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Rosy Noviza
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh aktivitas pariwisata terhadap Produk Domestik Regional Bruto PDRB kabupaten/kota di Provinsi Sumatera Barat tahun 2010-2016. Data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah panel data, data yang terdiri dari time series 2010-2016 dan cross section 10 kabupaten dan 7 kota di Provinsi Sumatera Barat. Model yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah regresi dengan model fixed effect. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa jumlah wisatawan mancanegara, jumlah wisatawan nusantara, jumlah hotel, dan jumlah tenaga kerja sektor pariwisata secara signifikan berpengaruh positif terhadap PDRB kabupaten/kota di Provinsi Sumatera Barat. Pembuat kebijakan dapat meningkatkan pengaruh akitivitas pariwisata terhadap PDRB kabupaten/kota di Provinsi Sumatera Barat melalui media sosial, kerjasama dengan institusi pendidikan, dan menarik investasi untuk aktivitas pariwisata.

This study aims to determine the effect of tourism activities on Gross Regional Domestic Product GRDP of regencies cities in West Sumatra. Data in this study is data panel, that consists of time series 2010 2016 and cross section 10 regencies and 7 cities in West Sumatera. Model used in this study is a regression with fixed effect model. The result shows that the number of foreign tourists, the number of domestic tourists, the number of hotel and, the number of labor tourism sector significantly give positive influence of the Gross Regional Domestic Product GRDP . Policy makers can increase the impact of tourism activities on GRDP regencies cities in West Sumatera by social media, making cooperation with educational institution, and attracting investment for tourism activities. "
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Sampuma Budi Utama
"Salah satu temuan penting dari penerapan desentralisasi di Indonesia adalah untuk menciptakan efisiensi dalam penyediaan barang dan jasa publik mclalui pergeseran peran pengambilan keputusan publik ke tingkat pemerintahan paling rendah yang memiliki informasi paling lengkap sehingga alokasi sumber daya secara lebih produktif dapat tercipta. Untuk itu diperlukan pelimpahan kcwcnangan dari pemerintahan yang lebih tinggi kepada pernerintahan di bawahnya untuk melakukan pembelanjaan, pemungutan _pajak dan retribusi yang menjadi kewenangan rdaerah, Serta pemberian bantuan dalam bentuk transfer dari pusat kepada Pemerintahdaerah.
Penelitian ini bertujuan mengungkap apakah maksud dari penerapan desentralisasi tersebut dapat dicapai? Untuk membuktikan hal tersebut, penelitian ini menguji apakah dalam penggunaan dana transfer dari pemerintah pusat bempa unconditional grants ditemukan fenomena flypaper efféct yang mengindikasikan bahwa pemerintah daerah telah berperilaku secara tidak hati-hati. Data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini merupakan data sekunder berupa data panel yang dikumpulkan dari BPS dan Ditjen Perimbangan Keuangan Departcmcn Keuangan, meliputi data PDRB berdasarkan harga berlaku, belanja daerah, dan unconditional grants untuk periode pengamatan tahun anggaran 2003 hingga 2006. Data diolah secara ekonometri. Objek observasi adaiah 135 kabupaten kota di Indonesia yang memiliki data lengkap dan tidak mengalami pemekaran selama periods pengamatan.
Hasil penelitian : adanya fenomena flypaper efféct yang memmjukkan perilaku pemerintah kabupaten/kota di Indonesia yang bersifat asimetris dalam kaitannya dengan penggunaan dana transfer dalam bentuk unconditional grants. Untuk setiap tambnhan 1 mniah unconditional grants. pemerintah kabupaten/kota akan merespon dalam bentuk kenaikan belanja daerah Sebesar 0,837 rupiah dan setiap tambahan 1 mpiah PDRB akan mcningkatkan belanja daerah sebesar 0,006 rupiah. Flypaper effect menunjukkan terjadinya indikasi ketidakhati-hatian dalam penggunakan sumber daya berupa grants dari pemerintah pusat oleh pemerintah daerah.

One of the important objectives of the decentralization implementation in Indonesia is to create efficiency in the provision of public goods and services through the role shifting of public decision-making to the lowest level of government that has the most complete' information so that the anteeanen of more productive be created. For that reason, the delegation of authority from the higher government to the lower government is needed to carry out spending, taxation and levy in which the authority of local governments, and provide assistance in the form 'of transfer from central government I0 local government.
This research aims to reveal whether the intentions of the decentralization implementation can be achieved. To prove it, this Study tested whether the phenomenon of flypaper effect is found in the use of transfer funds from central government in the form of' unconditional grants, which indicates that local governments have behaved not prudently. Data used in this research are secondary data which are collected in a cross section nom BPS and the Directorate General of Fiscal Balance, Ministry of Finance, including PDRB data based on the current price, local expenditure, and unconditional grants for the observation period of 2003-2006. The data are processed econometrically. Objects of the observation are 135 districts/cities in Indonesia that have complete data and do not get expansion during the period of observation.
The finding of this research shows that there is a flypaper effect phenomenon that illustrates the behavior of local (district/city) governments in Indonesia, which is asymmetrical in relation to the use of transfer Funds in the fonn of unconditional grants, its found that for each additional l mpiah of unconditional grants, local governments will respond in the form of the increase of local expenditure by 0,887 rupiah and for each additional I rupiah of PDRB, local government expenditure will increase by 0,006 rupiah. The flypaper effect indicate 'not prudently' in the use of grants from central government by local governments.
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2010
UI - Tesis Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Choirul Anam
Tesis ini membahas tentang dampak penerapan transparansi dan akuntabilitas dalam pengelolaan Dana Desa terhadap tingkat kemiskinan. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian deskriptif kuantitatif dengan menggunakan model estimasi regresi cross section untuk mengestimasi pengaruh transparansi dan akuntabilitas pengelolaan Dana Desa tahun 2016 terhadap tingkat kemiskinan pada 53 desa di Kabupaten Bangkalan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa penerapan aspek transparansi dan akuntabilitas dalam pengelolaan Dana Desa berdampak terhadap pengurangan tingkat kemiskinan masyarakat desa. Namun demikian, karena rendahnya kualitas SDM aparatur desa dan masih lemahnya pengawasan terhadap pengelolaan Dana Desa, maka perlu ditingkatkan pelatihan pengelolaan Dana Desa dan peningkatan pengawasan oleh pihak eksternal.

This thesis discusses the impact of the implementation of transparency and accountability in the management of village funds on poverty levels. This research is a quantitative descriptive research using cross section regression estimation model to estimate the effect of transparency and accountability of village funds management in 2016 to poverty level on 53 villages in Bangkalan regency. The results of research indicate that the implementation of transparency and accountability in village funds management has an impact on poverty reduction of rural communities. However, due to the low quality of human resources of the village apparatus and the lack of supervision over the management of village funds, it is necessary to improve the training of village funds management and increase supervision by external parties"
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Dian Permata Sari
"Tesis ini merupakan studi empiris yang fokus utama analisisnya adalah pengaruh kebijakan publik terhadap penerimaan pajak riil pemerintah pusat, provinsi dan kabupaten/kota di Indonesia. Berdasarkan analisis deskriptif disimpulkan bahwa: (1) Pertumbuhan penerimaan pajak riil relatif lambat, karena relatif tingginya laju inflasi; (2) Rasio pajak pemerintah pusat, provinsi dan kabupaten/kota, sudah meningkat; (3) sampai saat ini, rasio pajak semakin rendah bila tingkat pemerintahan semakin rendah; dan (4) peranan penerimaan pajak dalam APBN dan APBD (PAD) sudah semakin besar, yang menyiratkan semakin baiknya tingkat kemandirian fiskal. Dengan menggunakan model ekonometrika dapat disimpulkan bahwa dampak kebijakan publik terhadap penerimaan pajak di Indonesia tidaklah besar. Hal ini menunjukkan bahwa dampak kebijakan-kebijakan publik yang diputuskan terhadap perbaikan efisiensi dan efektifitas pemungutan pajak, maupun peningkatan potensi pajak, khususnya perluasan basis pajak belum seperti yang diharapkan.

This thesis is an empirical study that the main focus of analysis is to influence public policy on real tax revenue of central government, provinces and districts/cities in Indonesia. Based on descriptive analysis concluded that: (1) real tax revenue growth is relatively slow, because of relatively high inflation rate, (2) The ratio of central government taxes, provincial and district/city, have increased, (3) until recently, the lower the tax rate when the lower levels of government; and (4) the role of tax revenue in the State Budget (APBN) and Regional Budget/APBD (PAD) has been getting larger, which implies the good level of fiscal independence. By using the econometric model can be concluded that the impact of public policies on tax revenue in Indonesia was not large. This shows that the impact of public policies that decided to improve efficiency and effectiveness of tax collection, as well as potential tax increase, particularly the expansion of tax base has not been as expected."
Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 2011
UI - Tesis Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Wiwik Priyantoro
"Penelitian ini mengkaji pengaruh pengeluaran publik infrastruktur terhadap Produk Domestik Regional Bruto (PDRB) pada enam kabupaten di wilayah Provinsi Nusa Tenggara Barat. Data yang digunakan adalah data time series dari tahun 1990 - 2008 berupa data sekunder dari Laporan Pertanggungjawaban APBD dan data PDRB kabupaten. Analisa data menggunakan metode deskriptif dengan pendekatan ekonometrik dan menggunakan model regresi linier berganda. Pengeluaran publik infrastruktur yang dikaji adalah pengeluaran publik infrastruktur transportasi, pengeluaran publik irigasi dan pengeluaran publik pertanian. Karena pada periode yang diteliti terdapat periode penerapan kebijakan otonomi daerah maka penelitian ini juga mengkaji pengaruh kebijakan otonomi daerah tersebut terhadap PDRB. Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa pengeluaran publik infrastruktur transportasi yang meliputi belanja pemerintah untuk pengadaan konstruksi jalan dan jembatan dan kebijakan otonomi daerah terbukti berpengaruh signifikan positif terhadap PDRB, sedangkan pengeluaran publik infrastruktur irigasi yang meliputi belanja pemerintah untuk pengadaan konstruksi jaringan air berpengaruh signifikan negatif terhadap PDRB. Hasil analisis juga menunjukkan pengeluaran publik infrastruktur pertanian tidak berpengaruh signifikan terhadap PDRB. Secara simultan hasil pengujian terbukti pengeluaran publik infrastruktur transportasi dan kebijakan otonomi daerah berpengaruh signifikan terhadap PDRB.

The aim of this study is to examine the affect of local government infrastructure expenditure on the Gross Regional Domestic Product (GRDP) by using the data of six local government in Nusa Tenggara Barat Province for periods of 1990-2008 with a particular focus on sectoral expenditures, using Econometric Model by applying multiple regression. This study examine government infrastructure expenditure on transportation, irrigation, and agriculture sector. We also identify the factors that can influence the GRDP. This variable is the decentralization policy. The findings of this study suggest that infrastructure expenditure on transportation do give a significant positive and irrigation do give a significant negative impact on the fluctuation of each local government GRDP. It is also found that decentralization policy has significant influence on the GRDP positive direction. Government infrastructure expenditure on transportation and decentralization policy give a significant positive impact on the fluctuation local government GRDP simultaneously."
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2012
UI - Tesis Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Brahmani Hanum Meutiasari
Tesis ini membahas mengenai hubungan bisnis dan politik dalam kebijakan
pengelolaan sumber daya air. Dengan kasus pemanfaatansumber air Sigedang
Kabupaten Klaten oleh PT. Tirta Investama-Danone. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah
untuk menjelaskan relasi bisnis dan politik penguasa dengan pengusaha di tingkat
Kabupaten Klaten yang mempengaruhi pengelolaan sumber air Sigedang. Penelitian
ini akan menjelaskan sebab akibat bekerjanya hubungan bisnis dan politik penguasa
dengan pengusaha sebagai dasar dari keputusan penyerahan aset Sigedang kepada
PT. Tirta Investama-Danone. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan pengaruh terbesar dari
proses pengalihan aset sumber air Sigedang kepada PT.Tirta Investama-Danone
adalah hubungan bisnis dan politik antara perusahaan dengan elit politik di
Kabupaten Klaten pada tingkat eksekutif, legislatif, dan pemerintahan desa. Gerakan
penolakan dilakukan oleh petani melalui Koalisi Rakyat Klaten Untuk Keadilan yang
mendapat dukungan kelompok birokrat reformis, namun gerakan tersebut tetap
masih belum mampu mencapai tujuannya yaitu kajian ulang terhadap keputusan
pengalihan aset sumber air Sigedang.
Berdasarkan hasil penelitian maka implikasi teori memperlihatkan bekerjanya
hubungan bisnis dan politik antara perusahaan dengan penguasa didasarkan pada
pencapaian kepentingan pribadi dari kedua belah pihak. Hubungan bisnis dan politik
yang berpusat pada Bupati dan perusahaan akhirnya ?menyandera? pemerintah yang
tidak dapat bersikap tegas atas masalah ini. Hal ini sesuai dengan tujuan kelompok
bisnis yang berupaya ?menyandera? birokrasi dalam bekerjanya pihak swasta pada
sebuah kebijakan pemerintah.

This thesis discusses the relations of business and politics in water resources
management policy in the case of Water Source Utilization in Klaten by PT. Tirta
Investama-Danone. The purpose of this study is to explain political relations of rulers
with business people in Klaten which influenced the management of Sigedang water
source in Klaten. This study describes the causes and effects of the relations between
rulers and businesspeople in making decision to hand the assets of Sigedang to PT.
Tirta Investama-Danone. The result of the study shows that the process of
transferring the assets of Sigedang water source to PT.Tirta Investama-Danone was
strongly affected by the relations between business people and political elites in
Klaten at executive, legislative, and village government levels. The protest by
farmers through Coalition of People of Klaten for Justice (KRAKED) received a lot
of support from reformist bureaucracy group, but it was still unsuccesful to review
the decision to transfer the assets of Sigedang water source.
Based on theanalysis, this study also theoretically implied that business and
political relations between the company and rulers worked based on fulfillment of
personal interests of both parties. Business and political relations which centered on
the Regent and the company eventuallykeeps the government unable to make
decision on this issue. This is consistent with business goal tokeeps the bureaucracy
in the work of private parties in a government policy;This thesis discusses the relations of business and politics in water resources
management policy in the case of Water Source Utilization in Klaten by PT. Tirta
Investama-Danone. The purpose of this study is to explain political relations of rulers
with business people in Klaten which influenced the management of Sigedang water
source in Klaten. This study describes the causes and effects of the relations between
rulers and businesspeople in making decision to hand the assets of Sigedang to PT.
Tirta Investama-Danone. The result of the study shows that the process of
transferring the assets of Sigedang water source to PT.Tirta Investama-Danone was
strongly affected by the relations between business people and political elites in
Klaten at executive, legislative, and village government levels. The protest by
farmers through Coalition of People of Klaten for Justice (KRAKED) received a lot
of support from reformist bureaucracy group, but it was still unsuccesful to review
the decision to transfer the assets of Sigedang water source.
Based on theanalysis, this study also theoretically implied that business and
political relations between the company and rulers worked based on fulfillment of
personal interests of both parties. Business and political relations which centered on
the Regent and the company eventuallykeeps the government unable to make
decision on this issue. This is consistent with business goal tokeeps the bureaucracy
in the work of private parties in a government policy, This thesis discusses the relations of business and politics in water resources
management policy in the case of Water Source Utilization in Klaten by PT. Tirta
Investama-Danone. The purpose of this study is to explain political relations of rulers
with business people in Klaten which influenced the management of Sigedang water
source in Klaten. This study describes the causes and effects of the relations between
rulers and businesspeople in making decision to hand the assets of Sigedang to PT.
Tirta Investama-Danone. The result of the study shows that the process of
transferring the assets of Sigedang water source to PT.Tirta Investama-Danone was
strongly affected by the relations between business people and political elites in
Klaten at executive, legislative, and village government levels. The protest by
farmers through Coalition of People of Klaten for Justice (KRAKED) received a lot
of support from reformist bureaucracy group, but it was still unsuccesful to review
the decision to transfer the assets of Sigedang water source.
Based on theanalysis, this study also theoretically implied that business and
political relations between the company and rulers worked based on fulfillment of
personal interests of both parties. Business and political relations which centered on
the Regent and the company eventuallykeeps the government unable to make
decision on this issue. This is consistent with business goal tokeeps the bureaucracy
in the work of private parties in a government policy]"
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Annisa Pranowo
"Meningkatnya konsumsi daging sapi selama 10 tahun terakhir, tidak diimbangi dengan laju produksi daging nasional, sehingga pemerintah pusat menggulirkan Program Swasembada Daging Sapi (PSDS) 2014 yang dimulai pada tahun 2010. Dengan potensi yang dimiliki oleh Provinsi Nusa Tenggara Barat (NTB) ditetapkan sebagai koridor ekonomi MP3EI yang difokuskan pada sektor peternakan. Penelitian ini mengevaluasi program peningkatan populasi sapi di provinsi NTB, program Bumi Sejuta Sapi (BSS) NTB, dan menganalisis sistem inovasi daerahnya. Program BSS NTB tidak mencapai target populasi yang ditetapkan. Melalui pendekatan kualitatif, permasalahan seperti tingkat pemotongan betina produktif yang meningkat, tingkat kelahiran pedet melalui Inseminasi Buatan masih rendah, penggunaan teknologi pakan masih minim, serta pendampingan Sarjana Membanun Desa (SMD) belum optimal menghambat laju pertumbuhan populasi sapi di NTB. Selain itu, sistem inovasi daerah di program BSS belum berjalan efektif karena masih adanya path-dependent pada masyarakat peternak.

In order to increased the domestic beef production to fullfill beef consumption that has been increased for the past ten years,the central government through Ministry of Agriculture has enacted a program called Beef Self-Sufficiency Program 2014 which was started from 2010. West Nusa Tenggara (NTB) has been appointed as livestock sector in MP3EI. This study will analyzeregional innovation system in the cattle-beef development program in NTB Province, Bumi Sejuta Sapi(BSS) NTB. BSS NTB didn't meet their target on the cattle-beef population. Using qualitative approach, high rate of slaughter of local cows, low birth rate of calf through artificial insemination, low utilization of feed technology and mentoring through Sarjana Membangun Desa (SMD) not optimal identified as the constraint factors in increasing cattle-beef stock. Moreover, regional innovation system in BSS NTB is not effective due to persistence of path-dependent from the cattle-beef farmers.
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Objectives of the study are : (a) analysis of effectiveness of implementation of Raskin Program in the year of 2007, (b) analysis of poor families (RTM)'s perception on the perspective of increasing normative price of raskin, and (c) formulation of recommendation for more effective implementation of the Raskin rogram. The study reveals that the program is less effective. In all study areas, RTMs paid a much higher price for raskin that its normative rice quota (10 Kgs/RTM/month) It is also found that RTMs were willing to pay if the government increased the normative price of raskin . However , their willingness to pay is subject to two conditions, namely (a) the newly-established normative price is the price at RTMs hose and (b) monthly quota is raised to 20 Kgs/RTM/month as previously. To make the program more effective, this study recommends the government to develop a village - level system control for the Raskin program , to raise monthly rice quota of RTM and its normative price and to share the program's cost with distric-level governments."
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Marietta Risanti
Penetapan kebijakan Doi Moi di Vietnam merupakan langkah awal dari Partai Komunis Vietnam untuk menaikkan perekonomian negara. Hal tersebut dilakukan dengan cara mengubah sistem perekonomian sentralistik menjadi desentralistik dan membuka liberalisasi perdagangan. Penerapan Doi Moi tidak hanya berdampak pada sektor ekonomi, namun juga pada sektor kesehatan yang ditunjukan dengan adanya ketidakmerataan akses terhadap layanan kesehatan. Pemerintah selanjutnya mengeluarkan Dekrit 43 Tahun 2006 mengenai otonomisasi badan usaha publik, termasuk rumah sakit. Kebijakan tersebut diharapkan berfungsi sebagai solusi atas permasalan layanan kesehatan pada saat itu. Penulisan ini akan menganalisis implementasi Dekrit 43 tahun 2006 dengan menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif serta teori implementasi kebijakan publik yang digagas oleh Daniel A. Mazmanian dan Paul A. Sabatier. Hasil dari temuan penelitian ini adalah pemberian otonomi tersebut dianggap tidak berhasil karena masih terdapat komersialisasi layanan kesehatan, sehingga menyebabkan ketidakmerataan layanan kesehatan.

The implementation of Doi Moi`s policy in Vietnam is the first step of the Communist Party of Vietnam to raise the country`s economy, by transforming the centralized economic system into a decentralized system and opening trade liberalization. The implementation of Doi Moi not only affects the economic sector, but also the health sector as indicated by the inequity of access to the health services. The government subsequently issued Decree 43 of 2006 about the autonomization of public business entities including hospitals. The policy is expected to work as a solution to health care problems at the time. However, after the policy is running, there is still commercialization of health services, so that the implementation of health care policy fails. Based on the problems, this paper will analyze the implementation of Decree 43 of 2006, using a qualitative approach and the theory of public policy implementation created by Daniel A. Mazmanian and Paul A. Sabatier. The finding of this study is that the provision of autonomization towards public health care is unsuccessful. Considering after the implementation of the policy, the commercialization of health services is still there, causing an inequality of health services."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2017
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Jamal Muhammad Gawi
"Penelitian ini menjelaskan dampak proses globalisasi dan otonomi khusus yang terjadi secara bersamaan pada pengelolaan huitan berkelanjutan di Provinsi Aceh. Dengan menggunakan pendekatan kualiitatif, tiga aspek diteliti: respons kebijakan dan institusi oleh pemerintah Aceh dan dampaknya pada keberlanjutan dua ekosistem penting, Leuser dan Ulu Masen. Teori proses kebijakan dan ekologi politik digunakan untuk menjelaskan narasi, aktor dan jaringan, serta kepentingan yang mempengaruhi pembuatan dan hasil kebijakan. Indeks Tata Kelola Hutan yang Baik dengan menggunakan teknik Multi Dimentional Scaling digunakan untuk mengukur kinerja lembaga yang mengurus konservasi yang dibentuk Pascatsunami di Aceh. Teknik yang sama digunakan untuk mengukur keberlanjutan kawasan hutan dengan melibatkan lima dimensi pengelolaan hutan di Aceh.
Hasil penelitian menunjukkan terdapat empat narasi dengan berbagai aktor dan kepentingan terlibat dalam proses kebijakan kehutanan/konservasi di Aceh. Kebijakan dan lembaga yang dibentuk pascatsunami memiliki kinerja kurang baik dan status keberlanjutan kawasan hutan juga kurang berkelanjutan. Berdasarkan temuan ini, sebuah model kemitraan pemerintah-swata diusulkan untuk mengelola kawasan hutan Aceh secara berkelanjutan di masa mendatang.

This research explains the impact of parallel processes of asymmetric decentralization in the form of special autonomy and globalization through REDD+ on sustainable forest management in Aceh Province, Indonesia. Using qualitative approach, three key aspects are studied: the policy and institutional responses of the government of Aceh and the sustainability of forest management for two important ecosystems: Leuser and Ulu Masen. Political ecology and policy process theories are used to explain the narratives behind a policy, the actors involved, and the political interests influencing the policy making and outputs. Good Forest Governance index by using Multi Dimensional Scaling (MDS) technique is used to measure the performance of conservation institutions formed during the post tsunami Aceh. Similar MDS technique is used to develop sustainability index by looking at five dimensions of sustainable forest management in Aceh.
The results show that four main narratives with different actors and political interests involved in influencing forest conservation arena in Aceh. The conservation policy and institutions formed in post-tsunami Aceh have not performed well and the sustainability status for the two ecosystems studied are less sustainable. Based on these results, a model of public-private partnership is developed to manage future forest conservation in Aceh.
Depok: Program Pascasarjana Universitas Indonesia, 2013
UI - Disertasi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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