Ditemukan 9074 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
New York: American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 2018
620 JEI
Majalah, Jurnal, Buletin Universitas Indonesia Library
"this aim of this research is to develop an assessment method for hazardous substance value in automotive components for supporting green manufacturing. basically, the green manufacturing focuses od reducing environmental risks and impacts of industrial activities through elimination of resource waste, pollution and use of material containing hazardous substances. in this research, the method will be used to assess the the hazardous substance contained automotive components quantitatively. based on the values, the hazard level of components could be compared relatively. this research has retrieved hazardous substances were assessed based on the hazardous materials identification system (HMIS). furthermore, the more information would be processed using a weighting method to obtain a single value. this research has assessed several automotive components by using the method as care studies. the result of assessments are brake pad 6.6, brake pad with asbetos 7.6, brake shoes with asbetos 13.2, clutch disc 9.2, and clutch disc with asbetos 8.6."
Asean University Network/ Souteast Asia Engineering Education Development Network, 2015
620 AEJ
Majalah, Jurnal, Buletin Universitas Indonesia Library
"The primary objective of ASEAN Engineering Journal is to publish knowledge from academic research outcome in ASEAN countries. The additional objectives are to improve the research quality through review process and to develop the strong academic society and network."
Tokyo: ASEAN University Network/Southeast Asia Engineering Education Development Network ,
620 AEJ
Majalah, Jurnal, Buletin Universitas Indonesia Library
"Selecting a procurement strategy for construction projects is inherently subjective. The decision is often intuitively based on the previous experience and knowledge of the decision marker. An objective-subjective procurement selection method is proposed. The method takes into account the need to have an objective base for strategy comparison through the use of multiattribute utility technology. Allowing the desicion maker to assign importance ratings for the selection criteri also accommodates individual preferences and project specificities. The analytical hierarchical process based importance ratings assingment method improves both the objectivity and the realibility of the assessment. Application in real cases suggest positive potential use of the method. "
Reston: American Society of Civil Engineers., 2018
620 JME
Majalah, Jurnal, Buletin Universitas Indonesia Library
ABSTRAK The aircraft gate reassignment problem occurs when the departure of an incoming aircraft is delayed or a delay occurs in a flight. If the delay is significant enough to delay the arrival of subsequent incoming aircraft at the assigned gate, the airline must revise the gate assignments to minimize extra delay times. This paper describes a genetic algorithm approach to solving the gate reassignment problem. By using a global search technique on quantified information, this genetic algorithm approach can efficiently find minimum extra delayed time solutions that are as effective or more effective than solutions generated by experienced gate managers. "
New York : American Society of Civil Engineers, 2018
629 TJE
Majalah, Jurnal, Buletin Universitas Indonesia Library
ABSTRAK The purpose of this study is to investigate the flow patterns of a falling liquid film as observed near an obstacle on a flow channel. In this report, a bend on the channel was chosen as the obstacle and the behavior of a ring-shaped swelling of the liquid film, which appears near the obstacle at a low flow rate, is considered. The Weber number at which the swelling shifts from upstream to downstream of the bend is theoretically estimated. The experimental results for the swelling behavior agree well with those of the above theory. Moreover, in order to investigate the characteristics of the stationary wave observed in the upstream side of the swelling, the wavelength and the damping rate of the amplitude were measured by the needle contact method and agree with theory."
New York: American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 2018
620 JFE
Majalah, Jurnal, Buletin Universitas Indonesia Library
Reston: American Society of Civil Engineers, 2018
620 JSE
Majalah, Jurnal, Buletin Universitas Indonesia Library
"The onset of climate change has resulted in the development of strategies which try to mitigate the excessive generation of carbon dioxide (CO2). The trasnport sector for example, which contributes more than 10% of the global CO2 emmision, is promoting the use of biofuels in order to improve a nation's energy security and to reduce the sector's carbon footprint. Biofuels which are sourced from agricultural feedstocks will require more water resources than their fossil fuel counterparts and with climate change affecting rainfall patterns, it is expected that water resources will become more scarce. A fuzzy multi-objjective mathematical model for optimizing the biofuel supply chain in consideration of multiple regions is developed in this paper. The model seeks to identify how resources should be allocated in the presence of regional water constraints to satisfy the growing demand for biofuels. A case study on bioethanol produced from different indigenous feedstocks in three Asian countries is presented to demonstratee the capabilities of the model. "
Asean University Network/ Souteast Asia Engineering Education Development Network, 2014
620 AEJ
Majalah, Jurnal, Buletin Universitas Indonesia Library
"The Great East Japan Earthquake on March 11,2011 that left 20,000 people dead or missing have brought strong emosional impact of earthquake and tsunami throughout the whole world. Recently, Japanese government reported that an M9 Nankai Trough earthquake may result in as high as 323,000 deaths and devastate wide area of the coastline in Japan. In the March earthquake, the damages such as death, missing persons, and collapse became serious because of the disruption in information communication systems such as telephone network, local area network, cellular phone, etc. Therefore, disaster resistant information communication systems have become one of the major challenges for the researchers and engineers. in this paper, we discuss our proposed "Never Die Network" which is one of the disaster-resistant information communication systems and site examples based on our painful experiences of the Great East Japan Earhquake that had a great impact not only on ways of our lives but also on the future science and technology."
Thailand: Asean University Network, 2013
620 AEJ
Majalah, Jurnal, Buletin Universitas Indonesia Library
ABSTRAK Distortion-induced fatigue cracking has occurred in many types of steel bridge structures, especially welded structures where high local stresses exit. This research experimentally investigates the fatigue cracking behaviors around the web gap of welded I-Beam. A total of nine specimens in three series of experiments were tested under constant cyclic loading to observe the cracking behaviors that include crack initiation, crack propagation, and final failure. The test results show that the cracks initates along the weld toe and grows upward to the lower stress field with lower strain energy, whereas the second crack occurs inside the "weak zone" depending on the critical stress or spot available in the area. This second crack is critical as it leads to the beam failure."
Asean University Network,
620 AEJ
Majalah, Jurnal, Buletin Universitas Indonesia Library