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Ditemukan 9603 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
Hanif Budi Prayitno
Air poros sedimen menyimpan informasi penting tentang status geokimia dan ekologi sedimen sehingga analisis air paras sedimen sering dilibatkan dalam studi ilmu lingkungan. Secara umum pengambilan air paras sedimen dapat dilakukan dengan dua metode yaitu ex situ dan in situ. Metode ex situ dilakukan dengan mengambil sedimen dari Iapangan kemudian air poros diekstraksi di laboratorium menggunakan leknik peras (squeeze) dan juga teknik sentrifugasi. Sedangkan metode in situ dilakukan dengan mengambil air paras langsung dilokasi menggunakan teknik hisap (suction) dan juga teknik dialysis. Artikel ini akan mengulas tentang ke empat teknik pengambilan sampel air poros sedimen yang umum digunakan beserta kelebihan dan kekurangan masing masing teknik. Dari keempat teknik tersebut, tidak terdapat teknik yang paling unggul dan paling dianjurkan penggunaannya dibandingkan dengan teknik yang lainnya. Pemilihan teknik yang tepat harus disesuaikan dengan tujuan dari pengambilan sampel itu sendiri."
Jakarta: Pusat Penelitian Oseanografi - LIPI, 2016
575 OSEANA 41:2 (2016)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ni Wayan Purnama Sari
Oceans cover 70 percent of the Earth surface. Coastal and shallow water areas contain the most productive and diverse ecosystem, including coral reefs, mangroves and sea grass beds. Coral reefs, as referred to the tropical rainforest of the ocean, is a marine system whose valued about 30 million USD per year: Coral protects shares and islands from the strong waves and surges. Along with sea grass beds and mangroves, coral reefs acts as the biggest carbon sink from atmosphere in the earth. The tropical coral reefs worldwide cover an area of 284. 000 km2 can absorb carbon as much as 4 milion tons carbondioxide every year: It is five times higher than tropical rain forests can absorb. It is why people called it as blue carbon. On the other hand, some people say that coral reef is also acts as the carbon source."
Jakarta: Pusat Penelitian Oseanografi - LIPI, 2016
575 OSEANA 41:2 (2016)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Citra Nilam Cahaya
Fishing activities currently require good management, in order to meet the protein needs of the community. Knowledge on the distribution pattern of fishes related to the condition of marine waters is one way of good management efforts. Several oceanographic parameters that can affect the distribution of fishes are SST (Sea Surface Temperature), chlorophyll a, salinity, and others. Each type offish has different optimal level of particular oceanographic parameters. The distribution of oceanographic parameters are effected by West monsoon, East monsoon and the season inbetween. Therefore, by studying oceanographic parameters on a regular basis, we can determine the fishing areas."
Jakarta: Pusat Penelitian Oseanografi - LIPI, 2016
575 OSEANA 41:4 (2016)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
M. Reza Cordova
MECHANISM OF GENETIC DISORDER AND MUTATION ON BIVALVES INFLUENCED BY LEAD. Bivalves have a feeding mechanism of suspension-feeder or deposit-feeder or both, making bivalves consume the material contained in either beneficial or toxic water. Bivalve can survive even with the condition of polluted waters, including the concentration of heavy metals that exceed a specified threshold. Lead is one type of harmful pollutants originating from anthropogenic activities and contaminated marine waters. The purpose of this paper is to provide knowledge about the process or mechanism of bivalves to defend itself against lead, which can be found in their environment, especially genetic disorders and mutations that may be experienced by marine bivalves as a result of exposure to lead."
Jakarta: Pusat Penelitian Oseanografi - LIPI, 2016
575 OSEANA 41:3 (2016)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
"This book represents the Proceedings of the 37th European Marine Biology Symposium, held in Reykjavík, Iceland, 5-9 August 2002. The main themes of the symposium were Migrations and Dispersal of Marine Organisms. These themes are highly relevant today. There is widespread man-aided dispersal (e.g. by ballast water) of marine plants and animals, which may have substantial effects on the regions receiving new species. The new introductions may result in reduced diversity of plants and animals and may affect natural resources in the countries receiving toxic algae and other foreign elements. Studies of changes in distribution and dispersal of marine animals and plants are also highly relevant with reference to the changing climate taking place. The study of dispersal has recently gained new impetus with the discovery of the remarkable communities found on isolated hydrothermal vents and cold water seeps in the world's oceans."
Dordrecht : Springer Netherlands, 2003
577.7 MIG
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Gray, Nicholas
Boca Raton: CRC Press, 2017
628.1 GRA w
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Bo-Ping Han, editor
"This volume offers a general description of reservoir limnology in tropical and subtropical China. It functions as a window opening to all the aquatic scientists with a main focus on reservoirs in southern China and at the same time also covering several important, large reservoirs such as the Three Gorge Reservoir and Danjiangko Reservoir. Topics discussed are zooplankton, phytoplankton and zoobenthos communities, cyanobateria, nutrient budget, sediments, biogeochemical cycling of mercury, fishery and eutrophication."
Dordrecht: [, Springer], 2012
eBooks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Zendy Rachel Virginia
"Penelitian mengenai penilaian kualitas perairan Situ Agathis Kampus Universitas Indonesia Depok, Jawa Barat telah dilakukan pada bulan Oktober--November 2016. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi dan mengkaji penggunaan makro invertebrata yang bersifat perifitik untuk menilai kualitas perairan Situ Agathis. Pengambilan sampel dilakukan dengan metode purposive random sampling, mengambil tumbuhan yang terdapat pada kolom air di stasiun inlet, midlet dan outlet serta melakukan pengukuran parameter lingkungan. Sampel yang diperoleh dianalisis menggunakan Family Biotic Index FBI, indeks keragaman Shannon-Wiener, dan indeks Dominansi Simpson. FBI digunakan untuk mengujikualitas air berdasarkan nilai toleransi dari tiap family, dan nilai FBI Situ Agathis adalah 6,71 yang termasuk kedalam perairan berkualitas buruk dengan tingkat pencemaran berat. Indeks keanekaragaman H' pada Situ Agathis adalah 1,93 tergolong keanekaragaman sedang yang artinya jumlah individu tidak seragam dannilai dominansi Situ Agathis sekitar 0,21.yang menunjukan tidak terdapatnya jenismakroinvertebrata yang dominan di Situ Agathis karena nilai dominansi beradadibawah 0,5.

A research of Water Quality Assessment in Situ Agathis, Universitas Indonesia,Depok has been done from October November 2016. The reasearch was aimed toidentify and analyze the use of perifitic macroinvertebrates for assesing waterquality of Situ Agathis. Macroinvertebrates samples were taken using purposiverandom method by collecting plants sampel in three different stations inlet,midlet, and outlet of Situ Agathis, along with measurement of physical andchemical parameters. Macroinvertebrates sampel were identified and analyzedusing Family Biotic Index FBI , Shannon Wiener diversity index, and Simpson 39 sdominance index. The FBI value of Situ Agathis were classified as poor qualitywith score 6.71. The biodiversity index value of Situ Agathis was 1.93 andclassified as moderate diversity. The dominancy index of Situ Agathis was 0.21,and it indicated that there was no dominancy among macroinvertebrates familyfound in Situ Agathis."
Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 2017
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Muhammad Fauzan
"Situ Gede rentan terkena cemaran organik dan anorganik. Hal tersebut dikarenakan lahan di sekitar Situ Gede dijadikan pemukiman penduduk, tempat makan, dan tempat pemancingan ikan yang berdampak pada organisme perairan, khususnya fitoplankton. Keberadaan fitoplankton di perairan Situ Gede selain dipengaruhi dari masukan cemaran juga dipengaruhi secara tidak langsung oleh musim. Musim yang berbeda memiliki curah hujan berbeda, yang memengaruhi pengenceran dan pemekatan perairan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menilai kualitas perairan Situ Gede, Bogor, pada musim peralihan 1 (April 2019) dan musim peralihan 2 (Oktober 2019) menggunakan struktur komunitas fitoplankton. Pengambilan sampel fitoplankton dilakukan secara horizontal dan vertikal. Berdasarkan struktur komunitas fitoplankton, musim peralihan 1 dan musim peralihan 2 secara umum tergolong tercemar sedang. Kelimpahan fitoplankton tertinggi terdapat pada musim peralihan 2, yakni sebanyak 1912 sel/L. Indeks keanekaragaman fitoplankton pada musim peralihan 1 dan musim peralihan 2 bernilai 1,98 dan 1,68. Indeks kemeratan fitoplankton pada musim peralihan 1 dan musim peralihan 2 masing-masing bernilai 0,54 dan 0,50. Genus yang paling mendominasi pada kedua musim tersebut adalah Microcystis, dengan persentase masing-masing 51,17% dan 53,7%. Curah hujan pada musim peralihan 1 sebesar 670,8 mm, sedangkan curah hujan pada musim peralihan 2 sebesar 381,9 mm.
Situ Gede is susceptible to organic and inorganic contamination, because the area around Situ Gede is made into a residential area, eating area, and a place for fishing that impacts on aquatic organisms, especially phytoplankton. The presence of phytoplankton in Situ Gede waters is not only influenced by the pollutant, but also indirectly affected by season. Different seasons have different rainfall, which affects water dilution and concentration. This study aims to assess the water quality of Situ Gede, Bogor, in transition season 1 (April 2019) and the transition season 2 (October 2019) using phytoplankton community structure. Phytoplankton was sampled horizontally and vertically. Based on phytoplankton community structure, Situ Gede water in transition 1 and transition season 2 are generally classified as moderately polluted. The highest abundance of phytoplankton is in transition season 2 (1912 cells / L). Phytoplankton diversity indices in transition season 1 and transition season 2 is 1,98 and 1.68, respectively. Phytoplankton evenness indices in transition season 1 & transition season 2 is 0.54 and 0.50, respectively. The most dominant genus in both seasons was Microcystis, with percentages respectively 51.17% and 53.7%. Rainfall in transition 1 is 670.8 mm, while rainfall in transition 2 is 381.9 mm."
Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 2020
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Reviews of environmental contamination and toxicology attempts to provide concise, critical reviews of timely advances, philosophy and significant areas of accomplished or needed endeavor in the total field of xenobiotics, in any segment of the environment, as well as toxicological implications.
New York: Springer, 2012
eBooks  Universitas Indonesia Library
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