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Willy Tandikara
Tesis ini membahas pendekatan pembangunan berbasis aset komunitas dengan mengidentifikasi potensi kapital yang dimiliki oleh masyarakat lokal dan potensi dari kapital lainnya yang dapat mendukung potensi kapital masyarakat dalam rangka pembangunan kepariwisataan berbasis aset masyarakat. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian kualitatif dengan jenis penelitian studi kasus case-study . Hasil penelitian menemukan masyarakat memiliki potensi pada kapital lingkungan dan kapital budaya dan kapital yang dapat mendukung potensi kapital masyarakat adalah kapital sosial dan kapital politik. Hasil penelitian ini juga menyarankan para pemangku kepentingan untuk dapat focus pada usaha non padat modal; memaksimalkan pariwisata berdasarkan keterampilan dan teknologi lokal; membangun kelembagaan pada berbasis masyarakat; dan mengembangkan kebijakan pembagian hasil. Kata kunci: aset komunitas; pembangunan komunitas berbasis aset; pembangunan pariwisata

This thesis discusses community based asset development approaches by identifying the potential of capital owned by local communities and the potential of other capital that can support the potential of community capital in the framework of community based tourism development. This research used a qualitative research approach with case study research. The results of the study found that the community has potentials in the environmental capital and cultural capital and capital that can support the potential of society 39 s capital is social capital and political capital. The results of this study also suggest stakeholders to be able to focus on low scale capital investment intensive enterprises maximizing tourism based on local skills and technology building institutions on a community based basis and developing a revenue sharing policy. Keywords asset based community development community assets tourism development "
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Deni Duwi Nefoko
Skripsi ini membahas tentang penciptaan ruang kapital yang diwujudkan melalui penetapan Desa Wisata dan industri wisata di Kota Batu tahun 2007-2014. Penelitian ini mengoperasionalisasi teori penciptaan ruang kapital dan akumulasi melalui perampasan oleh David Harvey sebagai kerangka analisis. Penelitian ini dilakukan melalui metode studi kasus dengan teknik pengumpulan data yaitu observasi, studi pustaka, dan wawancara mendalam. Hasil temuan penelitian menunjukan bahwa penciptaan ruang kapital didahului dengan adanya prakondisi berupa penetapan Desa Wisata. Penetapan Desa Wisata membuka peluang untuk masuknya kapital melalui pengadaan akomodasi dan infrastruktur. Skripsi ini menyimpulkan bahwa penciptaan ruang kapital di Kota Batu berdampak pada perampasan sumber daya. Kebutuhan akan lahan dan sumber daya air untuk memenuhi akomodasi infrastruktur disisi lain, berdampak pada perampasan sumber daya milik bersama seperti tanah kas desa (land grab) dan sumber mata air (water grab) untuk dijadikan infrastruktur pendukung pariwisata yang dikuasai secara penuh oleh segelintir pihak. Hal tersebut bertentangan dengan konsep politik distributif bahwa alokasi dan distribusi sumber daya mengharuskan keterlibatan masyarakat dalam meraih, mengendalikan, dan mempertahankan sumber daya dengan melibatkan diri pada prosesnya.

This thesis discusses about the creation of capital space which was developed through the assignment of Tourism Village and tourism industry in Batu City year 2007-2014. This research operationalize the capital space creation and accumulation by disposition by David Harvey as a framework of analysis. This research is conducted through case study method with data collection techniques consisting of observation, literature study, and in-depth interview. Outcome of this research shows that the creation of capital space is prefaced by a precondition which came in form of assignment of Tourism Village. Assignment of Tourism Village opens up the opportunity for capital penetration through accommodation and infrastructure provisioning. This theshis conclude the need for land and water source to fulfill the infrastructure and accommodation, give impact to seizure of collective resources such as village-owned land (land grab) and water sources (water grab) for the need of tourism industry capital accumulation. Those things contradict with political distributive concept, allocation and distribution of resources which obliged the involvement of society in the process of reaching, controlling, and maintaining available resources.
Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2015
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Indah Nurbaeti
Keraton Kasepuhan memiliki multi fungsi, yaitu sebagai kediaman Sultan, cagar budaya yang dilindungi negara, dan destinasi wisata heritage. Pengembangan Keraton Kasepuhan sebagai wisata heritage dipengaruhi oleh modal sosial yang dimiliki keraton. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melihat modal sosial sebagai kekuatan yang dimiliki oleh Badan Pengelola Keraton Kasepuhan BPKK dalam pengembangan keraton sebagai wisata heritage. Modal sosial memenuhi kebutuhan Keraton Kasepuhan sebagai tourism asset. Melalui pendekatan kualitatif, hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa bentuk-bentuk modal sosial yang dimiliki Keraton Kasepuhan mencakup jaringan, norma, dan kepercayaan baik dalam lingkup internal maupun eksternal yang memfasilitasi timbulnya koordinasi dan kerja sama dalam perolehan manfaat bersama. Hal penting yang tidak dapat dipisahkan dari bentuk modal sosial ialah dua aktor yang menjalankan modal sosial tersebut yakni Sultan Sepuh dan Abdi Dalem. Kepemimpinan Sultan Sepuh menjadi penentu dalam menciptakan hubungan jaringan sosial, kepercayaan, serta norma sedangkan kesetiaan abdi dalem dalam mengabdi mampu menjalankan perannya dalam pengembangan Keraton Kasepuhan sebagai wisata heritage.

Keraton Kasepuhan has multiple functions namely as the residence of the Sultan, state protected cultural heritage, and heritage tourism destinations. The development of Keraton Kasepuhan as a heritage tourism is influenced by social capital that owned by the palace itself. This study aims to look at social capital as the strength of the Badan Pengelola Keraton Kasepuhan BPKK in the development of the palace as heritage tourism. Social capital meets the needs of Keraton Kesepuhan as a tourism asset. Through a qualitative approach, the results showed that the forms of social capital that owned by Keraton Kasepuhan include networks, norms, and trust that facilitate the emergence of coordination and cooperation in the acquisition of mutual benefit. One of the essential things which cannot be seperated from the forms of social capital is the two actors who run the social capital, Sultan and Abdi Dalem palace servant . Sultan became a decisive leadership in creating a social network relationships, trust, and norms while the faithfulness of Abdi Dalem in serving was able to fulfill their role in the development Keraton Kasepuhan as heritage tourism."
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Heru Islamic
"Dengan mengambil konteks diskusi perkembangan gerakan agraria, studi ini ingin menjelaskan upaya komunitas petani dalam meningkatkan daya tahan hidup di Hutan Negara berbasis kapital sosial. Studi kasus pada komunitas petani Moro-Moro di Register 45, Mesuji. Adapun kapital sosial dalam penelitian ini dilihat dari tiga aspek, yakni kapital sosial komunitarian, jaringan dan institusional. Lewat pendekatan studi kualitatif, pertama dari aspek kapital sosial komunitarian Moro-Moro memperlihatkan kemampuan menciptakan kapital sosial dengan didasari oleh sejarah kemunculan sebagai sebuah komunitas yang spontanitas; kedua dari aspek kapital sosial jaringan Moro-Moro menunjukan kemampuan untuk mengembangkan jaringan yang kemudian berkontribusi pada penguatan internal dan penggalangan dukungan dari berbagai stakeholder untuk bertahan di Register 45; ketiga secara institusional kapital sosial Moro-Moro dapat berkembang karena ada pembiaran atas kondisi Register 45 dan sementara Moro-Moro kemudian berkembang menjadi kampung. Bahkan berangsur-angsur negara mulai menunjukan keberpihakan meskipun legalitas menduduki tanah belum kunjung juga didapatkan. Secara teoritis studi ini memperlihatkan bahwa kapial sosial komunitarian ternyata mampu menjadi landasan untuk mengembangkan kapital sosial lebih lanjut yang kemudian mampu berkontribusi pada peningkatan sosial ekonomi komunitas petani.

By taking the context of the discussion of the development of the agrarian movement, this study want to explain the efforts of the farming community in improving survival in the State Forest-based social capital. Case studies on the farming community Moro-Moro in Register 45, Mesuji. The social capital in this study viewed from three aspects, namely the communitarian social capital, networks and institutional. Through a qualitative study approach, the first of the communitarian social capital aspects of Moro-Moro demonstrate the ability to create social capital based on the historical emergence as a community of spontaneity; then second, from the aspect of social capital networks Moro-Moro show the ability to develop a network which then contribute to the strengthening of internal and raising support from various stakeholders to survive in register 45; third, institutional of Moro-Moro social capital can develop because there is negligence on the condition register 45 and while Moro-Moro developed into the village. Even the state gradually began to show partiality though legality occupied land has not yet well established. Theoretically, this study shows that social kapial communitarian was able to form the basis for further developing social capital that is then able to contribute to the socio-economic improvement of the farming community."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2015
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Shaskia Shinta Rialny
"Pandemi Covid-19 memberikan dampak yang signifikan terhadap keberlanjutan komunitas Desa Wisata Pulau Untung Jawa. Pembatasan akses oleh pemerintah selama pandemi menyebabkan pendapatan mereka yang selama ini sangat bergantung pada sektor pariwisata menurun drastis. Pengembangan Komunitas Berbasis Aset (AssetBased Community Development – ABCD) merupakan pendekatan pembangunan yang berasal dari dalam komunitas dan fokus pada potensi dan kekuatan yang dimiliki oleh komunitas. Pendekatan ABCD selama ini dinilai lebih mampu mewujudkan komunitas yang berkelanjutan, dibandingkan pendekatan tradisional yang berbasis kebutuhan (need-based approach). Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan strategi komunitas dalam pengelolaan aset yang ada di dalam Desa Wisata Pulau Untung Jawa. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif yang berupaya menghasilkan data deskriptif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa Komunitas Desa Wisata Pulau Untung Jawa telah mampu mempertahankan kelangsungan hidup komunitasnya dengan memaksimalkan pemanfaatan aset yang dimiliki komunitas secara mandiri serta menjaga hubungan di antara komunitas dan seluruh stakeholder yang terkoneksi satu sama lain. Berdasarkan hal tersebut, saat ini mereka mampu bertahan melewati masa pandemi Covid-19 dan selalu berupaya mewujudkan komunitas yang berkelanjutan (sustainable community) di masa depan.

The Covid-19 pandemic become a significant threat on the sustainability of the Untung Jawa Island Tourism Village community. Government have taken measures that limit access to the tourist attraction during the pandemic, however this action caused the income of people who depend on the tourism sector was drop drastically. AssetBased Community Development (ABCD) is a development approach from community and focuses on the potential and strengths of the community. The ABCD approach has been considered more capable of realizing a sustainable community, compared to the traditional needbased approach. This study aims to describe the community's strategy in managing assets in the Pulau Untung Jawa Tourism Village by using a qualitative approach that generate descriptive data. The results showed that the Untung Jawa Island Tourism Village Community has been able to maintain the survival of its community by maximizing the assets owned by the community independently and maintaining relationships between the community and all stakeholders who are connected to each other. Based on this results, they are currently able to survive the Covid19 pandemic and always strive to create a sustainable community in the future."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Dwita Hidayati
Tesis ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi pengaruh perkembangan
pariwisata terhadap ketimpangan pendapatan penduduk di 10 Kabupaten/Kota yang
ada di NTB pada kurun waktu 2007 - 2012. Metode penelitian yang digunakan untuk
menjawab tujuan tersebut adalah regresi data panel dengan pendekatan fixed effect.
Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa perkembangan pariwisata (SHTour)
tidak berpengaruh secara signifikan terhadap ketimpangan pendapatan penduduk
Kabupaten/kota di NTB, ceteris paribus. Adapun variabel yang berpengaruh
terhadap ketimpangan pendapatan adalah jumlah penduduk tingkat Pendidikan
tinggi (Pend_tinggi) dan rata-rata lama belajar, dengan hubungan negatif terhadao
ketimpangan pendapatan penduduk Kabupaten/kota di NTB, ceteris paribus.
Variabel pendapatan per kapita juga berpengaruh signifikan dan memiliki hubungan
positif terhadap ketimpangan pendapatan penduduk Kabupaten/kota di NTB, ceteris
Untuk menekan ketimpangan pendapatan penduduk melalui sektor
pariwisata pemerintah daerah perlu mengurangi kebocoran ekspor dan impor di
sektor pariwisata antara lain melalui peningkatan kapasitas masyarakat lokal serta
kualitas dan kuantitas produk lokal agar dapat bersaing di pasar lokal, regional, dan

This thesis aims to identify the effects of tourism development to income
inequality in 10 cities in NTB during 2007-2012. Research methods used in this
study is panel data regression with fixed effect approach.
The results showed that
development of tourism didn?t significantly affect to income inequality at cities in
West Nusa Tenggara. Variables that significantly influence income inequality is
high education level of population and year of school population. Its has negative
correlation to income inequality, ceteris paribus. Income per capita is the other
significant variable that affect income inequality in Cities in West Nusa Tenggara,
ceteris paribus.
In order to reduce population income inequality in Cities in West Nusa
Tenggara through tourism development, local government and other stakeholders
should reduce import and export leakages by increasing the capacity of local
community, also increasing quality and quantity of local product to be competitive at
local, regional, and international market,;This thesis aims to identify the effects of tourism development to income
inequality in 10 cities in NTB during 2007-2012. Research methods used in this
study is panel data regression with fixed effect approach. The results showed that
development of tourism didn?t significantly affect to income inequality at cities in
West Nusa Tenggara. Variables that significantly influence income inequality is
high education level of population and year of school population. Its has negative
correlation to income inequality, ceteris paribus. Income per capita is the other
significant variable that affect income inequality in Cities in West Nusa Tenggara,
ceteris paribus.
In order to reduce population income inequality in Cities in West Nusa
Tenggara through tourism development, local government and other stakeholders
should reduce import and export leakages by increasing the capacity of local
community, also increasing quality and quantity of local product to be competitive at
local, regional, and international market,;This thesis aims to identify the effects of tourism development to income
inequality in 10 cities in NTB during 2007-2012. Research methods used in this
study is panel data regression with fixed effect approach. The results showed that
development of tourism didn?t significantly affect to income inequality at cities in
West Nusa Tenggara. Variables that significantly influence income inequality is
high education level of population and year of school population. Its has negative
correlation to income inequality, ceteris paribus. Income per capita is the other
significant variable that affect income inequality in Cities in West Nusa Tenggara,
ceteris paribus.
In order to reduce population income inequality in Cities in West Nusa
Tenggara through tourism development, local government and other stakeholders
should reduce import and export leakages by increasing the capacity of local
community, also increasing quality and quantity of local product to be competitive at
local, regional, and international market,;This thesis aims to identify the effects of tourism development to income
inequality in 10 cities in NTB during 2007-2012. Research methods used in this
study is panel data regression with fixed effect approach. The results showed that
development of tourism didn’t significantly affect to income inequality at cities in
West Nusa Tenggara. Variables that significantly influence income inequality is
high education level of population and year of school population. Its has negative
correlation to income inequality, ceteris paribus. Income per capita is the other
significant variable that affect income inequality in Cities in West Nusa Tenggara,
ceteris paribus.
In order to reduce population income inequality in Cities in West Nusa
Tenggara through tourism development, local government and other stakeholders
should reduce import and export leakages by increasing the capacity of local
community, also increasing quality and quantity of local product to be competitive at
local, regional, and international market,, This thesis aims to identify the effects of tourism development to income
inequality in 10 cities in NTB during 2007-2012. Research methods used in this
study is panel data regression with fixed effect approach. The results showed that
development of tourism didn’t significantly affect to income inequality at cities in
West Nusa Tenggara. Variables that significantly influence income inequality is
high education level of population and year of school population. Its has negative
correlation to income inequality, ceteris paribus. Income per capita is the other
significant variable that affect income inequality in Cities in West Nusa Tenggara,
ceteris paribus.
In order to reduce population income inequality in Cities in West Nusa
Tenggara through tourism development, local government and other stakeholders
should reduce import and export leakages by increasing the capacity of local
community, also increasing quality and quantity of local product to be competitive at
local, regional, and international market,]"
Jakarta: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Azhari Fauzan
"Pariwisata internasional menjelma menjadi salah satu industri terbesar di dunia karena terus mengalami pertumbuhan yang signifikan. Melihat potensi tersebut, kini setiap negara berusaha untuk mengembangkan sektor industri pariwisata yang dimilikinya. Kekayaan alam, keragaman seni dan budaya, serta latar belakang sejarah yang panjang merupakan potensi besar sebagai objek dan daya tarik pariwisata Rusia. Namun dalam kenyataannya pariwisata Rusia masih kalah bersaing di industri pariwisata internasional. Diperlukan langkah strategis dari pemerintah Rusia, dalam hal ini Kementrian Kebudayaan Federasi Rusia untuk mengembangkan potensi pariwisata Rusia dan meningkatkan kunjungan wisatawan mancanegara ke Rusia. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui masalah-masalah yang menyebabkan stagnasi pariwisata Rusia dalam beberapa tahun terakhir dan strategi yang akan dilakukan oleh pemerintah Rusia dalam meningkatkan daya saing Rusia di industri pariwisata internasional. Pendekatan penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah pendekatan kualitatif dengan metode deskriptif-analisis yang bersumber kepada naskah primer dan naskah sekunder terkait topik penelitian.

International tourism was transformed into one of the largest industries in the world because it continues to experience significant growth. Seeing this potential, each country is now trying to develop its tourism sector. Natural richness, the diversity of art and culture, as well as a long historical background is a great potential as a tourist attraction of Russia. But in reality the Russian tourism still unable to compete in the international tourism industry. Necessary strategic steps from the Russian government, which is Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation to develop the tourism potential of Russia and increase tourist arrivals to Russia. This research aims to determine the causes of the Russian tourism?s stagnation problems in recent years and Russian government?s strategies in increasing Russia's competitiveness in the international tourism industry. This research use a qualitative approach, with descriptive-analytic method that comes to primary and secondary sources related to the topic of research."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Pengetahuan dan Budaya Universitas Indonesia, 2015
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Sinambela, Siswanto Maringan Tua
"Kabupaten Samosir, sebagai asal muasal etnis suku bangsa Batak, dengan nilai budaya adat istiadat yang unik (kekerabatan Dalihan Natolu), ditambah kekayaan sejarah, potensi sumber daya dan keindahan alam yang luar biasa (berada di tengah Danau Toba), dan adanya kesempatan membangun kerja sama dengan pemangku kebijakan sekawasan Danau Toba, memiliki modal yang kuat bagi Pemerintah Daerah Kabupaten Samosir untuk mengembangkan industri pariwisata sebagai penghela pembangunannya. Dengan menggunakan metode SWOT untuk menganalisis faktor-faktor internal maupun eksternal yang berkaitan kepariwisataan daerah diperoleh rumusan strategi kebijakan dalam arah pembangunan pariwisata di Kabupaten Samosir. Berdasarkan pertimbangan skenario kondisi ke depan, hambatan, dan pelaku pada metode Analisa Hirarki Proses (AHP) diperoleh prioritas kebijakan untuk mewujudkan tujuan pembangunan pariwisata di Kabupaten Samosir, yaitu kebijakan pembangunan infrastruktur daerah khususnya pada destinasi wisata yang berwawasan lingkungan, diikuti peningkatan kualitas dan kuantitas atraksi atau kegiatan wisata, serta pelestarian seni budaya lokal dengan menerapkan prinsip-prinsip pembangunan berkelanjutan. Inilah prioritas strategi kebijakan pembangunan pariwisata di Kabupaten Samosir untuk mewujudkan visi "Samosir Menjadi Daerah Tujuan Wisata Lingkungan yang Inovatif 2015".

Samosir as the ethnic origin of the Batak tribe, with its unique cultural traditions (kinship Dalihan Natolu), plus a wealth of history and potential resources as well as outstanding natural beauty (located in the middle of Lake Toba), its opportunity to cooperation with Lake Toba stakeholders, provides a strong capital for Samosir Regency administration to develop tourism industry as a leading sector in the local economy. By using SWOT to analyze the factors of internal and external tourism-related areas, the policy strategy formulation is obtained in the course of development of tourism in Samosir Regency. Based on some considerations on future scenarios, barriers, and actors in the Analysis Hierarchy Process method (AHP), the policy priorities to achieve the goal of tourism development in Samosir Regency, are namely infrastructure development policy priority areas, especially in environmentally sustainable tourism destinations, followed by an increase in the quality and quantity of attractions or tourist event, as well as the preservation of local culture by applying the principles of sustainable development. These are the priorities of tourism development policy strategies to realize the vision of Samosir Regency "Samosir as an Environmentally and Innovatively Tourism Destination of 2015"."
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2013
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ferri Firmansyah
"Pariwisata berbasis komunitas PBK sangat lekat dengan desa wisata. Suatu desa wisata dapat menjadi suatu industri pariwisata kalau telah menerapkan pariwisata berbasis komunitas secara tepat. Pariwisata berbasis komunitas sangat tergantung pada peran masyarakat dalam pelaksanaanya. Sikap, partisipasi, dan pemberdayaan masyarakat merupakan bentuk peran masyarakat dalam pariwisata berbasis komunitas di desa wisata. Desa wisata kreatif Kenep merupakan desa wisata yang dibangun dari kesadaran warganya akan potensi kreatifitas yang dimiliki. Namun, semangat pengembangan desa wisata kreatif Kenep belum sepenuhnya dirasakan oleh segenap warga masyarakatnya.
Penelitian ini berusaha mengkaji peran masyarakat dalam pariwisata berbasis komunitas di desa wisata. Penelitian dilakukan dengan pendekatan kualitatif dan kuantitatif dengan mengukur persepsi masyarakat akan pariwisata berbasis komunitas di desa wisata dan peran yang telah mereka lakukan. Untuk menggali informasi lebih jauh dilakukan focus group discussion FGD dengan tokoh penggerak di desa wisata, penyebaran kuesioner, dan wawancara mendalam. Hubungan antara peran masyarakat dengan pariwisata berbasis komunitas di desa wisata dianalisis menggunakan data persepsi masyarakat hasil kuesioner dalam analisis structural equation modeling SEM.
Hasil penelitian menunjukkan sikap masyarakat tidak signifikan mempengaruhi pemberdayaan masyarakat. Lalu, partisipasi masyarakat mempengaruhi pemberdayaan masyarakat yang menentukan pariwisata berbasis komunitas di desa wisata kreatif Kenep.

Community based tourism CBT is closely related to tourism village. A tourism village become a tourism industry if it has implemented community based tourism appropriately. Community based tourism depends on the community role on its implementation. Attitude, participation, and empowerment are roles to community based tourism in tourism village. Kenep creative tourism village is a village built from the citizen awareness of their potential creativity. However, the spirit of developing Kenep creative tourism village has not been fully perceived by members of the community.
This study examines community role in community based tourism on tourism village. This study used qualitative and quantitative approaches by measuring community perception and their roles on community based tourism. Information was gathered by focus group discussion FGD , dissemination of questionnaires, and in dept interview. The relationship between community role and community based tourism in tourism village was analyzed using community perception data from questionnaire results through structural equation modeling SEM process.
The results showed that community participation affects community empowerment which determine the success of community based tourism in Kenep creative tourism village, while community attitude does not affect community empowerment.
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2017
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Pariwisata sudah menjadi bagian dari budaya postmodern terkait gaya hidup dan kelas sosial. Pariwisata mendorong pergerakan ekonomi dengan pemenuhan gaya hidup masyarakat konsumtif. Pariwisata di Indonesia tidak dapat dilepaskan dari upaya promosi dan peningkatan pembentukan citra positif. Pariwisata tidak lagi menjadi pengalaman yang otentik melainkan sebuah konstruksi situasi yang diharapkan oleh penciptanya dirasakan sebagai pengalaman menarik bagi wisatawan.
Salah satu peningkatan upaya promosi pariwisata melalui pembuatan strategi pencitraan. Mengadopsi konsep simulasi sebagai salah satu bentuk perwujudan Pariwisata Indonesia yang oleh creator pencitraan ingin ditanamkan kedalam benak calon wisatawan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui bagaimana strategi pencitraan yang dilakukan Kementerian Pariwisata dan Ekonomi Kreatif. Dengan kerangka berpikir Jean Baudrillard mengenai pencitraan. Proses pencitraan disandingkan dengan kenyataan dilapangan sehingga dapat memaparkan jurang antara pencitraan dengan kenyataan di lapangan.
Melalui metode penelitian kualitatif yang mengambil lokasi di Jakarta, data-data dikumpulkan melalui teknik depth interview, observation dan didukung analisa semiotika pada iklan pariwisata. Dengan teori postmodern dari Jean Baudrillard mengenai pencitraan dan simulasi mewarnai penelitian yang dilakukan pada kesempatan kali ini.

Tourism has become part of the postmodern culture related with lifestyle and social class. Tourism encourage economic movement with fulfillment of consumer society life style. Indonesia tourism can not be separated from promotion efforts to increase positive image. Tourism then no longer be an authentic experience but a result of new reality construction that is expected by the creator can be perceived as an interesting experience for tourists.
One way among a lot more ways to increase tourism promotion is through the branding strategies. Simulation concept then adopted as a form of manifestation of Indonesia Tourism. This study aims to determine how is tourism branding strategy concept created by the Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy Republic of Indonesia. Jean Baudrillard framework of thinking are used with regards on how the image is form that could be implement. The image then parallel with the reality so it can describe the gap between image and reality.
Through qualitative research methods which took place in Jakarta, the data collected through depth interview techniques, observation and supported with semiotics analysis of Indonesia tourism advertising. Jean Baudrillard's postmodern theory and the simulation then could enhance the research of branding strategy.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2013
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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