk diterapkan pada fasilitas pengolahan gas tersebut.

Risk of fire and explosion resulted in the loss of the worker safety,
environmental pollution, damage to the work and credibility of the company. Gas
facility has a risk of fire and explosion because natural gas is a highly flammable
mixture of methane (major: 70-90%), ethane and a bit of other compounds.
Therefore, as a basis for prevention and control of the consequences arising from
the risk of fire and explosion by reducing the impact / consequences to the level
that can be accepted (aceptable level) with a precise cost on gas processing
facilities (separation systems, gas processing system and fuel gas system), a semiquantitative
analysis is required the risk of fire and explosion.
The technique used is to conduct a secondary data analysis (HAZID and
HAZOP studies, Bow-tie Analysis and PHAST simulation). The results of this
study as a basis for efforts to determine the dominant factors that cause the
occurrence of fire and explosion at a gas processing facility. From the simulation
results obtained crystal ball that total forecast has the number 4.30 which when
seen in the risk matrix was at medium risk which means that the gas processing
facility including the safe category/tolerable risk. For sensitivity, pressure changes
(16.0%), themperature changes (15.9%) and excess pressure (15.8%), are the
factors that are most sensitive to change than other factors. In addition, it can
assist in determining the appropriate recommendations to be applied to the gas
processing facility.;Risk of fire and explosion resulted in the loss of the worker safety,
environmental pollution, damage to the work and credibility of the company. Gas
facility has a risk of fire and explosion because natural gas is a highly flammable
mixture of methane (major: 70-90%), ethane and a bit of other compounds.
Therefore, as a basis for prevention and control of the consequences arising from
the risk of fire and explosion by reducing the impact / consequences to the level
that can be accepted (aceptable level) with a precise cost on gas processing
facilities (separation systems, gas processing system and fuel gas system), a semiquantitative
analysis is required the risk of fire and explosion.
The technique used is to conduct a secondary data analysis (HAZID and
HAZOP studies, Bow-tie Analysis and PHAST simulation). The results of this
study as a basis for efforts to determine the dominant factors that cause the
occurrence of fire and explosion at a gas processing facility. From the simulation
results obtained crystal ball that total forecast has the number 4.30 which when
seen in the risk matrix was at medium risk which means that the gas processing
facility including the safe category/tolerable risk. For sensitivity, pressure changes
(16.0%), themperature changes (15.9%) and excess pressure (15.8%), are the
factors that are most sensitive to change than other factors. In addition, it can
assist in determining the appropriate recommendations to be applied to the gas
processing facility., Risk of fire and explosion resulted in the loss of the worker safety,
environmental pollution, damage to the work and credibility of the company. Gas
facility has a risk of fire and explosion because natural gas is a highly flammable
mixture of methane (major: 70-90%), ethane and a bit of other compounds.
Therefore, as a basis for prevention and control of the consequences arising from
the risk of fire and explosion by reducing the impact / consequences to the level
that can be accepted (aceptable level) with a precise cost on gas processing
facilities (separation systems, gas processing system and fuel gas system), a semiquantitative
analysis is required the risk of fire and explosion.
The technique used is to conduct a secondary data analysis (HAZID and
HAZOP studies, Bow-tie Analysis and PHAST simulation). The results of this
study as a basis for efforts to determine the dominant factors that cause the
occurrence of fire and explosion at a gas processing facility. From the simulation
results obtained crystal ball that total forecast has the number 4.30 which when
seen in the risk matrix was at medium risk which means that the gas processing
facility including the safe category/tolerable risk. For sensitivity, pressure changes
(16.0%), themperature changes (15.9%) and excess pressure (15.8%), are the
factors that are most sensitive to change than other factors. In addition, it can
assist in determining the appropriate recommendations to be applied to the gas
processing facility.]"
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Deby Awalia Putri
Sesuai dengan kebijakan pemerintah untuk mengatasi ketersediaan energi bagi program pembangunan diperlukan suatu pengembangan lapangan gas. Pengembangan lapangan gas dilakukan oleh PT. X yang berada di dalam dan di blok Matindok, berlokasi di area Sulawesi Tengah. Pengembangan ini dilakukan dengan fasilitas yang lengkap mulai dari memproduksi gas bumi dari sumur yang telah dieksplorasi maupun dari rencana sumur pengembangan yang berasal dari 5 lapangan gas bumi. Pipa flowline digunakan sebagai pipa penyalur dengan spesifikasi pipa berdiameter 4" s/d 6" di darat sepanjang sekitar 35 km dari sumur-sumur ke Block Station di masing-masing lapangan. Komposisi fluida dengan kandungan CO2 dan H2S yang cukup besar merupakan salah satu resiko yang perlu dilakukan penilaian untuk berlangsungnya operasi berjalan dengan standar. Metodologi penelitian yang dilakukan dengan mengidentifikasi bahaya dan menjabarkannya dalam kemungkinan dan konsekuensi serta melakukan strategi yang dapat dilakukan untuk mengurangi resiko yang terjadi pada tingkat resiko tinggi. Analisa resiko ini menggunakan metode Risk Scoring Index dengan perangkat lunak Monte Carlo Simulation untuk mensimulasikan nilai resiko, pada model ini nilai probabilitas terdiri dari: korosi, operasi, gangguan pihak lain (third party), catatan kebocoran dan dikombinasikan dengan nilai konsekuensi yang terdiri dari: keselamatan, lingkungan, finansial, reputasi perusahaan. Berdasarkan hasil analisa dan perhitungan dengan simulasi Monte Carlo didapatkan nilai resiko 8,34 dan dengan dilakukannya evaluasi tindakan pencegahan dapat diturunkan menjadi 7,45 yang berada pada tingkat medium. Dari hasil analisa sensitivitas didapatkan nilai yang paling berpengaruh pada tingkat resiko adalah pada faktor operasi dimana bobot penilaian untuk kemungkinan faktor resiko operasi adalah lebih besar.

In accordance with the government policy to address the availability energy for the development program required gas field development. Gas field development by X company located in Central Sulawesi Area. The development was carried out with complete facilities ranging from producing natural gas from wells that have been explored and plan of development wells from 5 (five) gas field. Gas flowline is used for distribute gas with the specifications of pipe diameter of 4" until 6" onshore along the approximately 35 km from wells to Block Station in each field. Fluid composition contains CO2 and H2S with the large amount percentation is one of the risk management needs to do appraisal in order to operation ongoing with the standard. The Methodology of research conducted by identifying hazards and continues with likelihood and consquences as well as pursuing a strategy that can be done to reduce the risk that occurs at a high risk level. The risk analysis using the Risk Scoring Index with Crystal Ball software to stimulate the risk value, in this model, the probability value consisting of corrosion, operation, interference of other parties (third party) record of leaks and combined with the consequence that consists of safety, environmental, financial, corporate reputation. Based on the analysis and calculation of Monte Carlo simulation obtained the risk value 8,34 and with the evaluation of preventive measures can be lowered to 7,45 which are in the medium level. From the results of the sensitivity analysis, the most influential values obtained on the level risk is in operation where the risk ranking for probability of risk factors operation is greater than other probability."
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ajang Indra
"Perhitungan risiko pada fasilitas industri diperlukan untuk melihat nilai risiko yang dapat berdampak kepada aspek keselamatan pekerja, lingkungan, finansial, dan reputasi perusahaan. Perhitungan risiko pada fasilitas Normally Unmanned Installation (NUI) biasanya tidak mengakomodir keberadaan personil atau pekerja, sehingga nilai risiko tidak dapat diterapkan ketika ada rencana penempatan pekerja ke atas NUI. Penelitian ini ditujukan untuk mengetahui nilai risiko yang ada di NUI bersamaan dengan rencana penempatan personil keamanan. NUI yang dijadikan objek kajian adalah dua tipe platform dengan kondisi berbeda. Nilai risiko diperoleh dengan pendekatan metode Semi Quantitative Risk Analysis (SQRA) melalui penjabaran faktor-faktor risiko ke dalam kriteria likelihood dan consequence. Kriteria likelihood dan consequence dirangking dari nilai 1 sampai 5 sesuai dengan Matriks Risiko skala 5 x 5 yang digunakan. Hasil perhitungan risiko menunjukkan bahwa nilai risiko pada NUI berada pada level “low risk” dan acceptable.

Risk assessment on industrial facilities needed to see the risks that may impact on safety, environmental, financial, and corporate reputation. Risk assessment on Normally Unmanned Installation (NUI) facilities usually do not accommodate the existence of personnel or employees, so the risk value can not be applied when there is a plan to personnel deployment on NUI. This study aimed to determine the risk value inherent with security personnel deployment planning at NUI. The NUI that will be assessed are two type platforms with different conditions. Risk values obtained by semi quantitative risk analysis method through determination of likelihood and consequence criteria. Likelihood and consequence criteria values ranked from 1 to 5 according to scale of Risk Matrix 5 x 5 used. Risk assessment results show that NUIs risk level is at "low risk" and broadly acceptable."
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2013
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Paksi Pujianto
Analisis risiko dan evaluasi risiko pada fasilitas industri gas digunakan untuk mengidentifikasi faktor-faktor risiko yang dapat berdampak pada aspek keselamatan, pencemaran lingkungan, finansial dan reputasi perusahaan. Demikian juga pada fasilitas Liquid to Compressed Natural Gas (LCNG Station), analisis risiko dan evaluasi risiko harus dikaji dan dievaluasi secara kontinyu untuk mengetahui apakah level resiko masih berada pada tingkat yang aman atau tidak, serta digunakan sebagai acuan dalam menentukan langkah-langkah mitigasi risiko secara efektif dan tepat sasaran. Penelitian ini melakukan kajian analisis risiko pada fasilitas operasi LCNG Station dengan menggunakan metode Analisis Risiko Semi Kuantitatif (SQRA) untuk mengetahui faktor-faktor risiko dan mengevaluasi risiko pada fasilitas operasi LCNG Station menggunakan perangkat lunak Crystall Ball. Penentuan faktor-faktor risiko mengacu pada data sekunder LCNG Station dan merujuk pada standar internasional sebagai data pendukung dalam penelitian ini. Perhitungan nilai risiko dilakukan dengan menjabarkan faktor-faktor risiko kedalam kriteria likelihood dan consequence yang dirangking dari nilai skala 1 sampai 5 sesuai dengan Matriks risiko skala 5 x 5. Hasil perhitungan nilai risiko menggunakan perangkat lunak Crystall ball menunjukkan bahwa nilai resiko fasilitas operasi LCNG Station masih berada dalam level "low risk" dan acceptable.

Risk analysis and Risk evaluation on industrial facilities is used to see the risk value and the risk level that may impact on worker safety, environmental pollution, operating facilities, financial, and company credibility. Thus, risk analysis and risk evaluation on LCNG Station operating facilities must be assessed and evaluated continuously to know whether the risk level is at a safe level or not, and to determine strategic steps to be taken to reduce the critical risk effectively. This study conducted a risk analysis study on LCNG Station operating facilities using the Semi Quantitative Risk Assessment (SQRA) method to determine risk factors and evaluate the risk level of LCNG Station operating facilities using Crystall Ball software. Determination of risk factors using secondary data of LCNG Station and international standards as supporting data that used in this study. Risk value calculation is carried out by describing risk factors into Likelihood and Consequence criteria that be ranked from ​​1 to 5 values using a 5 x 5 scale Risk Matrix. The results of risk value calculation and Crystall ball simulation show that the risk value on LCNG Station operating facilities is at the level of "low risk" and "acceptable" category."
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2020
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Damar Rahadiono
"Penelitian ini membahas tentang Health Risk Assessment yang diperoleh pada proses kegiatan kerja di Floating Storage and Offloading (FSO) PT.X tahun 2012. Penilaian risiko kesehatan dilakukan dengan menganalisis nilai Potensial Risk (PR), Intrinsic Gravity Rate (G), Frequency Rate of Exposure (F), Duration of the exposure or the repeat rate of exposed task (D), Residual Risk (RR), dan Prevention Means (PM) dari setiap wilayah kerja yang kemudian dibandingkan dengan tabel standar ACGIH TLV's 2011 dan Peraturan Menteri Tenaga Kerja (Kepmenaker No. 13/Men/X/2011) untuk mengetahui level risiko kesehatan yang ada pada setiap kegiatan kerja tersebut.
Desain penelitian ini adalah cross sectional dengan melakukan observasi, pengukuran dan pengumpulan data. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa ditemukan level risiko kesehatan yang sangat tinggi (very critical) pada wilayah Main Deck (Bising, Asbestos, Paederus littoralis), Main Floor, Lower Engine Flat, Upper Engine Flat (Bising dan Asbestos) di PT.X tersebut.

This Health Risk Assessment (HRA) research that was held at Floating Storage and Offloading (FSO) PT.X in 2012, is based on process working area. Health Risk Assessment was conducted by analyzing Potensial Risk (PR), Intrinsic Gravity Rate (G), Frequency Rate of Exposure (F), Duration of the exposure or the repeat rate of exposed task (D), Residual Risk (RR), and Prevention Means (PM) value that came from every job activity. The result will be compared with ACGIH TLV's 2011 and Peraturan Menteri Tenaga Kerja (Kepmenaker No. 13/Men/X/2011).
The design of this study is cross sectional by conducting observation, measurment, and data gathering. The result of this study showed that heath risk level are very high (very critical) on Main Deck (Noise, Asbestos, Paederus littoralis), Main Floor, Lower Engine Flat, Upper Engine Flat (Noise and Asbestos) in the PT.X work area.
Depok: Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, 2013
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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