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Pensa Resta Grahmidri
"Dalam Peraturan Menteri Kesehatan Nomor 74 Tahun 2016 disebutkan bahwa puskesmas harus melaksanakan pelayanan kefarmasian sesuai standar. Saat ini belum semua puskesmas memenuhi standar pelayanan kefarmasian. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis kepatuhan implementasi standar pelayanan kefarmasian di puskesmas Kota Bekasi sehingga diharapkan penelitian ini dapat memberi masukan agar pelayanan kefarmasian di puskesmas berjalan sesuai standar. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan pendekatan kuantitatif dengan unit analisis pelayanan kefarmasian meliputi pelayanan resep, pelayanan informasi obat, dan konseling. Untuk memperkuat pembahasan dilakukan pengumpulan data kualitatif. Sampel sebanyak 100 pelayanan kefarmasian diambil dari 10 puskesmas di Kota Bekasi. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan pengamatan, pengisian lembar kuesioner, dan wawancara mendalam. Hasil penelitian menunjukan hasil bahwa puskesmas telah melaksanakan pelayanan resep dan pelayanan informasi obat namun belum sesuai standar sedangkan konseling belum dilaksanakan di semua puskesmas. Puskesmas yang memiliki apoteker sebagai penanggung jawab, fasilitas kefarmasian yang baik, standar prosedur operasional, uraian tugas dan mendapatkan komunikasi kebijakan dan supervisi yang baik lebih patuh terhadap standar pelayanan kefarmasian.
Pemerintah disarankan untuk merevisi Peraturan Menteri Kesehatan Nomor 75 Tahun 2014 tentang Puskesmas dan Peraturan Menteri Kesehatan Nomor 74 Tahun 2016 tentang Standar Pelayanan Kefarmasian di Puskesmas, menetapkan apoteker sebagai tenaga kesehatan strategis, program internsip dan kebijakan pegawai tidak tetap untuk apoteker. Dinas Kesehatan Kota Bekasi disarankan untuk melakukan advokasi kebijakan penempatan apoteker di puskesmas sesuai analisis beban kerja, pelatihan berkelanjutan, sosialisasi kebijakan kepada tenaga kefarmasian di puskesmas, penyusunan petunjuk teknis pelayanan farmasi klinik, supervisi rutin, dan menetapkan sistem penilaian kinerja perorangan untuk pemberian kompensasi dan sanksi. Puskesmas disarankan untuk merencanakan kebutuhan apoteker sesuai analisis beban kerja, menempatkan apoteker sebagai penanggungjawab pelayanan kefarmasian, menyediakan fasilitas kefarmasian sesuai standar, menyusun standar prosedur operasional, menyusun uraian tugas, supervisi internal, dan menerapkan penilaian kinerja perorangan dan memberikan insentif berbasis kinerja perorangan.

Regulation of the Minister of Health Number 74 of 2016 states that primary health centers must perform pharmaceutical services according standard. Currently, not all community health centers meet the standard of pharmaceutical service. This study aims to analyze the compliance in the implementation of pharmaceutical services standard in primary health centers in Bekasi so it is expected to provide an input to the pharmaceutical services at primary health centers in order to be implemented in accordance with the standards. This research was conducted with quantitative approach with pharmaceutical services as unit of analysis which including prescription service, drug information service, and counseling. To strengthen the results discussion then in this study also conducted qualitative data collection. Samples of 100 pharmaceutical services were taken from 10 in primary health centers in Bekasi. The data were collected by observation, filling in questionnaire, and in depth interviews. The results showed that the primary health center had performed prescription and medication services but not yet meet with the standard while counseling had not been implemented in all primary health centers. Primary health center that have pharmacists, good pharmacy facilities, standard operating procedures, job descriptions and good policy communication and supervision are more obedient to the standard of pharmaceutical services.
The Government is advised to revise Regulation of the Minister of Health Number 75 of 2014 on Primary Health Center and Regulation of the Minister of Health Number 74 of 2016 on Standard of Pharmaceutical Service in Primary Health Center, establishing pharmacist as strategic health officer, internsip program and non permanent employee policy for pharmacist. Bekasi City Distric Health Office is advised to advocate placement of pharmacist in community health center policy according to work load analysis, continuing professional development, policy communication to pharmacy staff at community health center, preparation of clinical pharmaceutical services technical guidance, routine supervision, and set individual performance appraisal system for reward and punishment. Primary health centers are advised to plan the pharmacist 39 s needs in accordance with workload analysis, placing pharmacists as responsible pharmaceutical services, providing pharmaceutical facilities according to standards, developing standar operating procedures, preparing job descriptions, internal supervision, and applying individual performance assessments and give incentive based on individual performance.
Depok: Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, 2018
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Sandra Octaviani Dyah Puspita Rini
"Kementerian Kesehatan melaksanakan program peningkatan kinerja sumber dayakesehatan melalui pendidikan dan pelatihan; khususnya pelatihan tenaga pelayanankesehatan tradisional; melalui pelatihan pelayanan akupresur bagi Puskesmas; namunpelayanan akupresur belum berjalan di Puskesmas. Di Kota Jakarta Selatan Puskesmasyang sudah menyelenggarakan pelayanan akupresur hanya dua 2 . Penelitian ini adalahpenelitian kualitatif; dan bertujuan untuk menganalisis kebijakan dan implementasipelaksanaan pelayanan akupresur di Puskesmas serta hambatannya. Informan dalampenelitian berjumlah 11 orang; yaitu Kementerian Kesehatan; Sudinkes Jakarta Selatan;Kepala Puskesmas; Dokter poli; pelaksana program. Metode pengumpulan data melaluiWM dan telaah dokumen.
Hasil penelitian dari komponen input sudah berjalan; adanyadukungan Kepala Puskesmas; SOP pelayanan; dan SK penugasan namun belum optimalrotasi staf menjadi salah satu kendala; komponen output dan outcome belum optimal.Aspek komunikasi kejelasan dan konsistensi belum efektif tentang informasi regulasikebijakan yang ada dari penentu kebijakan kepada pelaksana; aspek pembiayaan belumdidukung peraturan daerah; aspek birokrasi masih kurang koordinasi dan sosialisasikebijakan dari Dinas Kesehatan ke Sudinkes dan Puskesmas.

The Ministry of Health is implementing programs to improve the performance of healthresources through education and training; especially training of traditional health careworkers; through the training of acupressure services for Primary Health Care; butacupressure service has not been run in Primary Health Care. In South Jakarta; PrimaryHealth Care that have been providing acupressure service are only two 2. Thisresearch is a qualitative research; and aims to analyze the policy and implementation ofacupressure service in Primary Health Care and its obstacles. Informants in the studyamounted to 11 people; namely the Ministry of Health; Sudinkes South Jakarta; Head ofPrimary Health Care; Doctor; program implementer. Methods of data collection throughWM and document review.
The result of research of input component have beenrunning; existence of support of Head of Puskesmas; service SOP; and SK ofassignment but not optimal rotation of staff become one of obstacle; component ofoutput and outcome not yet optimally. The communication aspect clarity andconsistency has not been effective about the existing policy regulation informationfrom the policy makers to the implementers; the financing aspect has not been supportedby local regulations; the bureaucratic aspects are still lacking coordination and thepolicy socialization from the Health Service to tribe of health service and PrimaryHealth Care.
Depok: Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, 2018
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Annisa Rahmawaty
"Posbindu lansia merupakan pelayanan kesehatan yang bertujuan untuk meningkatkan derajat kesehatan para lansia. Keterampilan kader merupakan salah satu kunci keberhasilan pelayanan di posbindu lansia. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis peran kader dalam pemanfaatan posbindu lansia. Jenis penelitian yaitu deskriptif analitik dengan metode kualitatif. Informan utama adalah 17 orang kader dan informan kunci yang terdiri dari 1 orang Kepala Puskesmas Bantargebang Bekasi, 1 orang Pemegang Program Lansia, dan 3 orang Lansia yang memanfaatkan posbindu lansia di wilayah kerja Puskesmas Bantargebang Bekasi.
Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kader belum berperan besar dalam pemanfaatan posbindu lansia di wilayah kerja Puskesmas Bantargebang sehingga diperlukan adanya upaya pelatihan dan pembinaan untuk petugas kesehatan dan kader posbindu lansia, serta sosialisasi kepada seluruh sasaran posbindu lansia. Penyediaan fasilitas posbindu lansia yang lengkap diharapkan dapat memaksimalkan peran kader dalam usaha pemanfaatan posbindu lansia. Komunikasi sesama kader juga harus dibangun agar mereka dapat bertukar informasi dan pengalaman mengenai peran mereka dalam pemanfaatan posbindu lansia.

Elderly's integrated health care is health services which aims to improve the health status of the elderly. Skills of cadres is one of the keys to success in elderly's integrated health care. This study aims to analyze the role of cadres in the use elderly's integrated health care. This research is descriptive analytic with qualitative method. The main informants were 17 cadres and key informants consisting of 1 chief of Bantargebang Public Health Care Bekasi, 1 holder of elderly programs, and 3 elderly peoples who utilize elderly's integrated health care in Bantargebang Public Health Care Bekasi working area.
The results showed that the cadres have not played a major role in the utilization of elderly's integrated health care in Bantargebang Public Health Care Bekasi working area thus efforts are required in training and coaching for health workers and cadres elderly's integrated health care, and socialization to all elderly's integrated health care target. Provision of complete elderly's integrated health care facilities is expected to maximize the role of cadres in the utilization of it. Communication fellow cadres should also be constructed so that they can exchange information and experiences regarding their role in the utilization of elderly's integrated health care.
Depok: Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Setyanti Indah Lestari
"Kebijakan DAK Fisik Subbidang Pelayanan Kefarmasian bertujuan untuk membantu daerah dalam pencapaian target prioritas nasional, dalam hal ini mencapai ketersediaan obat dan vaksin di Puskesmas serta Instalasi Farmasi yang memenuhi standar manajemen pengelolaan obat. Tesis ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis implementasi DAK Fisik Subbidang Pelayanan Kefarmasian Tahun 2018. Penelitian dilakukan secara mix method, penelitian kuantitatif dilanjutkan dengan penelitian kualitatif menggunakan kerangka teori Chemma-Rondinelli. Kuesioner dikumpulkan menggunakan aplikasi online dari 212 Kab/Kota di seluruh Indonesia. Wawancara mendalam dilakukan kepada para pembuat kebijakan di pusat dan pelaksana DAK di daerah.
Hasil penelitian menyatakan bahwa Implementasi DAK Fisik Subbidang Pelayanan Kefarmasian Tahun 2018 telah berjalan baik namun masih terkendala dalam kualitas data dukung, penyaluran dan pemanfaatan DAK, kepatuhan dan ketepatan pelaporan serta realisasi anggaran yang belum optimal. Pada kondisi lingkungan kebijakan masih terdapat permasalahan pada pelaksanaan pengadaan obat melalui e-catalog serta aplikasi pelaporan yang kurang fleksibel dan sering bermasalah.
Komunikasi dan koordinasi antar organisasi di daerah serta jejaring pusat dan daerah masih perlu ditingkatkan. Sosialisasi kebijakan terkait DAK masih bersifat sektoral. Standarisasi prosedur perencanaan, pelaksanaan serta evaluasi telah tersedia. Dukungan Pemda dan Pemerintah terhadap DAK sangat baik. Adanya PMK terkait penyaluran DAK secara pertahap yang disesuaikan dengan kinerja masih dianggap menyulitkan daerah. Sebagian besar responden telah memiliki sarana dan prasarana yang terdapat di Juknis. Untuk itu perlu ditelaah kembali menu yang dapat diadakan melalui DAK. Alokasi DAK masih dirasa tidak sesuai dengan kebutuhan daerah.
Karakteristik organisasi pelaksana berhubungan signifikan berkekuatan lemah dan berpola positif dengan kinerja implementasi DAK. Komunikasi internal Dinkes serta komitmen pelaksana terhadap DAK sangat baik. Namun sebagian besar pelaksana masih merasa kesulitan melaksanakan DAK. Terdapat hubungan yang signifikan antara kondisi lingkungan, hubungan antar organisasi, sumber daya kebijakan serta karakteristik organisasi pelaksana dalam implementasi DAK Subbidang Pelayanan Kefarmasian Tahun 2018. Hal yang perlu ditingkatkan adalah kualitas pelaksana melalui pelatihan, jejaring pusat dan daerah serta perbaikan pengadaan obat melalui sistem e-catalog.

Specific Allocation Grant (DAK) for Pharmaceutical Services aims to support districts in accordance with the national priority targets, in this case achieving the availability of medicines and vaccine in Puskesmas as well as Pharmaceutical Installations that should meet the drug management standards. This thesis aims to analyze the implementation of DAK for Pharmaceutical Services in 2018. This study was a quantitative research followed by a qualitative research using the framework of the Chemma-Rondinelli theory. Questionnaires were collected using online applications from 212 districts throughout Indonesia. In-depth interviews were conducted with policy makers and DAK implementers.
The results of the study state that DAK Implementation for Pharmaceutical Services in 2018 was performed well but still constrained in the quality of supporting data, distribution and utilization of DAK, compliance and accuracy of reporting as well as the budget realization that has not been optimal. In the environmental conditions, there are some problems in the implementation of drug procurement through e-catalogs and reporting applications that are not flexible.
Communication and coordination between organizations in the districts are need to be improved. Policy disemination related to DAK is still sectoral. Standardization of planning, implementation and evaluation procedures are available. The effectiveness of the central and regional networks still needs to be improved. The local and central government are supporting DAK. Regulation related to DAK distribution is considered difficult for the districts. Most of the respondents were reported already have facilities and infrastructure from DAK. The DAK allocation is not in accordance with districts needs.
The characteristics of implementing organizations are significantly correlated with positive and weak strength with the DAK implementation. Internal communication and implementers commitments to DAK are very good. However, most implementers found that DAK implementation is difficult. There is a significant correlation between environmental conditions, relationships between organizations, policy resources and characteristics of implementing organizations. Things that need to be improved are the quality of the implementers through training, the network between the central and local goverment and drug procurement through the e-catalog system.
Depok: Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, 2019
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Jakarta: Depkes, 1992
362.11 IND p
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Rachma Dewi
"Kesehatan merupakan hak azasi setiap orang, hal ini telah ditetapkan pada piagam PBB tahun 1948. Salah satu upaya pemerintah dalam memenuhi hak warga negara untuk mendapatkan derajat kesehatan yang optimal yaitu dengan dibangunnya puskesmas dipelosok seluruh wilayah Republik Indonesia baik di perkotaan maupun di pedesaan. Puskesmas sebagai unit pelayanan terdepan dituntut untuk memberikan pelayanan kesehatan yang bermutu sehingga mempunyai daya ungkit terhadap derajat kesehatan. Setelah terjadi krisis ekonomi, beban pembiayaan kesehatan menjadi semakin berat terutama disebabkan oleh inflasi yang sangat tinggi. Hal ini akan menambah beban biaya kesehatan yang berasal dari pemerintah . Oleh sebab itu perlu dicari cara untuk memobilisasi cumber dana dari masyarakat dan swasta. Salah satu cara yaitu dengan penyesuaian tarif pelayanan puskesmas. Tetapi untuk melaksanakan hal tersebut maka kemampuan dan kemauan masyarakat membayar pelayanan kesehatan di puskesmas hams diketahui terlebih dahulu.
Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk memperoleh gambaran kemauan pasien membayar pelayanan kesehatan (WTP) di puskesmas Sukmajaya serta hubungannya dengan karakteristik pasien, kemampuan membayar (ATP) , persepsi pasien terhadap mutu dan manfaat pelayanan puskesmas. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian crossecsional dengan pendekatan deskriptif-analitik. Data dikumpulkan melalui wawancara terpimpin dengan menggunakan daftar pertanyaan yang telah disusun kepada responden yang merupakan pengunjung atau pasien puskesmas .
Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kemauan dan kemampuan pasien membayar pelayanan kesehatan di puskesmas jauh melebihi tarif yang berlaku saat ini berdasarkan PERDA kota Depok. Hal ini menunjukkan bahwa pasien atau masyarakat bersedia membayar lebih bila manfaat yang dirasakannya besar Kemampuan membayar bila dilihat dari ATP1 (ajan,rokok,kosmetik dll) berperan dalam menentukan besarnya WTP pasien, sedangkan kemampuan yang dilihat dari ATP2 (pesta, rekrasi,nonton dll) tidak berpengaruh terhadap besarnya WTP. Hal yang berperan dalam menentukan besarnya kemauan membayar yaitu ;persepsi pasien terhadap manfaat pelayanan, pendapatan responden, pendidikan istri, dan umur responden.
Untuk meningkatkan mutu pelayanan puskesmas maka perlu penambahan tenaga medis maupun para medis. Selain itu status puskesmas diubah menjadi puskesrnas swakelola diharapkan puskesmas dapat mengelola keuangannya secara mandiri dan bertanggung jawab. Penyesuaian tarif berdasarkan ATP-WTP masyarakat merupakan salah satu cara untuk mengatasi kekurangan Jana operasional puskesmas dalam rangka meningkatkan mutu pelayanan. Dan PEMDA Kota Depok .diharapkan dapat meningkatkan anggaran kesehatan untuk promotif dan preventif.

Health has been stipulated in the Charter of the United Nation in 1948 as one of the human fundamental rights. To pursue the optimal degree of the people well being the Government has exerted every efforts to established the Community Health Center - Puskesmas -throughout every corner of the Republic, in the urban as well as in the rural areas. Puskesmas as the center of the Public health care services in Indonesia is demanded to extend high quality and liable medical treatments to the patients, until a better degree of the community health condition could be achieved.
The recent prolonged economic crises that increased the prices of medicines and the costs of public health services in general. Due to this heavy economic burden, the budget for the community health care allocated by the Government to the Puskesmas has been limited. This might further minimize the quality oh the services provided,
In order to regain the good standard of medical treatments, it would therefore be necessary to find out new sources of funds or new concepts how to raise finds from the public. A proposal that could be adopted is to adjust the present health fee tariff at the Puskesmas.
However, in order to make this method more acceptable an implacable, a sophisticated and more comprehensive survey should be undertaken to investigate the ability and the willingness of the patients and community to pay the services and the medical treatments provided by Puskesmas. The purpose of this research is to obtain the profile of the patients willingness to pay (WTP) at Sukmajaya Puskesmas and its coorelation with the patients characteristic, the patients ability to pay (ATP) ; the patients perception towards the quality and benefit of the services given. This survey describes cross sectional investigation frame work in a descriptive - analytical approach.
Data collections is obtained through guided interviews using a pre -designed questionnaire to the respective respondents, who were visitors or patients of the Puskesmas. The result of the survey have shown that the ability and willingness to pay for the medical services given by Puskesmas have far exceeded the current effective tariff as laid down in the PERDA of the Depok Regency. This has obviously indicated that the patients and the community do not hesitate to pay more whenever they believe the benefit will better. ATP1 that was measured by non essential spending (buying snacks, cigarettes, cosmetics, etc) influences the patients WTP, while ATP2 measured by other non essential spending (recreation, party, cinema, etc) did not affect patients WTP.
The tendency to pay more above the present tariff as determined by the patients perception towards the benefit of the services, the income bracket of the patients, the educational level of the housewives, and the age of the respondents.
It is therefore expected that this survey result would be a useful input to the respective Dinas Kesehatan Depok and the competent authority of Depok Regency to reconsider future policy in the betterment of the Health Care Services, particularly the policy pertaining to Puskesmas tariff.
This study suggest that it is necessary for Puskesmas to add health care providers in order to increase its services. Also in order to increase public participation in health financing. It is recommended that Puskesmas should be independently managed by itself and set its tariff according to the patient ATP-WTP.
Depok: Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, 2004
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Innes Apriliani Dewi
"Pusat Kesehatan Masyarakat (Puskesmas) adalah unit pelaksana teknis dinas kesehatan kabupaten/kota yang bertanggung jawab menyelenggarakan pembangunan kesehatan di suatu wilayah kerja. Berdasarkan Peraturan Menteri Kesehatan Nomor 30 Tahun 2014 tentang Standar Pelayanan Kefarmasian di Puskesmas bahwa pelayanan kefarmasian di Puskesmas merupakan satu kesatuan yang tidak terpisahkan dari pelakasanaan upaya kesehatan. Standar Pelayanan Kefarmasian di Puskesmas, yaitu standar pengelolaan obat dan bahan medis habis pakai serta pelayanan farmasi klinik. Pengelolaan obat dan bahan medis habis pakai meliputi kegiatan perencanaan kebutuhan, permintaan, penerimaan, penyimpanan, pendistribusian, pengendalian, pencatatan, pelaporan, pengarsipan, dan pemantauan serta evaluasi pengelolaan. Sedangkan pelayanan farmasi klinik meliputi pengkajian resep, penyerahan obat, dan pemberian informasi obat; Pelayanan Informasi Obat (PIO); konseling; ronde/visite pasien (khusus Puskesmas rawat inap); pemantauan dan pelaporan efek samping obat; pemantauan terapi obat; dan evaluasi penggunaan obat. Pelayanan kefarmasian di Puskesmas harus mendukung tiga fungsi pokok Puskesmas, yaitu sebagai pusat penggerak pembangunan berwawasan kesehatan, pusat pemberdayaan masyarakat, dan pusat pelayanan kesehatan strata pertama yang meliputi pelayanan kesehatan perorangan dan pelayanan kesehatan masyarakat.

Community Health Center (Puskesmas) is a technical unit of district health offices / city responsible for organizing health development in a work area. Based on the Ministry of Health Regulations No. 30 of 2014 on Standards of Pharmaceutical Services in the Health Center that pharmacy services in primary health care is an integral part of exercising health efforts. Standards of Pharmaceutical Services at the health center, which is the standard management of drugs and medical materials consumables and clinical pharmacy services. Management of drugs and medical consumables material includes planning needs, request, receipt, storage, distribution, control, record keeping, reporting, archiving, and monitoring and evaluation of management. While clinical pharmacy services include the assessment of prescriptions, drug delivery, and the provision of drug information; Drug Information Service (PIO); counseling; round / visite patients (inpatient specialized health centers); monitoring and reporting drug side effects; monitoring drug therapy; and evaluation of drug use. Pharmacy services at the health center must support the three main functions of the health center, which is a central driver of health oriented development, community development centers, and health care centers that includes the first strata of personal health services and community health services.
Depok: Fakultas Farmasi Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Situmorang, Yuniati
"Accessibility and Other Factors Related with Utilization of Treatment Curative Services at Baros Community Health Center For its Community , Sukabumi Municipality In April 2004Utilization of curative services at Baros Community Health Centre for its community is low, especially from Jaya Mekar Village and Sudajaya Hilir Village.
This study aimed to describe the utilization of curative at Baros Community Health Centre and factors related to at Sukabumi municipality in April 2004.
Design of the study was across sectional one. This study aimed to see the correlation among accessibility, quality reason, education, need of health services , financial source and family income with utilization of curative services at Community Health Centre.
The respondents were families in Baros Sub District who have experienced curative services at Baros Community Health Centre and other surrounding Community Health Centre. Total samples were 100 respondents, selected by systematic random sampling selection technique.
The results of study showed that accessibility , education and family income were associated with utilization of curative services at Community Health Centre while quality reason, need of health services and financial source had no association with it.
Multivariate analysis was used in this study to explain the most associated factor with the utilization of curative services . By this analysis , accessibility was found significantly associated with it. Odd Ratio 20,68 ,P= 0,000 ( 95%CT ; 6,845 - 62,479 ).
The proportion of curative services utilization at Baros Community Health Centre by its community showed 50 % . This study recommends a need to think about optimalization of health services visit at remote areas at Sudajaya Hilir Health Clinic,lth Centre, periodic health services visit at remote areas and community poverty alleviation project. There is also a need to think about raising and developing of curative services at Baros Community Health Centre, increasing community coverage, conducting community transportation need survey, and promoting education.
Bibliography : 40 ( 1972 - 2004).
Depok: Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, 2004
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Bambang Wahyudi
"Penyelengaraan sistem informasi kesehatan yang baik sangat diperlukan guna menunjang proses manajemen program-program kesehatan. Buruknya sistem informasi kesehatan akan mengakibatkan pada rendahnya kualitas data & informasi yang dihasilkan dan rendahnya kualitas data & informasi akan berdampak pada kualitas manajemen, seperti perencanaan yang tidak tepat, salah dalam evaluasi keberhasilan program dan sebagainya.
Sistem informasi manajemen Puskesmas (SIMPUS) adalah ketentuan teknis secara rinci mengenai sistem pencatatan dan pelaporan terpadu Puskesmas (SP2TP) berdasarkan SK Dit.Jen Binkesmas. No:590/BM/DJ/Info/V/96, bertujuan meningkatkan kualitas manajemen Puskesmas secara lebih berhasil guna dan berdaya guna melalui pemanfaatan secara optimal data SP2TP dan informasi lain yang menunjang. Baik tidaknya penyelenggaraan SIMPUS akan berdampak pada baik tidaknya manajemen Puskesmas. Baik tidaknya manajemen Puskesmas diduga berkaitan dengan kinerja pelaksana program dalam penyelenggaraan SIMPUS, mulai dari pengumpulan data (pencatatan), pengolahan data, analisis dan interpretasi informasi hasil olahan data, pelaporan dan pemanfaatannya untuk menunjang proses manajemen Puskesmas. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui gambaran dan faktor-faktor yang berhubungan dengan kinerja pelaksana program dalam penyelenggaraan Sistem Informasi Manajemen Puskesmas di Kota Bengkulu.
Desain penelitian yang digunakan adalah potong lintang dengan jumlah sampel sebanyak 144 dari 150 total populasi. Populasi penelitian adalah 10 pelaksana program pada 15 Puskesmas yang ada di kota Bengkulu. Pengumpulan data variabel terikat maupun variabel bebas dilakukan dengan metode self-assesment (kuesioner diisi oleh responden sendiri). Khusus untuk variabel terikat yaitu kinerja pelaksana program dalam penyelenggaraan SIMPUS, setelah responden menjawab/mengisi kuesioner, peneliti melakukan observasi dan pengecekan jawaban respoden sekaligus melakukan koreksi atas kebenaran kecocokan jawaban yang diisi oleh responder.
Hasil penelitian melaporkan proporsi pelaksana program dalam penyelenggaraan SIMPUS yang kinerjanya baik sebanyak 52,8% dan yang kinerjanya tidak baik sebanyak 47,2%. Hasil analisis menunjukan bahwa ada tiga faktor yang berhubungan dengan kinerja pelaksana program dalam penyelenggaraan SIMPUS di Kota Bengkulu yaitu pelatihan, pengetahuan tentang SIMPUS dan uraian tugas.
Dari hasil penelitian dapat disimpulkan bahwa kinerja pelaksana program dalam penyelenggaraan SIMPUS di kota Bengkulu belum dilaksanakan dengan baik, untuk itu perlu mendapat perhatian Pimpinan Puskesmas dan Kepala Dinas Kesehatan Kota Bengkulu : Pertama kegiatan pelatihan perlu ditingkatkan baik dari jumlah dan mutunya, kedua diperlukan upaya khusus peningkatan pengetahuan tentang SIMPUS pada setiap pelaksana program Puskesmas seperti melengkapi buku-buku pedoman SIMPUS di setiap Puskesmas dan ketiga perlu adanya uraian tugas yang jelas pada setiap pelaksana program di Puskesmas khususnya tugas-tugas dan tanggung-jawabnya dalam pengelolaan data dan informasi.

Factors Related to the Performance of Program Officers in Administrating the Puskesmas Management Information Systems (SIMPUS) in Bengkulu City 2001Good health information system is needed to support the process of managing health programs. Unreliable health information system will produce low quality data and information. Low quality data and information, as a consequence, will damage the decision making process of health management, such as reducing their ability to plan accurately, hampering program performance evaluation, and other problems.
Puskesmas management information systems (SIMPUS) is detailed technical provision concerning integrated recording dan reporting systems of Puskesmas (SP2TP) which is based on SK Dit. Jenn. Binkenmas No. 590/BM/DJ/Info/V/96. The provision is aimed to enhance the effectiveness of Puskesmas management through optimal use of SP2TP data and other supporting information. The quality of SIMPUS administration will directly affect the effectiveness of Puskesmas management.
The effectiveness of Puskesmas management is hypothesized to be related to the performance of program officers in administrating SIMPUS, from the start of data collecting (recording), processing, analyzing and interpretation of the outputs, reporting, to utilizing information to support Puskesmas management. The objective of this study is to identify factors related to the performance of program officers in administrating SIMPUS in Bengkulu City.
The design of the study is cross-sectional, using a sample of 144, with the total population of 150. The population consists of 10 program officers at each of 15 Puskesmasses located in Bengkulu City.
The collection of data concerning dependent and independent variables was done using self-assesment method (the respondents were asked to fill the questionnaire by him or her). In the case of dependent variable, i.e. the performance of program officers in administrating SIMPUS, after the respondents filled the questionnaires, the researcher still had to make direct observations over the process SIMPUS administration, verify the answers of respondents, and make correction, if necessary.
The study found that the proportion of program officers having good performance in administrating SIMPUS is 52,8%, and the proportion of program officers whose performance low is 47,2%. The results of analysis found three factors that affect program officers? performance in administrating SIMPUS in Bengkulu City: training, knowledge of SIMPUS, and job description.
It can be concluded that program officers? performance in administrating SIMPUS in Bengkulu city is effectively low performances. Hence, these results should get attention from managers of Puskesmasses and Head office of health Bengkulu City: first, the number and quality of trainings should be increased, second there should be special efforts to increase program officers knowledge of SIMPUS, for example through providing SIMPUS manuals at every Puskesmas and the third, there should be clear description of tasks to be performed by program officers, especially description of tasks related to managing data and information.
Depok: Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, 2002
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Elvira Kurniawati
"Angka kematian ibu (AKI) sebagai salah satu indikator kesehatan ibu, dewasa ini masih tinggi di Indonesia bila dibandingkan dengan AKI di negara ASEAN lainnya. Menurut Survey Demografi dan Kesehatan Indonesia (SDKI 2007), Angka kematian Ibu adalah 228 per 100.000 kelahiran hidup dan Angka Kematian Bayi 34 per 1.000 kelahiran hidup. penyebab AKI di Indonesia dikelompokan ke dalam penyebab langsung, penyebab tak langsung, dan penyebab mendasar.
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pelaksanaan 11T dalam pelayanan antenatal oleh bidan dengan menggunakan penelitian kualitatif. Komponen yang di evaluasi meliputi: komponen input (kompetensi bidan, sarana dan prasarana), proses (pelaksanaan 11T oleh bidan, masalah yang dihadapi dalam pelaksanaan 11T dalam pelayanan antenatal ) serta komponen output (meningkatnya kepatuhan dan cakupan kunjungan ibu hamil ke pelayanan kesehatan).
Lokasi penelitian di wilayah kerja Puskesmas Singkawang Tengah Kota Singkawang, Kalimantan Barat pada tahun 2012. Sebagai informan penelitian adalah bidan yang memberikan pelayanan antenatal.Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan cara wawancara mendalam, Diskusi Group Terarah dan Observasi.

Maternal mortality is one of health indicator,that still high if it be compared with maternal mortality in ASEAN countries. According to Demography and Indonesian Health Survey 2007, maternal mortality rate is 228/100.000 live births and infant mortality rate 34/1000 live births, The cause of maternal mortality in Indonesia consist of direct causes and indirect causes.
This research aims is to know the implementation of 11-T in antenatal care by midwives that use qualitative research. The component that will be evaluated are input components (Midwives competency, infrastructure), Process components (Implementation of 11-T of midwives, problem encountered in 11-T implementation) and output components (increased compliance and coveraged the pregnant women visit in health care service).
The location of this research in working area of Middle Singkawang Public Health Center Singkawang city West Kalimantan in year 2012. The informant of this research are midwives that give antenatal care.The Data aggregation are by depth interviews, Focus group discussion and observation."
Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 2012
UI - Skripsi Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
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