"Penelitian ini mengukur hubungan antara tiga variabel yaitu autonomy support, strengths use, dan harmonious passion secara korelasional.Industri kreatif menunjukkan peranan penting dalam sebagai roda dalam perekomian Indonesia (Sugiarto, 2018). Pada era industri kreatif, kreativitas menjadi sebuah modal penting bagi karyawan untuk dapat bersaing. Harmonious passion kemudian ditemukan sebagai faktor yang memengaruhi kreativitas seseorang (Liu, Chen, dan Yao, 2011). Dengan demikian penelitian saat ini ditujukan untuk mengetahui faktor pembentuk harmonious passion sehingga dapat memengaruhi kreativitas. Peneliti berhipotesis bahwa strengths use dapat memediasi hubungan antara autonomy support dan harmonious passion. Penelitian ini melibatkan karyawan penuh waktu yang bekerja di bidang industri kreatif (N = 133). Alat ukur yang digunakan adalah Work Climate Questionnaire, Passion Scale, dan Strengths Use Scale. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa terdapat efek langsung antara autonomy support terhadap harmonious passion ( = 0,42,>p < 0,05), efek tidak langsung antara autonomy support terhadap harmonious passion melalui strengths use (>ab) sebesar 0,12, p < 0,05), dan total efek (c) autonomy support, strengths use, dan harmonious passion sebesar 0,54 , p < 0,05. Akhirnya, dapat disimpulkan bahwa strengths use dapat memediasi hubungan antara autonomy support dan harmonious passion secara parsial.
This study measures the relationship between three variables, namely autonomy support, strengths use, and harmonious passion in a correlational study. The creative industry shows an important role in Indonesias economy (Sugiarto, 2018). In the era of the creative industry, creativity is an important thing for employees to be able to compete. Harmonious passion is found as a factor that influences a persons creativity (Liu, Chen, and You, 2011). Thus the study aimed to find out the forming factors of the harmonious passion that influence creativity. The researcher hypothesizes that strengths use can mediate the relationship between autonomy support and harmonious passion. This study involves full-time employees working in the creative industry (N = 133). Measuring instruments used by the Work Climate Questionnaire, Passion Scale, and Use Scale Strengths. . The results showed that there was a direct effect between autonomy support for harmonious passion (c = 0.42, p <0.05), the indirect effect of autonomy support on harmonious passion through strengths use (ab) of 0.12, p < 0.05), and the total effect (c) of autonomy support, strengths use, and harmonious passion is 0.54, p <0.05. Finally, it can be concluded that strengths use can mediate the relationship between autonomy support and harmonious passion partially."