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Claudia Vania Putri Anggarini
Some scholars believe that Differentiation Strategy and Organizational Culture are one of the key success in searching for competitive advantage and performance in strategic management context. This research paper aims to analyze the influence of Differentiation Strategy and Organizational Culture on Competitive Advantage and Performance in small and medium sized firms in creative sector. 95 samples were collected from owners and managers of creative small and medium sized firms listed in BISMA by Badan Ekonomi Kreatif BEKRAF . Non probability, purposive sampling is used as a sampling method. Samples were measured using six point Likert scale and the data were analyzed using Structural Equation Modelling SEM with LISREL 8.51 as a processing tool. The study finds that the better differentiation strategy adopted by a firm and the stronger organizational culture, the better competitive advantage and performance that can be achieved by these creative, small and medium sized firms.

Beberapa ahli dan akademisi percaya bahwa Strategi Diferensiasi dan Budaya Organisasi adalah salah satu kunci sukses dalam meraih keunggulan bersaing dalam konteks manajemen strategis. Makalah penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis pengaruh Strategi Diferensiasi dan Budaya Organisasi pada Keunggulan kompetitif dan Kinerja perusahaan pada usaha kecil dan menegah di industri kreatif. Total 95 sampel dikumpulkan dari pemilik dan pengelola manajer perusahaan kecil dan menengah yang terdaftar di BISMA oleh Badan Ekonomi Kreatif BEKRAF . Non-probability, purposive sampling digunakan sebagai metode sampling dalam penelitian ini. Sample diukur menggunakan skala Likert enam-titik. Data dianalisis menggunakan Structural Equation Modeling SEM dengan LISREL 8.51. Studi ini menemukan bahwa semakin baik Strategi Diferensiasi yang diadopsi, dan semakin kuat Budaya Organisasi yang dimiliki perusahaan, semakin kuatlah Keunggulan Kompetitif yang akan dicapai oleh perusahaan kecil dan menengah di industri kreatif. "
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Tesis ini membahas mengenai proses Pusat Layanan Usaha Terpadu PLUT Kab. Sukabumi dalam mengkonstruksi budaya organisasi melalui komunikasi pada aktivitas layanan dalam upaya meningkatkan UMKM di Kab. Sukabumi. Penelitian ini dilakukan melaui metode studi kasus dalam paradigma interpretif. Konsep yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah Pendekatan terhadap pemahaman budaya organiasi secara interpretif yang dijelaskan Papa dan koleganya, dan beberapa konsep pendukung dalam teori komunikasi organisasi. Hasil dari penelitian menunjukan bahwa PLUT melalui konsultan-konsultannya mengkonstruksi budaya organiasi melalui: pertama, empat pendekatan komunikasi yang mengkonstruksi budaya: bahasa dan cara pandang dunia; struktur pengetahuan; makna yang disepakati dan diingkari; dan ragam sudut pandang budaya. Kedua, tipe-tipe komunikasi yang berkontribusi terhadap konstruksi budaya: metafora; naratif; ritus dan upacara; komentar rekleksif; dan tema fantasi.

This thesis discusses about the process of The Center of Integrated Business Service Sukabumi Regency in constructing organizational culture through communication in service activity in the efforts of enhancing MSMEs in Sukabumi Regency. This research was conducted through case study method in interpretive paradigm. Concepts used in this research are approaches to understanding organizational culture interpretively described by Papa et. al., and some supporting concepts in organizational communication theories. The results of the research show that PLUT, via its consultants, constructed organizational culture through first, four approaches of communication constructing culture language and worldview knowledge structures consensual and contested meanings and a multiple cultures perspectives. Second, the types of communication that contribute to the construction of culture metaphors, narratives, rites and ceremonies, reflexive comments, and fantasy themes. "
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2018
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Muhammad Farras Mutawakkil
"Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) upaya mendorong percepatan kemandirian ekonomi bagi usaha mikro, kecil dan menengah (UMKM) sebagai sumber ketahanan ekonomi masyarakat dengan penghasilan menengah ke bawah. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk menganalisis penerapan CSR yang dikenal Program Kemitraan dan Bina Lingkungan (PKBL) PT X yang dibantu oleh UKM Center Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia (UKM Center FEB UI) yang memediasi perusahaan dengan UMKM penerima dana PKBL. Pada penelitian ini digunakan metode kualitatif dengan pendekatan studi kasus (a case study- descriptive qualitative design) melalui observasi, wawancara, dan penggunaan data sekunder. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa PKBL PT X diimplementasikan sesuai dengan Peraturan Menteri BUMN PER-02/MBU/7/2017 dengan nilai kinerja yang tinggi berdasarkan tingkat efektivitas dan kolektibilitas penyaluran dana.

Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) in an effort to accelerate economic independence for micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs) as a source of economic resilience for middle to lower income communities implemented as stipulated in SOE Minister Regulation PER-02/MBU/ 7/2017. This research was conducted to analyze the application of known CSR in State-Owned Enterprises as a Partnership and Community Development Program (PKBL) of PT X assisted by the UKM Center of the Faculty of Economics and Business, University of Indonesia (UKM Center FEB UI) which mediated companies with MSMEs recipients of PKBL funds in Depok city. In this study qualitative methods were used with a case study approach (a descriptive qualitative design) through observation, interviews, and secondary data use. The results showed that PKBL PT X was implemented in accordance with SOE Minister Regulation PER-02/MBU/7/2017 with high performance values based on the level of effectiveness and collectibility of funds distribution."
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2019
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Sembiring, Teta Amenda
Strategic development merupakan hal yang sangat penting bagi dunia bisnis, termasuk bagi perusahaan yang memiliki usaha kecil dan menengah. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengusulkan strategi-strategi yang dapat digunakan dalam pengembangan usaha kecil dan menengah yang berada di PIK, Cakung. Data yang diambil berasal dari data primer dan sekunder. Metode analisis yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah dengan menggunakan TOWS dan IE Matriks melalui hasil olah data dari survei menggunakan AHP, IFE dan EFE. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa dari faktor-faktor internal dan eksternal perusahaan didapatkan bahwa strategi yang cocok untuk diusulkan pada industri kecil di PIK adalah defensive strategy dan harvest strategy. Defensive strategy mengusulkan strategi untuk perusahaan mengatasi permasalahan internal perusahaan dan juga mengatasi ancaman di masa depan. Dalam harvest strategy mengusulkan strategi yang mengedapankan penghematan, perbaikan kelemahan dan tidak melakukan perluasan.

Strategic development is a great importance in the business world, including for the small and medium enterprises. The purpose of this study is to propose strategies that can be used for the development of small and medium enterprises in PIK, Cakung. The data that being used are from primary and secondary data. The method of analysis that used in this research are using TOWS and IE matrix and the primary data are obtained from the survey using AHP, IFE and EFE. The results showed that the outcome from the internal and external factors proposed a defensive and harvest strategy that being most likely suitable for small industry in PIK. Defensive strategy propose a strategy that the firm should handle or manage the internal problems and also manage the future threats. For the harvest strategy, strategy that being propose are strategy that prioritize savings, improve the weakness and not performing expansion."
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Belgis Hayyinatun Nufus
"Tesis ini membahas mengenai Strategi Pemberdayaan UMKM yang dilakukan oleh lembaga pendidikan yakni UKM Center FEUI. Dengan pendekatan kualitatif, pengumpulan data melalui studi literatur, wawancara dan observasi serta penarikan informan dengan purposif sampling.
Hasil penelitian ini menggambarkan Strategi pemberdayaan UMKM yang dilakukan UKM Center FEUI, seperti langkah-langkah yang ada di dalamnya: need assessment, implementasi, monitoring dan evaluasi serta permasalahan yang ada seperti keterbatasan dana, keterbatasan jumlah SDM, serta kurangnya komitmen anggota binaan dalam melaksanakan strategi pemberdayaan tersebut. Namun, dari permasalahan tersebut, UKM Center FEUI bersama binaannya berupaya untuk mengatasinya dengan melakukan beberapa solusi.

The focus of this study is the Strategy of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises which was been done by UKM Center FEUI. This research used a qualitative approach with descriptive research. While collecting data using study literature, observation, in-depth interview with purposive sampling technical, there are 9 informants from UKM Center FEUI Staffs and Members.
The results of this study show the strategy micro, small and medium enterprises, that are: need assessment, implementation, monitoring and evaluation. In the implementation, there are problems such as limited finance, limited human resource, and the low commitments members. Therefore UKM Center made problem solving to solve the problems.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2013
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Sony Wirawan Isnanda
Tesis ini melakukan pembahasan mengenai pengaruh sebelum dan sesudah atas intervensi yang dilakukan oleh sektor swasta dalam melakukan pemberdayaan terhadap usaha mikro kecil dan menengah dalam studi kasus Wirausaha Muda
Mandiri. Beberapa hal yang akan dilakukan analisis adalah mengenai pengaruh
atas intervensi swasta terhadap perkembangan usaha dari UMKM yang dilihat
berdasarkan peningkatan omset, aset usaha dan net profit, kemudian mengenai
perngaruh atas intervensi swasta terhadap akses keuangan dari UMKM, serta
pengaruh intervensi swasta dalam menarik perhatian Pemerintah terhadap para
pelaku UMKM yang telah mendapatkan intervensi swasta

This thesis is a discussion about the effect before and after the intervention by the
private sector in the empowerment of the micro small and medium enterprises in
case study of Wirausaha Muda Mandiri . Some things that will be analyze is the
impact of the intervention of the private sector to the development of the business
of SMEs is seen by the increase in turnover , business assets and net profit , then
the impact of the intervention of the private sector to the access to finance of
SMEs , as well as the effect of the intervention of private in drawing the
Government's attention to the the SMEs that have gained private intervention ."
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Nindy Prastuti
"Kebanyakan mengenai pelaku UMKM di Indonesia mengalami penurunan omset usahanya, bahkan hingga harus menghentikan operasional usahanya dikarenakan masa pandemi. Namun, China menyerbu pasar-pasar dunia, bahkan dalam beberapa kasus China dengan berani melakukan bargaining (tawar-menawar) dengan perusahaan-perusahaan barat. Tipe penelitian dalam tesis ini menggunakan penelitian hukum empiris, menggunakan penelitian perbandingan dan peraturan perundang-undangan, sumber bahan hukum primer dan sekunder, dengan metode pengumpulan kepustakaan dan selanjutnya dianalisis secara kualitatif. Hasil dari penelitian tesis ini adalah terdapat beberapa pengaturan yang ditujukan untuk memberikan kemudahan dan kebijakan yang berpihak dengan usaha mikro, usaha kecil, dan usah menengah (UMKM). Kemudian Small Medium Enterprise (SME) mengembangkan orientasi kewirausahaan di dalam perusahaan mereka dan meramalkan kinerja Small Medium Enterprise (SME) yang memiliki orientasi kewirausahaan yang lebih baik daripada Small Medium Enterprise (SME) yang tidak berada dalam lingkungan yang tidak pasti. Saran dalam tesis ini adalah bahwa pemerintah lah yang menjadi Lembaga yang bertanggung jawab atas pendaftaran perusahaan. Dimana pendaftaran tersebut harus sesuai dengan persyaratan yang ada serta sesuai dengan prosedur hukum yang ada.

Most of the MSME players in Indonesia have experienced a decrease in business turnover, even to the point of having to stop their business operations due to the pandemic. However, China invaded world markets, even in some cases China boldly bargained with western companies. The type of research in this thesis uses empirical legal research, using comparative research and legislation, sources of primary and secondary legal materials, with literature collection methods and then analyzed qualitatively. The result of this thesis research is that there are several arrangements aimed at providing convenience and policies in favor of micro, small, and medium enterprises (MSMEs). Then Small Medium Enterprises (SMEs) develop an entrepreneurial orientation within their companies and predict the performance of Small Medium Enterprises (SMEs) that have a better entrepreneurial orientation than Small Medium Enterprises (SMEs) that are not in an uncertain environment. The suggestion in this thesis is that the government is the agency responsible for company registration. Where the registration must be in accordance with existing requirements and in accordance with existing legal procedures."
Jakarta: Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Pratita Vajar Kusuma
"Skripsi ini meneliti pengaruh faktor Karakteristik UKM, Karakteristik Wirausahawan dan Kontekstual terhadap kesuksesan usaha UKM. Jenis Penelitian ini adalah penelitian kuantitatif dengan desain penelitian causal. Untuk menganalisis dampak dari faktor-faktor tersebut terhadap Kesuksesan Usaha digunakan Analisis Regresi Logistik yang bertujuan untuk menguji ketiga variabel tersebut, Karakteristik UKM dengan dimensi Asal Usul Usaha, Lama Beroperasi, Asal Modal dan Skala Usaha; Karakteristik Wirausahawan dengan dimensi Jenis Kelamin, Usia, Pengalaman Pekerjaan dan Pendidikan; dan Kontekstual dengan dimensi Pemasaran, Teknologi, Sumber Modal, Akses Informasi, Rencana Bisnis, Bantuan Pemerintah dan Kesiapan berwirausaha, terhadap Kesuksesan UKM. Hasil Penelitian menunjukan bahwa Variabel Karakteristik UKM dan Kontekstual tersebut berpengaruh terhadap Usaha, sedangkan variabel Karakteristik Wirausahawan tidak terbukti memiliki pengaruh signifikan terhadap kesuksesan usaha.

The purpose of this study is to examine the influence of SME's Characteristic, Entepreneur's Characteristic and Contextual Factors toward SME Success. This research is quantitative research with causal research design. Multiple regression analysis assessed the impact of SME's Characteristic which consist of SME's origin, SME's Capital source, SME's operating time and SME's SiSpearman's Rho e; Characteristic of Entrepreneur's dimension which consist of Gender, Age, Work Experience and Education; and Contextual's dimension which consist of Marketing, Technology, Capital, Information Access, Business Plan, Goverment, Entrepreneurial Readiness. The results showed that only two or tree variables (SME's Characteristic and Contextual) affected SME's success while Characteristic of entrepreneur didn't showed any affect on SME's Success."
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2013
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Uswatun Hasanah
"Penelitian ini membahas mengenai implementasi strategi peningkatan kapasitas pelaku usaha mikro,kecil dan menengah oleh Pusat Pendidikan dan Pelatihan Koperasi, UMKM Serta Perdagangan Provinsi DKI Jakarta. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisis implementasi strategi peningkatan kapasitas pelaku usaha mikro,kecil dan menengah oleh Pusat Pendidikan dan Pelatihan Koperasi, UMKM Serta Perdagangan Provinsi DKI Jakarta. Teori yang digunakan adalah manajemen strategi, capacity building, dan Usaha Mikro, Kecil dan Menengah. Penelitian ini menggunakan paradigma post-positivist dengan melakukan wawancara mendalam, observasi dan studi dokumentasi.
Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa implementasi strategi peningkatan kapasitas pelaku Usaha Mikro, Kecil dan Menengah oleh Pusat Pendidikan dan Pelatihan Koperasi, UMKM serta Perdagangan Provinsi DKI Jakarta belum berjalan dengan baik. Hal ini dapat dilihat dari delapan indikator yang digunakan, hanya dua indikator yang terpenuhi sedangkan enam indikator lainnya tidak terpenuhi.

This research discusses about Implementation of Capacity Building Strategy for Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises by The Center of Education and Training, Cooperative, SME and Trade, DKI Jakarta Province. The purpose of this research is to analyze implementation of capacity building strategy for Micro, Small and Medium Enterprise by The Center of Education and Training, Cooperative, SME and Trade, DKI Jakarta Province. Theories which are used to analyze in this research are strategic management, capacity building and Small Medium Enterprise. The approach used in this research is post positivist paradigm with in-depth interview, observation and document study.
The result of this research shows that the implementation of a capacity building strategy for Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises by the Centre for Education and Training, Cooperative, SME and Trade, DKI Jakarta Province has not been going well. This can be seen from eight indicators used, only two indicators were fulfilled, while six other indicators were not fulfilled.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Melati Aisha Ruwikaastari
Tesis ini membahas mengenai strategi bisnis, ekspansi internasional serta budaya korporasi perusahaan Jepang Fast Retailing dengan fokus terhadap label UNIQLO. Persaingan yang semakin ketat dalam bidang fashion retailing mengharuskan perusahaan-perusahaan yang bergerak di dalamnya untuk memiliki keunggulan yang membedakan diri mereka dengan kompetitor lain. UNIQLO sebagai pemain dari Jepang memiliki strategi sendiri untuk bisa berkembang ke seluruh dunia.

This thesis discusses the business strategy, international expansion and corporate culture of a Japanese company Fast Retailing, focusing on their UNIQLO label. Increasingly fierce competition in the field of fashion retailing requires companies who engaged in it to have the special quality that distinguish themselves with other competitors. UNIQLO as a player from Japan has its own strategy to expand all over the world.;This thesis discusses the business strategy, international expansion and corporate culture of a Japanese company Fast Retailing, focusing on their UNIQLO label. Increasingly fierce competition in the field of fashion retailing requires companies who engaged in it to have the special quality that distinguish themselves with other competitors. UNIQLO as a player from Japan has its own strategy to expand all over the world.;This thesis discusses the business strategy, international expansion and corporate culture of a Japanese company Fast Retailing, focusing on their UNIQLO label. Increasingly fierce competition in the field of fashion retailing requires companies who engaged in it to have the special quality that distinguish themselves with other competitors. UNIQLO as a player from Japan has its own strategy to expand all over the world.;This thesis discusses the business strategy, international expansion and corporate culture of a Japanese company Fast Retailing, focusing on their UNIQLO label. Increasingly fierce competition in the field of fashion retailing requires companies who engaged in it to have the special quality that distinguish themselves with other competitors. UNIQLO as a player from Japan has its own strategy to expand all over the world.;This thesis discusses the business strategy, international expansion and corporate culture of a Japanese company Fast Retailing, focusing on their UNIQLO label. Increasingly fierce competition in the field of fashion retailing requires companies who engaged in it to have the special quality that distinguish themselves with other competitors. UNIQLO as a player from Japan has its own strategy to expand all over the world.;This thesis discusses the business strategy, international expansion and corporate culture of a Japanese company Fast Retailing, focusing on their UNIQLO label. Increasingly fierce competition in the field of fashion retailing requires companies who engaged in it to have the special quality that distinguish themselves with other competitors. UNIQLO as a player from Japan has its own strategy to expand all over the world., This thesis discusses the business strategy, international expansion and corporate culture of a Japanese company Fast Retailing, focusing on their UNIQLO label. Increasingly fierce competition in the field of fashion retailing requires companies who engaged in it to have the special quality that distinguish themselves with other competitors. UNIQLO as a player from Japan has its own strategy to expand all over the world.]"
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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