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Sri Indah Wibi Nastiti
Pertumbuhan penduduk dan perkotaan Kota Tangerang Selatan yang cukup tinggi menyebabkan kebutuhan akan air juga menjadi tinggi. Mayoritas masyarakat merasakan pengurangan debit air akibat tingginya ketergantungan pada air tanah permukaan dan baru 5-9% masyarakat yang mendapat akses air bersih dari PDAM/SPAM. Ancaman defisit air akan terus meningkat, mengingat keberadaan air tanah sangat dipengaruhi oleh faktor iklim, tutupan lahan, dan aktivitas manusia. Riset ini menganalisis tingkat risiko ketersediaan air di Tangerang Selatan. Riset ini menggunakan metode kuantitatif dan kualitatif, melalui observasi, wawancara, dan survei di masyarakat. Hasil riset menunjukkan terjadi peningkatan defisit air sejak tahun baseline 1981-2014 dan meningkat pada tahun proyeksi 2015-2045 diikuti dengan peningkatan tingkat bahaya di sebagian wilayah Tangerang Selatan. 3,7% kelurahan diproyeksi mengalami risiko defisit air esktrim tinggi. Sejumlah rencana aksi adaptasi dan mitigasi diusulkan untuk menghadapi dan mengantisipasi ancaman risiko defisit air yang lebih parah di masa mendatang.

The high population and urban growth in South Tangerang City has caused the high demand for water. The majority of inhabitants have felt the decrease of water flow due to high dependency on surface groundwater as only 5-9% of the inhabitants have access to water supplied by PDAM/SPAM. The threat of water deficit will continue to increase considering that the groundwater supply is highly influenced by climate variability, land cover change and human activities. This research aims to analyse the risk level of water supply in South Tangerang. The research uses quantitative and qualitative methods carried out through observation, interviews and community survey. Research results show that an increase in water deficit has been in place since baseline years 1981-2014 and increasing at the projection years 2015-2045, which will be followed by increasing hazard level in several areas of South Tangerang. As many as 3,7% of wards are projected to be exposed to extremely high risk of water deficit in the future. A number of adaptation and mitigation actions are put forward facing and anticipating the worsened water deficit threat in the future."
Depok: Sekolah Ilmu Lingkungan Universitas Indonesia, 2018
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Syifa Carrisa
"Rendahnya cakupan pelayanan PDAM Kota Bekasi memicu warganya untuk menggunakan sumber air berbasis mandiri. Pemantuan layanan air penting dilakukan untuk menciptakan air minum yang aman sesuai definisi oleh WHO, yaitu: 1) dapat di akses; 2) tersedia saat dibutuhkan; dan 3) bebas dari kontaminasi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui kontaminasi E. coli pada air tanah dan POU serta keterkaitannya dengan kejadian diare, melihat hubungan antara ketinggian muka air tanah dengan curah hujan, serta menilai kontinuitas air tanah di Kelurahan Jatiluhur, Jatirangga, dan Sumur self-monitoring menggunakan AquagenX, kuisioner, alat pengukur curah hujan dan ketinggian muka air tanah. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian, sampel air yang belum diolah memiliki risiko terkontaminasi dua kali lebih tinggi dibandingkan dengan air yang sudah diolah (POU). Kesesuaian data antara hasil self-monitoring dengan yang dilakukan tim peneliti terbilang tinggi, yaitu 85-90%. Hasil uji statistik tidak menunjukkan adanya korelasi antara kontaminasi E. coli pada air minum dan kejadian diare, serta antara curah hujan dengan ketinggian muka air tanah. Koefisien determinasi sebesar 0,75 untuk analisis regresi linier menandakan curah hujan dan tinggi muka air tanah memiliki keterkaitan yang baik. Kontinuitas sumber air self-supply di Kota Bekasi dinilai tinggi, dan dapat dipertimbangkan sebagai sumber air utama.

The low service of PDAM Kota Bekasi has caused its citizens to use self-supply water sources. The importance of monitoring to reach safely managed drinking water according to WHO, including: 1) accessible; 2) available; and 3) free from contamination. This study aims to determine E. coli contamination in groundwater and its relationship to diarrhea, to corelate groundwater level and rainfall, and to assess the continuity of groundwater in Jatiluhur, Jatirangga, and Sumur Batu Villages, Bekasi City. Data was obtained by self-monitoring using AquagenX, questionnaires, rainfall gauges and groundwater levels. Based on the results, untreated groundwater have a risk of contamination twice as high as treated groundwater. The accuracy of the data between the results of the self-monitoring water quality test and the research team is fairly high, at 85-90%. The results of statistical tests did not show a correlation between E. coli contamination in drinking water and the incidence of diarrhea, as well as rainfall and ground water level. The coefficient of determination is 0,75 indicates that rainfall and groundwater level have a good linear regression model. The continuity of self-supply water sources in Bekasi City is highly valued, and can be considered as the main water source."
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
London: E & FN Spon, 1999
333.91 WAT
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
"This book provides researchers and graduate students with an overview of the latest developments in and applications of adsorption processes for water treatment and purification. In particular, it covers current topics in connection with the modeling and design of adsorption processes, and the synthesis and application of cost-effective adsorbents for the removal of relevant aquatic pollutants. The book describes recent advances and alternatives to improve the performance and efficacy of this water purification technique. In addition, selected chapters are devoted to discussing the reliable modeling and analysis of adsorption data, which are relevant for real-life applications to industrial effluents and groundwater. Overall, the book equips readers with a general perspective of the potential that adsorption processes hold for the removal of emerging water pollutants. It can readily be adopted as part of special courses on environmental engineering, adsorption and water treatment for upper undergraduate and graduate students. Furthermore, the book offers a valuable resource for researchers in water production control, as well as for practitioners interested in applying adsorption processes to real-world problems in water treatment and related areas."
New York: Springer, 2017
333.7 ADS
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
"The fusion of algebra, analysis and geometry, and their application to real world problems, have been dominant themes underlying mathematics for over a century. Geometric algebras, introduced and classified by Clifford in the late 19th century, have played a prominent role in this effort, as seen in the mathematical work of Cartan, Brauer, Weyl, Chevelley, Atiyah, and Bott, and in applications to physics in the work of Pauli, Dirac and others. One of the most important applications of geometric algebras to geometry is to the representation of groups of Euclidean and Minkowski rotations. This aspect and its direct relation to robotics and vision will be discussed in several chapters of this multi-authored textbook, which resulted from the ASI meeting. Moreover, group theory, beginning with the work of Burnside, Frobenius and Schur, has been influenced by even more general problems. As a result, general group actions have provided the setting for powerful methods within group theory and for the use of groups in applications to physics, chemistry, molecular biology, and signal processing. These aspects, too, will be covered in detail. With the rapidly growing importance of, and ever expanding conceptual and computational demands on signal and image processing in remote sensing, computer vision, medical image processing, and biological signal processing, and on neural and quantum computing, geometric algebras, and computational group harmonic analysis, the topics of the book have emerged as key tools. The list of authors includes many of the world's leading experts in the development of new algebraic modeling and signal representation methodologies, novel Fourier-based and geometric transforms, and computational algorithms required for realizing the potential of these new application fields."
Dodrecht: Kluwer Academic, 2004
333.911 ENH
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Taufik Ashar
"Mangan merupakan unsur yang secara alami dapat ditemukan di air, tanah, dan udara. Mangan adalah sebuah zat nutnsi esensial bagi manusia dan hewan. Asupan yang tidak mencukupi atau yang berlebihan dapat mcngakibatkan gangguan kesehatan Pajanan kronjk mangan pada dosis yang tinggi dapat mengakibatkan gangguan pada sistem sara Tujuan penelilian adalah mengetahui perkiraan resiko kesehatan akibat pemajanan mangau dari intake air yang dipcrolch dan sumur di wilayah pcnclitian. Penelitian ini dilakukan tcrhadap populasi di wilayah sekitar TPA Rawakucing, mencakup masyarakat yang bermukim di dalam kawasan TPA Rawakucing sebanyak 114 orang, dan di luar kawasan TPA yaitu 177 orang, Disain penelitian ini adalah crosseclionai dengan uji hipotesa.
Hasil penelitian menunjukl-can rata-rata konsentrasi mangan dalam air sumur di wilayah sekitar TPA Rawakucing adalah 4.3 mg/I (SD=2.8873 mg/I). Scdangkan di luar TPA Rawakucing adalah 0,300 mg/l (SD=0.l888 mg/I). Konsentrasi mangan dalam air-air sumur yang ada di TPA tcrbukti secara bermakna berbeda dengan konsentrasi mangan pada air-air sumur di luar TPA (p<0.05). Rata-rata besaran risiko (RQ) gangguan kesehatan akibat mengkonsumsi air yang mengandung mangan pada masyarakat yang tinggai di TPA Rawakucing adalah 0.2347 dan rata-rata besaran risiko (RQ) gangguan keschatan masyarakat yang tinggat di luar TPA Rawakucing adalah 0.2955. Dan, ada pcrbedaan besar risiko gangguan kesehatan antara masyarakat yang tinggal di TPA dengan masyarakat yang tinggal di luar TPA (p<0_05) dcngan OR=8. |09 (95% CI = 2.668-24.650).
Dari hasil penelitian ini terlihat ada kemungkinan kcberadaan TPA mempengaruhi kualitas air di Iingkungan sckitar TPA, khususnya Iogarn mangan yang mcmpengaruhi tingkat risiko. Unluk itu bagi Pcmcrintah Kota Tangerang perlu mempertimbangkan altematif sistem pengelolaan sampah di TPA Rawakucing, salah satunya dengan sistem pengeloiaan sanirary lamwll. Selain itu, perlu mempenimbangkan sistem pengelolaan air komunal yang dapal menghasilkan air yang memenuhi syarat untuk dikonsumsi. Bagi Dinas Kesehatan Kota Tangerang khususnya diharapkan mampu melakukan manajemen risiko tcrhadap masyarakat yang terbukti memiliki lisiko yang tinggi akan terkena toksisitas mangan di kemudian hari.

Manganese is a naturally-occurring element that can be found ubiquitously in the air, soil, and water. Manganese is an essential nutrient for humans and animals. Adverse health effects can be caused by inadequate intake or over exposure. Although manganese is an essential nutrient at low doses, chronic exposure to high doses may be harmful. Regardless, the nervous system has been determined to be the primary target organ with neurological effects generally observed. The objective ofthe study is to assess the health risk of manganese exposure from the well drinking water intake. This study was done in Final Disposal Site Rawalcucing area and out of this area . The number of subjects sampled were II4 and 117, respectively. Study design is cross-sectional with hypotesis test.
The result showed that the average manganese concentration was 4.3 mg/l (SD#2.8873), 0.300 mg/l (SD=0.I888) respectively. The result was significant different statistically (p<0.05) tbr manganese concentration from two study area. The average RQ showed 0.2347 (SD=0_5095) for RQ in Disposal Site Area and 0.2955 (SD=0.2465) for RQ in out of Disposal Site Area. The result was significant different statistically (p<0.05) for RQ value, with OR=8. |09 (95% Cl = 2.668-24.650).
It is recommended that The Government of Tangerang City should changed open dumping system in Disposal Site Rawakucing Area to sanirmy Ianajflll. Department of Health of Tangerang City especially, should be able to apply risk management to the community in the Disposal Site Rawakucing Area.
Depok: Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, 2007
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Wairara, Tricia Lusia Novalia
"Pelayanan air perpipaan di Indonesia yang masih kurang mendorong masyarakat untuk menggunakan sumber air nonperpipaan seperti air tanah dan air isi ulang. Namun berdasarkan beberapa penelitian, air nonperpipaan diketahui memiliki risiko akibat kontaminasi bakteri dan patogen. Studi ini dilakukan sebagai upaya peningkatan kualitas air minum dengan mengetahui persebaran kontaminasi E. coli, faktor yang mempengaruhinya, serta membandingkan risiko kesehatan air minum nonperpipaan di Kota Bekasi dan Metro. Penelitian dilakukan dengan metode Most Probable Number (MPN) untuk mengetahui konsentrasi bakteri dan metode Quantitative Microbial Risk Assessment (QMRA) dengan indikator bakteri E. coli dan patogen indeks Salmonella. Pengujian kualitas air minum menunjukkan bahwa terjadi kontaminasi E. coli sekitar 26,7% dari total 202 sampel di Kota Bekasi dengan rata-rata 18,7 MPN/100 mL. Sedangkan di Kota Metro 30,0% dari 190 sampel terkontaminasi E. coli dengan rata-rata 77,3 MPN/100 mL. Berdasarkan uji korelasi Spearman¸ faktor seperti sumber air, pewadahan, dan pengolahan air tidak menunjukkan adanya korelasi terhadap konsentrasi E. coli, kecuali untuk faktor pewadahan di Kota Metro yang berhubungan signifikan dengan E. coli ≥100 MPN/100 mL. Kemudian hasil penelitian mengenai rasio patogen indeks Salmonella dengan sampel air tanah di kota Bekasi (n=7) diperoleh nilai rasio sebesar 0,03. Hasil perhitungan analisis QMRA dengan simulasi Monte-Carlo di Kota Bekasi menunjukkan bahwa air tanah memiliki nilai median beban penyakit sebesar 0,01 ± 0,03 DALY/orang/tahun dan air isi ulang dengan nilai sebesar 0,003 ± 0,02 DALY/orang/tahun. Sedangkan, untuk Kota Metro diperoleh sebesar 0,04 ± 0,04 DALY/orang/tahun untuk air tanah dan air isi ulang sebesar 0,03 ± 0,04 DALY/orang/tahun. Seluruh nilai yang diperoleh melebihi batas nilai maksimum menurut WHO yaitu sebesar 10-4 DALY/orang/tahun. Oleh karena itu, intervensi yang tepat perlu dilakukan oleh pemerintah untuk mengedukasi masyarakat tentang konsumsi air minum yang aman dan layak

Piped water services in Indonesia are still relatively low. This condition encourages people to use non-piped water sources such as groundwater and refilled water. However, based on several studies, non-piped water is known to have risks due to bacterial and pathogen contamination. This study was conducted as an effort to improve drinking water quality by knowing the distribution of E. coli contamination, the factors that influence it, and comparing the health risks of non-piped drinking water in Bekasi City and Metro. The research was conducted using the Most Probable Number (MPN) method to determine the concentration of bacteria and the Quantitative Microbial Risk Assessment (QMRA) method with E. coli as indicators and Salmonella as reference pathogen. The drinking water quality testing showed that there was around 26.73% E. coli contamination from a total of 202 drinking water samples in Bekasi City with an average of 18.74 MPN/100 mL. Whereas in Metro City 30% of 190 samples were contaminated with E. coli with an average of 77.31 MPN/100 mL. Based on the Spearman correlation test¸ risk factors such as water sources, containers, and water treatment did not show a correlation with E. coli concentrations, except for the container factor in Metro City which is significantly related to E. coli ≥100 MPN/100 mL. Then to find out the reference pathogen ratio, a Salmonella concentration test was carried out for groundwater in the city of Bekasi (n=7) and a ratio value of 0.03 was obtained. The results of QMRA analysis calculations using Monte-Carlo simulations in Bekasi City show that groundwater has a median disease burden value of 0.01 ± 0.03 DALY/person/year and refill water with a value of 0.003 ± 0.02 DALY/person/year year. Whereas for Metro City, the median disease burden of groundwater was 0.04 ± 0.04 DALY/person/year and for refill water it was 0.03 ± 0.04 DALY/person/year. All values ​​obtained exceeded the maximum value limit according to WHO, namely 10-4 DALY/person/year, therefore proper intervention from the government is needed to educate the public about consumption of safe drinking water."
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Almadinah Hakim

Hazard mikrobiologis, khusunya virus, memiliki kontribusi yang cukup besar pada penyakit, terlebih lagi dengan ukurannya yang mikroskopik. Penilaian risiko mikrobiologis merupakan cara untuk mengestimasi probabilitas suatu virus menyebabkan suatu efek pada manusia, dan sebagai rujukan untuk melakukan manajemen risiko yang sesuai dan tepat. Namun, pelaksanaan penilaian risiko mikrobiologi s lebih kompleks karena sifat mikroorganisme yang berbeda dengan hazard kimia. Kajian ini bertujuan untuk mengumpulkan dan mesintesis informasi terkait penilaian risiko mikrobiologis dengan menggunakan metode kajian kepustakaan naratif. Hasil kajian menunjukkan bahwa penilaian risiko dilakukan berdasar tujuan manajemennya. Penilaian risiko kualitatif dan semi-kuantitatif dapat dilakukan untuk sebagai awalan sebelum melakukan penilaian kuantitatif, karena pelaksanaannya yang cepat dan sederhana. Penilaian kuantitatif juga disesuaikan dengan konteks penelitian untuk perhitungan exposure assessment dan dose-response. Manejemen risiko dari hasil penilaian juga perlu diverifikasi dengan kembali melaksanakan penilaian risiko.


Microbiological hazard, particularly virus, contributing highly in disease, moreover with its microscopic size. Microbial risk assessment is a tool to estimate a probability of virus causing effect to human body, and as reference to generate appropriate and precise risk management. However, conducting microbial risk assessment is more complex because of its microorganism nature that is different from chemical hazard. This review aims to collect and synthesize information regarding microbial risk assessment using narrative literature review method. This review suggests that microbial risk assessment conducted based on its management purpose. Qualitative and semi-quantitative risk assessment can be performed for initial assessment before assessing quantitatively, due to its speed and simplicity. Quantitative assessment also executed based on its context for quantifying the exposure assessment and dose-response. Risk management from risk assessment result needs to be verified by reenacting risk assessment.


Depok: Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, 2020
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Riska Nisrina Fathur Rahman
Sebagai bagian dari Lembaga Keuangan Mikro Non-Bank, BMT X wajib memiliki manajemen risiko sebagaimana diatur dalam PER OJK NO.1/POJK.05/2015. Permasalahan yang terjadi adalah BMT X belum memiliki manajemen risiko secara formal dan tertulis yang dapat diterapkan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk merancang proses manajemen risiko atas pembiayaan murabahah dan menilai implementasinya. Manajemen risiko pada BMT X dirancang agar dapat menurunkan level risikonya ke level yang dapat diterima sehingga pencapaian tujuan dari BMT X dapat dilakukan secara optimal. Penelitian ini merupakan studi kasus yang menggunakan metode kualitatif deskriptif dalam analisisnya dan periode yang diambil dalam penelitian ini adalah dari tahun 2015-2017.
Hasil penelitian ini menunjukan bahwa terdapat 15 risiko yang telah diidentifikasi pada proses pembiayaan murabahah di BMT X. Dengan adanya perancangan manajemen risiko, BMT X memiliki penanganan atas risiko-risikonya secara formal dan tertulis, selain itu, penilaian atas kematangan risiko secara keseluruhan yang sebelumnya berada pada tingkat risk naive, beberapa telah berubah menjadi risk aware.

As part of the Non-Bank Microfinance Institutions, BMT X must have risk management as stipulated in the OJK PER NO.1/POJK.05/2015. The problem that occurs is that BMT X does not have formal and written risk management that can be applied. This study aims to design a risk management process for murabahah financing and assess its implementation. Risk management at BMT X is designed to reduce the level of risk to an acceptable level so that the achievement of goals from BMT X can be done optimally. This study is a case study that uses descriptive qualitative methods in its analysis and the period taken in this study is from 2015-2017.
The results of this study indicate that there are 15 risks that have been identified in the murabahah financing process at BMT X. With the design of risk management, BMT X has a handling of the risks in a formal and written manner, besides, the overall risk maturity assessment previously at the level of risk naive, some have turned into risk aware."
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2018
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Minar Indriasih
"Sejak pertama kali dilaporkan pada Desember 2019 di Kota Wuhan, China, infeksi SARS-CoV-2 telah menjadi pandemi global dan mengancam kesehatan masyarakat di seluruh dunia. Provinsi DKI Jakarta merupakan salah satu episenter kasus COVID-19 di Indonesia. Hingga tanggal 25 September 2022, DKI Jakarta menjadi penyumbang kasus tertinggi yaitu sebanyak 1.422.965 kasus, dengan 15.553 kasus yang berakhir dengan kematian. Dari total kasus positif di DKI Jakarta per tanggal 25 September 2022 tersebut, Kota Administrasi Jakarta Pusat menyumbang sebanyak 131.410 kasus dengan mortality rate yang paling tinggi yaitu sebesar 1,35%.
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan antara faktor iklim (suhu, kelembaban, curah hujan, kecepatan angin) dan pencemaran udara (PM10, PM2.5, SO2, NO2) dengan kasus COVID-19, menganalisis faktor yang paling dominan dan membuat model prediksi kasus COVID-19 berdasarkan faktor iklim dan pencemaran udara. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kuantitatif yang menggunakan desain studi ekologi berdasarkan waktu (time trend). Penelitian dilakukan pada bulan April-Juni 2023 menggunakan data iklim, data pencemaran udara dan data insidens kasus COVID-19 di Kota Administrasi Jakarta Pusat Tahun 2020-2022. Data dianalisis menggunakan analisis univariat, bivariat dan multivariat serta hasilnya disajikan dalam bentuk tabel dan grafik.
Hasil uji bivariat dengan korelasi spearman menunjukkan bahwa suhu (p = 0,000; r = -0,291) dan kecepatan angin (p = 0,001; r = 0,265) berhubungan signifikan dengan kasus COVID-19. Hasil uji multivariat dengan regresi linear berganda menunjukkan bahwa variabel yang berhubungan signifikan dengan kasus COVID-19 adalah suhu, kecepatan angin dan PM2.5, dimana faktor yang paling dominan adalah PM2.5. Model prediksi kasus COVID-19 adalah ln(Y) = 22,330 - 0,875(X1) + 1,806(X2) + 0,053(X3) + e dengan R2 = 0,225. Penelitian ini menyimpulkan bahwa ada hubungan antara faktor iklim dan pencemaran udara dengan kasus COVID-19 di Kota Administrasi Jakarta Pusat Tahun 2020-2022. Disarankan kepada peneliti selanjutnya untuk melakukan penelitian di tingkat individu dengan desain studi kohort untuk membuktikan hubungan antara iklim dan pencemaran udara dengan kasus COVID-19.

Since it was first reported in December 2019 in Wuhan, China, SARS-CoV-2 infection has become a global pandemic and threatens public health worldwide. DKI Jakarta Province is one of the epicenters of COVID-19 cases in Indonesia. As of September 25 2022, DKI Jakarta is the highest contributor of cases, namely 1,422,965 cases, with 15,553 cases ending in death. From the total positive cases in DKI Jakarta as of September 25 2022, the Central Jakarta Administrative City contributed 131,410 cases with the highest mortality rate, which was 1.35%. This study aims to determine the relationship between climatic factors (temperature, humidity, rainfall, wind speed) and air pollution (PM10, PM2.5, SO2, NO2) with COVID-19 cases, to analyze the most dominant factors and to create a case prediction model.
This research is a quantitative study using a time trend ecological study design. The research was conducted in April-June 2023 using climate data, air pollution data and COVID-19 case incidence data in the Administrative City of Central Jakarta for 2020-2022. Data were analyzed using univariate, bivariate and multivariate analysis.
The results of the bivariate test with spearman correlation show that temperature (p = 0.000; r = -0.291) and wind speed (p = 0.001; r = 0.265) are related significantly to COVID-19 cases. The results of the multivariate test with multiple linear regression show that the variables that had a significant relation on COVID-19 are temperature, wind speed and PM2.5, where the most dominant factor is PM2.5. The COVID-19 case prediction model is ln(Y) = 22.330 - 0.875(X1) + 1.806(X2) + 0.053(X3) + e with R2 = 0.225. This study concludes that there is a relationship between climate factors and air pollution with COVID-19 cases in the Administrative City of Central Jakarta in 2020-2022. It is suggested to future researchers to conduct research at the individual level with a cohort study design to prove the relationship between climate and air pollution with COVID-19 cases.
Depok: Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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