Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menentukan dan memetakan klasifikasi susunan material geologis pada sebagian area Klaten dan Gunung Kidul, Jawa Tengah. Penentuan dan pemetaan klasifikasi susunan material geologis tersebut sangat membantu dalam proses analisa seismisitas pada area tersebut. Ada 12 (dua belas) titik yang dijadikan tempat pengambilan data yang tersebar pada area penelitian.
Penelitian ini menggunakan perangkat mikrotremor yang digunakan untuk mengambil data kecepatan gelombang geser (Vs) yang kemudian digunakan untuk menentukan kedalaman batuan dasar teknik (engineering bedrock) sehingga lebih lanjut dapat menghasilkan gambaran analisis seismisitas pada area penelitian yang ditampilkan dalam tampilan mikrozonasi.
This study aims to determine and map the classification of geological material arrangement in parts of Klaten and Gunung Kidul, Central Java. Determining and mapping the classification of the geological material arrangement is very helpful in processing the seismicity analysis in the area. There are 12 (twelve) points that used to collect data scattered in the research area.
This study used a microtremor device to extract shear wave velocity data (Vs) which is used to determine the depth of the engineering bed rock so that it can further produce an overview of seismicity analysis in the research area displayed in microzonation view.
"The complex tectonic in the West Papua region causes high levels of seismicity so that it has potential to sustained major damage during strong vibrations or earthquakes. The role of the study of the characteristics of the subsurface layer such as the microtremor method based on the nature of the ground motion is very important as a disaster mitigation step or in infrastructure development planning. In this study, two important parameters in the microtremor data, namely the dominant frequency and soil amplification which are useful in estimating soil characteristics, are used to analyze and mapping the distribution of seismic susceptibility index zones (ð¾ð), maximum soil acceleration (PGA), ðð 30 and Ground Shear Strain in sediments layer in the “SA” study area, West Papua. The results showed that the research area was dominated by a thick layer of alluvial sediment with soft to medium soil characteristics. The value of the seismic vulnerability index is relatively low in this area, which is between 0.8 - 14.1 which is classified as an area that is not too vulnerable to seismic activity or small damage potential. In addition, the maximum ground acceleration value of the study area is 149 – 771 gal which belongs to the category of earthquake intensity III to V, i.e. mild to severe damage with elasto-plastic soil dynamic properties which can cause crack in the soil layer.