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Wahyu Indra Budi
Walini merupakan wilayah yang akan mendapatkan manfaat langsung dari Proyek KeretaCepat Jakarta-Bandung. Pengembangan Walini dapat mengacu Silicon Valley, dimanatingkat pertumbuhan lapangan kerja naik 11,5 dan tingkat pengangguran turun menjadi3.6 sejak 2007-2015.Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk merencanakan pemetaan kawasan dan menganalisa rencanabiaya investasi berbasis risiko di Walini sebagai technopark berbasis silicon valleydengan menggunakan metode deskriptif.Hasilnya, Walini mempunyai kesesuaian terhadap karakteristik technopark mengacuVisi, Peraturan dan Pemerintahan, Infrastruktur, Stakeholder dan Target Pasar. Selain itu,hasil dari analisa finansial berbasis risiko, nilai NPV Total turun Rp.32.162.318.205,13 dalam 1000 atau sebesar 35,21 dari NPV Total before risk Rp.123.501.671.470,13 dalam 1000 . Lalu, masing-masing IRR per kawasan juga turun dengan nilai yangbervariasi, walaupun begitu, nilainya masih diatas suku bunga BI Rate 4,25 . Investasimasih dinilai layak karena PI > 1, walaupun revenue-nya menurun dan jangka waktupengembalian modal menjadi lebih lama.Walini Technopark yang diintegrasikan sebagai nilai tambah Proyek Kereta CepatJakarta-Bandung, menghasilkan PI > 1, terjadi di tahun ke-33 dengan NPV TotalRp.135,498,626,555,68 dalam 1000 dan IRR sebesar 8,48 . Sehingga, WaliniTechnopark dapat memberikan manfaat berupa revenue yang lebih cepat 9 tahun terhadapproyeksi yang semula 42 tahun.

Walini is an area that will get benefit from the Jakarta Bandung High Speed Railwayproject. Its development could comply of Silicon Valley, where the employment growthrate rose 11.5 and unemployment rate down to 3.6 from 2007 2015.The aim of this study are to plan mapping area and analyze investment funds plan nasedon risk of Walini as a technopark based on Silicon Valley using descriptive methods.The results, Walini has a compatibility from general technopark characteristic Vision,Regulation and Government, Infrastructure, Stakeholder and Market Target.Furthermore, investment based on risk made the Total NPV value decreased byRp.32.162.318.205,13 in 1000 or by 35.21 before risk, which isRp.123.501.671.470,13 in 1000 . Then, the value of IRR from each area had variativeresult despite of still greater than BI Rate 4.25 . The investment remains acceptablecaused of the PI 1, even the revenue had a decreasement with a long term of paybackperiod.In case Walini Technopark as a value added to Jakarta Bandung High Speed Railway, itshas produced PI 1, happened in years 33 with Total NPV Rp.135,498,626,555,68 in1000 and IRR 8,48 . So that, Walini Technopark could give a benefit 9 years earlierthan a formerly projection, which was a 42 years."
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Neony Luthfi Taris
"Dengan dibangunnya kereta cepat Jakarta-Bandung, Walini sebagai salah satu stasiun pemberhentiannya memiliki potensi yang besar untuk dikembangkan. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk membuat desain konseptual dari konsep pengembangangan wilayah Kota Baru Walini sebagai Technology Park dan menghitung biaya investasi yang dibutuhkan. Konsep technology park berfokus pada industry-industri high tech dan kawasan-kawasan riset. Jenis industry yang akan dibangun adalah industry mobile phone, semokonduktor, dan komponen. Sedangkan untuk kawasan riset terdiri dari science park, bio techno park, geo park, art techno park, dan industrial park. Untuk mengetahui besar biaya investasi, dilakukan studi literature atau benchmarking pada industry dan kawasan yang telah ada. Wilayah yang akan dikembangkan seluas 1126 ha. Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah pengembangan kawasan Technology Park terdiri dari berbagai jenis industry, kawasan residensial, kawasan komersial, kawasan universitas, dan kawasan riset dan pengembangan, dan infrastruktur pendukung. Biaya investasi yang dibutuhkan untuk pengembangan wilayah adalah Rp 257,466,389,150,559.

With the development of Jakarta Bandung high speed train, Walini as one of the stop station has a great opportunity to be developed. This research intend to develop the conseptual desain of Kota Baru Walini regional development as Technology Park and calculating the initial cost to build the area. Technology park focused on high tech industries and research area. Hight tech industry that will be develop is mobile phone industry, semiconductor industry, dan component manufacture. For the research area, will be developed science park, bio techno park, geo park, art techno park, and industrial park. The method to determine the initial cost is by literature study and benchmarking from the industry or the area that already exist. The area that will be developed has 1126 ha. The result from this research is, the development of Technology Park will consist of high tech industries, residential area, commercial area, university, research and development area, and supportive infrastructure. The initial cost to develop the area is Rp 257,466,389,150,559.
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2017
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Asifa Nabila
Walini adalah wilayah yang berpotensi untuk dikembangkan. Bedasarkan metode paired comparison, walini unggul dalam indikator pertumbuhan populasi dan pertumbahan ekonomi, sehingga dapat dikembangkan menjadi silicon valley. Luasan yang akan dikembangkan sebesar 1126 ha. Pengembangan secara silicon valley memerlukan biaya investasi awal sebesar Rp 151 trilliyun, sehingga perlu dilakukan analisis kelayakan investasi agar menarik minat swasta untuk berinvestasi. Salah satu faktor perhitungan analisis kelayakan investasi yang dilakukan adalah analisis life cycle cost. Menurut analisis life cycle cost yang dilakukan, kota walini memerlukan biaya investasi awal sebesar Rp 151 trilliyun., biaya operasional dan pemeleiharaan sebesar Rp 353 trilliyun. Akan tetapi pengembangan kota ini akan menghasilkan pendapatan sebesar Rp 1.152 trilllyun. Dengan masa konsesi 30 tahun, pengembangan kota ini dapat direlasasikan menggunakan skema Kerjasama antar pemerintah dengan swasta KPBU . Terdapat 42 skenario yang dilakukan untuk memeperoleh nilai IRR optimal. Dalam pemilihan skema KPBU yang optimal, nilai IRR yang dihasilkan dibandingkan dengan nilai WACC sebesar 11 . Dari keselurhan skenario didapatkan nilai IRR optimal sebesar 15.57 dengan pembagian terhadap swasta sebesar 49.89 dari biaya awal investasi, 60.08 biaya operasional dan pemeliharaan, 80.06 dari hasil pendapatan.

Walini is one of the areas that have potential to be developed. Based on paired comparison method, Walini excel in indicator of population growth and economic growth, so that can be developed into silicon valley. The area that will be developed is 1126 ha. Silicon Valley development requires initial investment cost of 151 trillion rupiahs. It is necessary to conduct investment feasibility analysis in order to attract private interest to invest. One of the calculation factor of investment feasibility analysis is life cycle cost analysis. According to life cycle cost analysis conducted, Walini city requires initial investment cost of 151 trillion rupiahs, operational cost and maintenance of 353 trillion rupiahs. However, the development of this city will generate revenue of 1,152 trillion rupiahs with a 30 year concession period. Due to the enormous cost required, the development of this city can be realized using the scheme of cooperation between government and private PPP . There are 42 scenarios performed to obtain scenarios with optimal IRR values. In the selection of optimal PPP schemes, the resulting IRR value is compared with the WACC value of 11 . From the overall scenario, the optimal IRR score is 15,57 with 49.89 private division of the initial cost of investment, 60.08 of operational and maintenance cost, 80.06 of revenue. "
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Revaldo Agdhitya Pradipta
"Proyek Kereta Cepat Jakarta-Bandung memiliki jalur sepanjang 142 km melewati 4 stasiun yaitu Halim, Karawang, Walini, dan Tegalluar. Dalam rangka meningkatkan revenue dan nilai kelayakan investasi, dilakukan penambahan fungsi berupa pengembangan wilayah Kota Baru Walini dengan luas area pengembangan sebesar 1126 ha. Pada penelitian ini pengembangan wilayah Kota Baru Walini dilakukan dengan mengkaji melalui 4 alternatif pengembangan kota sebagai pusat pemerintahan, pusat bisnis, pusat pertanian modern, dan pusat inovasi teknologi yang selanjutnya akan dipilih menggunakan metode paired comparison.
Di dalam rancangan pengembangan Walini sebagai pusat inovasi teknologi, akan dilakukan pembangunan kawasan residensial, komersial, perkantoran, industri berteknologi tinggi, pembangunan research universities, dan ruang terbuka dengan kelengkapan pembangunan infrastruktur publik seperti jalan, rel kereta, dan stasiun kereta api baru dengan biaya investasi diperkirakan mencapai Rp. 64,224,151.71.

High-Speed Train Jakarta Bandun Project has a path along 142 km through four stations; Halim, Karawang, Walini, and Tegalluar. In order to increase revenue and the feasibility of investement, the addition of function such as the regional development of Walini with an area of 1126 ha. In this research, the development of Walini done by examining four development alternatives, as a goverment centre, business centre, modern farming centre, and innovation of technology centre.
In the Walini develoment planning as a centre of technological innovation, there will be the construction of residential area, commercial area, office area, high-technological industries, research universities, open space, and the construction of public infrastructure sucs as roads, railways, train station and new train stations with the estimated of investment cost reach Rp. 64.224.151,71.
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Lewis, Miehael
New York: Penguin Books , 1999
338.470 04 LEW n
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Mohammed Ali Berawi
"The government of Indonesia continues to promote infrastructure development in various sectors such as road transport, ports, and new railway lines. One of the large infrastructure projects that aims to increase regional and national economic growth is the high-speed rail line linking Jakarta and Bandung. The connecting of these two major cities (Jakarta in the north-west of Java Island and Bandung in the south-west) will significantly contribute to the country’s gross domestic product (GDP). As one of the areas that will be connected to the high-speed rail line, Walini has tremendous potential for development. There is the opportunity to develop the new city as a center for agriculture commodities such as tea and rubber, but other city development formats should also be considered, such as business capital, government functions, or IT. The development of Walini requires proper planning and a comprehensive conceptual design which focuses on the vision developed in the initial blueprint. This research aims to conduct a comprehensive study by considering development prospects and regional characteristics, as well as added value to increase competitiveness in terms of infrastructure, technological readiness, and urban development. It will combine approaches from both qualitative perspectives and quantitative investigation, using in-depth interviews and a decision matrix as evaluation tools to select the best alternative for the direction of city planning. This study produces a strategic recommendation for government and other related stakeholders about regional development and urban city planning for Walini as a new IT-based city and technology park."
Depok: Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Indonesia, 2017
UI-IJTECH 8:6 (2017)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Hanes Bertega
Perusahaan Daerah yang mengelola pasar tradisional di DKI Jakarta perlu
melakukan diversifikasi sumber pendanaan dengan mengajak pihak swasta untuk
berinvestasi dalam peremajaan sekaligus pengembangan pasar tradisional yang sesuai
dengan tuntutan perkembangan perkotaan dan lingkungan sekitar. Implementasi dari
investasi tersebut yaitu Pembangunan dan Pengembangan Pasar ABC dengan konsep
mixed-use yang dibentuk dari sebuah ikatan kerjasama antara Pemerintah (PD Pasar
Jaya) dengan Swasta. Pembagian profit sharing atas investasi tersebut antara pihak
public dan pihak private dinilai belum proposional, dikarenakan nilai profit sharing
belum memperhitungkan faktor-faktor risiko. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk
mengetahui risiko, alokasi risiko dan mitigasinya serta profit sharing berbasis alokasi
risiko dari proyek Pasar ABC. Metode penelitian ini menggunakan metode deskriptif
dan melakukan wawancara dengan responden terkait, kemudian melakukan analisa
kualitatif melalui risk assesment sampai dengan analisis finansial untuk menentukan
profit sharing optimal berbasis alokasi risiko yang optimal. Untuk nilai profit sharing
berbasis alokasi risiko optimal diperoleh dari hasil analisis cashflow after adjust risk
yaitu sebesar Rp 264.231.751.000 turun sebesar Rp 323.729.417.000 dari cashflow
before risk. Faktor-faktor risiko dapat menurunkan kinerja profit sharing Proyek
Pasar ABC.

Local companies that manage the traditional markets in DKI Jakarta need to diversify
sources of funding to persuade the private sector to invest in the rejuvenation and the
development of traditional markets in suitable with the demands of urban development
and environment. Implementation of these investments, namely the construction and
development ABC Market with mixed-use concept which is formed from a bond of
cooperation between the Government (PD Pasar Jaya) with Private sector. The
distribution of profit sharing on investment between the public and private parties is
considered not proportional, because the value of profit sharing did not measure the
risk factors. This study aims to determine risk, risk allocation and mitigation as well
as profit-sharing based on the risk allocation of the ABC Market project. This
research method using descriptive method and conduct interviews with related
respondents, then perform a qualitative analysis through risk assessment to the
financial analysis to determine the optimal profit-sharing based on the optimal risk
allocation. For value of profit sharing based on optimal risk allocation is obtained
from the analysis outcome of cash flow after adjust risk which to Rp 264.231.751.000
decreased into Rp 38.729.417.000 from cashflow before risk. These risk factors can
reduce the performance of profit sharing ABC Market project., Local companies that manage the traditional markets in DKI Jakarta need to diversify
sources of funding to persuade the private sector to invest in the rejuvenation and the
development of traditional markets in suitable with the demands of urban development
and environment. Implementation of these investments, namely the construction and
development ABC Market with mixed-use concept which is formed from a bond of
cooperation between the Government (PD Pasar Jaya) with Private sector. The
distribution of profit sharing on investment between the public and private parties is
considered not proportional, because the value of profit sharing did not measure the
risk factors. This study aims to determine risk, risk allocation and mitigation as well
as profit-sharing based on the risk allocation of the ABC Market project. This
research method using descriptive method and conduct interviews with related
respondents, then perform a qualitative analysis through risk assessment to the
financial analysis to determine the optimal profit-sharing based on the optimal risk
allocation. For value of profit sharing based on optimal risk allocation is obtained
from the analysis outcome of cash flow after adjust risk which to Rp 264.231.751.000
decreased into Rp 38.729.417.000 from cashflow before risk. These risk factors can
reduce the performance of profit sharing ABC Market project.]"
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Thariq Fikri Ashidqi
"Kereta Cepat adalah suatu bentuk transportasi yang menghubungkan antara tempat-tempat yang jauh, dalam hal ini kota ke kota Jakarta dan Bandung. Waktu tempuh dengan menggunakan moda transportasi ini berkurang karena tidak akan ada kemacetan sama sekali karena menggunakan jalur kereta api sebagai jalur perjalanannya. Selama perjalanannya, akan menemui banyak terowongan seperti Terowongan Walini. Saat memasuki, di dalam dan keluar terowongan akan banyak peristiwa aerodinamis yang akan terjadi dan mempengaruhi kereta api. Seluruh permukaan badan kereta, terowongan, dan juga lingkungan sekitar akan terpengaruh oleh peristiwa ini. Fokus analisis efek adalah pada bagian hidung kereta, dipengaruhi oleh kecepatan dan tekanan yang dihasilkan kereta. Ini dipengaruhi oleh perbedaan tekanan yang dibawa kereta berkecepatan tinggi dari lingkungan luar ke terowongan dengan input kecepatan tinggi. Menyebabkan peningkatan tekanan di depan kereta terutama bagian hidung kereta api berkecepatan tinggi karena kerusakan tekanan mikro yang perlu melakukan perjalanan ke bagian belakang kereta untuk menstabilkan kondisi aerodinamis sebelum menjadi kondisi stabil ketika 2-3 panjang kereta api keluar dari terowongan sehingga kondisi aerodinamis kereta api berkecepatan tinggi menjadi sepenuhnya stabil terhadap terowongan dan lingkungan sekitarnya
The High-speed Train is a form of transportation that connects between far places, in this case town to town of Jakarta and Bandung. Travel time using this method of transportation is decreased since there will be no congestion whatsoever since it uses rails as the path of its travel route. During its journey, it will encounter many tunnels like the Walini Tunnel. Whilst entering, inside and exiting the tunnel there will be many aerodynamic events that will be occurring and affecting the train. The whole body surface of the train, the tunnel, and also the nearby environment will be affected by these events. The focus of the effects analysis is on the nose of the train, influenced by velocity and pressure that the train produces. These are affected by the pressure difference that the High-speed train brings from the outside environment to the tunnel with a high velocity input. Causing a pressure build up in front of the train especially the nose of the High-speed train due to it micro-pressure breakage that needs to travel to the back of the train to stabilize the aerodynamic condition before it became stable condition when 2-3 length of the train have exit the tunnel so the aerodynamic condition of the High-speed train become fully stable to the tunnel and the nearby environments."
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2021
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Anis Uzzaman
"Selama beberapa tahun belakangan, kita telah menyaksikan besarnya gerakan startup di negara-negara seperti Singapura, Indonesia, Malaysia, Vietnam, Filipina, Taiwan, Thailand, dan Myanmar. Saya segera menyadari betapa berbedanya ekosistem startup di wilayah ini. Banyak di antara elemen yang kami, sebagai venture capitalist, remehkan di Silicon Valley, tanpa diduga ada di Asia Tenggara. Jelas bagi saya sejak semula bahwa dalam hal ini, Asia Tenggara memiliki semua hal yang dibutuhkan untuk menciptakan wilayah startup yang sukses, hanya saja belum berkembang."
Yogyakarta: Mizan Media Utama, 2017
658.5 ANI s
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
García Martínez, Antonio
"The industry provocateur behind such companies as Twitter and a nascent Facebook presents an irreverent exposé of life inside the tech bubble that traces his hedonist lifestyle against a backdrop of early social media and online marketing, sharing critical insights into how they are shaping today's world."
New York: Harper, 2016
338.4 GAR c
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
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