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Erawati Dwi Lestari
Tesis ini bertujuan untuk memperlihatkan konstruksi relasi kuasa dalam novel Lengking Burung Kasuari LBK, 2017 karya Nunuk Y. Kusmiana. Novel LBK memperlihatkan terpinggirkannya orang Papua akibat pandangan rendah yang didasarkan pada atribut, ciri fisik, dan perilaku orang Papua, yang berujung pada dominasi pendatang di tanah Papua. Dengan menggunakan konsep stereotyping, relasi kuasa Pierre Bourdieu, dan semiotika Roland Barthes, orang maupun wilayah Papua dalam LBK dipandang sebagai objek, liyan, primitif, terbelakang, tradisional, miskin, dan terisolasi. Orang Papua juga digambarkan inferior karena hanya memiliki satu kapital, sementara pendatang memegang kapital simbolik yang mencakup tiga kapital lainnya; kapital budaya, sosial, dan ekonomi. Meski demikian, LBK memberi ruang bagi orang Papua untuk melakukan resistensi dengan cara mencibir dan mengusik kehadiran pendatang melalui peyebaran mitos. Kehadiran tokoh anak, Asih, turut membantu pihak Papua melakukan resistensi dengan cara membalik stigma negatif atas Papua dan menjadi penengah di antara pendatang dan pihak Papua. Kemunculan tokoh ini memperlihatkan kemungkinan runtuhnya dominasi di Papua.Kata Kunci: dominasi, Papua, relasi kuasa, resistensi, stereotip.

This research aims to describe power relation in Lengking Burung Kasuari novel LBK, 2017 by Nunuk Y. Kusmiana. The novel shows that Papua characters are marginalized because of subordinate opinions based on Papuan people rsquo s attribute, physical characters, and behavior. By employing stereotyping concept, Bourdieu rsquo s power relation, and Barthes rsquo semiotics, Papuan characters and territory are regarded as an object, others, and primitive, isolated, poor, traditional, and underdeveloped people. Papuan characters of the novel are depicted as inferior because they only have one capital while comer characters have symbolic character consisting of three other capitals cultural, social, and economical capitals. Nevertheless, Papuan people in the novel are given space to perform resistance by teasing comers rsquo attendance through spreading myths. Papuan rsquo s capital becomes their capital resistance represented in the form of scorn on comers. The presence of child main character, Asih, helps Papuan perform their resistance. Asih is depicted as having ability to reverse negative stigma to Papua, aspirate Papuan rsquo s hope, and mediate between comers and Papuan who always contradict. In the novel her presence shows any possible collapse of domination in Tanah Papua.Keywords domination, Papua, power relation, resistance, stereotype. "
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Pengatahuan Budaya Universitas Indonesia, 2018
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Nunuk Y. Kusmiana
Jakarta: Gramedia pustaka utama, 2017
899.221 NUN l
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Yeti Lastuti
"Beberapa literatur terbaru mengungkapkan bahwa saat ini konsumsi conspicuous tidak hanya mencakup barang-barang terlihat (visible good) saja, melainkan juga barang-barang tak terlihat (invisible good), yang sebagian besar merupakan kebutuhan dasar individu. Konsumsi conspicuous sangat erat kaitannya dengan ketimpangan pendapatan dan karakteristik regional seperti etnis dan agama, namun penelitian antara ketiga variabel ini masih sangat terbatas, terutama di negara-negara berkembang. Indonesia memiliki ketimpangan pendapatan yang cukup tinggi serta keberagaman etnis dan agama yang sangat luas, sehingga akan sangat mempengaruhi bagaimana share dari konsumsi conspicuous rumah tangga. Penelitian ini menggunakan data pooled konsumsi rumah tangga yang disediakan oleh BPS dari tahun 2017 sampai dengan 2018. Dengan metode 2SLS, hasil penelitian ini menemukan bahwa (1) ketimpangan pendapatan tidak memiliki pengaruh, tetapi kedua variabel karakteristik regional berpengaruh secara positif dan signifikan terhadap share konsumsi conspicuous untuk visible good dan (2) ketimpangan pendapatan dan kedua variabel karakteristik regional berpengaruh secara negatif dan signifikan terhadap share konsumsi conspicuous untuk invisible good

The latest literature reveals that currently conspicuous consumption includes not only visible goods, but also invisible good, which are mostly basic individual needs. Conspicuous consumption is closely related to income inequality and regional characteristics such as ethnicity and religion, however research between these three variables is still very limited, especially in developing countries. Indonesia has a fairly high income inequality as well as a very wide ethnic and religious diversity, so that it will greatly affect how the share of conspicuous household consumption is. This study uses pooled household consumption data provided by BPS from 2017 to 2018.With the 2SLS method, the results of this study find that (1) income inequality has no effect, but the two regional characteristic variables have a positive and significant effect on consumption share conspicuous for visible good and (2) income inequality and the two regional characteristic variables have a negative and significant effect on the share of conspicuous consumption for invisible good."
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2020
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Jakarta: Antropologi UI, 2011
301 REA
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Tanaka, Akihiko
"This article examines domestic and international critiques of the literature of the Vietnamese-language writer Khái Hưng, who was active from the French colonial period to the eve of the Indochina War. It then explores changes and continuities in Vietnamese literary criticism in light of changes in the nation’s cultural policies. Khái Hưng was one of seven members and the most prolific writer of the Self-Reliant Literary Group, founded in 1933 in Hanoi. In 1941 he was arrested by the French for anticolonial activities. Following World War II, he supported the Vietnamese Nationalist Party as an editor of the Party’s newspapers. In 1946 he was captured by the Communist-led Việt Minh, and in 1947 he was executed. On the grounds that he was involved in the Party against the Việt Minh and was purged by the Việt Minh, few serious studies have been conducted on Khái Hưng despite his stature as a leading writer in the 1930s and 1940s. Although former South Vietnamese scholars recognized the importance of Khái Hưng’s late works, they had to start by collecting these materials, which had been scattered due to national division and war; also, South Vietnamese students of literature tended to prefer the study of foreign literature to domestic literature. After the fall of the former South Vietnam, those who fled abroad as refugees had to start earning a living from scratch. Therefore, few of them studied literature at academic institutions, and little serious research was conducted on Khái Hưng, including his activities in the latter years of his life. However, as Đỗ Lai Thúy points out, avoiding such “sensitive issues” in Vietnam makes it difficult to truly understand the country. This paper carefully traces the treatment of the literature created by Khái Hưng, who was recognized as a “sensitive issue.” At the same time, it attempts to dismantle the formula that was constructed with the rise of social realism: romanticism=bourgeoisie=decadence=reaction, which has become a simplified and somewhat established theory in Vietnamese literary history since Khái Hưng’s death. Focusing on a specific writer reveals the complex ways in which the cultural policies of a war-torn nation were operationalized at the civilian level."
Japan: Southeast Asian Studies, Kyoto University, 2023
330 JJSAS 60:2 (2023)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Lailatus Sholihah
"Tesis ini membahas representasi masyarakat urban dalam puisi-puisi Wahyu Prasetya yang terdapat dalam kumpulan puisi Wahyu Menulis Puisi melalui unsur-unsur puitik yang dikembangkan oleh Terry Eagleton, konsep representasi dari Stuart Hall, dan konsep produksi ruang sosial dari Henri Lefebvre. Penelitian ini berupaya membongkar wacana terkait representasi masyarakat urban melalui pemahaman tentang gambaran ruang urban Jakarta, serta melihat pemosisian masyarakat di dalam ruang sosial Jakarta. Hal ini bertujuan untuk memperlihatkan bagaimana puisi-puisi tersebut mengkritik kapitalisme di dalam kehidupan urban yang menempatkan masyarakat miskin dalam posisi marginal. Gambaran tentang ruang urban Jakarta menunjukkan adanya relasi dan interaksi masyarakat terhadap dominasi kota. Keberadaan kota yang merepresi masyarakat kampung kota pada dasarnya dikendalikan oleh sistem kapitalisme yang berperan dalam kebijakan pembangunan, modernisasi, dan globalisasi untuk membentuk citra kemajuan kota sebagai representasi negara. Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa masyarakat urban Jakarta direpresentasikan melalui unsur-unsur puitik sebagai masyarakat yang terdikotomi ke dalam kelas masyarakat kota dan masyarakat kampung kota. Marginalisasi masyarakat kampung kota menimbulkan adanya praktik spasial, representasi ruang, dan ruang representasi Jakarta sebagai wacana identitas. Pemosisian diri masyarakat kampung kota melalui adanya sikap mengembalikan persoalan pada Tuhan dan menempati ruang absurd menunjukkan bahwa strategi teks menjadi bentuk resistensi masyarakat miskin di perkotaan. Selain itu, sikap eskapisme yang mengembalikan sesuatu ke hal-hal yang bersifat transenden dapat dimaknai sebagai gambaran perjuangan kelas yang paradoks. Dengan demikian, dapat disimpulkan bahwa selain menghadirkan representasi masyarakat yang terdikotomi, terdominasi, serta berada dalam wacana marginal, puisi-puisi Wahyu Prasetya juga menunjukkan kritik terhadap kapitalisme yang mendominasi kehidupan urban melalui produksi ruang sosial

This research discusses the representation of urban society in Wahyu Prasetya’s poems which is contained in Wahyu Menulis Puisi through poetic elements from Terry Eagleton, the concept of representation from Stuart Hall, and the concept of social space production from Henri Lefebvre. This research investigates the discourse of urban society representation through an understanding of Jakarta’s urban spatial background and the positioning of the people in Jakarta’s social space. It aims to describe how the poems present a critique of capitalism in Jakarta’s urban life that places the poor in a marginal position. The depiction of Jakarta’s urban space shows the society relation and interaction that socially and spatially are dominated by the city. The existence of the city that represses urban village communities is controlled by a capitalist system that plays a role in development policies, modernization and globalization to form an image of urban progress. The results of the analysis indicates that urban Jakarta society is represented through poetic elements as a dichotomized society into the urban community and urban village community class. The marginalization of the urban village community has led to the practice of spatial, spatial representation, and space representation of Jakarta as a discourse on identity. The self-positioning of the community, which is shown through the attitude of returning problems to God and occupying an absurd space, indicates that the text strategy is a form of resistance for the urban poor. Moreover, the attitude of escapism which returns things to transcendent things is possibly interpreted as a paradoxical class struggle. It can be concluded that besides presenting a dichotomous, dominated, and marginal discourse, Wahyu Prasetya’ poetry also indicates criticism of capitalism which dominates urban life through the social space production."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Pengetahuan dan Budaya Universitas Indonesia, 2021
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Jakarta: UI Press, 2015
306.6 ANT
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Buku ini berisi : Going native sebagai tabu dan identitas tempatan sebagai tiitik pijakan etnografis /​ Tony Rudyansjah;
Anthropometamorphosis /​ Muhammad Damm;
Memahami bahasa agama dalam perspektif antropologi /​ Ade Solihat;
Membebaskan ikon dari beban makna /​ Geger Riyanto;
Hubungan relasional dan ontologi moralitas /​ Imam Ardhianto;
Kesalehan dan agency /​ Naeni Amanulloh."
Jakarta: UI-Press, 2015
306.6 ANT
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Arcelinocent Emile Pangemanan
"Belum berlakunya ketentuan perbatasan Indonesia - Australia dalam Perth Treaty 1997 mengundang berbagai ancaman tersendiri terhadap keberlangsungan kedua negara, sehingga status kawasan perbatasan tersebut perlu dipetakan dengan tepat. Peraturan Presiden Nomor 16 Tahun 2017 tetang Kebijakan Kelautan Indonesia, sebagai suatu roadmap kemaritiman Indonesia, telah mengamanatkan bahwa program prioritas kemaritiman negara ialah melaksanakan percepatan perundingan batas maritim Indonesia dengan negara tetangga melalui mekanisme diplomasi pertahanan maritim yang berakar pada cita-cita Poros Maritim Dunia (PMD). Dengan demikian, Indonesia pada dasarnya mengartikan diplomasi pertahanan maritim sebagai bentuk implementasi kebijakan luar negeri Indonesia yang dilakukan demi mencapai tujuan besar kemaritimannya, sehingga memberikan kesempatan bagi Indonesia untuk mengembangkan kemampuan kemaritimannya sembari menjaga dan mempertahankan integritas wilayah kedaulatannya, salah satunya melalui Joint Declaration on Maritime Cooperation beserta dengan plan of action yang terdiri dari sembilan area prioritas. Tentu kerjasama kemaritiman tersebut bertujuan untuk mewujudkan tercapainya confidence building meassure yang dapat menunjang keamanan, pertahanan, kepastian hukum terhadap hak berdaulat, pengembangan kemampuan kemaritiman hingga mewujudkan kesejahteraan masyarakat secara bersama."
Jakarta: Seskoal Press, 2022
023.1 JMI 10:1 (2022)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
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