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Tantri Hellyanti
"Latar belakang: Penderita kanker ovarium umumnya datang berobat pada stadium lanjut, sehingga kekambuhan pasca pembedahan dan pemberian kemoterapi mencapai 70-80%. EGFR mengaktifkan jalur sinyal yang menginduksi onkogenesis dan proliferasi sel. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisis peran EGFR dalam patogenesis tumor serosum ovarium dan peluangnya untuk digunakan sebagai penanda keganasan.
Metode: Penelitian ini menggunakan metode potong lintang. Sampel terdiri atas 15 kasus tumor jinak, 15 kasus borderline dan 15 kasus adenokarsinoma di Departemen Patologi Anatomik FKUI/RSCM tahun 2008-2012. Dilakukan pulasan imunohistokimia EGFR dan penilaian dengan H score.
Hasil: Terdapat perbedaan ekspresi EGFR yang bermakna antara kelompok tumor serosum jinak (H score = 15), borderline (H score = 60) dan adenokarsinoma (H score = 120), dengan p=0,000.
Kesimpulan. Ekspresi EGFR pada tumor serosum ovarium meningkat seiring peningkatan derajat keganasan.

Background: Most of ovarian cancer patients are diagnosed in already advanced stage, therefore 70-80% of cases having recurrence after surgical staging and chemotherapy. EGFR activates signaling pathways which induce oncogenesis and cell proliferation. The aim of this study is to analyze the role of EGFR in the pathogenesis of serous ovarian tumors and its possibility to be used as a malignant marker.
Methods: This was a cross-sectional study on each 15 cases of benign, borderline and malignant serous ovarian tumors from Anatomical Pathology Department FMUI/CMH in 2008-2012. EGFR status was assessed by immunohistochemistry technique and the expression was evaluated using H score.
Results: There was significant difference between EGFR expression in benign (H score = 15), borderline (H score = 60) and malignant serous ovarian tumors (H score = 120), p=0,000.
Conclusion: The EGFR immunoexpression was increased along with the higher degree of serous ovarian tumor malignancy."
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2013
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Indah Widya Lestari
Latar belakang: Enhancer of Zeste homolog 2 (EZH2) merupakan kelompok protein grup polycomb yang berperan penting dalam regulasi epigenetik dan berkaitan erat dengan tumorigenesis. EZH2 ekspresinya meningkat pada kanker payudara. Peningkatan ekspresi EZH2 dapat memprediksi peningkatan risiko keganasan. Columnar cell lesion (CCL) merupakan lesi proliferatif, sering ditemukan seiring dengan meningkatnya deteksi dini kanker payudara dengan mammografi. Lesi ini terbagi atas columnar cell change (CCC), columnar cell hyperplasia (CCH), flat epithelial atypia (FEA). CCL menjadi penting setelah dikaitkan dengan risiko menjadi karsinoma payudara, serta hubungannya dengan lesi jinak dan lesi ganas payudara lainnya. Penanda prediktif CCL dibutuhkan untuk memilah CCL yang berpotensi menjadi ganas, sehingga dapat digunakan untuk deteksi dini kanker payudara kelak. Bahan dan cara: Penelitian ini menggunakan metode potong lintang, deskriptif dan analitik. Sampel terdiri atas masing-masing 25 kasus CCL tanpa karsinoma dan CCL dengan karsinoma. Dilakukan pulasan EZH2 secara imunohistokimia dan penilaian dilakukan menggunakan H score dengan modifikasi oleh dua pengamat secara independen. Hasil: Hasil penilaian dua pengamat menyimpulkan nilai tidak ada perbedaan bermakna antar pengamat (p 0,655). Median H score EZH2 pada CCL tanpa karsinoma lebih tinggi secara bermakna (p 0,002) dibandingkan EZH2 dengan karsinoma, dinyatakan tinggi bila H score ≥ 100,16 (dengan sensitivitas 40,00). Kecenderungan sebaran median H score EZH2 didapatkan lebih tinggi pada FEA dengan nilai H score 119,03, diikuti CCH sebesar 103,63 dan CCC sebesar 100,07. Median H score EZH2 pada FEA tanpa karsinoma lebih tinggi (218,26) daripada CCL dengan karsinoma (101,53). Kesimpulan: Ekspresi EZH2 pada CCL tanpa karsinoma lebih tinggi dibandingkan CCL dengan karsinoma, terdapat kecenderungan ekspresi EZH2 yang lebih tinggi pada FEA dibandingkan CCH dan CCC pada semua kasus dan masing-masing kedua kelompok. Ekspresi EZH2 pada FEA tanpa karsinoma lebih tinggi dibandingkan FEA dengan karsinoma. EZH2 diduga berperan dalam karsinogenesis CCL yaitu terutama pada tahap transformasi.

Background: Enhancer of Zeste homolog 2 (EZH2) is a group of polycomb which has an important role in epigenetic regulation and is related to tumorigenesis. The expression of EZH2 is increasing in breast cancer. Overexpression of EZH2 can predict the risk of malignant. Columnar cell lesion (CCL) is a proliferatif lesion, and it is increasingly found with the increasing breast screening by mammography. This lesion divided consisted of columnar cell change (CCC), columnar cell hyperplasia (CCH), flat epithelial atypia (FEA). CCL become important related to the risk for carcinoma, and the relation with others benign lesion and maligna lesion. The predictive sign of CCL needed to assess CCL transformation become malignancy. Methods: This was cross sectional study. The sampling consisted of 25 CCL cases without carcinoma and 25 CCL cases with carcinoma. EZH2 immunostainning was assesed using H score by two independent observers. Result: The H score between two observers showed high concordance (p 0,655). Median EZH2 H score in CCL without carcinoma is significantly higher (p 0,002) than CCL with carcinoma, is high if H score ≥ 100,16 (with sensitivity 40,00). Inclination distribution of median H score EZH2 resulted higher in FEA with H score 119,03, followed by CCH 103,63 and CCC 100,07. Median EZH2 H score in FEA without carcinoma (218,26) higher than CCL with carcinoma (101,53). Conclusion: The expression of EZH2 in CCL without carcinoma is higher than CCL with carcinoma, and it shows higher tendency of EZH2 expression in FEA compared by CCH and CCC in all cases and in each group. The expression of EZH2 in FEA without carcinoma is higher than FEA with carcinoma. Hence EZH2 is predicted has a role in malignant transformation and the carcinogenesis of CCL."
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Maryam Nazihah
"Mitokondria merupakan organel yang memetabolisme besi secara ekstensif, sehingga menjadi target kerusakan yang diinduksi besi pada kondisi hemosiderosis. Produksi reactive oxygen species (ROS) yang tinggi di mitokondria dapat lebih meningkat saat ada besi bebas yang kemudian memicu reaksi Fenton. Produksi ROS yang tinggi dapat menyebabkan stres oksidatif, sehingga regulasi konsentrasi besi harus diatur dengan ketat. Phaleria macrocarpa diketahui mengandung senyawa aktif mangiferin yang telah terbukti memiliki aktivitas kelasi besi, namun belum diketahui apakah dapat bekerja di mitokondria. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui efektivitas ekstrak etanol buah Phaleria macrocarpa dalam melindungi mitokondria hati dari kerusakan akibat besi dan kaitannya dengan transporter influks dan efluks besi di hati tikus model hemosiderosis. Penelitian ini menggunakan organ hati tersimpan dari tikus Sprague-Dawleyjantan sebanyak 30 ekor yang dibagi secara acak ke dalam 6 kelompok, yaitu normal (N) dan kelompok hemosiderosis tanpa terapi (Fe), diterapi deferiprone 462,5 mg/kgBB (Fe+DFP), mangiferin 50 mg/kgBB (Fe+M), serta ekstrak etanol buah Phaleria macrocarpa dosis 100 mg/kgBB (Fe+PM100) dan 200 mg/kgBB (Fe+PM200). Dilakukan analisis kadar MnSOD, copy number mtDNA, dan analisis ekspresi mRNA DMT1, ZIP14, MFRN1, MFRN2, ABCB7, dan ABCB8 yang dilaporkan berperan dalam transpor besi ke dalam sel dan mitokondria. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa ekstrak Phaleria macrocarpa memengaruhi ekspresi gen transporter besi namun tidak dapat memperbaiki penanda kerusakan mitokondria pada organ hati hemosiderosis.

Mitochondria are organelles that metabolize iron extensively, making them targets for iron-induced damage. The high production of reactive oxygen species (ROS) in mitochondria can be further increased when there is free iron which then triggers the Fenton reaction. High ROS production can cause oxidative stress, so iron concentration regulation must be strictly regulated. Phaleria macrocarpa is known to contain the active compound mangiferin which has been shown to have iron chelation activity, but it is not yet known whether it can work in mitochondria. This study aims to determine the effectiveness of the ethanol extract of Phaleria macrocarpa fruit in protecting liver mitochondria from iron-induced damage and its relation to iron influx and efflux transporters in the liver of hemosiderosis rat models. This study used stored liver organs from 30 male Sprague-Dawley rats which were randomly divided into 6 groups, namely normal (N) and hemosiderosis groups without therapy (Fe), treated with deferiprone 462.5 mg/kgBW (Fe+DFP), mangiferin 50 mg/kgBW (Fe+M), and Phaleria macrocarpa fruit ethanolic extract at a dose of 100 mg/kgBW (Fe+PM100) and 200 mg/kgBW (Fe+PM200). Analysis of MnSOD levels, mtDNA copy number, and analysis of relative mRNA expression of DMT1, ZIP14, MFRN1, MFRN2, ABCB7, and ABCB8 were performed which were reported to play a role in iron transport into cells and mitochondria. The results showed that Phaleria macrocarpa extract has the potential to modulate the expression of iron transporter genes but was not able to ameliorate the mitochondrial damage marker in hemosiderosis liver."
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Feriandri Utomo
Pendahuluan: Penurunan kadar Zink (Zn) pada prostat berkorelasi dengan peningkatan skor Gleason adenokarsinoma prostat dan menyebabkan rendahnya Caspase-3 sebagai eksekutor apoptosis. Tingkat ekspresi transporter Zn pada sel tumor prostat berhubungan dengan tingkat keganasannya. ZnT-1 merupakan transporter Zn ke luar sel prostat, sedangkan ZIP-1 merupakan transporter Zn ke dalam sel prostat. Ekspresi ZIP-1 turun pada adenokarsinoma prostat. Korelasi ZnT-1, ZIP-1 dan Caspase-3 diduga berpengaruh dalam karsinogenesis prostat, sehingga berpotensi untuk menjadi faktor prognosis adenokarsinoma prostat. Tujuan: Mempelajari korelasi ekspresi ZnT-1 dan aktivasi Caspase-3 terhadap skor Gleason, menganalisis korelasi ekspresi ZIP-1, ZnT-1 dan aktivasi Caspase- 3, serta mengetahui profil ekspresi ZnT-1 pada jaringan adenokarsinoma prostat yang berbeda skor Gleason, dibandingkan dengan jaringan Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia (BPH),
Desain: Studi retrospektif analitik potong lintang. Metode: Sampel penelitian ini adalah 31 blok parafin prostat yang dikelompokkan menjadi BPH, adenokarsinoma prostat skor Gleason ≤ 7 dan skor Gleason > 7. Ekspresi ZnT-1 dinilai dengan pulasan imunohistokimia. Data ekspresi ZIP-1 dan Caspase-3 merupakan data sekunder dari penelitian Septiawan et al. Hasil: Ekspresi ZnT-1 berkorelasi dengan skor Gleason adenokarsinoma prostat. Ekspresi ZIP-1 berkorelasi dengan aktivasi Caspase-3 pada adenokarsinoma prostat dan adenokarsinoma prostat skor Gleason ≤ 7. Ekspresi ZnT-1 berkorelasi dengan ekspresi ZIP-1 pada adenokarsinoma prostat skor Gleason > 7. Ekspresi ZIP-1 berkorelasi kuat dengan aktivasi Caspase-3 pada adenokarsinoma prostat skor Gleason 8. Ekspresi ZnT-1 pada adenokarsinoma prostat skor Gleason > 7 lebih rendah dibandingkan pada skor Gleason ≤ 7, tetapi tidak dapat dianalisis kemaknaan perbedaannya dengan BPH karena hanya diperoleh 1 sampel BPH pada penelitian ini. Kesimpulan: Transporter Zn berpotensi untuk menjadi faktor prognosis adenokarsinoma prostat.

Background: Decreased levels of Zinc ( Zn ) in the prostate correlates with an increase in the grade Gleason score of prostate adenocarcinoma and decrease in Caspase-3 as apoptosis executor. Zn transporter expression levels in prostate tumor cells associates with the level of malignancy. The ZnT-1 is Zn exporter, while the ZIP-1 is Zn importer of prostate cells. ZIP-1 expression drops on adenocarcinoma prostate. Correlation ZnT-1, ZIP-1 and Caspase-3 allegedly influential in prostate carcinogenesis and potential to be prognostic factor of prostate adenocarcinoma.
Objective: To analyze the correlation ZnT-1 and Caspase-3 activation of the gleason score, to analyze the correlation of the expression of ZIP-1, ZnT-1 and Caspase-3 activation in adenocarcinoma prostate, and to study the profile expression of ZnT-1 in prostate adenocarcinoma with different grading of Gleason scores, compared with benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH),
Design: A cross-sectional retrospective study analytic . Methodology: The sample is 31 paraffin blocks were grouped into BPH, prostate adenocarcinoma Gleason scored ≤ 7 and prostate adenocarcinoma Gleason scored > 7. Samples are analyzed expression of ZnT-1 by immunohistochemical staining. ZIP-1 and Caspase-3 expression is secondary data of Septiawan et al?s immunohistochemical staining. Results: ZnT-1 expression correlated with gleason score. ZIP-1 correlated with the activation of Caspase-3 in prostate adenocarcinoma and prostate adenocarcinoma Gleason score ≤ 7. ZnT-1 correlated with ZIP-1 in prostate adenocarcinoma Gleason score > 7. ZnT-1 expression in prostate adenocarcinoma Gleason scored > 7 was lower than prostate adenocarcinoma Gleason score ≤ 7, but could not be analyzed the difference significance with BPH because there was only 1 BPH sample in this research. Conclusion: Zn transporters have the potential to be a prognostic factor of prostate adenocarcinoma.;Background: Decreased levels of Zinc ( Zn ) in the prostate correlates with an increase in the grade Gleason score of prostate adenocarcinoma and decrease in Caspase-3 as apoptosis executor. Zn transporter expression levels in prostate tumor cells associates with the level of malignancy. The ZnT-1 is Zn exporter, while the ZIP-1 is Zn importer of prostate cells. ZIP-1 expression drops on adenocarcinoma prostate. Correlation ZnT-1, ZIP-1 and Caspase-3 allegedly influential in prostate carcinogenesis and potential to be prognostic factor of prostate adenocarcinoma.
Objective: To analyze the correlation ZnT-1 and Caspase-3 activation of the gleason score, to analyze the correlation of the expression of ZIP-1, ZnT-1 and Caspase-3 activation in adenocarcinoma prostate, and to study the profile expression of ZnT-1 in prostate adenocarcinoma with different grading of Gleason scores, compared with benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH),
Design: A cross-sectional retrospective study analytic . Methodology: The sample is 31 paraffin blocks were grouped into BPH, prostate adenocarcinoma Gleason scored ≤ 7 and prostate adenocarcinoma Gleason scored > 7. Samples are analyzed expression of ZnT-1 by immunohistochemical staining. ZIP-1 and Caspase-3 expression is secondary data of Septiawan et al?s immunohistochemical staining. Results: ZnT-1 expression correlated with gleason score. ZIP-1 correlated with the activation of Caspase-3 in prostate adenocarcinoma and prostate adenocarcinoma Gleason score ≤ 7. ZnT-1 correlated with ZIP-1 in prostate adenocarcinoma Gleason score > 7. ZnT-1 expression in prostate adenocarcinoma Gleason scored > 7 was lower than prostate adenocarcinoma Gleason score ≤ 7, but could not be analyzed the difference significance with BPH because there was only 1 BPH sample in this research. Conclusion: Zn transporters have the potential to be a prognostic factor of prostate adenocarcinoma.;Background: Decreased levels of Zinc ( Zn ) in the prostate correlates with an increase in the grade Gleason score of prostate adenocarcinoma and decrease in Caspase-3 as apoptosis executor. Zn transporter expression levels in prostate tumor cells associates with the level of malignancy. The ZnT-1 is Zn exporter, while the ZIP-1 is Zn importer of prostate cells. ZIP-1 expression drops on adenocarcinoma prostate. Correlation ZnT-1, ZIP-1 and Caspase-3 allegedly influential in prostate carcinogenesis and potential to be prognostic factor of prostate adenocarcinoma.
Objective: To analyze the correlation ZnT-1 and Caspase-3 activation of the gleason score, to analyze the correlation of the expression of ZIP-1, ZnT-1 and Caspase-3 activation in adenocarcinoma prostate, and to study the profile expression of ZnT-1 in prostate adenocarcinoma with different grading of Gleason scores, compared with benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH),
Design: A cross-sectional retrospective study analytic . Methodology: The sample is 31 paraffin blocks were grouped into BPH, prostate adenocarcinoma Gleason scored ≤ 7 and prostate adenocarcinoma Gleason scored > 7. Samples are analyzed expression of ZnT-1 by immunohistochemical staining. ZIP-1 and Caspase-3 expression is secondary data of Septiawan et al?s immunohistochemical staining. Results: ZnT-1 expression correlated with gleason score. ZIP-1 correlated with the activation of Caspase-3 in prostate adenocarcinoma and prostate adenocarcinoma Gleason score ≤ 7. ZnT-1 correlated with ZIP-1 in prostate adenocarcinoma Gleason score > 7. ZnT-1 expression in prostate adenocarcinoma Gleason scored > 7 was lower than prostate adenocarcinoma Gleason score ≤ 7, but could not be analyzed the difference significance with BPH because there was only 1 BPH sample in this research. Conclusion: Zn transporters have the potential to be a prognostic factor of prostate adenocarcinoma.;Background: Decreased levels of Zinc ( Zn ) in the prostate correlates with an increase in the grade Gleason score of prostate adenocarcinoma and decrease in Caspase-3 as apoptosis executor. Zn transporter expression levels in prostate tumor cells associates with the level of malignancy. The ZnT-1 is Zn exporter, while the ZIP-1 is Zn importer of prostate cells. ZIP-1 expression drops on adenocarcinoma prostate. Correlation ZnT-1, ZIP-1 and Caspase-3 allegedly influential in prostate carcinogenesis and potential to be prognostic factor of prostate adenocarcinoma.
Objective: To analyze the correlation ZnT-1 and Caspase-3 activation of the gleason score, to analyze the correlation of the expression of ZIP-1, ZnT-1 and Caspase-3 activation in adenocarcinoma prostate, and to study the profile expression of ZnT-1 in prostate adenocarcinoma with different grading of Gleason scores, compared with benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH),
Design: A cross-sectional retrospective study analytic . Methodology: The sample is 31 paraffin blocks were grouped into BPH, prostate adenocarcinoma Gleason scored ≤ 7 and prostate adenocarcinoma Gleason scored > 7. Samples are analyzed expression of ZnT-1 by immunohistochemical staining. ZIP-1 and Caspase-3 expression is secondary data of Septiawan et al?s immunohistochemical staining. Results: ZnT-1 expression correlated with gleason score. ZIP-1 correlated with the activation of Caspase-3 in prostate adenocarcinoma and prostate adenocarcinoma Gleason score ≤ 7. ZnT-1 correlated with ZIP-1 in prostate adenocarcinoma Gleason score > 7. ZnT-1 expression in prostate adenocarcinoma Gleason scored > 7 was lower than prostate adenocarcinoma Gleason score ≤ 7, but could not be analyzed the difference significance with BPH because there was only 1 BPH sample in this research. Conclusion: Zn transporters have the potential to be a prognostic factor of prostate adenocarcinoma.;Background: Decreased levels of Zinc ( Zn ) in the prostate correlates with an increase in the grade Gleason score of prostate adenocarcinoma and decrease in Caspase-3 as apoptosis executor. Zn transporter expression levels in prostate tumor cells associates with the level of malignancy. The ZnT-1 is Zn exporter, while the ZIP-1 is Zn importer of prostate cells. ZIP-1 expression drops on adenocarcinoma prostate. Correlation ZnT-1, ZIP-1 and Caspase-3 allegedly influential in prostate carcinogenesis and potential to be prognostic factor of prostate adenocarcinoma.
Objective: To analyze the correlation ZnT-1 and Caspase-3 activation of the gleason score, to analyze the correlation of the expression of ZIP-1, ZnT-1 and Caspase-3 activation in adenocarcinoma prostate, and to study the profile expression of ZnT-1 in prostate adenocarcinoma with different grading of Gleason scores, compared with benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH),
Design: A cross-sectional retrospective study analytic . Methodology: The sample is 31 paraffin blocks were grouped into BPH, prostate adenocarcinoma Gleason scored ≤ 7 and prostate adenocarcinoma Gleason scored > 7. Samples are analyzed expression of ZnT-1 by immunohistochemical staining. ZIP-1 and Caspase-3 expression is secondary data of Septiawan et al’s immunohistochemical staining. Results: ZnT-1 expression correlated with gleason score. ZIP-1 correlated with the activation of Caspase-3 in prostate adenocarcinoma and prostate adenocarcinoma Gleason score ≤ 7. ZnT-1 correlated with ZIP-1 in prostate adenocarcinoma Gleason score > 7. ZnT-1 expression in prostate adenocarcinoma Gleason scored > 7 was lower than prostate adenocarcinoma Gleason score ≤ 7, but could not be analyzed the difference significance with BPH because there was only 1 BPH sample in this research. Conclusion: Zn transporters have the potential to be a prognostic factor of prostate adenocarcinoma.;Background: Decreased levels of Zinc ( Zn ) in the prostate correlates with an increase in the grade Gleason score of prostate adenocarcinoma and decrease in Caspase-3 as apoptosis executor. Zn transporter expression levels in prostate tumor cells associates with the level of malignancy. The ZnT-1 is Zn exporter, while the ZIP-1 is Zn importer of prostate cells. ZIP-1 expression drops on adenocarcinoma prostate. Correlation ZnT-1, ZIP-1 and Caspase-3 allegedly influential in prostate carcinogenesis and potential to be prognostic factor of prostate adenocarcinoma.
Objective: To analyze the correlation ZnT-1 and Caspase-3 activation of the gleason score, to analyze the correlation of the expression of ZIP-1, ZnT-1 and Caspase-3 activation in adenocarcinoma prostate, and to study the profile expression of ZnT-1 in prostate adenocarcinoma with different grading of Gleason scores, compared with benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH),
Design: A cross-sectional retrospective study analytic . Methodology: The sample is 31 paraffin blocks were grouped into BPH, prostate adenocarcinoma Gleason scored ≤ 7 and prostate adenocarcinoma Gleason scored > 7. Samples are analyzed expression of ZnT-1 by immunohistochemical staining. ZIP-1 and Caspase-3 expression is secondary data of Septiawan et al’s immunohistochemical staining. Results: ZnT-1 expression correlated with gleason score. ZIP-1 correlated with the activation of Caspase-3 in prostate adenocarcinoma and prostate adenocarcinoma Gleason score ≤ 7. ZnT-1 correlated with ZIP-1 in prostate adenocarcinoma Gleason score > 7. ZnT-1 expression in prostate adenocarcinoma Gleason scored > 7 was lower than prostate adenocarcinoma Gleason score ≤ 7, but could not be analyzed the difference significance with BPH because there was only 1 BPH sample in this research. Conclusion: Zn transporters have the potential to be a prognostic factor of prostate adenocarcinoma., Background: Decreased levels of Zinc ( Zn ) in the prostate correlates with an increase in the grade Gleason score of prostate adenocarcinoma and decrease in Caspase-3 as apoptosis executor. Zn transporter expression levels in prostate tumor cells associates with the level of malignancy. The ZnT-1 is Zn exporter, while the ZIP-1 is Zn importer of prostate cells. ZIP-1 expression drops on adenocarcinoma prostate. Correlation ZnT-1, ZIP-1 and Caspase-3 allegedly influential in prostate carcinogenesis and potential to be prognostic factor of prostate adenocarcinoma.
Objective: To analyze the correlation ZnT-1 and Caspase-3 activation of the gleason score, to analyze the correlation of the expression of ZIP-1, ZnT-1 and Caspase-3 activation in adenocarcinoma prostate, and to study the profile expression of ZnT-1 in prostate adenocarcinoma with different grading of Gleason scores, compared with benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH),
Design: A cross-sectional retrospective study analytic . Methodology: The sample is 31 paraffin blocks were grouped into BPH, prostate adenocarcinoma Gleason scored ≤ 7 and prostate adenocarcinoma Gleason scored > 7. Samples are analyzed expression of ZnT-1 by immunohistochemical staining. ZIP-1 and Caspase-3 expression is secondary data of Septiawan et al’s immunohistochemical staining. Results: ZnT-1 expression correlated with gleason score. ZIP-1 correlated with the activation of Caspase-3 in prostate adenocarcinoma and prostate adenocarcinoma Gleason score ≤ 7. ZnT-1 correlated with ZIP-1 in prostate adenocarcinoma Gleason score > 7. ZnT-1 expression in prostate adenocarcinoma Gleason scored > 7 was lower than prostate adenocarcinoma Gleason score ≤ 7, but could not be analyzed the difference significance with BPH because there was only 1 BPH sample in this research. Conclusion: Zn transporters have the potential to be a prognostic factor of prostate adenocarcinoma.]"
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Caesar Nurfiansyah
"Metode : Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian uji diagnostik dengan menggunakan metode potong lintang. Pengambilan sampel dilakukan secara konsekutif. Penelitian dilakukan di Poliklinik Obstetri dan Ginekologi RSCM Jakarta pada 31 Januari 2015 hingga 31 Januari 2020. Sebanyak 183 pasien wanita dengan kecurigaan neoplasma ovarium padat diikutsertakan dalam penelitian. Pasien dengan penyakit sistemik lainnya atau mengalami kehamilan dieksklusi dari penetlitian. Dilakukan uji kesesuaian dengan menggunakan uji Kappa. Didapatkan sensitivitas dan spesifisitas dari masing-masing penanda tumor
Hasil : AFP memiliki sensitivitas 1,92% dan spesifisitas 77,1% sebagai penanda disgerminoma. LDH memiliki sensitivitas 55,67% dan spesifisitas 65,65% sebagai penanda disgerminoma.. AFP memiliki sensitivitas 30,43% dan spesifisitas 85% sebagai penanda teratoma. LDH memiliki sensitivitas 30,43% dan spesifisitas 58,13% sebagai penanda teratoma . AFP memiliki sensitivitas 100% dan spesifisitas 88,89% sebagai penanda Yolk sac tumor. LDH memiliki sensitivitas 41,67% dan spesifisitas 59,65% sebagai penanda Yolk sac tumor. Kombinasi AFP dan LDH memiliki sensitivitas 100% dan spesifisitas 50,29% sebagai penanda Yolk sac tumor. Kombinasi tumor marker AFP dan LDH memiliki nilai sensitivitas yang lebih tinggi namun tidak memiliki akurasi yang lebih baik dibandingkan pemeriksaan menggunakan AFP atau LDH saja.
Kesimpulan : AFP dan LDH merupakan penanda tumor yang dapat digunakan untuk deteksi dini maupun skrining pada kasus neoplasma padat ovarium.

Background: Ovarian neoplasms are the most common malignancy experienced by women in Indonesia. Solid ovarian neoplasm is a form of ovarian neopalsma that has a low survival rate due to late diagnosis. Early detection using tumor markers is one of the focuses of researches on ovarian neoplasms, one of which includes AFP and LDH.
Objective : To determine the sensitivity and specificity of AFP, LDH, and the combination of the two tumor markers.
Method : This research is a diagnostic test using cross sectional method. Sampling is done consecutively. The study was conducted at the Obstetrics and Gynecology Clinic of RSCM Jakarta from 31 January 2015 to 31 January 2020. A total of 182 female patients with suspicion of solid ovarian neoplasms were included in the study. Patients with other systemic diseases or pregnant were excluded from research. Conformity test was performed using the Kappa test. Sensitivity and specificity of each tumor marker was obtained
Result : AFP has a sensitivity of 1.92% and specificity of 77.1% as a marker of dysgerminoma. LDH has a sensitivity of 55.67% and a specificity of 65.65% as a marker of dysgerminoma. AFP has a sensitivity of 30.43% and a specificity of 85% as a marker of teratoma. LDH has a sensitivity of 30.43% and specificity 58.13% as a marker of teratomas. AFP has 100% sensitivity and 88.89% specificity as a marker of Yolk sac tumor. LDH has a sensitivity of 41.67% and specificity 59.65% as a marker of Yolk sac tumor. The combination of AFP and LDH has a sensitivity of 100% and a specificity of 50.29% as a marker of Yolk sac tumor. The combination of AFP and LDH marker tumors has a higher sensitivity value but does not have better accuracy than examinations using AFP or LDH alone
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2020
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Hospital, Janette Turner
Sydney: Hodder and Stoughton, 1985
828.99 HOS b
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Robby Hertanto
"Latar Belakang: Pemberian Tamoksifen pada kanker payudara secara terusmenerus dapat mengakibatkan terjadinya resistensi, salah satunya melaluioverekspresi Pgp dan BCRP yang merupakan transporter efluks obat. Penelitian inibertujuan untuk membuktikan apakah kurkumin dapat menghambat ekspresi mRNAPgp dan BCRP sehingga tidak terjadi resistensi.
Metode: Penelitian dilakukan secaraeksperimental pada 4 kelompok perlakuan terhadap galur sel kanker payudara MCF-7: DMSO sebagai kontrol negatif, Endoksifen 1,000 nM/L ?-Estradiol 1 nM/Lsebagai kontrol positif, serta penambahan perlakuan kurkumin 8.5 ?M dan kurkumin17 ?M terhadap kontrol positif sebagai kelompok intervensi. Tingkat ekspresimRNA kemudian diukur relatif terhadap ?-aktin dengan qRT-PCR dan dihitungdengan metode Livak.
Hasil: Terdapat penurunan ekspresi mRNA pada keduaparameter dan bergantung pada konsentrasi dengan rasio 1, 7.049, 1.967, dan 0.133secara berurutan p=0.02 untuk Pgp serta rasio 1, 3.848, 2.131, dan 1.232 secaraberurutan p=0.04 untuk BCRP.
Kesimpulan: Kurkumin dapat menekan ekspresimRNA Pgp dan BCRP secara dependen terhadap konsentrasi.

Background: Tamoxifen continous intervention on breast cancer could causeresistance, which one of the pathway is by overexpressing the drug efflux transporterPgp and BCRP. This study is conducted to test whether curcumin could suppress theexpression of Pgp and BCRP mRNA and prevent drug resistance.
Method: Breastcancer cell line MCF 7 is divided into 4 intervention DMSO as negative control,Endoxifen 1,000 nM L Estradiol 1 nM L as positive control, also the addition ofcurcumin 8.5 M and 17 M on top of the positive control as the intervention group.Expression of mRNA is quantified by qRT PCR and calculated by Livak method.
Result: There is a significant decrease in mRNA expression on both parameter andare consentration dependant with the ratio of 1, 7.049, 1.96, and 0.133 respectivelyfor Pgp p 0.02 and 1, 3.848, 2.131, and 1.232 respectively for BCRP p 0.04.
Conclusion: Curcumin could suppress the expression of Pgp and BCRP mRNAdependent on the consentration.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Sitorus, Christina
"LATAR BELAKANG: Keganasan meningkatkan risiko trombosis vena sekitar 2-7 kali. Insideni trombosis vena pada tumor ganas ovarium dilaporkan berkisar antara 5-29 . Berbagai faktor yang terkait dengan kondisi pasien usia, indeks massa tubuh, komorbid , karakteristik tumor ukuran, stadium, histologi, ascites dan terapi kemoterapi, lama pembedahan, jumlah perdarahan di laporkan dapat menjadi prediktor trombosis vena dalam TVD namun penelitian mengenai model prediksi TVD khususnya untuk populasi Indoensia masih terbatas.
TUJUAN: Mengetahui faktor ndash; faktor prediktor trombosis vena dalam pada tumor ganas ovarium.
DESAIN DAN METODE: Penelitian cohort prospektif ini dilakukan di RSUPN Cipto Mangunkusumo, Jakarta dan merekrut 116 pasien dengan dugaan tumor ganas ovarium yang akan menjalani operasi. Berbagai variable lain yang diduga sebagai prediktor TVD seperti kadar pra-terapi trombosit, D-Dimer, fibrinogen, usia, indeks massa tubuh IMT , komorbid, stadium, diameter, histologi, bilateralitas tumor, adanya ascites, metastasis jauh diukur dan dicatat. Pasien diikuti untuk gejala dan tanda TVD. Pasien yang memiliki gejala dan tanda klinis TVD dilakukan pemeriksaan Ultrasonografi Duplex vascular.
HASIL: Seratus tiga pasien tumor ganas ovarium diikutkan dalam analisis. Insideni TVD adalah 16.5 dan 88.2 kejadian TVD terjadi sebelum pembedahan. Tidak ditemukan kejadian TVD selama perawatan pasca operasi dengan rata rata lama perawatan 8.8 hari. Kombinasi beberapa variable menghasilkan model prediksi kejadian TVD pada tumor ganas ovarium yang mencakup metastasis jauh OR 28,99; IK 95 3,83-219,52, IMT ge; 22,7 kg/m2 OR 15,52, IK 95 2,24-107,37 , kadar D-Dimer ge; 1700 mg/ml OR 13,30, IK 95 2.40-73,84 , stadium lanjut OR 6,66; IK 95 1,05-42,27 , histologi epithelial OR 6,5; IK 95 0,34-125,75 , diameter tumor ge; 18,25 cm OR 2,36, IK 95 0,48-11,54 , adanya komorbid OR 2,49, IK 95 0,53-11,66. Skor prediksi kejadian TVD adalah skor 3 untuk metastasis jauh, IMT ge; 22,76 kg/m2, D dimer ge; 1700 mg/dl, skor 2 untuk stadium lanjut, skor 1 untuk komorbid, diameter tumor ge; 18,25 cm, histologi epitelial dan skor 0 jika tidak ditemukan factor risiko atau nilai variable dibawah titik potong. Skor ge; 8 dari 14 adalah skor minimum dengan nilai prediksi TVD yang baik dengan AUC 0,92 IK 95 0,86-0,98, probabilitas 86,46, sensitivitas 64.7, spesifisitas 90.7.
KESIMPULAN: Model prediksi kejadian TVD dapat membantu memprediksi pasien tumor ganas ovarium yang berisiko tinggi untuk mengalami TVD sehingga dapat dipertimbangkan pencegahan TVD selektif.

BACKGROUND: Malignancy increase the risk of venous thromboembolism around 2 7 fold. Its incidence in ovarian malignancy ranged within 5 29 . Various characteristics related to patients age, body mass index, comorbid , tumor stage, tumor diameter, histology, ascites, distant metastasis or treatment length of surgery, bleeding, transfusion were found as predictor of venous thromboembolism. Predictor model of DVT occurrence in ovarian malignant tumor especially in Indonesian population is still limited.
OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the prediction model of deep vein thrombosis DVT in ovarian malignant tumor.
METHOD: This prospective cohort study enrolled 116 patients with suspected ovarian malignant tumor. Suspected risk factors of venous thromboembolism such as age, body mass index BMI , comorbid, pretreatment D dimer, fibrinogen, thrombocyte level, tumor diameter, staging, presence of distant metastasis, ascites, tumor histopathology, length of surgery, intraoperative blood loss and blood transfusion were measured and recorded. Patient who had symptoms and signs of DVT was confirmed with Doppler ultrasonography.
RESULT: Incidence of symptomatic DVT was 16.5 and 88.2 cases occurred before surgery. No case of symptomatic DVT was observed during post operative hospitalization with mean length of stay 8.85 days. Predictor factor of DVT were distant metastasis OR 28,99 95 CI 3,83 219,52, BMI ge 22,7 kg m2 OR 15,52, 95 CI 2,24 107,37 , D Dimer ge 1700 mg ml OR 13,30, 95 CI 2.40 73,84, advanced stage OR 6,66 95 CI 1,05 42,27 , epithelial tumor OR 6,5 95 CI 0,34 125,75, tumor diameter ge 18,25 cm OR 2,36, 95 CI 0,48 11,54, comorbid OR 2,49, 95 CI 0,53 11,66. Prediction score of DVT were score 3 for distant metastasis, BMI ge 22,7 kg m2, D Dimer ge 1700 mg ml, score 2 for advanced stage, score 1 for tumor diameter ge 18,25 cm, comorbid, epithelial tumor and score 0 for the absence of variables or value of variable was less than the cut off. Total score ge 8 of 14 is the least score which has a good predictive value for DVT ocurence with AUC 0.92, 95 CI 0.86 0.92, probability 86,46, sensitivity 64.7, specificity 90.7.
CONCLUSION: Prediction model of DVT may help to predict the patient with malignan ovarian tumor who had high risk of DVT therefore can consider selective DVT prevention.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Rifqi Ryanzafi Almahdi
Diabetes merupakan penyakit yang dikarakterisasi dengan meningkatnya kadar gula darah yang yang diakibatkan defisiensi insulin, resistensi insulin atau keduanya. Pengobatan diabetes berfokus pada insulin, dimana efikasinya dapat berkurang seiring penyakit berprogresi. Golongan penghambat Sodium-Glucose Linked Transporter 2 (SGLT2) merupakan golongan obat diabetes baru dengan mekanisme pengaturan kadar glukosa darah independent dari insulin, ditambah khasiat menurunkan resiko kardiovaskular dan berat badan. Fakultas Farmasi Universitas Indonesia berkontribusi dalam pengembangan golongan obat ini dengan metode in silico melalui penapisan virtual berbasis ligan berdasarkan gugus farmakofor dari pangkalan data tanaman herbal Indonesia, dan penapisan virtual berbasis struktur dengan model homologi hSGLT2 dari pangkalan data ZINC15. Hasil penapisan virtual tersebut dilakukan identifikasi lebih lanjut dengan simulasi dinamika molekuler selama 20 nanodetik untuk memperoleh perkiraan yang paling mendekati kondisi eksperimental. Sebelum simulasi, dilakukan pemerolehan model interaksi pada hasil penapisan virtual berbasis ligan dilakukan dengan penambatan molekuler dengan AutoDock terhadap makromolekul hasil pemodelan homologi dari SWISSMODEL. Interaksi ligan-reseptor dilihat dari interaksi hidrogen dan energi bebas ikatan ligan dibandingkan kontrol positif dengan MM/PB(GB)SA. Hasil studi dinamika molekuler menunjukkan empat senyawa dengan ∆G MM/PB(GB)SA lebih kecil dibanding kontrol positif, diantaranya zinc000146809581, cucumerin A, zinc000038175116, dan zinc000095913941 dengan jumlah ikatan hidrogen yang lebih banyak atau dapat bersaing dengan kontrol positif.

Diabetes is a non-communicable disease that is characterized by the rising of blood glucose due to deficiency of insulin, insulin resistance, or both. Pharmacological treatment of diabetes mainly focuses on insulin, which decreases in efficacy once the disease progresses. SGLT2 inhibitors are diabetic treatments available in recent years with blood glucose control mechanism independent from insulin. Two in silico research were done in Faculty of Pharmacy from Universitas Indonesia to find more compounds of potential SGLT2 inhibition action by virtual screening of ligand based on Indonesian Herbal Database, dan of structure-based on the ZINC herbal database. In this study, the docked interaction models of the compounds acquired from those two virtual screening methods are analyzed for their ligand-receptor interactions by 20 nanoseconds of molecular dynamic simulations, with the ligand-based virtual screening results were first docked with macromolecule from homology modelling. The ligand-receptor interactions are observed by its calculated binding free energy and their hydrogen interactions with the protein, compared with known drugs of SGLT2 inhibitors as positive controls. The result of this study has shown four compounds with lower ∆G MM/PB(GB)SA than the positive controls, cucumerin A, zinc000146809581, zinc000038175116, and zinc000095913941 with more or comparable hydrogen interactions with positive controls.
Depok: Fakultas Farmasi Universitas Indonesia, 2020
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Rachmat Dediat Kapnosa Hasani
"Latar Belakang: Sindrom ovarium polikistik merupakan kelainan endokrin dan metabolik terbanyak yang dialami oleh wanita usia reproduksi. Penyebab dari SOPK diketahui multifaktorial, namun faktor lemak memiliki peranan penting dalam perjalanan penyakit. Pada pasien SOPK ditemukan akumulasi lemak dilokasi tertentu. Komposisi lemak tubuh dapat menyebabkan proses inflamasi klinis derajat rendah yang berperan dalam terjadinya resistensi insulin pada pasien SOPK. Pengukuran komposisi lemak tubuh berdasarkan indeks massa tubuh kurang spesifik. Persentase lemak tubuh diperkirakan lebih spesifik dalam menggambarkan komposisi lemak tubuh dan memiliki korelasi dengan proses inflamasi kronis derajat rendah yang gambarkan oleh peningkatan prokalsitonin darah pasien dengan SOPK.
Tujuan: Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui korelasi komposisi lemak tubuh terhadap kadar prokalsitonin sebagai penanda biokimiawi inflamasi kronis derajat rendah.
Metode: Penelitian dilakukan dengan desain penelitian potong lintang (cross sectional), di klinik Yasmin RSUPN Dr.Cipto Mangunkusumo dan Laboratorium Terpadu FKUI selama tahun 2014-2015. Pasien yang sudah terdiagnosis SOPK berdasarkan kriteria Rotterdam 2003, dilakukan pemeriksaan indeks massa tubuh, persentase lemak tubuh dengan menggunakan metode bioelectrical impedance analysis dan pemeriksaan prokalsitonin darah. Dilakukan uji korelasi antara indeks massa tubuh dan persentase lemak tubuh terhadap kadar prokalsitonin darah pasien.
Hasil: Dari total 32 subyek penelitian, didapatkan peningkatan komposisi lemak tubuh dengan rerata indeks massa tubuh 29,09±5,11 kg/m2 dan komposisi lemak tubuh 39,38±9,04 %. Pada uji korelasi didapatkan peningkatan indeks massa berkorelasi positif terhadap kadar prokalsitonin namun tidak bermakna secara statistik (r =0,27; p =0,131). Persentase lemak tubuh didapatkan berkorelasi positif bermakna secara statistik dengan kadar prokalsitonin (r=0,35; p=0,048).
Kesimpulan: Terdapat peningkatan rerata komposisi lemak tubuh pada pasien dengan sindrom ovarium polikistik. Persentase lemak tubuh memiliki korelasi yang lebih baik dibandingkan dengan indeks massa tubuh terhadap kadar prokalsitonin darah sebagai penanda biokimia inflamasi kronis derajat rendah pada pasien.

Background: Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is the most common metabolic and endocrine problems in reproductive ages women. PCOS has multifactorial cause, but body fat was known to has significant role in disease course. Patient with PCOS known to have body fat accumulation in some body location. Body fat composition can cause low grade chronic inflamation which can cause insulin resistence. Measuring body fat composition with body mass index is not an ideal method. Body fat percentage should be more specific in measuring body fat composition and should have better corelation than body mass index to procalcitonin as low grade chronic inflamation marker.
Purpose: The purpose of this research is to identify corelation between body fat composition and procalcitonin as low grade chronic inflamation in PCOS.
Method: The study was conducted with a cross sectional study design, in Yasmin Clinic, RSUPN Dr.Cipto Mangunkusomo and Integrated Laboratory of Medical Faculty University of Indonesia during 2014-2015. Patients who have been diagnosed with PCOS based on the criteria of Rotterdam, 2003, was examined the body mass index, body fat percentage using bioelectrical impedance analysis and blood procalcitonin level. We measure the correlation between body mass index and body fat percentage to procalcitonin levels of the patient's blood.
Result: From a total of 32 subjects of the study, we found an increase in body fat composition with a mean body mass index 29.09 ± 5.11 kg/m2 and body fat composition 39.38 ± 9.04%. From correlation test, we found that body mass index was positively correlated to the levels of procalcitonin but not statistically significant (r = 0.27; p = 0.131). Body fat percentage has significant positive corellation to procalcitonin levels (r = 0.35; p = 0.048).
Conclutions: There is an increase in the average composition of body fat in patients with polycystic ovary syndrome. Body fat percentage has a better correlation than the body mass index on blood levels of procalcitonin.
Depok: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2018
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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