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Tristan Jansen
Makalah ini bertujuan untuk menyelidiki hubungan antara peristiwa perang saudara dan pemasukan investasi asing langsung pada 190 negara selama periode 1980 sampai 2005, dengan melakukan analisis panel data. Tujuan dari skripsi ini adalah untuk membuktikan bahwa ada hubungan negatif antara keberadaan perang saudara dan pemasukan investasi asing langsung. Analisis dari data yang ada membuktikan bahwa PDB per kapita dan inflasi mempunyai dampak yang signifikan terhadap tingkat pemasukan investasi asing langsung . Untuk variabel lainnya tidak dapat ditemukan hubungan yang signifikan terhadap pemasukan investasi asing langsung. Penemuan dari makalah ini diharapkan dapat membantu pemerintah that organisasi lainnya yang terkait dalam mengurusi perang saudata untuk memahami secara komprehensif efek potensial yang disebabkan oleh perang saudara terhadap lingkungan social dan juga kondisi perekonomian, sehingga dapat membuat kebijakan dan peraturan yang dapat meningkatkan investasi asing langsung.

This paper examines the relationship between the presence of civil war and FDI foreign direct investment inflows to 190 countries during 1980 to 2005 by performing a panel data analysis. The objective of this study is to prove that a negative relationship between the presence of civil war and FDI inflows is present. As the results show, there is no evidence that a negative relationship exists between the presence of civil war and FDI inflows. Evidence is found that GDP per capita, and Inflation have a significant impact on the level of FDI inflows. For the other variables, no significant relationship was found. The findings of this paper may aid governments and other parties involved in a civil war with creating understanding of the potential effects of civil war for society and the economy, and to act accordingly upon these effects by making policies that attract FDI."
UI - Makalah dan Kertas Kerja  Universitas Indonesia Library
Suyanni Apriani
"Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis pengaruh kualitas modal manusia dalam distribusi arus masuk investasi asing langsung di Kawasan ASEAN dalam tahun 2010-2018. Pengembangan model oleh Nimesh (2016) dilakukan dengan memasukkan variabel agama Islam sebagai salah satu pembeda produktivitas negara-negara yang mayoritas Islam dan non-Islam. Analisis ini dilakukan dengan mengidentifikasi kualitas modal manusia yang dilihat dari indikator pendidikan dan kesehatan serta modal manusia secara Islami dalam menarik arus masuk investasi asing. Hasil regresi menunjukkan bahwa dalam periode 9 tahun tersebut kualitas modal manusia yang di proksi dengan kesehatan tidak mempengaruhi arus masuk investasi asing, dan proksi pendidikan memiliki pengaruh yang tidak stabil. Kondisi tersebut mungkin dipengaruhi oleh fokus pemerintah untuk menarik investasi pada investasi padat karya, industri pengolahan berbasis sumber daya alam, dan industri yang berorientasi ekspor disamping sektor ekonomi lainnya yang kurang membutuhkan kualitas pendidikan sebagai prasyaratnya
This study aims to analyze the effect of the quality of human capital in the distribution of foreign direct investment inflows in the ASEAN Region in 2010-2018. Model development by Nimesh (2016) was carried out by incorporating Islamic religious variables as a differentiator in the productivity of countries that are predominantly Muslim and non-Islamic. This analysis is carried out by identifying the quality of human capital as seen from education and health indicators as well as Islamic human capital in attracting foreign investment inflows. Regression results indicate that in the 9-year period the quality of human capital in proxy with health does not affect the inflow of foreign investment, and the education proxy has an unstable effect. This condition may be influenced by the focus of the government to attract investment in labor-intensive investment, natural resource-based manufacturing industries, and export-oriented industries in addition to other economic sectors that lack the quality of education as a prerequisite."
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2020
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library

Tesis ini meneliti efek masuknya investasi asing langsung di Indonesia pada tingkat upah yang dibayarkan oleh perusahaan domestik swasta pada sektor manufaktur. Penelitian pada literatur sebelumnya hanya berfokus pada hubungan secara horizontal. Kami mengembangkan penelitian ini dengan memeriksa efek investasi langsung tersebut baik secara horizontal maupun vertikal. Kami menemukan terdapat bukti yang cukup kuat adanya efek perubahan tingkat upah secara horisontal maupun vertikal atas masuknya investasi asing di sektor manufaktur Indonesia. Dengan melihat beberapa karakteristik perusahaan, yakni tingkat intensitas teknologi dan ukuran perusahaan, ditemukan bahwa meskipun terdapat efek perubahan upah secara vertikal tanpa melihat karakteristik perusahaannya, efek secara horisontal menunjukkan hasil yang berbeda. Namun demikian, ffek perubahan ini tidak muncul pada perusahaan dengan tingkat teknologi yang relatif rendah.


This paper investigates the effect of Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) inflows on wage level paid by private domestic firms in Indonesias manufacturing sector. The previous literature focuses on horizontal linkages only. We develop this study by examining the spillover through horizontal and vertical channels. We find that there is strong evidence of horizontal and vertical wage spillovers from foreign to local firms in Indonesian manufacturing. However, after controlling for some firm characteristics, which are technology intensity level and firm size, we find that although vertical wage spillovers exist irrespective of the firm characteristics, horizontal spillovers show different results. This spillover is not present in relatively low technology level firms.

UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Siti Chasanah
"Tesis ini membahas tentang keunggulan komparatif dan investasi asing langsung sektor industri pengolahan di Indonesia. Investasi asing langsung berperan dalam meningkatkan keunggulan komparatif, karena kehadiran perusahaan multinasional dapat memberikan spillovers teknologi dan pengembangan kapasitas inovatif pada sektor industri dalam negeri, kedua hal inilah yang kemudian diharapkan mampu meningkatkan keunggulan komparatif suatu negara. Nantinya, peningkatan keunggulan komparatif akan mendorong masuknya investasi asing langsung yang baru di masa depan.
Metode estimasi Two Stage Pooled Least Square digunakan karena diduga ada hubungan simultan antara keunggulan komparatif dan investasi asing langsung serta terlanggarnya asumsi strict exogeneity. Hasil penelitian membuktikan adanya hubungan simultan antar keduanya.

This thesis discusses the comparative advantage and foreign direct investment in the Indonesian manufacturing industry. Foreign direct investment plays an important role in improving the comparative advantage as the presence of multinational companies may generate technology spillovers and increase innovative capacity in the industrial sector within the country which subsequently expected to increase the comparative advantage and encourage more foreign direct investment in Indonesia.
The research is conducted by using Two Stage Pooled Least Square estimation method since it is assumed that there is a simultaneous relationship between comparative advantage and foreign direct investment as well as the violation of strict exogeneity assumption. Evidently, the result shows the existence of a simultaneous relationship between the two.
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2015
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Nadira Melia
"Pandemi COVID-19 memberikan dampak besar pada aliran investasi asing (Foreign Direct Investment/FDI) di negara-negara anggota ASEAN. Seiring dengan menurunnya FDI selama krisis global, tesis ini menyelidiki potensi pengaruh penurunan tarif pajak korporasi terhadap FDI. Dengan menggunakan model Fixed Effect dan analisis Difference-in-Difference (DiD) pada data panel dari tahun 2010 hingga 2021, penelitian ini menegaskan adanya hubungan negatif antara tarif pajak korporasi dan aliran FDI. Selain itu, setelah implementasi penurunan tarif pajak pada tahun 2020, negara yang menerapkan kebijakan tersebut mengalami peningkatan aliran FDI yang lebih tinggi dibandingkan dengan negara yang tidak melakukan penurunan pajak. 

The occurrence of the COVID-19 pandemic has had profound impact on Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) inflows in ASEAN countries. As FDI experienced a decline during this global crisis, this thesis investigates the potential influence of corporate tax rate reductions on FDI. Utilizing a Fixed Effect Model and Difference-in-Difference (DiD) analysis on panel data from 2010 to 2021, the study establishes a negative relationship between corporate tax rates and FDI inflows. Additionally, after the implementation of tax rate reductions in 2020, countries that enacted such measures experienced higher FDI inflows compared to those without tax cuts. "
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Muhammad Ramli
"Due to the lack of internal finance, a country might need a foreign investment. It also happens to Indonesia that is not recovery from its economic problems up to now. One of the solutions to this condition is by giving Foreign Direct Investment (FDI). By FDI it is hoped that it can employ a lot of people, and it can reduce the unemployment rate in this country, as a result it can increase the welfare of society.
This study will focus on the relation between the given PPh incentives and Japanese Investor behavior in investing its fund, elaborate and analyze Japanese Investor to tax incentives given, and research, formulate and make the analysis on which tax incentive is the best way in inviting Japanese direct investor.
This thesis is analytical descriptive which uses qualitative method by scrutinizing data in the form of information, theory from library research, then by analyzing the data to solve the formed case, so that conclusion can be drawn and suggestions and understanding to the influence in giving incentive to foreign direct investment can be given.
The references theory in this research is one instrument to invite Japanese direct investment by giving tax incentive. However, tax administration is the key on the success of tax policy.
It can be concluded that PPh facility given to tax payers in Indonesia who invest in certain business and area is quite good, in the result of the decrease of netto 30% (thirty percent) as the highest, quicken reduction and amortization, longer loss compensation and given PPh to the dividend as in Article 26 to 10% (ten percent), except if the valid tariff to the tax agreement is lower. Japanese Investors accept this facility positively, but they say it is more interesting if those tax facilities are followed by administration tax which gives law assurance.
Tax incentive given by tax law is quite interesting for the Japanese investors to invest in Indonesia, but the regulations do not give the law assurance, they who have the license hope that they will be given the tax incentive as stated in the law, furthermore, it is suggested that the government not only faces on tax incentive to invite foreign direct investment but also is concern on the law assurance, security, eliminating high economy cost and improving infrastructure. Arranged and good tax administration will give law assurance and security to the investors. Furthermore, the license to foreign investors and the given PPh facilities are managed by one institution under one roof."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2006
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Samara Angelica Budiman
"Investasi asing langsung merupakan bahasan yang prominen dalam ilmu Hubungan Internasional (HI), terutama melalui cabang studi ekonomi politik internasional. Meskipun begitu, ulasan terhadap investasi asing langsung masih cukup dominan dibahas melalui sudut pandang ilmu Ekonomi. Tinjauan pustaka ini oleh karena itu berupaya untuk memberikan pemahaman terhadap investasi asing langsung dalam ilmu HI dengan merujuk pada 32 literatur yang terakreditasi. Metode pengorganisasian yang digunakan dalam tinjauan pustaka ini adalah taksonomi, yaitu pembagian literatur ke dalam beberapa tema umum, yakni (1) determinan investasi asing langsung, (2) dimensi limpahan, (3) dampak dari investasi asing langsung, serta (4) investasi asing langsung dan perjanjian internasional. Setelah melakukan pengorganisasian literatur, tulisan ini juga berusaha untuk mengidentifikasi konsensus dan perdebatan serta tren dan kesenjangan penelitian sebagai refleksi, baru kemudian diikuti dengan sintesis. Hasilnya, bahasan investasi asing langsung dalam ilmu HI variatif secara dinamika argumen tetapi seragam dari aspek teknis. Tulisan ini menemukan bahwa beberapa tawaran argumen dari literatur terdahulu masih perlu diuji validitasnya.

Foreign direct investment is a prominent subject in International Relations (IR), especially in international political economy. However, study on foreign direct investment is still predominantly done by economists through an economic perspective. This literature review therefore attempts to provide an understanding of foreign direct investment in IR by referring to 32 accredited literatures. The organizing method used in this literature review is taxonomy, which divides literature into several themes. The themes are (1) the determinants of foreign direct investment, (2) spillover effects, (3) foreign direct investment output, as well as (4) foreign direct investment direct and international regime. Furthermore, this paper also attempts to identify consensus and debate as well as research trends and gaps as part of author’s analysis followed by syntheses. As a result, the discussion on foreign direct investment in IR varies in arguments but is uniform in technical aspects. This paper also finds that some of the arguments offered by previous literature need to be tested for validity."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Trigustya Anggun
"Kerjasama perdagangan Indonesia dengan Australia berjalan semakin komprehensif seiring dengan semakin terbukanya perdagangan bebas di dunia, dimana salah satunya adalah dengan dicanangkannya Indonesia-Australia Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement IA-CEPA. Perjanjian kerjasama komprehensif tersebut ditujukan agar Indonesia memiliki kedekatan yang lebih erat dengan Australia baik dari sisi perdagangan maupun sisi lainnya. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi dan menganalisis bagaimana potensi perjanjian tersebut terhadap nilai ekspor Indonesia ke Australia dan investasi asing langsung dari Australia ke Indonesia kedepannya. Penelitian ini menggunakan analisis ekonometrika dengan data time series melalui regresi linear dari arus perdagangan internasional. Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah bahwa IA-CEPA signifikan berpotensi menurunkan nilai Ekspor Indonesia ke Australia dan juga terhadap Investasi Asing Langsung dari Australia ke Indonesia.

Indonesias trade cooperation with Australia runs more comprehensively in line with the increasing free trade in the world by launching the Indonesia-Australia Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement IA-CEPA. The aimed of this comprehensive economic partnership agreement is to make Indonesia closer to Australia both in trade and other economic activity. This research aims to identify and analyze how the agreement potentially towards Indonesias Export to Australia and Australias Foreign Direct Investment to Indonesia value in the future. This research used an econometric analysis that applies time series data to the linear regression of international flows. The result of this thesis reveals that IA-CEPA have significant potential decreasing to Indonesias Export to Australia and to Foreign Direct Investment Australia to Indonesia.
Jakarta: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2019
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Manda Pratomo
"Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisa pengaruh sistem perlindungan hak paten (PRP) di 19 negara berkembang terhadap arus masuk FDI dari negara inovatif selaku home country (Amerika serikat, Jepang dan Jerman) pada periode dimana telah diberlakukannya enforcement TRIPS Agreement bagi negara berkembang. Berbeda dengan penelitian sebelumnya dimana pengukuran sistem PRP hanya melihat komponen kehadiran dari regulasi, penelitian ini menggunakan index yang dapat menangkap tingkat efektivitas dari implementasi penerapan sistem PRP di suatu negara. Hasil estimasi menunjukkan bahwa sistem PRP yang kuat dan efektif di host country dapat meningkatkan nilai arus masuk FDI ke negara berkembang

This study aims to analyze the influence of patent protection systems (PRPs) in 19 developing countries on FDI inflows from innovative countries as home country (United States, Japan and Germany) in the period when enforcement of TRIPS Agreement for developing countries has been implemented. In contrast to previous studies where the measurement of the PRP system only looked at the attendance component of the regulation, this study uses an index that captures the effectiveness of implementing the PRP system in a country. The estimation results show that a strong and effective PRP system in host country can increase the value of FDI inflows to developing countries."
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2017
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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