ABSTRAKTesis ini membahas rekonstruksi identitas Minangkabau dalam narasi Persiden karya Wisran Hadi. Tujuannya adalah memaparkan gejala-gejala identitas melalui cara narator membingkai narasinya dan menyajikannya kepada penerima cerita. Dari gejala-gejala tersebut, dapat dijabarkan penanda Rumah Bagonjong yang didesak oleh ruang kota. Dari penelitian ini dapat diperoleh gejala tegangan antara ruang kota yang ditandai dengan Simpang Persiden dan ruang tradisional yang ditandai dengan keberadaan Rumah Bagonjong. Tegangan tersebut memunculkan negosiasi yang tidak diberi penyelesaian oleh Narator. Pada akhirnya, negosiasi direspons oleh Wisran Hadi dengan menghadirkan outer space yang dilihat dari pergerakan tokoh menjauh dari ruang Persiden. Dengan demikian, dapat disimpulkan bahwa rekonstruksi identitas Minangkabau belum terjadi karena perubahan identitas itu masih dinegosiasikan.
ABSTRACTThis thesis is discussing Minangkabau's identities reconstruction in Wisran Hadi's work, Persiden. The aim of this thesis is to explain the identity phenomenon seen from the way the author wrapping the narration and presenting it to the readers. From these phenomenon, we can see that Bagonjong's house existence is being pushed by the city. The thesis found there is a clash between the urban space represented by Simpang Persiden and traditional space represented with the existence of Bagonjong house. Moreover, the clash between spaces raises endless negotiation voiced by the Narrator. Thus, the author respond to the endless negotiation by presenting outer space which represented by the character moving away from Persiden. In conclusion, Minangkabau?s identity reconstruction is never take place due to the endless and unfinished negotiation, This thesis is discussing Minangkabau's identities reconstruction in Wisran Hadi's work, Persiden. The aim of this thesis is to explain the identity phenomenon seen from the way the author wrapping the narration and presenting it to the readers. From these phenomenon, we can see that Bagonjong's house existence is being pushed by the city. The thesis found there is a clash between the urban space represented by Simpang Persiden and traditional space represented with the existence of Bagonjong house. Moreover, the clash between spaces raises endless negotiation voiced by the Narrator. Thus, the author respond to the endless negotiation by presenting outer space which represented by the character moving away from Persiden. In conclusion, Minangkabau’s identity reconstruction is never take place due to the endless and unfinished negotiation]"