"Berbagai penelitian menjelaskan bahwa kesadaran metakognisi perlu dimiliki guru untuk meningkatkan keefektifan dan performanya dalam mengajar. Namun penelitian kesadaran metakognisi pada konteks guru masih kurang mendapat perhatian, belum banyak dilakukan, dan belum ada alat ukurnya. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menkonstruksi alat ukur Teacher Metacognition Awareness TMA yang reliabel, valid, memiliki item-item yang baik, dan tersusun norma. Penelitian dilakukan kepada guru sekolah menengah di Jabodetabek n=293.
Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa alat ukur TMA merupakan alat ukur yang reliabel, baik secara total = 0,88, dimensi knowledge about cognition = 0,77, maupun dimensi regulation of cognition = 0,82. Hasil penelitian juga menunjukan bahwa alat ukur TMA dan dimensinya juga valid dalam mengukur konstruk kesadaran metakognisi dan dimensinya memenuhi pernyaratan validitas factor analysis, convergent evidence, dan konsistensi internal. Alat ukur TMA terdiri dari total 24 item dan 12 item pada setiap dimensinya, dimana item tersebut memiliki daya diskriminasi yang baik dan memiliki kontribusi terhadap konstruk kesadaran metakognisi. Pemaknaan skor alat TMA menggunakan within-group norms dengan transformasi scaled score M=10; SD=3.
Various studies found that metacognition awareness needs to be possessed by teachers to improve their effectiveness and performance in teaching. However, there is still lack of research which examine metacognition awareness on teachers as well as lack of attention on the topic. Moreover, the scale that measure metacognition awareness on teacher has still not existed yet. This research attempted to construct Teacher Metacognition Awareness TMA scale in which is reliable, valid, having good items, and having norms. The study was conducted for secondary school teachers in Jabodetabek n 293. The results revealed that the TMA scale was a reliable scale, in terms of total 0.88, knowledge about cognition 0.77, and regulation of cognition dimension 0.82. The results also indicated that the TMA scale and its dimensions are valid for measuring the metacognition awareness and its dimensions complying the validity requirements of factor analysis, convergent evidence, and internal consistency . The TMA scale consists of 24 items and 12 items in each dimension by which each item has a good discriminating power and contributes to the construct of metacognition awareness. TMA test rsquo s score was interpreted using within group norms with scaled score M 10 SD 3. "