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Garda Arian Perdana
"Populisme merupakan sebuah instrumen politik yang efektif dalam realm demokrasi; populisme dapat mengartikulasikan apa yang menjadi kehendak mayoritas masyarakat, yang seringkali tidak selalu rasional, sebagai diskursus untuk menekan tatanan pemerintahan domestik. Keterkaitan antara politik domestik dengan hubungan internasional menjadikan fenomena kebangkitan populisme problematis, sebab narasi-narasi yang banyak diangkat justru merupakan anti-tesis terhadap apa yang membentuk stabilitas tatanan dunia internasional saat ini. Kemunculan populisme sayap kanan yang semakin lazim di berbagai tataran politik domestik kontemporer mengisyaratkan adanya sebuah tren baru dalam dinamika politik internasional yang menyebabkan narasi-narasi populisme sayap kanan radikal menjadi lebih diminati dan memperoleh basis politik yang besar di tingkat domestik; serta menghasilkan tekanan yang besar terhadap keberlangsungan tata kelola dunia internasional saat ini. Tulisan ini berupaya untuk melihat bagaimana perkembangan narasi-narasi populisme dalam diskursus politik internasional pasca Perang Dunia II, serta lebih jauh lagi berupaya untuk menganalisis dan menjelaskan mengapa varian populisme sayap kanan kemudian mampu mendominasi diskursus politik internasional kontemporer.
Populism is an effective political instrument within the realm of democracy; which articulates what was considered the general will of the society, which often proved to be irrational, as the counter-narrative to the dominance of established political elites and their discourses. The linkage between domestic politics and international relations has framed the rise of the populists to be problematic: as the narrative that they (populists) endorse has pushed the idea of anti-globalization, anti-establishment, and anti-internationalist, which poses a threat to the very stability of contemporary international order. The rise of right-wing populism that prevails on many domestic-level politic, implies the existence of a new trend on the dynamic of international politic which favored the narrative of radical right-wing populism into the mainstream political discourses. This writing attempts to signify the development of the narrative of right-wing populism within the discourse of post-World War international political order. It also attempts to analyze and explain why the variety of right-wing populism has successfully dominating the discourses of contemporary international politics."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2018
UI - Tugas Akhir Universitas Indonesia Library
Hill, Christopher
New York: Palbrave Macmillan, 2003
327.1 HIL c
Buku Teks Universitas Indonesia Library
This groundbreaking textbook provides an interdisciplinary approach to learning about the global issues and regions important in today's world"
Boulder, Colorado: Westview Press, 2015
327 AND i
Buku Teks Universitas Indonesia Library
Rio Kevin
"Pada tahun 2021, Australia mengumumkan keikutsertaannya dalam aliansi AUKUS bersama dengan Amerika Serikat dan Britania Raya. Melalui aliansi ini, Australia akan dipersenjatai dengan kapal selam bertenaga nuklir. Sebuah komitmen yang belum pernah Australia lakukan sebelumnya, baik dalam skema aliansinya maupun penggunaan unsur nuklir. Skripsi ini berusaha mengungkap alasan di balik keputusan Australia untuk ikut serta dalam AUKUS dengan menggunakan teori realisme neoklasik dari Ripsman, Taliaferro, dan Lobell yang menelusuri kebijakan luar negeri dari dua level analisis. Melalui teori tersebut, keputusan Australia untuk ikut serta dalam aliansi AUKUS dapat dilihat sebagai hasil dari stimulus kondisi sistem internasional yang diintervensi oleh kondisi domestik Australia. Kondisi sistem internasional, yaitu ketimpangan kekuatan relatif antara Australia dengan Tiongkok, sinyal ancaman yang jelas dari Tiongkok terhadap Australia, dan kondisi lingkungan strategis Australia yang masih bersifat permisif, menstimulus Australia untuk beraliansi dan melakukan balancing. Kondisi domestik Australia, yang mempersepsikan Tiongkok sebagai ancaman, mempersepsikan Amerika Serikat dan Britania Raya sebagai mitra, memiliki dependensi keamanan dengan Amerika Serikat dan Britania Raya, dan melihat kapal selam bertenaga nuklir sebagai sebuah kebutuhan, mengarahkan Australia untuk ikut serta dalam aliansi AUKUS. Dengan demikian, studi ini menemukan bahwa kondisi sistem internasional dan domestik Australia memiliki peran yang sama pentingnya dalam partisipasi Australia pada aliansi AUKUS.
In 2021, Australia announced its participation in the AUKUS alliance, together with the United States and the United Kingdom. The alliance will equip Australia with nuclear-powered submarines. A commitment that Australia has never made before in terms of the alliance scheme as well as the use of nuclear energy. This study seeks to uncover the reasons behind Australia's participation in AUKUS using neoclassical realism from Ripsman, Taliaferro, and Lobell, which explains foreign policy from two levels of analysis. Through the theory, Australia's decision to participate in the AUKUS alliance is the result of the systemic conditions' stimuli induced by Australia's domestic conditions. The systemic level, which comprises a relative power imbalance between Australia and China, clear threat signals from China towards Australia, and Ausralia's permissive strategic environment, stimulates Australia to alliance and balancing. Australia's domestic condition, which positioned China as a threat, perceived the United States and United Kingdom as allies, had strategic dependence with the United States and United Kingdom, and saw nuclear-powered submarines as a necessity, led Australia to partake in the AUKUS alliance. Thus, this study finds that Australia's systemic and domestic conditions play an equally important role in Australia's participation in the AUKUS alliance."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2024
UI - Skripsi Membership Universitas Indonesia Library
Farnell, John
"This book examines the political factors in the economic relationship between the European Union and China that help to explain the apparent stalling of the EU-China strategic partnership in policy terms. Written by two specialists with long experience of EU-China relations, this new volume draws on the latest research on how each side has emerged from the economic crisis and argues that promising potential for EU-China cooperation is being repeatedly undermined by political obstacles on both sides. The work is designed to be an analysis useful for university faculty and students interested in China and the European Union as well as for the general reader, providing an empirically-led examination that is academically informed and yet also approachable. Dissecting key policy areas such as trade, research and innovation, investment, and monetary affairs, the conclusion offers a compelling prognosis of how the EU-China relationship might develop over the coming years"
London: Palgrave Macmillan, 2016
339.5 FAR p
Buku Teks Universitas Indonesia Library
Oldiazka Syahrida
"Dalam konstelasi politik di Indonesia, etnik Cina tidak pernah memiliki kekuasaan politik dalam skala kelompok, meskipun di skala individu terdapat beberapa orang yang menduduki posisi penting di pemerintahan. Hal ini berkaitan dengan tujuan hidup etnik Cina adalah memfokuskan diri untuk mencapai kesuksesan hidup melalui bidang ekonomi. Dengan pandangan tersebut, tidak jarang menjadikan etnik Cina sebagai ldquo;mangsa rdquo; politik melalui kebijakan-kebijakan etnik yang dibuat oleh penguasa. Dalam skala kelompok etnik Cina, Cina Benteng di Pasar Lama adalah saksi sejarah dari berbagai kebijakan politik etnik di Indonesia. Tujuan dari penelitian ini, antara lain: a menganalisis relasi sosial etnik Cina Benteng dengan anggota etniknya, dengan masyarakat Muslim lokal, dengan kelompok etnik Cina lainnya maupun dengan etnik Cina Benteng yang tinggal di luar Pecinan, serta dengan non-etnik Cina di luar Pecinan; b pembentukan pola penguasaan ruang kota etnik Cina Benteng sebagai wujud adaptasi dalam melestarikan etniknya di Pasar Lama. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif melalui pendekatan etnografi dalam jangka waktu April-Desember 2017. Data primer diperoleh melalui observasi lapang dan wawancara mendalam dan data sekunder melalui artikel jurnal, buku, dan lainnya. Kesimpulannya adalah relasi sosial yang dijalin oleh etnik Cina Benteng mempengaruhi pola penguasaan ruang kota mereka dan menjadikan Pecinan Pasar Lama sebagai Phantasmagoric Multicultural City.
AbstractUnder the politic constellation in Indonesia, the Chinese ethnic group has never had a political power in group scale, although in individual level there are several people who held an important position in the government. This relates to the indicator of success held by Chinese Ethnic rsquo s, is to be successful through economic aspect. With such view, is not uncommon for them to be a political ldquo prey rdquo through policies made by the government. In group scale of Chinese Ethnics, Cina Benteng in Pasar Lama is a historic witness of various ethnic policies in Indonesia. The goal of this research is a to analyze the social relation between members of Cina Benteng, Cina Benteng and local communities, Cina Benteng and other Chinese Ethnic group outside Chinatown , and also non Chinese Ethnic group outside Chinatown b the creation of mastery of urban space pattern by Cina Benteng. This research is arranged using qualitative method ethnographic approach and conducted from April December 2017. The primary data field observation and in depth interviews , while the secondary data scientific journal, books, and other sources . The conclusion is social relations established by Cina Benteng influence the mastery of urban space patterns and make Pasar Lama Chinatown as Phantasmagoric Multicultural City. "
Jakarta: Sekolah Kajian Stratejik dan Global Universitas Indonesia, 2018
UI - Tesis Membership Universitas Indonesia Library
"Challenging the assumptions of 'mainstream' International Political Economy (IPE), this Handbook demonstrates the considerable value of critical theory to the discipline through a series of cutting-edge studies. The field of IPE has always had an inbuilt vocation within Historical Materialism, with an explicit ambition to make sense, from a critical standpoint, of the capitalist mode of production as a world system of sometimes paradoxically and sometimes smoothly overlapping states and markets. Having spearheaded the growth of a vigorous critical scholarship in the 1960s and 1970s, however, Marxism and neo-Gramscian approaches became increasingly marginalized over the course of the 1980s. The authors respond to the exposure of limits to mainstream contemporary scholarship in the wake of the onset of the Global Financial Crisis, and provide a comprehensive overview of the field of Critical International Political Economy. Problematizing socioeconomic and political structures, and considering these as potentially transitory and subject to change, the contributors aim not simply to understand a world of conflict, but furthermore to uncover the ways in which purportedly objective analyses reflect the interests of those in positions of privilege and power."
London: Palgrave Macmillan, 2016
337.01 PAl
Buku Teks Universitas Indonesia Library
Yogyakarta: Graha Ilmu, 2007
327 TRA
Buku Teks Universitas Indonesia Library
Ahmad Baihaqi
"Dinamika politik Timur Tengah menjadi semakin dinamis sejak kehadiran Qatar di arena politik kawasan dan global terutama ketika Qatar memainkan peran diplomatiknya yang pragmatis dalam merespon setiap peristiwa politik baik di regional maupun internasional. Sebagai negara terkaya di Timur Tengah, Qatar secara pengaruh telah mampu bersaing dengan pesaing besarnya di Teluk yaitu Arab Saudi dan Iran. Posisi ini membuat Qatar mempunyai kesempatan besar untuk tampil lebih kuat di arena geopolitik Teluk dan bahkan di tingkat global terutama dalam merespon diskursus Indo Pasifik yang sedang massive dikampanyekan Amerika Serikat dan aliansi strategisnya. Sebagaimana pandangan para analis politik, Indo-Pasifik dipandang sebagai strategi baru untuk menghadang kebangkitan Tiongkok. Kehadiran Indo Pasifik juga telah mengubah peta baru di dalam hubungan antar negara di dunia. Belt and Road Initiative yang menjadi proyek raksasa Tiongkok juga semakin kuat didorong oleh pemerintah Tiongkok ke banyak negara di dunia. Merespon situasi tersebut, Qatar menunjukan kecerdasannya melalui model kebijakan luar negeri yang pragmatis, melakukan balance of power dengan melakukan kebijakan diplomasi dengan dua raksasa tersebut demi menjaga kepentingan nasionalnya. Sumber daya alam LNG yang dimiliki Qatar secara signifikan telah menjadikan Qatar mempunyai kepercayaan diri yang besar untuk mengubah dirinya menjadi negara berpengaruh dan dibutuhkan oleh negara lain. Bahkan Qatar juga mempunyai alat propaganda yang efektif dan massive yaitu media Al-Jazeera yang terbukti berhasil menguatkan posisi dan citranya di mata dunia.
The political dynamics of the Middle East become increasingly dynamic since Qatar's presence in the regional and global political arena, especially when Qatar played a pragmatic diplomatic role in responding to every political event both regionally and internationally. As the richest country in the Middle East, Qatar is influentially able to compete with its major competitors in the Gulf, namely Saudi Arabia and Iran. This position gives Qatar a great opportunity to appear stronger in the Gulf geopolitical arena and even at the global level, especially in responding to the Indo-Pacific discourse which is being massively campaigned by the United States and its strategic alliances. As seen by many political analysts, Indo-Pacific assumed as a new strategy to counter the rise of China. The presence of Indo Pacific is also changing a new map in countries relations in the world. The Belt and Road Initiative, which is China's giant project, is also increasingly being pushed by the Chinese government to many countries in the world. Responding to this situation, Qatar showed its intelligence way through a pragmatic foreign policy model, carrying out a balance of power by carrying out a policy of diplomacy with the two giants in order to safeguard its national interests. Qatar's LNG natural resources have significantly made Qatar have great confidence to turn itself into an influential country and be needed by other countries. Even Qatar also has an effective and massive propaganda tool, namely the Al-Jazeera media which has proven successful in strengthening its position and image in the eyes of the world."
Jakarta: Sekolah Kajian Stratejik dan Global Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Tesis Membership Universitas Indonesia Library
McCleland, Charles A.
Jakarta: Rajawali , 1981
303.48 MCC tt ;303.48 MCC tt (2)
Buku Teks SO Universitas Indonesia Library