ABSTRAKKehamilan mempengaruhi pola seksualitas pada istri maupun suami. Penelitian ini
bertujuan mengetahui fungsi seksual suami selama masa kehamilan pasangan.
Pengambilan sampel pada 40 suami dari ibu hamil menggunakan design deskriptif
sederhana dan teknik total sampling pada bulan Juni 2012 di sebuah Puskesmas.
Instrumen penelitian berupa kuesioner karakteristik suami, Index of sexual
satisfaction quiz (ISS quiz) dan Brief Male Sexual Function Inventory. Hasil
penelitian menunjukkan sebagian besar suami mengalami penurunan frekuensi
hubungan seksual pada masa kehamilan. Pada tingkat kepuasan hubungan seksual
suami tidak mengalami masalah dan merasa puas, tetapi pada aspek dorongan
seksual dan ereksi mengalami penurunan. Pemberikan konseling dengan
melibatkan suami penting dilakukan selama pemeriksaan kehamilan pasangannya.
Penelitian ini tidak meneliti lebih dalam faktor yang mempengaruhi fungsi seksual
suami selama masa kehamilan pasangan sehingga penelitian selanjutnya
diharapkan meneliti faktor yang mempengaruhi fungsi seksual suami selama masa
kehamilan pasangan.
ABSTRACTPregnancy affects the pattern of sexuality in the wife and husband. The research
aims to find the husband's sexual function during the pregnancy the couple.
Sampling at 40 husbands of pregnant women using simple descriptive design and
a total sampling technique in June 2012 at a Health Center. Research instrument
in the form of questionnaire characteristics husband, Index of sexual satisfaction
quiz (quiz ISS) and the Brief Male Sexual Function Inventory. The results showed
most of the husbands has decreased the frequency of sexual intercourse for 30
days. Husband, at the level of sexual satisfaction is not having problems and were
satisfied, but the result of male sexual function, the husband has decreased sex
drive and erection aspects. nurses are expected to provide counseling and invited
to actively join her husband during the pregnancy the couple. This study did not
investigate further the factors that affect sexual function during pregnancy, the
couple husband and so further research is expected to examine the factors that
affect sexual function during the pregnancy the couple husband."