ABSTRAKDalam pedoman CPOB 2012 , Industri Farmasi wajib menerapkan suatu sistem pemastian mutu dalam membuat suatu obat. Sistem tersebut diperlukan untuk mencapai tujuan mutu secara konsisten dan dapat diandalkan, sehingga diperoleh produk obat yang efektif, aman, dan bermutu. Apoteker dituntut untuk memiliki wawasan, pengetahuan, keterampilan, dan kemampuan dalam mengaplikasikan dan mengembangkan ilmunya secara profesional agar dapat menerapkan sistem pemastian mutu yang komprehensif serta mengatasi permasalahan yang muncul di Industri Farmasi. Calon apoteker melakukan praktik kerja profesi di Landson PT Pertiwi Agung mulai dari tanggal 6 Juli 2016 hingga 30 Agustus 2016. Diharapkan calon apoteker dapat memahami penerapan Cara Pembuatan Obat yang Baik CPOB di Industri Farmasi khususnya di Landson PT Pertiwi Agung, serta memiliki wawasan, pengetahuan, keterampilan, dan pengalaman praktis untuk melakukan pekerjaan kefarmasian di Industri Farmasi.
ABSTRACTIn the GMP guidelines 2012 , Pharmaceutical Industry shall implement a quality management system in making a drug. The system is required to achieve quality objectives to consistently and reliably, thus obtained medicinal products that are effective, safe, and qualified. Quality assurance of a drug does not just rely on the implementation of certain testing, but also let drugs made under carefully controlled and monitored conditions. Pharmacists are required to have the insight, knowledge, skills, and ability to apply and develop their knowledge in a professional manner in order to implement a comprehensive quality assurance system and overcome the problems that arise in the Pharmaceutical Industry. Prospective pharmacists practice the pharmacist internship in Landson PT Pertiwi Agung started on July 6, 2016 until August 30, 2016. It is expected that the prospective pharmacist can understand the application of Good Manufacturing Practice GMP in the pharmaceutical industry, especially in Landson PT Pertiwi Agung, and has insight, knowledge, skills and practical experience to do the pharmaceutical work in the Pharmaceutical Industry."