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Irwan Mulyantara
"Tesis ini membahas mengenai performa skor V-POSSUM sebagai prediktor mortalitas 30 hari pasca tindakan EVAR TEVAR pada pasien AAA dan TAA di RSUPN Cipto Mangunkusumo.Penelitian ini merupakan studi kohort retrospektif menggunakan data dari rekam medis. Data yang diambil sesuai variabel yang terdapat dalam sistem skoring dalam bentuk kategorik lalu diolah secara statistik untuk menguji validitas skor V-POSSUM. Hasil penelitian melibatkan 85 pasien yang memenuhi syarat penerimaan penelitian. Dari pengolahan data statistik diketahui bahwa skor fisiologis, risiko morbiditas, dan risiko mortalitas dapat digunakan sebagai model untuk memprediksi luaran kematian karena memiliki performa akurasi dan diskriminasi yang baik, sedangkan skor kepelikan operasi tidak dapat digunakan karena secara statistik tidak menunjukkan hal yang sama. Nilai P hasil perhitungan 'Goodnes of Fit Model' skor fisiologis, risiko morbiditas, risiko mortalitas masing-masing adalah 0.00, sedangkan skor kepelikan operasi 0.18 (>0.05). 'Area Under the Curve' (AUC) masing-masing adalah 94%, 93%, 93%, dengan titik potong masing-masing berada di angka 31, 68.8, dan 10.6. Sebagai kesimpulan adalah bahwa skor V-POSSUM memiliki akurasi dan diskriminasi yang baik bukan hanya pada skor risiko mortalitasnya saja, namun pada skor fisiologis dan skor risiko morbiditasnya.

This thesis discusses the performance of V-POSSUM score as a predictor of 30 days mortality after EVAR TEVAR in AAA and TAA patients at Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital. This study is a retrospective cohort method using data from medical records. Data taken according to the variables contained in the scoring system in categorical form then processed statistically to test the validity of the V-POSSUM score. The results of the study involved 85 patients who met the research acceptance requirements. From the processing of statistical data it is known that physiological scores, morbidity risk, and mortality risk can be used as a model to predict the outcome of death because it has good performance in accuracy and discrimination, while the severity score of surgery cannot be used because it does not show the same result statistically. The P value calculated by the Goodnes of Fit Model physiological score, the morbidity risk, the mortality risk of each was 0.00, while the severity score of the operation was 0.18 (> 0.05). Area Under the Curve (AUC) are 94%, 93%, 93%, respectively, with points 31, 68.8 and 10.6. The conclusion is that the V-POSSUM score has good accuracy and discrimination not only on the mortality risk score, but also on the physiological score and the morbidity risk score.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2018
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Irwan Mulyantara
"Introduction: This study aims to know the performance of the Vascular – Physiological and Operative Severity Score for Enumeration of Mortality and Morbidity (V-POSSUM) score as a predictor of 30-day mortality after the Endovascular Aortic Aneurysm Repair (EVAR) – Thoracic Endovascular Aortic Repair (TEVAR) procedure in Abdominal Aortic Aneurysms (AAA) and Thoracic Aortic Aneurysms (TAA) patients in Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital. Method: This was a retrospective cohort study using data from medical records. Data were taken according to the variables contained in the V-POSSUM scoring system in the patient who undergone EVAR – TEVAR procedure, on the period of 2013 to July 2018. Results: The study involved 85 patients who met the study requirements. It was known that physiological scores, morbidity risk, and mortality risk could be used as a model to predict mortality outcomes because they had good accuracy and discrimination performance, while the severity of the operation score cannot. The result of the goodness of fit model’s physiological score, morbidity risk, and mortality risk was significant (p <0.001), while the severity score of the operation was 0.18 (p >0.05). The Area Under the Curve (AUC) was 94%, 93%, 93%, with the cut points at 31, 68.8, and 10.6 for the physiological score, morbidity risk, and mortality risk, respectively. Conclusion: The V-POSSUM score had good accuracy and discrimination for the physiological score, morbidity risk, and mortality risk."
Jakarta: PESBEVI, 2020
616 JINASVS 1:1 (2020)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Christy Efiyanti
"Latar Belakang : Pneumonia komunitas merupakan satu masalah kesehatan yang besar. Mortalitas akibat pneumonia komunitas masih tinggi, terutama di Indonesia bila dibandingkan dengan negara-negara lain. Skor CURB-65 merupakan sistem skoring yang telah dipakai secara luas, namun memiliki beberapa kekurangan sehingga diperlukan sistem skor baru untuk menilai derajat keparahan pneumonia komunitas. Saat ini telah diperkenalkan sistem skor expanded-CURB-65 yang dinilai dapat lebih baik dalam hubungannya sebagai prediktor mortalitas 30 hari pneumonia komunitas.
Tujuan : Menilai performa kalibrasi dan diskriminasi skor expanded-CURB-65 untuk digunakan dalam memprediksi mortalitas 30 hari pasien pneumonia komunitas di Rumah Sakit Umum Pusat Nasional dr.Cipto Mangunkusumo.
Metode : Penelitian ini merupakan studi kohort prospektif dengan subyek penelitian pasien pneumonia komunitas yang datang ke IGD, poliklinik paru atau dirawat di ruang rawat RSCM. Keluaran yang dinilai adalah mortalitas pasien dalam 30 hari. Dilakukan penilaian performa diskriminasi skor expanded-CURB-65 menggunakan area under the curve AUC . Performa kalibrasi dinilai dengan plot kalibrasi dan tes Hosmer-Lemeshow.
Hasil : 267 pasien ikut serta dalam penelitian ini dengan angka mortalitas 31,5 . Performa kalibrasi ditunjukkan oleh plot kalibrasi skor expanded-CURB-65 dengan r = 0,94 serta uji Hosmer-Lemeshow dengan nilai p = 0,57. Performa diskriminasi skor expanded-CURB-65 ditunjukkan oleh kurva ROC dengan nilai AUC 0,796 IK95 0,74-0,86.
Simpulan : Mortalitas meningkat seiring peningkatan kelas risiko expanded-CURB-65. Expanded-CURB-65 menunjukkan performa kalibrasi dan diskriminasi yang baik dalam memprediksi mortalitas 30 hari pasien pneumonia komunitas di Rumah Sakit Cipto Mangunkusumo.

Background : Community acquired pneumonia is a major health problem. Mortality due to community pneumonia is still high, especially in Indonesia compared to other countries. The CURB 65 score is a widely used scoring system, but has some drawbacks so a new scoring system is needed to assess the severity of community pneumonia. Currently, the expanded CURB 65 scoring system has been assessed better to predict 30 day mortality of community acquired pneumonia.
Aim : To evaluate calibration and discrimination performance of the expanded CURB 65 score in predicting 30 days mortality of community acquired pneumonia patients at the National Center General Hospital dr.Cipto Mangunkusumo.
Method : This study was a prospective cohort study with the study subjects community acquired pneumonia patients who came to the Emergency Room ER , pulmonary polyclinics or hospitalized in RSCM. The assessed outcome was patient mortality within 30 days. Discrimination performance of the expanded CURB 65 score assessed using the area under the curve AUC . Calibration was evaluated with calibration plot and Hosmer Lemeshow test.
Results : 267 patients participated in the study with a mortality rate of 31.5. Calibration plot of expanded CURB 65 score showed r 0,94 and Hosmer Lemeshow test showed p 0,57. Discrimination was shown by ROC curve with AUC 0,796 CI95 0,74 0,86.
Conclusion : Mortality increases with increasing risk class of expanded CURB 65. Expanded CURB 65 showed a good calibration and discrimination performance in predicting 30 day mortality higher in community acquired pneumonia patients in Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2018
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Aryan Yohanes
"Latar belakang: Keputusan pasien untuk menjalani bedah pintas koroner dipengaruhi risiko mortalitas. Skor Age, Creatinine and Ejection Fraction ACEF merupakan prediktor mortalitas 30 hari pascabedah pintas koroner yang sederhana dan telah ditunjukkan memiliki performa yang setara dengan skor lain yang lebih kompleks.
Tujuan: Menilai performa kalibrasi dan diskriminasi skor ACEF dalam memprediksi mortalitas 30 hari pascabedah pintas koroner di RSUPN Dr. Cipto Mangunkusumo RSCM.
Metode: Penelitian ini merupakan studi kohort retrospektif terhadap pasien penyakit jantung koroner dewasa yang menjalani bedah pintas koroner di unit Pelayanan Jantung Terpadu PJT RSCM tahun 2013 ndash; 2015. Usia, kreatinin, dan fraksi ejeksi dinilai sebelum pasien menjalani bedah. Pasien diikuti hingga 30 hari pascabedah untuk dilihat outcome-nya meninggal atau tidak. Performa kalibrasi skor ACEF dinilai dengan uji Hosmer-Lemeshow dan plot kalibrasi. Performa diskriminasi skor ACEF dinilai dengan area under the curve AUC.
Hasil: Sebanyak 308 subjek diikutsertakan dalam analisis. Performa kalibrasi skor ACEF dengan uji Hosmer-Lemeshow menunjukkan p=0,991 dan plot kalibrasi menunjukkan koefisien korelasi r=0,95. Performa diskriminasi skor ACEF ditunjukkan dengan nilai AUC sebesar 0,728 IK95 0,644; 0,811.
Simpulan: Skor ACEF memiliki performa kalibrasi dan diskriminasi yang baik dalam memprediksi mortalitas 30 hari pascabedah pintas koroner di RSCM.

Background: The preference of patients to undergo coronary artery bypass grafting CABG surgery is influenced by the risk of mortality. Age, Creatinine and Ejection Fraction ACEF score is a simple predictor of 30 day mortality following CABG surgery and had been shown to be equivalent to more complex models.
Aim: To assess calibration and discrimination performance of ACEF score in predicting 30 day mortality following CABG surgery in Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital.
Methods: This was a retrospective cohort study of adult coronary artery disease patients undergoing CABG surgery in Integrated Cardiovascular Center, Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital between 2013 ndash 2015. Age, creatinine, and ejection fraction value were obtained before surgery. The subjects were followed up for up to 30 days postoperatively to assess the outcome dead or alive. Calibration performance were assessed by Hosmer Lemeshow test and calibration plot. Discrimination performance were assessed by the area under the curve AUC.
Results: A total of 308 subjects were included in analysis. Hosmer Lemeshow test of ACEF score showed p 0.991 and calibration plot showed r 0.95. Discrimination of ACEF score was shown by the AUC value of 0.728 95 CI 0.644 0.811.
Conclusion: ACEF score have a good calibration and discrimination performance in predicting 30 day mortality following CABG surgery in Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
I Ketut Wisudana Yuana
"Latar belakang : Sejak munculnya EVAR pada 1990an, pengalaman dan teknologi mengenai stent garft semakin maju. Di RSCM pertama kali dilakukan pada tahun 2013. Menurut Ad Hoc Committee for Standarized Reporting Practices in Vascular Surgery of the Society for Vascular Surgery, keberhasilan teknis utama membutuhkan pengenalan sistem alat ini dengan baik. Sebelum melakukan tindakan EVAR, ahli bedah vaskular harus menilai severitas anatomi untuk disesuaikan dengan IFU dari Endurant Medtronics. Belum banyak penelitian yang menggambarkan hubungan antara kesesuaian teknis EVAR dengan IFU.
Metode : Penelitian ini bersifat deskriptif analitik dengan design cross-sectional pada pasien yang menjalani EVAR oleh ahli bedah vaskular di Indonesia pada tahun 2013-2019. Data ditabulasi untuk mengetahui adanya hubungan antara implantasi prosedur EVAR sesuai IFU dengan technical intraoperating complication (TIC) pada pasien AAA, dilakukan uji Chi-Square jika distribusi data normal atau Mann-Whitney test jikadistribusi data tidak normal. Pengolahan data pada penelitian ini menggunakan program SPSS 20.0 untuk membantu perhitungan statistik.
Hasil : Didapatkan 103 data aneurisma aorta abdominalis yang menjalani EVAR dari tahun 2013-2019. Terdapat 99 pasien (96.1%) pria dan 4 pasien (3.9%) wanita dan sebanyak 8 pasien (7.8%) berusia dibawah 60 tahun serta 95 pasien (92.2%) berusia diatas 60 tahun. Berdasarkan klasifikasi aortic neck severity score didapatkan 49 pasien (47.6%) memiliki klasifikasi ringan, 47 pasien (45.6%) dengan klasifikasi sedang, dan 7 pasien (6.8%) dengan klasifikasi berat. Berdasarkan klasifikasi total aortic anatomy severity score didapatkan 61 pasien (59.2%) dengan klasifikasi ringan, 42 pasien (40.8%) dengan klasifikasi sedang, dan 0 pasien (0%) dengan klasifikasi berat. Sebanyak 86 pasien (83.5%) prosedur EVAR dilakukan sesuai dengan IFU dan 17 pasien (16.5%) tidak sesuai dengan IFU. Dari data technical intraprocedure complication (TIC) didapatkan 19 pasien (18.4%) mengalami TIC dan 84 pasien (81.6%) tidak mengalami TIC. Dari penelitian ini didapatkan sebanyak 13 pasien (76.5%) yang tidak mengalami TIC dilakukan tindakan EVAR tidak sesuai IFU dan sesuai dengan IFU sebanyak 71 orang (82.6%). Sedangkan, sebanyak 4 pasien (23.5%) yang mengalami TIC dilakukan tidakan EVAR yang tidak sesuai IFU dan sebanyak 15 pasien (17,4%) yang mengalami TIC dilakukan tindakan EVAR sesuai dengan IFU. Pada data ini dihasilkan data OR (95% interval kepercayaan) sebesar 1.848 (0.385-8.864) dengan nilai p=0.556
Kesimpulan : Dari penelitian ini didapatkan hasil diameter leher proksimal, aortic neck severity score dan klasifikasi total aortic anatomyc severity secara independen memiliki hubungan yang signifikan dengan kejadian TIC pada pasien AAA di Indonesia tahun 2013-2019 dengan nilai p<0.05 dan secara umum skoring severitas anatomi memiliki pengaruh terhadap kejadian TIC setelah tindakan EVAR dan variasi anatomi menjadi pertimbangan untuk dilakukannya tindakan EVAR. Sedangkan faktor lainnya seperti panjang leher proksimal, angulasi aortic, kalsifikasi, trombus, usia, jenis kelamin, dan IFU secara independen tidak memiliki hubungan yang signifikan dengan kejadian TIC.

Background. Since EVAR in the 1990s, the experience and technology of stent-graft has advanced. At the RSCM, it was first carried out in 2013. According to the Ad Hoc Committee for Standardized Reporting Practices in Vascular Surgery of the Society for Vascular Surgery, major technical success requires a good introduction to this system of tools. Before performing an EVAR procedure, vascular surgeons must assess the severity of the anatomy to match the IFU of Endurant Medtronics. Not many studies have described the relationship between EVAR's technical suitability and IFU.
Method. This study is analytic with cross-sectional design in patients undergoing EVAR by vascular surgeons in Indonesia in 2013-2019. Data were tabulated to determine the relationship between implantation of the EVAR procedure according to IFU and technical intraoperative complication (TIC) in AAA patients, Chi-square test was performed if the data distribution was normal or the Mann -Whitney test if the data distribution was abnormal. Data processing in this study uses the SPSS 20.0 program to help statistical calculations.
Results. 103 data obtained from abdominal aortic aneurysms undergoing EVAR from 2013-2019. There were 99 patients (96.1%) male and 4 patients (3.9%) female and as many as 8 patients (7.8%) aged under 60 years and 95 patients (92.2%) aged over 60 years. Based on the classification of aortic neck severity score, 49 patients (47.6%) had a mild classification, 47 patients (45.6%) with a moderate classification, and 7 patients (6.8%) with a severe classification. Based on the total aortic anatomy severity score classification, there were 61 patients (59.2%) with mild classification, 42 patients (40.8%) with moderate classification, and 0 patients (0%) with severe classification. A total of 86 patients (83.5%) EVAR procedures were performed following IFU and 17 patients (16.5%) did not comply with IFU. From technical intraoperative complication (TIC) data, 19 patients (18.4%) experienced TIC and 84 patients (81.6%) did not experience TIC. From this study, there were 13 patients (76.5%) who did not experience TIC. EVAR measures were not performed according to IFU and according to IFU, there were 71 people (82.6%). Meanwhile, as many as 4 patients (23.5%) who experienced TIC were performed EVAR actions that were not IFU compliant and as many as 15 patients (17.4%) who experienced TIC were performed EVAR measures according to IFU. In this data generated OR data (95% confidence interval) of 1,848 (0.385-8,864) with a value of p = 0.556
Conclusion. From this study the results obtained proximal neck diameter, aortic neck severity score and total classification of aortic anatomic severity independently have a significant relationship with the incidence of TIC in AAA patients in Indonesia in 2013-2019 with a p-value <0.05 and in general the scoring of anatomical severity has an influence the occurrence of TIC after the EVAR procedure and anatomic variations are considered for the EVAR procedure. While other factors such as proximal neck length, aortic angulation, calcification, thrombus, age, sex, and IFU independently did not have a significant relationship with the incidence of TIC."
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2019
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Aulia Rizki Maulana
"Latar belakang: Intervensi endovaskular aorta perkutan rutin dilakukan dan menjadi pilihan tatalaksana invasif aneurisma atau diseksi aorta serta penyakit katup aorta. Komplikasi vaskular pasca intervensi sering terjadi pada pasien dengan diameter arteri femoralis komunis yang lebih kecil. Namun terdapat perbedaan bermakna dari diameter arteri femoralis komunis antara populasi Kaukasia dan Asia terkait komplikasi vaskular. Pada populasi Indonesia belum ada data terkait diameter arteri femoralis komunis dengan komplikasi vaskular.
Tujuan: Mengetahui diameter minimal arteri femoralis komunis sebagai prediktor komplikasi vaskular pasca intervensi endovaskular aorta perkutan pada populasi Indonesia.
Metode: Pasien yang dilakukan intervensi endovaskular aorta perkutan, diukur diameter arteri femoralis komunis dengan CT scan. Pasien dievaluasi kejadian komplikasi vaskular selama perawatan pasca tindakan.
Hasil: Terdapat 101 pasien dengan 135 arteri femoralis komunis yang menjadi sampel penelitian. Dibagi menjadi dua kelompok ukuran diameter arteri femoralis komunis berdasarkan median 7,6 mm, yaitu diameter ≥7,6 mm dan diameter <7,6 mm. Dari analisis multivariat, tidak terdapat hubungan bermakna antara kategori diameter arteri femoralis komunis dengan komplikasi vaskular pasca intervensi endovaskular aorta perkutan (p 0,38). Variabel lain yang berhubungan dengan kejadian komplikasi vaskular adalah jenis kelamin perempuan (p 0,03) dan RSAF ≥0,82 (p <0,001).
Kesimpulan: Diameter arteri femoralis komunis tidak dapat menjadi prediktor kejadian komplikasi vaskular pasca intervensi endovaskular aorta perkutan pada populasi Indonesia karena berdasarkan analisis multivariat tidak ditemukan hubungan yang bermakna.

Background: Percutaneus endovascular aorta repair has been routinely performed and become the primary choice of invasive therapy for aortic aneurism, aortic dissection and aortic valve disease. The occurrence of vascular complications resulting from intervention, often occurs in patients with smaller common femoral artery. However there is a significant difference in the diameter of common femoral artery between the Caucasian and Asian populations related to the incidence of vascular complications. Objectives: To investigate the minimal diameter of common femoral artery as a predictor of vascular complications after percutaneus endovascular aorta repair in the Indonesian population.
Methods: Patients who performed percutaneus endovascular aorta repair, measured the diameter of the common femoral artery with a CT scan and than evaluated for the occurrence of vascular complications after procedure.
Results: 101 patients with 135 common femoral arteries are divided into two groups based on median of common femoral arteries (7,6 mm), diameter ≥7,6 mm and diameter <7,6 mm. From multivariate analysis, there is no significant association between the common femoral artery diameter and vascular complications after percutaneous aortic endovascular repair (p 0,38). Other variables that related to the incidence of vascular complications were female (p 0.03) and RSAF ≥0.82 (p <0.001).
Conclusion: Diameter of common femoral artery can not be used as predictor of vascular complications after percutaneus endovascular aorta repair in the Indonesian population because based on multivariate analysis there was no significant relationship."
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2018
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Eka Ginanjar
Latar belakang
Penyakit jantung Koroner (PJK) merupakan penyebab kematian yang tertinggi di dunia dan cenderung meningkat dari tahun ke tahun. Skor TIMI STEMI sudah banyak digunakan dan divalidasi sebagai prediktor kematian pasien STEMI namun belum mencakup komponen fraksi ejeksi ventrikel kiri (FEVK) dan laju filtrasi glomerulus (LFG), dan kurang optimal dalam penggunaanya.
Memodifikasi skor TIMI STEMI dengan memasukkan variabel FEVK dan LFG sebagai prediktor mortalitas pada pasien STEMI dalam 30 hari di RSCM. Metode Studi kohort retrospektif terhadap 487 pasien STEMI yang di rawat di RSUPN Cipto Mangunkusumo pada periode 2004-2013. Data variabel prediktor diperoleh dari penelusuran rekam medis. Data yang didapatkan dianalisis secara bivariat dan multivariat, setelah itu dibuat formulasi baru prediktor mortalitas pasien STEMI dalam 30 hari dan akan diujikan pada seluruh data dan dinilai risiko mortalitasnya serta dibandingkan dengan skor TIMI dengan AUC (area under curve).
Dari analisis secara bivariat dan multivariat didapat hanya dua variabel yang dapat digunakan dalam formula baru yaitu kelas killips II-IV dan LFG dengan kisaran total skor 0-4.6 Stratifikasi risiko mortalitas dalam 30 hari pada pasien STEMI adalah tinggi (total skor >3,5; 46,5%), sedang (total skor 2,5-3,5;23,2%), dan rendah (total skor <2,5;5,95%). Diskriminasi modifikasi skor TIMI STEMI dengan AUC 0.816; IK 95%; 0.756-0.875.
Modifikasi skor TIMI STEMI terdiri dari dua variabel yaitu kelas Killip dan LFG. Modifikasi ini memiliki kalibrasi dan diskriminasi yang baik sebagai prediktor mortalitas 30 hari pada pasien STEMI.

Coronary Heart Disease (CHD) is the leading cause of death in the world and the rate increases every year. TIMI STEMI score has been used and validated as mortality predictor for STEMI patient but unfortunately, it does not involve left ventricle ejection fraction (LVEF) and Glomerulus filtration rate (GFR), thus it is less optimal in clinical setting.
To modify TIMI STEMI score include LVEF and GFR as variables for 30 day mortality predictor STEMI patients in RSUPN Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital. Methods Retrospective cohort study was done toward 487 STEMI inpatients in RSUPN Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital in 2004-2013. Predictor variable data was obtained from medical records. The data was analyzed with bivariate and multivariate method using Cox’s Proportional Hazard Regression Model. Subsequently, formulate new predictors for STEMI patient mortality rate in 30 days. In these newly formulated predictors shall be stratified to all data and mortality risk shall be assessed and compared with current TIMI STEMI Score using area under curve (AUC).
From bivariate and multivariate analysis, only two variables were found to have significant values for new formulation; Killip class II-IV and GFR which contribute 0.4.6 of total score value. 30 day mortality risk stratification for STEMI patient is high if total score > 3.5;46.5%, moderate if total score 2.5-3.5;23.2% and low if total score < 2.5;5.95%. Modified TIMI STEMI Score has a good discrimination rate with AUC value of 0.816 (0.756-0.875) and confidence interval (CI) 95%.
Modified TIMI STEMI Score has two variables such as Killip Class and GFR. It has good calibration and discrimination for 30 day mortality predictor in STEMI patients."
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ghany Hendra Wijaya
"Latar belakang. Pada CLTI didapatkan iskemik yang progresif sehingga menyebabkan timbulnya nyeri tungkai saat istirahat dan terbentuknya ulkus atau gangren. Intervensi revaskularisasi tungkai bawah merupakan lini pertama tata laksana CLTI, dengan pilihan prosedur berupa pembedahan secara terbuka maupun tindakan endovaskular. Pasien CLTI di RSCM datang dengan kondisi lanjut dan angka reamputasi yang tinggi, sehingga diperlukan penelitian untuk mengetahui faktor yang berhubungan dengan keluaran angioplasti endovaskular yaitu penyembuhan ulkus.
Metode. Studi potong lintang dilakukan di RSCM dengan melibatkan pasien CLTI Rutherford 5-6 yang menjalani tindakan angioplasti. Usia, jenis kelamin, riwayat merokok, hipertensi, fibrilasi atrium, gagal jantung, CKD, DM merupakan variabel yang diteliti terhadap penyembuhan ulkus yang merupakan penilaian klinis pascatindakan angioplasty yang dinilai adalah epitelisasi sempurna ulkus dalam kurun waktu 4 bulan pascatindakan.
Hasil. Pada 133 subjek penelitian, didapatkan 60,9% pasien mengalami epitelisasi sempurna. Faktor-faktor yang memengaruhi penyembuhan ulkus pada pasien CLTI antara lain, jenis kelamin, riwayat merokok, hipertensi, fibrilasi atrium, gagal jantung, CKD, dan diabetes. Faktor yang paling berhubungan dengan penyembuhan ulkus pascaangioplasti endovaskular berdasarkan uji regresi logistik adalah diabetes.
Kesimpulan. Faktor-faktor yang memiliki hubungan bermakna dengan penyembuhan ulkus pada pasien chronic limb threatening ischemia (CLTI) antara lain adalah jenis kelamin, riwayat merokok, hipertensi, fibrilasi atrium, gagal jantung, CKD, dan diabetes. Faktor yang dinilai paling berhubungan adalah diabetes melitus.

Background. Chronic limb threatening ischemia (CLTI) can cause rest pain in lower extremities and the formation of ulcers or gangrene. Revascularization which can be done using open surgery or endovascular procedures, is the first line treatment in CLTI management. CLTI patients at RSCM usually came with advanced conditions and high re-amputation rates even after revascularization. This study aimed to determine factors associated with the outcome of endovascular angioplasty, especially ulcer healing.
Method. A cross-sectional study was conducted at RSCM involving CLTI patients with Rutherford grade 5 and 6 that underwent angioplasty. Age, gender, history of smoking, hypertension, atrial fibrillation, heart failure, chronic kidney disease (CKD), and diabetes mellitus were the independent variables studied in this study. The dependent variable was ulcer healing which is a clinical assessment after angioplasty that was assessed as complete ulcer epithelialization within four months after the procedure.
Results. In 133 study subjects, it was found that 60.9% of patients underwent complete epithelialization. Factors that affect ulcer healing in CLTI patients include gender, history of depression, hypertension, atrial fibrillation, heart failure, chronic kidney disease, and diabetes mellitus. The factor with the highest association to ulcer healing after endovascular angioplasty based on logistic regression test is diabetes mellitus.
Conclusion. Factors that have a significant relationship with ulcer healing in patients with CLTI include gender, smoking, hypertension, atrial fibrillation, heart failure, CKD, and diabetes. The factor that was considered to have the highest association was diabetes mellitus.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Randhy Fazralimanda
"Latar Belakang. Pneumonia berat masih menjadi masalah kesehatan utama di Indonesia dan dunia. Sistem imun diketahui memiliki peranan penting dalam patogenesis pneumonia, namun tidak banyak studi yang menilai hubungan antara kadar CD4 dan CD8 darah dengan mortalitas akibat pneumonia berat pada pasien dengan status HIV negatif.
Tujuan. Mengetahui data hubungan dan nilai potong kadar CD4 dan CD8 darah dengan angka mortalitas 30 hari pada pasien pneumonia berat di RSCM.
Metode. Penelitian berdesain kohort prospektif yang dilakukan di ruang rawat intensif RSCM periode Juni-Agustus 2020. Keluaran berupa kesintasan 30 hari, nilai titik potong optimal kadar CD4 dan CD8 darah untuk memprediksi mortalitas 30 hari dan risiko kematian. Analisis data menggunakan analisis kesintasan Kaplan-Meier, kurva ROC dan multivariat regresi Cox.
Hasil. Dari 126 subjek, terdapat 1 subjek yang loss to follow up. Mortalitas 30 hari didapatkan 26,4%. Nilai titik potong optimal kadar CD4 darah 406 sel/μL (AUC 0,651, p=0,01, sensitivitas 64%, spesifisitas 61%) dan kadar CD8 darah 263 sel/μL (AUC 0,639, p=0,018, sensitivitas 62%, spesifisitas 58%). Kadar CD4 darah < 406 sel/μL memiliki crude HR 2,696 (IK 95% 1,298-5,603) dan kadar CD8 darah < 263 sel/μL memiliki crude HR 2,133 (IK 95% 1,035-4,392) dengan adjusted HR 2,721 (IK 95% 1,343-5,512). Bila sepsis dan tuberkulosis paru ditambahkan dengan kadar CD4 darah dan CD8 darah, didapatkan nilai AUC 0,752 (p=0,000).
Kesimpulan. Kadar CD4 dan CD8 darah memiliki akurasi yang lemah dalam memprediksi mortalitas 30 hari pasien pneumonia berat. Kadar CD4 darah < 406 sel/μL dan kadar CD8 darah < 263 sel/μL memiliki risiko mortalitas 30 hari yang lebih tinggi.

Background. Severe pneumonia is a major health problem in Indonesia and the world. The immune system is known to play an important role in the pathogenesis of pneumonia, but few studies have assessed the relationship between blood CD4 and CD8 count and mortality from severe pneumonia in patients with negative HIV status.
Objectives. Knowing the correlation data and the cut-off value of blood CD4 and CD8 count with a 30-days mortality rate in severe pneumonia patients at RSCM.
Methods. This study is a prospective cohort study conducted at RSCM intensive care rooms from June to August 2020. The outputs were 30-days survival rate, optimal cut-off value for blood CD4 and CD8 count to predict 30-days mortality and mortality risk. Data analysis used Kaplan-Meier survival, ROC curves and multivariate Cox regression analysis.
Results. Of the 126 subjects, there was 1 subject who lost to follow up. The 30-days mortality rate was 26.4%. The optimal cut-off value for blood CD4 count was 406 cells/μL (AUC 0.651, p=0.01, sensitivity 64%, specificity 61%), blood CD8 count was 263 cells/μL (AUC 0.639, p=0.018, sensitivity 62%, specificity 58%). CD4 blood count < 406 cells/μL had a crude HR of 2.696 (95% CI 1.298-5.603) and blood CD8 count < 263 cells/μL had a crude HR of 2.133 (95% CI 1.035-4.392) with an adjusted HR of 2.721 (CI 95% 1,343-5,512). If sepsis and pulmonary tuberculosis were added to the blood CD4 and CD8 count, the AUC value was 0.752 (p=0.000).
Conclusion. Blood CD4 and CD8 count had poor accuracy in predicting 30-days mortality in patients with severe pneumonia. The group with blood CD4 count < 406 cells/μL and blood CD8 count < 263 cells/μL had a higher risk of 30-days mortality.
Depok: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2020
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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