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Siti Azhyra Dwi Ayu
Begonia isoptera merupakan salah satu spesies Begonia di Jawa yang memiliki distribusi luas dan variasi morfologi tinggi, sehingga batasan spesies menjadi luas dan spesies menjadi kompleks. Analisis morfologi telah dilakukan terhadap 74 koleksi spesimen awetan B. isoptera di Herbarium Bogoriense BO menggunakan 12 karakter vegetatif dan 7 karakter generatif untuk menentukan karakter diagnostik dalam variasi morfologi B. isoptera kompleks, mengelompokkan B. isoptera kompleks berdasarkan kesamaan karakter morfologi, dan melihat pola morfologi berdasarkan lokasi dan ketinggian. Hasil pengamatan menunjukkan bahwa spesimen B. isoptera kompleks terbagi menjadi 3 kelompok utama, yaitu B. isoptera kelompok hairy tangkai daun bertrikoma , B. isoptera kelompok glabrous tangkai daun gundul , dan B. isoptera kelompok intermediate spesimen dengan perpaduan karakter antara kelompok hairy dan kelompok glabrous . Pengelompokan spesimen menggunakan Cluster Analysis menunjukkan bahwa spesimen B. isoptera kelompok glabrous mengelompok ke dalam cluster 3 sedangkan spesimen kelompok hairy dan intermediate tercampur dalam cluster 1 dan 2. Diagram pencar hasil Principal Component Analysis juga menunjukkan hasil yang serupa, yaitu spesimen B. isoptera kelompok glabrous memisah dari kelompok spesimen lain serta umumnya berasal dari daerah Banten dan Jawa Barat pada ketinggian 0 ndash;600 m dpl sementara spesimen B. isoptera kelompok hairy dan sebagian besar spesimen kelompok intermediate menjadi satu kelompok serta berasal dari daerah Jawa Barat dan Jawa Tengah pada ketinggian 1000 ndash;2200 m dpl.

Begonia isoptera is one of the most widespread species with highly varied morphological character Begonia in Java, thus making it a complex species. Morphological analysis has been conducted using 12 vegetative characters and 7 generative characters of 74 specimens collection in Herbarium Bogoriense BO to determine morphological diagnostic character in B. isoptera complex, create groups based on its similarities, and observe morphological patterns from different location and elevation. The analysis resulted in 3 groups of B. isoptera complex 1 hairy B. isoptera petiole covered with trichome , 2 glabrous B. isoptera petiole not covered with trichome , and 3 intermediate B. isoptera specimens with mixed characters between hairy and glabrous group . Cluster Analysis showed that glabrous B. isoptera specimens is grouped into cluster 3 while hairy B. isoptera specimens and most of intermediate B. isoptera specimens are mixed into cluster 1 and cluster 2. Scatter plot from Principal Component Analysis also showed that glabrous B. isoptera tends to separate morphologically with other specimens and are located in Banten and lowland West Java, between 0 ndash 600 m asl. On the contrary, hairy B. isoptera and intermediate B. isoptera clumped into one group and are located in montane West Java and Central Java, between 1000 ndash 2200 m asl."
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
"A taxonomic study of the wild genera of begonia blume (Begoniaceae ) in Est Java was conducted based on morphological characters...."
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Dini Puspitaningrum
Beberapa individu tumbuhan yang diduga hibrida alami antara Begonia areolata dan Begonia multangula, yang berasal dari seksi yang berbeda, telah ditemukan di Ranca Upas, Bandung, Jawa Barat. Tujuan dari penelitian ini untuk mengidentifikasi lebih lanjut karakter morfologi dan molekuler dalam menjelaskan status dugaan hibrida alami. Karakter vegetatif dan generatif digunakan dalam pengamatan dan pengukuran spesimen. Sebanyak 5 primer ISSR digunakan untuk mengetahui polimorfisme DNA antara hibrida dan parentalnya. Hasil identifikasi morfologi menunjukkan empat karakter indumentum tangkai daun, warna tangkai daun, indumentum helaian daun, dan indumentum buah mempunyai kemiripan dengan B. areolata, enam karakter morfologi dari Begonia terduga hibrida alami diameter batang, duduk daun, bentuk daun, ukuran daun jumlah lokul, dan perhiasan bunga jantan mempunyai kemiripan dengan B. multangula, dan dua karakter lainnya merupakan intermediate jumlah lobus dan bentuk sayap buah . Hasil screening primer menunjukkan bahwa primer UBC 810 dapat digunakan untuk menganalisis polimorfisme antara Begonia terduga hibrida, B. multangula, dan B. areolata. Sebanyak empat fragmen DNA dari Begonia terduga hibrida alami 1.000 pb, 950 pb, 200 pb, dan 150 pb mempunyai kemiripan dengan B. multangula, dua fragmen DNA 900 pb dan 600 pb mirip dengan B. areolata, dan dua fragmen DNA 400 pb dan 300 pb dimiliki oleh ketiganya. Karakter morfologi dan molekuler tersebut dapat digunakan untuk mendukung identifikasi dugaan hibrida alami dari B. areolata dan B. multangula.

The putative natural hybrid of Begonia between Begonia areolata and Begonia multangula, belonging to different sections, has been encountered in Ranca Upas, Bandung, West Java. The aim of this research is to identify the morphological and molecular characters to uncover the status of this putative natural hybrid. Vegetative and generative characters are used in the observation and measurement of the specimen. A total of 5 ISSR primers were used to detect DNA polymorphism between hybrid and parental. The results of morphological examination show four characters petiole indumentum, color of petiole, leaf indumentum, and fruit indumentum were similar to those of B. areolata, six characters of Begonia putatived natural hybrid stem diameter, phyllotaxis, leaf shape, leaf size, number of locules, and male perianthium were similar to those of B. multangula, and two are intermediate characters number of lobes and wings of fruit . The result of primer screening showed that UBC 810 primer can be used to analyze DNA polymorphism between Begonia putative natural hybrid, B. multangula, and B. areolata. Four DNA fragments of Begonia putative natural hybrid 1,000 bp, 950 bp, 200 bp, and 150 bp were similar to B. multangula, two DNA fragments 900 bp and 600 bp were similar to B. areolata, and two DNA fragments 400 bp and 300 bp were possessed by all three Begonias. In conclusion the morphological and molecular character can be used to support identification of a natural hybrid of B. areolata and B. multangula."
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Andya Primanda
Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 2003
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Simbolon, Bintang R.
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Muhammad Achirul Nanda
"Various methods for termite detection have been developed, one of them is purely based on the acoustic signal. However, that method still has a weakness, wherein it is difficult to separate the signal generated by the termite or the noise from the environment. The combination of the feature extraction at the acoustic signal and the classification model is expected to overcome the weakness. In this investigation, we inserted 220 subterranean termites Coptotermes curvignathus into pine wood for feeding activity and observed its acoustic signal. In addition, three acoustic features (i.e., short-term energy, entropy and zero moment power) were proposed to recognize the termite's acoustic signal. Subsequently, these features will be analyzed and combined with discriminant analysis to produce the robust classification model. According to the numerical results, the integrated discriminant analysis and the acoustic feature in our termite detection system has an 83.75% accuracy."
Depok: Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Indonesia, 2018
UI-IJTECH 9:4 (2018)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Pangaribuan, Anggi Ropininta
"Perluasan budaya populer Korea Selatan ke seluruh penjuru dunia beberapa tahun ke belakang secara pesat membuatnya digemari oleh banyak masyarakat dunia. Industri musik pop Korea Selatan atau yang dikenal sebagai K-Pop merupakan salah satu di antaranya. Kondisi tersebut didorong oleh masifnya pertumbuhan media sosial yang mampu menyebarkan informasi secara cepat dan luas. Dengan media baru tersebut, industri musik kemudian mencari berbagai cara untuk memasarkan musiknya ke seluruh dunia dan strategi transmedia storytelling menjadi salah satu strategi pemasaran yang disukai oleh industri kreatif. Dengan membangun narasi fiktif dan memperkenalkan worldview industri musik masa depan bernama SM Culture Universe (SMCU), SM Entertainment kemudian memulai strategi pemasaran transmedia. Di dalam jurnal makalah ini, peneliti berfokus untuk menelaah penggunaan strategi transmedia storytelling oleh SM Entertainment dan pemenuhan ketujuh prinsip dari strategi tersebut. Peneliti menggunakan metode konten analisis kualitatif dari berbagai konten yang diunggah oleh SM Entertainment melalui platform media sosial seperti instagram, twitter, dan youtube. Secara keseluruhan, agensi tersebut telah menerapkan ketujuh prinsip transmedia storytelling secara baik dengan kemampuan agensi tersebut untuk menarik perhatian dan partisipasi khalayaknya.

South Korean popular culture's expansion in the past few years has rapidly made it popular worldwide. The South Korean pop music industry, known as K-Pop, is one of them. This current condition is driven by the massive growth of social media and its ability to disseminate information quickly and widely. With this new media, the music industry is looking for various ways to market their music worldwide. Transmedia storytelling strategy is one of the marketing strategies favored by the creative industry. By building a fictitious narrative and introducing a worldview of the future music industry called SM Culture Universe (SMCU), SM Entertainment then started their transmedia marketing strategy. In this journal paper, the author focuses on examining the use of the transmedia storytelling strategy by SM Entertainment and the fulfillment of the seven principles of this particular strategy. The study uses a qualitative content analysis method of various content uploaded by SM Entertainment through social media platforms such as Instagram, Twitter and YouTube. Overall, the agency has implemented the seven principles of transmedia storytelling well with the agency's ability to attract audience attention and participation."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Makalah dan Kertas Kerja  Universitas Indonesia Library
Muhammad Efendi
Ten species of wild begonias, from java and sumatera were cultivated in cibodas botanic garden. The begonias, with an attractive leaves and flowers were potentianally for ornamental plant. morphological description, their distribution and other information were described in this paper."
Bogor: Balai Konservasi Tumbuhan Kebun Raya Cibodas, 2017
580 WKR 15:1 (2017)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Adelita M. Vandari
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Margaretha Putri Pratamadewi Widianto
"Penelitian dilakukan untuk mengevaluasi pola perilaku harian dan pengasuhan, faktor-faktor yang memengaruhi, dan pengaruh perilaku harian induk betina orangutan di Taman Safari Bogor terhadap perilaku pengasuhannya. Subjek pengamatan yang diamati berjumlah 2 individu induk betina orangutan, yaitu P1 (Pongo pygmaeus) di Kandang Lokasi dan P2 (Pongo abelii) di Baby Zoo dengan anak berumur 1 dan 4 tahun masing-masingnya. Pengamatan perilaku harian dicatat menggunakan metode focal instantaneous sampling dan perilaku pengasuhan menggunakan ad libitum. Pengamatan dilakukan selama satu bulan dengan pengulangan sebanyak 12 kali untuk masing-masing individu dan total waktu pengamatan kedua individu setara 156 jam. Pola perilaku harian dan pengasuhan induk betina orangutan P1 dan P2 berbeda secara signifikan (Uji Friedmann, P<0,05). Perilaku harian P1 didominasi oleh aktivitas moving (38,6%), P2 oleh aktivitas feeding (41,7%). Perilaku pengasuhan P1 didominasi oleh aktivitas encourages (34,0%), P2 oleh aktivitas breast feeding (29,1%). Hal tersebut disebabkan perbedaan usia orangutan anak dan pemberian enrichment. Aktivitas orangutan anak berupa begging menyebabkan tingginya aktivitas breast feeding sebagai bentuk positive feedback dari induk betina orangutan. Feeding dan moving memengaruhi perilaku pengasuhan sebagai pilihan investasi waktu dan energi (Uji Spearman, P<0,05). Mother rejection ditemukan pada P1 sebagai bentuk dorongan lokomosi, sedangkan pada P2 disebabkan oleh tingginya aktivitas orangutan anak.

The study was conducted to evaluate the patterns of daily behavior and parenting activities, influencing factors, and the influence of daily behavior of mother orangutans in Taman Safari Bogor on their parenting behavior. Subjects observed were two orangutan female parents, P1 (Pongo pygmaeus) in Kandang Lokasi and P2 (Pongo abelii) at the Baby Zoo, children aged 1 and 4 years respectively. Daily behavior was recorded using focal instantaneous sampling method and parenting behavior using ad libitum. Observations were carried out 12 times for each individual, 156 hours of total observation time. Daily behavior patterns and parental care are differed significantly (Friedmann's Test, P<0.05). P1 daily behavior was dominated by moving activities (38.6%), whereas P2 was feeding (41.7%). P1 parenting behavior was dominated by encourages activities (34.0 %), whereas P2 was breast feeding (29.1%). The age difference in infant orangutans and enrichment are the cause. Begging activities of infant orangutans cause high breast feeding as a positive feedback from its mother. Feeding and moving influence parenting behavior as a form of investment choice of time and energy (Spearman Test, P<0.05). Mother rejection was found in P1 as a form of locomotion drive, whereas in P2 was high activity of infant orangutans."
Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 2020
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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