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M. Hilman Gumelar Syafei
Hingga saat ini, terdapat beberapa wiliyah di Indonesia yang masih belum memiliki akses energi listrik. Tercatat bahwa pada tahun 2016, 2.519 desa di Indonesia belum mendapatkan akses terhadap energi listrik yang sebagian besarnya merupakan daerah terpencil yang sulit diakses. Pemanfaatan sumber daya lokal secara mandiri dan berbasis energi baru terbarukan dapat menjadi salah satu solusi bagi masalah elektrifikasi di Indonesia, terutama di daearah-daerah terpencil. Salah satu daerah di Indonesia, provinsi Bengkulu, memiliki potensi sumber daya air hingga mencapai 500 MW. Turbin piko hidro tipe Archimedes menjadi salah satu jenis turbin air yang cocok untuk diimplementasikan di Indonesia. Hal tersebut karena karakteristiknya yang cocok beroperasi pada kondisi head rendah dengan rentang debit yang luas. Kinerja turbin Archimedes dapat dipengaruhi oleh sudut kemiringannya, sehingga parameter tersebut harus dipertimbangkan dengan baik. Pemodelan dan penelitan mengenai pengaruh kemiringan turbin Archimedes telah banyak dilakukan. Namun, penelitian dan pemodelan yang dilakukan hingga kini dinilai masih memerlukan pengkajian lebih lanjut. Oleh karena itu, dilakukanlah studi mengenai pengaruh sudut kemiringan turbin Archimedes terhadap performanya. Studi yang dilakukan meliputi perhitungan secara analitikal, numerikal, dan pengujian eksperimental. Pengujian eksperimental dilakukan dengan menggunakan prototipe turbin Archimedes dengan jari-jari luar sebesar 0,15 meter, jari-jari dalam sebesar 0,8 meter, panjang pitch sebesar 0,251 meter, dan sudu berjumlah 2 buah. Pengujian dilakukan dengan kondisi head maksimum sebesar 1,45 meter dan debit rata-rata yang tersedia sebesar 10,6 l/s. Dari studi eksperimental yang dilakukan, didapatkan bahwa Efisiensi turbin tertinggi diperoleh pada saat nilai sudut kemiringan turbin sebesar dengan nilai efisiensi sebesar 29.

Until this day, there are some locationS in Indonesia that still do not have access to electricity. It is noted that in 2016, arround 2,519 villages in Indonesia do not have access to electrical energy which most of them is located in remote area. Utilization of independently potential local source of energy and based on renewable energy could be the solution for electrification problem in Indonesia, especially in remote area. Bengkulu, one of the province in Indonesia, possesses source of hydro energy up to 500MW. Pico hydro turbine type Archimedes is one of the suitable type of hydro turbine that used to operate in Indonesia. It is due to the turbine characteristic that approriate to operate in low head condition and wide range of flowrate. In addition, the turbine performance could be affected by the value of turbine. Hence, the turbine slope angle should be considered. Studies of the effect of the turbin slope angle had been conducted by some researchers untill nowadays. However, it is considered that these studies need further exploration. Hence, the study of the effect of turbine slope angle towards the turbine performance was conducted. The study consist of analytical method, numerical method, and experiment method. The study was performed by using Archimedes turbine with spesification as follows 0,15 meter of outer radius, 0,8 meter of inner radius, 2,09 meter of turbine total length, 1,45 meter of maximum effective head, and 10,6 l s of water discharged. It was obtained from the experiment that the optimum efficiency, 29 , was gained when the value of turbine slope angle is."
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Nasution, Sanjaya Baroar Sakti
"Beberapa hasil studi menunjukkan bahwa turbin pikohidro jenis openflume dapat digunakan untuk mengatasi masalah elektrifikasi pada daerah terpencil. Komponen utama turbin openflume ialah sudu turbin. Ada dua rekomendasi dalam merancang sudu turbin openflume berkaitan dengan perancangan sudut sudu. Berdasarkan persamaan Euler sudu turbin akan menyerap energy fluida secara optimal jika kecepatan tangensial absolut pada outlet sudu adalah nol. Namun, disisi lain, Nechleba menyarankan agar kecepatan tangensial pada outlet sudu tidak sama dengan nol. Hal ini disebabkan kecepatan tangensial tersebut dapat difungsikan untuk mencegah separasi pada draft-tube. Oleh sebab itu, studi numerik dilakukan untuk membandingkan unjuk kerja 2 buah sudu, dimana sudu pertama dirancang berdasarkan rekomendasi Euler dan sudu kedua berdasarkan rekomendasi Nechleba. Adapun studi ini dilakukan menggunakan metode Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) secara transient. Hasil studi menunjukkan bahwa sudu Nechleba memiliki daya dan efisiensi puncak lebih baik dari sudu Euler. Sudu Nechleba memiliki daya optimum sebesar 623.9 Watt dan efisiensi sebesar 74.39 %. Sedangkan sudu Euler memiliki  daya optimum sebesar 596.2 Watt dan efisiensi sebesar 70.08 %.

Several studies have shown that picohydro turbines open flume type can be used to overcome electrification problems in remote areas. The main components of open flume turbines are turbine blades. There are two recommendations in designing open flume turbine blades related to the design of blade angles. Based on the Euler equation the turbine blade will absorb fluid energy optimally if the absolute tangential velocity at the blade outlet is zero. However, on the other hand, Nechleba suggests that the tangential velocity of the blade outlet is not zero. This is because the tangential velocity can be used to prevent separation of the draft tube. Therefore, a numerical study was conducted to compare the performance of 2 blades, where the first blade was designed based on Eulers recommendation and the second blade based on Nechlebas recommendations. The study was conducted using a transient Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) method. The study shows that the Nechleba blade has power and peak efficiency better than Euler blade. Nechleba Blade has an optimum power of 623.9 Watts and an efficiency of 74.39%. While the Euler blade has an optimum power of 596.2 Watts and an efficiency of 70.08%."
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2019
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Muhammad Zikri Habibi
"Energi listrik adalah salah satu sumber energi paling penting di dunia dan negara-negara yang sedang berkembang. Pada daerah terpencil, transmisi dan pendistribusian energi listrik yang dihasilkan oleh bahan bakar fosil sangat sulit dan mahal sehingga memberdayakan potensi energi lokal menggunakan turbin air merupakan solusi alternative yang paling praktis. Turbin Piko hidro adalah teknologi pembangkitan energi listrik yang sangat praktis untuk diaplikasikan pada daerah terpencil dengan energi keluaran maksimum 5 kW. Ini menjadi solusi elektrifikasi untuk daerah terpencil yang belum mendapat akses energi listrik. Penulisan ini difokuskan pada turbin Archimedes Screw Turbine (AST) yang mana dapat memberikan efisiensi tinggi pada head yang sangat rendah. Penulisan ini membahas mengenai pengaruh rotational speed terhadap efisiensi dari AST dan penentuan rotational speed dari AST untuk mendapatkan efisiensi tertinggi berdasarkan geometrinya dengan menggunakan metode analitik. Diameter luar 0.66 m, diameter dalam 0.34, pitch 0.75 m, dan panjang 1 m digunakan sebagai parameter geometri. Hasilnya menunjukkan bahwa efisiensi maksimum sebesar 87.34% dapat dicapai pada putaran 40 RPM untuk head 0.74 m dan laju aliran 0.06 m3/s. Hasil ini dapat memberikan energi keluaran sebesar 380.4 W

Electricity is one of the important sources in the world especially for developing countries. In rural areas, transmission and distribution of energy generated from fossil fuels can be difficult and expensive, thus producing renewable energy such as water turbine locally is a viable solution. Pico hydro is a practical hydropower generation to be applied in rural areas with the maximum energy output is 5 kW of electricity. This can be a solution of electrification for rural areas which have not been reached by grid connection. This paper focuses on Archimedes Screw Turbine (AST) which can give high efficiency for hydropower under low head conditions. The present contribution proposes to investigate the effect of rotational speed on efficiency of an AST and determine it which allows AST to obtain the highest efficiency according to its geometry by using analytical method. 0.66 m of outer diameter, 0.34 of inner diameter, 0.75 m of pitch, and 1 m of length are used as geometrical parameter. The result shows that the highest efficiency 87.34% can be obtained at 40 rotations per minute and produces 380.4 W of power output for 0.74 m of head and 0.06 m3/s of flow rate.
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2018
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Muhammad Faridz Athaya
"Pertemuan United Nations Climate Change Conference of the Parties (COP26) mempunyai agenda utama, yaitu mengevaluasi COP21, dimana target utama COP21 adalah untuk mempertahankan perubahan suhu global di bawah 2 derajat Celsius (KLHK, 2021). Indonesia berkomitmen untuk bebas emisi karbon pada tahun 2060, dan target bauran energi terbarukan pada 2025 sebesar 23%. Potensi energi terbarukan Indonesia sebesar 443 GW (Indonesia Energy Outlook 2019, DEN), namun tidak semua energi terbarukan dapat digunakan di beberapa daerah yang memiliki permasalahan medan. Turbin pikohidro cocok untuk dipilih, karena turbin ini mempunyai suplai yang relatif konstan, dapat ditempatkan di waduk maupun sungai, dan juga tidak bergantung cuaca. Di antara beberapa jenis pikohidro, turbin Turgo merupakan turbin yang cocok dipilih karena memiliki biaya konstruksi dan perawatan yang murah, serta hanya membutuhkan head yang rendah. Studi ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh dari perubahan sudut masuk dan jarak nozzle terhadap efisiensi hidrolik dari turbin turgo dengan sudu batok kelapa. Dilakukan variasi sudut masuk, yaitu 10°, 20°, 30° dan variasi jarak, yaitu 100 mm, 150 mm, 200 mm. Berdasarkan hasil studi, dapat disimpulkan bahwa efisiensi hidrolik terbesar adalah pada variasi sudut masuk 10° dengan jarak nozzle 100 mm, yaitu secara numerikal sebesar 49%, dan secara eksperimental sebesar 41,8%.

The United Nations Climate Change Conference of the Parties (COP26) has a main agenda, namely evaluating COP21, where the main target of COP21 is to maintain global temperature changes below 2 degrees Celsius (MoEF, 2021). Indonesia itself is committed to zero carbon emissions by 2060, and the target of a renewable energy mix by 2025 is 23%. Indonesia's own renewable energy potential is 443 GW (Indonesia Energy Outlook 2019, DEN), but not all renewable energy can be used in some areas that have terrain problems. Picohydro turbines are suitable for choice, because these turbines have a relatively constant supply, can be placed in reservoirs and rivers, and are also not dependent on weather. Among several types of picohydro, the Turgo turbine is a suitable turbine to choose because it has cheap construction and maintenance costs, and only requires a low head. This study aims to determine the effect of changes in the inlet angle and nozzle distance on the hydraulic efficiency of turgo turbines with coconut shell blades. Variations in the entry angle are carried out, namely 10°, 20°, 30° and distance variations, namely 100 mm, 150 mm, 200 mm. Based on the results of the study, it can be concluded that the greatest hydraulic efficiency is at a variation in the entry angle of 10° with a nozzle distance of 100 mm, that is, numerically by 49%, and experimentally by 41.8%"
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Purba, Okwaldu
"Turbin Gas Mikro (Micro Gas Turbine, MGT) telah banyak digunakan sebagai pembangkit daya alternatif. Kapasitas daya hingga 200 kW, dimensi yang mini, effisiensi yang baik serta sistem kerjanya yang dapat berdiri sendiri merupakan beberapa kelebihannya sehingga banyak diaplikasikan di berbagai aspek kehidupan, seperti gedung bertingkat, perkantoran dan perumahan. Melalui aplikasi MGT, bangunan tersebut dapat menyediakan kebutuhan energinya secara swadaya, yang sejalan dengan konsep Zero Energy Building (ZEB).
Keunggulan lain dari Turbin Gas Mikro adalah Turbin Gas Mikro dapat menggunakan bahan bakar yang variatif,terutama bahan bakar yang bisa diperbaharui seperti minyak jarak dan bio-ethanol sebagai pengganti atau campuran dari bahan bakar Solar yang harganya semakin tinggi dan kandungannya di bumi semakin sedikit. Dengan demikian bahan bakar bio energi menjadi alternatif utama untuk Turbin Gas Mikro pada penelitian ini.
Pada Penelitian yang sudah dilakukan, energi hasil pembakaran (entalpi pembakaran) telah menghasilkan putaran maksimum pada kisaran 60000 RPM dengan bahan bakar Solar. Pada penelitian ini turbin gas mikro di kombinasikan dengan heat exchanger, dimana panas sisa dari turbin dimanfaatkan untuk memproduksi uap, dan dengan nozzle yang dirancang khusus dengan menggunakan pemodelan CFD maka potensi daya teoritis produksi uap dapat tercapai sampai 1,95 kW.

Micro Gas Turbine (MGT) recently has been widely used as an alternative power generator. Beside the capacity up to 200 kW, mini dimensions, well efficiency, and the system works that can stand alone, are some advantages so widely applied in various aspects of life, such as buildings, offices and home. Through the application of MGT, the building could provide energy needs independently, which is in line with the concept of Zero Energy Building (ZEB).
Another advantage of the Micro Gas Turbine,This packages is able to use a variety of fuel, especially renewable fuels such as castor oil and bio-ethanol as a substitute or a mixture of oil fuel that continues higher in prize and reserve in earth continues lower, with thus bio energy fuels become the main alternative for Micro Gas Turbine in this research.
Research has been done on the combustion energy (enthalpy of combustion) has produced maximum rotation in the range of 60000 RPM with Solar fuel, in this research the micro gas turbine combined with a heat exchanger, where the fue gas heat from gas turbines outlet used to produce steam, and with the nozzle specially designed using CFD modeling, the potential theoretical power steam production can be achieved up to 1.95 kW.
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2013
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Dwijaya Febriansyah
"Energi listrik merupakan kebutuhan vital manusia dalam kehidupan sehari-hari yang perlu terus ditingkatkan penyediaannya seiring dengan perkembangan pembangunan agar tersedia dalam jumlah yang cukup, merata dan bermutu. Sampai tahun 2017, masih ada 2.382 desa di Indonesia yang belum teraliri listrik. Peningkatan rasio elektrifikasi dengan perluasan jaringan di daerah terpencil sulit dilakukan karena harga listrik yang tidak ekonomis. Pada daerah terpencil yang berbukit-bukit dan memiliki sumber energi aliran air, pikohidro (<5 kW) bisa menjadi solusi teknologi untuk memenuhi kebutuhan listrik. Penggunaan turbin Turgo untuk pikohidro direkomendasi karena biaya konstruksi yang rendah dan perawatannya yang mudah. Kearifan lokal masyarakat Indonesia melalui pemakaian material lokal sendok batok kelapa sebagai bahan baku mangkok raner turbin Turgo memberikan suatu alternatif desain pembangkit pikohidro yang murah. Dalam studi ini dilakukan perhitungan desain, manufaktur dan pengujian eksperimental turbin Turgo. Studi ini menghasilkan desain raner dengan diameter 0,22 m, jumlah mangkok 16 dengan efisiensi total tertinggi 34,97±0,22% dan daya listrik tertinggi 6,75±0,02 W dengan pemakaian diameter nosel 10 mm dengan tinggi jatuh 3,18±0,02 m dan debit 37,3±0,13  LPM.

Electrical energy is a vital human need in everyday life that needs to be continuously improved in line with the national development so that it is available in sufficient, equitable and quality. Until 2017, there are still 2.382 villages in Indonesia have not yet been electrified. Increasing the electrification ratio by expanding networks in remote areas is difficult because of uneconomical electricity prices. In remote areas that are hilly and have a water source, pico hydro (<5 kW) can be a technological solution to meet electricity needs. The use of the Turgo turbine for pico hydro is recommended because of its low construction costs and easy maintenance. The local wisdom of Indonesian people through the use of local materials coconut shell spoons as a raw material for Turgo turbine runner provides an alternative design for low cost picohydro power plant. This study have done design calculations, manufacturing and testing of Turgo turbine. Results of this study are a runner design with a diameter of 0,22 m, number of cups 16 with the highest total efficiency of 34,97±0,22% and the highest electrical power of 6,75±0,02 W with a nozzle diameter of 10 mm, head 3,18±0,02 m and discharge 37,3±0,13 LPM."
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2019
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ahmad Mursyid A.
"Dewasa ini, kebutuhan akan turbin gas mikro (MGT) semakin meningkat. MGT adalah pembangkit daya yang menghasilkan daya dibawah 200kW. MGT Proto X-2 adalah sebuah pembangkit daya berbahan bakar solar dengan daya yang dihasilkan sekitar 7kW. Kompresor sentrifugal merupakan salah satu komponen penting dari MGT Proto X-2 yang memiliki fungsi untuk menyuplai udara ke ruang bakar. Pemahaman yang perlu diketahui mengenai kompresor sentrifugal diantaranya fenomena fisik, kurva karakteristik, dan unjuk kerja. Eksperimen dilakukan dengan mengontrol TIT (Temperature Inlet Turbine) saat Turbin Gas Mikro Proto X-2 running. Data-data yang didapatkan kemudian diolah untuk menghasilkan kurva karakteristik, disimulasikan dengan CFD, dan dianalisis. Dari pengolahan grafik diketahui bahwa data yang didapatkan kurang mencukupi untuk dibuatkan kurva karakteristik kompresor sentrifugal Turbin Gas Mikro Proto X-2. Rasio tekanan kompresor antara perhitungan eksak dan simulasi CFD menunjukkan bahwa rasio tekanan yang dihasilkan MGT Proto X-2 masih tergolong kecil karena terjadi surging pada annulus MGT Proto X-2.

Today, the need for a micro gas turbine (MGT) is increasing. MGT is a power plant that produces power below 200kW. MGT Proto X-2 is a diesel-fueled power plants with power generated approximate to 7kW. Centrifugal compressor is one important component of MGT Proto X-2 which has a function for supplying air to the combustion chamber. Phenomena that must be understanding of centrifugal compressor are physical phenomena, curve characteristics, and performance. Experiments carried out by controlling TIT (Temperature Inlet Turbine) when Micro Gas Turbine Proto X-2 running. The resulting data then processed to produce the characteristic curves, simulated by CFD, and analyzed. The resulting data are insufficient to be made centrifugal compressor curve characteristic of Micro Gas Turbine Proto X-2. Compressor pressure ratio between exact calculation and CFD simulations showed that the pressure ratio of MGT Proto X-2 is still relatively small due to surging on MGT Proto X-2 annulus."
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2012
UI - Skripsi Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ridwan Arief Subekti
"Pembangkit listrik tenaga air skala kecil dengan memanfaatkan aliran sungai datar atau head sangat rendah saat ini sedang tren dikembangkan. Salah satu jenis turbin yang dapat diaplikasikan untuk tipe head sangat rendah adalah turbin pusaran air gravitasi. Hasil kajian menunjukkan bahwa rata-rata turbin pusaran air gravitasi yang telah dibuat memiliki efisiensi jauh di bawah efisiensi turbin jenis lainnya. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan efisiensi turbin pusaran air gravitasi dengan melakukan optimasi pada desain sudu turbin. Turbin dirancang skala laboratorium yang beroperasi pada head netto 9 cm, 400 rpm, dengan debit air 3 l/s. Optimasi numerik profil sudu turbin dilakukan menggunakan surface vorticity algorithm untuk meminimalkan losses pada hydrofoil, yang dicoding pada MATLAB untuk memperoleh sudut stagger yang optimal. Selanjutnya dilakukan validasi desain menggunakan analisis CFD ANSYS CFX untuk mengetahui performa turbin air. Dari analisis ini efisiensi turbin air meningkat sekitar 2,6%, ini menunjukan bahwa surface vorticity algorithm dapat diterapkan. Pengujian prototipe turbin pusaran air gravitasi yang dilanjutkan di laboratorium pada 2 buah model sudu yaitu model sudu desain awal sebelum dioptimasi dan desain hasil optimasi setelah dianalisis menggunakan surface vorticity algorithm. Dari hasil pengujian didapat bahwa sudu hasil optimasi memiliki efisiensi 45,3%, atau sekitar 14% lebih besar dari sudu desain awal yang efisiensinya 39,7%. Kedua jenis sudu memiliki efisiensi terbaik dengan posisi pemasangan terendam pada lubang outlet basin.

Small-scale hydroelectric power plants utilizing flat river flows or very low heads are currently being developed. One type of turbine that can be applied to the very low head type is the gravitational water vortex turbine. The results of the study show that the gravitational water vortex turbine that has been made has an efficiency far below other types of turbines. This study aims to increase the efficiency of the gravitational water vortex turbine by optimizing the blade turbine design. The turbine is designed on a laboratory scale which operates at a net head of 9 cm, 400 rpm, with a water flow of 3 l/s. Numerical optimization of the turbine blade profile was carried out using a surface vorticity algorithm to obtain losses on the hydrofoil, which was coded in MATLAB to obtain the optimal stagger angle. Furthermore, design validation was carried out using ANSYS CFX CFD analysis to determine the performance of the air turbine. From this analysis the efficiency of the air turbine increased by about 2.6%, this indicates that the surface vorticity algorithm can be applied. The testing of the gravitational water vortex turbine prototype was continued in the laboratory on 2 blade models, namely the initial design blade model before being optimized and the optimization design after being analyzed using the surface vorticity algorithm. From the test results, it is found that the optimized blade has an efficiency of 45.3%, or about 14% greater than the initial design blade which has an efficiency of 39.7%. Both types of blades have the best efficiency with the installation position submerged in the basin outlet hole."
Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Reza Dianofitra
"[Indonesia merupakan salah satu negara berkembang di Asia Tenggara dan belum seluruh daerahnya menikmati energi listrik. Sebagian besar daerah yang belum menikmati energi listrik tersebut berada pada daerah terpencil disebabkan oleh tidak adanya jaringan listrik dari pusat. Jaringan listrik dari pusat tidak tersedia karena pada daerah terpencil kebutuhan energi listrik sedikit sehingga harga listrik per kWh jadi lebih mahal. Indonesia memiliki karakteristik geografis pegunungan dan berbukit. Oleh karena itu, pembangkit listrik tenaga mikrohidro menjadi pilihan energi listrik pada daerah terpencil. Sebelumnya telah dilakukan perancangan turbin mikrohidro dengan head total setinggi 2 m, yaitu turbin air openflume dengan rasio hub-to-tip sebesar 0,4 dengan free vortex theory. Tulisan ini menampilkan verifikasi data hasil perancangan sebelumnya dengan metode numerik melalui simulasi CFD (Computational Fluid Dynamics). Modifikasi dilakukan pada rancangan turbin yang sebelumnya dengan merubah besar sudut sudu pada bagian masuk dan keluar. Simulasi CFD pada turbin openflume ini dilakukan menggunakan software ANSYS Fluent 15.0 dengan model turbulensi k- dan mendefinisikan model simulasi dengan turbo-topology. Tulisan ini membandingkan karakteristik performa dari turbin awal dan turbin modifikasi dengan melihat debit aliran, torsi, dan daya poros pada tiap RPM yang dihasilkan. Efisiensi turbin tertinggi dari turbin adalah 62.47% pada kecepatan putar 600 RPM dengan sudut sudu bagian masuk 72.3o dan bagian keluar 76.5o.

Indonesia is one of developing country in South East Asia yet ironically parts of its region cannot derive the luxury of electricity. Most area without electricity yet
is located in remote areas which is caused by the inexistence of electrical transmision from central. Electrical transmision from central is not avalailable
because the needs of electricity in remote areas are minimum, so that the price of electricity are more expensive per kWh. Indonesia has major geographical
characteristics with its mountains and highlands. Therefore, a power plant powered by microhydro plant has been chosen as electricity source in such place. Beforehand, micro-hydro turbine design has been carried out with total head 2 m, that is openflume propeller turbine with 0,4 hub-to-tip ratio with the free vortex
theory. This writing represents the verification of designing results with numeric method accomplished by CFD (Computational Fluid Dynamics) simulation. Modification is applied on the previous turbine design with changing the blade angle on inlet and outlet. The simulation of CFD on this openflume turbine propeller was performed using ANSYS Fluent 15.0 software with k- turbulence model and defining the simulation model with turbo-topology. This writing
compares the performance characteristics of the original turbine and the modified turbine with flow capacity, torsion and shaft power at each RPM produced. The highest turbine efficiency is 62.47% at 600 RPM with inlet blade angle 72.3o and outlet blade angle 76.5o;Indonesia is one of developing country in South East Asia yet ironically parts of its region cannot derive the luxury of electricity. Most area without electricity yet is located in remote areas which is caused by the inexistence of electrical transmision from central. Electrical transmision from central is not avalailable because the needs of electricity in remote areas are minimum, so that the price of electricity are more expensive per kWh. Indonesia has major geographical characteristics with its mountains and highlands. Therefore, a power plant powered by microhydro plant has been chosen as electricity source in such place. Beforehand, micro-hydro turbine design has been carried out with total head 2 m, that is openflume propeller turbine with 0,4 hub-to-tip ratio with the free vortex theory. This writing represents the verification of designing results with numeric method accomplished by CFD (Computational Fluid Dynamics) simulation. Modification is applied on the previous turbine design with changing the blade angle on inlet and outlet. The simulation of CFD on this openflume turbine propeller was performed using ANSYS Fluent 15.0 software with k- turbulence model and defining the simulation model with turbo-topology. This writing
compares the performance characteristics of the original turbine and the modified turbine with flow capacity, torsion and shaft power at each RPM produced. The highest turbine efficiency is 62.47% at 600 RPM with inlet blade angle 72.3o and outlet blade angle 76.5o;Indonesia is one of developing country in South East Asia yet ironically parts of its region cannot derive the luxury of electricity. Most area without electricity yet is located in remote areas which is caused by the inexistence of electrical transmision from central. Electrical transmision from central is not avalailable because the needs of electricity in remote areas are minimum, so that the price of electricity are more expensive per kWh. Indonesia has major geographical characteristics with its mountains and highlands. Therefore, a power plant powered by microhydro plant has been chosen as electricity source in such place. Beforehand, micro-hydro turbine design has been carried out with total head 2 m, that is openflume propeller turbine with 0,4 hub-to-tip ratio with the free vortex theory. This writing represents the verification of designing results with numeric method accomplished by CFD (Computational Fluid Dynamics) simulation. Modification is applied on the previous turbine design with changing the blade angle on inlet and outlet. The simulation of CFD on this openflume turbine propeller was performed using ANSYS Fluent 15.0 software with k- turbulence model and defining the simulation model with turbo-topology. This writing
compares the performance characteristics of the original turbine and the modified turbine with flow capacity, torsion and shaft power at each RPM produced. The highest turbine efficiency is 62.47% at 600 RPM with inlet blade angle 72.3o and outlet blade angle 76.5o., Indonesia is one of developing country in South East Asia yet ironically parts of
its region cannot derive the luxury of electricity. Most area without electricity yet
is located in remote areas which is caused by the inexistence of electrical
transmision from central. Electrical transmision from central is not avalailable
because the needs of electricity in remote areas are minimum, so that the price of
electricity are more expensive per kWh. Indonesia has major geographical
characteristics with its mountains and highlands. Therefore, a power plant
powered by microhydro plant has been chosen as electricity source in such place.
Beforehand, micro-hydro turbine design has been carried out with total head 2 m,
that is openflume propeller turbine with 0,4 hub-to-tip ratio with the free vortex
theory. This writing represents the verification of designing results with numeric
method accomplished by CFD (Computational Fluid Dynamics) simulation.
Modification is applied on the previous turbine design with changing the blade
angle on inlet and outlet. The simulation of CFD on this openflume turbine
propeller was performed using ANSYS Fluent 15.0 software with k- turbulence
model and defining the simulation model with turbo-topology. This writing
compares the performance characteristics of the original turbine and the modified
turbine with flow capacity, torsion and shaft power at each RPM produced. The
highest turbine efficiency is 62.47% at 600 RPM with inlet blade angle 72.3o and
outlet blade angle 76.5o]
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2015
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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