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Regi Zaky Utama
"Indonesia secara geografis merupakan negara kepulauan dengan dua pertiga luas lautan lebih besar daripada daratan. Oleh sebab itu Indonesia memiliki potensi dalam pemanfaatan sumber daya kelautan. Rumput laut merupakan salah satu komoditas sumber daya laut yang memiliki potensi yang besar untuk dikembangkan. Di Pulau Tidung dapat dimanfaatkan tidak hanya dari sektor pariwisata, melainkan dapat dimanfaatkan dari sektor sumberdaya lautnya. Oleh sebab itu penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menentukan wilayah potensi pengembangan budidaya rumput laut dengan metode skoring. Berdasarkan data-data dari variabel kondisi perairan, budidaya, dan objek wisata ditumpangtindihkan dan kemudian dianalisis secara spasial. Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukan bahwa dari segi kondisi fisik perairan di pesisir utara Pulau Tidung pada segmen U1, U2, U3, dan U4 merupakan wilayah yang sesuai. Potensi pengembangan budidaya rumput laut berada di segmen U2 yang didukung oleh jumlah produksi yang tinggi, jarak objek wisata yang jauh, dan jumlah penginapan yang rendah membuat di wilayah tersebut menjadi berpotensi untuk dikembangkan.

Indonesia is geographically an archipelagic country with two thirds of the oceans larger than the mainland. Indonesia has the potential in the utilization of marine resources. Seaweed is one of the marine resources commodities that have great potential to be developed. In Tidung island can be utilized not only from the tourism, even can be utilized from the marine resources. In this study aims to determine the potential areas of seaweedcultivation development by the scoring method. Based on data from the variables oceanography, cultivation, and tourist objects overlapped and then analyzed spatially. The results of this study show that in terms of oceanography in the north coast of Tidung island in U1, U2, U3, and U4 segments are the suitable areas. Potential development of seaweed cultivation in Tidung island is in U2 segment, which is support by high production quantities, long distance from tourism object, and low number of accommodation makes it potentially to be developed area.
Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 2018
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Penelitian ini menggunakan teknik penginderaan jauh dengan tujuan untuk : (1) memetakan daerah budidaya rumput laut yang terinfestasi mikroflora epifit dengan menggunakan data ALOS AVNIR-2 dan spectral signature in situ; (2) memetakan zona potensi retensi menggunakan data AQUA MODIS melalui analisa kesesuaian lahan (site selection) untuk budidaya rumput laut. Metode yang digunakan dalam analisis spektral ALOS AVNIR-2 adalah identifikasi berdasarkan spectral signature in situ yang diolah di MESMA VIPER TOOLS pada ENVI 4.8 dan analisis spasial menggunakan syarat kesesuaian lahan untuk Eucheuma cottonii dengan metode composite dan overlay pada Arcmap 10. Analisis spektral menunjukkan pola pada kanal biru (panjang gelombang 460 nm) reflektasinya sangat rendah, kanal hijau (panjang gelombang 560 nm) reflektasinya sedikit meningkat, kanal merah (panjang gelombang 650 nm) sedikit meningkat sedangkan pada kanal near infrared menunjukkan reflektasi yang cukup tinggi. Pola spectral signature ini menyerupai pola spectral signature Eucheuma cottonii dari Kabupaten Jeneponto (Hendiarti, dkk., 2012) tetapi terdapat sedikit perbedaan yaitu pada spectral signature Eucheuma cottonii terinfestasi memiliki pola yang kurang halus dibandingkan dengan spectral signature Eucheuma cottonii dari Kabupaten Jeneponto. Analisis spektral ALOS AVNIR-2 dapat memetakannya potensi retensi infestasi mikroflora epifit kurang lebih seluas 4,81 ha di Desa Legundi dan 48,345 ha di Desa Sumur. Analisis spasial menunjukkan hasil bahwa di perairan Provinsi Lampung potensi retensi terinfestasi mikroflora epifit ini seluas 3.677.191,34 ha (daerah yang berpotensi), 893.919,40 ha (cukup berpotensi) dan 175.888,44 ha (tidak berpotensi). Apabila dibandingkan dengan kualitas perairan pada tahun 2007 (pada tahun ini produksi sangat tinggi) terjadi peningkatan luasan untuk daerah yang berpotensi.

This study used remote sensing technical, it aims to: (1) mapping the seaweed cultivation areas infested epiphytic microflora using the ALOS AVNIR-2 data and in situ spectral signatures; (2) mapping the area of potential retention through the use of AQUA MODIS data and site selection analysis for seaweed cultivation.The method using spectral analysis of ALOS AVNIR-2 with reference spectral identification derived from in situ spectral signatures processed in MESMA VIPER TOOLS in ENVI 4.8. It also conducted a spatial analysis of land used site selection for Eucheuma cottonii with the overlay method in Arcmap 10. This study showed through in situ spectral signatures measurements obtained the pattern on a blue canal (460 nm wavelength) with very low reflectation, the green canal (560 nm wavelength) slightly increased reflectation, the red canal (wavelength 650 nm) slightly increased, while the band near infrared is showed with high enough reflectation. This spectral signature pattern similar to the pattern of spectral signatures of Eucheuma cottonii Jeneponto (Hendiarti et al, 2012) but there is little difference in the spectral signature of Eucheuma cottonii infested pattern smoother than the spectral signature of Eucheuma cottonii Jeneponto. Spectral analysis of ALOS AVNIR-2 with reference to the spectral signature is mapping Eucheuma cottonii that can more or less infested area of 4.81 ha in the Legundi village and 48.345 ha in the Sumur village. Spatial analysis showed that in Lampung potential retention area infested 3.677.191,34 ha (potentially area), 893,919.40 ha (potentially enough) and 175,888.44 ha (not potential). Compared to the water quality in 2007 (the year of production was very high) occurred the increasing of the extent to potential areas.
Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Evie Avianti
"Satelit inderaja oseanografi Aqua MODIS dan altimetri digunakan untuk mempelajari perubahan lingkungan suhu, klorofil-a dan arus permukaan perairan Tarakan terhadap variabilitas ENSO dan Musim, agar diperoleh pemahaman dinamika oseanografi selama perioda El Nino, La Nina, dan Normal, Musim Barat dan Timur. Analisis tingkat kesesuaian lokasi budidaya Eucheuma cottonii menggunakan pengukuran langsung pada 11 stasiun sampling tanggal 11 Juli 2013 di perairan pantai Amal dan Mamburungan, dan P. Sadau dengan parameter suhu, salinitas, kecerahan, turbiditas, pH, nitrat, fosfat, dan kalium.
Hasil penelitian menunjukkan faktor lingkungan sangat dipengaruhi variabilitas ENSO dan Musim. Perairan timur Tarakan memiliki tingkat kesesuaian lebih tinggi daripada bagian barat. Arus Lintas Indonesia (ARLINDO) mempengaruhi transfer massa air dari kolam panas Pasifik Barat memasuki perairan utara dan barat Tarakan. Analisis tingkat kesesuaian lokasi budidaya dengan metoda equal interval menunjukkan perairan pantai Amal sampai bagian selatan memiliki kesesuaian paling tinggi dan pantai Mamburungan dan P. Sadau dengan kesesuian sedang. Analisis tingkat kesesuaian di perairan Tarakan menggunakan data satelit inderaja memberikan informasi pada perioda El Nino berada di pantai Amal dan Tanjung Simaya; perioda La Nina di Tanjung Simaya dan Juata, perioda Normal di Tanjung Binalatung dan Simaya, Musim Barat di Tanjung Simaya dan Juata, dan Musim Timur di pantai Amal dan Tanjung Selayang.

Remote sensing oceanography of Aqua MODIS and altimetry have been applied to study environmental changes of sea surface temperature, chlorophyll-a, and surface current in the Tarakan water against ENSO and Monsoon variability in order to know dynamical oceanography during El Nino, La Nina, and Neutral peroid, Northwest monsoon/NW, Southeast monsoon/SE. The suitability level analysis of seaweed cultivation of Eucheuma cottonii used 11 sampling stations on 11 July 2013 in the Amal and Mamburungan beaches and Sadau island with parameters of temperature, salinity, brightness, turbidity, acidity, nitrate, phosphate, and kalium.
The results showed that environmental changes are affected by ENSO and monsoons. The suitability level in the eastern is better than western Tarakan water. The Indonesian throughflow plays important role in transferring water masses from warm pool in western tropical Pacific entering northern and western Tarakan. Analysis of suitability level using equal interval method indicates that from Amal beach to southern part has the highest suitability level while Mamburungan beach to Sadau island are moderate level. The suitability level analysis using satellite oceanography implied potential areas for seaweed cultivation of Eucheuma cottonii in the Amal beach and Cape Simaya during El Nino; Capes of Simaya and Juata during La Nina; Capes of Binalatung dan Simaya during Neutral period; Capes of Simaya and Juata and Amal beach and cape Selayang during Northwest and Southeast monsoon, respectively.
Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 2015
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Eldia Anggidenia
Penelitian mengenai potensi makroalga alami Sargassum polycystum dan makroalga budidaya Eucheuma cottonii dalam menyerap dan menyimpan karbon serta nutrien di Pulau Panjang, Teluk Banten telah dilakukan pada bulan Oktober hingga November 2014. Penelitian bertujuan untuk mengetahui laju penyerapan karbon, kandungan nutrien dan produktivitas primer dari makroalga S. polycystum dan E. cottonii. Lokasi penelitian terletak di bagian hamparan gosong karang dan berlumpur dengan kedalaman 0,5-5 m. Pengamatan pertumbuhan dan laju penyerapan karbon menggunakan metode penandaan thallus pada 30 sampel makroalga setiap hari selama 7 hari. Sampel makroalga selanjutnya dianalisis kandungan nutriennya. Hasil penelitian didapatkan estimasi laju penyerapan karbon S. polycystum dan E. cottonii adalah 0,0081 gC/hari dan 0,0083 gC/hari. Kandungan karbon, nitrogen dan fosfat di S. polycystum adalah sebanyak 6,84%, 1,72% and 0,009% sedangkan kadar karbon, nitrogen dan fosfat di E. cottonii adalah 5,99%, 0,67% dan 0,006%. Berdasarkan analisis statistik dengan uji t, terdapat perbedaan yang signifikan pada laju pertumbuhan, kandungan nitrogen dan fosfat S. polycystum dengan E. cottonii. Sedangkan untuk kandungan karbon tidak terdapat perbedaan yang signifikan antara S. polycystum dengan E. cottonii. Selanjutnya, uji korelasi didapatkan bahwa adanya korelasi antara laju pertumbuhan S. polycystum dan E. cottonii dengan kandungan nitrogen masing- masing sedangkan antara laju pertumbuhan dengan kandungan karbon dan fosfat tidak terdapat korelasi. Produktivitas primer diukur dengan metode botol terang dan botol gelap yang dimodifikasi. Pengukuran produktivitas primer dilakukan pada kedalaman 0,5 m untuk S. polycystum dan 0,1 m untuk E. cottonii. Kandungan oksigen terlarut diukur dengan DO meter. Hasil penelitian didapatkan rata-rata produktivitas primer S. polycystum sebesar 512,99 ± 169,26 mgC/m3/hari dan E. cottonii sebesar 387,88 ± 219,93 mgC/m3/hari.

The research about the potency of wild macroalgae Sargassum polycystum dan cultivation macroalgae Eucheuma cottonii to absorb and store carbon also nutrient in Panjang Island, Banten Bay was held on October until November 2014. The research was aimed to estimate carbon sequestration, nutrient content and primary productivity from macroalgae S. polycystum and E. cottonii. Location of the research in the stretch of reef and muddy with a depth of 0,5-5 m. The observation of growth rate and carbon sequestration used thallus marking method in 30 macroalgae shoots everyday for 7 days. Macroalgae was analyzed its nutrient content. The results showed that estimation carbon sequestration by S. polycystum and E. cottonii were 0,0081 gC/day dan 0,0083 gC/day. The content of carbon, nitrogent and phosphor for Macroalgae S. polycystum were 6,84%, 1,72% and 0,009% respectively while the content of carbon, nitrogent and phosphor for Macroalgae E. cottonii were 5,99%, 0,67% dan 0,006% respectively. Based on statistical analysis by t test, there was found significant difference on the growth rate, nitrogent and phosphor content of S. polycystum with E. cottonii. While for the carbon content, there was no significant difference between S. polycystum with E. cottonii. Furthermore, correlation test showed that there was a correlation between the growth rate of S. polycystum and E. cottonii with nitrogent content respectively while between the growth rate with carbon and phosphor content, there was no correlation. Primary productivity were measured by the light and dark bottle method with modification. Measurement of primary productivity was held at a depth of 0,5 m from the surface for S. polycystum and 0,1 m from the surface for E. cottonii. Dissolved oxygen was measured by DO meter. The result showed that mean of primary productivity for S. polycystum was 512,99 ± 169,26 mgC/m3/day and E. cottonii was 387,88 ± 219,93 mgC/m3/day.;The research about the potency of wild macroalgae Sargassum polycystum dan cultivation macroalgae Eucheuma cottonii to absorb and store carbon also nutrient in Panjang Island, Banten Bay was held on October until November 2014. The research was aimed to estimate carbon sequestration, nutrient content and primary productivity from macroalgae S. polycystum and E. cottonii. Location of the research in the stretch of reef and muddy with a depth of 0,5-5 m. The observation of growth rate and carbon sequestration used thallus marking method in 30 macroalgae shoots everyday for 7 days. Macroalgae was analyzed its nutrient content. The results showed that estimation carbon sequestration by S. polycystum and E. cottonii were 0,0081 gC/day dan 0,0083 gC/day. The content of carbon, nitrogent and phosphor for Macroalgae S. polycystum were 6,84%, 1,72% and 0,009% respectively while the content of carbon, nitrogent and phosphor for Macroalgae E. cottonii were 5,99%, 0,67% dan 0,006% respectively. Based on statistical analysis by t test, there was found significant difference on the growth rate, nitrogent and phosphor content of S. polycystum with E. cottonii. While for the carbon content, there was no significant difference between S. polycystum with E. cottonii. Furthermore, correlation test showed that there was a correlation between the growth rate of S. polycystum and E. cottonii with nitrogent content respectively while between the growth rate with carbon and phosphor content, there was no correlation. Primary productivity were measured by the light and dark bottle method with modification. Measurement of primary productivity was held at a depth of 0,5 m from the surface for S. polycystum and 0,1 m from the surface for E. cottonii. Dissolved oxygen was measured by DO meter. The result showed that mean of primary productivity for S. polycystum was 512,99 ± 169,26 mgC/m3/day and E. cottonii was 387,88 ± 219,93 mgC/m3/day.;The research about the potency of wild macroalgae Sargassum polycystum dan cultivation macroalgae Eucheuma cottonii to absorb and store carbon also nutrient in Panjang Island, Banten Bay was held on October until November 2014. The research was aimed to estimate carbon sequestration, nutrient content and primary productivity from macroalgae S. polycystum and E. cottonii. Location of the research in the stretch of reef and muddy with a depth of 0,5-5 m. The observation of growth rate and carbon sequestration used thallus marking method in 30 macroalgae shoots everyday for 7 days. Macroalgae was analyzed its nutrient content. The results showed that estimation carbon sequestration by S. polycystum and E. cottonii were 0,0081 gC/day dan 0,0083 gC/day. The content of carbon, nitrogent and phosphor for Macroalgae S. polycystum were 6,84%, 1,72% and 0,009% respectively while the content of carbon, nitrogent and phosphor for Macroalgae E. cottonii were 5,99%, 0,67% dan 0,006% respectively. Based on statistical analysis by t test, there was found significant difference on the growth rate, nitrogent and phosphor content of S. polycystum with E. cottonii. While for the carbon content, there was no significant difference between S. polycystum with E. cottonii. Furthermore, correlation test showed that there was a correlation between the growth rate of S. polycystum and E. cottonii with nitrogent content respectively while between the growth rate with carbon and phosphor content, there was no correlation. Primary productivity were measured by the light and dark bottle method with modification. Measurement of primary productivity was held at a depth of 0,5 m from the surface for S. polycystum and 0,1 m from the surface for E. cottonii. Dissolved oxygen was measured by DO meter. The result showed that mean of primary productivity for S. polycystum was 512,99 ± 169,26 mgC/m3/day and E. cottonii was 387,88 ± 219,93 mgC/m3/day., The research about the potency of wild macroalgae Sargassum polycystum dan cultivation macroalgae Eucheuma cottonii to absorb and store carbon also nutrient in Panjang Island, Banten Bay was held on October until November 2014. The research was aimed to estimate carbon sequestration, nutrient content and primary productivity from macroalgae S. polycystum and E. cottonii. Location of the research in the stretch of reef and muddy with a depth of 0,5-5 m. The observation of growth rate and carbon sequestration used thallus marking method in 30 macroalgae shoots everyday for 7 days. Macroalgae was analyzed its nutrient content. The results showed that estimation carbon sequestration by S. polycystum and E. cottonii were 0,0081 gC/day dan 0,0083 gC/day. The content of carbon, nitrogent and phosphor for Macroalgae S. polycystum were 6,84%, 1,72% and 0,009% respectively while the content of carbon, nitrogent and phosphor for Macroalgae E. cottonii were 5,99%, 0,67% dan 0,006% respectively. Based on statistical analysis by t test, there was found significant difference on the growth rate, nitrogent and phosphor content of S. polycystum with E. cottonii. While for the carbon content, there was no significant difference between S. polycystum with E. cottonii. Furthermore, correlation test showed that there was a correlation between the growth rate of S. polycystum and E. cottonii with nitrogent content respectively while between the growth rate with carbon and phosphor content, there was no correlation. Primary productivity were measured by the light and dark bottle method with modification. Measurement of primary productivity was held at a depth of 0,5 m from the surface for S. polycystum and 0,1 m from the surface for E. cottonii. Dissolved oxygen was measured by DO meter. The result showed that mean of primary productivity for S. polycystum was 512,99 ± 169,26 mgC/m3/day and E. cottonii was 387,88 ± 219,93 mgC/m3/day.]"
Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Eldia Anggidenia
"[Penelitian mengenai potensi makroalga alami Sargassum polycystum
dan makroalga budidaya Eucheuma cottonii dalam menyerap dan menyimpan
karbon serta nutrien di Pulau Panjang, Teluk Banten telah dilakukan pada bulan
Oktober hingga November 2014. Penelitian bertujuan untuk mengetahui laju
penyerapan karbon, kandungan nutrien dan produktivitas primer dari makroalga S.
polycystum dan E. cottonii. Lokasi penelitian terletak di bagian hamparan gosong
karang dan berlumpur dengan kedalaman 0,5-5 m. Pengamatan pertumbuhan dan
laju penyerapan karbon menggunakan metode penandaan thallus pada 30 sampel
makroalga setiap hari selama 7 hari. Sampel makroalga selanjutnya dianalisis
kandungan nutriennya. Hasil penelitian didapatkan estimasi laju penyerapan
karbon S. polycystum dan E. cottonii adalah 0,0081 gC/hari dan 0,0083 gC/hari.
Kandungan karbon, nitrogen dan fosfat di S. polycystum adalah sebanyak 6,84%,
1,72% dan 0,009% sedangkan kandungan karbon, nitrogen dan fosfat di E.
cottonii adalah 5,99%, 0,67% dan 0,006%. Berdasarkan analisis statistik dengan
uji t, terdapat perbedaan yang signifikan pada laju pertumbuhan, kandungan
nitrogen dan fosfat S. polycystum dengan E. cottonii. Sedangkan untuk kandungan
karbon tidak terdapat perbedaan yang signifikan antara S. polycystum dengan E.
cottonii. Selanjutnya, uji korelasi didapatkan bahwa adanya korelasi antara laju
pertumbuhan S. polycystum dan E. cottonii dengan kandungan nitrogen masingmasing
sedangkan antara laju pertumbuhan dengan kandungan karbon dan fosfat
tidak terdapat korelasi. Produktivitas primer diukur dengan metode botol terang
dan botol gelap yang dimodifikasi. Pengukuran produktivitas primer dilakukan
pada kedalaman 0,5 m untuk S. polycystum dan 0,1 m untuk E. cottonii.
Kandungan oksigen terlarut diukur dengan DO meter. Hasil penelitian didapatkan
rata-rata produktivitas primer S. polycystum sebesar 10,259 ± 3,385 mgC/g/hari
dan E. cottonii sebesar 7,757 ± 4,398 mgC/g/hari.;The research about the potency of wild macroalgae Sargassum polycystum
and cultivation macroalgae Eucheuma cottonii to absorb and store carbon also
nutrient in Panjang Island, Banten Bay was held on October until November 2014.
The research was aimed to estimate carbon sequestration, nutrient content and
primary productivity from macroalgae S. polycystum and E. cottonii. Location of
the research in the stretch of reef and muddy with a depth of 0,5-5 m. The
observation of growth rate and carbon sequestration used thallus marking method
in 30 macroalgae shoots everyday for 7 days. Macroalgae was analyzed its
nutrient content. The results showed that estimation carbon sequestration by S.
polycystum and E. cottonii were 0,0081 gC/day and 0,0083 gC/day. The content
of carbon, nitrogent and phosphor for Macroalgae S. polycystum were 6,84%,
1,72% and 0,009% respectively while the content of carbon, nitrogent and
phosphor for Macroalgae E. cottonii were 5,99%, 0,67% and 0,006% respectively.
Based on statistical analysis by t test, there was found significant difference on the
growth rate, nitrogent and phosphor content of S. polycystum with E. cottonii.
While for the carbon content, there was no significant difference between S.
polycystum with E. cottonii. Furthermore, correlation test showed that there was a
correlation between the growth rate of S. polycystum and E. cottonii with
nitrogent content respectively while between the growth rate with carbon and
phosphor content, there was no correlation. Primary productivity were measured
by the light and dark bottle method with modification. Measurement of primary
productivity was held at a depth of 0,5 m from the surface for S. polycystum and
0,1 m from the surface for E. cottonii. Dissolved oxygen was measured by DO
meter. The result showed that mean of primary productivity for S. polycystum was
10,259 ± 3,385 mgC/g/day and E. cottonii was 7,757 ± 4,398 mgC/g/day;The research about the potency of wild macroalgae Sargassum polycystum
and cultivation macroalgae Eucheuma cottonii to absorb and store carbon also
nutrient in Panjang Island, Banten Bay was held on October until November 2014.
The research was aimed to estimate carbon sequestration, nutrient content and
primary productivity from macroalgae S. polycystum and E. cottonii. Location of
the research in the stretch of reef and muddy with a depth of 0,5-5 m. The
observation of growth rate and carbon sequestration used thallus marking method
in 30 macroalgae shoots everyday for 7 days. Macroalgae was analyzed its
nutrient content. The results showed that estimation carbon sequestration by S.
polycystum and E. cottonii were 0,0081 gC/day and 0,0083 gC/day. The content
of carbon, nitrogent and phosphor for Macroalgae S. polycystum were 6,84%,
1,72% and 0,009% respectively while the content of carbon, nitrogent and
phosphor for Macroalgae E. cottonii were 5,99%, 0,67% and 0,006% respectively.
Based on statistical analysis by t test, there was found significant difference on the
growth rate, nitrogent and phosphor content of S. polycystum with E. cottonii.
While for the carbon content, there was no significant difference between S.
polycystum with E. cottonii. Furthermore, correlation test showed that there was a
correlation between the growth rate of S. polycystum and E. cottonii with
nitrogent content respectively while between the growth rate with carbon and
phosphor content, there was no correlation. Primary productivity were measured
by the light and dark bottle method with modification. Measurement of primary
productivity was held at a depth of 0,5 m from the surface for S. polycystum and
0,1 m from the surface for E. cottonii. Dissolved oxygen was measured by DO
meter. The result showed that mean of primary productivity for S. polycystum was
10,259 ± 3,385 mgC/g/day and E. cottonii was 7,757 ± 4,398 mgC/g/day;The research about the potency of wild macroalgae Sargassum polycystum
and cultivation macroalgae Eucheuma cottonii to absorb and store carbon also
nutrient in Panjang Island, Banten Bay was held on October until November 2014.
The research was aimed to estimate carbon sequestration, nutrient content and
primary productivity from macroalgae S. polycystum and E. cottonii. Location of
the research in the stretch of reef and muddy with a depth of 0,5-5 m. The
observation of growth rate and carbon sequestration used thallus marking method
in 30 macroalgae shoots everyday for 7 days. Macroalgae was analyzed its
nutrient content. The results showed that estimation carbon sequestration by S.
polycystum and E. cottonii were 0,0081 gC/day and 0,0083 gC/day. The content
of carbon, nitrogent and phosphor for Macroalgae S. polycystum were 6,84%,
1,72% and 0,009% respectively while the content of carbon, nitrogent and
phosphor for Macroalgae E. cottonii were 5,99%, 0,67% and 0,006% respectively.
Based on statistical analysis by t test, there was found significant difference on the
growth rate, nitrogent and phosphor content of S. polycystum with E. cottonii.
While for the carbon content, there was no significant difference between S.
polycystum with E. cottonii. Furthermore, correlation test showed that there was a
correlation between the growth rate of S. polycystum and E. cottonii with
nitrogent content respectively while between the growth rate with carbon and
phosphor content, there was no correlation. Primary productivity were measured
by the light and dark bottle method with modification. Measurement of primary
productivity was held at a depth of 0,5 m from the surface for S. polycystum and
0,1 m from the surface for E. cottonii. Dissolved oxygen was measured by DO
meter. The result showed that mean of primary productivity for S. polycystum was
10,259 ± 3,385 mgC/g/day and E. cottonii was 7,757 ± 4,398 mgC/g/day;The research about the potency of wild macroalgae Sargassum polycystum
and cultivation macroalgae Eucheuma cottonii to absorb and store carbon also
nutrient in Panjang Island, Banten Bay was held on October until November 2014.
The research was aimed to estimate carbon sequestration, nutrient content and
primary productivity from macroalgae S. polycystum and E. cottonii. Location of
the research in the stretch of reef and muddy with a depth of 0,5-5 m. The
observation of growth rate and carbon sequestration used thallus marking method
in 30 macroalgae shoots everyday for 7 days. Macroalgae was analyzed its
nutrient content. The results showed that estimation carbon sequestration by S.
polycystum and E. cottonii were 0,0081 gC/day and 0,0083 gC/day. The content
of carbon, nitrogent and phosphor for Macroalgae S. polycystum were 6,84%,
1,72% and 0,009% respectively while the content of carbon, nitrogent and
phosphor for Macroalgae E. cottonii were 5,99%, 0,67% and 0,006% respectively.
Based on statistical analysis by t test, there was found significant difference on the
growth rate, nitrogent and phosphor content of S. polycystum with E. cottonii.
While for the carbon content, there was no significant difference between S.
polycystum with E. cottonii. Furthermore, correlation test showed that there was a
correlation between the growth rate of S. polycystum and E. cottonii with
nitrogent content respectively while between the growth rate with carbon and
phosphor content, there was no correlation. Primary productivity were measured
by the light and dark bottle method with modification. Measurement of primary
productivity was held at a depth of 0,5 m from the surface for S. polycystum and
0,1 m from the surface for E. cottonii. Dissolved oxygen was measured by DO
meter. The result showed that mean of primary productivity for S. polycystum was
10,259 ± 3,385 mgC/g/day and E. cottonii was 7,757 ± 4,398 mgC/g/day;The research about the potency of wild macroalgae Sargassum polycystum
and cultivation macroalgae Eucheuma cottonii to absorb and store carbon also
nutrient in Panjang Island, Banten Bay was held on October until November 2014.
The research was aimed to estimate carbon sequestration, nutrient content and
primary productivity from macroalgae S. polycystum and E. cottonii. Location of
the research in the stretch of reef and muddy with a depth of 0,5-5 m. The
observation of growth rate and carbon sequestration used thallus marking method
in 30 macroalgae shoots everyday for 7 days. Macroalgae was analyzed its
nutrient content. The results showed that estimation carbon sequestration by S.
polycystum and E. cottonii were 0,0081 gC/day and 0,0083 gC/day. The content
of carbon, nitrogent and phosphor for Macroalgae S. polycystum were 6,84%,
1,72% and 0,009% respectively while the content of carbon, nitrogent and
phosphor for Macroalgae E. cottonii were 5,99%, 0,67% and 0,006% respectively.
Based on statistical analysis by t test, there was found significant difference on the
growth rate, nitrogent and phosphor content of S. polycystum with E. cottonii.
While for the carbon content, there was no significant difference between S.
polycystum with E. cottonii. Furthermore, correlation test showed that there was a
correlation between the growth rate of S. polycystum and E. cottonii with
nitrogent content respectively while between the growth rate with carbon and
phosphor content, there was no correlation. Primary productivity were measured
by the light and dark bottle method with modification. Measurement of primary
productivity was held at a depth of 0,5 m from the surface for S. polycystum and
0,1 m from the surface for E. cottonii. Dissolved oxygen was measured by DO
meter. The result showed that mean of primary productivity for S. polycystum was
10,259 ± 3,385 mgC/g/day and E. cottonii was 7,757 ± 4,398 mgC/g/day, The research about the potency of wild macroalgae Sargassum polycystum
and cultivation macroalgae Eucheuma cottonii to absorb and store carbon also
nutrient in Panjang Island, Banten Bay was held on October until November 2014.
The research was aimed to estimate carbon sequestration, nutrient content and
primary productivity from macroalgae S. polycystum and E. cottonii. Location of
the research in the stretch of reef and muddy with a depth of 0,5-5 m. The
observation of growth rate and carbon sequestration used thallus marking method
in 30 macroalgae shoots everyday for 7 days. Macroalgae was analyzed its
nutrient content. The results showed that estimation carbon sequestration by S.
polycystum and E. cottonii were 0,0081 gC/day and 0,0083 gC/day. The content
of carbon, nitrogent and phosphor for Macroalgae S. polycystum were 6,84%,
1,72% and 0,009% respectively while the content of carbon, nitrogent and
phosphor for Macroalgae E. cottonii were 5,99%, 0,67% and 0,006% respectively.
Based on statistical analysis by t test, there was found significant difference on the
growth rate, nitrogent and phosphor content of S. polycystum with E. cottonii.
While for the carbon content, there was no significant difference between S.
polycystum with E. cottonii. Furthermore, correlation test showed that there was a
correlation between the growth rate of S. polycystum and E. cottonii with
nitrogent content respectively while between the growth rate with carbon and
phosphor content, there was no correlation. Primary productivity were measured
by the light and dark bottle method with modification. Measurement of primary
productivity was held at a depth of 0,5 m from the surface for S. polycystum and
0,1 m from the surface for E. cottonii. Dissolved oxygen was measured by DO
meter. The result showed that mean of primary productivity for S. polycystum was
10,259 ± 3,385 mgC/g/day and E. cottonii was 7,757 ± 4,398 mgC/g/day]"
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ahmad Rayhan Kamil
"Penelitian ini membahas tentang sebaran rumput laut berdasarkan kondisi fisik yang mencakup suhu permukaan laut, muatan padatan tersuspensi (MPT), arus, salintas, serta oksigen terlarut (DO) untuk menentukan wilayah potensial pengembangan budidaya rumput laut di Pantai Ujunggenteng. Penelitian deskriptif ini menggunakan analisis spasial dengan menerapkan metode penginderaan jauh dan survey lapangan pada 15 lokasi untuk pengumpulan dan pengolahan datanya. Setelah data terkumpul dan terolah analisis selanjutnya yang digunakan adalah metode overlay peta. Hasil penelitian menunjukan sebaran rumput laut merata hampir di setiap karang dan menunjukan adanya kesesuaian kondisi fisik pantai dengan syarat budidaya rumput laut di Pantai Ujunggenteng. Berdasarkan sebaran dan kondisi fisik perairan inilah kemudian dapat ditentukan bahwa wilayah yang potensial adalah wilayah karang dan teluk serta bagian timur pantai dengan radius sampai 200 meter dari bibir pantai, wilayah yang cukup potensial adalah wilayah dengan radius 300-700 meter dari bibir pantai, sedangkan sisanya yang merupakan wilayah laut lepas adalah wilayah yang tidak potensial untuk pengembangan budidaya rumput laut.

This research discusses the distribution of seaweed by the physical conditions that include sea surface temperature, total suspended solids, currents, salinity, and dissolved oxygen (DO) to determine areas of potential development seaweed cultivation in Ujunggenteng beach. This is a descriptive research which uses spatial by applying the method of remote sensing and field surveys in 15 locations for the collection and processing of data. Once the data is collected and processed further analysis is the method of overlaying a map. Based on the distribution and physical condition of the water is then determined that the potential area is the region of the reefs and bays along the east coast with a radius of up to 200 meters from the coast, an area of considerable potential is an area with a radius of 300-700 meters from the beach, while the rest which is an open sea area is the area that is not potential for the development of seaweed cultivation.
Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Virgi Citra Nabila
"Peninjauan aktivitas budidaya rumput laut secara optimal perlu dilakukan mengingat tingginya daya dukung lingkungan dan bernilai ekonomis. Namun perkembangan pariwisata membuat aktivitas budidaya rumput laut terus terdesak. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis kesesuaian wilayah budidaya rumput laut berdasarkan kondisi perairan dan aktivitas budidaya rumput laut di Pulau Serangan beserta hubungannya. Variabel yang digunakan ialah kondisi perairan, pengelola, teknologi, manajemen, dan objek wisata. Kesesuaian wilayah budidaya rumput laut di Pulau Serangan diperoleh melalui pengolahan data citra Landsat 8 tahun 2020 serta pengukuran lapang in situ maupun ex situ. Survey dan wawancara dilakukan untuk menganalisis aktivitas budidaya rumput laut di Pulau Serangan. Metode skoring dan overlay digunakan pada seluruh variabel yang kemudian dianalisis spasial. Analisis statistik deskriptif juga dilakukan untuk menganalisis hubungan antara kesesuaian wilayah berdasarkan kondisi perairan terhadap jumlah produksi rumput laut. Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa wilayah yang sesuai untuk budidaya rumput laut terletak di segmen Teluk Lebangan. Aktivitas budidaya rumput laut tinggi terletak di segmen Teluk Lebangan, aktivitas budidaya sedang terletak di segmen Pantai Timur Serangan, dan aktivitas budidaya rendah terletak di segmen Teluk Serangan. Kesesuaian wilayah budidaya rumput laut berdasarkan kondisi perairan berupa suhu, salinitas, arus, muatan padatan tersuspensi, dan oksigen terlarut secara simultan berpengaruh terhadap jumlah produksi rumput laut di Pulau Serangan. Semakin tinggi oksigen terlarut, suhu, dan kecepatan arus maka jumlah produksi rumput laut di Pulau Serangan akan meningkat. Semakin rendah muatan padatan tersuspensi dan salinitas maka jumlah produksi rumput laut di Pulau Serangan akan meningkat.

Seaweed cultivation is an alternative use of coastal areas. An optimal review of seaweed cultivation activities needs to be done, considering the environment's high carrying capacity and its economic value. However, the development of tourism has made seaweed cultivation activities continue to be pressed. This study aims to analyze seaweed cultivation areas suitability based on water conditions and seaweed cultivation activities on Serangan Island and their relationship. The variables used are water conditions, cultivation, technology, management, and tourist objects. The suitability of the seaweed cultivation area on Serangan Island was obtained through Landsat 8 imagery data processing in 2020 and field measurements in situ and ex-situ. Surveys and interviews were also conducted to analyze seaweed farming activities on Serangan Island. The scoring and overlay methods were used for all variables, which were then analyzed spatially. Descriptive statistical analysis was also carried out to analyze the relationship between the suitability of the area based on water conditions and seaweed production. The analysis results show that a suitable area for seaweed cultivation is in the Lebangan Bay segment. The high level of seaweed cultivation activity is in the Lebangan Bay segment, moderate cultivation activity is in the Serangan East Coast segment, and low cultivation activities are in the Serangan Bay segment. The suitability of the seaweed cultivation area based on water conditions in temperature, salinity, current, total suspended solids, and dissolved oxygen has a simultaneous effect on seaweed cultivation activities on Serangan Island. The higher the dissolved oxygen, temperature, and current speed, the amount of seaweed production on Serangan Island will increase. The lower total suspended solids and salinity, the amount of seaweed production on Serangan Island will increase."
Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 2021
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Athifa Azka Fadhila
"Pulau Tidung merupakan salah satu destinasi pariwisata di Kepulauan Seribu dengan keindahan alam dan biota laut di dalamnya. Pada tahun 2020, Pulau Tidung mengalami penurunan wisatawan akibat pandemi COVID-19 yang melanda. Seiring berjalannya waktu, jumlah wisatawan pada tahun 2023 mengalami peningkatan dibandingkan tahun sebelumnya  berdasarkan warga lokal dan tour guide. Peningkatan jumlah wisatawan ini dikhawatirkan mampu mengakibatkan tekanan terhadap ekosistem lamun. Lamun merupakan tumbuhan berbunga (Angiospermae) yang hidup di air dan dapat berkembang pada perairan estuari dan dangkal. Penyerapan karbon merupakan salah satu peran dan fungsi lamun bagi eksosistem.  Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisa struktur komunitas lamun pada tahun 2022 dan 2023, mengetahui estimasi kandungan karbon pada lamun serta mengorelasi karbon pada lamun dan karbon pada sedimen. Identifikasi lamun menggunakan metode transek kuadran dan dilakukan pada 4 stasiun pengamatan dan metode pengabuan atau Loss of Ignition untuk menghitung kandungan karbon pada lamun dan sedimen. Ditemukan lima spesies lamun di Pulau Tidung, antara lain Thalassia hemprichii, Enhalus acoroides, Cymodocea rotundata, Syringodium isoetifolium, dan Halophila ovalis. Untuk menunjukkan perbandingan lamun antar tahun digunakan salah satu indeks struktur komunitas, yaitu nilai kerapatan. Nilai kerapatan lamun tahun 2022 sebesar 87,17 dan tahun 2023 sebesar 62,42. Selanjutnya didapatkan nilai estimasi kandungan karbon pada lamun, yaitu tahun 2022 memiliki rata-rata estimasi kandungan karbon ABG sebesar 176,74 gC/m2 dan BLG sebesar 258,36 gC/m2 dan tahun 2023 memiliki estimasi kandungan karbon ABG sebesar 127,43 gC/m2 dan BLG sebesar 187,16 gC/m2. Dilakukan Uji-T Independen untuk melihat perbedaan yang signifikan antar tahun. Hasil Uji-T pada kerapatan lamun 2022 dan 2023 memiliki nilai sig. 0,02 < 0,05 yang menunjukkan terdapat perbedaan signifikan sedangkan pada kandungan karbon lamun 2022 dan 2023 memiliki nilai sig, 0,09 > 0,05 yang menunjukkan tidak terdapat perbedaan signifikan. Sebagian besar karbon pada lamun disimpan pada bagian substrat bawah. Maka dari itu dilakukan perhitungan pada kandungan karbon sedimen.Pada tahun 2022 persentase kandungan karbon organik di setiap stasiun memiliki kisaran 2,63%-3,93%. Pada tahun 2023 kisaran persentase kandungan karbon organik di setiap stasiun adalah 1,95%-2,42%. Dilakukan uji korelasi Spearman pada kandungan karbon substrat bawah lamun dan sedimen dan didapatkan hasil korelasi positif dengan nilai 0,98 dimana semakin tinggi kandungan karbon pada substrat bagian bawah lamun, maka semakin tinggi kandungan karbon pada sedimen di bawahnya.

Tidung Island is one of the tourist destinations in the Thousand Islands with its natural beauty and marine life. In 2020, Tidung Island experienced a decrease in tourists due to the COVID-19 pandemic that hit. Over time, the number of tourists in 2023 has increased compared to the previous year based on residents and tour guides. The increase in the number of tourists is feared to cause pressure on the seagrass ecosystem. Seagrasses are flowering plants (Angiosperms) that live in water and can develop in estuaries and shallow waters. Carbon sequestration is one of the roles and functions of seagrass for the ecosystem. This study aims to analyze the structure of seagrass communities in 2022 and 2023, determine the estimated carbon content in seagrasses, and correlate carbon in seagrasses and sediments. Seagrass identification used the quadrant transect method and was carried out at four observation stations and the loss of ignition method to calculate carbon content in seagrass and sediment. Five seagrass species were found in Tidung Island, including Thalassia hemprichii, Enhalus acoroides, Cymodocea rotundata, Syringodium isoetifolium, and Halophila ovalis. One of the community structure indices, namely density value, was used to show the seagrass comparison between years. The seagrass density value in 2022 amounted to 87.17 and in 2023 amounted to 62.42. Furthermore, the estimated value of carbon content in seagrass was obtained, namely, 2022 had an average estimated carbon content of ABG of 176.74 gC/m2 and BLG of 258.36 gC/m2 and 2023 had an estimated carbon content of ABG of 127.43 gC/m2 and BLG of 187.16 gC/m2. Independent T-Tests were conducted to see significant differences between years. The results of the T-test on seagrass density in 2022 and 2023 had a sig. 0.02 < 0.05 indicates a significant difference, while in seagrass carbon content 2022 and 2023 have a sig value, 0.09 > 0.05 indicates no significant difference. Most of the carbon in seagrass is stored in the lower substrate. In 2022, the percentage of organic carbon content at each station ranged from 2.63% to 3.93%. In 2023 the percentage range of organic carbon content at each station was 1.95% - 2.42%. Spearman correlation test was conducted on the carbon content of the seagrass bottom substrate and sediment and obtained positive correlation results with a value of 0.98, where the higher the carbon content in the seagrass bottom substrate, the higher the carbon content in the sediment below."
Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia;Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia;Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia;Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia;Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Muhammad Faris
"Kepulauan Karimunjawa menjadi daerah yang memang sangat berpotensial untuk budidaya rumput laut. Namun pada kenyataannya semakin lama potensi itu turun dikarenakan hasil budidaya yang tidak maksimal karena suatu penyakit. Upaya yang mungkin dapat dilakukan yaitu apakah wilayah sekitar Pantai Karimunjawa mempunyai kualitas air yang sesuai maupun potensial. Dalam kesesuaian diukur dari segi kondisi fisik maupun kimia dari suatu air. Kondisi dari potensialnya budidaya rumput laut dimana diukur berdasarkan jarak, aksesibilitas, lokasi, maupun penggunaan tanah sekitar. Maka dari itu tujuan penelitian ini adalah menganalisis sebaran budidaya rumput laut berdasarkan kesesuaian dan menganalisis wilayah yang berpotensi untuk lokasi pengembangan budidaya rumput laut. Kondisi fisik air yang digunakan seperti suhu permukaan laut, arah maupun kecepatan arus laut, dan TSS (Total Suspended Solid). Kondisi kimia air yang digunakan seperti salinitas dan oksigen terlarut. Data – data ini diperoleh dari citra Landsat 8 (OLI), citra MODIS, dan penggunaan algoritma. Pengolahan data selanjutnya akan di analisis secara overlay dimana hasilnya akan berupa persebaran dari wilayah kesesuaian yang terdiri atas wilayah sesuai, cukup sesuai, dan tidak sesuai. Analisis yang kedua juga menggunakan analisis spasial deskriptif dalam menentukan wilayah yang berpotensial, cukup potensial, maupun tidak potensial. Hasilnya menunjukan bahwa wilayah yang terbagi atas tiga klasifikasi dalam pengambilan titik validasi. Klasifikasi titik validasi pertama dimana cukup sesuai untuk dibudidaya namun secara jarak, aksesibilitas, lokasi dan penggunaan tanah sekitar memiliki daerah yang potensial. Klasifikasi titik validasi yang kedua dimana memiliki wilayah kesesuaian yang sesuai, cukup sesuai, maupun tidak sesuai namun secara potensialnya merupakan wilayah yang cukup potensial. Klasifikasi ketiga dimana daerah wilayah secara kesesuaian merupakan wilayah yang sesuai namun secara potensial wilayah ini merupakan wilayah yang tidak potensial

Karimunjawa Islands are become an area that is indeed very potential for seaweed cultivation. However in reality the longer of the potential become more decrease because the cultivation results are not optimal due to an illness. Possible efforts can be made, namely whether where the area around Karimunjawa Beach has suitable and potential water quality. In conformity measured in terms of physical and chemical conditions of a water. The conditions of potential seaweed cultivation are measured by distance, accessibility, and the use of surrounding land. So from that the purpose of this study was to analyze the distribution of seaweed cultivation based on suitability and analyze the potential areas for seaweed cultivation. The physical conditions of water used such as sea surface temperature, wave direction, speed of ocean currents, and TSS (Total Suspended Solid). The chemical conditions of water used such as salinity and dissolved oxygen. These data are obtained from Landsat 8 (OLI) imagery, MODIS imagery, and the use of algorithms. The processing of the data will then be analyzed in an overlay where the results will be in the form of a distribution from the area of suitability which consists of suitable appropriate area, quite appropriate, and not appropriate. The second analysis also uses descriptive spatial analysis in determining potential, quite potential, or not potential areas. The results show that the regions are divided into three classifications in taking validation points. The classification of the first validation point is quite suitable for cultivation but in terms of distance, accessibility, the use of surrounding land has a potential area. The second classification of validation points has an appropriate, sufficiently suitable, or inappropriate area of suitability, but potentially is a potential area. The third classification in which the area of the suitability is an appropriate area, but potentially this region is a potential area"
Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 2019
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Meutia Safira Fakhraini
"Sekuestrasi karbon pada makroalga melalui fotosintesis dapat berkontribusi terhadap permasalahan perubahan iklim. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis potensi sekuestrasi karbon pada makroalga Kappaphycus striatum dengan umur pemeliharaan yang berbeda; usia bibit (25 hari) dan usia panen (60 hari). Sampel diambil secara acak pada sistem budidaya lepas dasar, di Desa Alaang, Pulau Alor, Nusa Tenggara Timur. Parameter yang diamati ialah kadar karbon melalui analisis gravimetri. Pengukuran laju pertumbuhan dan eksperimen botol gelap-terang juga dilakukan untuk dianalisis lebih lanjut. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa potensi sekuestrasi karbon pada lahan budidaya rumput laut seluas 1,552 m2 ialah sebesar 13.28 ton C/siklus tanam untuk makroalga usia bibit dan 26.23 ton C/siklus tanam untuk makroalga usia panen. Nilai ini secara berturut-turut setara dengan 66.07 ton C/ha/siklus tanam dan 125.51 ton C/ha/siklus tanam. Berdasarkan hal ini, potensi sekuestrasi karbon pada makrolaga usia panen 32.78 % lebih besar daripada makroalga usia bibit. Hasil juga menunjukkan bahwa potensi sekuestrasi karbon dapat dipengaruhi oleh laju pertumbuhan dan produktivitas primer. Selanjutnya, manajemen kawasan budidaya rumput laut dengan mengintegrasikan nilai ekologi dan nilai ekonomi, dapat berpotensi untuk menyediakan berbagai manfaat baik bagi masyarakat maupun lingkungan.

Carbon sequestration on macroalgae through photosynthesis can contribute to the mitigation of climate change problem. This research aimed to analyse carbon sequestration potential on macroalgae Kappaphycus striatum with different harvested ages; i.e. young (25 days) and adult (60 days). Samples were collected randomly from off-bottom seaweed aquaculture system, at Alaang Village, Alor Island, East Nusa Tenggara. The parameter observed was carbon content determined by using gravimetric analysis. Growth rate measurement and light-dark bottle experiment were also conducted to be further analysed. Results showed that total area of seaweed aquaculture in Alaang Village was 1,552 m2. According to our analysis, it was estimated that the carbon sequestration potential of macroalgae Kappaphycus striatum was 13.28 tonnes C/cycle for young and 26.63 tonnes C/cycle for adult. These results were equal to 66.07 tonnes C/ha/cycle and 125.51 tonnes C/ha/cycle, respectively. Therefore, the carbon sequestration potential of adult was higher about 32.78% than that of young. It can be concluded that the carbon sequestration potential was influenced by growth rate and primary productivity. Further study on sustainable management of seaweed aquaculture sites, by considering ecological and economic values, could potentially provide multiple
functions both for human and ecosystem.
Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 2019
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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