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Qurrotainun, Mardiyyah Ahmad
"Pendahuluan: Salah satu faktor virulensi utama yang mempengaruhi perubahan Candida albicans(C. albicans) dari flora komensal menjadi patogen adalah pembentukan biofilm. Pada biofilm fase maturasi, C. albicansmenjadi lebih resisten terhadap agen antifungal. Telah dibuktikan efek inhibisi ekstrak etanol temulawak (Curcuma xanthorrhiza Roxb.) terhadap pertumbuhan biofilm C. albicans.
Tujuan: Menganalisis gambaran TEM sel C. albicans ATCC 10231pada biofilm fase maturasi yang terinhibisi ekstrak etanol temulawak (EET).
Metode: Penelitian ini dibagi dua kelompok yaitu kelompok perlakuan dan tanpa perlakuan. Sebanyak 100μL suspensi C. albicans ATCC 10231dalam 96-well-plate diinkubasi selama 1.5 jam pada 370C,kemudian diaspirasi dan dibilas menggunakan PBS. Pada kelompok perlakuan dipapar 100μLEET dengan konsentrasi KHBM50(35%), sedangkan kelompok tanpa perlakuan tidak dipapar EET. Kedua kelompok di inkubasi kembali hingga 48 jam, kemudian dipindahkan ke Eppendorf tube untuk difiksasi dalam 2.5% glutaraldehyde dan dilakukan pemeriksaan TEM. Kontrol positif dipapar nystatin oral suspension.
Hasil: Pemeriksaan TEM pada kelompok perlakuan, sel C. albicansATCC 10231 pada biofilm fase maturasi yang terpapar ekstrak etanol temulawak terlihat perubahan gambaran ultrastruktur yang berupa perubahan bentuk sel, penebalan dinding sel, pembesaran vakuola, dan iregularitas sitoplasma berikut organel-organel di dalamnya seperti disorganisasi pada nukleus, mitokondria, dan retikulum endoplasma. Sedangkan pada kelompok tanpa perlakuan menunjukan gambaran sel C. albicans ATCC 10231 normal.
Kesimpulan: Pemeriksaan TEM dapat menunjukkan perubahan sel C. albicans ATCC 10231 pada biofilm fase maturasi yang terinhibisi ekstrak etanol temulawak.

Introduction: One of main virulence factor that influence the alteration of Candida albicans (C. albicans) from commensal flora into pathogenic flora is biofilm formation. At the maturation phase, C. albicans ismore resistant to antifungal agent. It has been proven that there is an inhibition effect of Javanese turmeric (Curcuma xanthorrhiza Roxb) on the growth of C. albicans biofilm.
Objective: To analyze the TEM image of C. albicans cell on the maturation phase of biofilm inhibit by Javanese turmeric ethanol extract.
Method: This research divided into two groups, there were treated group and untreated group. A 100μLC. albicans ATCC 10231 suspension on a 96-well-plate incubated for 1.5 hour at 370C, and then aspirated and washed by phosphate buffer saline (PBS). The treated group was exposed to 100μL Javanese turmeric ethanol extract as MBIC50 concentration (35%), while the untreated group was not exposed to Javanese turmeric ethanol extract. Both groups were incubated until 48 h, and then moved into the Eppendorf tube and fixed with glutaraldehyde 2.5% to examine using TEM. The positive control was exposed to nystatin oral suspension.
Result: Compared to the negative control, C. albicans cell on biofilm maturation phase treated by Javanese turmeric extract ethanol extract shows the alteration on the its ultra structure. The alteration showed in shape, the thickness of cell wall, the enlargement of vacuole, and irregularity of cytoplasm include the organelles in it such as disorganization on nucleus, cytoplasm, and endoplasmic reticulum.
Conclusion: TEM examination showed the alteration of C. albicans ATCC 10231 cell on maturation phase biofilm inhibited by Javanese turmeric ethanol extract.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Gigi Universitas Indonesia, 2018
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Allesandra Fitri Aryani
"Pendahuluan: Perubahan sistem pertahanan pejamu atau kondisi rongga mulut dapat menyebabkan infeksi Candida albicans (C. albicans) yang disebut kandidiasis oral. Xanthorrhizol adalah komponen aktif Temulawak (Curcuma xanthorrhiza Roxb.) yang memiliki efek antijamur. Gambar Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) sel C. albicans yang terpapar xanthorrhizol menunjukkan penonjolan sitoplasma dan adhesi antar sel. Tidak diketahui bagaimana perubahan ultrastruktural pada sel C. albicans. Tujuan: Menggunakan TEM untuk menganalisis perubahan ultrastruktur sel C. albicans pada biofilm fase pematangan pasca-inhibisi dengan Ekstrak Etanol Temulawak (EET). Metode: Biofilm C. albicans ATCC 10231 yang ditumbuhkan pada kawat selama 1,5 jam dihambat dengan 25% EET selama 48 jam. Kelompok kontrol positif tidak diberi nistatin sedangkan kelompok kontrol negatif tidak diberi apa-apa. Sampel difiksasi dengan 2,5% glutaraldehid, didehidrasi dengan etanol, dan dibenamkan dalam resin spurr sebelum diamati dengan TEM. Hasil: Terlihat distorsi dinding sel, membran plasma, dan organel serta invaginasi membran plasma. Kesimpulan: Penghambatan biofilm C. albicans ATCC 10231 oleh 25% EET menyebabkan kerusakan pada ultrastruktur sel C. albicans ATCC 10231.

Changes of hosts defense system or oral condition causing infection of Candida albicans (C. albicans) is called oral candidiasis. Xanthorrhizol is an active component of javanese turmeric (Curcuma xanthorrhiza Roxb.) which has antifungal effect. C. albicans cells Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) image exposed to xanthorrhizol showed cytoplasm protrusion and clumping. The ultrastructure changes inside the C. albicans cell is not known yet. Objective: Using TEM to analyse the ultrastructure image of C. albicans ATCC 10231 cells in maturation phase of biofilm inhibited by 25% EET. Methods: C. albicans ATCC 10231 biofilm which had been cultured on wire for 1.5 hours was inhibited by 25% EET. Group of positive control was exposed by nystatin whereas group of negative control was exposed to nothing. Sampel was being fixated with glutaraldehyde 2.5%, dehydrathed by ethanol, and embedded inside spurrs resin before being observed with TEM. Results: Cell wall, plasma membrane, and organelles distortion, along with plasma membrane invagination. Conclusion: C. albicans ATCC 10231 biofilm inhibition with 25% EET caused damages in C. albicans ATCC 10231 cells ultrastructure."
Depok: Fakultas Kedokteran Gigi Universitas Indonesia, 2019
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
"This book presents the recent advances that have been made using mathematical methods to resolve problems in microscopy. With improvements in hardware-based aberration software significantly expanding the nanoscale imaging capabilities of scanning transmission electron microscopes (STEM), these mathematical models can replace some labor intensive procedures used to operate and maintain STEMs. This book, will also cover such relevant concepts as superresolution techniques, special denoising methods, application of mathematical/statistical learning theory, and compressed sensing."
New York: Springer, 2012
eBooks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Yoga Chrisnugroho
"Latar Belakang: Temulawak (Curcuma xanthorrhiza Roxb.), sebagai salah satu tanaman obat unggulan Indonesia, dilaporkan memiliki efek eradikasi terhadap biofilm Candida albicans (C. albicans). Studi analisis Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) melaporkan penurunan densitas biofilm serta perubahan morfologi sel C. albicans yang terpapar Ekstrak Etanol Temulawak (EET). Namun bagaimana perubahan ultrastruktur sel C. albicans pada biofilm fase maturasi yang tereradikasi EET belum diketahui. Tujuan: Menganalisis gambaran ultrastruktur sel C. albicans ATCC 10231 pada biofilm fase maturasi setelah paparan EET. Metode: Biofilm C. albicans diinkubasi selama 48 jam agar mencapai fase maturasi, kemudian kelompok perlakuan dipaparkan EET dengan konsentrasi sesuai kadar eradikasi biofilm minimal (KEBM) yaitu 30%, kelompok kontrol positif diberikan paparan nystatin 100000 IU/ml, dan kelompok kontrol negatif tidak diberikan perlakuan. Transmission Electron Microscopy (TEM) dipakai untuk melihat perubahan ultrastruktur sel C. albicans pada biofilm. Hasil: Perubahan gambaran ultrastruktur sel C. albicans pada biofilm fase maturasi yang dipaparkan EET meliputi perubahan bentuk sel, perubahan ketebalan dinding sel, serta kerusakan organel. Kesimpulan: Analisis TEM menunjukkan perubahan sel Candida albicans ATCC 10231 pada sebagian sel biofilm fase maturasi yang tereradikasi EET.

Background: Javanese turmeric (Curcuma xanthorrhiza Roxb.), as one of Indonesia’s eminent medicinal plant, had been reported for having eradication effect towards Candida albicans biofilm. SEM studies have shown that the exposure of javanese turmeric ethanol extract decreases the biofilm density and made changes in C. albicans cells morphology. However, the changes in cellular ultrastructure of C. albicans in biofilm at maturation phase which has been eradicated by javanese turmeric extract is not yet known. Objective: Analyzing the image of cellular ultrastructure of C. albicans ATCC 10231 biofilm at maturation phase after exposed to Javanese turmeric ethanol extract using Transmission Electron Microscopy. Method: C. albicans biofilm was incubated for 48 hours to achieve maturation phase, then the treatment group was exposed to 30% javanese turmeric ethanol extract according to the minimum biofilm eradication concentration, the positive control group was exposed to nystatin 100000 IU/ml, and the negative control group wasn’t exposed to anything. TEM was used to observe the cellular ultrastructure changes of the C. albicans biofilm. Result: The changes observed in the image of cellular ultrastructure of C. albicans biofilm treatment group were different cellular shape, different cell wall thicknesses, and damaged organelles. Conclusion: TEM analysis showed the changes occurred in the image of some cells in C. albicans biofilm at maturation phase which has been eradicated by javanese turmeric ethanol extract."
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Gigi Universitas Indonesia, 2018
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
London: Academic Press, 1984
570.282 5 ADV
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
New York: John Wiley & Sons, 1982
578 ELE
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Oxford: IRL Press, Oxford:
578.45 ELE e
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Boca Raton: CRC Press, 2009
R 570.2825 HAN
Buku Referensi  Universitas Indonesia Library
Kharisma Sulistya
Antena mikrostrip saat ini banyak diaplikasikan dalam dunia telekomunikasi. Antena mikrostrip sendiri memiliki beberapa kelebihan jika dibandingkan dengan antena jenis lain, yaitu bentuknya yang tipis dan kecil, memiliki bobot yang ringan, mudah untuk difabrikasi, serta harga yang relatif murah. Berangkat dari keperluan untuk melakukan penelitian dengan tujuan mengetahui tingkat kematangan buah-buahan dengan menggunakan antena, maka dilakukan uji coba menggunakan antena mikrostrip serta melakukan pengujian terhadap nilai koefisien transmisi dan refleksi untuk memperoleh data yang nantinya dapat digunakan untuk pengembangan alat serta teknologi lebih lanjut.
Koefisien transmisi dan refleksi ini bisa terjadi ketika propagasi gelombang elektromagnetik mengenai yang sebuah benda. Data hasil pengukuran nilai koefisien transmisi dan refleksi akan diperoleh dengan menggunakan antena mikrostrip serta Network Analyzer (NA) di dalam alat berwujud waveguide. Dengan parameter pengukuran meliputi jarak, posisi, nilai parameter S11, S21 permitivitas dan jenis bahan.
Pada skripsi ini telah dilakukan pengukuran data dengan membandingkan parameter S21 pada antena mikrostrip dengan beberapa variasi jenis benda yaitu, buah labu, buah semangka, balon garam dan balon gula. Dari hasil pengukuran diketahui bahwa nilai S21 yang paling tinggi dimiliki oleh buah labu matang nilai S21 sebesar -32,9 dB, pada buah semangka matang nilai S21 sebesar -39,7 dB, balon air garam S21 sebesar -43,52 dB, balon gula S21 sebesar -48,56 dB, labu mentah -50.09 dB dan semangka mentah -52.22 dB. Dari beberapa data pengukuran diatas, dapat diambil kesimpulan bahwa semakin rendah nilai kepadatan dan kerapatan benda uji, semakin kecil nilai koefisien transmisi dan refleksi. Dari hasil penelitian berikut ini diharapkan dapat digunakan untuk pengembangan alat pada masa yang akan datang, serta metode alternatif untuk mendeteksi tingkat kematangan buah dengan memanfaatkan antena mikrostrip serta nilai koefisien transmisi dan refleksi.

ABSTRACT Microstrip antenna is now widely applied in telecommunications. Microstrip antenna has several advantages when compared with other types of antennas, which is its thin and small, has a light weight, easy to be fabricated, and the price is relatively cheap. The aim of this research is to figuring out the level of fruit?s maturity using the antenna. Data can be obtained by using a microstrip antenna as well as some test of the Coefficient Transmission and Reflection factor. Afterward the data can be used in developing advanced technologies in the next future.
Coefficient Transmission and Reflection can occur when electromagnetic wave get on to the object, Transmission loss measurement data will be obtained by using a microstip antenna array and Network Analyzer (NA) in the Waveguide Chamber. This measurenment using some parameter such as distance, position, value?s parameter S11, S21, permitivity and type of materials.
The research has been done by comparing the data in the parameter S21 in a microstrip antenna using some materials which are a pumpkin, watermelon, balloon filled with saline and ballon containing sugar. The study shows that the highest value of S21 from a ripe pumpkin is -32,9 dB, followed by a ripe watermelon -39,7 dB, balloon filled with saline -43,52 dB, ballon containing sugar -48,56 dB, raw pumpkin -50.09 dB and a raw watermelon -52,22 dB. Furthermore, it can be concluded that the density of an object affects the value of the Coefficient Transmission and Reflection. Afterward, the data can be used in developing tools and alternative methods for detecting the level of fruit?s maturity by using a microstrip antenna and Coefficient Transmission and Reflection value.
;Microstrip antenna is now widely applied in telecommunications. Microstrip antenna has several advantages when compared with other types of antennas, which is its thin and small, has a light weight, easy to be fabricated, and the price is relatively cheap. The aim of this research is to figuring out the level of fruit?s maturity using the antenna. Data can be obtained by using a microstrip antenna as well as some test of the Coefficient Transmission and Reflection factor. Afterward the data can be used in developing advanced technologies in the next future.
Coefficient Transmission and Reflection can occur when electromagnetic wave get on to the object, Transmission loss measurement data will be obtained by using a microstip antenna array and Network Analyzer (NA) in the Waveguide Chamber. This measurenment using some parameter such as distance, position, value?s parameter S11, S21, permitivity and type of materials.
The research has been done by comparing the data in the parameter S21 in a microstrip antenna using some materials which are a pumpkin, watermelon, balloon filled with saline and ballon containing sugar. The study shows that the highest value of S21 from a ripe pumpkin is -32,9 dB, followed by a ripe watermelon -39,7 dB, balloon filled with saline -43,52 dB, ballon containing sugar -48,56 dB, raw pumpkin -50.09 dB and a raw watermelon -52,22 dB. Furthermore, it can be concluded that the density of an object affects the value of the Coefficient Transmission and Reflection. Afterward, the data can be used in developing tools and alternative methods for detecting the level of fruit?s maturity by using a microstrip antenna and Coefficient Transmission and Reflection value.
;Microstrip antenna is now widely applied in telecommunications. Microstrip antenna has several advantages when compared with other types of antennas, which is its thin and small, has a light weight, easy to be fabricated, and the price is relatively cheap. The aim of this research is to figuring out the level of fruit?s maturity using the antenna. Data can be obtained by using a microstrip antenna as well as some test of the Coefficient Transmission and Reflection factor. Afterward the data can be used in developing advanced technologies in the next future.
Coefficient Transmission and Reflection can occur when electromagnetic wave get on to the object, Transmission loss measurement data will be obtained by using a microstip antenna array and Network Analyzer (NA) in the Waveguide Chamber. This measurenment using some parameter such as distance, position, value?s parameter S11, S21, permitivity and type of materials.
The research has been done by comparing the data in the parameter S21 in a microstrip antenna using some materials which are a pumpkin, watermelon, balloon filled with saline and ballon containing sugar. The study shows that the highest value of S21 from a ripe pumpkin is -32,9 dB, followed by a ripe watermelon -39,7 dB, balloon filled with saline -43,52 dB, ballon containing sugar -48,56 dB, raw pumpkin -50.09 dB and a raw watermelon -52,22 dB. Furthermore, it can be concluded that the density of an object affects the value of the Coefficient Transmission and Reflection. Afterward, the data can be used in developing tools and alternative methods for detecting the level of fruit?s maturity by using a microstrip antenna and Coefficient Transmission and Reflection value.
;Microstrip antenna is now widely applied in telecommunications. Microstrip antenna has several advantages when compared with other types of antennas, which is its thin and small, has a light weight, easy to be fabricated, and the price is relatively cheap. The aim of this research is to figuring out the level of fruit?s maturity using the antenna. Data can be obtained by using a microstrip antenna as well as some test of the Coefficient Transmission and Reflection factor. Afterward the data can be used in developing advanced technologies in the next future.
Coefficient Transmission and Reflection can occur when electromagnetic wave get on to the object, Transmission loss measurement data will be obtained by using a microstip antenna array and Network Analyzer (NA) in the Waveguide Chamber. This measurenment using some parameter such as distance, position, value?s parameter S11, S21, permitivity and type of materials.
The research has been done by comparing the data in the parameter S21 in a microstrip antenna using some materials which are a pumpkin, watermelon, balloon filled with saline and ballon containing sugar. The study shows that the highest value of S21 from a ripe pumpkin is -32,9 dB, followed by a ripe watermelon -39,7 dB, balloon filled with saline -43,52 dB, ballon containing sugar -48,56 dB, raw pumpkin -50.09 dB and a raw watermelon -52,22 dB. Furthermore, it can be concluded that the density of an object affects the value of the Coefficient Transmission and Reflection. Afterward, the data can be used in developing tools and alternative methods for detecting the level of fruit?s maturity by using a microstrip antenna and Coefficient Transmission and Reflection value.
, Microstrip antenna is now widely applied in telecommunications. Microstrip antenna has several advantages when compared with other types of antennas, which is its thin and small, has a light weight, easy to be fabricated, and the price is relatively cheap. The aim of this research is to figuring out the level of fruit’s maturity using the antenna. Data can be obtained by using a microstrip antenna as well as some test of the Coefficient Transmission and Reflection factor. Afterward the data can be used in developing advanced technologies in the next future.
Coefficient Transmission and Reflection can occur when electromagnetic wave get on to the object, Transmission loss measurement data will be obtained by using a microstip antenna array and Network Analyzer (NA) in the Waveguide Chamber. This measurenment using some parameter such as distance, position, value’s parameter S11, S21, permitivity and type of materials.
The research has been done by comparing the data in the parameter S21 in a microstrip antenna using some materials which are a pumpkin, watermelon, balloon filled with saline and ballon containing sugar. The study shows that the highest value of S21 from a ripe pumpkin is -32,9 dB, followed by a ripe watermelon -39,7 dB, balloon filled with saline -43,52 dB, ballon containing sugar -48,56 dB, raw pumpkin -50.09 dB and a raw watermelon -52,22 dB. Furthermore, it can be concluded that the density of an object affects the value of the Coefficient Transmission and Reflection. Afterward, the data can be used in developing tools and alternative methods for detecting the level of fruit’s maturity by using a microstrip antenna and Coefficient Transmission and Reflection value.
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Nafisah Khanun
"Latar Belakang: Terdapat berbagai spesies bakteri yang berkoloni di dalam rongga mulut antara lain S.mutans merupakan bakteri penyebab utama karies gigi dan begitu pula C.albicans. Perkembangan kedua mikroorganisme ini saling berinteraksi berperan pada pembentukan karies gigi dan memiliki hubungan sinergisme. Terdapat S.sanguinis dapat pembentukan plak gigi mengakibatkan karies dan gingivitis. S.sanguinis memiliki efek antagonis terhadap S.mutans. Adapun hubungan S.sanguinis meningkatkan biomassa dan aktivitas metabolik pada biofilm C.albicans. Belum ada penelitian yang membuktikan apakah S.sanguinis dapat memberikan efek antagonis (menghambat) yang sama terhadap interaksi S.mutans dan C.albicans yang memiliki hubungan sinergistik. Dapat digunakan cell free-spent medium yang merupakan medium sisa hasil kultur bakteri yang telah disentrifugasi dan filter sehingga hanya tersisa produk ekskresi S.sanguinis sebagai intervensi untuk melihat pengaruh konsentrasi protein Streptococcus sanguinis terhadap dual-spesiesS.mutans dan C.albicans.
Tujuan: Mengetahui efek cell-free spent media S.sanguinis terhadap interaksi mixed species biofilm C.albicans dan S.mutans.
Metode Digunakan uji Bradford untuk menetapkan total konsentrasi protein, uji Crystal Violet untuk menetapkan pembentukan massa biofilm, dan uji Total Plate Count untuk menetapkan viabilitas spesies. Masing-masing perlakuan dibedakan berdasarkan konsentrasi spent medium 100%, 10%, dan 1%, serta waktu inkubasi 3 jam, 24 jam, dan 48 jam.
Hasil: Analisis dari uji statistik terdapat perbedaan bermakna pada pembentukan massa biofilm dual-spesies S. mutans dan C.albicans berdasarkan konsentrasi protein dan waktu inkubasinya.Serta tidak terdapat perbedaan bermakna pada viabilitas biofilm S.mutans dan C.albicans berdasarkan konsentrasi protein dan waktu.
Kesimpulan: Konsentrasi protein dan waktu inkubasi dapat mempengaruhi pembentukan massa biofilm pada dual-spesies S.mutans dan C.albicans, yang didukung secara statistik karena terdapat perbedaan bermakna. Sedangkan pada uji viabilitas biofilm, baik berdasarkan konsentrasi protein maupun waktu inkubasi dapat mempengaruhi viabilitas biofilm S.mutans dan C.albicans, namun tidak didukung secara statistik karena tidak terdapat perbedaan bermakna. Terdapat efek cell-free spent media S.sanguinis yaitu menghambat pembentukan massa biofilm pada kombinasi biofilm S.mutans dan C.albicans.

Background: There are various species of bacteria that colonize in the oral cavity, including S.mutans is the main bacteria causing dental caries and C.albicans. The development of these two interacting microorganisms plays a role in the formation of dental caries and has a synergistic relationship. There is S.sanguinis bacteria forming dental plaque resulting in caries and gingivitis. S.sanguinis has an antagonistic effect against S.mutans. The relationship between S.sanguinis increased biomass and metabolic activity in C.albicans biofilms. There has been no research that proves whether S.sanguinis can provide the same antagonistic effect on the interaction of S.mutans and C.albicans which has a synergistic relationship. Cell free-spent medium can be used which is the remaining medium from filtered bacterial culture so that only S.sanguinis excretion products remain as an intervention to see the effect of protein concentration. S.sanguinis against dual-species S.mutans and C.albicans
Objective: To determine the effect of cell-free spent media S.sanguinis on the interaction of mixed species biofilm C.albicans and S.mutans.
Methods: The Bradford test was used to determine the total protein concentration, the Crystal Violet test to determine the mass formation of the biofilm, and the Total Plate Count test to determine the viability of the species. Each treatment was differentiated based on protein concentration spent medium 100%, 10%, and 1%, as well as incubation time of 3 hours, 24 hours, and 48 hours.
Results: From analysis statistic test there was a significant difference in the mass formation of dual-species S.mutans and C.albicans biofilms based on protein concentration and incubation time. And there was no significant difference in the viability of S.mutans and C.albicans biofilms based on protein concentration and incubation time.
Conclusion: Protein concentration and incubation time can affect the formation of biofilm mass in dual-species S.mutans and C.albicans, which is supported statistically because there is a significant difference. Meanwhile, the biofilm viability test, both based on protein concentration and incubation time, could affect the biofilm viability of S.mutans and C.albicans, but it was not statistically supported because there was no significant difference. There is an effect of cell-free spent media S.sanguinis which inhibits the formation of biofilm mass in the combination of S.mutans and C.albicans biofilms.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Gigi Universitas Indonesia, 2021
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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