"Telah dilakukan penelitian tentang masalah bagaimana peluang pasar program HHC di RSHS Bandung tahun 1998, dengan tujuan utama diperolehnya informasi tentang kondisi peluang pasar program HHC RSHS Bandung. Ruang lingkup penelitian meliputi empat indikan peluang pasar ialah indikan Pelanggan, Pasar, Kontpetitor dan Lingkungan, dimana indikan Pelanggan membentuk kriteria daya tarik, sedangkan ketiga indikan lainnya membentuk kriteria kemungkinan keberhasilan bagi program HHC RSHS Bandung.
Penelitian ini terdiri dari berbagai rancangan ialah:
Studi data primer tentang pelanggan, yang terbagi dalam dua bagian ialah rancangan kualitatif dengan cara FGD untuk aspek sensitivitas pelanggan terhadap 4P dan perilaku pelanggan, dan rancangan kuantitatif untuk segmentasi pelanggan. Studi data sekunder tentang Pasar, dengan menggunakan rancangan time series. Studi data primer tentang kompetitor, dengan rancangan survei deskriptif, untuk mencari informasi pelayanan primer program HHC dan berapa besar pembayarannya.
Studi data sekunder tentang lingkungan dengan rancangan time series, meliputi peraturan, sosial ekonomi, pendidikan , demografi dan epidemiologi di Jawa Barat. Studi data primer terhadap kemungkinan keberhasilan dan daya tank program HHC RSHS, melalui rancangan kualitatif dengan cara nursing expert judgment melalui teknik Delphi. Sebanyak tiga kali putaran.
G. Studi data primer terhadap besarnya peluang pasar program HHC RSHS melalui expert judgment pengambil keputusan bidang keperawatan ( Kabid Keperawatan ) RSHS Bandung.
Melalui penelitian ini telah diperolelb informasi bahwa program HHC di RSHS Bandung mepunyai daya tank dan kemungkinan keberhasilan yang tinggi, sehingga dapat disimpulkan bahwa peluang pasar program HHC di RSHS Bandung adalah besar.
Mengingat basil penelitian memberikan informasi bahwa peluang pasar program 1-MC ternyata besar, maka disarankan kepada RSHS Bandung untuk membentuk organisasi khusus yang berada di bawah Kadir Pelayanan Medis dan keperawatan yang berperan dalam penyususunan pcrencanaan stratejik program HHC serta strateji pelaksanaan dan evaluasinya. Hal ini penting, mengingat Direktur telah menginstruksikan kepada Kepala Bidang Keperawatan untuk melaksanakan program HHC dalam bidang keperawatan, mendahului bidang lainnya. Untuk penelitian lebih lanjut, disarankan untuk mengenal lebih jauh kebutuhan dan harapan pelanggan dengan jumlah dan jenis pelanggan yang lebih besar dan bervariasi. Mengingat Program ini merupakan program baru, maka disarankan pula melakukan penelitian untuk melihat efisiensi dan efektifitas program, bail( dari sudut RSHS, piovider maupun pelanggan.
A research concerning the market opportunity of Hospital Home Care Program in RSHS in 1998 has been made with the main aim to get the information about the market opportunity condition of the Hospital Home Care Program in Hasan Sadikin General Hospital Bandung. The scope of research covers four market opportunity indicators, the Consumer, Market, Competitor and Environment, where the Consumer indicator forms the criteria of attractiveness while the other three forms the criteria of the possibility of success for the program.The research is divided into several designs:1. Primary data study for the consumer, mainly divided into two sections, the qualitativedesign with FGD design for the aspect of the consumer's sensitivity toward the 4P's (Promotion, Product, Place and Price) and the quantitative design for the consumer's segmentation.2. Secondary data study concerning the market, using the Time Series Design.3. Primary data study concerning the primary competitor, using the descriptive survey in order to find the service of and cost charged for the Program.4. Secondary data study concerning the environment, using the Time Series Design that covers the policies, social economy, education, demography and epidemiology in West Java Province.5, Primary data study concerning the possibility of success and the attractiveness of Hospital Home Care Program in RSHS Bandung, through the qualitative design, using the Nursing expert judgment with three ruonds Delphi technique.6. Primary data study concerning the market opportunity through the expert judgment of the decision makers of the Nursing Division of RSHS Bandung.The research finds that the Hospital Home Care Program in Hasan Sadikin General Hospital has a high attractiveness and possibility of success so that it can be concluded that the market opportunity of the program is high.As the research result shows that the market opportunity of the program is indeed great, it is recommended for the RSHS Bandung to form a special organization under the authority of Wadir Pelayanan R4edis dan Keperawatan that functions in the strategic planning, actuating and evaluation of the program. This is important, as the Director has instructed The Nursing Division to proceed with the program, ahead of other divisions. For further research, it is recommended to find out the needs and expectancy of the consumer through the FGD with more and varied consumers participate. Since it is new, when starting to work out, it is recommended to make a further research to find out the efficiency and effectiveness of the program, from the RSHS, providers and consumers point of view."
Depok: Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, 1998