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Salsabila Fitriana
"Penelitian ini menjelaskan tentang kebijakan politik imigrasi Prancis yakni Immigration Choisie untuk menertibkan gelombang imigran yang masuk ke Prancis. Kebijakan ini disahkan pada 2006 melalui UU No.2006-911 24 Juli 2006. Kebijakan Immigration Choisie dititikberatkan pada upaya menyeleksi imigran yang datang. Kebijakan ini diterapkan dengan memperhatikan beberapa kriteria yakni tujuan kedatangan, latar belakang pendidikan dan kemampuan bahasa Prancis. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode sejarah. Prancis berharap bahwa imigran yang masuk ke Prancis akan didominasi oleh pekerja migran dengan kualifikasi yang baik, sehingga dapat bersaing di sektor professional Prancis. Selain itu, pekerja migran yang masuk juga diharapkan dapat memberikan kontribusi pada pembangunan ekonomi Prancis serta berintegrasi dengan baik di masyarakat. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa penerapan kebijakan Immigration Choisie belum mampu secara signifikan menertibkan dan meningkatkan kualitas imigran di Prancis.

The thesis focuses on the French immigration policy ldquo Immigration Choisie rdquo to control the the flux of immigrants who enter France. This policy was adopted in 2006 through Law No.2006 911 of 24 July 2006. Immigration Choisie's policy focuses on selecting immigrants. This policy is implemented by taking into account several criteria including motif of arrival, educational background and French language skills. This study uses historical method. Through this policy, France expected that immigrants who enter France will be dominated by qualified migrant workers to compete in the French professional sector. In addition, the flux of migrant workers are also expected to contribute to the French economic development and could integrate well with the society. The results show that Immigration Choisie's policy implementation could not significantly control and select migrants for improving the quality of immigrants in France.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Pengetahuan dan Budaya Universitas Indonesia, 2018
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Anggi Saputra
Dalam penyelundupan Imigran ke Australia, Indonesia dijadikan sebagai negara transit. Sehingga, menyebabkan berkembangnya penyelundupan imigran di Indonesia. Oleh karena itu, dibutuhkan penegakan hukum dalam mengatasi masalah ini. Dalam Skripsi ini berfokus melihat penanganan penyelundupan imigran yang dilakukan oleh penyidik Bareskrim Polri dan Dirjen Imigrasi serta hambatan dalam melakukan penanganan serta keterlibatan jaringan penyelundupan. Pembahasan masalah ini dianalisis menggunakan teori rational choice untuk mengetahui motif dari penyelundupan dan teori triangle crime untuk melihat penanganan yang dilakukan oleh penyidik Bareskrim dan Imigrasi sehingga menimbulkan celah terjadinya penyelundupan imigran dan menggunakan konsep penegakan hukum, reaksi formal masyarakat terhadap kejahatan dan Crime Control yang menjelaskan penanganan yang dilakukan oleh Penyeidik Bareskrim dan Dirjen Imigrasi. Pada penulisan ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan tujuan deskriptif, yakniniya dengan mewawancarai penyidik Bareskrim dan Imigrasi yang terlibat langsung dalam penanganan penyelundupan imigran. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa berkembangnya penyelundupan disebabkan karna penanganan yang mengalami berbagai hambatan sehingga membuka celah bagi para jaringan penyelundupan untuk melakukan aksinya.

In Smuggling of Immigrant to Australia, Indonesia as Transit Country. Thus, causing the development of smuggling of immigrant in Indonesia.This thesis focuses on seeing the handling of immigrant smuggling by Police Criminal Investigation investigators and the Directorate General of Immigration and barriers in handling and involvement of smuggling networks. The discussion of this problem is analyzed using rational choice theory to find out the motives of smuggling and triangle crime theory to see the handling done by the investigator of Criminal Investigation and Immigration causing the gap of smuggling of immigrants and then using the concept of law enforcement, formal reaction to crime and Crime Control which explains the handling of the Bareskrim Investigators and the Director General of Immigration. At this writing using a qualitative approach with descriptive objectives, by interviewing investigators Bareskrim and Immigration are directly involved in the handling of smuggling immigrants. The results show that the development of smuggling is caused by the handling of various obstacles, thus opening the gap for smuggling networks to carry out their actions."
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ahmad Zikri
"Penelitian ini berfokus kepada kebijakan Keimigrasian tentang pemberian izin tinggal tetap bagi perkawinan campuran dan dampaknya terhadap perubahan sosial. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk menjawab faktor-faktor yang melatarbelakangi lahirnya kebijakan pemberian izin tinggal tetap bagi perkawinan campuran dan bagaimana dampak kebijakan ini terhadap perubahan sosial.
Penelitian ini menggunakan metodologi penelitian kualitatif dengan pendekatan proses induktif yang bertujuan mendeskripsikan objek dari hasil penelitian. Teknik wawancara mendalam dilakukan untuk mengumpulkan data dan informasi yang sedalam-dalamnya mengenai kebijakan pemberian izin tinggal tetap bagi perkawinan campuran dan dampaknya terhadap perubahan sosial kepada 5 (lima) responden sebagai narasumber yakni Kepala Sub Direktorat alih status keimigrasian, Direktur Penyidikan dan Penindakan Keimigrasian, Kepala Seksi Penggunaan Tenaga Kerja Asing, Ketua Umum Asosiasi Perkawinan Campuran Indonesia, Pelaku Perkawinan campuran.
Peneliti mengaplikasikan kebijakan Keimigrasian tentang pemberian izin tinggal tetap bagi perkawinan campuran berdasarkan teori kebijakan sebagai prinsip-prinsip yang mengatur tindakan dan diarahkan pada tujuan tertentu. Sedangkan dampaknya terhadap perubahan sosial didasarkan kepada teori perubahan sosial akan terus berlangsung sepanjang manusia berinteraksi dan bersosialisasi.
Dari hasil penelitian ditemukan bahwa faktor-faktor yang melatarbelakangi kebijakan keimigrasian tentang pemberian izin tinggal tetap bagi perkawinan campuran dan dampaknya terhadap perubahan sosial ini adalah Faktor tuntutan persamaan hak warganegara Indonesia yang menikah dengan orang asing dan Faktor diskriminasi terhadap pemberian izin tinggal bagi keluarga perkawinan campuran. Kebijakan izin tinggal tetap bagi perkawinan campuran akan berdampak terhadap meningkatnya perkawinan campuran, dan Perubahan gaya hidup atau lifestyle dan juga modusmodus dengan kedok pernikahan campuran yang digunakan orang asing dengan maksud dan tujuan tertentu dengan motif bervariasi sesuai dengan tempat / daerah tinggal. Kontradiksi pasal tentang bekerja/usaha didalam undang-undang keimigrasian dengan undang-undang tenaga akan berimbas terhadap ketahanan nasional bangsa sehingga harus segera dilakukan harmonisasi.

This research focuses on immigration policy on granting permanent residency to mixed marriages and their impact on social change. This study was conducted to address the factors behind the birth of granting permanent residency policy for mixed marriages and how these policies impact on social change.
This study used a qualitative research methodology to approach the inductive process which aims to describe the object of the research. Mechanical depth interviews were conducted to collect data and information about policies deepest granting permanent residency to mixed marriages and their impact on social change to 5 (five) of respondents as the guest speaker Deputy Director over immigration status, the Director of Investigation and Immigration Enforcement, Chief Use of Foreign Workers section, Chairman of the Association of Indonesian Mixed Marriage, Marriage Performers mix.
Researchers apply immigration policy on granting permanent residency to marriage as a policy mix based on the theory of the principles that govern the actions and directed at a specific purpose. While the impact on social change based on the theory of social change will continue to take place throughout humans interact and socialize.
From the results of the study found that the factors underlying the immigration policy on granting permanent residency to mixed marriages and their impact on social change is the factor demand equal rights of Indonesian citizens married to foreigners and discrimination factor against granting a residence permit for a mixed marriage families. Permanent residency policy for mixed marriages will have an impact on increasing intermarriage, and changes in lifestyle or lifestyle and also the modes under the guise of a mixed marriage with a foreigner who used a specific purpose with the motif varies according to the place / area to stay. Contradictions article about work / effort in the immigration laws by labor legislation will impact on national security of the nation and should be done immediately harmonization.
Jakarta: Program Pascasarjana Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Sidabutar, Melisa
Negara Australia merupakan salah satu negara tujuan para pencari suaka di dunia. Dikarenakan kesulitan yang dihadapi pencari suaka ketika meninggalkan negaranya contoh negaranya dalam keadaan perang, dan lain-lain, kebanyakan diantara mereka tidak memiliki dokumen sehingga harus menempuh jalur laut secara ilegal demi mencapai negara Australia. Pada Juli 2013, dengan terpilihnya Kevin Rudd sebagai Perdana Menteri Australia, kebijakan baru penanganan pencari suaka diterapkan melalui kerja sama bilateral dengan Papua Nugini yang disebut dengan Regional Resettlement Arrangement 2013. Yang pada dasarnya bahwa semua orang yang menuju Australia secara ilegal termasuk pencari suaka akan dikirim dan diproses klaim suakanya di Papua Nugini. Disamping sebagai bentuk penolakan terhadap pencari suaka, kebijakan ini juga dianggap tidak mempertimbangkan pemenuhan hak-hak pencari suaka di Papua Nugini mengingat negara tersebut bukanlah negara yang memiliki kapasitas yang memadai dan pengalaman yang cukup untuk menangani pencari suaka. Sehingga permasalahan hukum timbul dan diteliti dalam tesis ini yaitu apakah kebijakan ini sesuai dengan hukum internasional dan bagaimana dampak yang ditimbulkannya terhadap negara-negara di Asia Tenggara sebagai jalur lintas dan juga dihubungkan dengan tanggung jawab kolektif penanganan pencari suaka oleh negara tujuan suaka, negara lintas suaka, dan negara asal pencari suaka.
Adapun metodologi penelitian yang dipergunakan dalam penelitian tesis ini adalah metode induktif dengan pendekatan perundang-undangan. Pendekatan undang-undang dilakukan dengan menelaah konvensi internasional, dan berbagai instrumen hukum lainnya yang berkaitan dengan isu hukum yang diteliti.
Dari hasil penelitian ini diketahui bahwa kebijakan imigrasi Australia dalam pengiriman pencari suaka ke Papua Nugini bertentangan dengan prinsip non-refoulment dan memberikan dampak buruk bagi negara-negara Asia Tenggara. Akan tetapi dikaitkan dengan konsep tanggung jawab dan kedaulatan negara, Australia sebagai entitas negara memiliki hak dan kapasitas dalam menetapkan segala kebijakan internalnya. Sehingga sebagai saran hasil analisis, penulis memberikan alternatif yaitu untuk mengevaluasi kembali kebijakan ini dan menyarankan penanganan secara kolektif oleh seluruh pihak terkait yaitu Australia sebagai negara tujuan suaka, negara asal pencari suaka, negara transit, serta UNHCR dan IOM sebagai inter-governmental organizations.

Australia is one of the asylum seekers?s destinations in the world. Due to the difficulties faced by the asylum seekers prior they fled their country of origin for instance the country is at war, etc, most of them do not have the proper documents to travel legally but ilegally by sea. In July 2013, as Kevin Rudd has been elected as Australian Prime Minister, the new policy in the processing of asylum seekers also has recently implemented by the Government of Australia and the Government of Papua New Guinea which then called as Regional Resettlement Arrangement 2013. The policy itself basically says that the persons including asylum seekers travel irregularly by sea to Australia are entitled to be transferred and assessed in Papua New Guinea. In addition to a refusal action of the access to asylum seekers, the policy also does not consider the human rights aspect of asylum seekers in Papua New Guinea as the host country, which in the other side; Papua New Guinea is not a quite stable with sufficient capacity and adequate experiences country to meet the needs of asylum seekers. Here, the writer raises the following legal questions; whether this Australian Immigration policy is accordance with the international law and how it impacts the South East countries as the countries of transit and if it is linked to the collective responsibility by the country of asylum, country of transit, and country of origin of the asylum seekers.
The selected methodology of writing the thesis is inductive methodology with the appropriate legal approach. The approach is done by conducting the research of a number international convention, and some other relevant legal instruments.
The result of the analysis comes up with the answers that Australian Immigration policy in transferring asylum seekers to Papua New Guinea is breach of the non-refoulment principle and it truly impacts the South East Country region in the negative effects. However, linked to the state responsibility and sovereignity, Australia as an independent entity has its own competence and capacity to freely determine its national policy. Therefore, as an advise of the research outcome, the writer gives the alternative way which is to immediately evaluate the policy and proposes the collective responsibility concept by all the parties such Australia as the country asylum, country of origin, country of transit, UNHCR, and IOM as the relevant inter-governmental organizations.
Jakarta: Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Yessy Yasminy
"Multilingualism in EU is a state of affairs emerged as a range of different languages encounter one another. The history of European integration and the course of language policy in EU show that there is no policy on the language of EU. Issues related to language regulate themselves to practical tenets. This is what is identified as laissez-faire policy model. The putting into practice of this laissez-faire policy model in EU has significant implications to French language. They are closely correlated with the question of power. France, as a member-state having a vital role and strong leadership character in integration, perceives this circumstance as a form of threat against the strength and the popularity of its language.
Situations of multilingualism and language policy belong to one theoretical framework of sociolinguistics study and come into surface alongside political thinking_ One of the sociolinguistics scholars is Pierre Bourdieu, who suggests diverse concepts; among them are champ, capital, habitus, ilhrsio, libido and symbolique violance. Bourdieu develops sociology theory and associates it with other studies, such as media, literature, and politics. The study on Ianguage policy in ELI in this thesis applies the approaches put forward by Bourdieu. EU has been an arena of political interest struggle (champ) to two key member states i.e. France and the UK. Both states engage in the champ and draw on different capital. Language policy is the primary factor determining the dissemination and reinforcement of French language. France has vigorously promoted its language by employing massive policies on language and culture. Nevertheless, the results of these efforts cannot go beyond the popularity of English in EU, which in this case is influenced by the factors of economy, culture, and politics.
There is in fact another factor that determines the dissemination and reinforcement of English language, i.e_ the factor of the U.S. soft power. This thesis uses the concepts of power proposed by Joseph Nye Jr as well. Nye Jr defines soft power as an ability to gain what is desired by means better than force or money. English has ties to the economic system and global network dominated by the U.S. English itself is an integral part of globalization. The power of globalization becomes a habitus which at the end supports the dissemination and reinforcement of English language. The government of the UK does not need to carry out massive efforts similar to the ones done by the French government to elevate its language on top of language hierarchy. If hierarchy of language is regarded as something that is proper and natural, the acknowledgment of one single dominant language will easily take place. English will easily become the lingua franca of EU. EU's language policy which regulates to practical tenets will turn English into the de facto dominant language. This condition can eventually deteriorate EU's slogan of united in diversity_ The challenge for EU now lies on the ways of how to manage and regulate issues concerning language to strengthen the slogan without having to diminish the national identity of its member states."
Depok: Program Pascasarjana Universitas Indonesia, 2006
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Averil Khalisha Paramesti
"Tesis ini meneliti bagaimana liputan media tentang krisis imigran di Italia dan Spanyol memengaruhi proses decision-making kebijakan penanganan imigran kedua negara tersebut. Tesis ini memiliki dua tujuan penelitian: (1) menjelaskan bagaimana media Italia dan Spanyol melakukan representasi diskursif aktor-aktor politik dalam krisis imigran di negara mereka dan (2) menelaah hubungan antara representasi aktor-aktor politik tersebut dan proses pengambilan keputusan (decision-making) kebijakan penanganan imigran di negaranya masing-masing. Menerapkan teori analisis wacana kritis sosiosemantik Theo van Leeuwen dan pendekatan konstruktivisme Alexander Wendt, publikasi daring dua surat kabar terbesar Italia (Corriere della Sera, La Repubblica) dan Spanyol (El País, El Mundo) antara tahun 2014 dan 2016 dianalisis. Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa representasi diskursif aktor-aktor politik dalam masing-masing surat kabar mencerminkan kecenderungan ideologis mereka, di mana pemberitaan cenderung menekankan perbedaan antara “kita” (Uni Eropa dan pemerintah) dan “mereka” (para pencari suaka) serta meniadakan kemanusiaan para pencari suaka. Kecenderungan ideologis dari representasi aktor-aktor politik keempat surat kabar itu sendiri merupakan cerminan bagaimana Italia dan Spanyol memandang krisis imigran Eropa sebagai ancaman terhadap identitas nasional mereka. Dengan bantuan media massa, Italia dan Spanyol melakukan sekuritisasi terhadap krisis imigran Eropa untuk “membujuk publik agar setuju” mengambil tindakan-tindakan yang tegas, ekstrem, dan terkadang melanggar hukum dalam menghadapi ketidakstabilan dan ketidakpastian krisis. Selain itu, dalam konteks integrasi Eropa, konflik “kita” versus “mereka” menjadi sebuah bukti akan kurangnya solidaritas di antara negara-negara anggota dan naiknya kepopuleran populisme serta nasionalisme individu, sehingga hal ini mengundang pertanyaan mengenai rapuhnya Uni Eropa sebagai proyek integrasi.

This thesis investigates how media coverage of the European refugee crisis in Italy and Spain influences policymakers’ decisions on how to deal with asylum seekers and refugees in both countries. Two research objectives are outlined as the foundation of the thesis: (1) to explain how political actors in the refugee crisis are represented in the Italian and Spanish press, and (2) to investigate the relationship between the political actors’ discursive representations and their countries’ immigration policy decision-making process. Online publications about the European refugee crisis from two mainstream news agencies in Italy (Corriere della Sera, La Repubblica) and Spain (El País, El Mundo) between 2014 and 2016 are analyzed using Theo van Leeuwen’s sociosemantic approach of critical discourse analysis and Alexander Wendt’s constructivist approach. The findings of the thesis reveal that each newspaper’s discursive representations of political actors are in accordance to their ideological tendencies, with the news emphasizing the divide between “us” (the European Union and the government) and “them” (asylum seekers) and erasing asylum seekers’ humanity. The ideological tendencies in the four newspapers’ representation of political actors reveal how Italy and Spain perceive the European refugee crisis as a danger to their national identity. With the help of mass media, Italy and Spain securitize the European refugee crisis in order to “persuade the public to consent” to take bold, radical, and sometimes law-breaking measures in dealing with the crisis’ instability and uncertainty. In addition, the “us” against “them” conflict in the context of European integration reflects a lack of cooperation among member states, as well as the rising appeal of populism and individual nationalism, creating concerns about the European Union’s viability as an integration project."
Jakarta: Sekolah Kajian Stratejik dan Global Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Diah Desita Damayanti
"Penelitian ini mengkaji tentang analisis dari dampak kebijakan imigrasi Amerika Serikat pada imigran Korea Selatan terhadap pertumbuhan ekonomi di wilayah barat Amerika Serikat dengan menggunakan model proyeksi kebijakan dan menjelaskan negara bagian mana yang berpotensi meningkatkan perekonomian. Data kuantitatif yang digunakan adalah data penduduk wilayah barat Amerika Serikat per County, jumlah imigran Korea Selatan per County, dan pertumbuhan pendapatan per kapita per County. Sementara itu, data kualitatif yang digunakan berupa berbagai literatur seperti berita internasional, jurnal ilmiah, publikasi pemerintah, dan laporan tentang imigrasi di Amerika Serikat seperti kebijakan, proses imigrasi, pertumbuhan ekonomi, dan imigran Korea Selatan yang tinggal di barat. wilayah Amerika Serikat. Metode yang digunakan adalah metode campuran kongruen dengan mengumpulkan dan menggabungkan data kuantitatif dan kualitatif serta memperoleh informasi dari proses interpretasi. Sisi kuantitatif menggunakan uji statistik imigran Korea Selatan terhadap pertumbuhan ekonomi dan menggunakan analisis cluster-outlier dalam GIS. Sedangkan dari segi kualitatif, hasil uji kuantitatif akan dijabarkan dengan data kualitatif dengan cara interpretasi & triangulasi data secara keseluruhan. Hasil yang diperoleh didasarkan pada jumlah imigran Korea Selatan tertinggi dimana jumlah imigran yang tinggi berdampak pada cluster dan outlier dengan nilai pendapatan per kapita yang tinggi di setiap county di wilayah barat Amerika Serikat serta dari sumber bacaan. Dari segi validitas, terdapat kecenderungan di tiga lokasi, yaitu Los Angeles dan Santa Clara di California, di mana mayoritas imigran bekerja sebagai pebisnis, Honolulu di Hawaii, sebagian besar imigran bekerja sebagai petani tebu, dan King di Washington. , sebagian besar pendatang bekerja sebagai pekerja seni dan mahasiswa.

This study examines the analysis of the impact of the United States immigration policy on South Korean immigrants on economic growth in the western area of the United States by using a policy projection model and explains which states have the potential to increase the economy. The quantitative data used are population data of the western area of the United States per County, the number of South Korean immigrants per County, and the growth of income per capita per County. While the qualitative data is in the form of various kinds of literature such as international news, scientific journals, government publications, and reports on immigration in the United States such as policies, immigration processes, economic growth, and South Korean immigrants living in the western area of the United States. The method used is a congruent mixed method by collecting and combining quantitative and qualitative data as well as obtaining information from the interpretation process. The quantitative side uses a statistical test of South Korean immigrants on economic growth and uses cluster-outlier analysis in the GIS. Meanwhile, in terms of qualitative, quantitative test results will be elaborated with qualitative data by way of interpretation & triangulation of data as a whole. The results obtained are based on the highest number of South Korean immigrants where the high number of immigrants has an impact on clusters and outliers with high per capita income values in each county in the western area of the United States as well as from reading sources. In terms of validity, there is a tendency for three locations, these are Los Angeles and Santa Clara in California, where the majority of immigrants work as businesspeople, Honolulu in Hawaii, most of the immigrants work as sugarcane farmers, and King in Washington, most of the immigrants work as art workers and students."
Jakarta: Sekolah Kajian Strategik dan Global Universitas Indonesia, 2021
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Chrisyanto Wibisono
"Artikel ini akan membawa topik tentang retrospeksi dan restrukturisasi imigrasi untuk dibawa ke dalam relasi yang berhubungan dengan etika terapan, kosmopolitanisme, dan aspek ekonomi-sosial-politik-budaya, dalam kerangka filosofis dan perspektif etika terapan. Selanjutnya, artikel ini akan mengeksplorasi bagaimana kebijakan imigrasi berkorelasi dengan isu etika terapan dan kosmopolitan. Isu mengenai imigrasi, etika terapan, dan kosmopolitan saling berkaitan, kendati demikian, sampai dengan titik ini, eksplorasi teoritis yang dilakukansecara sinkronis cenderung menghadirkan model analisis non-filosofis dalam menyusuri isu imigrasi serta implikasinya, termasuk isu kebijakan yang dilakukan oleh negara terhadap para imigran. Eksplorasi yang saya lakukan terhadap isu imigrasi pada artikel ini akan bergerak lebih jauh dan tidak akan berkutat pada dinamika sosial-politik- ekonomi, akan tetapi mencoba untuk menganalisis isu imigrasi secara filosofis melalui perspektif etika terapan dan kosmopolitanisme. Pada akhirnya, artikel berikut akan mengeksplanasikan analisis filosofis dari kebijakan imigrasi serta korelasinya dengan aspek politis.

This article will bring the topic of retrospection and immigration restructuring to be brought into relations related to applied ethics, cosmopolitanism, and economic-socio-political-cultural aspects, within a philosophical framework and an applied ethical perspective. Furthermore, this article will explore how moral policy correlates with applied and cosmopolitan ethical issues. Issues concerning morality, applied ethics, and cosmopolitan are interrelated, however, up to this point, theoretical explorations carried out synchronously tend to present a non- philosophical analysis model in managing festive issues and impressively, including the issue of policies carried out by the state against immigrants. My exploration of immigration issues in this article will move further and will not dwell on socio-political-economic dynamics, but will try to analyze immigration issues philosophically through the perspective of applied ethics and cosmopolitanism. Finally, the following article will explain the philosophical analysis of festive policies and their correlation with political aspects.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Pengetahuan Budaya Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Makalah dan Kertas Kerja  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ni Putu Narapadya Saraswati
Setelah periode 1960-an perhatian masyarakat terhadap isu lingkungan meningkat seiring dengan perkembangan sains, teknologi, maupun pemikiran. Ketiga hal ini memengaruhi pembuatan kebijakan ekologis di Prancis mengenai limbah pertanian dan peternakan, rekayasa genetika, dan perubahan status hewan. Beberapa aspek dalam kebijakan yang dibuat berdampak pada petani dan peternak. Aturan mengenai limbah nitrat dan larangan pembudidayaan produk rekayasa genetika mengakibatkan konversi pertanian konvensional ke organik meningkat sebanyak 9,5% dalam lima tahun. Kebijakan mengenai kesejahteraan hewan memengaruhi perbaikan dalam cara pemeliharaan hewan ternak. Akan tetapi, aturan-aturan itu juga memberi dampak negatif. Produksi pertanian gandum menurun hingga 20%, peternak harus mengeluarkan biaya tambahan hingga 50.000 euro untuk pemeliharaan ternak. Akibat yang ditimbulkan oleh kebijakan ekologis akan diteliti dengan metode sejarah politik yang mencakup gejala-gejala yang terjadi di masyarakat serta keputusan dan kebijakan politik (Kuntowijoyo, 2003). Penelitian ini memperlihatkan bahwa kebijakan ekologis yang diterapkan mendukung keberlangsungan lingkungan dan penghormatan pada makhluk hidup. Akan tetapi, perlu ada penyempurnaan agar aturan tersebut tidak membebani petani dan peternak, utamanya petani dan peternak kecil.

After the 1960s public attention to environmental issues increased along with the development of science, technology, and thought. All three of these affect ecological policy making in France regarding agricultural and livestock waste, genetic engineering, and changes in animal status. Some aspects of the policies made have an impact on farmers. The rules regarding nitrate waste and the prohibition of cultivating genetic engineering products have resulted in the conversion of conventional agriculture to organic increased by 9.5% in five years. Policies on animal welfare affect improvements in how livestock are raised. However, the rules also have a negative impact. Wheat farming production has dropped by 20%, whereas farmers have to pay an additional up to 50,000 euros for livestock farming. The consequences of ecological policies will be examined by the method of political history that includes the symptoms that occur in society and political decisions and policies (Kuntowijoyo, 2003). This research shows that the ecological policies applied support environmental sustainability and respect for living things. However, improvements need to be made so that the regulation does not burden farmers, especially small farmers."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Komputer Universitas Indonesia, 2019
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Nabilla Destiana
"Homoseksualitas di Prancis dianggap sebagai salah satu bentuk kehidupan berpasangan di Prancis dengan adanya pengakuan resmi dari pemerintah melalui legalisasi pernikahan sesama jenis. Kebijakan terkait homoseksualitas terus berkembang di Prancis seiring dengan perkembangan zaman. Kebijakan pelarangan kaum homoseksual di Prancis sebagai pendonor darah dikeluarkan pertama kali pada tahun 1983 yang didorong oleh terjadinya epidemi HIV di Prancis pada masa itu. Pada perkembangan terbaru, masyarakat Prancis dapat menjadi pendonor darah terlepas dari apapun orientasi seksualnya terhitung sejak 16 Maret 2022. Dengan adanya kebijakan ini, kaum homoseksual di Prancis diharapkan dapat mendonorkan darahnya tanpa mengalami diskriminasi berdasarkan orientasi seksualnya. Berdasarkan latar belakang tersebut, penelitian ini akan membahas bagaimana peran kaum homoseksual di Prancis terhadap penghapusan diskriminasi yang dialami oleh kaum homoseksual pada kebijakan donor darah di Prancis. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif oleh Hammarberg, Kirkman, dan de Lacey (2016), konsep kebijakan publik oleh Gerston (2014), serta teori kesehatan masyarakat dan hak asasi manusia oleh Beyrer (2014). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa perubahan kebijakan donor darah bagi kaum homoseksual dilatarbelakangi oleh kebutuhan darah di Prancis dan bukan sebagai bentuk penerimaan terhadap keberadaan komunitas homoseksual di Prancis.

Homosexuality in France is considered as one form of couple life in France with official recognition from the government through the legalization of same-sex marriage. Policies related to homosexuality continue to develop in France as time passed by. French Government issued a ban on homosexuals in France from eligibility to donate blood in 1983 due to the HIV epidemic that had happened in France during that time. After that, public policies related to blood donations for homosexuals continue to develop. In the latest development, people in France can donate their blood regardless of their sexual orientations started from March 16, 2022. After this policy has been legalized, it is hoped that homosexuals in France can donate blood without experiencing discrimination based on their sexual orientation. This research will discuss how the role of homosexuals in France in eliminating discrimination experienced by homosexuals in the blood donation policy in France.This study examines the role of homosexual community in France in affecting the elimination of discrimination in blood donation activities experienced by homosexuals in France. By using qualitative methods, public policy concept by Larry N. Gerston (2014), and public health and human rights theory by Chris Beyrer (2014), it is found that the blood donation policy of the French Government was based on the needs of blood and not a reflection of the acceptance of the existence of the homosexual community in France."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Pengetahuan dan Budaya Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
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