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Melisa Yenti
"Kanker serviks merupakan penyakit kanker dengan pervalensi tertinggi kedua pada perempuan di Indonesia. Deteksi dini kanker serviks metode IVA merupakan program preventif prioritas pemerintah Indonesia dalam pengendalian kanker serviks, namun cakupan pemeriksaannya masih rendah. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui determinan perilaku deteksi dini kanker serviks dengan metode IVA pada WUS usia 30-50 tahun. Penelitian ini menggunakan desain cross-sectional, data dikumpulkan melalui wawancara menggunakan kuesioner kepada 180 WUS dan dianalisis menggunakan uji chi-square dan regresi logistik ganda.
Hasil penelitian menunjukkan 22,8 WUS melakukan deteksi dini metode IVA. Penelitian ini membuktikan pengetahuan, keterpaparan informasi dan dukungan tenaga kesehatan berhubungan dengan perilaku deteksi dini kanker serviks metode IVA, sementara pendidikan, akses kepelayanan kesehatan dan dukungan suami sebagai konfonding pada hubungan tersebut. Keterpaparan informasi merupakan faktor dominan, WUS yang terpapar informasi mengenai kanker serviks berpeluang 13,8 kali lebih tinggi untuk melakukan deteksi dini kanker serviks metode IVA dibandingkan WUS yang tidak terpapar informasi setelah dikontrol pendidikan, akses kepelayanan skrining dan dukungan suami p=0,013, OR:13, 869, 95 CI:1,723-111,650. Sedangkan pekerjaa dan asuransi kesehatan tidak berhubungan dengan perilaku deteksi dini kanker serviks metode IVA. Instansi terkait perlu melakukan upaya intervensi komunikasi informasi dan edukasi berupa penyuluhan dan penyebaran media promosi terkait kanker serviks dan tes IVA untuk meningkatkan jumlah WUS yang terpapar informasi.

Cervical cancer is cancer with the highest prevalence in Indonesia women. Early detection of cervical cancer VIAmethod is the government 39 s priority preventive program in controlling cervical cancer, but the coverage of the examination is still low. This study aimed to determine the determinants of the behavior of early detection of cervical cancer with VIA method in women of childbearing age of 30 50 years. This study used cross sectional design, data was collected through interviews using questionnaires to 180 samples and analyzed using chi square test and multiple logistic regression test.
The results showed 22.8 of childbearing age women perform early detection of cervical cancer VIA method. These finding revealed that knowledge, information exposure and support of health care related to early detection of cervical cancer VIA method, while education, access to health care and husband support as confounding. Information exposure is a dominant factor, childbearing age women exposed to information about cervical cancer had 13.8 times chance to early detection of cervical cancer VIA method than unexposed information after being controlled by education, screening service access and husbands support p 0,013, OR 13, 869, 95 CI 1,723 111,650. Meanwhile, work and health insurance are not related to the behavior of early detection of cervical cancer VIA method. Relevant institutions need to make efforts communication, information and education in the form socialization and dissemination of promotion media related to cervical cancer and VIA test to increase the number of childbearing age women exposed information.
Depok: Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, 2018
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Sondang, Mei
One effort to reduce the prevalence of cervical cancer is by IVA Test, but the coverage
of IVA Test in Bondongan Health Center is still low and has not reached the national
target, in 2016 (9.9%), 2017 (0.8%). The research objective was to examine in depth about
the behavior of WUS (30-50 years) in conducting IVA Test in the work area of
Bondongan Health Center. This research is a qualitative study with the Rapid Assessment
Procedure design. Data collection was done through Focus Group Discussion, In-depth
Interviews and document review observations, carried out in March-May 2019 at
Bondongan Health Center and Bogor City Health Office. The results of the research
showed that the knowledge of informants about cervical cancer and IVA Test was
lacking. Access from home to health services is still affordable. The attitude and behavior
of the officers in providing IVA Test services are considered good. Cervical cancer is a
threat to the health of informants and by carrying out IVA Test is known to have or not
cervical cancer. Obstacles found in conducting IVA Test: 1) fear and shame at the time
of examination, and fear of examination results, 2) not having time to check because of
work 3) not knowing information about IVA Test (schedule and costs) 4) no complaints
and WUS's knowledge is still lacking, 5) obstacles in terms of facilities: the IVA Test
room in Bondongan Health Center is narrow 6) barriers from officers: the number of
programs held by each health worker and different work motivation. There is support
from husbands, health workers, friends, neighbors in conducting IVA Test. Dissemination
of information by the Bondongan Community Health Center to WUS is still not optimal
and uneven. There are already policies that regulate the management of IVA Test
programs at the national level (Kepmenkes and PMK) and at the regional/city level of
Bogor (Perwal) including SOP

One effort to reduce the prevalence of cervical cancer is by IVA Test, but the coverage
of IVA Test in Bondongan Health Center is still low and has not reached the national
target, in 2016 (9.9%), 2017 (0.8%). The research objective was to examine in depth about
the behavior of WUS (30-50 years) in conducting IVA Test in the work area of
Bondongan Health Center. This research is a qualitative study with the Rapid Assessment
Procedure design. Data collection was done through Focus Group Discussion, In-depth
Interviews and document review observations, carried out in March-May 2019 at
Bondongan Health Center and Bogor City Health Office. The results of the research
showed that the knowledge of informants about cervical cancer and IVA Test was
lacking. Access from home to health services is still affordable. The attitude and behavior
of the officers in providing IVA Test services are considered good. Cervical cancer is a
threat to the health of informants and by carrying out IVA Test is known to have or not
cervical cancer. Obstacles found in conducting IVA Test: 1) fear and shame at the time
of examination, and fear of examination results, 2) not having time to check because of
work 3) not knowing information about IVA Test (schedule and costs) 4) no complaints
and WUS`s knowledge is still lacking, 5) obstacles in terms of facilities: the IVA Test
room in Bondongan Health Center is narrow 6) barriers from officers: the number of
programs held by each health worker and different work motivation. There is support
from husbands, health workers, friends, neighbors in conducting IVA Test. Dissemination
of information by the Bondongan Community Health Center to WUS is still not optimal
and uneven. There are already policies that regulate the management of IVA Test
programs at the national level (Kepmenkes and PMK) and at the regional/city level of
Bogor (Perwal) including SOP."
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Indi Susanti
"Kanker leher rahim merupakan kanker yang sering terjadi pada wanita, meliputi 12% dari seluruh kanker di dunia. Insiden yang tertinggi terjadi di Amerika Selatan dan Karibian, Sub Sahara Afrika, Asia Selatan dan Asia Tenggara. Di Indonesia menurut Kementerian Kesehatan RI, insiden kanker leher rahim di perkirakan 100 per 100.000. Ketahanan hidup 5 tahun penderita kanker leher rahim bila ditemukan pada stadium yang lebih awal, probabilitasnya semakin tinggi. Untuk stadium I (95,1-80,1%), II (66,3-63,5%), III (38,7-33,3%), IV (17,1-9,4%) dan pada masa pra invasif mencapai 100%. Di negara maju insidens dan kematian akibat kanker leher rahim turun 50-60% dalam 20 tahun karena 40-50% wanitanya pernah menjalani screening. Di negara berkembang sebaliknya terus naik karena hanya 5% wanitanya yang pernah menjalani screening.
Metode Inspeksi Visual dengan Asam Asetat (IVA) telah diakui WHO efektif digunakan di negara berkembang dengan alasan sederhana, murah, nyaman, praktis dan mudah. Mempunyai sensitifitas 66-96% dan spesifisitas (64-98%). Kabupaten Karawang terpilih sebagai lokasi penelitian karena merupakan salah satu daerah pilot proyek deteksi dini kanker leher rahim. Dari bulan Juli 2007 - Maret 2010 ditemukan 2,3% kasus IVA positif. Kasus kanker leher rahim di Kabupaten Karawang tergolong tinggi dimana pada tahun 2005 dilaporkan 217 kasus dan tahun 2006 sampai dengan bulan September ditemukan 180 kasus. Sesuai etiologinya dua faktor risiko utama terjadinya kanker leher rahim adalah usia pertama kali berhubungan seksual dan jumlah pasangan seksual.
Terkait faktor risiko berganti pasangan seksual, kasus kawin cerai di Karawang tinggi. Tahun 2008 tercatat 508 kawin, 259 cerai talak dan 424 cerai gugat. Tahun 2009 tercatat 270 talak dan 562 gugat. Terkait faktor risiko usia hubungan seksual, pernikahan muda di Karawang juga tinggi. Tahun 2007 42,8% pernikahan usia muda di Indonesia terjadi di pantai utara Jabar. Pernikahan di Jabar 35% dilakukan wanita dibawah usia 16 tahun.
Penelitian ini bertujuan mengetahui hubungan usia pertama kali berhubungan seksual dan jumlah pasangan seksual dengan kejadian lesi pra kanker leher rahim pada wanita yang melakukan deteksi dini menggunakan metode Inspeksi Visual dengan Asam Asetat (IVA) di Puskesmas Cikampek, Pedes dan Kota Baru Kabupaten Karawang tahun 2009 ? 2010. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah studi analitik observasional dengan desain kasus kontrol. Faktor yang diteliti didapat melalui wawancara terstruktur dengan kuesioner. Sedangkan data kasus kontrol diambil dari buku register dan catatan medik di Puskesmas Cikampek, Pedes dan Kota Baru dalam 2 tahun terakhir 2009 ? 2010. Total sampel yang diambil adalah 357 yang terdiri dari 119 kasus dan 238 kontrol.
Variabel independen yang diteliti adalah usia pertama kali berhubungan seksual dan jumlah pasangan seksual. Variabel kovariat terdiri dari umur, pendidikan, pekerjaan, pendapatan, riwayat kanker keluarga, jarak haid pertama kali dengan hubungan seksual pertama, kebiasaan merokok, jumlah batang rokok per hari, lama merokok, riwayat partus, riwayat abortus, penggunaan kontrasepsi, lama penggunaan kontrasepsi, riwayat deteksi dini sebelumnya, kebiasaan merokok pasangan, jumlah batang rokok per hari pasangan, lama merokok pasangan, riwayat perkawinan pasangan dan sirkumsisi. Analisis data dilakukan dengan soft ware SPSS versi 17.0 yang meliputi analisis univariat, bivariat, stratifikasi dan multivariat.
Hasil penelitian mendapatkan ada hubungan yang bermakna antara usia pertama kali berhubungan seksual dengan kejadian lesi pra kanker leher rahim setelah di kontrol dengan variabel lain dengan p value 0,001 dan OR 2,539 (CI 95% 1,444 - 4,464) sedangkan dampak potensialnya AR% 60,61%. Untuk jumlah pasangan dengan kejadian lesi pra kanker leher rahim setelah di kontrol dengan variabel umur juga memiliki hubungan yang bermakna dengan p value 0,002 dan OR 3,441 (CI 95% 1,598 ? 7,410) sedangkan dampak potensialnya AR% 70,94%.
Kesimpulan penelitian adalah risiko terkena lesi pra kanker leher rahim pada wanita yang memulai hubungan seksual pada usia < 17 tahun adalah 2,539 kali lebih tinggi dibanding mereka yang memulai hubungan seksual < 17 tahun dan kejadian lesi prakanker pada seorang wanita dapat dicegah 60,61% bila dia tidak melakukan hubungan seksual pertama < 17 tahun. Sedangkan untuk risiko terkena lesi pra kanker leher rahim pada wanita yang memiliki jumlah pasangan seksual > 1 orang adalah 3,441 kali lebih tinggi dibanding mereka yang mempunyai pasangan seksual 1 orang setelah di kontrol variabel umur dan kejadian lesi pra kanker pada seorang wanita dapat dicegah 70,94% bila dia tidak mempunyai jumlah pasangan seksual > 1.

Cervical cancer is the most common cancer in women, counting for 12% of all cancers in the world. The highest incidence occurred in South America and Karibian, Sub-Saharan Africa, South Asia and Southeast Asia. In Indonesia, according to the Ministry of Health, the incidence of cervical cancer is estimated occurred 100 per 100.000. The probability of 5-year survival of patients with cervical cancer when found at an earlier stage is higher. For stage I (95.1 to 80.1%), II (66.3 to 63.5%), III (38.7 to 33.3%), IV (17.1 to 9.4%) and in the pre-invasive reaches 100%. In developed countries the incidence and death from cervical cancer are decreased by 50-60% in the last 20 years since 40-50% women of those counties had undergone screening. In developing countries on the contrary, it continues to rise because only 5% women who had undergone screening.
Method of Visual Inspection with Acetic Acid (VIA) has been recognized by WHO effectively used in developing countries by reason of simple, inexpensive, convenient, practical and easy. The specifity of VIA method is 64-98% and sensitivity is 66-96%. Karawang District was selected as research sites because it is one of the pilot projects for early detection of cervical cancer. From July 2007 - March 2010 found 2.3% positive VIA cases. The cases of cervical cancer in the Karawang regency is high, where in 2005 was reported 217 cases and as of September 2006 was found 180 cases.
According to the etiology of two major risk factors for cervical cancer is the age at first intercourse and multisexual partners. In relation to risk factors of sexual partner change, a divorce & marriage case in Karawang is high. In 2008 it was recorded 508 marriage, 259 divorces and 424 divorce claim. In 2009 there were 270 divorces and 562 divorce claim. Concerning to age-related risk factors for sexual intercourse, young marriages in Karawang are also high. In 2007 42.8% marriage of young age in Indonesia was occurred in the northern coast of West Java. Marriage in West Java which is done by women under the age of 16 years was counted as 35%.
This study is aimed to verify the relationship of age at first intercourse and multisexual partners with cervical pre-cancerous lesions in women doing early detection using Visual Inspection with Acetic Acid (VIA) in Cikampek, Pedes and Kota Baru Public Health Center of Karawang District in 2009 - 2010. The research method used was an observational analytic study with case control design. Factors studied were obtained through structured interviews with questionnaires. While the case-control data were taken from the book registers and medical records at Cikampek, Pedes and Kota Baru Public Health Center in the last two years from 2009 to 2010. Total samples taken was 357 consisting of 119 cases and 238 controls.
Independent variables studied were age at first intercourse and multisexual partners. Kovariat variables consisted of age, education, occupation, income, family history of cancer, distance of first menstruation to first intercourse, smoking habits, number of cigarettes per day, duration of smoking, history of parturition, and abortion history, contraceptive use, duration of use of contraception, previous history of early detection, smoking spouse, the number of cigarettes per day couples, duration of couples smoking, history of marriage partners and circumcision. Data analysis was performed with SPSS version 17.0 software which includes univariate, bivariate, and stratification and multivariate analysis.
The results of study find significant relationship between age at first sexual intercourse with cervical pre-cancerous lesions after being controlled with other variables with p value of 0.001 and OR 2.539 (95% CI 1.444 - 4.464), while the potential impact of AR% 60.61%. For the number of sexual pairs with cervical precancerous lesions after being controlled with variables of age also have a meaningful relationship with p value of 0.002 and OR 3.441 (95% CI 1.598 - 7.410) while the potential impact of AR%, 70.94%.
The conclusion is the risk of cervical pre-cancerous lesions in women who began sexual intercourse at age <17 years is 2.539 times higher than those who start a sexual intercourse at age < 17 years and the incidence of precancerous lesions in a woman could be prevented 60.61% if she does not have first sexual intercourse before 17 years. While for the risk of cervical pre-cancerous lesions in women who have a number of sexual partners more than 1 person is 3.441 times higher than those who have only one sexual partners after being controlled by variables of age and the incidence of precancerous lesions in a woman can be prevented 70.94 % if she does not have the number of sexual partners more than 1.
Depok: Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, 2010
UI - Tesis Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Maya Sarita Dewi
"Latar Belakang: Tingginya angka prevalensi kanker serviks di Indonesia membuat pemerintah Indonesia berupaya untuk menurunkan angka kasus kanker serviks melalui program Deteksi Dini Kanker Serviks. Inspeksi Visual Asam Asetat (IVA) merupakan suatu metode pemeriksaan visual seluruh permukaan leher rahim menggunakan asam asetat yang diencerkan dengan tujuan untuk mengetahui dini adanya kanker serviks.
Tujuan: Melihat gambaran implementasi dari program deteksi dini kanker serviks menggunakan metode Inspeksi Visual Asam Asetat (IVA) yang ada di Puskesmas Kecamatan Pancoran Mas.
Metode: Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif dengan wawancara mendalam melalui pendekatan rapid assessment procedures. Teori yang digunakan adalah teori logic model. Informan dalam penelitian berjumlah 19 orang yang terdiri dari 4 informan kunci dan 15 informan utama. Peneliti mengambil data secara langsung dengan menerapkan protocol Covid-19.
Hasil: Sebagian besar pelaksanaan program IVA telah berjalan sesuai alur yang ditetapkan oleh Kementerian Kesehatan. Namun terdapat beberapa hambatan dalam pelaksanaannya yaitu terdapat tenaga pelaksana yang belum terlatih tetapi dapat memberikan IVA, kurangnya kesadaran masyarakat untuk melakukan IVA serta pemberian penyuluhan terkait IVA di Puskesmas Kecamatan Pancoran Mas masih sedikit.
Kesimpulan: Pemberian penyuluhan terkait IVA di Puskesmas Kecamatan Pancoran Mas perlu ditingkatkan lagi untuk meningkatkan kesadaran masyarakat melakukan IVA agar tercapainya cakupan IVA sesuai target.

Background: High prevalence of cervical cancer in Indonesia makes Indonesian Government strive to reduce the number of cervical cancer cases through the cervical cancer early detection program. Visual inspection with acetic acid (IVA) is a method of visual inspection of the entire surface of the cervix using diluted acetic acid with the aim to detecting cervical cancer early.
Aim: Describing the implementation of Cervical Cancer Early Detection Program using Visual Inspection with Acetic Acid Method (VIA) at Public Health Center in Pancoran Mas District.
Methods: This study used a qualitative method with indepth interviews through a rapid assessment procedure approach with. There were 19 informants consisting of 4 key informants, 3 main informants, and 12 supporting informants. Researchers took data directly by applying the Covid-19 health protocol.
Result: Most of the implementation of IVA program had run according to the law set by the Ministry of Health. However, there are several obstacles in its implementation as there were untrained health workers who already gave an IVA test, lack of public awareness to do IVA test, and the provision of socialization related to IVA at Public Health Center in Pancoran Mas District was still small.
Conclusion: The provision of socialization related to IVA at Public Health Center in Pancoran Mas District needs to be increased again to increase awareness in public also the scope of IVA so the target can be achieved.
Depok: Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Dhea Zianita Yustikarini
"Pada tahun 2020, kanker leher rahim menempati urutan ketiga dengan jumlah kematian terbanyak akibat kanker di Indonesia, yang mencapai 21.003 kematian karena keterlambatan deteksi dini. Jawa Barat termasuk provinsi dengan cakupan deteksi dini yang rendah karena hanya mencapai persentase 3,7% dan Kota Depok menempati urutan kelima dengan persentase hasil IVA positif tertinggi (1,03%) pada tahun 2021. Wanita dengan HIV 6 kali lebih berisiko terhadap kanker leher rahim dibandingkan wanita tanpa HIV. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui persepsi WUS dengan HIV terhadap metode IVA untuk deteksi dini kanker leher rahim menggunakan teori Health Belief Model. Penelitian ini menggunakan desain kualitatif, pendekatan studi kasus, dan wawancara mendalam dengan informan utama, yaitu WUS dengan HIV di bawah dampingan LSM Kuldesak dan belum/sudah pernah melakukan IVA, serta informan kunci yaitu Koordinator Seksi P2PTM Dinas Kesehatan Kota Depok dan Ketua LSM Kuldesak. WUS dengan HIV yang sudah pernah melakukan deteksi dini lebih mengetahui kanker leher rahim. Persepsi mengenai kerentanan, keparahan, dan manfaat tidak dapat mendorong mereka melakukan deteksi dini karena hambatan yang dihadapi dirasa lebih besar. Efikasi diri sangat berperan dalam mengambil tindakan deteksi dini. Belum cukupnya informasi dan dukungan menyebabkan dibutuhkannya program khusus bagi WUS dengan HIV untuk meningkatkan kesadaran dan efikasi diri dengan melibatkan pasangan dan keluarga.

In 2020, cervical cancer ranks third with the highest number of cancer deaths in Indonesia, reaching 21,003 deaths due to delays in screening. West Java is a province with low screening numbers which only reached about 3.7% and Depok ranks fifth with the highest number of positive VIA results (1,03%) in 2021. Women living with HIV are 6 times more likely to get cervical cancer than women without HIV. This study aims to find out the perceived of women of childbearing age living with HIV towards the VIA screening for cervical cancer screening using Health Belief Model. This study used a qualitative design, case study approach, and in-depth interviews with women of childbearing age living with HIV under NGO Kuldesak and who had/had never done VIA test, also key informants, the Coordinator of P2PTM in Depok Health Office and the Chairman of NGO Kuldesak. Women who had done screening have more knowledge about cervical cancer. Perceived susceptibility, seriousness, and benefit cannot encourage them to undergo screening because the barriers seemed outweigh the benefits. Self-efficacy is very important to undergo screening. Inadequate information and support has led to the need of a program specifically for women of chilbearing age living with HIV to increase awareness and self-efficacy by involving partner and families."
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Jihan Fitra Hara
"Skrining secara dini dalam mendeteksi kanker serviks dalam meningkatkan perilaku sehat pada masyarakat, agar terjadi penurunan angka kesakitan, kecacatan dan kematian akibat penyakit kanker leher rahim atau serviks, Capaian deteksi dini dengan IVA dilihat secara kumulatif setiap tahunnya, banyaknya tantangan dalam mencapai target IVA sehingga perlunya manajemen pelayanan untuk mencapai hasil yang diinginkan, dari unsur sistem dinilai input - proses – output. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui evaluasi pelaksanaan program deteksi dini kanker serviks dengan metode inspeksi visual asam asetat (IVA Test) di Puskesmas Tajur tahun 2022. Metode penelitian ini menggunakan studi deskriptif observasional dengan pendekatan kualitatif. Teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan wawancara mendalam, observasi dan telaah dokumen. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pada unsur input terjadi masalah pada sumberdaya, dana, sarana dan prasana dan sistem pelayanan. Pada unsur proses masih terjadi masalah pada advokasi dan sosialisasi. Ouput dari evaluasi program yaitu input, proses dan output didapatkan cakupan pemeriksaan IVA bertambah setiap tahunnya 1-3 % WUS yang diperiksa IVA. Input yang dinilai sangat baik belum tentu menghasilkan output yang sangat baik. Proses yang baik belum tentu menghasilkan output yang baik. Saran meningkatkan perannya dalam pelaksanaan program deteksi dini kanker serviks dengan pemeriksaan IVA.

Early screening in detecting cervical cancer in improving healthy behavior in the community, so that there is a reduction in morbidity, disability and death due to neck or cervical cancer. The achievements of early detection with IVA are seen cumulatively every year, the amount of swelling in achieving the IVA target so that management is needed services to achieve the desired results, from system elements that are assessed as input - process - output. The purpose of this study was to determine the evaluation of the implementation of the cervical cancer early detection program using the acetic acid visual inspection method (IVA Test) at the Tajur Health Center in 2022. This research method uses a descriptive observation study with a qualitative approach. Data collection techniques using in-depth interviews, observation and document review. The results of the research show that in the input element there are problems with resources, funds, facilities and infrastructure and service systems. In an uncertain process, there are still problems with advocacy and outreach. The outputs of the evaluation program are input, process and output for the acquisition of VIA inspection coverage increasing annually by 1-3% of WUS examined IVA. Input that is considered very good does not necessarily produce very good output. A good process does not necessarily produce a good output. Suggestions to increase recognition in cervical cancer early recognition programs with IVA examinations."
Depok: Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Uswatun Hasanah
"Kanker leher rahim merupakan kanker nomer dua terbanyak diderita oleh perempuan di seluruh dunia dan penyebab kematian akibat kanker yang paling utama, khususnya bagi perempuan di negara-negara berkembang (WHO, 2002). Prevalensi kanker leher rahim di wilayah DKI Jakarta sebesar 1,2 dari 5.919 pada wanita yang melakukan skrining dan Provinsi Jawa Barat sebesar 0,7 dari 15.635 wanita. Sebelum terjadinya kanker leher rahim akan didahului dengan keadaan yang disebut lesi prakanker. Prevalansi lesi prakanker leher rahim tahun 2012 sebesar 4,5%. Salah satu faktor resiko lesi prakanker leher rahim yaitu usia pertama kali berhubungan seksual < 17 tahun yang saat ini masih tinggi di masyarakat.
Penelitian ini membahas hubungan usia pertama kali berhubungan seksual dengan kajadian lesi prakanker leher rahim pada wanita yang melakukan skrining dengan metode Inspeksi Visual Asam Asetat (IVA) di wilayah kerja Layanan Kesehatan Cuma-Cuma Dompet Dhuafa dengan sasaran penerima manfaat. Penelitian dilakukan dengan desain kasus kontrol dengan jumlah sampel 230 yang terdiri dari 46 kasus dan 184 kontrol. Analisis multivariat menggunakan regresi logistik.
Hasil menunjukkkan bahwa usia pertama kali berhubungan seksual < 17 tahun meningkatkan resiko lesi prakanker leher rahim OR 4,092 (CI,1,769-9,464). Oleh karenanya peningkatan pengetahuan dan pemahaman tentang faktor resiko kanker leher rahim melalui edukasi, pendewasaan usia pernikahan serta deteksi dini melalui pemeriksaan rutin akan membantu mengurangi kasus lesi prakanker leher rahim.

Cervical cancer is second most common worldwide cancer afflict to women and leading cause of cancer deaths, particularly for women in developing countries (WHO, 2002). The prevalence of cervical cancer in women who has been screening in Jakarta around 1,2 from 5,919 and around 0.7 out of 15,635 in West Java. The diagnosis of cervical cancer will be preceded by a condition called pre-cancerous lesions. Prevalence of pre-cancerous cervical lesions in 2012 is 4.5%. One of the risk factors of pre-cancerous cervical lesions is age less than <17 years of first sexual intercourse which is still high in society.
This study explained relationship between first-time sexual intercourse with the occurrence of cervical pre-cancer lesions in female beneficiaries doing early detection using Visual Acetic Acid Inspection (IVA) at Layanan Kesehatan Cuma-Cuma Dompet Dhuafa. The study was conducted with case control design of 230 total sample consisting of 46 cases and 184 control. Multivariate analysis used logistic regression.
Results showed first age of intercourse less than <17 years increased risk of pre-cancerous cervical lesions OR 4,092 (CI, 1,769-9,464). According to this study increased knowledge and understanding of risk factors for cervical cancer through education, control of marriage age and early detection with periodically checkup will reduce cases of pre-cancerous cervical lesions.
Depok: Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, 2017
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Tsabita Zahra

Kanker serviks merupakan penyebab utama kematian pada wanita, sehingga perlu upaya deteksi dini kanker serviks salah satunya dengan IVA. Namun, cakupan IVA di Indonesia masih rendah. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui faktor apa saja yang mempengaruhi niat WUS melakukan deteksi dini kanker serviks dengan metode IVA di Puskesmas Pancoran Mas tahun 2023. Penelitian ini menggunakan desain studi cross sectional dengan sampel sebanyak 100 WUS yang melakukan kunjungan ke poli KIA dan KB di Puskesmas Pancoran Mas. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa 35% WUS tidak memiliki niat untuk melakukan IVA, faktor yang berhubungan dengan niat WUS yaitu sikap (PR= 4,000; 95% CI: 1,93-8,30), Norma subjektif (PR= 4,857; 95% CI: 2,46-9,60), dan Kontrol perilaku (PR= 4,333; 95% CI: 2,28-8,25). Kemudian, faktor latar belakang yang mempengaruhi sikap yaitu pendidikan (PR= 1,976; 95% CI: 1,46-2,68), pekerjaan (PR= 1,632; 95% CI: 1,08-2,47), dan pengetahuan (PR= 3,244; 95% CI: 1,31-8,02). Faktor latar belakang yang mempengaruhi norma subjektif yaitu pengetahuan (PR= 2,609; 95% CI: 1,04-6,53). Serta faktor latar belakang yang mempengaruhi kontrol perilaku yaitu pekerjaan (PR= 1,667; 95% CI: 1,01-2,77), dan pengetahuan (PR= 2,538; 95% CI: 1,01-6,36). Untuk meningkatkan niat WUS melakukan IVA, perlu peningkatan promosi kesehatan mengenai kanker serviks dan IVA yang dilakukan secara komprehensif dan menyeluruh.

Cervical cancer is the leading cause of death in women, so early detection of cervical cancer is needed, one of which is with IVA. However, IVA coverage in Indonesia is still low. This study aims to determine what factors influence WUS's intention to conduct early detection of cervical cancer with the IVA method at the Pancoran Mas Health Center in 2023. This study used a cross-sectional study design with a sample of 100 WUS who visited the MCH poly and KB at the Pancoran Mas Health Center. The results showed that 35% of WUS did not have the intention to do IVA, factors related to WUS intention were attitude (PR = 4.000; 95% CI: 1.93-8.30), subjective norms (PR = 4.857; 95% CI: 2.46-9.60), and Behavioral control (PR = 4.333; 95% CI: 2.28-8.25). Then, background factors that influenced attitudes were education (PR = 1.976; 95% CI: 1.46-2.68), occupation (PR = 1.632; 95% CI: 1.08-2.47), and knowledge (PR = 3.244; 95% CI: 1.31-8.02). The background factor influencing subjective norms was knowledge (PR= 2.609; 95% CI: 1.04-6.53). As well as background factors that influence behavioral control, namely occupation (PR = 1.667; 95% CI: 1.01-2.77), and knowledge (PR = 2.538; 95% CI: 1.01-6.36). To increase WUS's intention to conduct IVA, it is necessary to increase health promotion regarding cervical cancer and IVA which is carried out comprehensively and comprehensively

Depok: Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Maritza Samira
"Deteksi dini menjadi salah satu upaya penting untuk mencegah terjadinya kanker serviks. Namun, capaian deteksi dini kanker serviks di kota besar seperti Jakarta masih terbilang rendah dan jauh dari target. Capaian deteksi dini kanker serviks di wilayah Puskesmas Kelurahan Duri Kepa pada pertengahan tahun 2024 yaitu 38,75%. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui determinan perilaku wanita usia subur dalam deteksi dini kanker serviks di wilayah kerja Puskesmas Kelurahan Duri Kepa tahun 2024 berdasarkan teori Health Belief Model. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif dengan desain studi cross-sectional. Sumber data penelitian yaitu data primer, menggunakan metode wawancara dengan alat bantu kuesioner. Penelitian dilakukan pada bulan Juli-Agustus 2024 di wilayah kerja Puskesmas Kelurahan Duri Kepa. Sampel dalam penelitian merupakan wanita usia subur 15-49 tahun yang sudah menikah, berjumlah 160 orang yang diambil dengan teknik quota sampling. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan wanita usia subur yang melakukan deteksi dini kanker serviks hanya 20,6%. Secara statistik didapatkan ada hubungan yang signifikan antara usia (p value = 0,029), pendidikan (p value = 0,000), persepsi kerentanan (p value = 0,000), persepsi keseriusan (p value = 0,000), persepsi manfaat (p value = 0,000), persepsi hambatan (p value = 0,000), isyarat bertindak (p value = 0,000), dan efikasi diri (p value = 0,000) dengan perilaku wanita usia subur dalam deteksi dini kanker serviks. Disarankan agar puskesmas mendukung peran fungsi kader, memperkuat KIE kanker serviks, memperluas jangkauan penyebaran informasi dengan pemanfaatan media sosial dan media interaktif yang mudah diakses, dan menjalin kerja sama dengan tokoh yang dianggap berpengaruh oleh masyarakat.

Early detection is one of the important efforts to prevent cervical cancer. However, the achievement of early detection of cervical cancer in big cities like Jakarta is still low and far from the target. The achievement of early detection of cervical cancer in the Duri Kepa Village Health Center area in mid-2024 was 38.75%. This study aims to determine the determinants of behavior of women of childbearing age in early detection of cervical cancer in the working area of Puskesmas Duri Kepa Village in 2024 based on the Health Belief Model theory. This research uses a quantitative approach with a cross-sectional study design. The research data source is primary data, using the interview method with questionnaire tools. The research was conducted in July-August 2024 in the work area of the Puskesmas Duri Kepa Village. The sample in the study was married women of childbearing age 15-49 years, totaling 160 people with quota sampling technique. The results showed that women of childbearing age who performed early detection of cervical cancer were only 20.6%. Statistically there was a significant relationship between age (p value = 0.029), education (p value = 0.000), perceived vulnerability (p value = 0.000), perceived seriousness (p value = 0.000), perceived benefits (p value = 0.000), perceived barriers (p value = 0.000), cues to action (p value = 0.000), and self-efficacy (p value = 0.000) with the behavior of women of childbearing age in early detection of cervical cancer. The results suggest that the puskesmas should support the role of cadres, strengthen cervical cancer IEC, expand the reach of information dissemination by utilizing social media and interactive media that are easily accessible, and collaborate with figures who are considered influential by the community."
Depok: Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, 2024
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Frides Susanty
"Servisitis merupakan bagian dari Infeksi Menular Seksual (IMS), dengan perkembangan bidang sosial, demografik dan meningkatnya migrasi penduduk, populasi berisiko tinggi akan semakin meningkat. WHO memperkirakan 376 juta infeksi baru dengan 1 dari 4 IMS yaitu: klamidia (127 juta), gonore (87 juta), sifilis (6,3 juta) dan trikomoniasis (156 juta). Penelitian Gatot dkk menunjukkan 11,9 % pasien mengalami servisitis. Penelitian Iskandar, dkk prevalensi infeksi serviks (klamidia 9,3 % dan gonore 1,2 %). Berdasarkan hasil SDKI, terjadi peningkatan tren pemakaian kontrasepsi di Indonesia sejak tahun 1991 sampai 2017. Secara statistik terdapat hubungan yang signifikan antara servisitis dengan infeksi HPV, sehingga bila servisitis tidak ditangani dengan baik, maka akan meningkatkan risiko untuk terinfeksi HPV. Seseorang dengan gejala servisitis mukopurulen meningkatkan risiko terjadinya kanker serviks.Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan penggunaan kontrasepsi hormonal dengan kejadian servisitis. Jenis penelitian ini adalah kuantitatif, dengan desain cross sectional study. Penelitian ini menggunakan data sekunder dari hasil pemeriksaan IVA puskesmas yang didampingi Female Cancer programme (FcP) di DKI Jakarta tahun 2017-2019. Jumlah sampel 3563 orang, yaitu memenuhi kriteria inklusi dan eksklusi. Analisis yang digunakan logistic regression. Prevalensi penyakit servisitis pada penelitian ini 11,20%. Terdapat hubungan penggunaan kontrasepsi hormonal dengan kejadian servisitis yang bermakna signifikan secara statistik dengan p-value =0,0000 POR 1,673 95% CI (1,323 - 2.115). Perlu dilakukan pemeriksaan secara berkala pada perempuan yang menggunakan kontrasepsi hormonal untuk mencegah terjadinya servisitis dan kanker leher rahim.

Cervicitis is one of the Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs). There is a correlation between socio-demographic development and migration with increase of the number of high-risk populations. WHO estimates there are 376 million new infections by 1 out of 4 STIs, such as chlamydia (127 million), gonorrhea (87 million), syphilis (6.3 million) and trichomoniasis (156 million). Gatot et al, showed that 11.9% of patients had cervicitis. Iskandar, et al, also showed the prevalence of cervical infections (chlamydia 9,3% and 1,2% gonorrhea). Based on the results of the SDKI, there had been an increasing trend in contraceptive use in Indonesia from 1991 to 2017. There was a statistically significant association between cervicitis and HPV infection. It will increase the risk of getting infected by HPV if cervicitis is left untreated. Additionally, a person with mucopurulent cervicitis symptoms has an increased risk of cervical cancer. This study aims to determine the relationship between the use of hormonal contraceptives and the incidence of cervicitis. This is a quantitative study with a cross sectional study design. This study used secondary data from the results of the VIA examination at the primary health care supervised by the Female Cancer Program (FcP) in DKI Jakarta in 2017-2019. The number of samples were 3563 people, who met the inclusion and exclusion criteria. This study used logistic regression to analyze the data. The prevalence of cervicitis in this study was 11.20%. There is a relationship between hormonal contraceptive use and the incidence of cervicitis which is statistically significant with p-value<0.0001. Thus, it is necessary to carry out periodic checks on women who use hormonal contraception to prevent cervicitis and cervical cancer"
Depok: Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, 2020
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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