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Sapti Dwi Iryani
"Penelitian ini membahas stres kerja dan resiliensi Account Representative pada Kantor Pelayanan Pajak di Wilayah Riau dan Kepulauan Riau. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan metode qualitative content analysis. Responden yang terlibat dalam penelitian ini yaitu pegawai jabatan Account Representative pada 9 Kantor Pelayanan Pajak yang tersebar di wilayah Riau dan Kepulauan Riau. Responden yang terlibat sebanyak 154 orang Account Representative. Berdasarkan analisis data dengan qualitative content analysis, terdapat dua tema besar yaitu faktor stres kerja dan faktor resiliensi. Tema faktor stres kerja terdiri dari dua kategori, yaitu kategori faktor penyebab stres dari pekerjaan dan faktor penyebab stres dari luar pekerjaan. Sedangkan tema faktor resiliensi terdiri dari kategori faktor protektif internal dan faktor protektif eksternal. Hasil perhitungan qualitative content analysis didapatkan bahwa faktor penyebab stres karena pekerjaan tertinggi ada pada faktor subkategori intrinsic to job yaitu faktor beban kerja berlebihan. Sedangkan faktor penyebab stres dari luar pekerjaan terbesar adalah faktor ekstra-organisasi yang ditunjukkan nilai terbesar adalah faktor masalah keluarga. Faktor religiusitas dan spiritualitas dengan sikap pasrah menjadi faktor protektif internal tertinggi sedangkan faktor dukungan dari orang lain dengan cara diskusi menjadi faktor protektif eksternal tertinggi.

This study focused on job stress and employee resilience of Account Representative at Tax Offices in Riau and Riau Islands region. This research used qualitative approach with qualitative content analysis method. Respondents that were involved in this study were Account Representative from 9 Tax Office in Riau and Riau Islands. 154 Account Representatives were involved in this study. Based on data analysis with qualitative content analysis method, there were two major themes. Those were job stress factor and resilience factor. The theme of job stress consisted of two categories, namely the categories of factors causing stress due to work and causes of stress beside of work. The theme of resilience factors consisted of internal protective factor category and external protective factor category. The results of the calculation of qualitative content analysis found that the factors of job stressor was the highest factor that caused stress in Account Representative, with the highest value was on intrinsic to job subcategory factor which high value on work overload factor while the factors causing stress from outside which the largest job was an extra organizational factor that indicated the greatest value was on family problems factor. The factor of religiosity and spirituality with surrender factor became the highest internal protective factor while the support factor of others by way of discussion became the highest external protective factor. "
Jakarta: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2018
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Luthfi Taufiiqulhakim
"Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui apakah religiusitas Islam dan spiritualitas, memiliki pengaruh pada tingkat stres kerja seseorang dalam lingkup masyarakat Indonesia yang beragama Islam. Dengan menggunakan data Indonesia Family Life Survey gelombang ke 5 dan model ordered logit, peneliti menemukan bahwa religiusitas Islam tidak dapat dikatakan berpengaruh secara signifikan terhadap tingkat stress kerja. Hal ini dikarenakan religiusitas Islam yang hanya memiliki pengaruh pada salah satu gejala stres kerja. Lebih jauh lagi, peneliti menemukan bahwa spiritualitas secara umum memiliki pengaruh secara negatif signifikan terhadap stres kerja seseorang, dan kondisi kerja berupa sektor pekerjaan, jam kerja, dan pendapatan gaji turut memiliki pengaruh secara signifikan terhadap gejala stres kerja.

This study aims to determine whether the religiosity of Islam and spirituality, has an influence on the level of job stress within the scope of Muslim society in Indonesia. Using the 5th Indonesian Family Life Survey data and the ordered logit model, the researchers found that the religiosity of Islam can not be said to have a significant effect on the level of work stress. This is due to the religiosity of Islam which has only influence on one of the symptoms of work stress. Furthermore, the researchers found that spirituality in general has a negatively significant effect on one 39 s work stress, and working conditions in the occupational sector, working hours, and salary income also have a significant effect on the symptoms of occupational stress."
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2018
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Didyo Nurcahyo
"The aim of this research is to determine the relation between organizational climate, source of occupational distress (role conflict, role ambiguity, work load) with the distress outcome such as work distress strain, work satisfaction and the urge to quit the organization.
Existing theories show that organizational climate is a form of occupational distress source. The outcome that emerged as human interaction and source of occupational distress is work satisfaction/dissatisfaction, the urge to quite the organization and work distress strain. In order to examine a distress model, organization characteristic variable such as organizational climate can be related to the outcome: strain, work satisfaction and quitting urge, and mediator variable of occupational distress source (role conflict and ambiguity as well as work load).
Seven questioners are used as tools of data collector, which are verified its validity already with corrected item total correlation method and reliability test using Alpha Cronbach statistic technique. SEM or track analysis is used to test the relation and model with LISREL program serial 8.3, and to test the different work distress strain, one track ANOVA statistic technique.
The research result shows that there is a significant relation between organizational climates to work distress strain, between organizational climates to the urge to quit. Variable of occupational stress source also can be explained in this research. This variable proved to be mediating relation in work distress strain and the quitting urge but not as mediating variable between organizational climates to work satisfaction as bigger direct influence come from organizational climate variable.
Theoretical model posed in this research can be accepted. Further more by looking at the correlation between all research's variables can produce alternative model which can be accepted. Analysis result of difference of work distress strain shows that employees at unit have higher work distress strain compare to those at immigration unit."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2005
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ika Oktarina
Tesis ini membahas hubungan antara praktik-praktik manajemen sumber daya
manusia dengan kualitas pelayanan account representative dengan kepuasan kerja
sebagai mediator di KPP di KANWIL DJP wajib pajak besar. Penelitian ini
adalah penelitian kuantitatif dengan desain survey dengan menggunakan kuisioner
penelitian. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa kepuasan kerja memediasi
pengaruh praktik-praktik manajemen SDM terhadap kualitas pelayanan. Hasil
Penelitian ini menyarankan manajemen KPP pada khususnya dan manajemen
DJP pada umumnya dalam mengembangkan atau menjalankan praktik-praktik
SDM perlu memperhatikan variabel evaluasi kinerja; dari segi kepuasan kerja
manajemen DJP diharapkan dapat membuat suatu kebijakan yang memperhatikan
jaminan kehidupan dimasa yang akan datang baik dari segi material maupun non
material, misalnya dalam bentuk tunjangan kepindahan keluarga dan pendapatan
di masa pensiun yang tidak jauh perbedaannya dengan pendapatan pada masa
aktif bekerja; manajemen terutama kepala seksi yang membawahi para account
representative harus dapat menciptakan mood yang positif yang mempengaruhi
kualitas pelayanan.

This thesis examines the influence of practices of human resources management
on quality of service of account representatives with job satisfaction as a mediator
at KPP in KANWIL DJP Wajib Pajak Besar. This research is a quantitative
research design using a questionnaire survey approach. The Results of regresion
analysis show that job satisfaction mediates the influence of human resources
mangement practices on service quality. The results of this study also suggest
KPP management in particular and DJP management in general need to consider
variable performance evaluation in developing or running HRM practices; in
terms of job satisfaction DJP management is expected to develop a life assurance
policy in the future both in terms of material and non-material, for example in the
form of relocation allowance and income after retirement is not much difference
with revenues during active work; management especially section chief in charge
of the account representative should be able to create positive mood which
influences the quality of service."
Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2013
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Jemi Dwifatmi
"Sebagai sebuah organisasi pemerintahan yang besar dan memiliki target-target pencapaian kinerja yang tinggi, evaluasi atas kepuasan kerja pegawai harus terus dilakukan oleh Direktorat Jenderal Pajak untuk mendapatkan masukan terhadap pengelolaan SDM di Direktorat Jendral Pajak, agar dapat meningkatkan produktivitas dan loyalitas pegawai. Beberapa penelitian terdahulu menemukan bahwa kepuasan kerja dipengaruhi oleh beragam faktor, salah satunya adalah sistem reward. Oleh karena itu, berbagai teori tentang kepuasan kerja menyarakan agar sistem reward yang diimplementasikan oleh satu organisasi harus dirancang dengan tepat dan berhati-hati, termasuk jenis dan jumlahnya agar dapat memberikan pengaruh yang positif terhadap kepuasan kerja pegawai. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis pengaruh sistem reward terhadap kepuasan kerja pada pegawai pelaksana Kantor Pelayanan Pajak Pratama di Kota dan Kabupaten Bogor. Jumlah sampel dalam penelitian ini adalah 103 responden. Alat ukur yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini diambil terdiri dari alat ukur yang dikembangkan oleh Clifford (1985). Data dalam penelitian diolah dengan menggunakan analisis deskriptif dan analisis regresi berganda. Berdasarkan hasil analisis data diketahui bahwa sistem reward yang terdiri dari dimensi intrinsik dan ekstrinsik secara simultan berpengaruh secara signifikan terhadap tingkat kepuasan kerja pegawai pelaksana Kantor Pelayanan Pajak Pratama Kota dan Kabupaten Bogor. Demikian pula pada saat dilakukan uji parsial, kedua variabel bebas tersebut berpengaruh secara signifikan. Dalam penelitian ini juga ditemukan bahwa usia berperan sebagai moderator dalam hubungan antara reward ekstrinsik dan kepuasan kerja. Sedangkan dalam hubungan antara reward intrinsik dan kepuasan kerja, usia tidak berperan sebagai variabel moderator.

As a large government organization which has high achievement targets, evaluation of employee job satisfaction should be carried out by the Directorate General of Taxation to obtain inputs on human resources management. This activities is important in order to increase productivity and employee loyalty. Several previous studies found that job satisfaction is influenced by various factors, one of which is the reward system. In this regard, various theories about job satisfaction advise that the reward system which is implemented by an organization must be designed appropriately and carefully, including the type and amount in order to provide a positive influence on employee job satisfaction. This study aims to analyze the influence of reward system on job satisfaction in employees case study at Small Tax Office in Bogor. The number of samples in this study was 103 respondents. Measuring instruments used in this study were drawn consisted with instruments developed by Clifford (1985). Data were analyzed using descriptive analysis and multiple regression analysis. Based on the results of the analysis of the data found that the reward system is composed of intrinsic and extrinsic dimensions simultaneously significant influence on the level of employee satisfaction. This study also found that age act as a moderator in the relationship between extrinsic reward and job satisfaction. But its also found that in the relationship between intrinsic reward and job satisfaction, age difference is not a moderating variable.
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Hendra Purnama
"Stress kerja kerap menjangkiti banyak pihak di tempat kerja. Dari sejumlah penjelasan para ahli, stress kerja ini bisa menimbulkan dampak baik (eustress), tetapi sekaligus buruk (distress) bagi yang bersangkutan dan bagi organisasi atau perusahaan. Orang yang terkena stres kerja cenderung jadi tidak produktif, tidak tertantang untuk menunjukan kehebatannya, secara tidak sadar malah menujukan kebodohannya, bermalas malasan, tidak efektif dan tidak efisien, Secara kalkulasi manajemen tentunya ini merugikan organisasi atau perusahaan, apalagi jika pekerja yang terkena stress kerja ini jumlahnya banyak.
PT.TI adalah sebuah perusahaan yang bergerak dibidang industry Farmasi, dengan Kantor pusat terletak di Jakarta Pusat, Produk yang dihasilkan oleh PT.TI di pasarkan oleh para medical representative yang merupakan ujung tombak perusahaan. Sebagai ujung tombak perusahaan para medical representative PT. TI di wilayah Jakarta Barat kerap mengalami stressor yang tinggi sehingga timbul stress kerja.
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengekplorasi secara mendalam tentang faktor risiko stress kerja pada medical Representative PT. TI di Jakarta Barat tahun 2013, dengan menggunakan metode kualitatif. Dari hasil penelitian didapatkan karakteristik faktor individu, faktor organisasi dan faktor ekstraorganisasi sebagai stressor stress kerja pada medical representative PT.TI di Jakarta Barat.

Job stress is often affects to many people in the workplace. Explanations from the experts, job stress can lead to better effect (eustress), but also bad (distress) for the concerned and for the organization or company. People affected by job stress tend to be non-productive, does not challenged to show his prowess, even unconsciously attribute stupidity, laze lazy, ineffective and inefficient, in calculation of course management is detrimental to the organization or company, especially if workers are exposed to stress this job.
PT.TI is a company engaged in the Pharmaceutical industry, with the headquarters located in Central Jakarta, products produced by PT.TI marketed by the medical representative who is spearheading the company. As the spearhead of the medical representative company PT. TI in West Jakarta often experience a high stressor causing job stress.
This study aims to explore in depth about the risk factors of work stress on Medical Representative PT. TI in West Jakarta in 2013, using qualitative methods. From the results, the characteristics of the individual factors, organizational factors and factors ekstraorganisasi as stressors on job stress PT.TI on medical representative in West Jakarta.
Depok: Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, 2013
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Achmad Helmi
"Kinerja Badan Peneliti dan Pengembangan Provinsi Riau belum maksimal dari sasaran rencana pembangunan daerah. Untuk memaksimalkan Kinerja Badan Penelitian dan Pengembangan Provinsi Riau dibutuhkan: (a) Sinergi dan kesamaan persepsi antara seluruh aparat agar memperhatikan hasil penelitian yang berkualitas. (b) Meningkatkan kinerja para pejabat struktural, yaitu Kepala Badan Balitbang, Sekretaris dan Kepala Bidang agar semakin mendukung program dan para pejabat fungsional peneliti untuk melaksanakan perannya lebih berkualitas. (c) Memperbanyak jumlah Fungsional Peneliti dan Fungsional Perekayasaan yang berkualitas sesuai harapan dan tantangan Badan dan Dinas Pemerintah Daerah.
Jumlah hasil penelitian Balitbang Badan Penelitian dan Pengembangan Provinsi Riau tiap tahun mengalami peningkatan dan sebagian besar penelitian mandiri yaitu sebanyak 61% dan penelitian hasil kerjasama dengan pihak ketiga sebanyak 39%. Secara umum kualitas penelitian belum sesuai dengan yang diharapkan, karena: (a) Sistem perencanaan penelitian yang tidak sesuai dengan kebutuhan daerah atau satuan kerja. (b) Pelaksanaan penelitian yang menggunakan pihak ketiga (konsultan) kurang memuaskan, karena dalam pelaksanaannya hanya menyelesaikan kegiatan penelitian saja. (c) Terbatasnya tenaga fungsional peneliti yang bersertifikasi. (d) Hasil penelitian belum maksimal karena tenaga peneliti yang tersedia kualifikasi keilmuan yang dibutuhkan sering tidak sesuai dengan penelitian yang dikerjakan. (e) Adanya usulan/ program penelitian yang tidak berdasarkan kebutuhan tetapi cenderung keinginan dari luar Balitbang.
Badan dan Dinas Pemerintah Provinsi serta Kabupaten/Kota telah mendapat manfaat dari hasil penelitian, namun secara teperinci belum, karena: (a) Sistem perencanaan penelitian belum berawal dari kebutuan daerah dan satuan kerja yang dibangun melalui forum kelitbangan. (b) Kurangnya sosialisasi dan publikasi hasil-hasil penelitian yang telah dilakukan. (c) Penelitian belum seluruhnya bisa menjawab permasalahan Badan dan Dinas Pemerintah Daerah serta Pemerintah Kabupaten /Kota. Untuk peningkatan kinerja Badan Penelitian dan Pengembangan Provinsi Riau mendatang diperlukan perhatian terhadap: (a) Riset unggulan yang sudah diprogramkan seperti energi terbarukan, bidang ketahanan pangan, klaster sawit dan lain lain dikasanakan dengan memperhatikan kualitas dan sosialisasi hasil temuan. (b) Seluruh peneliti fungsional dan institusi yang membidangi ristek diupayakan untuk dapat melaksanakan penelitian semaksimal mungkin berdasarkan kemampuan yang tersedia serta kemungkinan berkolaborasi dengan institusi lain sepanjang dibenarkan oleh ketentuan yang berlaku. (c) Pelitian mandiri dilaksanakan oleh Peneliti Internal Balitbang dalam rangka meningkatkan inovasi, kegairahan serta kreabilitas peneliti dan institusi.

The performance of Research and Development Board of Riau Province has not achieved the maximum target of local development plans yet. In order to maximize the performance, research and development board of Riau province requires (a) To synergy the perspective and to cooperate among the entire apparatus in order to consider the quality of research results. (b) To improve the performance of structural official, namely the head of the Research and Development Department, secretary and head of the field witch aimed for supporting the program and functional research official in order to carry out better quality of their role. (c) To multiply the number of functional engineering researchers and qualified functional engineer that could meet the expectation and challenges of Local Government Agencies.
The research results of Riau Province R&D Board has increased each year in number and most of researches are conducted independently which said 61% from the total research while 39% of the research is conducted in cooperation with third party. In general, the quality of the research has not met the expectation yet. There are four factors that become major causes of such issue; (a)The research planning system which incompatible with the area or working unit. (b)The performance of research which entirely relies third party (consultant) that works under the expected quality (c)The limited number of functional certified researchers (d)The result of researches has not met the maximum quality since the scientific qualification of the available researchers in the field are not suitable with the conducted research (e)The proposal of research program mostly is not based on the need but tends to do research out of R & D Board expectation. The Agency and The Provincial Government Offices and District / City have got benefit from the research but it is not detailed yet. It is because: (a)The research planning system is not based from local region needs and working area which built through research and development forum; (b)The minimum publication upon the conducted research results; (c)The research results have not been able to entirely answer the issue of Agency and local Government and District Agencies.
In order to improve the performance of The Research Provincial body and Development of Riau Province in the future, they need to pay more attention to: (a)The excellent research which has been programmed upon renewable energy sources, food security, palm oil cluster and other must be conducted by paying attention on the quality and the publication of research result (b)The entire functional research and institution that is in charge of Research and Technology is sought to undertake research as closely as possible based on the available capacity and the possibility of collaborating with other institutions along with the existing regulations (c)The independent research is conducted by internal R & D researchers in order to enhance innovation, excitement and the credibility of researchers and institutions."
Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 2010
UI - Tesis Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Johny Hiryansyah
"Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan antara evaluasi dan kompensasi kerja pegawai terhadap motivasi pegawai dalam melayani wajib pajak pada Kantor Pelayanan Pajak Jakarta Cempaka Putih. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode survei dengan kuesioner yang telah diuji validitas dan reliabilitasnya. Desain penelitian menggunakan tes korelasi dan melibatkan 100 sampel (responden) yang diambil berdasarkan teknik sensus. Data yang diperoleh dianalisis dengan rumus korelasi Rank Spearman yang perhitungannya dilakukan dengan program SpSS versi 12.
Teori yang mendasari adanya hubungan antara evaluasi dan kompensasi kerja dengan motivasi dijelaskan oleh Frederick Herzberg dalam Usmara A, (2006: 35-36), motivasi ditentukan oleh dua faktor yaitu motivator, yang meliputi prestasi, pengakuan atas prestasi, kerja itu sendiri, tanggung jawab dan pertumbuhan atau kemajuan; dan hygiene atau bukan motivator, yang meliputi kebijakan, administrasi perusahaan, pengawasan, hubungan interpersonal, kondisi kerja, gaji, status dan rasa aman. berdasarkan teori dari Neal Jr, (2004:1) ketrampilan kerja dari karyawan ditentukan oleh evaluasi dan kompensasi.
Hasil uji korelasi dengan formula Rank Spearman menunjukan adanya hubungan yang cukup dan signifikan antara evaluasi pegawai dengan motivasi pegawai dalam melayani wajib pajak, koefisien korelasi yang didapat 0,676 dan p< 0,05. Hubungan antara kompensasi pegawai dan motivasi pegawai dalam melayani wajib pajak signifikan tapi kurang kuat, koefisien korelasi yang didapat 0,290 dan p< 0,05. Oleh karena itu, perlu diadakan perbaikan dalam sistem evaluasi dan kompensasi pegawai agar motivasi pegawai dalam melayani pegawai semakin meningkat. Dengan cara memberikan sistem evaluasi yang lebih obyektif dan lebih transparan. Sistem kompensasi juga harus dikembangkan dengan jaminan kesehatan dan perumahan yang cukup.

The research aim to explain the relationship between job evaluation with officer motivation in serving the taxpayer at Kantor Pelayanan Pajak Jakarta Cempaka Putih and to explain the relationship between compensation with employees motivation in serving the taxpayer at Kantor Pelayanan Pajak Jakarta Cempaka Putih. This research use survey method with quesionnaiore which have been tested by validity and realibility test. Design research using correlational by entangling 100 samples which are choosen by census technique. Datas analyzed with Rank Spearman formula which operated by SpSS version of 12.
The teory which support the relationship between job evaluation and compensation to employees motivation is explained by Frederick Herzber in Usmara A (2006: 35-36), motivation is generated by two factors, the first factor is motivators, including: self achievement, confession of the achievement, job itself, responsibility dan development potention; and hygiene or contra motivator, including: policy, organizational administration, observation, interpersonal relation, condition of job/activity, salary, security and status. Pursuant to theory from Neal Jr, ( 2004:1) motivation of employees determined by compensation and evaluation.
Result of correlation test with Rank Spearman formula indicates the existence of significant and moderate relationship between job evaluation and officer motivation in serving the taxpayer, the correlation coefficient is 0. 676 and P<0.05. The relationship between compensation and officer motivation in serving is signifikan but less strong, the correlation coefficient is 0. 290 and P<0.05..Therefore, the evaluation and compensation system is required to be better performed so that the officer motivation in serving the taxpayer can be progressively increasing. It can be reached by developing an objective and more transparent evaluation system. Compensation system also have to be developed with health guarantee and good housing compensation."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2007
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Cicilia Jesi Noviandini
Keberhasilan seseorang mencapai keseimbangan antara peran dalam pekerjaan dan kehidupan pribadi (work-life balance) menjadi tujuan utama seseorang bekerja dan menjadi ukuran kepuasan kerjanya. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk melihat pengaruh work-life balance terhadap kepuasan kerja Account Representative dan pegawai fungsional pemeriksa di KPP Wajib Pajak Besar dan Wajib Pajak Khusus, untuk selanjutnya dapat dijadikan acuan tingkat work-life balance pegawai unit lain di lingkungan DJP di seluruh Indonesia. Responden penelitian ini berjumlah 264 orang yang berasal dari 8 KPP di Jakarta. Metode penelitian menggunakan alat ukur yang diciptakan oleh Fisher, Stanton, Jolton, dan Gavin (2003) dan sudah divalidasi oleh Hayman (2005) yang dirancang untuk menilai tiga dimensi work-life balance, yaitu : Work Interference with Personal Life (WIPL), Personal Life Interference with Work (PLIW), dan Work/Personal Life Enhancement (WPLE). Untuk mengukur kepuasan kerja digunakan kuesioner Job Satisfaction Survey yang dikembangkan oleh Spector (1997). Hasil dari penelitian ini menyatakan bahwa WIPL mempengaruhi kepuasan kerja pada aspek operating conditions, sedangkan PLIW mempengaruhi kepuasan kerja pada aspek operating conditions dan sifat pekerjaan. Sementara WPLE mempengaruhi kepuasan kerja di semua aspek kecuali pada aspek operating conditions. Hal ini menunjukkan bahwa keseimbangan akan tercapai pada saat seseorang dapat mengelola konflik antara pekerjaan dan keluarga, dan mengubahnya menjadi dukungan peran keduanya sehingga dapat meningkatkan kepuasan kerja

Success in achieving a balance between the role of work and personal life (work-life balance) is the main goal being the size of one's work and work satisfaction . This study was conducted to see the effect of work-life balance on job satisfaction of Account Representative and functional auditor at the Large Tax Office and Large Tax Office Special, to then be used as a reference of work-life balance of employees in other units within the DGT spread throughout Indonesia. This survey respondents totaled 264 individuals from 8 KPP in Jakarta. The research method using a measuring instrument invented by Fisher, Stanton, Jolton, and Gavin (2003) and has been validated by Hayman (2005) designed to assess the three-dimensional work-life balance: Work Interference with Personal Life (WIPL), Personal Life Interference with Work (PLIW), and Work/Personal Life Enhancement (WPLE). To measure job satisfaction, researchers using Job Satisfaction Survey questionnaire developed by Spector (1997). The results of this study stated that WIPL affect job satisfaction in aspects of operating conditions, and PLIW affect job satisfaction in aspects of operating conditions and nature of work, while WPLE affect job satisfaction in all aspects except the operational condition of the organization. This indicates that the balance will be reached when a person can manage the conflict between work and family, and turning them into support roles both in order to increase job satisfaction"
Jakarta: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Rika Widyana
"Kepala ruangan memerlukan kompetensi manajerial untuk mengelola ruangan rawat inap agar pelayanan yang optimal dapat tercapai dan kepuasan kerja perawat dapat terpenuhi. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengidentifikasi adanya hubungan antara kompetensi manajerial kepala ruangan dengan tingkat kepuasan kerja perawat pelaksana. Metodologi yang digunakan adalah pendekatan kuantitatif dengan cross sectional. Instrument penelitian menggunakan kuesioner yang terdiri dari kuesioner kepuasan, kompetensi manajerial kepala ruangan, dan karakteristik perawat. Sampel penelitian ini adalah 107 perawat pelaksana di dua rumah sakit Provinsi Riau yang dipilih dengan stratified random sampling berdasarkan ruangan ruangan rawat inap. Data dianalisis dengan menggunakan uji chi square terdapat hubungan yang signifikan antara kompetensi manajerial kepala ruangan dengan tingkat kepuasan kerja perawat pelaksana p=0,001; OR=0,193 . Faktor yang paling berpengaruh adalah fungsi pengorganisasian yang dikontrol dengan faktor efikasi diri. Penelitian ini merekomendasikan khususnya pada manajemen keperawatan agar melakukan evaluasi rutin terhadap kepuasan kerja dan mengadakan pelatihan yang berkelanjutan untuk meningkatkan kompetensi dan jenjang karir perawat serta kepala ruangan.

Head of room for nurse needs a managerial competency to manage the inpatient room for optimal service can be achieved. The purpose of this study was to identify the relationship between the head managerial managerial competence with the level of job satisfaction of the nurses. The methodology used is a quantitative approach with cross sectional. The research instrument used a questionnaire consisting of a satisfaction questionnaire, headroom managerial competence, and nurse characteristics. Sample of this study is 107 nurses in two Hospitals at Riau Province. In this study a large sample using stratified random sampling based on room inpatient room. The data analized by using chi square test obtained that there is significant relation between managerial competence of head of room with job satisfaction level of nurse p 0,001 OR 0,193 . The most influential factor is the organizing function that is controlled by self efficacy factor. The conclusion of this research is there is significant influence between the relationship of managerial competence of head of room to job satisfaction of nurse executor. Suggestions expected to the hospital, especially nursing management in order to conduct routine evaluation of job satisfaction and Conducting ongoing training to improve the competence and career path of nurse and head of the room.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Keperawatan Universitas Indonesia, 2018
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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